Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Dr. Ruth Zaslansky Curriculum Vitae 2009 -
Pain-Out Project Manager (Science), EU PF7 project, Klinik für Anaesthesiologie und operative Intensivmedizin, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena.
Research associate, Klinik für Anaesthesiologie und operative intesivmedizin, Freie Universität Berlin and Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin.
2000 - 2004 Acute Pain Service Coordinator, Dept Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Sheba
1997 - 2000 Acute Pain Coordinator, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel 1992 - 1996 Doctor of Science (DSc) “What do Pain Evoked Potentials Really Measure?”
Rappaport Medical School, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
1989 - 1991 MSc ““Transplantation of Adrenal Medulla Cells into the Subarachnoid Space to
Suppress Chronic Pain Behavior In Rats” Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Grants 2005 International Anaesthesia Research Society, Clinical Scholar Research Award. Publications Original studies Grossman R, Ram Z, Perel A, Yusim Y, Zaslansky R, Berkenstadt H. Control of postoperative pain after awake craniotomy with local intradermal analgesia and metamizol. Isr Med Assoc J. 2007 May;9(5):380-2.
Augarten, A., Zaslansky, R., Matok, I., Minuskin, T., Lerner-Geva., L, Hirsh-Yechezkel, G., Ziv.,A. Shavit, I., Yativ., N. Keidan, I The impact of educational intervention programs on pain management in a pediatric emergency department. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2006 Aug;60(7):299-302. Zaslansky, R., Eisenberg, E. , Peskin, B., Sprecher, E., Reis, D.N. Brill, S. Oral morphine in the early post-operative period is an effective analgesic for orthopedic patients. J Opioid Management. 2006; 2 (1):88-92. Zaslansky, R, Keidan, I., Glaser, S., Validation of Hebrew version of the FLACC scale for measurement of pain in non-verbal children (Hebrew) Harefuaa, 2006 Sept; 145: 648-651. Shapiro A, Zohar E, Zaslansky R, Hoppenstein D, Shabat S, Fredman B. The frequency and timing of respiratory depression in 1524 postoperative patients treated with systemic or neuraxial morphine. J Clin Anesth. 2005 Nov;17(7):537-42. Keidan, I, Zaslansky, R., Weinberg, M., Ben-Shlush, A., Jacobson, J.M., Ogarten, A., Mor, Y. Sedation during voiding cystourethrography: comparison of the efficacy and safety of oral midazolam vs. nitrous oxide. J Urol. 2005 Oct;174(4 Pt 2):1598-600. Zaslansky, R, Bar-Meir, E., Regev, E., Keidan, I., Orenstein, A., Winkler, E. N2O administered by the plastic surgeon for repair of facial lacerations in children in the ER. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 2006, 117(5):1571-1575. Zilinsky, I, Bar-Meir, E, Zaslansky, R, Mandes, D, Winkler, E, Orenstein, A Ten commandments for minimal pain during administration of local anesthetics Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, 2005 4 (2) 194-198.
Keidan, I., Zaslansky, R., Eviatar, E., Segal, S., Sarfaty, S. Intaroperative ketorolac is an effective substitute for fentanyl in children undergoing outpatient andentonsillectomy. Pediatric Anesthesia 14 (2004) 318-323. Keidan, I, Zaslansky, R., Yusim,Y., Ben-Akon,M, Rubinstien, R, Perel, A Augarten, Continuous flow 50% nitrous oxide is effective for relief of procedural pain in the pediatric emergency department. Acute Pain. 5, (2003) 25-30. Zeltser, R, Beilin, B., Zaslansky, R and Seltzer, Z. Comparison of autotomy behavior induced in rats by various clinically-used neurectomy methods. Pain, 89 (1) (2000) 19-24. Zaslansky, R., Eisenberg, E., Peskin, B., Geva, H.,Weissman, A., Zinman, C. Can morphine administered orally in the immediate post-operative period make orthopedic patients “Pain Free?”. Journal of Pharmaceutical Care in Pain & Symptom Control 8, 2 (2000) 21-41. Yarnitsky D, Sprecher E, Zaslansky R, Baron R, Bowsher D, Boivie J, Casey K, Claus D, Hanson P, Lindblom U, Marchettini P, Parry GJ, Verdugo R. Limitations of quantitative sensory testing when patients are biased toward a bad outcome. Neurology (1999) 10;52(4):894. Zaslansky, R., Sprecher, E., Katz, Y., Rozenberg, B., Hemli, J.A., Yarnitsky, D. Pain evoked potentials: what do they really measure? Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol.,100 (1996b) 384- 392. Zaslansky, R., Sprecher, E., Tenke, C.E., Hemli, J.A. and Yarnitsky, D. The P300 in pain evoked potentials. Pain, 66 (1966a) 39-49. Dickstein, R., Zaslansky, R., Abulaffio, N. and Pillar, T. Somatosensory evoked potentials in aphasic patients. International J. Neuroscience, 86 (1996) 169-177. Yarnitsky, D., Sprecher, E., Zaslansky, R. and Hemli, J.A. Multiple session experimental pain measurement. Pain, 67 (1996) 327-333. Yarnitsky, D., Sprecher, E., Zaslansky, R. and Hemli, J. A. Heat pain: Normative data and repeatability. Pain 60, (1995) 329-332. Yarnitsky, D., Sprecher, E., Tamir, A., Zaslansky, R, and Hemli JA, Variance of sensory threshold measurement: Objectivity in a subjective test. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 125 (1994) 186-9. Yarnitsky, D., Sprecher, E., Tamir, A., Zaslansky, R. and Hemli, J.A. Variance of sensory threshold measurements: discrimination of feigners from trustworthy performers. Journal of Neurological Sciences 125 (1994) 186-189. Seltzer, Z., Paran, Y., Eisen, A. and Ginzburg, R*. Neuropathic pain behaviour in rats depends on the afferent input from nerve-end neuroma including histamine-sensitive C-fibers. Neurosci. Lett., 128 (1991) 203-206. Seltzer, Z., Cohn, S., Ginzburg, R*. and Beilin, B. Modulation of neuropathic pain behaviour in rats by spinal disinhibition and NMDA receptor blockade of injury discharge. Pain, 45 (1991) 69-75. Seltzer, Z., Beilin, B., Ginzburg, R*., Paran Y. and Shimko, T. The role of injury discharge in the induction of neuropathic pain behaviour in rats. Pain, 46 (1991) 327-336. Ginzburg, R*. and Seltzer, Z. Subdural spinal cord transplantation of adrenal medulla suppresses chronic pain behaviour in rats. Brain Research, 523 (1990) 147-150.
Review articles Zaslansky, R. and Yarnitsky, D. Clinical applications of Quantitative Sensory Testing Journal of Neurological Sciences, 153 (1998) 215-238. Zaslansky, R Elliot Sprecher and David Yarnitsky. What do pain evoked potentials really measure? Re-visited Pain Forum. 7, 4, (1998). Papers presented at scientific meeting and published as proceedings Zaslansky, R. Elliot Sprecher, Michal Granot and David Yarnitsky. The pain evoked potential and the P300 wave. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Evoked Potential Symposium. November, 1998.
Abstracts (most recent) Zaslansky,R, Wolf, NB, Kopf, A, Ullman, Y, Fishelzon, O, Kleuser, B , Mehnert , W,Schaefer- Korting, M, Stein, C Topical morphine for analgesia and wound healing, International Narcotics Research Conference, Berlin, July 2007. Meissner,W., Zaslansky, R, Rothaug, J, Chapman, CR, Konrad, C, Pogatzki-Zahn, E, Rawal, N Towards a Computer-Based Clinical Decision Support System for Treatment of Post-Operative Pain. Congress of the DGAI (German Society for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, September 2007. Wolf, NB, Zaslansky ,R, , Kopf, A, Ullman, Y, Fishelzon, O, Kleuser, B , Mehnert , W, , Stein, C, Schaefer-Korting, M Topical morphine for analgesia and wound healing International Congress on eye and skin irritation, burns and decontamination, Colon, October, 2007. Kopf-A, Karanjah-E, Zaslansky R, Meissner-W Benchmarking postoperative analgesia in a low resource setting compared with a high resource setting. Presented at the meeting of the IASP; August 2008. Zaslansky, R, Hertz, D, Winfried Meissner, Silviu Brill, Jacob Or Prescription of analgesics can be used as an indicator for quality of pain treatment in the Emergency Department . Presented at the meeting of the IASP; August 2008.
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International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biological Science: v.1 n.1 p.71-77. March, 2013 Antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil Puja Kumari Jacob School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, SHIATS, Allahabad, UttarPradesh, India*Corresponding Author: Puja Kumari pkumari402@gmail.com ABSTRACT Phytomedicine such as tea tree (melaleuca) oil have become increasingly popularin recent de