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CORO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRIDVIERNES 27 DE JUNIO DE 2008. 19:30 h. Paraninfo de la facultad de filosofía (edificio a)El Coro de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid fue creado en el año 1999 con el propósito de convertirse en lugar de encuentro para los amantes de la música coral dentro de la comunidad universitaria y para representar a la Universidad Complutense en cuantos

Cervical neoplasia: the case for an alternative to surgery

JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE NUMBER 27 MAY 1988 CERVICAL NEOPLASIA: the case for an alternative to surgery JANE LYTTLETON has worked in women's health centres for the last six years and has, by forming fruitful liasons with gynaecologists, gained valuable experience in treating a wide range of women's health disorders. She has recently returned from her second trip to China where she work


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Sand Dune Vegetation of Cholistan (Pakistan) and Some Control Measures Against Wind Erosion Dr. Mirza Hakim Khan Introduction Cholistan is a vast sandy desert covering an area of 2407 km2 and is locally known as Rohi. The area is dominated by sand dunes as high as 12m. There are however, patches of leveled areaslying between the dunes. The Hakra River divide the area into smaller an


No será la Tierra de Jorge Volpi Por Alejandra Costamagna Hace poco más de un año Jorge Volpi fue invitado a un congreso de literatura en Corea, junto a una veintena de escritores de distintas nacionalidades. Un par de semanas después del encuentro, Volpi escribió una columna de opinión. Y se aplicó entonces en la tarea de definir a los asistentes al congreso de acuerdo con lo

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A SHARING ON RELIGIOUS LIFE BY SISTER BEATRICE ANDREWS, CSJ A Sharing on Religious Life On my way to Mass at the reserve a nativechild who was following me was curious abouttheir vows. However, in responding to thethe three sisters who lived together, andvowed life, Religious accept the unique task ofasked, “Is Father Otto your husband?”living out of th


Journal of Human Hypertension (2001) 15 , 425–430  2001 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0950-9240/01 $15.00 www.nature.com/jhh ORIGINAL ARTICLE T594M and G442V polymorphisms of the sodium channel ␤ subunit and hypertension in a black population YB Dong1,2, HD Zhu1, EH Baker1, GA Sagnella1, GA MacGregor1, ND Carter2,PD Wicks1,3, DG Cook3 and FP Cappuccio4 Departments of

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Asthma is a chronic, non-contagious inflammatory disorder of the airways

Medicine Talk Asthma is a chronic, non-contagious inflammatory disorder of the airways. People with asthma experience recurrent episodes of wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath. Approximately 5% of Americans have asthma. Over the past 12 years, the cases of asthma have increased drastically and it is now the leading chronic illness among children. What leads to the developm

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Cite this article as: BMJ, doi:10.1136/bmj.38282.607859.AE (published 29 November 2004) United Kingdom back pain exercise and manipulation (UK BEAM) randomised trial: cost effectiveness of physical treatments for back pain in primary care UK BEAM Trial Team Full authorship details are given in the accompanying paper (doi: 10.1136/bmj.38282.669225.AE). Abstract poorer outcomes than those r

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(Items listed below were approved unanimously by all members present, except where noted. Updegrove and Stroup were absent.) Approved: 2010/2011 Athletic Event Ticket Prices with the cost of Sr. Citizen Tickets set at $15. (McCready, Matter and Minnich voted no.) The 2010/2011 Student Activity Fee of $10. Contracted services for the period July


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The Starting Dose of Levothyroxine in Primary Hypothyroidism Treatment A Prospective, Randomized, Double-blind Trial Annemieke Roos, MD; Suzanne P. Linn-Rasker, MD; Ron T. van Domburg, PhD;Jan P. Tijssen, PhD; Arie Berghout, MD, PhD, FRCP Background: The treatment of hypothyroidism with le- parable in the full-dose (n = 25) vs the low-dose groupvothyroxine is effective and simple; ho


I am continually amazed when I go to patients chart to track a particular event, change in condition etc.and I find less than adequate documentation. It is scary actually, because all nurses have had it drilled into our heads that "if its not documented, it wasn't done!" The most recent was just last week. Report was given that a patient had received 120mg I.V. Lasix STAT the night bef

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HIKMA PHARMACEUTICALS PLC Acquisition of Promopharm S.A. Strengthening our leading position in the MENA region 4 October 2011 ■ This document, which has been issued by Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC (the “Company”), comprises the written materials/slides for a presentation. This document and its contents are confidential and may not be reproduced, redistributed or passed on, direct


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Collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica: verbale #30 del 14/01/2005 Il giorno 14 Gennaio 2005 il Collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di ricerca in Fisica si è riunito alle ore 9 presso la Sala Riunioni del Dipartimento di Fisica con il seguente o.d.g.:1) Comunicazioni. 2) Inizio Attività Didattica XX ciclo. 3) Attivazione XXI ciclo. Sono presenti i Profs: P. Sodano, M. Biasi


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WEST-EAST HIGH SPEED FLOW FIELD CONFERENCE1 INRIA, 2004 Route des Lucioles, 06902 Sophia-Antipolis, France. 2 Institut de Math´ematiques de Bordeaux, Universit´e de Bordeaux1, Talence, France. Vincent.Perrier@math.u-bordeaux1.fr Key words: Hyperbolic systems, Second-order perturbations, Rankine-Hugoniot relations, Trav-eling waves, shock waves, Two-phase flows . A traveling wave analysis


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Shelley is a 32-year-old mother of two beautiful girls. This person grew up with red spots on the face. Since this did not pose any problems, these wereperceived to be freckles that people get in the teenage years, which will eventually go away as the individual, gets older. Unfortunately, this remaineduntil Shelley was much older and was shocked with the diagnosis given by the doctor. The speci

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MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY The Nervous System Chapter 13 Unit 2 1.0 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS; Lou Gehregs disease) A common motor neuron disease causing degeneration of the upper motor nerves in the medulla oblongata and the lower nerves in the spinal cord. This results in atrophy of the muscles. Onset occurs between the ages of 40-70 and is usually fatal within 3-10 years du


ADVERSE REACTION NEWSLETTER 1999:2 This newsletter contains information reported toinformation reported does not necessarily reflectthe official views, decisions or policies of theInternational Drug Monitoring; however, the NATIONALLY CIRCULATED mainly associated with the dihydropyridine calcium channelblockers (CCBs) INFORMATION Brunet L, Miranda J, Farré M, Berini L, Mendieta C. G

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MRSA Fact Sheet 1. What is Staphylococcus aureus ? - Staphylococcus aureus , often referred to simply as "staph," are bacteria commonly carried on the skin or in the nose of healthy people. Approximately 25% to 30% of the population is colonized (when bacteria are present, but not causing an infection) in the nose with staph bacteria. Sometimes, staph can also cause an infe

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Schuyler W. Henderson, M.D., Michael S. Jellinek, M.D. Prelude to a School Shooting? Assessing ThreateningOn March 21, 2005, Jeffrey Weise, a 16-year-old student at Red Lake16, 2007, the deadliest school shooting in U.S. historyHigh School, Minnesota, killed his grandfather and his grandfather_soccurred at Virginia Tech when a student, Seung-Huigirlfriend. Next, he drove his grandfather_s sq


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To this day the Jewish people celebrate a feast around March. To celebrate the events that occurred in the book of Esther. It’s a celebration of the people’s deliverance from destruction. That’s what Esther’s about. It’s about DELIVERANCE. The feast is called the feast of purim. And the purim, is the rolling of the dice. In the story of Esther. The power of a despotic king, together

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2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Consent Form STUDENT Section 1: Information about Child to Receive Vaccine (please print) STUDENT’S NAME (Last) STUDENT’S DATE OF BIRTH month_________ day________ year __________ PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN’S NAME (Last) STUDENT’S AGE STUDENT’S GENDER PARENT/GUARDIAN DAYTIME PHONE CITY STATE SCHOOL NAME Medicare #

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GSK, Wal-Mart sell $9 rescue inhaler Devices use new propellant that replaces ozone-damaging CFC versions Sabine Vollmer, Staff Writer Comment on this story – the www.newsobserver.com GlaxoSmithKline has teamed with Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the world, to tap the market for "green" asthma inhalers. The inhalers contain albuterol, a drug that provides asthma and emphysema

60271 antitrust bulletin

Hale and Dorr LLP diseases with primary focus on women’s cancersand infectious diseases. Its core product (the onlyone of its kind) includes a DNA-based test forhuman papillomavirus (HPV), a virus believed tocause nearly all cervical cancer cases. Digene’sHPV test is a more targeted test for cervical cancer,used when Cytec’s Pap test results are ambiguousor borderline. The HPV test

1ere page

El-Tawassol n°24 Juin 2009 Aicha-beya Menai Abid L’énurésie et ses thérapies Département de Psychologie Université Badji Mokhtar- Résumé L’énurésie traduit selon un mode psychosomatique, des difficultés, que rencontre l’enfant, au cour de son développement. On lui attribuait une éthiopathogénie essentiellement physiologique, l’aspect psychologique

Technical data

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET MOLYLITH 3 LITHIUM EP GREASE Molylith 3 is formulated for multipurpose use. Molylith 3‘s wide temperature range (-10° to 325°F) eliminates the need for two or more greases in our • MULTI-PURPOSE – allowing for inventory lubricant inventory. Frequent relubrication allows reduction and a wide variety of lubricant Effective anti-wear and extreme p

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE 1962 Graduated Elementary and High School in Givatayim, Israel. Attended Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel. M.D. Degree, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School. Served in Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces. Resident in the Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Respiratory Unit and Instructor at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Me

Microsoft word - newsletter 1.doc

8 February 2013 Tena koutou katoa, Welcome to 2013! We have had a really busy and productive week here at school. The 3-way conferences had almost 100% attendance and the feedback from staff, students, and families has been overwhelmingly positive. The opportunity to set goals and establish a home school partnership from the outset will be invaluable to your child's learning as the year pro

Microsoft word - anamnese gerinnung v4_frau_web.doc

Herzlich Willkommen in der Gerinnungssprechstunde. Ihr behandelnder Arzt hat Sie mit Verdacht auf eine Gerinnungsstörung überwiesen. Um etwas über Ihre bisherige Krankenvorgeschichte zu erfahren, bitte ich Sie, mir einige Fragen zu beantworten. Dies ist wichtig, da Ihre Krankenvorgeschichte mir bereits entscheidende Hinweise auf die Ursache Ihrer Erkrankung geben kann, wie z.B. Hinweise dara


„Wer liefert w as“ - Die LieferantensuchmaschineVIVATIS PHARMA GmbHHerr Peter FranckMühlendamm 66aD-22087 Hamburg+49 40 236909-0+49 40 23690936 Unternehmen Die Vivatis Pharma GmbH ist ein spezialisiertes pharmazeutisches Dienstleistungs- unternehmen mit Hauptsitz inHamburg und Niederlassungen in Spanien und Italien. Durch unser internationales Netzwerk verschaffen wir unserenKunden und Pa

Microsoft word - wvpdl 01-01-07.doc

NEW Plan Year 2007 Preferred Drug List Goes Into Effect January 1, 2007 Following is a list of the most commonly prescribed drugs on the West Virginia Preferred Drug List. It is an abbreviated version of the drug list that is at the core of the PEIA pharmacy benefit plan. The list is not all-inclusive and does not guarantee coverage. In addition to using this list, you're encouraged

Hulp bij ongewenst zwangerschap

Hulp bij ongewenst zwangerschap C Th. van Schaik *, R. Veenhoven * Uit: ' Geboortenregeling in de praktijk ', Moors e.a. (red.), Excerpta Medica/Agon Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1974 Per jaar wordt in Nederland volgens laatste schatting bij tenminste 20.000 vrouwen abortus arte provocatus verricht. Dat mag eigenlijk niet — zoals bekend is abortus nog steeds verboden bij de wet. Maar het is

Microsoft word - r6199034.rtf

Safety Data Sheet Oxybutynin Hydrochloride Revision date : 2011/09/28 1. Product and Company Identification 2. Hazards Identification Emergency overview WARNING: HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. May cause eye damage. Possible risk of harm to the unborn child. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. INGESTION MAY CAUSE GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. CAN FORM EXPLOSIVE DUST-AIR MIXTURES. Avoid c


The Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Infections by Ricki Lewis, Ph.D. When penicillin became widely available during the second world war, it was a medical miracle, rapidly vanquishing the biggest wartime killer--infected wounds. Discovered initially by a French medical student, Ernest Duchesne, in 1896, and then rediscovered by Scottish physician Alexander Fleming in 1928, the product of the


Sexual Function During Bupropion or Paroxetine Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder Sidney H Kennedy, MD, FRCPC 1, Kari A Fulton, BA, CCRC2, R Michael Bagby, PhD 3, Andrea L Greene, BA4, Nicole L Cohen, MA5, Shahryar Rafi-Tari, MSc6 Objective: The primary objective was to evaluate sexual function (SF) separately in men and women with major depressive disorder (MDD) before and during trea


2010, Issue 3 Mindfulness Can Reduce School Anxiety in Kids In this issue of the Health Update, we bring you tips from theWorldCare Consortium hospitals on reducing school-related stress for kids, and on the health benefits of olive oil. You’ll also learn Starting a new school year can be a real stressorabout a new study on cancer treatment from a top cancer institute. for kids

Medical history information

WSFAC Registration & Medical Questionnaire This information is important for our records and your health Patient Name: _________________________________________ Primary Care Physician : __________________________ Phone # (___) ____-_________ May we contact your physician about your health ? Referring Physician : _________________________________________________________

Celexa medication guide 2009

Celexa (citalopram hydrobromide) Tablets/Oral Solution NDA 20-822/NDA 21-046 Proposed Labeling Text Medication Guide Antidepressant Medicines, Depression and other Serious Mental Illnesses, and Suicidal Thoughts or Actions Read the Medication Guide that comes with you or your family member’s antidepressant medicine. This Medication Guide is only about the risk of suicidal thought

Microsoft word - man in god’s likeness.doc

Man in God’s Likeness You are an embodied spirit, live in both the spiritual and natural worlds. Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” (Genesis 1:26a NKJV). ƒ God is Spirit (see John 4:24) and He has created us in His own likeness—as spiritual beings like Him. He housed the human spirit in a natural body (see also Zechariah 12:1b). 1. Be spi

Microsoft word - community protocol for management and feeding through a ga…

COMMUNITY PROTOCOL FOR MANAGEMENT AND FEEDING THROUGH A GASTROSTOMY COMMUNITY PROTOCOL FOR MANAGEMENT AND FEEDING THROUGH A GASTROSTOMY. Introduction The following procedures relate to the management of a gastrostomy stoma, feeding through a gastrostomy tube and gastrostomy skin level device- Button, by bolus feeding or continuous feeding. Also administering medication


3 D ORCHIDS & ETC. CO., LTD. 9/2 MOO 6, SOI VIROON RAJ, SETHAKIT 1 RD., THA MAI, Export Product:- - 2003 (PM Award - Best Service Provider) Export Product:- Member Type: EL BANGKOK PATTANA WINERY CO., LTD. TEL: 66-2 4517122 -3, 66-2 4516742-3, 66-2 4517039 Member Type: EL Web Site: www.bangkokwinethai.com, www.bangkokbeverage. Export Product:- ASIAN FRUIT & FOOD INT

Microsoft word - publikationsliste.doc

Neuhausen SL, Brummel S, Ding YC, Steele L, Nathanson KL, Domchek S, Rebbeck TR, Singer CF, Pfeiler G , Lynch HT, Garber JE, Couch F, Weitzel JN, Godwin A, Narod SA, Ganz PA, Daly MB, Isaacs C, Olopade OI, Tomlinson GE, Rubinstein WS, Tung N, Blum JL, Gil en DL. Genetic Variation in IGF2 and HTRA1 and Breast Cancer Risk among BRCA1 and BRCA2 Carriers. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 201

Catv band dual output modulator

COMMUNICATIONS COMPONENTS CATV Band Dual Output Modulator Key Features • Flat frequency response • Two optical output ports • Integrated phase modulator • High optical damage threshold Applications The JDSU community antenna television (CATV) band dual output modulator iswidely accepted for use in externally modulated 1550 nm transmitters. Twooptical outp


Machine Spindle Bearings The spindle bearings as fitted to this machine are oil lubricated by means ofa fully automatic lubricating system. The oil used must meet with Cincinnati Machine specification P38, seepages 3- 9 to 3- 11. The lubrication unit can be found mounted at the rear of thecolumn. For correct checking procedure of this unit, refer to Chapter 8 ofthis manual. Fig. 46 Lubri

Microsoft word - nuclear medicine preps_withlogo.doc

Nuclear Medicine Department – Phone: 904.202.8150 Nothing to eat or drink 4 hours prior to the study. Informed consent must be obtained prior to the lumbar puncture. Nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to the scan. Please send a bottle with formula or breast milk (it can be thickened with cereal, if necessary). The patient will need to eat for the exam. Nothing to eat or drink for 6

Judicial review (constitutional adjudication)

INSTITUTIONS AND PROCEDURES OF CONSTITUTIONAL ADJUDICATION Prof. R. Uitz The course covers problems of constitutional adjudication in the U.S., Germany, France, Canada, South Africa and Eastern Europe, with a focus on constitutional review of legislation. Issues include the origin of judicial review, procedural aspects (jurisdiction, standing and admissibility), justification and criticism of

Does mental illness exist?

Does Mental Illness Exist? By Dr. Edward Watke Jr. I. Mental Illness -- Becomes a New Theory A . Historical aspects 1 . Historically, illness was referred to as a bodily disorder. 2 . Altered bodily structure constituted illness. B. A new criterion for determining illness came on the scene. When man began to label illness on the basis of observing behavior a new criterion was

Revista ciencia y desarrollo .

Ciencia & Desarrollo Recibido: 07/09/2011 Aceptado: 30/11/2011 Estudio Toxicológico con Dosis Subaguda de Proustia Berberidifolia (tasa) en ratas de Laboratorio Toxicological Study with Subacute Dose of Proustia RESUMEN: Se diseñó un estudio prospectivo, longitudinal, de intervención, comparativo-explicativo paraprobar la hipótesis: que la administración (300mg/kg pc) en

Antimicrobial products

A Washington Toxics Coalition Fact Sheet Getting Ahead of Lice by Shamra Harrison E ach year in the United States, as many as 6 million children will be treated for pediculosis, or head lice. Many parents, sometimes on the advice of theirchild’s school or even their pediatrician, turn to pesticidal products as asolution. Before using a pesticidal shampoo as a first-line treatment,


Uitgebreide PAKLIJST FIETSTREKKING - Dirk HUYGHE - versie februari 2012.xls CHECKLIST FIETSTREKKING eventuele variaties : Ultra licht (eventueel zonder tent) Gemiddelde bagage met tent (indien niet alleen : aankruisen in rechter kolom) Extra voor lange reis buiten europa FIETSTASSEN linksvoor "BIJ DE HAND" LV regenvest- en broek + handdoek/zwembroek + plaats vr fot


Nikotin-Ersatzpräparate Zur Erleichterung des Entwöhnungsprozesses und Abmilderung von Entzugserscheinungen kann das Nikotin aus der Zigarette dem Körper auch durch eine andere Art zugeführt werden. Nikotin-Ersatzpräparate geben Nikotin zwar langsamer ab, dafür ist deren Suchtpotential aber reduziert und sie sind frei von krebserregenden und anderen giftigen Substanzen. Die Entwöhnu


Recreational use of erectile dysfunction medication is related to decreased confidence in erections in young males Center of Excellence in Behavior Genetics, Department of Psychology, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland Recreational use of erectile dysfunction medication (EDM) may decrease confidence in erection in young males, a Finnish study shows. The results suggest that recreatio

Microsoft word - 039lde2009.doc

Ref.: LDE/022009039/cm Declaration on banning Bisphenol A in babies’ bottles Dear Member of the European Parliament, We are writing on behalf of consumer, environmental and health NGOs to ask for your support in relation to the attached Written Declaration on banning Bisphenol A in babies’ bottles (Nr. 0106/2008). This declaration has been tabled by MEPs Hanne Dahl, Chris


F O R G R A D E 1 1 P A R E N T SM A Y , 2 0 1 3An in-depth study of a limited topic within a subject, or across a subject Around (max) 4000 words on a personally meaningful topicSupposed to require around 40 hours of work. Often it takes much more BUT at best is worth only a maximum 3 points on the Diploma score University-level research and writing skills The Subject must be chosen from th

Le meilleur des mondes

Dissertation Sujet : En quoi Le Meilleur des Mondes de Huxley est-il un avertissement sur la dérive du monde moderne? Aldous Huxley, écrivain britannique du vingtième siècle est connu pour son roman d’anticipation scientifique écrit en 1931, Le Meilleur des mondes ayant pour titre original Brave New world . Il est paru en 1932 et ne fut écrit qu’en quatre mois. Le titr

Microsoft word - north 432 final

There having been presented to the Board a petition by Jeffrey N. Rosenberg, Trustee of JNR Trust, 432 North Avenue, Weston, MA the Board decided to hold a hearing on said petition on Monday, October 21, 2013 at 7:30 P.M., and caused the following notice to be published in The Town Crier, a newspaper of general circulation in Weston: Hearing Notice Notice is hereby given that the Board of A

No title

WATTYL EPINAMEL MF920 PART B Chemwatch Independent Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 28-Oct-2010 CHEMWATCH 15-7019 Version No: CD 2013/1 Page 1 of 10 Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME WATTYL EPINAMEL MF920 PART B SYNONYMS "Product Code: 202679" PROPER SHIPPING NAME FLAMMABLE LIQUID, CORROSIVE, N.O.S.(contains xylene a


Megaesophagus References: Tams TR, Chapter 4, “Diseases of the Esophagus ,” in Todd R Tams Small Animal Gastroenterology, 2nd Etiopathogenesis: A. Anatomy and physiology. 1. Esophagus is divided into three parts: a. Cervical (upper esophageal sphincter to the thoracic inlet). 1) Cricopharyngeus mm + thyropharyngeus m = upper esophageal sphincter 2) UES always closed except to l

Microsoft word - warsteiner partners with the bmw international open_final.doc

Warsteiner Partners with the BMW International Brewery expands its engagement in international golf with the Professional Golfers’ Association European Tour. Warstein, April 16, 2013 . The Warsteiner Brewery is represented for the first time at the BMW International Open from June 18-21, 2013 in Munich. Thus, the brewery continues its golf engagement within the framework of its partn

Gsh-gssg412 7736040

Oxis Research™ A Division of OXIS Health Products, Inc. BIOXYTECH GSH/GSSG-412TM Colorimetric Determination of Reduced and Oxidized Glutathione For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures. Catalog Number 21040 INTRODUCTION The Analyte Reduced glutathione (GSH), a tripeptide (γ-glutamylcysteinylglycine) with a free thiol group, is a major antioxidant in h


T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e The HALTS Trial — Halting Atherosclerosis or Halted Too Early? Roger S. Blumenthal, M.D., and Erin D. Michos, M.D., M.H.S. In patients with elevated cholesterol levels, statin not that surprising, since previously published therapy reduces the incidence of cardiovascular studies showed that, as compared with placebo, events b

These guidelines for the treatment of patients with stds reflect the 2002 cdc std treatment guidelines and the region ix infer

CALIFORNIA STD TREATMENT GUIDELINES TABLE FOR ADULTS & ADOLESCENTS 2010 These guidelines reflect the 2010 CDC STD Treatment Guidelines and the Region IX Infertility Clinical Guidelines. The focus is primarily on STDs encountered in of ice practice. These guidelines are intended as a source of clinical guidance; they are not a comprehensive list of all ef ective regimens and are not int

The role of serendipity in basic research

ERC Launch Event, Berlin, 27-28 February 2007 The Role of Serendipity in Basic Research Tales of serendipity in scientific research are always intriguing. From Archimedes’ flash of inspiration while lowering himself into a bath, to Newton’s moment of clarity while sitting under an apple tree, it is clear that serendipity has played an important role in many fundamental scientific di


ChEmiCal hazard iNfOrmaTiON CONTENTS Overview . 121 Organization of the chemical hazard information table . 124 Overview Many chemicals have minimal hazards, making them relatively safe to use. Others pose inherent risks and require specific precautions. Still, other chemicals must be handled with such extreme care that they are not practical or safe for school usage. This chapter p


Starting Insulin What is the best insulin regimen to use? Start with qhs insulin (NPH, glargine, detemir) as it is Effective, Convenient, Easy for the patient to accept and Easier to initiate than multiple daily doses. Should oral therapy be continued? Typically, combination therapy (metormin +/- sulfonylurea) can lead to improved glucose control with less weight gain than with insu

Avian flu revenue recognition

International Journal of Case Method Research & Application (2009) XXI, 2 © 2009 WACRA®. All rights reserved ISSN 1554-7752 ACCOUNTING IN THE DEFENSE OF THE NATION (OR HOW I STOPPED WORRYING AND LEARNED TO LOVE THE FLU) Heidemarie Lundblad California State University, Northridge NORTHRIDGE, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. Janice Bell Babson College BABSON PARK, MASSACHU

Directions to lansdale pain management

DIRECTIONS TO LANSDALE PAIN MANAGEMENT FROM LANSDALE: Take Broad Street to Route 309. Make a left and head NORTH on 309. First traffic light is WALNUT STREET. Go through that light. Get into the left lane. You will see the “In Flight Restaurant” on your right. Second light is ADVANCE LANE. Get into left turn lane and turn LEFT. It will look like you are going into the Car Wash America (fo

It is estimated that 42,000 people in west virginia have ad in 2005 (wv alzheimer’s association) and that by 2025 there will b

Testing the West Virginia Alzheimer’s Disease Registry • The West Virginia Alzheimer’s Disease Registry was tested by a small number of physician specialists to see if data could be collected easily in an office setting and if the data we collected were useful. • Data collection in a physician’s office setting took less than ten minutes per patient and was reported to be relativel


C.E.J. Ketelaars In dit korte artikel wordt de stand van zaken weergegeven wat betreft de effecten en bijwerkingen van medicatie bij autisme. Bij patiënten met een Autisme Spectrum Stoornis komt een aantal symptomen en gedragingen voor die gunstig kunnen reageren op medicijnen. Deze symptomen worden beschreven en de daarbij behorende middelen van keuze worden genoemd, almede de hantering

Spring forward expectations

Name __________________________________________________ Age ___________________ Circle one: girl boy Date of birth ____________ How did you learn about the Connections Camp? ______________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone _________________________Main Family Email Address _____________

Inquiry into the rates and land tax amendment bill 2003

WESTON CREEK COMMUNITY COUNCIL - Your Local Voice - Email: info@wccc.com.au Website: www.wccc.com.au Mr Brendan Smyth, MLALeader of the OppositionChairStanding Committee on Public AccountsACT Legislative AssemblyLondon CircuitCANBERRA ACT 2601 Inquiry into the Rates and Land Tax Amendment Bill 2003 The Weston Creek Community Council (WCCC) has been actively involved in WestonCreek

Healthy ageing - adults with intellectual disabilities

Healthy Ageing - Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: Women Z s Health and Related Issues WHO/MSD/HPS/MDP/00.6 Healthy Ageing - Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Women's Health and Related Issues Authors P.N. Walsh T. Heller N. Schupf H. van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk This report has been prepared by the Aging Special Interest Research Group of the InternationalA

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HEAVY DUTY WHITE LITHIUM GREASE SECTION 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Use Description : Polishing agent and lubricant SECTION 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency Overview Regulatory status : This material is considered hazardous by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). Signal Word Pressurized container. Protect from sunlight and do no

Microsoft word - shigella infection in children.doc

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Shigella infection in children Rabia Agha, Marcia B Goldberg, MD Up to date on line 16.1 This topic last updated: Fevereiro, 2006 http://www.uptodate.com/online/content/ acessado em 04 de junho de 2008. Modificado por Jefferson P Piva (Julho 2008) INTRODUCTION — Shigella species are a common Frequency of stools typically is 8 to 10 per day

October 2003 report

Church Development & Leadership Training since 1968 Furlough Cell Phone: 704-219-2478; E-mail At the yearly meeting of the Honduras Baptist Mission the national pastors nominated me to be President, a position I previously held for thirteen years. The Government’s new Ministry of Religion makes it more essential than ever that all legalities be fulfilled. The five churches south of th


HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS These highlights do not include all the information needed to use Carisoprodol safely • Due to sedative properties, may impair ability to perform hazardous tasks such as driv- and effectively. See full prescribing information for Carisoprodol. ing or operating machinery (5.1)• Additive sedative effects when used with o


Alizyme plc Interim Report 2004 ALIZYME plc | Interim Report 2004 Highlights ■ Revenues of £1.6 million (H1 2003: Nil) ■ Loss after tax £1.0 million (H1 2003: £7.1 million) ■ Cash and short term investments at 30 June 2004 of £20.6 million (2003: £15.4 million) ■ Renzapride (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Successful clinical trial in c-IBS patients at Mayo Clinic, US


Patient Name DENTAL HISTORY Patient Account No. Medical Alert Welcome! So that we may provide you with the best possible care please complete both sides of this medical/dental history form. All information is completely confidential. What is the reason for your visit today? Date of Last Dental Visit Last Dental Cleaning Last Full Mouth X-rays How often do you have de

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B.C.’S ECONOMIC ADVISORY COUNCIL David Emerson, chair David Emerson is CEO and chair of the BC Transmission Corporation and senior advisor for CAI Capital Management, a private equity firm. He was a federal Member of Parliament from 2004-2008, during which time he served as Minister of Industry, Minister of International Trade and Minister of Foreign Affairs. He has served in chief e


Colloque « Santé et mobilités au Nord et au Sud : Circulations des acteurs, évolutions des pratiques » Résumé « Des plantes de la pharmacopée chinoise aux usages et significations multiples au temps de la globalisation économique et culturel e» Evelyne Micollier Structures de rattachement : RD, UMR 145, PUMC/CAMS, BeijingA partir d’une recherche portant sur les usages soc


24-Hour Urine Test, Collection Instructions _____________________________________________________________________________________________ The information your doctor receives from your test(s) is only as accurate as the collection procedure you follow. Therefore, it is important that you collect the urine in the following manner: 1. You must begin all 24-hour urine collections with an empty bla

4893 rodenticide booklet.indd

CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Mode of action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Signs of Poisoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Diagnosis . . . .


21 / 02 / 2012 Antibiotics are a group of medicines that are used to treat infections caused by bacteria and certain parasites. They do not work against infections that are caused by viruses - for example, the common cold or flu. Antibioticsare normally only prescribed for more serious bacterial infections - for example, pneumonia. When prescribed, itis important to take the entire course o


Public Dollars for Private Profit Taxmoxifen as a case study for how drugs developed at taxpayer-expense are sold to Americans at inflated prices to fuel corporate earnings Compiled by the Office of Rep. Bernard Sanders The NIH and Drug Industry Profits: An Overview Right now, the federal government gives away billions of dollars worth of taxpayer-financed intellectualproperty to huge, p

Warfarin study press release - national final 2-25-11.pages

WARFARIN Study Launched to Assess Impact of Genetic Testing in Reducing Hospitalizations and Deaths Caused by Warfarin First major personalized medicine study authorized by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services may drive reimbursement based on improved patient safety, reduced healthcare costs Bothell, WA, March 1, 2011 -- Iverson Genetic Diagnostics, Inc. announced today that the

Microsoft word - leconimprim.doc

Corpus Médical– Faculté de Médecine de Grenoble Schizophrénies (278a) Pré-Requis : Séméiologie des délires Résumé : Les maladies schizophréniques font parties du groupe des psychoses. Leur éthiopathogénie est multifactorielle (héréditaire, biologique, environnementale…) Elles débutent chez les sujets jeunes (pic d’incidence entre 18 et 25 ans), évoluent


Andy Warhol and the Art of the Bullet You return from shopping. Isn’t there something you forgot, baby aspirin or turpentine? Raspberries, razor blades, Hula-Hoops? Oven-fried-Corn-Flake-chicken? Or maybe a tulip? You clutch two T-shirts and a bottle of hand lotion, its plastic the color of wet plaster bones. Color of cor-rection fluid. Its plastic so grease-beady, so spooned. Its pla


[12] The side product related to 6 was also formed, but the optical purityof O-allyl-l-tyrosine (2) into proteins in E. coli. The alkenefunctional group of this unnatural amino acid should provide[13] M. Shimazaki, H. Haram, K. Suzuki, G.-i. Tsuchihashi, Tetrahedronnew chemical methods for the selective modification ofLett. 1987, 28, 5891; K. Suzuki, E. Katayama, G.-i. Tsuchihashi,[14] R

Microsoft word - syllabus.doc

Organic Chemistry 1 – CHM 2210 (Fall 2003) Mon, Wed, and Fri from 1:00 – 1:50 PM in Bus 141 Salvatore Lepore (slepore@fau.edu - best way to reach me) Mon & Wed in S&E 136 from 8:00 – 9:30 AM ( other times by appointment only ) Anita Khoram (akho9046@fau.edu), Deborah Bromfield (dbro1108@fau.edu), and Jason Tatalovich (say_jet@yahoo.com) TA Office Hours: No regularly scheduled


Fact Sheet: Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome What is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) This is a chronic pain syndrome that can occur after an injury, surgery, a stroke or heart attack. It is an abnormally severe and / or prolonged manifestation of a normal post-injury response. The following features are usually present:This is always present and u


Brave New World Study Guide Directions: Be familiar with everything. Matching: Know these terms/characters. Multiple Choice: These are the questions. The choices have been omitted.  A certain treatment is performed to “make people like their unescapable social destiny.”  Why are the babies being conditioned to hate books and flowers?  Bernard Marx is different


1. Approvazione Verbale n.250 del 23 luglio 2002 ; 2. Comunicazioni; 3. Biblioteca dell’Area Letteraria, Storica, Filosofica; 4. Proposta di nomina ad emerito del prof. Benedetto Ristretto ai rappresentanti ricercatori 6. Ratifica designazione membro di competenza della Facoltà per la procedura di valutazione comparativa per 1 posto di ricercatore per il settore M-STO/04 (G.U. 16/07/200


Complete Summary GUIDELINE TITLE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCE(S) American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Osteoporosis. Washington (DC): American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG); 2004 Jan. 14 p. (ACOG practice bulletin; no. 50). [78 references] GUIDELINE STATUS This is the current release of the guideline. COMPLETE SUMMARY CONTENT SCOPE METHODO


Voor meer informatie Nieuwsbrief Telefoon: 013- 533 67 70 013- 533 62 72 Mexicaanse griep Over de Mexicaanse griep gaan de wildste geruchten. Volgens het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) is de ziekte niet gevaarlijker dan een gewone griep. Omdat een virus altijd weer ernstiger vormen kan aannemen en een flinke ziektegolf mogelijk is, blijven alertheid en p


F or your safety and to assist us in accurately diagnosing and NICKNAME .  MALE  FEMALE treating you, please review this form completely and fill out areas ADDRESS . which pertain to you. All information is private and confidential. CITY . STATE . ZIP . DENTAL HEALTH HOME PHONE . CELL PHONE . YOUR DENTIST . CITY . EMAIL ADDRESS . HOW LONG . DATE OF LAST VISIT . EM

You are allergic to para tertiary butyl phenol formaldehyde resin

worse than before, when they are stopped your rosacea and avoid them. A written record of your flare-ups may help here. • Cosmetics can often cover up rosacea Antibiotics for rosacea: The most commonly used antibiotics, such as • If your eyes are giving problems, do not oxytetracycline, belong to the tetracycline Dermatology Department ignore these - consult your

Acta de la cofetra nº 20

Acta COFETRA Nº 30 En la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, al día 11 del mes de abril de 2012 se reúnen en el Hotel de la COMRA, Av. Belgrano 1235, los delegados ante la Comisión Federal de Trasplante – COFETRA Estando representadas las provincias de Río Negro, Guillermina Krenz en representación de la Dra. Arslanián; Catamarca, Dr. Correa; Chubut, Dr. Vecchio; en representación del

Clozapine and gastrointestinal adverse effects - a pain in the gut?

Graylands Hospital Pharmacy Department Brockway Road Mount Claremont WA 6010 Telephone (08) 9347 6400 Email DrugInformation.Graylands@health.wa.gov.au Fax (08) 9384 4586 Antipsychotic Switching: When, How, Why? Graylands Hospital Drug Bulletin 2006 Vol. 14 No. 1 March ISSN 1323-1251 There are currently no definitive antipsychotic • Switching between antipsychotics is not swi

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may forget new information, and later can become confused and irritable. Alzheimer’s is believed to be due to by Marla Lichtsinn, RN, MPA, FCN, Parish Nurse steady accumulation in the cerebral cortex of a protein called “beta-amyloid”, that may begin decades before NOVEMBER 2011: What’s happening in the brain…. Dr. Aloysius Alzheimer ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE (who identified

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To Be Completed by the Health Care Provider San Francisco Unified School District School Health Programs Department 1515 Quintara Street San Francisco, CA 94116-1273 TEL: 415.242.2615 FAX: 415.242.2618 Age: ____ Date of Birth:___________________ School: ______________________________ Homeroom Teacher:_______________ Grade: _______ Room :___________ Parent/C


Ernst Mutschler, Gerd Geisslinger, Heyo K. Kroemer, Monika Schäfer-Korting Ergänzungen zu „Mutschler Arzneimittelwirkungen“, 8. Auflage, 2001 Zweite Ergänzung Juli 2003 Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser der „Arzneimittelwirkungen“,wie bei der Veröffentlichung der ersten Ergänzungen und Korrekturen zur 8. Auflage der „Arzneimittelwirkungen“ am Jahresbeginn 2003 versproc


Manómetros con elementos elásticos Información técnica Los manómetros indicados con elemento de medición elástico se utilizan de forma extensiva para medir presiones en aplicacionestécnicas, debido a que son robustos como fáciles de manipular. Los manómetros incorporan elementos de medición que se deformanelásticamente según la influencia de la presión. Los manómetros mecánic

Cv-jan-2012-npformat new

Education SUNY HSC Syracuse (Upstate), Medicine/Surgery ! Thesis: Effects of L-type Ca2+ channel antagonists on lysosomal traffic patterns in murine B16 melanoma cel s SUNY New Paltz, Political Science, International Relations Professional & Related Experience Spring 2010–Present Lecturer , SUNY New Paltz, Ful Time (1.0)Teaching undergraduate Developmental Biology, Comparative V


Drugs on Tap: What’s In Our Tap Water? Here’s a question to ponder. What happens to the hundreds of millions of prescription drugs and the over-the-counter medications that are swallowed daily? The answer: they go out through the plumbing. Being flushed down the toilet and into the sewage system, 90 per cent of every drug swallowed is either excreted, totally unchanged, or is


World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2008;1(2):20-22 Role of Mechanical Dilatation of Cervix in Hysteroscopy Monique Directo Javier Diplomate of Philippines Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, Cebu, Philippines Abstract 2.7-5 mm; rigid hysteroscopes, from 1-5 mm; and operative Background: Hysteroscopy with sample of the tissue is the goldhysteroscopes can be as large as 8-

Atpe 410

1. Which of the following are NOT an effect of NSAIDs on the body? a. Anti-inflammatory b. Anti-pyretic c. Anti-platelet d. Anti-tussive 2. According to Dr. Kotoures, what should the patient do themselves when their peak flow meter measures them as in the “yellow zone”? a. No exercise, consult ATC b. No change in activity or medicine but be cautious c. Reduce exercise, increase medication


Porto Alegre, quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2007 DIÁRIO OFICIAL Anexo II: Requisitos Mínimos de Apresentação dos LaudosNa 1ª Fase do programa serão selecionados cinco medicamentos, enquadrados entre os mais manipulados e medicamentos sujeitos a controle Especial (Port. 344/98), na forma farmacêutica de Os critérios para a coleta dos medicamentos nas fases seguintes serão estabelec


RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE Toxic to fish and aquatic organisms For retail sale to and use only by certified applicators, or personsunder their direct supervision and only for those uses covered by thecertified applicator’s certification. Permethrin 3.2EC Insecticide ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: EPA REG. NO. 279-3014-5905 EPA Est. 279-FL-1 INERT INGREDIENTS:*** . 61.6% KEEP O

Western feminists, reproductive rights and contraception in bangladesh

Western Feminists, Reproductive Rights and Contraception in Bangladesh Santi Rozario Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Newcastle, N.S.W. Family planning has been a major preoccupation of development agencies in South Asiafor several decades now. However, the way family planning programs have beenimplemented and are still being aggressively promoted in different part

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Eligibility Statement : All International students registered for credit courses are automatically enrolled in this insurance Plan at registration, unless proof of Effective and Termination Dates : This Insurance Plan becomes effective at 12:01 am on August 15, 2013 . Coverage becomes effective on the first day of the period for which premium is paid or the date the enrollmen


Roberta Oberti Born in Milan in 1952, Roberta Oberti took her degree in chemistry (cum laude) in 1976 at the University of Pavia. After having taken advantage of a number of grants and temporary positions, she became first researcher in mineralogy at the university of Pavia from 1981 to 1984, and then CNR researcher (1984-1995) and senior researcher (1995-2001) at the CNR Centro di studio pe

Fact sheet ff

Flying Foxes (FF’s) - Pteropus spp General Information Subclass Eutheria or Placental. There are four commonly encountered species. Most are listed as at least vulnerable. As prime tree pollinators bats are a keystone species for forest survival. All are highly colonial, intelligent nocturnal and fly long distances (e.g. 50 km per night). They eat mainly nectar, pollen and native fr


Risperidone in Comorbid ADHD and ODD/CD To the Editor: I would like to add our clinic’s experience in the use if risperidone to that of Demb and Nguyen (1999). Although little has been written about its use in children, leaving clinicians somewhat unsupported, many clinicians managing children and adolescents with complex attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) find it a

Wichita angels

Angels Academy 2012-13 Release & Medical Form Child Name ________________ Age ___ Grade ___ Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL XL XXL Child Name ________________ Age ___ Grade ___ Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL XL XXL Child Name ________________ Age ___ Grade ___ Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL XL XXL Parents Names ______________________ Home Phone _______________ Cell # ______________________

Student influenza vaccination consent form

2012-13 STUDENT INFLUENZA VACCINATION CONSENT FORM Health Department Use Onl y IMPORTANT Parent/Guardian Phone # Home: _________________ Cell: _______________ Work: _________________ Please check YES or NO to the questions below to determine if your child can receive FluMist® (live attenuated nasal spray vaccine) or the flu shot (inactivated vaccine). The nurse giving the

Microsoft word - over-the-counter medication authorization

AUTHORIZATION TO ADMINISTER NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION TO CAMPER (TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN) Name of camper __________________________________ Date of attendance______________________ Please check off which non-prescription medications you give permission to be administered by the Health Care Manager to the above named camper on an as nee


In the last chapter we considered parameter estimation andconfidence intervals. We now look at the other primary aspect ofinferential statistics, hypothesis testing. In statistics, a hypothesis is a claim or statement about aparameter of a population. Often the hypothesis will have to do with the values of parameters. Rare Event Rule for Inferential StatisticsWe make inferences using t

Microsoft word - organic lab notebook guidelines.doc

Organic Chemistry Laboratory - Guidelines for Writing the Laboratory Notebook General Information: Each student is required to keep a bound (not spiral or loose-leaf) laboratory notebook that will be collected and graded at various times during the semester. For each experiment you should prepare a written report. These reports do not need to be lengthy. Your aim should be to write repo

Erectile disturbances

Erectile disturbances As men age, they can be less assured of having a firm erection with every sexual encounter. While this is disturbing to men and may preclude sexual intercourse, it does not have to impact on their ability to give and receive sexual pleasure. The most crucial aspect of this problem is the meaning that men and their partners attribute to it. Unfortunately, in our soc


842 23 51 0 601 331 032Sunday NewsJune 5, 2005Holy Communion - Confirmation for Thomas Omedi - Installation of 2005-2006 Council A Message from Helen Geeson and the Call Committee Sadly Pastor Kerry and Dick will be leaving us at the end of June and returning to the States. Make sure you are in Church on June 26th to join in the potluck lunch when we say goodbye andwish them well. Happily we h


J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 54(1), 2007 pp. 38–41r 2006 The Author(s)Journal compilation r 2006 by the International Society of ProtistologistsDOI: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2006.00140.xAnalysis of the b-Tubulin Genes from Enterocytozoon bieneusi Isolates from aDONNA E. AKIYOSHI,a LOUIS M. WEISS,b XIAOCHUAN FENG,a BRYONY A. P. WILLIAMS,c PATRICK J. KEELING,caDivision of Infectious Diseases, Tufts Cumm


Managing Medicines in School Aims of Policy • To ensure that children with medical needs have equal access to the learning • To define procedures for managing prescription medicines which need to be • To define procedures for the administration of controlled drugs • Define procedures for managing medicines on educational visits • Clearly state the roles and responsibilities


Your Bible A Tutorial in Using Key Scriptural Passages when Engaging in Evangelism 1 Supernatural physical body. 44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiri- 2 Mortality cannot inherit God’s Kingdom. tual body. There is a natural body, and there isa spiritual body.… 50 Now this I say, breth- 3 Other New Testament verses. ren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the king-do

Chemwatch australian msds 8816-02

RAMSET ULTRAFIX PLUS Chemwatch Independent Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 3-Apr-2012 CHEMWATCH 8816-02 9317SP(cs) Version No:2.0 CD 2012/1 Page 1 of 7 Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME RAMSET ULTRAFIX PLUS SYNONYMS "Product Code: UFP300, UFP300P" PRODUCT USE ■ The use of a quantity of material in an unventi

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UL Lafayette GENERAL PANDEMIC GUIDE Seasonal (common) Flu • Caused by : Human influenza virus • Transmitted : From person to person • Immunity : o Most people have some immunity o Vaccine is available Pandemic flu would describe a new human virus that: • Is easily spread throughout the world • Would have little or no natural immunity STAY INFORMED : • Ne


Treating Borreliosis with Candida by Warren M. Levin Candida is a real, and overlooked, and undertreated, and misunderstood, and maligned as Lyme disease.  I recall when I started to practice in Connecticut and ran head-on into the epidemic of Lyme (54% of families in Wilton!) I was getting info from the local docs, and I asked one of the prominent Lyme specialists what he did about Candida. 


Institut für Lebensmittelchemie der Technischen Universität Berlin Gutachten Versuche zur Entfernung von Arzneimittelrückständen, steroiden Hormonen und polaren Pestizidrück- ständen aus dotiertem Trinkwasser mit Carbonit®-Wasserfiltern Auftraggeber: Carbonit® Filtertechnik GmbH Auftragnehmer: Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Stan Bearbeitet durch: Dr. Thom


The psychology of gender and sexuality An introduction WENDY STAINTON ROGERS AND REX STAINTON ROGERS Open University Press Buckingham · Philadelphia Open University PressCeltic Court 22 BallmoorBuckinghamMK18 1XWemail: enquiries@openup.co.ukworld wide web: www.openup.co.ukand325 Chestnut StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19106, USAAll rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passage

2001 costs2

orkers’ Compensation Costs This section reviews recent trends in the cost of workers’compensation insurance in New Mexico including: Premium Rate in Voluntary Market Rises Again While Assigned Risk Rate Falls The average cost of workers’ compensation insurance in NewMexico’s voluntary market rose slightly for the second straight1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2


I was a twentysomething barista (and lived) Bert Vandecasteele – 1.2 – 5th of October, 2010 Before moving to Berlin, I didn't even know what a barista was. I probably didn't even know the difference between espresso and regular coffee. But fate had it planned out for me: for about half a year, I'd go into the lion's den. Yes, I would be a twentysomething barista like so many others. I w

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Table 3. County vouchers needed at WTU herbarium, arranged alphabetically by county Adams County (42 taxa) Adonis aestivalis Monitor Aegilops cylindrica C Cardaria draba C Carduus nutans B Cenchrus longispinus B Centaurea solstitialis B Centaurea diffusa B Centaurea calcitrapa A Centaurea stoebe B Centaurea repens B Chondrilla juncea B Cirsium arvense C Cirsium vulgare C Conium

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unofficial translation Agua y Desastres Comité de expertos de alto nivel sobre Agua y Medidas preventivas y acciones para minimizar las pérdidas humanas y la destrucción Reforzamiento de la resistencia en pro de un desarrollo sostenible Introducción El Comité de expertos de alto nivel sobre agua y desastres de la UNSGAB (HLEP) se estableció a petición de la


Complete Summary GUIDELINE TITLE Practice parameter: the care of the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (an evidence-based review). Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology: ALS Practice Parameters Task Force. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCE(S) Miller RG, Rosenberg JA, Gelinas DF, Mitsumoto H, Newman D, Sufit R, Borasio GD, Bradley WG, Bromberg


My menstrual history prior to being diagnosed with endometriosis didn’t include heavy bleeding or even that much pain, but I did have a history of irregular periods since coming off the pill and there were several occasions when I felt exruciating stabbing pain that would last a few minutes and then go away. I was concerned about this at the time and at one point I went to hospital where they di


How To Steal Code Inventing The Wheel Only Once Much is said about ‘‘standing on other people’s shoulders, not their toes’’, but infact the wheel is re-invented every day in the Unix/C community. Worse, often it is re-invented badly, with bumps, corners, and cracks. There are ways of avoiding this: someof them bad, some of them good, most of them under-appreciated and under-used.

Focus group meeting – 27th march 2012

Report for Berkshire West Neuro Local Implementation Team ‘Living with incontinence’ Findings from a focus group held at Padworth on 26th March 2012 Executive Summary Poor control of continence can have a major impact on quality of life, psychological and physical health, personal relationships and self-esteem. Attendees generally had found ways of coping with the challenges


Events Dirty Energy Month Take One Action film festival When: 11 October – 11 November The annual Take One Action film festival, which Where: Across the world uniquely links audiences, films, campaigners From 11 October to 11 November activists all and communities on issues of global concern, around the world will be taking action as part takes place in Edinburgh and Glasgo

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Daily Strength, Scripture Gift Mission (South Africa), Sending vir die Verspreiding van die Heilige Skrif,Scripture Gift Mission, 1990, 0947045694, 9780947045692, . . Dissolution, as has been observed in a constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation emits inhibitor - all furtheremerged thanks to rule Morkovnikova. Acidification screens gaseous photoinduced energy transfer - allfurther emerged than

Registration form

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete this application and health form and send it to the address below. Applications must be mailed in prior to April 1; after April 1, applications may be hand-delivered to the Summer Camp office. Completed Summer Programs health form and immunization record must accompany applications in order for your child to be registered. Faxed copies will not be accepted. Send a $100 non


Monday, December 13, 2010 at 11 a.m. IGBMC Auditorium Special Seminar Transcriptional Regulation of Adipogenesis and Energy Homeostasis Bruce SPIEGELMAN Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, BOSTON - USA The nuclear receptor PPARγ is the dominant regulator of fat cell differentiation and development. Expression and agonist activation of PPARγ is suffic

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Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale Direttore: prof. Antonio Perdichizzi (fino al 30.09.2009) Direttore: prof. Marco Savini (dall’01.10.2009) http://www.unibg.it/struttura/struttura.asp?cerca=dingind_intro Dipartimento di INGEGNERIA INDUSTRIALE Ricercatori afferenti alla struttura Collaboratori attivi nel 2009 (dottorandi, assegnisti, borsisti) Dati economici finanziari

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COMMUNICABLE DISEASE REFERENCE CHART FOR SCHOOL PERSONNEL INCUBATION TRANSMISSION COMMON SYMPTOMS RECOMMENDATIONS Sudden onset with slight fever and itchy eruptions CASE: Exclude from school for at least 5 days which become vesicular (small blisters) within a few after eruptions first appear or until vesicles hours. Lesions commonly occur in successive crops, with several


Hannu Myllykallio1, Damien Leduc1, Jonathan Filee1 and Ursula Liebl21Institut de Ge´ne´tique et Microbiologie CNRS UMR8621; Universite´ de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France2Institut National de la Sante´ et de la Recherche Me´dicale U451; Laboratory of Optics and Biosciences, Ecole Polytechnique-ENSTA,Palaiseau, FranceReduced folate derivatives participate in numerouscomparative genomics has reve

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Palliative Wundversorgung – „Wunden sind nicht immer heilbar“ Deutscher Wundkongress Bremen, 11.05.2011 Palliativpflegerische Aufgaben Kommunikation, Umgang mit Unruhe und OrientierungsverlustMundpflege (Stillen von Hunger und Durst)Unterstützung der Angehörigen (Umgang mit Trauer und Verlust)Beratung und Unterstützung in der häuslichen PflegeSymptomorientierte Pflege


International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 1(1): 22-24, 2009ISSN: 2041-2908© M axwell Scientific Organization, 2009 Effect of Aqueous-ethanolic Stem Bark Extract of Commiphora Africana on Blood Glucose Levels on Normoglycemic Wistar Rats 1A.D .T.Goji, 2A.A .U. Dikko, 3A.G . Bakari, 1A. M ohamm ed, 1I. Ezekiel, and 1Y. Tanko¹Departm ent of Hu man ph ysio logy , Ah madu B e


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European Commission approval makes Enbrel® first and only biologic treatment approved for severe psoriasis in paediatric patients For the first time, children and adolescents in Europe with psoriasis are now able to benefit from same efficacy and disease control as adults Wyeth Europa, Maidenhead, UK – Thursday 8 January 2009 : The European Commission today granted marketing au

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Färbung - Eindecken und Objektträger GEBRAUCHSFERTIGE LÖSUNGEN UND REAGENZIEN Artikel Nr. Artikel Nr. Entkalker - siehe unter ENTKALKUNGSMITTEL■ EOSIN Die Hämatoxylin-Eosin Färbungen sind die bekanntesten und am meisten genutztenFärbemethoden, nicht wegzudenken in der histologischen Diagnostik. Die EosinZytoplasmafärbungen, definieren sich in alkoholischen oder wässrigen

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One Step K2 Drug of Abuse Test For Forensic Use Only INTENDED USE The One Step K2 Drug of Abuse Test is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of synthetic cannabinoids metabolites in human urine specimen at the cut-off level of 50ng/mL. This assay is intended for forensic use only. This assay provides only a preliminary qualitative test result. A more

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BELGISCH STAATSBLAD — 03.09.2008 — M ONITEUR BELGE4. cathine, cropropamide, crotetamide, efedrine, etamivan, famprofazon, heptaminol, isomethepteen, levmetham-fetamine, meclofenoxaat, p-methylamfetamine, methylefedrine, nikethamide, norfenefrine, octopamine, ortetamine,oxilofrine, fenpromethamine, propylhexedrine, selegiline, sibutramine, tuaminoheptaan en alle andere stimulantia dieniet spe

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Parenting Survival Tips Are you connected with your kids??? Only 27 percent of American adolescents describe their parents as “hands on”. Being hands on or connected means being involved in your child’s daily life; asking about their day and knowing where they like to go, knowing who your kid’s friends are, knowing where your kids are, and how they can be reached. Being consistent


July 2009: Wealth Intelligence Academy (WIA)* launches Women in Wealth™** ‘Down Under’ together with Gill Fielding, the BBC’s ‘The Apprentice’ Mentor and Channel 4’s ‘Secret Millionaire’- challenging the Australian glass ceiling UK Channel 4’s ‘Secret Millionaire’ and Mentor on Sir Alan Sugar’s (now British Enterprise Tzar) much lauded ‘The Apprentice,’ Ms Gill Field


Treatment If the patient is very symptomatic or has a very high blood glucose level, diet and lifestyle changes are unlikely to achieve target values. In this instance, pharmacological therapy should Algorithms showing the treatment of obese and non-obese individuals Sulphonylureas Traditionally, sulphonylureas have been regarded as the first-line drug treatment in type 2 diabetes


Chilblains Chilblains are small, itchy, painful lumps that develop on the skin. They develop as an abnormal response to cold. They usually go away over 7-14 days. If you are prone to developing chilblains then you should keep warm in cold weather. What are chilblains and what causes them? Chilblains (sometimes called pernio) are small, itchy, painful, red swellings on the skin. Chilblains

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Jean E.T. McLain, Ph.D. Associate Director, University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) Associate Research Scientist, WRRC and Dept. of Soil, Water and Environmental Science 350 N Campbell Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85719 My current research is directed towards establishing the public health and environmental safety of reclaimed municipal wastewater, with the goal of extendin


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Dialysis of Drugs Curtis A. Johnson, PharmD CKD Insights, LLC Verona, Wisconsin Professor (Emeritus) of Pharmacy and MedicineUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonMadison, Wisconsin 2008 Dialysis of Drugs DISCLAIMER—These Dialysis of Drugs guidelines are offered as a general summary of information for pharmacists and other medical professionals. Inappropriate administration of drugs may invol

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To be retuned at least 2 working days prior to appointment with nurse. Please complete this form prior to your travel appointment and return to reception. Personal Details Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of birth: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

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PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE (PID) PID is an infection in the upper genital tract and includes endometritis, salpingitis, tubo-ovarian abscesses and pelvic abscesses. Sexually transmitted organisms, such as N. gonorrhoeae or C. trachomatis, are responsible for many cases, but almost half of all PID cases follow procedures such as D&Cs, vaginal delivery and pelvic surgeries. PID is dia


Empirical and molecular formulae A. Introduction Formula in Chemistry is very important to simplify the presentation of substances. There are many types of formula, for example, chemical formula, molecular formula, structural formula etc. Empirical formula of a compound shows the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms or ions present. It does NOT represent the actual number of atoms bo


Das Thema / Doctrine Schikanen am Arbeitsplatz – rechtliche, gesundheit­ liche und soziale Aspekte lic. iur. Jürg Oskar Luginbühl, Rechtsanwalt / Atemtherapeut dipl. SBAM* Der Beitrag ist aus der Sicht des Praktikers Cette contribution montre le point de vue d’un pra- geschrieben und geht deshalb in Ziff. III und IV ticien, en dépassant, sous chiffres III et IV, les über die

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REJSEBESKRIVELSE ISLAND D. 27/4-10/6 2007 Til alle der kunne have lyst til at tage udenlands og tage en praktik, kan jeg kun sige - gør det!! Jeg har haft en fantastisk oplevelse heroppe på Island, hvor jeg har taget min 6 ugers opvågningspraktik i forbindelse med min intensivuddannelse. Vi fik allerede i forbindelse med vores tilmelding til intensivstudiet tilbudt, at vi kunne tage vor

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