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Curriculum vitae
Graduated Elementary and High School in Givatayim, Israel.
Attended Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel.
M.D. Degree, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School.
Served in Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces.
Resident in the Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Respiratory Unit and
Instructor at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School.
Resident in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hadassah University
Completed Residency program in Anesthesiology including Critical Care Medicine.
Completed Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Lecturer at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School.
Senior Physician in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hadassah University Hospital.
Senior Physician in Anesthesiology and acting chairman of the department of Anesthesiology , Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin & senior physician in Obstetricss Gynecology.
Organizing a Continental Obstetric Anesthesia Course (7 months).
Senior Lecturer at Tel-Aviv University and Sackler School of Medicine Since Jan 2000
Head of Obstetric Anesthesiology Unit, Wolfson Medical Center and acting Head of the
MEMBERSHIPS: Member of the Israel Society of Anesthesiology
Member of the Israel Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Member of the American Fertility Society
Member of the American Society of Ultrasound
Passed examination in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine for Israel Medical
Passed examinations in Obstetrics and Gynecology for Israel Medical Board.
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1. Evron S.: The behavior of common bile duct in cystic duct obstruction. Thesis Hebrew University, 1970.
Perl A., Evron S., Kotev S.: Positive end expiratory pressure breathing. Harefuah 90:105, 1976. Evron S., Magora F.: Hemodynamic and respiratory changes during total hip replacement. Harefuah 92:245-248, 1977. Evron S., Perl A., Kotev S.: Barbiturate poisoning (Editorial) Harefuah 92:373-376, 1977. Evron S., Ron M., Donchin Y: Magnesium sulfate in treatment of toxemia of pregnancy and its influence on muscle relaxants used in general anesthesia (Review). Harefuah 94:90-93, 1978. Evron S., Kotev S.: Positive end-expiratory pressure ventilation in adult respiratory distress syndrome secondary to septicemia. Harefuah 94:266-270, 1978.
Donchin Y., Evron S., Kadari A., Magora F.: "Bain" - A new anesthetic system for aintenance of PCO2 during anesthesia. Harefuah 94:311- 312, 1978. Evron S., Schenker J.G.: The use of IUD as an etiological factor of acute pelvic inflammatory disease. (Review). Harefuah 96:344-346, 1979.
Sadovsky E., Evron S., Damiani A., Weinstein D.: Daily fetal movements recording in normal pregnancy. Obstet. Gynecol. Pract. Med. Perin. 59:395-403, 1979.
Dodakova I., Evron S., Magora F.: Flunitrazepan and codein-phosphate as oral premedication in children. Harefuah 98:493-494, 1980.
Shapiro G., Evron S.: A novel use of spironolactone: Treatment of Hirsutism. Clin. Endocrinol. Metabol. 51:429- 432, 1980.
Brenner T., Evron S., Abramsky O.: Immunosuppression of experimental autoimmune disease by Alpha fetoprotein. Isr. J. Med. Sci. 16:802, 1980. Evron S., Shapiro G.: New aspects in the etiology and pathogenesis of Hirsutism. (Editorial). Harefuah 99:80-83, 1980.
Diamant Y.Z., Yarkoni S., Evron S.: Combined clomiphene-bromoergocriptine treatment in anovulatory oliogomenorrheic and hyperprolactinemic women resistant to separate clomiphene or bromoergocriptine regimens. Infertility 3:11-21, 1980.
Granat M., Evron S., Navot D.: Pregnancy in heterotopic fallopian tube and unilateral ovarian hyperstimulation. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 60:215-217, 1981.
Diamant Y.Z., Evron S.: Induction of ovulation by combined clomiphene citrate and dexamethasone treatment in clomiphene citrate non-responders. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Rep. Biol. 11:335-340, 1981. Evron S., Shapiro G., Diamant Y.Z.: Induction of ovulation with spironolactone (aldactone) in anovulatory oligomenorrheic and hyperandrogenic women. Fertil. Steril 36:469-472, 1981. Evron S., Schenker J.G., Magora F.: Electroanalgesia: a new method for the relief of pain. Harefuah (Review) 100:292-294, 1981. Evron S., Schenker J.G., Olshwang D., Granat M., Magora F.: Post-operative electrical analgesia in gynecology and obstetrics. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Rep. Biol. 12:305-313, 1981.
Shapiro G., Evron S.: A novel use of spironolactone: treatment of Hirsutism. Year Book of Endocrinology. Theodore B. Schwartz, Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, London, 1981, p. 308-310. Evron S., Brenner T., Abramsky O.: The effect of pregnancy on experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. (Abstract). Neurology, vol. 32:p. A 139, 1982. Evron S., Sadovsky E., Pfeifer Y., Sulman F.G.: Plasma levels of serotonim compared with cortisol as stress indicators in gynecological operations. Isr. J. Med. Sci. 18:806-808, 1982. Evron S.: Induction of ovulation with spironolactone - reply letter.Fertil. Steril. 38:391-392, 1982.
Shapiro G., Evron S.: Novel use of spironolactone treatment of Hirsutism. Year Book of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pitkin, R.M. & Zlotnik F.J., Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago, London, 1982, p.393-394 Evron S., Shapiro G., Diamant Y.Z.: The antiandrogenic property of spironolactone (Aldactone) in the treatment of Hirsutism and for induction of ovulation. (Meeting Abstract). J. Steroid B 17(3): R 58, 1982.
Eimerl D., Papir Krichely D., Evron S., Carmon A.: Experimental epidural analgesia: direct effect of morphine at the spinal level. In: Advances in pain research & therapy. J.J. Bonica and D. Albe Ferrard (eds). Raven Press, New York, 1983, vol. 5 pp. 487-492.
Samueloff A., Evron S., Sadovsky E.: Fetal movements in multiple pregnancy. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 146:789-792, 1983. Evron S., Samueloff A., Sadovsky E.: Pulmonary edema occurring after isoxsuprine treatment for preterm labor. Harefuah (Editorial) 105:287-289, 1983.
Diamant Y.Z., Rimon E., Evron S.: High incidence of preeclamptic toxemia in patients with polycystic ovarian disease.Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol Rep. Biol. 14:199-204, 1982 Evron S., Frankel M., Diamant Y.Z. : Biliary disease in young women and its association with pregnancy or oral contraceptives. Int. Surg. (Suppl.) 67:448-450, 1982. Evron S., Diamant Y.Z., Granat M., Schenker J.G.: Reproductive disturbances associated with hyperandrogenicity in women. Harefuah (Review) 104:21-25, 1983. Evron S., Navot D., Laufer N., Diamant Y.Z.: Induction of ovulation with combined human gonadotropins and dexamethasonein women with polycyctic ovarian disease. Fertil Steril. 40:183-186, 1983. Evron S., Shapiro G., Diamant Y.Z.: Induction of ovulation with spironolactone (Aldactone) in anovulatory oligomenorrheic and hyperandrogenic women. Year Book of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Pitkin R.M. and
Zlotnick F.J., Year Book Medical Publishers Inc., Chicago, London 1983, pp. 401-402.
Evron S., Samueloff A., Mor Yosef S., Rosen E., Sadovsky E.: Pulmonary edema occurring after isoxsuprine and dexamethasone treatment for preterm labor: Case report. J. Perin. Med. 11:272-277, 1983.
Eimerl D., Papir-Kricheli D., Evron S., Carmon A.: Epidural analgesia. An animal model with chronic implanted catheter. Pain 16:207-208, 1983.
Shapiro G., Evron S. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 10th edition, 1983, pp. 248-249. The results of our research covered in: A novel use of spironolactone: Treatment of Hirsutism. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metabol. 51:429-432, 1980.
Schenker J.G., Evron S.: New concepts in the surgical management of tubal pregnancy and the consequent post- operative results. Fertil. Steril. (Review) 40:709-723, 1983. Evron S., Magora F., Sadovsky E.: Prevention of urinary retention with Phenoxybenzamine during epidural morphine. Br. Med. J. 288:190, 1984.
Samueloff A., Evron S., Sadovsky E.: Fetal movements in isoxsuprine treated patients. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 148:335-336, 1984. Evron S., Leviatan A., Okon E.: Familial benign chronic pemphigus appearing as leukoplakia of the vulva. Int. J. Dermatology 23:556-557, 1984. Evron S., Samueloff A., Sadovsky E., Berger M., Magora F.: The effect of phenoxybenzamine on post operative urinary complications during extradural morphine analgesia. Eur. J. Anaesthesiol. 1:45-54, 1984. Evron S., Eimerl D., Papir-Kricheli D., Carmon A.: Epidural morphine in rats: A model for regional effects (Meeting abstract). Isr. J. Med. Sci. 17:1103, 1981.
Shohami E., Evron S., Carmon A., Weinstock M: Action myoclonus induced in rats by intrathecal morphine (Meeting abstract). Isr. J. Med. Sci. 19:295, 1983. Evron S., Brenner T., Abramsky O.: Suppressive effect of pregnancy on the development of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in rabbits. Am. J. Repro. Immunol. 5:109-113, 1984. Evron S., Mor-Yosef S., Schenker J.G., Diamant Y.Z.: Effect of spironolactone on testosterone and LH-RH responsiveness in women with polycyctic ovarian disease. Isr. J. Med. Sci. 20:630-633, 1984. Evron S., Sadovsky E., Magora E.: The effect of phenoxybenzamine on postoperative urinary retention after epidural morphine analgesia. Proceedings of the 4th Annual General Meeting. Stockholm 1983. Eur. J. Anesthesiol. 1:157 P, 1984. Evron S., Rimon F., Mor Yosef S., Schenker J.G., Diamant Y.Z.: The outcome of pregnancy in polycyctic ovarian disease.In: Recent advances in pathophysiological Conditions in pregnancy. Editors J.G. Schenker,E.T. Rippman, D. Weinstein. Excerpta Medical International Congress Series pp. 87-90, 1984. Evron S., Frankel M., Schenker J.G., Diamant Y.Z.: Biliary disease in young women & its association with pregnancy or oral contraceptives. Contracept. Deliv. Syst. 4:6, 1983.
Shohami E., Evron S.: Intrathecal morphine-induces myoclonic seizures in the rat. Acta Pharmacol. Toxicol. 56:50- 54, 1985. Evron S., Beyth Y., Samueloff A., Eimerl D., Schenker J.G.: Pulmonary complications following endotracheal intubation for anesthesia in breech extraction. Intensive Care Med. 11:223-225, 1985. Evron S., Yagel S., Samueloff A., Margalit E., Burstein P., Sadovsky E.: Non-immunologic hydrops fetalis: A review of 11 cases. J. Perin. Med. 13:147-151, 1985.
Mor Yosef S., Anteby S.D., Schenker J.G., Granat M., Brezezinsky A., Evron S.: Recurrent molar pregnancies associated with clomiphene citrate and human gonadotropins. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 151:1085-1086, 1985. Evron S., Samueloff A., Simon A., Drenger B., Magora F.: Urinary function during epidural analgesia with methadone and morphine in post caesarean section patients. Pain 23:135-144, 1985. Evron S., Schenker J.G., Diamant Y.Z.: Cholelithiasis pregnancy and contraceptive pills (Review). Harefuah 109:204-206, 1985.
Schenker J.G., Evron S.: New concepts in the surgical management of tubal pregnancy & the consequent postoperative results in modern trends in infertility and conception control (1985). E.E. Wallach & R.D. Kempers, eds. vol. 3 pp. 337-351. Evron S., Navot D., Laufer N., Diamant Y.Z.: Induction of ovulation with combined human gonadotropins & dexamethasone in women with polycyctic ovarian disease. Year Book of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Ed. Pitkin R.M. and Zlotnick F.J.,Year Book Medical Publisher, Inc. Chicago, London 1985, pp.434.
Brenner T., Evron S., Soffer D., Abramsky O.: Treatment of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in rabbits, with Alpha-Fetoprotein. Isr. J. Med. Sci.21:945-949, 1985. Evron S., Magora F., Sadovsky E.: Prevention of urinary retention with phenoxybenzamine during epidural morphine. Year Book of Anesthesia 1985, Ed. R.D. Miller et al. Year Book Med. Publishers Inc., Chicago p.359. Evron S., Magora F., Sadovsky E.: Prevention of urinary retention with phenoxybenzamine during epidural morphine. Year Book of Urology, 1985. Ed. J.Y. Gillenwaters,S.S. Howards, Year Book Med. Publishers Inc.,Chicago, p.180. Evron S., Anteby S.O., Brezezinsky A., Samueloff A., Eldor A.: Congenital afibrinogenemia and recurrent early abortion: a case report. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Rep. Biol. 19:307-311, 1985.
Zeevi G., Simon A., Evron S., Ohel G., Sadovsky E.: The effect of pethidine on the fetal heart rate response to vibro-acoustic stimulation. Archive Gynecol. Supp. 237:166, 1985.
Shohami E., Evron S., Weinstock M., Soffer D., Cmaron A.: A new animal model for action myoclonus. Adv. in Neurology, Vol. 43, pp. 545-551, edited by S. Fahn et al., New York, 1986. Raven Press. Evron S., Drenger B., Rosenbaum H., Froind A.: Epidural analgesia with morphine & methadone (Review). Harefuah 110:148-149, 1986. Evron S., Arielli S., Agasi M., Eger G., Bukovsky I., Caspi E.: Severe peripheral arteriospasm following oxytocin administration. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 155:657-685, 1986.
Drenger B., Magora F., Evron S., Cain M.: The action of intrathecal morphine & methadone. J. Urol. 135:852-855, 1986.
Brenner T., Ovadia H., Evron S., Mizrachi R., Abramsky O.: Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: passive transfer of resistance during lactation. J. Neuroimmunol. 12:317-327, 1986.
Yagel S., Samueloff A., Margaliot E., Burstein P., Evron S.: The courses & outcome of pregnancy in non-immunological hydrops fetalis. Excerpta Medica (ICS) 689:43-46, 1986. Evron S., Samueloff A., Simon A., Drenger B., Magora F.: Urinary functions during epidural analgesia with methadone and morphine in post cesarean section Patients. Pain 23:135-144, 1985. Year Book of Urology, 1986. Ed. J.P.
Gillenwater & S.S. Howards Year Book Med. Publishers, Inc., Chicago p.45
Evron S., Samueloff A., Simon A., Drenger B., Magora F.: Urinary function during epidural analgesia with methadone and morphine in post-cesarean section patients. Pain 23:135, 1985. In: Anesthesiology Clinics of North America. W.B. Saunders, 1989, pp. 140-141, vol 7(1).
Brenner T., Evron S., Abramsky O., Effect of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis on pregnancy. studies in Rabbits and rats. Israel .J. Med. Sci . 27:181-185, 1991.
Golan A., Lin G., Evron S., Arieli S., Niv D., David M.P.: Oliohydramnios: Maternal complications & fetal outcome in 145 cases. Gynecol. Obstet. Invest. 37:91-95, 1994. Evron S., Krumholts S., Wiener Y., Brohorov J., Behar M.: Prolonged coma & quadriplegia following accidental subarachnoid injection of local anesthetic with an opiate. Anesth. Analg. 90:116-118, 2000.
Ezri T., Smuk P., Evron S,,Geva.D, Haggy Z., Katz J., : Difficult airway in obrtetric anesthesia : a review .Obstet .Gynecol Surv 56:631-641 200 Evron S., Sadan O., Ezri T., Glezerman M., : The management of HIV petients during surgery and in the delivery ward; Anesthetic considerations. Harefuah 141:55-60 2002
Ezri T., Lurie S Evron S., Shtein A., Geva D.: Post operative nausea and vomiting. Companison of the affect of postoperative meperidine or morphine in gynecologic surgery patiets.; J. Clin. Anesth 49:820-23 ;2002.
Ezri T., Abouleish E., Lee C., Evron S., Intracranial subdural hematoma following dural puncture in a parturient with HELLP syndrome. Can. J. Anesth. 49:820-23 ; 2002.
Shirin H., Sadan O., Shevah O., Bruck R., Boaz M., Moss SF., Evron S., Glezerman M., Avni Y. Positive serology for Helicobacter pylori and vomiting in the pregnency Arch Gynecol Obstet 2003
Ezri T., Dotan Z., Evron S.
Intravenous Regional Anesthesia In Patients With Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis. Harefuah 142: 410-412 ; 2003
Zabeeda D., Ezri T., Evron S., Szmuk P., Katz J.,Medalion B. Interplural Bupivacaine Or IM Meperidine: Analgesia And Pulmonary Function Following Open Cholecystectomy. Internet J Anesthesoilogy 7:1-9 ; 2003
Peter Szmuk.; M.D. ,Evron S, M.D., Marek Glezerman, M.D, Oscar Sadan, M.D, Tiberiu Ezri, M.D. Epidural Analgesia for Labor Pain with Bupivacaine vs Ropivacaine: Effect on Labor and Delivery and Neonatal Outcome. Anesthesiology. A celebration of research. special scientific Activities at the ASA Annual Meeting. San Francissco. October 11-15 ; 2003.
Calman L M, Mihalache A, Evron S, Ezri T. Current understanding of the patient's attitude toward the anesthetist's role and practice in Israel: effect of the patient's experience. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 15: 451-454 ; 2003. Evron S., Glezerman M.,Sadan O., Boaz M., Ezri T.
Patient – controlled epidural analgesia for labor pain: effect on labor, delivery and neonatal outcome of 0.125% bupivacaine vs 0.2% ropivacaine. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 13: 5-10 ; 2004
Evron S.,Glezerman M.,Harow E.,Sadan O.,Ezri T. Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Anesthetic and Obstetric Considerations . A Review Article. Anesth Analg 2004 98:503-11
Shirin H., Sadan O., Shevah O., Bruck R., Boaz M., Moss SF., Evron S., Glezerman M., Avni Y. Positive serology for Helicobacter pylori and vomiting in the pregnancy. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 270:10-14, 2003 .
Sadan O., Golan A., Girtler O., Lurie S., Debby A., Sagiv R., Evron S., Glezerman M. Role of sonography in the diagnosis of retained products of conception. J Ultrasound Med. 23:371-4, 2004
Harow E., Vardi M., Evron S., Sessler D., Ezri T., Paient controlled Discharge from an ambolatory Surgical unit .(Abstract) American society of Anestheiology (ASA). Annual meeting October, Las Vegas Nevada Anestheiology, 23-27, 2004 Evron S., Ezri T., Szmuk P., Warters R.D., Herman O., Weinbroum A Nasal versus oral fiberoptic intubation via a cuffed oropharyngeal airway (COPA tm) during spontaneous ventilation. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 2004 16:503-507 Evron S., Glezerman M., Sadan O., Boaz M., Ezri T. Remifentanil: a novel systemic analgesic for labor pain. Anesth Analg. 2005;100:233-8. Evron S, Koren R, Parameswarn R, Avinoach I, Ezri T, Sadan O, Zipori D. Immunohistochemical Localization of Activin subunit in human placenta;
correlation with elevated temprature and placental Infection in Parturients Laboring Under epidural analgesia. Am. J Obstet Gynycol. Supp. 191: 675 2005.
Sadan O., Shushan S.,Eldar I.,Evron S., Lurie S., Boaz M.,Glazernan M., Roth Y., The Effects of an External Nasal Dilator on Labor. American Journal of Rhinology, 19:221- 24, 2005.
Ezri T., Zahalka I., Zabeeda D.,Fildbrin Z., Edilnam A., Zinhidman R., Medalion B., Evron S. Similar incidence of Hypotension with combined spinal-epidural or epidural alone for knee arthroplasty. Can J Anesth;53: 139-145, 2006 Evron S., Ezri T., Remifentanil Patient-Controlled Analgesic in labor, Anesth & Analg 102:333 (letter to the Editor), 2006. Evron S., Ezri T., Remifentanil for labor pain: is the drug or the method the problem.(letter to the editor), Anesth & Analg 101: 1242-3,2006
Ezri T, Evron S, Hadad H, Roth Y, (Tracheostomy and endotracheal intubation: a short history). Harefuah.2005; 144;891-3 Hebrew. ABSTRACTS:
1. Evron S., Brenner T., Abramsky O., Schenker J.G.: Suppression of autoimmune disease during pregnancy. The 7th Scientific Meeting of the Israel Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, May 14-16,1980, p.46
Brenner T., Evron S., Abramsky O.,: Immunosuppression of experimental autoimmune disease by Alphafetoprotein. Congress of lmmunology Haifa, 1980, Haifa Isr. J. Med Sci. Vl. 16(11), Nov. 1980. Evron S., Sadovsky E., Pfeifer Y., Sulman F.G. Cortisol and serotonin levels in plasma and gynecological operations.7th Scientific Meeting of the Israel Society of Obstetrics and Jerusalem, Gynecology, May 14-16, 1980.
Shapiro G., Evron S., Schenker J.G.: A novel use of spironolactone: Treatment of hirsutism. 7th Scientific Meeting of the Israel Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Jerusalem, May 14-16, 1980, p.82.
Dodakova I., Evron S., Magora F.: Flunitrazepan as an oral premedication in children. Eleventh Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Haifa, Sept. 1978.
Dimant Y.Z., Yarkoni S., Evron S., Basel D.: Combined clomiphene-bromocriptine treatment in anovulatory oliogomenorrheic and hyperprolactinemic women resistant to separate clomiphene or bromocriptin regimens 7th Scientific Meeting of the Israel Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jerusalem, May 14-16, 1980, p.66, .
Margalioth E., Laufer N., Livshin J., Evron S., Spitz.l: LH-RH test in Seroli cell only syndrome. 7th Scientific Meeting of the Israel Society of Obstetrics an Gynecology, Jerusalem , p29, 1980.
Diamant Y.Z., Evron S., Laufer N., Rosen E.: Induction of ovulation with combined clomiphene and low dose dexamethasone treatment 7th Scientific Meeting of the Israel Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jerusalem, May 14-16, 1980, p.67.
Diamant Y.Z., Yarkoni S., Evron S. Hyperprolactinemic anovulatory syndrome. Combined clomid-bromocryptine treatment in Cases resistant to separate regimens. 10th World Congress of Fertility and Sterility, Madrid, Spain, 1980.
Diamant Y.Z., Evron S.: Clomiphene failure. Combined clomiphene small dose Sexamethasone treatment in normoprolactinemic anovulatory atients. 10th World Congress of Fertility and Sterility, Madrid, Spain, 1980. Evron S., Shapiro G., Diamant Y.Z. Induction of ovulation with spironolactone (Aldactone) in anovulatory oliogomenorrheic & hyperandrogenic women. 3rd World Congress of Human Reproduction, West Berlin, March 22-26, 1981, p. 256.
Donchin Y., Evron S. Relaxation of uterus with amylnitrite in cases of multiple deliveries. Presented in the SOAP Meeting, San Diego, California, March 1981. Evron S., Brenner T., Abramsky O.: Interaction between pregnancy and experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) in rabbits: Possible role of Alpha feto-protein. 3rd World Congress of Human Reproduction, West Berlin, March 22-26, 1981, p.355.
Donchin Y., Evron S.: Relaxation of uterus with amylnitrite in cases of multiple deliveries.12th Congress of the
Israel Society of Anaesthesiology, Herzliya, April 13-16, 1981, VI:2.
Eimerl D., Papir-Kricheli D., Evron S.: Epidural morphine in the rat: Segmental analgesia produced by small doses in the behaving rat. 12th Congress of the Israeli Society of Anesthesiology, Herzliya, April 13-16, 1981, p.VI:2. Evron S., Brenner T., Mizrachi R., Abramsky O.: The effect of pregnancy on experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE)in rabbits. 13th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society of Immunology, Beer Sheba University, April 27, 1981. Evron S., Eimerl D., Papir-Kricheli D., Carmon A.: Epidural morphine in rats: A model for regional effects. 48th Conference of the Israel Society of Physiology and Pharmacology, Jerusalem, April 28, 1981. Evron S., Shapiro G., Diamant Y.Z The anti androgenic effect of spironolactone hyperandrogenic women. 2nd Conference of the Israel Society of Fertility,Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, May 21, 1981. Evron S., Brenner T., Abramsky O. Interrelationship between pregnancy & experimental autoimmune disease (EAE) in rabbits. An update in high risk obstetrics.The Israel Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Perinatal Medicine and the University of Southern California School of Medicine, Postgraduate Division, Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, November 18-23, 1981, p.95. Evron S., Shapiro G., Diamant Y.Z.: The antiandrogenic property of spironolactone (Aldactone) in the treatment of hirsutism & for induction of ovulation.6th International Congress on Hormonal Steroids, Jerusalem, September 5-10, 1982.
Shohami E, Evron S., Carmon A., Weinstock M.: Action myoclonus induced in rats by intrathecal morphine. 51st Conference of the Israel Society of Physiology and Pharamacology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, October 12, 1982. Evron S., Navot D., Laufer N., Schenker J.G., Diamant Y.Z.: Induction of ovulation with combined human gonadotropins and
dexamethasone in women with polycystic ovarian disease. 10th World Congress on Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) San Francisco, California, October 17-22, 1982.
Shohami E., Evron S., Carmon A. Morphine induces action myoclonus in rats. Myoclonus Workshop, Arden House, Harriman Campus, Columbia University, Harriman, N.Y. May 29-June 1, 1983. Evron S., Rimon F., Diamant Y.Z. High incidence of preeclamptic toxemia in 24 patient with polycystic ovarian disease 2nd International Workshop on the "At Risk" infant. Hilton Hotel, Jerusalem, 22-27 May, 1983, p.42.
Samueloff A., Evron S., Sadovsky E.: Fetal movements in multiple pregnancy.2nd International Workshop on the "At risk" infant. Hilton Hotel, Jerusalem, 22-27, May 1983, p.131. Evron S., Brenner T., Schenker J.G., Abramsky O.: Interrelationship between pregnancy and experimental autoimmune disease (EAE) in rabbits.11th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility, Dublin, Ireland, Abstract p. 191. 26 June-1 July, 1993,
Navot D., Evron S., Berzezinsky A., Laufer N., Shenker J.G., Diamant Y.Z.: Induction ovulation with combined human gonadotropins and dexamethasone in women with polycystic ovarian disease.11th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility, Dublin, Ireland , Abstract p. 492, 26 June-1 July, 1983.
Samueloff A., Evron S., Sadovsky E.: Does isoxsuprine affect fetal movements? 15th Congress of the Society for the Study of
Pathophysiology & Pregnancy - Organization Gestosis. Jerusalem, Israel 11-16 September,1983, p.4.
Evron S., Rimon F., Mor Yosef S., Schenker J.G., Diamant Y.Z.: The outcome of pregnancy in polycystic ovarian disease. 15th Congress of the Society for the Study of Pathophysiology, Jerusalem, 11-16 September, 1983, p.61. Evron S., Samueloff A., Magora F., Berger M., Sadovsky E.: Post-cesarean section urinary retention during extradural morphine:Effect of phenoxybenamine. 15th Congress of the Society for the Study of Pathophysiology Jerusalem, Israel 11-16 September,1983, p.109
Samueloff A., Evron S., Sadovsky E.: Daily fetal movement recording in multiple Pregnancy. 15th Congress of the Society for the Study of Pathophysiology. Jerusalem, Israel 11-16 September, 1983, p.197. Evron S., Sadovsky E., Magora. The effect of phenoxybenzamine on the postoperative urinary retention after epidural morphine analgesia. 5th Scientific Meeting of European Academy of naesthesiology,Stockholm, Karolinska Hospital,Sweden. September 1-4, 1983 Evron S., Samueloff A., Magora F., Berger M., Sadovsky E. Postoperative urinary retention during extradural morphine: Effect of phenoxybenzamine.13th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists (ISA) 31 October-3 November, 1983. Evron S., Frenkel M., Schenker J.G., Diamant Y.Z.:. Biliary disease in young women and its association with pregnancy or oral Contraceptives. First Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Contraception, November 5-9, 1983, Cairo, Egypt. Evron S., Mor Yosef S., Granat M., Schenker J.G., Diamant Y.Z.: The effect of spironolactone aldactone on gonadotropin responsiveness to LH-RH in women with polycystic ovarian disease. 8th Congress of the Israel Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Haifa, May 2-4, 1984, p. 150. Evron S., Samueloff A., Magora F., Berger M., Sadovsky E.: Prevention of urinary complications with phenoxybenzamine during epidural morphine analgesia following cesarean section. 8th Congress of the Israel Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Haifa, May 2-4, 1984, p. 267. Evron S., Mor Yosef S, Schenker J.G., Diamant Y.Z.: Pregnancy complications following induction of ovulation in hyperandrogenic women. 8th Congress of the Israel Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Haifa, May 2-4, 1984, p.306. Evron S., Mor Yosef S., Schenker J.G., Diamant Y.Z.: Pregnancy outcome following induction of ovulation in polycystic ovarian disease. 16th Congress of the Society for the Study of Pathophysiology of pregnancy – Organization Gestosis Aachen, Germany June 15-18, 1984.
Ovadia H., Evron S., Abramsky O.: Natural passive transfer of resistance to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. American Academy of Neurologists, New York, Neurology 1985
Yagel S., Evron S., Samueloff A., Margolit E., Burstein P., Sadovsky The course and outcome of pregnancy in non-immunological hydrops fetalis 2nd International Symposium “The fetus as a patient”. Jerusalem, May 26-31, 1985, p. 40. Evron S., Ovadia H., Abramsky O: Transfer of resistance to experimental autoimmune disease (EAE) by breast feeding. 2nd International Symposium “The fetus as a patient”.Jerusalem, May 26-31, 1985.
Ohel G., Simon A., Evron S, Granat M., Beyth Y., Sadovsky E.:.
Vibroacustic stimulation in labor and fetal heart rate changes. Libido, p. 121.
Evron S, Shapiro G, Ohel G.: Antiadrogenic property of spironolacture in the treatment of hyperanfrogenic women.International Congress Adolescent Medicine and Student Health. Jerusalem, p. 18. 18-23 August, 1985 Evron S., Ovadia H., Abramsky O. Transfer of resistance to experimental autoimmune disease (EAE) by breast- feeding.11th World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics Berlin(West), September, 15-21, 1985, Abstract.
Zeevi D., Simon A., Evron S., Ohel G., Sadovsky G.: The effect of pethidine on the fetal heart rate. Archives of Gynecology Suppl. 235:166, 1985. 11th World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Berlin (West), Sept. 15-20, 1985. Evron S., Pansky M., Caspi E.:
Intrapartum management of vertex-nonvertex twin presentation. 5th Israel Medical Week (MEDAX). The Israel Medical Association, Jerusalem, Abstract, p.5. 8-11September, 1986 Evron S., Pansky M., Avrech O., Arieli S., Caspi E.:
Effect of epidural analgesia timing on the duration of first stage labor.14th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Haifa, Sept. 15-19, 1986, Abstract, p.97
48. Evron S., Pansky M., Caspi E.: Intrapartum management of vertex-nonvertex twin
presentation.20th International Meeting of the Organization Gestosis, Cork, Ireland, July 25-29, 1988.
Evron S., Teherani M., Shemesh Y., Magora F.: Urinary complications during labor and after delivery associated with epidural analgesia. 15th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiology, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Sept. 19-22, 1989
Bahar M., Shemesh Y., Evron S: Spinous process protrusion in the lumbar area. A clinical sign for epidural space depth.15th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Sept. 19- 22, 1989. Evron S.: Anesthetic drugs in pregnancy, pain in peace (An invited lecture). The Israel Pain Society, The Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Galilee, June 15-16, 1995. Evron S.: The pharmacokinetic in pregnancy, pain in peace (An invited lecture), The Israel Pain Society, The Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Galilee, June 15-16, 1995. Evron S.: Perioperative management of patients with aortofemoral by-pass (An invited lecture),17th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Tel-Aviv, June 5-7, 1996. Evron S., Glezermal M., Sadan O., Boaz M., Ezri T., Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia for labor pain. ASA 2002 Annual Meeting, Orlando, October 12-16 Evron S.: Thrombocytopenia and regional anesthesia in the parturient (invited lecture) 19th International Congress of the Israel society of anesthesiologists 8th International Congress of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia Tel-aviv, November 10-13 2002. Evron S., Sadan O., Glezerman M., Muzikant G., Boaz M., Ezri T Patient Controlled Epidural Analgesia for labor pain: 0.125% bupivacaine vs. 0.2% ropivacaine. effect on labor, delivery and neonatal outcome. Annual congress Israel society &
obstetric & gynecology . Tel-aviv , November 20 2002.
Evron S ., Glezerman M., Sadan O., Boaz M., Ezri T., Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia for labor pain. ASA Annual Meeting.Orlando, October 12-16 2002. Evron S., Thrombocytopenia and regional anesthesia in the parturient (invited lecture). 19th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists. 8th International Congress of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. Tel Aviv, November 10-13 2002. Evron S., Sadan O., Glezerman M., Muzikant G., Boaz M., Ezri T Patient Controlled Epidural Analgesia For Labor Pain: 0.125% Bupivacaine VS. 0.2% Ropivacaine. Effect On Labor, Delivery And Neonatal Outcome. Annual congress Israel society of Obstetrics & gynecology. Tel-Aviv, November 20 2002 Evron S., Glezerman M., Ezri T., Sadan O., Gomel A., Kohelet D. The effect of different modes of analgesia or anesthesia on neonatal outcome and developments of IVH in preterm labors. Abstracts book of Tel-aviv University, sackler faculty of medicine. March L-15 , 289 2002. Evron S.: Obstetric anesthesia: new developments – Israel academy of required anesthesia (IARA) Invited lectuse. shfaym ,December 12 2002 Evron S.: Epidural Analgesia in labor update Israel academy of regional anesthesia (IARA) Ramat-Gan, March 27 2003 Evron S., Sadan O., Glezerman M., Boaz M., Ezri T. Patient Controlled Epidoral Analgezia for Labor Pain: 0.125% Bupivicaine vs 0.2% Ropivacaine. Effect on Labor, Delivery and Neonatal Outcome (atstract), Society for maternal-fetal medicine, San Francisco ,23rd Annual Meeting, February 3-8, 2003. Evron S., Sadan O., Glezerman M., Boaz M., Ezri T. The incidence of urinary retention during labor with two methods of epidural analgesia: an ultrasound-guided study. (atstract), Society for maternal-fetal medicine,Annual Meeting, San Francisco ,October 11-15, 2003.
Szmuk P., Muzikant G., Ezri T., Sadan O., Evron S. The incidence of urinary retention during labor with two methods of epidural analgesia: an ultrasound-guided study. University of Texas Houston, Medical School, American Society of nesthesiologists(ASA) San Francisco. October 2003.
Szmuk P., Evron S., Sadan O., Kohelet D., Ezri T. The Effect of Mode of Analgesia or Anesthesia in Preterm Labor on Early Intraventricular Hemorrhage. University of Texas Houston,. Medical School, American Society of Anesthesiologists(ASA) San Francisco .October 2003
Szmuk P., Evron S., Glezerman M., Sadan O., Ezri T. Epidural analgesia for labor pain with bupivacaine vs ropivacaine : Effect on labor and delivery and neonatal outcome. University of Texas Houston, Medical School, American Society of Anesthesiologists(ASA) San Francisco. October 2003. Evron S., Sadan O., Ezri T. The incidence Of Urinary Retention During Labor With Two Methods Of Epidural Anagesia: An Ultrasound –Guided Study. 24 th Annual Meeting Of Society Of Maternal Fetal Medicine. February 2-7th 2003 New- Orleans. Evron S., Sadan O., Ezri T. Identification Of The Epidural Space In Obstetric Patients: A Comparison Of Loss Of Resistance To Air vs. Lidocaine Or Air Pluse Lidocaine. 24 th Annual Meeting Of Society Of Maternal Fetal Medicine. February 2-7th 2003 New- Orleans. Evron S., Sadan O., Ezri T. The incidence Of Urinary Retention During Labor With Two Methods Of Epidural Anagesia: An Ultrasound –Guided Study. (abstract) Am. J. Obstet Gynecol. Vol 189 (6) Suppl. 1 December 2003. Evron S., Sadan O., Ezri T. Identification Of The Epidural Space In Obstetric Patients: A Comparison Of Loss Of Resistance To Air vs. Lidocaine Or Air Pluse Lidocaine. (abstract) Am. J. Obstet Gynecol. Vol 189 (6) Suppl. 1 December 2003.
Harow E, Vardi M, Evron S, Sessler D, Ezri T Patient controlled Discharge from an ambulatory Surgical unit (abstract). American Society of Anesthsiology (ASA). Annual meeting. October 23-27 2004 Las Vegas Nevada. Anesthsiology Supplement 2004
Sabbatical. January – March 2004. Department of Anesthesiology the University of Texas Medical School Houston. Chairman: Jeffrey Katz MD.
Evron S, Koren R, Parameswarn R, Avinoach I, Ezri T, Sadan O, Zipori D. Immunohistochemical Localization of Activin subunit in human placenta; correlation with elevated temprature and placental Infection in Parturients Laboring Under epidural analgesia. Society for Maternal fetal medicine. 2005 25th annual meeting February 7-12 2005 Reno Nevada. Evron S.: Remifentanil.an alternative to epidural Analgesia in labor.The Israel Society Of Feto- Maternal Medicine. (invited lecture) Eilat ,Nov 4th 2004 Evron.S Remifentanil.an alternative to epidural Analgesia in labor.The Israel Society Of Feto- Maternal Medicine. (invited lecture). Rambam Medical Center.Hifa January 4 Evron. S The mamagement of difficult Airway in emergency CS (invited lecture) .The Israel Symposium of the Society of Feto-Maternal Medicine and the Society of Obstetric Anesthesia. January 21 2005.Sorasky Center .Haim Siba Medical Center. Evron.S , Ezri . T Remifentanil: a novel systemic analgesic for labor pain (oralinvited presentation) The 20th international congress of the Israel society of anesthesiologists Tel-Aviv, September 27-29 , 2005. Evron.S , Sadan.O, Khazin.V, Shtain.A, Ezri.T. Activin βA in term placenta and its correlation with placental infection in term parturients having epidural analgesia: a randomized study (abstract). The 20th international congress of the Israel society of anesthesiologists Tel-Aviv, September 27-29 , 2005. Evron.S , Protianov M., lerner.E , Ezri.T, Shimonov.M, Szmuk.P.: Phosphate Salt Bowel Preparation Regimens Alter Perioperative Acid-Base and Electrolyte Balance (abstract). The 20th international congress of the Israel society of anesthesiologists Tel-Aviv, September 27-29 , 2005. Evron.S, Muzikant.G, Rigini.N, Sadan.O, Ezri.T, Sessler.D.I. Patient-Controlled Epidural Analgesia: the Role of Epidural Fentanyl in Peripartum Urinary Retention. (abstract). The 20th international congress of the Israel society of anesthesiologists. Tel-Aviv, September 27-29 , 2005. Evron.S, Gustieva.V, Gladkov.V, Shopin. S, Tsivian. A, Ezri. T. Transient neurological symptoms after isobaric subarachnoid anesthesia with 2% lidocaine: The impact of needle type (abstract). The 20th international congress of the Israel society of anesthesiologists. Tel-Aviv, September 27-29 , 2005. Evron.S, Shufin.S, Ezri.T, Dimitrochenko.V, Szmuk. P.
The Importance of sampling site for determination of hemoglobin and biochemistry values in major abdominal and orthopedic surgery (abstract). The 20th international congress of the Israel society of anesthesiologists. Tel-Aviv, September 27-29 , 2005. Evron.S, Weisenberg.M., Harrow.E, Muzikant.G, Szmuk.P, Ezri.T. Proper positioning of the endotracheal tube`s tip by topographic landmarks measurements. (abstract). The 20th international congress of the Israel society of anesthesiologists. Tel- Aviv, September 27-29 , 2005. Evron.S, Muzikant.G, Weisenberg.M, Sessler.D.I, Szmuk.P, Ezri.T. External Topographic Landmarks for Correct Positioning of Central Venous Catheters Inserted through the Right Jugular Vein (abstract). The 20th international congress of the Israel society of anesthesiologists. Tel-Aviv, September 27-29 , 2005. Evron.S, Protianov.M, Alon.Y, Zabeeda.D, Ezri.T, Muggia-Sullam.M. Mobidly obese patients are hemodynamically stable during Laparoscopic surgery. (abstract). The 20th international congress of the Israel society of anesthesiologists Tel-Aviv, September 27-29 , 2005.
Peter Szmuk, M.D., 1, Rumelia Koren, M.D., Tiberiu Ezri, M.D., Dov Zipori, M.D., and Shmuel Evron, M.D., 1 Anesthesiology, University of Texas Medical School at Houston and Outcome Research Institute, Houston, TX, United States. Immunohistochemical Localization of activin subunit in human placenta: correlation with elevated temperature and placental infection in parturients laboring under epidural analgesia. Oral presentation at SOAP/Journal Session ASA Annual meeting – Atlanta, Georgia 22-26, October 2005.
Marian Weisenberg, M.D., 1, Peter Szmuk, M.D., Shmuel Evron, M.D., Eithan Harrow, M.D., and Tiberiu Ezri, M.D., -1Anesthesia, The Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Affiliated to Tel-Aviv University, Holon, Israel. Proper positioning of the endotracheal tube. tip by topographic landmarks measurements Poster Discussion. ASA Annual Meeting – Atlanta, Georgia 22-26 October 2005.
Marian Weisenberg, M.D., 1, Peter Szmuk, M.D., Daniel I Sessler, M.D., Shmuel Evron, M.D., and Tiberiu Ezri, M.D., 1Anesthesia, Wolfson Medical Center, Affiliated to Tel-Aviv University, Holon, Israel. External Topographic Landmarks for Correct Positioning of Central Venous Catheters Inserted through the Right Jugular Vein. Poster Discussion. ASA Annual Meeting – Atlanta, Georgia 22-26 October 2005.
Glab Muzikant, M.D., 1, Peter Szmuk, M.D., Vladimir Treskonov, M.D., Shmuel Evron, M.D., and Tiberiu Ezri, M.D., 1Anesthesia, The Edith Wolfson Medical School, Affiliated to The Tel-Aviv University, Holon, Israel. Title: THE IMPORTANCE OF SAMPLING SITE FOR DETERMINATION OF HEMOGLOBIN AND BIOCHEMISTRY VALUES IN MAJOR ABDOMINAL AND ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY, ASA Annual meeting - Atlanta, Georgia 22-26 October 2005.
91. Evron. S Remifentanil an alternative for labor analgesia( Invited lecture) . Department of Anesthesia . Sorasky medical center 16.01. 2006. 92. Evron.S Anesthesia for cesarean delivery (invited lecture) . Post graduate Anesthesiologist . Sackler School of Medicine . 03.02.06
“Not being able to go home after • Postpoliosyndrome , after polio-infection 1945, weakness left • Mammacarcinoma 1988: mamma-amputation and post-• Medication: carbaspirin calcium, metformin, simvastatin, • Mobility: did walk with rollator outdoors for longer distances • Personal care: independent; shopping with neighbor/children; • Relations/occupancy: divorced in 1988, two