Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.

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Ambiguity Propagating Defeasible Logic and theDepartment of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence CenterAbstract. The most recent version of defeasible logic (Nute, 1997) is related tothe well-founded semantics by translating defeasible theories into normal logicprograms using a simple scheme proposed in (Brewka, 2001). It is found thatby introducing ambiguity propagation into this logic,

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Adopted from the “NOTE FOR GUIDANCE ON THE INVESTIGATION OF BIOAVAILABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALENCE”(The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products, London, 26 July 2001, CPMP/EWP/QWP /1401/98 ) with some adaptation for ASEAN application. 2.2 Pharmaceutical alternatives 2.3 Bioavailability 2.4 Bioequivalence 2.5 Essentially similar products 2.6 Therapeutic equivalence 3. DESI

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Ovid: Parmet: J Occup Environ Med, Volume 44(3).March 2002.216-218 ©2002The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Rapidly Progressive, Fixed Airway Obstructive Disease in Popcorn Workers: A New Occupational Pulmonary Illness? Parmet, A. J. MD, MPH; Von Essen, Susanna MD, MPH Midwest Occupational Medicine Kansas City, MO Pulm and Crit Care Med Department of I

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Disfunzione del SNV, Diabete Mellito tipo 2 e Cardiopatia Ischemica nella Sindrome Metabolica. Effetti della Melatonina. Introduzione. Nella prevenzione primaria delle componenti della Sindrome Metabolica, realizzata clinicamente con la Semeiotica Biofisica Quantistica utilizzando come suo fondamento la dieta, intesa in senso etimologico, la melatonina e altri preparati istangioprotet

Patient name:________________________

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Medical Exam Questionnaire Name_________________________________ DOB___/___/____ Age____ Marital Status________ Race____ Gender M / F Height __________ Present Weight _________ Usual Weight _________ Managed Care ____ ____ Self referral ____ ____ Referring Physician (if different from PCP) Name__________________________ ______________________________ Address___


Can Elimination of Epinephrine in Rhinoplasty Reduce the SideEffects: Introduction of a New TechniqueAbdoljalil Kalantar-Hormozi • Alireza Fadaee-Naeeni •Siavash Solaimanpour • Naser Mozaffari •Hamed Yazdanshenas • Shahrzad Bazargan-HejaziReceived: 6 September 2010 / Accepted: 24 January 2011Ó The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.comWe aim

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What does Caffeine do to the Body? by Dr. Tracy Malone, B.Sc., N.D Caffeine consumption in its various forms has increased significantly in our culture. Lattes, macchiato, cappuccino, caffeinated energy drinks the list goes on and on. It has become a comfortable social habit for us to have a nice little caffeine buzz to carry us through our over scheduled days. I was a little shocked the

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MSE Policy Review in Nepal: Current Reform Process in Government Prof. Dinesh P. Chapagain 1. Conceptualization: MSE Value Chain for Development Poverty reduction has been the foremost development objective of Nepal since it embarked on planned development efforts almost half a century ago. Given the country’s geo-political condition and small economic scale, the micro a

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SUSANE - Sustainable, sanitary and efficient management of animal manure for plant nutrition Impact of medicated feed on the development of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in integrated pig-fish farms in Vietnam. 1. Introduction Use of animal manure as fertilizer of aquaculture ponds is practiced widely in Southeast Asia. Pigs are raised in houses on the edge of ponds and


AUTO-HEMOTERAPIA Contribución para la salud Entrevista con el Dr. Luiz Moura __________________________________ Transcripción del video-declaraciones realizado por Ana Martinez y Luiz Fernando Sarmento Se permite la reproducción para fines humanitarios Transcripción de la entrevista con el Dr. Moura: Carla Michalik Morad Eduardo Santana Karla Kinhirin Lina Costa Ve

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DERMATOLOGY PEARLS Provided by Dr. Kimberly Coyner, DVM DACVD Dermatology Clinic for Animals of Las Vegas Pearl of the month: Antihistamines 1. A 1991 paper in Veterinary Dermatology provided evidence of clinical improvement of atopic symptoms in 43% of dogs treated with a combination of clemastine (0.5mg – 1.5mg per dog PO BID) and Derm Caps. However in practice I can’t say th

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LUPIN – Needs More, HOLD TP INR722, 2.5% Price & Market Cap data downside from CMP of INR740. It was an outstanding FY 2013 for Lupin, as US sales grew ~35% to USD693 million driven by (a) Tricor launch, (b) Suprax sales (due to an intense flu season) and (c) strong currency gains. However, (a) declining Tricor sales due to entry of more players, (b) erosion in Antar


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Pioneer of Natural Female Hormone Replacement By Dave Tuttle A physician who pioneered the use of natural female hormone replacement therapy more than two decades ago, Jonathan V. Wright, MD, has obtained remarkable results for his patients while avoiding the dangerous prescription drugs that are so heavily promoted by pharmaceutical companies. In this article, Life Extension examines Dr. Wrig

Ageing and health – authors' reply

Correspondence Since population is a dynamic terised by diversity.4 This suggests that continuum of generations, there are the dis tinc tion between the “third age” issues in every age group to deal with and the “fourth age” (fi rst developed by information is based on forecasts. to secure healthy longevity as a whole. the histo r ical sociologist, Peter Laslett5) We declare that w


Journal of Medical Microbiology (2006), 55, 127–131Detection of mixed infections with Mycobacteriumlentiflavum and Mycobacterium avium by moleculargenotyping methodsPhilip Suffys,1 Adalgiza da Silva Rocha,1 Adeilton Branda˜o,2Bart Vanderborght,3 Wouter Mijs,4 Geert Jannes,4 Fernanda C. Q. Mello,3Heloisa da Silveira Paro Pedro,5 Leila de Souza Fonseca,6Rosaˆngela Siqueira de Oliveira,7 Sylvia

Presumptive positive result

D. Interference testing REFERENCES AccuTest™ THC Test Cassette The AccuTest™ THC test strip performance at cut1. Urine testing for drugs of abuse, NIDA Research not affected when pH and Specific Gravity ranges of urine 2. Steven B. Karch, Drugs of abuse hand book, CRC specimen are at 4.5 to 9.0 and 1.005 to 1.035. FOR THE QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT OFTHCL AND The follow

Governing board

Minutes of the Dorval Elementary School Governing Board Meeting held June 14, 2011, 6:30 p.m. in the staff room. Parents: M. Battaglia, K. Bleakley, L. da Costa, E. Fraser, D. Glavin, B. Pearce, V. Ticknor Staff: C. Arvanitakis, S. Ferrara, C. King, C. Mayer, D. Paiement Community representatives K. Strotmann Regrets: M. Bazinet, C. von Roretz, Public: M. Arciszewska (Preside


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In Kooperation mit: Dr. Matthias Bohnsack Invasive Kardiologie am Klinikum Elmshorn Praxis: Friedenstr. 4, 25335 Elmshorn, Tel: 04121-485757 Patienteninformation Herzkatheteruntersuchung Sehr geehrte Patientin, sehr geehrter Patient, dieses Merkblatt soll Ihnen in Ergänzung zu dem Ihnen ebenfalls vorliegenden Aufklärungsbogen die Herzkatheteruntersuchung näherbringen,

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In: Solar Radiation and Human Health Espen Bjertness, editor. Oslo: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, 2008. Photoreactivity of drugs Hanne Hjorth Tønnesen Correspondence: Hanne Hjorth Tønnesen, University of Oslo, School of Pharmacy, P.O.Box 1068 E-mail: h.h.tonnesen@farmasi.uio.no Telephone: + 47 22856593 Fax: + 47 22857494 Abstract A drug substance or drug product

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1. Eingangsfrage: nennen Sie einige Lungenfunktionstest die Sie kennen. Wie sind diese bei welcher Störung verändert. Wie verändert sich die Lungenfunktion in Narkose 2. Beschreiben Sie die Anatomie der Blutversorgung des Herzens. Normvarianten? 3. Umgang mit Patienten in der Anästhesie mit ß-Blockern? Absetzen? Weiter geben? Patienten die unter Antikoagulation stehen. ASS, Plavix, Marcum


Veterinaria, Anno 14, n. 1, Aprile 2000 REGOLAZIONE DELLA PRESSIONE ARTERIOSA ED IPERTENSIONE NEL CANE E NEL GATTO: FISIOLOGIA, FISIOPATOLOGIA, CLINICA E TERAPIA MARCO POGGI Dr. Med. Vet., Centro Veterinario Imperiese, Imperia LUCIANA BERGAMASCO Dr. Med. Vet., Dip. Morfofisiologia Veterinaria, Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria di Torino, Torino MICHELE BORGARELLI Dr.

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www.dailyinsider.info TUESDAY, Feb. 1, 2005 Cristina Kelley to manage First Indy’s Portland private banking office Cristina Kelley has been named manager of First Independent Bank’s new private banking office in the KOIN Center in Portland and promoted to senior vice president of the Vancouver- headquartered bank. Kelley will maintain offices in Portland and Vancouver, w


Andrade J C S Ávila Neto V Braile D M Brofman P R S Costa A R B Costa R Galvão Filho S S Gauch P R A Lucchese F AMartinelli Filho M Medeiros P T J Mateos J C P Pimenta J Takeda R T. Consenso Deca/SBCCV - 1999. Diretrizes para oImplante de Marcapasso Cardíaco Permanente. Reblampa 1999; 12(1): 1-9. Consenso Deca/SBCCV 1999 Diretrizes para o Implante de Cardioversor Desfibrilador Impla

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Subject: CONSTRUCTION MEMORANDUM 12-79 Contract Closeouts MATERIALS AND PHYSICAL RESEARCH MEMORANDUM 10-01 Effective: May 1, 2012 Expires: Indefinite This joint Construction/Materials memorandum supersedes joint Construction/Materials Memorandum No. 07-79/07-01 dated January 2, 2007. Contract Closeouts are an important part of the overall contract admini


Publikationen von Frau OÄ Dr. med. Christina Ritter 1. VIII Billroth-Symposium Mai 1997 Endoskopische oder konventionelle Appendektomie C. Ritter, M. Sahm, R. Näveke, G. Kubo Endoskopische versus konventionelle Appendektomie C. Ritter, M. Sahm, R. Näveke, G. Kubo 3. Zentralblatt für Chirurgie – Supplement 4 1997 Laparoskopische versus konventionelle Appendektomie C. Ritt

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D I G E S T I V E H E A L T H A S S O C I A T E S Patrick D. Gerstenberger, MD Steven R. Christensen, MD Stuart B. Saslow, MD Wallace Lee, PA –C Extended Colon Cleanse Preparation for Colonoscopy Please read these instructions at least three days before your scheduled colonoscopy. You will be given a sedative for this procedure, and will not be able to drive until the following day


Technological Landscapes for Tomorrow’s Cultural Economy (DIGICULT) Definitions - trends - hypotheses Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H. Forschungsbereich Informationsgesellschaft Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/III, A-5020 Salzburgtel. +43-662-2288-303; fax: +43-662-2288-222D I G I C U L T – D e f i n i t i o n s , t r e n d s , h y p o t h e s e s INTRODUCTION

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Dipartimento di Anatomia, Farmacologia e Medicina Legale Tel +39 011 670 7747 Fax +39 011 6707732 Principal Investigator Crepaldi / Assistant Professor Co-workers INTRODUCTION Animal models with conditional expression of a transgene of interest can be generated. This permits spatial and temporal control of the transgene expression. A successful strategy is based on th

Thursday, november 3, 2005

PATIENT REPORTED OUTCOMES OF HORMONAL TREATMENTS FOR ACNE There are no comparative clinical trials on the comparative efficacy of the three hormonal preparations currently indicated in Canada for treatment of acne; namely Tri-Cyclen® (Ortho-McNeil), Alesse® (Wyeth), and Diane-35® (Berlex). Comparative effectiveness in acne for these 3 hormonal agents was sought from the Canadian acne epid


PattyLoulookedoutthedoor.Shewaswaitingforhergrandson,Robert,to come. She hadn’t seen him since her ninetieth birthday party threemonths earlier, when the whole family had come out to Brookhaven, Mis-sissippi, to celebrate with her. Robert came up from New Orleans to seeher only three or four times a year, and she was looking forward to seeinghim. She looked out at the sky. There were four buzz

afdeling keel-, neus- en oorheelkunde,

De longarts of de nurse practitioner longziekten heeft u het advies gegeven te stoppen met roken Bent u gemotiveerd om te stoppen met roken of twijfelt u nog? In beide gevallen raden wij u aan deze informatiefolder te Deze informatiefolder is bedoeld voor patiënten, die onder behandeling zijn bij een longarts van het Diaconessenhuis Leiden. Het advies om te stoppen met roken wordt onder an


What’s new in blood pressure measurement? A workshop ofthe European Society of HypertensionEoin O’BrienBlood Pressure Monitoring 2004, 9:281–282Received 4 October 2004 Accepted 4 October 2004Chairman of the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on BloodPressure Monitoring. A workshop on what’s new in blood pressure measure-range from a low of 8% to a high of 49%, and that ABP


Z A H N A R Z T P R A X I SDR. KLAUS KIRSCHT e .d t h c s ir k - Interview: Dr. Dr. Bonorden “11 Fragen” zur Implantologie 1. Herr Dr. Bonorden, Sie sind spezialisiert auf Implantate. Seit wann ist die Implantologie fester Bestandteil bei der Versorgung Ihrer Patienten ? Seit Eröffnung unserer PraxisKlinik im Jahre 1988. Ich habe natürlich schon vorher im Rahmen meiner Fac


Témoignage de MC En 2006 j’ai subi une mastectomie du sein droit suite à un cancer du sein, après un traitement de chimiothérapie. Quand je commence mes recherches début 2007, je viens de terminer ma radiothérapie et je commence à me renseigner sans vraiment être très convaincue par la reconstruction. Je fais cette démarche histoire d’aller au bout de ma réflexion et d’en faire le

Steinmueller02_vortraegeundpublikationen_bis 082008

_________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Publikationen 1.1. Orginalarbeiten Steinmüller Th , Kianmanesh R, Falconi M, Scarpa A, Taal B, Kwekkeboom DJ, Lopes M, Perren A, Nikou G, Yao J, Delle Fave G, O’Toole D Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Liver Metastases from Digestive (Neuro)endocrine Tumors: Foregut, Mid

Descripcin de

Arthur L. Costa, Ed. D. Bena Kallick, Ph.D. Por definición, un problema es cualquier estímulo, pregunta, tarea, fenómeno o discrepancia, la explicación que no sabemos inmediatamente. Por lo tanto, el interés está en centrar la atención del rendimiento de los estudiantes en virtud de esas condiciones difíciles que exigen razonamiento estratégico, perceptividad, perseverancia,

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MEDICATION GUIDE DEXILANT (decks-i-launt) (dexlansoprazole) delayed-release capsules Read this Medication Guide before you start taking DEXILANT and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This information does not take the place of talking to your doctor about your medical condition or your treatment. What is the most important information that I should know ab


SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO QOF 2014/15 - ENGLAND KEY No change Indicator Business Exception 14/15 QOF NICE ID Indicator wording Threshold Threshold timeframe timeframe timeframe (months) (months) (months) CLINICAL Atrial Fibrilation (AF) The contractor establishes and maintains a register of patients with atrial The percentage of patients w

Aging skin

POST-TREATMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR PEARL™ LASER RESURFACING TREATMENT AND CO2 FRACTIONAL LASER TREATMENT Thank you for coming to DermaCare for your Laser Resurfacing treatment with the Cutera® Pearl ™ Laser. Please review the following information carefully to achieve optimum results from your treatment and the most comfortable recovery. Please contact DermaCare if you have any


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Denial of Information Attacks in Event Processing School of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology Extended Abstract 1. Introduction and Motivation Automated Denial of Information Attacks. It is a common assumption in event processing that the events are “clean”, i.e., they come from well-behaved and trustworthy sources. This assumption does not hold in all major o

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Skin Disease/Sign Medications  2000, Derm Facts Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale Question 1. Are there previous conclusive reports of this reaction? 2. Did the adverse event appear after the suspected drug was administered? 3. Did the adverse reaction improve when the drug was discontinued or a specific antagonist was administered? 4. Did the adverse reaction reappear w


Al Prof. Eolo Parodi Direttore di "Il Giornale della Previdenza dei Medici e degli Odontoiatri" Via Torino, 38 - 00184 Roma e per conoscenza Alla Federazione Nazionale Ordini dei Medici - FNOMCeO Piazza Cola di Rienzo 80/A - 00192 Roma Alla Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla - AISM Vico chiuso Paggi, 3 - 16129 Genova Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoia

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Steroid Therapy Prednisolone or Budesonide Patient Information Sheet If your inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s or Ulcerative colitis) is “flaring up” your doctor may decide to prescribe steroid therapy in the form of either prednisolone or budesonide. What are steroids? Steroids are natural substances produced by the adrenal gland. They are used for many reasons

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Journal of Dermatological Science 27 (2001) 147 – 151Potential anti-androgenic activity of roxithromycin in skinShigeki Inui a,*,1, Takeshi Nakajima a,1, Yoko Fukuzato a, Naohiro Fujimoto b,Chawnshang Chang b, Kunihiko Yoshikawa a, Satoshi Itami aa Department of Dermatology , Course of Molecular Medicine , Graduate School of Medicine , Osaka Uni 6 ersity , Osaka , 2-2, C 5, Yamada

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Patient’s Name _____________________________________ Date of Birth_____________ Age __________________ Must be present to complete this form Responsible Party’s Name ___________________________________________ Date of Birth ____________________ Adult Patient or Parent/Legal Guardian for minor patient or dependent adult Social Security # _____________________________________________


DENKA to strengthen Capital Alliance with SEI Corporation in the Field of Lithium-ion Secondary Battery Technology DENKA (president: Shinsuke Yoshitaka) and SEI Corporation (headquarters: Tsu, Mie; representative director: Takehiko Sawai; hereafter “SEI”) have reached an agreement to accelerate the development of electrode material technologies, with a focus on high conductivity (lo


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SAWYER’S PERMETHRIN TICK REPELLENT ODORLESS FORMULA CLOTHING TREATMENT ONLY DO NOT APPLY TO SKIN I. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION UN NUMBER: 1950, Aerosols, Non-Flammable, N.O.S. Class 2 II. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS (Proprietary mixture of solvents, surfactants, *(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl (+/-) cis/trans 3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl)-2,2-dimethyl cyc

Multiple sclerosis and lyme disease

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND LYME DISEASE In 1994, I saw two cases of classic severe far advanced MS that followed documented Lyme disease that they had suffered many years before. I treated both of these with ceftriaxone with indifferent results. Treating MS and ALS with Antibiotics 3 In 2001, I saw in close succession, two patients who had exposure to tick bites that had resulted in a


D A R I A L O U N E D U C A T I O N Tyler School of Art, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA AA, Liberal Arts, concentration in Biology E M P L O Y M E N T • August 2008–Present Freelance Art Director • November 2007–July 2008 Harrison & Star Inc. , New York, NY, Position: Senior Art Director Lead art director on a successful launch of Avastin (breast, Genentech). Coll

The myth of statin-induced hepatotoxicity

The red secTion The Myth of Statin-Induced Hepatotoxicity Am J Gastroenterol 2010;105:978–980; doi:10.1038/ajg.2010.102Statin-induced hepatotoxicity is a myth. cebo trial with a median follow-up of 5 years have a 1.13% incidence of liver test abnor-“Myth” is used here to mean a false collec-randomized 6,500 subjects to drug and pla-malities vs. 0.29% with placebo ( P = 0.04) ti


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INCIDENCE OF SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION DURING THE PERI- AND POSTMENOPAUSE From the literature it appears that the prevalence of sexual problems Sexual dysfunction in the in women is high, that the prevalence increases with age, and thatthe menopausal transition has a negative influence on sexuality [2- peri- and postmenopause 8]. The prevalences of sexual dysfunctions may be underestimatedin

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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle): BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed for Form Page 2. Follow the sample format on preceding page for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. Medical Director, Portuguese Mental Health Clinic; Director, Depression and Anxiety Disorders Research Program, Cambridge Heal

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Estimated HIV Trends and Program Effects in BotswanaJohn Stover1*, Boga Fidzani2,3, Batho Chris Molomo2, Themba Moeti3, Godfrey Musuka31 Futures Institute, Glastonbury, Connecticut, United States of America, 2 National AIDS Coordinating Agency, Gaborone, Botswana, 3 African Comprehensive HIV/AIDSBackground: This study uses surveillance, survey and program data to estimate past trends and curr

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LIBERTYVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT 70 1381 West Lake Street Libertyville, IL 60048Adler Park School • Butterfield School • Copeland Manor School Rockland School • Highland Middle SchoolMany of you may have read or heard about the increasing number of reports of both outbreaksand sporadic cases of Community- Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphlococcus Aureus (CA-MRSA) infections. This incr

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Drogues alcool tabac info service - http://www.drogues-info-service.fr - 0 800 23 13 13 Mise en ligne le : vendredi 11 décembre 2009. Tabac et grossesse > S'informer > Dossiers thématiques > Drogues et grossesse > Les risques des drogues pendant la grossesse Largement consommé, légal, le tabac est facilement évoqué par les femmes enceintes et par les professionnels d


Sirolimus als De-Novo-Immunsuppressivum in Kombination mit Tacrolimus nach Herztransplantation M. Müller, B.M. Meiser, J. Groetzner, I. Kaczmarek, P. Landwehr, I. Adamidis P. Überfuhr, B. Reichart Herzchirurgische Klinik der Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München, Klinikum Großhadern Studiendesign Zielspiegel Dosierungsschema Monat 1-6 >6 Monate z Prospektive, of


Curr Pain Headache RepDOI 10.1007/s11916-011-0205-3Effects of Treatment of Myofascial Trigger Pointson the Pain of FibromyalgiaMaria Adele Giamberardino & Giannapia Affaitati &Alessandra Fabrizio & Raffaele Costantini# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011Abstract Myofascial pain syndromes (MPSs) from triggerpoints (TrPs) and fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) are commonmusculoskel

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Kim 3845 r1.qxd:Layout 1 25/1/10 10:02 Page 124Anti α-Gal Immune Response Following PorcineBioprosthesis Implantation in ChildrenChun Soo Park1, Seong-Sik Park2, Sun Young Choi2, Sun Hee Yoon1, Woong-Han Kim1, Yong Jin Kim1,2 1Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, 2Seoul NationalUniversity Hospital Clinical Research Institute, Xenotra


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may otherwise put them in danger of being overlooked by academic scrutiny. AsCasey and Martens observe in their introduction to the volume:In characterising aspects of social life as trivial, a rationale is created for thesilencing of such experience, thereby creating gaps in knowledge. If aspects ofdomestic consumption have been silenced, any study that fills in the gaps shouldbe welcomed. (p. 5

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N. 2874/09 Reg. Dec. N. 4174 Reg. Ric. REPUBBLICA ITALIANA Anno: 2007 IN NOME DEL POPOLO ITALIANO Il Consiglio di Stato in sede giurisdizionale (Sezione Quinta) ha DECISIONE sul ricorso in appello n.r.g. 4174 del 2007, proposto dall’Azienda Sanitaria Locale n. 2 di Torino, in persona del legale rappresentante pro tempore, rappresentata e difesa dagli avv.ti prof.ri Ma

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Arthur-Koestler-Preis 2005 Preisträger: Peter Puppe: „Sonnenwende oder Ich bin nicht maßgebend“ Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2005 im Internet-Literaturforum „gruppe-vier-w.forum“ (Literaturforum – Prosa) unter dem Pseudonym „pitnick“ Link: http://2037.rapidforum.com/topic=114578005828 Sonnenwende oder Ich bin nicht maßgebend Am offenen Fenster meines Einzelzimmers sehe ic

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Duncan Dentures Partial Dentures - Detachable partial dentures are oral prosthetics that can be utilized by individuals who have a few teeth missingon either the upper or lower arch. These dental devices are different than bridges or implants in that they are capable of beingextricated from the oral cavity. Their purpose is to interchange multiple missing teeth with a single simple dental devic

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Anwendung LEV DESITIN® kann mahlzeitenunabhängigen mit oder ohne Nahrung eingenommen werden. Bei der empfohlenen Einnahme werden die LEV DESITIN®-Minitabletten direkt aus dem Beutel in den Mund eingenommen. Anschließend sollte mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit (z. B. einem Glas Wasser oder Fruchtsaft) Kompendium LEV DESITIN® Einnahmeempfehlung (Levetiracetam) 1.

Osteoporosis and your mouth editable pdf template

Osteoporosis and Your Mouth As we age, bone strength and density tends to decrease. Bone is a living tissue that is constantly being absorbed and replaced throughout your entire skeletal system – including the bone that surrounds your teeth. This process tends to slow down as we get older, but sometimes the creation of new bone is no longer able to keep up with the removal of old bon


DELHI ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION Viniyamak Bhawan, „C‟ Block, Shivalik, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi – 110 017 Ref. F.11(598)/DERC/2010-11/C.F.No. 2581/6436 Petition No. 75/2010 In the matter of: Complaint under Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003. In the matter of : Ms. Gargi Mukherjee B-2/2312, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110 070 BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd. Through


“SAVE HEART SAVE LIFE” What is Heart Attack ?? Genesis, Diagnosis, Treatment & A Divine Heart Foundation (India) Community Service Initiative A. It is a campaign launched by Divine Heart Foundation(India), a registered charitable society to create awareness inthe society regarding the healthy heart. This booklet containsthe information regarding the genesis, diagnosis, t


SDS according to directive EC 1907/2006 (REACH), EC 1272/2008 (CLP) Version: 1.0 Product code: 2008 1.12.2011 SAFETY DATA SHEET 1 – IDENTIFICATION OF SUBSTANCE / AGENT AND COMPANY / FIRM Identification of substance / agent: Diagnostic strip for proof of β-lactamase by chromogenic cephalosporin. Identification of company / firm: Organization: National toxicological information c


Nombre en citaciones bibliográficas L. Otero Nacimiento E-m@il luotero@fq.edu.uy 1 Ciencias Naturales/Ciencias Químicas/Química Inorgánica y Nuclear/Química Bioinorgánica 2 Ciencias Naturales/Ciencias Químicas/Química Inorgánica y Nuclear/Química Inorgánica Medicinal 3 Ciencias Naturales/Ciencias Químicas/Química Inorgánica y Nuclear/Química de coordinación 1999-


DERMaTOlOGIa piante e sole: un mix E SE FOSSE allERGIa? In alcuni casi, meno frequenti, le stesse piante che provocano (a volte) pericoloso reazioni fototossiche possono indurre anche una reazione al- lergica. Ma che differenza c'è? a cura di Grazia Manfredi • La reazione fototossica dipen- de esclusivamente dal contatto con la sostanz

Microsoft word - 2012 round 9 match reports .doc

DIAMOND VALLEY SUPERULES FOOTBALL CLUB INC (EST 1982) Finalists: 1984-1997 Incl, 1999 Premiers: 1984, 1986-1989 Incl, 1992, 1994-1997 Incl President: Chris Richardson Ph. 0457 970 031 cgrichardson_37@hotmail.com Secretary: John “Rusty” Galletta Ph. 0405 544 471 mastergunj@yahoo.com.au A JOYOUS CRUISE A man had arranged to go on a two week cruise with his girlfriend. A couple of d

Microsoft word - i_spec_rapp_re

UNITED NATIONS Economic and Social Council COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTSFifty-fifth sessionItem 12 (a) of the provisional agendaINTEGRATION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF WOMENAND THE GENDER PERSPECTIVEReport of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, itscausesand consequences, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, in accordancewith Commission on Human Rights resolution 1997/44Policies and practices


DOCUMENTED CASE STUDIES BY DR. SHARI LIEBERMAN AND OTHERS 34. ASTHMA DA is a 43-year old woman, who was first seen by the ONDAMED® practitioner in January, 2006. She suffered from severe asthma since puberty. DA needed to use the inhaler at least twice per day to manage her condition. She has also been on prednisone on and off over the course of 7 years when her condition became worse.


Annex to newsletter regarding the BPTO Resolution 80/2013. The full list of products considered strategic by Ministry of Health and neglected diseases is discriminated in ordinances No. 978/2008 and No. 1284/2010 of Ministry of Healthy and Annex 1 of Resolution 80/2013. I. Pharmaceutical segment 1. Antiviral (including antiretroviral): Atazanavir Darunavir Efavirenz Enfuvirtide Entecav

Rhinopneumonie maart 2012(3)

INLEIDING Deze tekst dient als advies en infobron voor de beroepsgroep en wordt behalve door de faculteit Diergeneeskunde ook onderschreven door de Groep Geneeskunde Paard van de KNMvD en de Gezondheidsdienst voor Dieren. Dr. Cathérine Delesalle, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECEIM Dr. Robin van den Boom, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECEIM, departement Gezondheidszorg Paard, faculteit Diergeneeskunde, Universite

Microsoft word - deepsix - led road flare spec sheet - 11 may 201

The LED Road Flare consists of 16 ultra-bright Light Emitting Diodes (LED’s) mounted in a ruggedized, waterproof housing. The unit is powered by a CR123 non-rechargeable lithium battery which is easily replaced in the field and gives up to 100 hours of light depending on which one of the 9 Flash patterns is selected. Flash patterns include SOS Morse code, a solid on (lantern) mode

Medroxy-progesteron-azetat (mpa) in lebensmitteln

Medroxy-Progesteron-Azetat (MPA) in Lebensmitteln Was ist Medroxy-Progesteron-Azetat (MPA)? MPA ist ein synthetisch hergestelltes Sexualhormon. Es ist ein Abkömmling des weiblichen Gelbkörperhormons Progesteron. MPA zählt zur Gruppe der Gestagene. Diese kontrollieren die Einnistung und Entwicklung des Embryos im Uterus. Synthetische Produkte wie MPA wirken stärker als natü

Microsoft word - timing ovulation and mating in the bitch.doc

Timing ovulation and mating in the bitch by Dr Michael Bell The period in which a natural mating yields maximal conception rates spans for up to seven days in dogs. Hence in many dogs one or more matings during behavioural estrus (i.e. the time the bitch is interested in the dog) will result in pregnancy. However to achieve the highest conception rates and litter sizes it is best to mate

Bsaci factsheet - milk allergy

Cow’s milk allergy (1 of 2) Some reactions to cows’ milk involve themedicine, the term cow’s milk allergy isonly used to describe reactions involvingfood labels every time you shop – even ifreactions are normally called cow’s milk Mild to moderate milk allergy can be found in some unlikely foods. Cow’s milk allergy is common in infantsreaction. Lactose (milk sugar) is u


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS S-107 REVISION 12 SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION The Dial Corporation TRADE NAMES/SYNONYMS: Dial® Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer With Moisturizers - Light Citrus Scent, Citrus Fresh Dial® Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer With Moisturizers - Spring Pure Scent Dial® Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer With Moisturizers - Fragrance Free E - Island

Microsoft word - eu press release 14 nov avandia1.doc

GSK Revises US Labeling for Avandia November 14, 2007 - — GlaxoSmithKline announced today that it is implementing changes to the US product label for Avandia (rosiglitazone maleate), based on an extensive and thorough review by the FDA of myocardial ischaemia data on rosiglitazone, the most widely studied oral anti- diabetic medicine available. The boxed warning has been revised to

Simple tips to follow to strenghten your bones

SIMPLE TIPS TO FOLLOW TO STRENGHTEN YOUR BONES 1. Intake of about 800 ml of low fat milk and its products on a daily basis provides a good amount of calcium for bone healing. 2. Sesame seeds are an excellent source of dietary calcium. A tsp of sesame seeds daily with a cup of milk can enhance the calcium intake andbone health. 3. Knead your dough with puree of any green leafy vegetabl

Kurzvorträge, dgpt 2014, 25.02.14.xls

Kurzvorträge Die Vortragssprache richtet sich nach der Fachgesellschaft. Calcium channels Jörg Striessnig (Innsbruck) First author City, Country Agonist evoked Ca2+ elevation in mast 314 Transporter Birgitta Burckhardt (Göttingen) First author City, Country severe leukopenia, strongly reduces ABCC11 transport activity in vitro cotransporter 3 (NaDC3) and of

Microsoft word - new patient intake form.docx

PATIE T HISTORY Date: ____-____-___ Legal Name: ___________________________________ DOB: ____-____-_______ Name you prefer to be called: ____________________ Social Security #:_______-______-_________ How did you hear about our office? _________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________ City: ________________ State: _____ Zip:_________ Home P

Isi 2009_3.xls

LISTA LUCRARILOR PUBLICATE IN REVISTE CU FACTOR DE IMPACT (ISI) DE CATRE CADRELE DIDACTICE DIN UVT IN ANUL 2009 Nr. Autori lucrare Titlul lucrarii Revista in care a aparut Volum (fascicula) pagini Some mechanisms concerning the electrical conductivity of Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry magnetorheological suspensions in magnetic field. 2 Anitas, M., Balasoiu, M.,

Kyb-2-treatment options

To make the modules more interactive, you can type your responses on screen whenever you see instructions typed in blue. If you have Adobe Reader you CANNOT SAVE YOUR RESPONSES. To keep a copy, please print the pages as a record. If you have the full Adobe Acrobat, you can save your responses. If you don't want to do the activities on screen, you can print out the module and work through it by h

Cholesterol and cardiovascular risk advice leaflet july 201

DUKES AVENUE PRACTICE CHOLESTEROL AND CARDIOVASCULAR RISK ADVICE Your cholesterol should be measured as part of a RISK ASSESSMENT for cardiovascular disease (heart disease, stroke, TIA and peripheral arterial disease). Heart disease is a condition in which the blood vessels of the heart become narrowed or blocked by the build up of fat. Stroke is when the blood supply to the brain is cut off,


Animal (2012), 6:5, pp 815–823 & The Animal Consortium 2011Effects of disodium fumarate on ruminal fermentation andmicrobial communities in sheep fed on high-forage dietsY. W. Zhou1, C. S. McSweeney2, J. K. Wang1 and J. X. Liu1-1Institute of Dairy Science, MoE Key Laboratory of Molecular Animal Nutrition, College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; 2CSIRO LivestockIn


COUNSELLING CUM ON THE SPOT ADMISSION SCHEDULE FOR B.Ed. PROGRAMME(09-11)ON 10.03.2010VENUE :-COMMITTEE ROOM DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SR.NO. ENR.No. NAME----------------------------------------------


WORKSHOP AHOPELTO Jouni Passion for Electrons Electron-Electron and Electron-Hole Bi-Layers in Ultra-Thin Silicon Channels AMANN Peter Passion for Electrons AYUELA Andres Passion for Electrons Interface States in Carbon Nanotube Junctions: Rolling up graphene BAUER Tobias Passion for Electrons Electron Spectroscopy on a superconducting surface with ultrashort Laser pulse

Letter to parents 2010

Dear Parents/Guardians, Your child’s learning depends on good health. The school is available to provide basic services while your child is at school. In order to ensure that your child receives the most appropriate care at school, we request that you read the following information carefully. There have been some changes made. Please completely fill out and return the attached forms to the s

Microsoft word - nephrologisches jahresgespraech 2012-pressetext kurz.doc

Presse-Info November 2012 Verband Deutsche Nierenzentren (DN) e. V. Immermannstraße 65 A, 40210 Düsseldorf, Tel. 0211-179579-0, Fax 0211-179579-60 Den Text als Word-Datei und Fotos der Veranstaltung finden Sie auf der Homepage www.dnev.de in der Rubrik Presse. Nephrologisches Jahresgespräch 2012 des Verbands Deutsche Nierenzentren (DN) e.V. Zum 19. Mal in Folge fand das Nephrolo


Padmasana on Prozac Taking an antidepressant doesn't mean you are any less of a yogi. by Timothy McCall, MD With my instructor Patricia Walden, I've been teaching workshops on yoga for depression for several years. Some of our students have used the yogic tools we teach--like asana, breathing techniques, and chanting--to avoid taking antidepressants or to reduce their dependency on the dr


Dallmayr in München gilt als der Inbegriff für Genuss. Es ist das Stamm-haus veredelter Spitzenkaffees und der Treffpunkt von Gourmets aus aller Welt. Das Unternehmen wird mit viel Liebe zum Detail, Respekt vor dem Fachwissen der Mitarbeiter und Stolz auf eine lebendige Tradition geführt. Qualität und Service erster Klasse sind hier Berufung und Passion – jeden Tag. Es geht bei Dallmayr nich


Dechra Veterinary Products Limited (A business unit of Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC) Sansaw Business Park Hadnall, Shrewsbury Shropshire SY4 4AS Tel: 01939 211200 CANAURAL ® EAR DROPS, SUSPENSION FOR treatment period is prolonged, in vitro sensitivity DOGS AND CATS Advice on correct administration: Official, national Presentation and regional antimicrobial policies should be taken


ORIGINAL ARTICLE Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2012;46(5):346-352 Efficacy of sonographically guided intra-flexoral sheath corticosteroid injection in the treatment of trigger thumb Mohsen MARDANI-KIVI1, Farivar Abdullahzadeh LAHIJI2, Ali Babaei JANDAGHI3, Khashayar SAHEB-EKHTIARI4, Keyvan HASHEMI-MOTLAGH4 1Department of Orthopedics, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Ra


Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß 1907/2006/EG, Artikel 31 1 Bezeichnung des Stoffs bzw. des Gemischs und des Unternehmens · Produktidentifikator · Handelsname: Kret ROHRFREI GEL · Relevante identifizierte Verwendungen des Stoffs oder Gemischs und Verwendungen, von denen abgeraten wird · Verwendung des Stoffes / des Gemisches Kret Rohrfrei Gel wirkt kraf


TECHNICAL REPORT DESCRIPTION - LYSOL? BRAND I.C.? QUATERNARY DISINFECTANT CLEANER is a highly concentrated, cost-effective germicide based on a blend of quaternaries and detergents. It cleans, disinfects and deodorizes with a neutral pH in dilution. Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride …………………………………………….…….……………… 9.22% n-Alkyl (C14 50%, C


CELEBREX® Cardiovascular Risk • CELEBREX may cause an increased risk of serious cardiovascular thrombotic events, myocardial infarction, and stroke, which can be fatal. All NSAIDs may have a similar risk. This risk may increase with duration of use. Patients with cardiovascular disease or risk factors for cardiovascular disease may be at greater risk (see WARNINGS and CLINICAL TR

Microsoft word - angstpsyhophamakaabsetzenjosefzehentbauer.doc

Dr.med. Josef Zehentbauer (b.1945) - www.josef-zehentbauer.de/ - Arzt und Psychotherapeut in München Wer hat Angst vor dem Psychopharmaka Absetzen? Ä r z t l i c he B er at ung und p sy c hot her ape ut i sc he G espr äc he bei m A bset z en v on Däm pf ungs - und B er u hi gun g sm i tt el n Neuroleptika / Antidepressiva / Phasenprophylaktika: Carbamazepin, Lithium / Tranquilizer A


INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome : SEGNI MARIA Data di nascita : 11 dicembre 1957 Qualifica : Ricercatore Confermato di Pediatria Amministrazione: Dipartimento di Pediatria e Neuropsichiatria Infantile, Universita’ Sapienza di Roma Incarico attuale : Ricercatore Confermato UOC di Pediatria, Dipartimento di Pediatria e Neuropsichiatria Infantile Responsabile DH e Ambulatorio


Background briefing | Professor David Clark What the science shows, and what we should do about it (Part 5) Professor David Clark completes the main recommendations from a major new book based on the views of America’s leading clinicians and researchers of how treatment would look like if it were based on the best science possible. Professor David Clark completes the main recommendation



Evista, raloxifene hydrochloride

GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION: INFORMATION FÜR DEN ANWENDER Evista® 60 mg Filmtabletten Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie mit der Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels beginnen, denn sie enthält wichtige Informationen. • Heben Sie die Packungsbeilage auf. Vielleicht möchten Sie diese später nochmals lesen. Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich an Ih

Vit e alzheimer's 14.pdf

Editorials represent the opinions of the authors and JAMAand not those of the American Medical Association. Vitamin E, Memantine, and Alzheimer DiseaseDenis A. Evans, MD; Martha Clare Morris, ScD; Kumar Bharat Rajan, PhD The report by Dysken et al1 in this issue of JAMA raises inter- to support its use because the comparison of the groupesting issues about drug therapy for Alzheimer disease


Pioglitazone and Insulin: Effects on Tight Glycaemic Control Assessed by the Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS) A Monocentric, Parallel-Cohort Study Hunsrück Diabetic Centre, Simmern, GermanyDiabetes mellitus is accompanied by long-term microvascular, neurological, and macrovascular complications. These complications, including retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and cardiovasc

Flu fact sheet - schools

What Schools Need to Know About Preventing The Flu the Spread of. About Flu Influenza, commonly called “the flu,” is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Infection withinfluenza viruses can result in illness ranging from mild to severe and to life-threatening complications. Five hundredout of 100,000 children with high-risk conditions (such as heart disease or


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Microsoft word - ch 39 09.docx

Chapter 39 All chapters, full text, free download, available at http://www.divingmedicine.info FIRST – AID KIT Certain drugs and equipment are of value in a diving accident and a diving team could reasonably be expected to acquire and carry these on diving expeditions. Training in the use of these, as well as in resuscitation, is of great importance. FIRST-AID MATERIALS Fo

Protocol: kind zoek

Kinderopvangorganisatie de KinderKroon Protocol ziekte Algemeen Alarmnummer : 112 Huisarts : 0546-623355 Bij spoed huisarts : 0546-623356 Ziekenhuis : 0546-693693 Ouders die gebruik maken van de kinderopvang worden vaak geconfronteerd met opvangproblemen als hun kind ziek wordt. De verantwoordelijkheid van De KinderKroon voor de gezondheid van het kind en d


This press release is an English-language translation of the original Japanese-language version. To the extent that there are discrepancies between this translation and the original version, the original version shall be definitive. Daiichi Sankyo and AstraZeneca Launch NEXIUM 10mg and 20mg Capsules in Japan TOKYO, Japan (September 15, 2011) − Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Daiichi S


¿Alguna vez se ha preguntado por qué, en ocasiones,una persona afectada por cierta enfermedad infecciosa noresponde al tratamiento aplicado? ¿Por qué a veces se nece-sita un conjunto de medicamentos para atacar un padeci-miento causado por un solo tipo de organismo patógeno?Dulce María Delgadillo (ciudad de México,Uno de los mayores problemas al que científicos y médicos1965) es li

Microsoft word - parent-karam-1-sigera.rtf

Effect of ultrasonic bath temperature on recovery rate of three veterinary antibiotics added to swine manure Parent, Elizabeth. ERSAM. Département des sols et de génie agroalimentaire, Pavillon Paul- Comtois, Université Laval, Québec, Canada G1V 0A6. elizabeth.parent@fsaa.ulaval.ca Karam, Antoine. ERSAM. Département des sols et de génie agroalimentaire, Pavillon Paul- Comtois, Univers

Microsoft word - exceed_preview_limit_document_2.docx

A CASE STUDY APPROACH LESSONS LEARNED IN ONTARIO - ABORIGINAL TOBACCO CESSATION ______________________________________________________________________ ABORIGINAL TOBACCO STRATEGY Aboriginal Cancer Care Unit Cancer Care Ontario January – March 2008 This material is copyright by the original publisher and provided by desLibris subject to the licensing terms found

Interpretation of rules 4

Note 1 from the Technical Committee, August 2013 The organisation of the DONG Energy Solar Challenge 2014 (DSC) has received a request from a number of teams to revise the technical regulations with respect to the allowed battery capacity. The allowed battery capacity is defined in a way similar to the World Solar Challenge in Australia. The nominally allowed capacity is 1 kWh. Since t

tenth grade objectives for dickenson county schools

Tenth Grade Objectives for Dickenson County Schools VOCABULARY The student will be able to explain the meanings of the following vocabulary words. Greek and Latin have been the sources of most of the words in the English language. The roots (sometimes called stems ) of these words have been included so that the student will learn those as well; knowing the Greek and Latin roots will he


Abel CeolaAcácio Antônio AndruczewiczAdelina Bavaresco de FonsecaAdelmo EisingAdemar Gorges FilhoAdemir BussAdemir RibeiroAdemir SchiestlAderléia Roberta LehmannAdilson BurnierAdilson CoelhoAdilson Galego JuniorAdilson MeiraAdilson PeyerlAdônis José MendesAdriana Alves AbrantesAdriana Amanda DiogoAdriana Aparecida Carneiro LoboAdriana BatistaAdriana Costa FerreiraAdriana HegenAdriana Letícia


The Adverse Effects of Chemical Treatment of Depression in Children The intent of this article is to present to the field doctor the story of growing usage and adverse effects of newer types of antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs) among children and adults. This is not an attempt to discourage entirely the use of antidepressants by children, but rather, to prov

Microsoft word - dectanh7n_m793.doc

BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG NĂM 2008 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH - Hệ 7 năm Mã đề thi 793 Họ, tên thí sinh :. Số báo danh :. . Chọn từ (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) có phần gạch dưới được phát âm khác với những từ còn lại trong mỗi câu sau. Câu 1: A. instead B. deafness

Microsoft word - common superficial oral lesions table 1.docx

Common Superficial Oral Lesions TABLE 1 From: Common Oral Lesions: Part I. Superficial Mucosal Lesions . Am Fam Physician. 2007 Feb 15;75(4):501-506.WANDA C. GONSALVES, M.D., ANGELA C. CHI, D.M.D., and BRAD W. NEVILLE, D.D.S., Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina Condition Clinical presentation Treatment Comments Candidiasis4– Pseud

Capitulo 1. conceptos preliminares

DERECHO INTERNACIONAL PÚBLICO CAPÍTULO 9 RESPONSABILIDAD INTERNACIONAL DE LOS ESTADOSDespués de haber estudiado este capítulo el alumno deberá ser capaz de :-Determinar los requisitos necesarios para que se origine responsabilidad internacional. -Señalar los hechos que responsabilizan al Estado. -Distinguir entre crímenes de guerra y delitos internacionales. -Especificar y di


Medications for ADHD: Everything You Wanted To Know but Were Unable There are over 25 FDA approved medications for ADHD at this time. In general we divide medications into two classes: stimulants and non-stimulants. This can be confusing to families when they hear the word stimulant and they think of a medication as stimulating their child who may need to calm down, focus, and be more in control.

Post-op ny-blue-updated nov 2, 2010 for next printing

Post-Operative Instructions Date/Time of Bandage removal: __________________________ Post-Operative Check ( optional): _______________________________________ Suture removal: _________________________________________ Emergency phone number: ______________________________________ MANAGING DISCOMFORT & NAUSEA After your surgery, before you leave the office, you

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PE7734038-1 Naproxen Sodium Tablets 275-550mg Cut Size : 270 x 420 mm 6 pt helv condensed Pharma code: 640 Date: 11.03.2008 (Front) Naproxen Naproxen Sodium Tablets USP • For the relief of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis Medication Guide • For the relief of the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis • For the relief of the signs and symptoms of ankylosing spondyli

Jeq50282 695.700

Published online April 3, 2006 Determination of Steroidal Estrogens in Flushed Dairy Manure Wastewater by GasTravis A. Hanselman,* Donald A. Graetz, Ann C. Wilkie, Nancy J. Szabo, and Carolyn S. Diazportant to know the types and amounts of steroidalThere is a critical need to accurately measure the concentrationsestrogens that occur in dairy wastes so that endocrineof natural steroidal est


Leitlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Suchtmedizin (DGS e.V.), der Deutschen AIDS-Gesellschaft (DAIG) und der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft niedergelassener Ärzte (DAGNÄ): HIV-Infektion bei intravenös Drogenabhängigen Konsensustext zur Abstimmung am 5. Juli 2008 auf dem 9. Interdisziplinären Kongress für Suchtmedizin in MünchenMitglieder der ArbeitsgruppeMarkus BackmundJohannes

Pharmac meters and test strips

Diabetes Youth New Zealand PO Box 67 – 041 Mt Eden Auckland Natalie Davis Therapeutic Group Manager PHARMAC PO Box 10 254 Wellington 6143 Diabetes Youth New Zealand (DYNZ) represents children and young people up to the age of 18 years and their families living with diabetes. DYNZ is closely affiliated with Diabetes New Zealand, and the DYNZ President sits on the DNZ National Board. At pre

Sorbifolia 34-2.pmd

Autio, A. 2003: Mustilan III siemenkeruuretki Kanadaan (Mustila Arboretum’s thirdseed collecting expedition to Canada). — Sorbifolia 34(2): 72–81. ISSN 0359–3568. The third seed collecting expedition of the Mustila Arboretum took place in Québecand Ontario, Canada, in September, 2002. This expedition was aimed at supplementingthe previous ones carried out in 1993 and 1996, the major focu

Microsoft word - article 03-0

Trends in the Prescribing of Psychotropic Medications to Preschoolers Original Contribution JAMA, Vol. 283 No. 8, February 23, 2000, pp. 1025-1030. Julie Magno Zito, PhD; Daniel J. Safer, MD; Susan dosReis, PhD; James F. Gardner, ScM; Myde Boles, PhD; Frances Lynch, PhDContext:Recent reports on the use of psychotropic medications for preschool-agedchildren with behavioral and emotional

Microsoft word - capítulo_11_neuropatia_diabética

CAPÍTULO 11 NEUROPATIA PERIFÉRICA DEFINIÇÃO Neuropatia Diabética (ND) é todo o distúrbio neurológico, demonstrável clinicamente ou por métodos diagnósticos, em pacientes com Diabetes Melito (DM), excluindo-se outras causas de neuropatia. É a complicação mais frequente do DM, porém, na prática clínica, mantém-se subdiagnosticada. O acometimento do sistema nervoso p


Aldactone® Aldactone has been shown to be a tumorigen in chronic toxicity studies in rats (see Precautions ). Aldactone should be used only in those conditions described under Indications and Usage. Unnecessary use of this drug should be avoided. DESCRIPTION Aldactone oral tablets contain 25 mg, 50 mg, or 100 mg of the aldosterone antagonist spironolactone, 17-hydroxy-7α-mercapto-3-o

Teks ucapan kppa - majlis perasmian kursus dpa bil. 1/2013

YBHG. TAN SRI MOHAMAD ZABIDI ZAINAL KETUA PENGARAH PERKHIDMATAN AWAM MALAYSIA MAJLIS PERASMIAN KURSUS DIPLOMA PENGURUSAN AWAM (DPA) BIL.1/2013 (SIRI 44) 4 JUN 2013 (SELASA), 2.30 PETANG DEWAN SERBAGUNA, INTAN BUKIT KIARA Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Salam Sejahtera dan Salam “1Malaysia: Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan”. Saudar

Vr3 full 2008-09 retail price list eur.xls

VR Dive Computers VR3 HD Single Colour with Multicolour Preview Upgrades Computer Level Upgrades VR Dive Computer Upgrades Open Circuit Air/Nitrox to Open & Closed Circuit Air/NitroxOpen Circuit Air/Nitrox to Open Circuit TrimixOpen Circuit Air/Nitrox to Open & Closed Circuit Air/Nitrox/TrimixOpen and Closed Circuit Air/Nitrox to Open Circuit TrimixOpen and Closed Circui

17-23-david jayne

Biomedical Research 2012; 23: SI 17-23 Special Issue: Cancer Metabolism In memory of Erich Eigenbrodt New Horizons in Cancer Therapy: Manipulating Tumour Metabolism. Sashidhar Yeluri, Brijesh M Madhok, David G Jayne. Division of Clinical Sciences, Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, St. James’ University Hospital, Leeds, UK. LS9 7TF, UK Abstract Otto Warburg

Microsoft word - ec headache symptom form.doc

SYMPTOM QUESTIONNAIRE HEADACHES Please fill out only the sections that apply to you. Skip sections that do not relate to your condition. WHEN DO YOU USUALLY GET YOUR HEADACHES?  WHAT USUALLY HELPS YOUR HEADACHES?  DESCRIBE HOW YOUR HEADACHE USUALLY FEELS:  Pounding Where does most of your headache pain focus? (Check all that apply)  Neck area

Microsoft word - cv

4808-2600 int. 2177, 2106 SALGUERO 2835 1° (1425) CABA 4806-1296 ACTIVIDAD PROFESIONAL: (últimos cinco años) MEDICO DE PLANTA DEL SERVICIO DE PEDIATRIA DE CONSULTORIOS EXTERNOS EN EL HOSPITAL GENERAL DE AGUDOS JUAN A. FERNANDEZ. CONTINUA EN LA ACTUALIDAD. Ingreso en la Municipalidad EL 01/0171988 becario Municipal en la especialidad de Neonatologia. El 10/01/1989 Especialista en la guard

Microsoft word - wellbutrin_spc_fr_ib20 csp_v20_1103

WELLBUTRIN XR Résumé des caractéristiques du produit DENOMINATION DU MÉDICAMENT WELLBUTRIN XR 150 mg, comprimé à libération modifiée. WELLBUTRIN XR 300 mg, comprimé à libération modifiée. COMPOSITION QUALITATIVE ET QUANTITATIVE Chaque comprimé contient 150 mg ou 300 mg de chlorhydrate de bupropion. Pour la liste complète des excipients, voir rubrique 6.1 PHARM


GENERIC NAME: Metformin Hydrochloride PHARMACOLOGICAL CLASS : Biguanides THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY : Anti-Diabetic COMPOSITION AND PRESENTATION: EFFIMET 500 TABLETS Composition : Each tablet contains Metformin HCl 500 mg Presentation: 10 Tablets x 20 Blisters EFFIMET 850 TABLETS Composition : Each tablet contains: Metformin HCl 850mg Presentation : 10 Tablets x 10 Blisters

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J o u r n é e s « L i e n s o c i a l » Organisées par le LEMNA Laboratoire de gestion et de management de Nantes Atlantique Coordination scientifique Fabien TRIPIER Professeur d’économie à l’université de Nantes 16 - 17 mai 2011 Résumés des communications Maison des sciences de l’homme Ange-Guépin SOMMAIRE Frédéric Allaire La taxe de risque systémique sur

Soq mo facility-17.11.11-fb.xlsx

Name of Work Construction of Compound Wall and Watch Tower for Fission Based 99 Mo Facility in ISOMED Complex near South Gate , BARC, Mumbai. NIT No. DCSEM/ Head(QS)/ BRIT/ CW-WT/ 76 / 11-2011 dt. 17.11.2011 IMPORTANT NOTES : 1 The site is located in ISOMED Complex out side BARC Campus near South Gate. 2 All the items of sub-structure include the cost of dewatering & shoring wh

(microsoft word - post-transplant continuing care form for kidney recipient_\205)

Post-Transplant Continuing Care Form for Kidney Recipients Patient Name: ____________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________ Medical Record # _______________ Date of Transplant: __________________ Date __________________ Dear Dr. __________________________________ This form contains information about your patient's recent transplant. We have included


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Contact Information The Concept This pioneering track of study enables students interested in environmental studies, development studies, and religious studies to pursue these fields in a unique socio-economic and socio-political context: the Negev desert of Israel. The Office of Student Services Ginsburg-Ingerman Overseas Student Program program


Beaumont forms hybrid research and device labBeaumont Health System plans to open one of the nation’s first hospital-based combination cardiovascular research and physician training centers at the Royal Oak campus this fall, as part of its mission as a center for medical education. The Beaumont Center for Innovation and Research in Cardiovascular Disease (CIRC) will conduct medical devic

846 osp rids.indd

Approve as RI (chemical restraint) as requiredThe following guide and the medication list has been written to answer the most frequently asked questions by disability service providers. The reporting of chemical restraint on the Restrictive Intervention Data System (RIDS) is a requirement of the Disability Act 2006 . the Senior Practitioner is generally responsible for ensuring that the right

Dbh formulary section 6.1.2

Doncaster & Bassetlaw Medicines Formulary Section 6.1.2 Antidiabetic Drugs Gliclazide 80mg Tablets Glimepiride 1mg, 2mg, 3mg and 4mg Tablets Tolbutamide 500mg Tablets Metfomin 500mg and 850mg Tablets Metfomin 500mg, 750mg and 1g MR Tablets Metformin 500mg and 1g Sachets Acarbose 50mg Tablets Dapagliflozin 10mg Tablets Exenatide 5microgram/dose and 10mic


A A working knowledge of the dairy cow’s estrous cycle and its associated hormones can help you improve conception rates and boost reproductive efficiency. The following article outlines the most common reproductive hormones, the role each plays within the estrous cycle and how they relate to REpROduCTIvE HORmOnESDairy cattle reproduction is controlled by multiple hormones which are produce

Equine balanced veterinary care: acupuncture and manipulative therapy

Equine Balanced Veterinary Care: Acupuncture and Manipulative Therapy Barbara Wiborg DVM Gastric (Stomach) Ulcer Fact Sheet for the Horse What are gastric ulcers? Gastric, or stomach, ulcers result from the breakdown of the stomach, or in some cases, intestinal, lining from the production of gastric acids. These acids are imperative to proper digestion, but sometimes if horses are eith

Microsoft word - cv_mingchen_201

CURRICULUM VITAE Feb. Ming Chen Birth: 24th Dec. 1979 Education Background: August.2011--Present: University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA Sept.2007--July.2011: Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Germany Sept.2004--Jul.2007: School of Pharmaceutical sciences, Peking University, Beijing, P.R. China Master of Science in Pharmaceutics, GPA: 3.7/4


NSAIDs for Dog Arthritis User Guides Part 5 – Aspirin Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is an NSAID used often to relieve minor pains, reduce fever, and alleviate inflammation. Aspirin also has an antiplatelet effect, which prevents blood from clotting. Hence, low doses of apirin are administered to people who are at risk of heart attacks and strokes. Currently, aspirin is the most wid


Welcome. Enclosed is the New Patient Packet you have requested. Please fill out the Questionnaires and Medical Information Forms and return it to our office. New patients cannot be seen without this information. Upon receipt of the Packet, we will contact you to make your first appointment. Complete these forms as fully as you can, even if you are not sure of all the answers. The Diagnostic Tests


PHARMACEUTICAL RAW MATERIALSALPHABETICAL LISTINGA-Albendazole AllopurinolAluminum Hydroxide Dried Gel Ambroxol HCL AmoxicillinAmpicillinAmproliumAscorbic AcidAspirinAttapulgiteB-Bromhexine C-Cabosil M-5Calcium CarbonateCalcium ChlorideCalcium GluconateCalcium Lactate FCCCalcium Pantothenate (Vit. B5)Calcium Phosphate DibasicCalcium Stearate FCCCapsuleCarboxymethylcellulose, SodiumCastor Oil, hydro


cardioloog in spreekkamer huisarts Nieuwe kansen met telecardiologie Interview met drs. r.m.j.m. van kuppevelt, huisarts te Zeist, dr. j.j.j. bucx, cardioloog Diakonessenhuis Utrecht, en Pieter jeekel, directeur van telemC D e huidige maatschappelijke en politieke ont- Huisarts Roel van Kuppevelt onderschrijft de efficiëntie wikkelingen zetten de zorgsector aan, op zoek van telecardio

Faltenbehandlung im gesicht

Manuskript des Artikels „Faltenbehandlungen im Gesicht“ von Dr. Hans-Detlef Axmann, erschienen 2005 im Lehrbuch „Plastische Chirurgie. Kopf und Hals“, Kapitel 18, herausgegeben von Robert Hierner und Alfred Berger. Abbildungen und Tabellen fehlen im Manuskript. FALTENBEHANDLUNG IM GESICHT Disposition Einleitung Therapieplanung Analyse Beratung Rechtssicherheit

Microsoft word - sns-t29-00 region 3 naph form -flu.doc

Region 3 Strategic National Stockpile PATIENT MEDICAL HISTORY and CONSENT FORM Please PRINT the Following Information Last Name: _______________________________________ First Name: ___________________________________________ Middle Name: ________________________ Date of Birth: ____/____/____ Age: _______ Gender: M ____ F ____ Mother’s Maiden Name: ____________


stopping a course of medicine as this maycause side effects too. This drug is used principally for epilepsy buthas been shown to be very effective for somecases of the rare condition of paroxysmalnurses and specialists on what you’re takingincluding any over-the-counter remedies aswell as herbal and homeopathic remedies. This is to ensure you are not duplicatingThis is a drug used main


REVOLUÇÃO, COMUNIDADES POLÍTICAS E GOVERNO NACIONAL NOS ESTADOS UNIDOS.  RESUMO : O objetivo deste artigo é, ao localizar a ambiência do de- bate constitucional de 1787, nos Estados Unidos, fazê-lo de modo a retornar às conexões causais que modularam as experiências co-loniais e a produção, a partir da independência, de uma estrutura de poder confederado que, se a princípi


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) All of the following statements concerning digestion are correct except A) The major physical processes in digestion are mixing, softening and grinding of food. B) Different foods are digested by different enzymes. C) The major chemical reaction in digestion is enzyme-catalyzed hydroly


Ask The Plant Groom™ by Dale Groom, The Plant Groom™ QA10 Hi! My son is being transferred to Nigeria. After talking with some of his co-workers that have been there or that are currently there, bugs are a serious problem in the home. Bad enough that everyone is saying everything including paper goods must be placed in metal or plastic sealable containers. He can ship a container full of house

Microsoft word - 18_chp18_2009_book version_formatted.doc

CHAPTER 18 DENTAL PRESCRIBING Alphabetical list of products 18 Introduction 18.1 Joint Formulary recommended DPF drugs 18.3 Respiratory 18.4 Central nervous system 18.5 Infections 18-5 BNF Benzylpenicillin and phenoxymethylpenicillin BNF 5.1.2 Cephalosporins, cephamycins and other beta-lactams 18-5 BNF 5.1.3 Tetracyclines 18.9 Nutrition and blood 18.1


Regione che vai, cura che trovi. L'accesso ai farmaci e la terapia alle prese con la regionalizzazione. Primo dossier diCittadinanzattiva-Tribunale per i diritti del malato Pazienti costretti a fingere o a cambiare Regione di residenza per accedere ad un farmaco che possa migliorare la loroqualità di vita. Non si tratta della trama di un film di fantasia, ma la triste realtà a cui sono sottopo


Dentists on tour, Auvergne, 12. – 17.09.2010• Teil 1: Seniorenmedizin im engeren Sinne Folgende Postenarbeit: Erarbeiten von Hilfsmitteln bringen häufiger Probleme der Wechslwirkung• neurologische Störungen• Immunsuppression• AugenleidenInsuffizienzKranzgefässeVitienRhythmusstörungenTransplantationam häufigsten coronareoder hypertensive CardiopathieBeachte: häufig weitereBeg


New Amsterdam Theatre, New Victory Theater The restoration of two historic theaters not only jump-starts Times Square’s recent revival but also enables theater- goers to revel in the area’s complex architectural history. Top: New Amsterdam Theatre Above: The new theatres, signage and interior detail which face each other across reflect different er


Cytokine Differences in Mature and Immature Human Macrophage Cell Lines J.L. Morgan*, R.E. Singer Procter & Gamble Co., Mason, OH, USA ABSTRACT The goal of this investigation was to contrast the cytokine of macrophages within inflamed gingival tissues may response profiles following LPS activation of mature and influence the balance of the host response to LPS challenge.

Microsoft word - notadoutrinalcatolicospolitica

CONGREGAÇÃO PARA A DOUTRINA DA FÉ NOTA DOUTRINAL sobre algumas questões relativas à participação e comportamento dos católicos na vida política A Congregação para a Doutrina da Fé, ouvido também o parecer do Pontifício Conselho para os Leigos, achou por bem publicar a presente “Nota doutrinal sobre algumas questões relativas à participação e comportamento dos


EXTREME MORINGA ENERGY Zija’s XM+ Energy Mix combines the abundant nutrition of Moringa oleifera with natural energy and performance ingredients to elevate your mood, boost your energy level, and suppress your appetite. These days it’s harder than ever to live a well-balanced life. Sleep schedules, modern diet deficiencies, and stress can lead to physical and INGREDIENTS: Proprie


Value Priorities and Behavior: Applying a Theory of Integrated Value Systems Value Priorities and Behavior: Applying a Theory of Integrated Value Systems Shalom Schwartz * Abstract A major goal of research on values has been to relate individual differences in valuepriorities to differences in attitudes, behavior and background variables. Past researchmost commonly adopted one of two approa

Microsoft word - principios 3.0.doc

Declaración de Principios 3.0 Las tres principales creencias del Partido Pirata son la necesidad de protección de los derechos de los ciudadanos, la voluntad de liberar nuestra cultura, y el entendimiento de que las patentes y los monopolios privados están dañando a la sociedad. La nuestra es una sociedad controlada y bajo vigilancia donde prácticamente todo el mundo está registrado y e


plasmid amplification and purification applications Plasmid propagation and purification of DNAThe product will be shipped in the desiredsolution and at the required concentration,certifications according to its specificationsproduction group that best suits your needsaccording to your application, and the tabletransfection of cellular culture and tissuesbelow to read about the group


J Cosmet Laser Ther 2004; 6: 27–31# J Cosmet Laser Ther. All rights reserved ISSN 1476-4172DOI: 10.1080/14764170410029022Effective epilation of white andblond hair using combinedradiofrequency and optical energyfluences varied from 24 to 30 J/cm2. of Dermatology, University ofOttawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canadathe low intensity of target melanin chromophore in hairfollicles exhibiting the afor


(Affix patient identification label here) Beneficence and Nonmaleficence Neurosurgeon and Spine Surgeon Carpal Tunnel Release A. Interpreter / cultural needs • Redness and peeling of the palm. This usually Uncommon risks and complications include: If yes , is a qualified Interpreter present? • Bleeding can occur and may require a return to the operating room. Bleeding

(microsoft word - durham & darlington ccu pandemic influenza plan - appendix\205)

BACKGROUND TO PANDEMIC INFLUENZA Disease Definitions Seasonal Influenza Ordinary seasonal flu occurs every year, usually during the winter. For most people it is an unpleasant but relatively minor illness. As the virus causing ordinary seasonal flu circulates every year, most people build up some immunity to it, although the virus changes slightly every year. A vaccine is available against the cur


6-8 Weeks Prior to Surgery  Schedule pre-operative testing. This testing should be completed no later than 2-3 weeks prior to the date of surgery to ensure the results are current. This testing will help to ensure that we have not overlooked any serious medical complications with surgery. Pre-operative testing generally consists of a chest x-ray, routine blood testing, and an ECG (ele


POLTIX REPARATIE SET OMSCHRIJVING Poltix Reparatie Set bestaat uit een voorversnelde onverzadigde polyesterhars, tube verharder, glasmat, mengbeker en spatel. VOORNAAMSTE KENMERKEN EN GEBRUIKSDOEL  Geschikt voor kleine reparaties van polyester producten zoals boten, tanks, silo’s, carrosserie KLEUREN EN GLANS BASISGEGEVENS (BIJ 20˚C EN 50% R.V.)

Dictamen 36/2012, solicitado por la excma. sra. consejera de sanidad en relación con la propuesta de orden resolutoria del procedimiento de responsabilidad patrimonial iniciado por la reclamación de indemnización formulada por j.l.r.m., por daños ocasionados como consecuencia del funcionamiento del servicio público sanitario

D I C T A M E N 3 6 / 2 0 1 2 (Sección 2ª) La Laguna, a 20 de enero de 2012. Dictamen solicitado por la Excma. Sra. Consejera de Sanidad en relación con la Propuesta de Orden resolutoria del procedimiento de responsabilidad patrimonial iniciado por la reclamación de indemnización formulada por J.L.R.M., por daños ocasionados como consecuencia del funcionamiento


orteile k nnen angehende Nichtraucher erwarvielfach erhöhte Bronchialkrebsrisiko halbiert sich nachBundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung• haben mehr Geld für andere Dinge und• können besser riechen und schmecken. Nichtraucher-Initiative Deutschland e.V. • Die allmähliche Verschlechterung der chronischen• Die Verschlechterung bereits bestehender Durchblu-Patiententelefo

Uk ibdq

Patient Quality of Life Questionnaire (baseline) PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ON THIS QUESTIONNAIRE. IT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. ALL ANSWERS WILL BE RECORDED BY THE Biobank Suite (rm 244), Grove Building, School of Medicine, Swansea University Swansea University School of Medicine Grove Building Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP Section E: Resource use questionnaire This section is

Mandatory equipment list - hells bells

MANDATORY EQUIPMENT LIST - HELLS BELLS/ FAIRY BELLS As a competitor in the Hells Bells or Fairy Bells, you and your team are required to carry a number of mandatory equipment items with you. The mandatory equipment is divided into two categories, equipment you and your team must carry at ALL times, and equipment you and your team must carry during a specific DISCIPLINE. It is not a list of wh

Org.biomol.chem. 2011, 9 (19), 6506

Chemistry Cite this: Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9 , 6506 COMMUNICATION Base-free two-step synthesis of 1,3-diketones and b-ketoesters from a-diazocarbonyl compounds, trialkylboranes, and aromatic aldehydes†‡ Miguel A. Sanchez-Carmona, David A. Contreras-Cruz and Luis D. Miranda* Received 27th January 2011, Accepted 29th July 2011 DOI: 10.1039/c1ob05150d We describe a conver


PATIENT INFORMATION  Sublingual (under the tongue) and skin allergy testing are done in this office. Allergy testing is a method to test for allergic antibodies. A skin test consists of introducing small amount of the suspected substance, allergen, into the skin and recording the response 20 minutes after application. A positive reaction consists of a wheal (swelling) and flare (surrounding

Reich_list of publications september 201

Original articles in peer reviewed journals 2011 (In Press) Reich K , Schenkel B, Zhao N, Szapary P, Augustin M, Bourcier M, Guenther L, Langley RG. Ustekinumab decreases work limitations, improves work productivity, and reduces work days missed in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis: results from PHOENIX 2. J Dermatolog Treat. 2010 Oct 31. [Epub in Medline ahead of print] 20

Microsoft word - diabetes-indikátorok-nagy.doc

A 2-es típusú diabetes háziorvosi ellátására vonatkozó minőségi indikátorok gyakorlati értéke Dr. Nagy Atilla, Csenteri Orsolya, Szabó Edit, Ungvári Tímea, dr. Sándor (DEOEC, NK, Megelőző Orvostani Intézet) Absztrakt Az Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár (OEP) a háziorvosi szolgáltatók gyógyító-megelőző tevékenységét különböző indikát


Comunicaciones breves / Arch Argent Pediatr 2007; 105(4):333-341 / 339 Comunicaciones breves Varicela y herpes zoster, informe de un caso Dres. Margarita Larralde*, Begoña Gomar* y Horacio Yulitta** Por el buen estado del paciente se decide elSe presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de tres años demanejo ambulatorio con aciclovir a 80 mg/kg/díaedad traído a la consulta

Aok_vgl sartane_aceh-23092010

Bewertung der Sartane im Vergleich zu ACE-Hemmstoffen Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Motz Klinikum Karlsburg Herz- und Diabeteszentrum Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Greifswalder Str. 11 17495 Karlsburg In den letzten 20 Jahren konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Enzym Angiotensin II eine Schlüsselrol e bei der arteriel en Hypertonie und der Herzinsuffizienz spielt. Eine Hemmung der Konversion von Angiotensin I

Oebl_2012-02 49.96

Herausgeber Österreichische Vereinigung für gewerblichen RechtsschutzRedaktion und Schriftleitung Lothar Wiltschek, Helmut Gamerith,Werbung oder Noch-nicht-Werbung?Walter Brugger £ 52Nokia/Philips, Nokia Martin Reinisch £ 55Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp vs DPMA Adolf Zemann £ 56Schnellstarterprämien – Keine Beden-ken gegen die Verfassungsmäßigkeitdes § 9 a Abs 1 Z 2 UWGIvo Rungg/Mar

Microsoft word - list of pio apio.doc

Name designation and other particulars of Central Public Information Officers, Central Assistant Public Information Officers and First Appellate authority [Section 4(1)(b)(xvi) & 19] List of Central Public Information officer S.No. Designation of the Postal address Telephone/ e-mail address Name of office officer designated Sri P.K. Sarkar, Director Director o


Was hilft dem Kind die Kunst in seiner Not? Referat zum VII. Forum der IFDA unter dem Motto „What could unfold phenomenology in the field of psychotherapy? mit den Schwerpunkten: 1. art, 2. childhood, 3. awareness and existence Dieser Vortrag ist meinem verehrten Lehrer Herrn Professor Dr. F.-W. von Herrmann, dem Hauptherausgeber der Heidegger- Gesamtausgabe, zu seinem 75. Gebu


Äußere Zahnverfärbungen sind Auflagerungen auf dem Zahn. Diese treten nach dem Genuss von Kaffee, Tee, manchen Wein-sorten und Tabak auf. Auch manche Medika-mente oder Chlorhexidin können zu Verfärbungen führen. Diese Verfärbungen müssen meistens nicht gebleicht werden, da fast immer der Einsatz von Pulverstrahlgeräten oder auch nur das Eine Mundhygienesitzung vor dem Bleic


HINTERGRUND Die „Anstalt für Irre und Epileptische“ auf dem Affenberg (Bild) – das Vorgängerinstitut der heutigen Klinik für Psychiatrie des Uniklinikums Frankfurt. Erwachen Das Uniklinikum Frankfurt feuert seinen hoch-ihnen unter anderem Räume und Arbeitsmittel entzogen und gelobten Psychiatrie-Leiter. Diesem wird vorge-gedroht, Verträge nicht zu verlängern, wenn s


________________________________________________________________________ Department of Otorhinolaryngology Oren Friedman, M.D. Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty Patient Instructions Pre-operative instructions:  Please discontinue the following medications two weeks before your planned procedure as they increase the risk of bleeding: o Aspirin or aspirin-containing products (Excedrin


SAFETY DATA SHEET (EC REGULATION No 1907/2006 )Name: OPUS GEL DE LASURE INCOLORE - 119 880000 SAFETY DATA SHEET 1 - IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of the substance or preparation: Company/undertaking identification: Address: 4 Rue Léon Talmy. Les Essarts.27290.PONT AUTHOU.FRANCE. Telephone: 02 32 43 74 00. Fax:02 32 43 74


Dentistry (Vol 2, No 1, 2010) www.dentistryindia.in Bleaching and Caries Control in Elderly Patients Professor Van Haywood examines the role of bleaching in the older patient and how it relates to caries Bleaching teeth with carbamide the staining is a detriment to use. than hydrogen peroxide, since the urea strep mutans, one option is to both clean peroxide in a custom tray is I

Stellungnahme festbeträge _cipralex_

Stellungnahme des DBSH NRW zum Thema Festbetrag für das Medikament Cipralex Depressive Erkrankungen sind als neue Volkskrankheit in aller Munde. Einige Krankenkassen beklagen den Anstieg von Fehlzeiten, die auf psychische Erkrankungen zurückzuführen sind. Gleichzeitig verzeichnet die Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) in ihrem Gesundheitsreport 2010 eine Steigerung des Medikamentenkonsum

June 22, 2009

New Journals from the Resource Centre for September 2011 The Resource Centre is open to the public Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. Books, videos and DVDs are available for loan. Reference materials and journals are not available for loan, but can be photocopied free of charge. For a complete listing of items in our collection, as well as an extensive list of online materials in over 70 lang




P R E S S E M I T T E I L U N G Forschungspreis für artgemäße Nutztierhaltung vergeben IN Internationale Gesellschaft für Nutztierhaltung München, im November 2006 – Die Internationale Gesellschaft für Nutztier-haltung (IGN) hat am 23. November 2006 zum vierten Mal ihren mit insgesamt Forschungspreis 9.000 Euro dotierten Forschungspreis für artgerechte Nutztierhaltung vergeb

Microsoft word - proplushandout_new.doc

“PRO PLUS” TOPICAL ANESTHETIC “PRO PLUS” TOPICAL ANESTHETIC For Use by Licensed Professionals Only. For Use by Licensed Professionals Only. This pre-deadener was developed by a pharmacist familiar with our industries. This pre-deadener was developed by a pharmacist familiar with our industries. Previous versions of this anesthetic have been used successfully for y

How to look after someone with h1n1 flu virus

LOOKING AFTER SOMEONE AT HOME WITH H1N1 FLU VIRUS Note: This guidance document is being provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada in response to the recent outbreak of H1N1 flu virus (human swine flu) in Canada. This guidance has been developed to assist people in caring for someone at home who is recuperating from the virus. This guidance is based on current available scientific evid

Addiction treatment forum - does methadone maintenance treatment affect heart health?

A D D I C T I O N T R E A T M E N T Does Methadone Maintenance Treatment Affect Heart Health? Overview Many factors can upset normal heart rhythm, provoking distur-bances known as cardiac arrhythmias. Recent warnings aboutLAAM in that regard also raised questions about whethermethadone might influence cardiac adverse events. Persons coming into methadone maintenance treatment(


Films of brookite TiO2 nanorods/nanoparticles deposited by MAPLE asA. P. Caricato, M.Cesaria,G. Leggieri, A. Luches, M. MartinoDipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a del Salento, ItalyThe ability to reveal trace amount of NO2 is ofinto a vacuum chamber on a target holder, whileprimary importance for detecting explosives, suchbeing cooled with liquid nitrogen to maintain aas EGDN, TNT, PETN, R

(microsoft word - kliniske retningslinier tobak og alkoholintervention f\370r kirurgi.doc)

Tobak og alkoholintervention før operation Tobak og alkoholintervention før operation Udarbejdet af en arbejdsgruppe under DASAIM og Kirurgisk Forum: Hanne Tønnesen Per Rotbøl Nielsen Jes Bruun Lauritzen Tobak og alkoholintervention før operation Indholdsfortegnelse Sådan gør man / actioncard Samlede anbefalinger 3.4. Intervention ved skadeligt / afhængigt alkoholmisbrug 3.5.

Microsoft word - new vein patient questionnaire rev 1.docx

Name __________________________ Date of Birth ______________ Date _____________ Age _______ Gender Male Female Were you referred to us by your doctor? Yes No Doctor’s name: _______________________ If your answer was no then how did you hear about us? _________________________________ Tell Us About Your Vein Problems: Describe the problems you have with your legs and/or veins: __________________

Microsoft word - applied veterinary photonic therapy.doc

Applied Veterinary Photonic Therapy I was introduced to photonic therapy when Dr. Brian McLaren, an Australian veterinarian, spoke at a Central Oklahoma Veterinary Association meeting in the fall of 2001. I was not looking to use it as a treatment modality, but realized if just a portion of what he was saying was true, I needed to learn more. Therefore, I invited Dr. McLaren to my clinic wher


3. FITTING THE GATEWAY HARNESS 4. CONNECTION When you have tested everything, refit your head unit. Take care not to trap any wires or the Dension Once the head unit has been removed, disconnect the The below diagram depicts how the different modules product . We supply cable ties to mount the Gateway antenna cable (1) and then unclip the main wiring Five module. Pleas


Jeff Schneider Associate Research Professor Robotics Institute School of Computer Science August 31, 2007 (3:30pm) Research Topic Machine learning Research Problem Can machine learning techniques be used to make the drug development process more efficient? Problem Statement Given behavioral data gathered from animal trials on specific drug compounds, construct a learning agent t

Microsoft word - document

WHAT IS IT? Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease. Approximately 1 percent of the population develops schizophrenia during their lifetime – more than 2 million Americans suffer from the illness in a given year. Although schizophrenia affects men and women with equal frequency, the disorder often appears earlier in men, usually in the late teens or early twenties, than i

Standard resume

David Esposito EspositoADavid@gmail.com Objective: Employment with a cutting edge, dynamic company with room for creativity and opportunity for promotion, allowing use of software engineering, systems design and testing skills while utilizing an expert understanding of hardware and code optimization. Education: Georgia Institute of Technology 2010 – 2012 Double major in


PATTERN RECOGNITION AND APPLICATIONSGROUP AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CAGLIARIF. Roli, G. Giacinto, L. Didaci, G. Fumera, G.L. MarcialisDept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Univ. of CagliariPiazza d’Armi, 09123 Cagliari, Italy{roli, giacinto, luca.didaci, fumera, marcialis}@diee.unica.itIn this contribution the research activities carried out during the years 2008–2010by the Pattern Rec


Product information - Pigs and Chickens Summary of Product Characteristic Use during pregnancy and lactation Overdose Because doxycycline is highly lipid soluble, Qualitative and quantitative composition Doxycycline has a low affinity for forming it has a good tissue penetration. Respiratory 1 g of powder contains: Active substance:recommended dose resulted in no clinical signs

Microsoft word - fnutrients

F, NUTR_DEF 2011.08.29 2011.07.25 FNUTRDEF.PRG #146 NUTR_NO,UNITS,TAGNAME, NUTRDESC, .num_dec , SR_ORDER You may select any of these nutrients for research purposes The values will be as per the USAD REL 24 TABLES 203 , g PROCNT PROTEIN .2 ,600 204 , g FAT TOTAL LIPID (FAT) .2 ,800 205 , g CHOCDF CARBOHYDRATE, BY DIFFERENCE .2 ,1100 207 , g ASH ASH .2 ,1000 208 , kcal ENERC_KCAL ENERGY .0 ,300 20


Chinesische Arzneitherapie bei bipolarer Psychose Zhang ZJ, Kang WH, Tan QR et al. Adjunctive herbal medicine with carbamazepine for bipolar disorders: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. J Psychiatr Res. 2007;41(3-4):360-9 Gegenstand Die Autoren führen aus, dass die Ansprechrate auf die üblichen Medikamente zur Behandlung der bipolaren Psychose bzw. manisch-depre


New Extracorporeal Vacuum-Assisted Device to Optimize Cardiopulmonary By-pass: preliminary result of multicentric study Seanne AZZOLINA, MS ECCP*, Antonio PETRALIA, MS ECCP**,Andrea CAVALLUCCI, CCP**, Claudio COSTANTINI, MD***, Giuseppe SPEZIALE, MD***, Mauro LAMARRA, MD** *The Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Maria Beatrice Hospital, Firenze Italy **The Department of C


diisopropylphenol) is rare. We report a case of a 26-year-oldmale nurse in which autopsy showed unspecific signs of in-toxication. Criminological evidence pointed towards propofolabuse and/or overdose. Intravenously administered propofolis a fast as well as short acting narcotic agent. Therefore itseemed questionable whether the deceased was able to self-administer a lethal overdose before lo


When Abortion Fails Occasionally abortion fails, especially when it is druginduced. When this happens, either a second D&C or a moreserious surgery may be attempted. The other alternative is adecision to continue the pregnancy and give birth to thebaby. In the case of “selective reduction” where only somefetuses are aborted from a multiple pregnancy (usually theresult of fertility treat

Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft gesundheit und soziales nrw

Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Gesundheit und Soziales NRW Protokoll LAG Gesundheit und Soziales Termin: Samstag,22.09.2012.2012 11:00 – 16:30 UhrOrt: LINKES Zentrum Oberhausen, Elsässer Str. 19, 46045 Oberhausen Teilnehmer/innen Vili Baßnik , Elke Eisenburger, Peter Esser, Rolf Fahnenbruck , Sylvia von Höfen, Rolf Kohn, Werner Rejek, Gast: Angela Spelsberg, Vorstandsmitglied bei Tran

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Microsoft word - total_mastectomy.doc

You have been found to have an early cancer in the breast that has been recommended to be removed. Either mastectomy has been recommended or you have chosen to have that procedure. The breast will be removed and two drains will be placed to collect any fluid the body makes during the healing process. Here’s what to expect : Morning of surgery: Please check-in at the place and time Patricia has a


From Psychological Theory to Message Design Lessons From the Story of Gain-Framed and Loss-Framed Persuasive Messages INTRODUCTION There is a natural connection between conceptions of psychological functioning and implications for the design of effective persuasive messages. Historically, one need only think of the relationship between 18th-century faculty psycho-logy and the

1) the bacterial enzymes that inactivate penicillins and cephalosporins are

Dental Pharmacology 2006 March 2, 2006 M.E. Maguire INSTRUCTIONS There are 40 questions on this exam. Please use pencil on the answer sheet. Turn in the answer sheet. KEEP the exam. BONUS questions at the end of the exam. You are NOT required to answer these. If you answer them, nothing will be deducted for a wrong answer. However, if you answer correctly, I will use t


D r i t t b e s c h w e r d e g e g e n a r z n e i m i t t e l r e c h t l i c h e Z u l a s s u n g e nDrittbeschwerde gegen arzneimittelrechtliche Zulassungennung über die Arzneimittel (VAM; SR 812.212.21), derArzneimittel-Zulassungsverordnung (AMZV; SR 812.212. 22) und in der Verordnung über die vereinfachte Zulassungund Meldepflicht von Arzneimittel (VAZV; SR 812.212.23)geregelt. Am En


Borreliose “Zweite Zeckenkrankheit”, Lyme Disease, Erythema Migrans, Meningoplyneuritis Garin Bujadoux Bannwarth, Borrelienarthritis, Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans Herxheimer, Lymphozytom Erreger: Borrelia Burgdorferi sensu lato, Bakterien verschiedener Spezies Übertragung: Durch Zecken. Als Reservoir gelten Nagetiere und Vögel. Die Infektionswahrscheinlichkeit stei


Fiche de données de sécurité selon 1907/2006/CE, Article 31 1 Identification de la substance/préparation et de la société/entreprise · Identification de la substance ou de la préparation · Nom du produit: AH Plus Paste A · Emploi de la substance / de la préparation: matériau d'obturation canalaire · Producteur/fournisseur : DENTSPLY DeTrey GmbHDe-Tre

Caderno de gds

Estudo dirigido - Obesidade - 2010 - Prof. Flávio Chaimowicz - Faculdade de Medicina - UFMG ESTUDO DIRIGIDO - OBESIDADE 1 ANÁLISE DE TEXTOS Leia inicialmente o trecho abaixo, retirado da publicação do National Institute of Health, dos Estados Unidos: “ Practical Guide to the Identification, Evaluation and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults ”. A versão você tamb

Microsoft word - mukhtar_s_haider-cv-dec09.doc

Mukhtar S Haider, MD 103 Laconia Street • Lexington, MA 02420 • Home: 1-781-652-9539 • Cell: 1-609-775-7756 mukhtar-haider@hotmail.com Professional Overview: Seasoned Pharmaceutical business professional with successful track record, with 19 years of Sales, Marketing and General Management experience in several strategic global Pharmaceutical markets including As


IMPACT OF THERMAL STRESS AND HIGH VPD ON GAS EXCHANGE AND CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE OF CITRUS GRANDIS UNDER DESERT CONDITIONS M. Veste Development Yotvata Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Additional index words: photosynthesis, photoinhibition, heat stress, temperature Abstract The photosynthetic response of Citrus grandis to high light intensities, low air humidity and high tempera

Microsoft word - augmentation par implants prothétiques_consignes_dr_binder.doc

« PLASTIE MAMMAIRE D’AUGMENTATION PAR IMPLANTS PROTHETIQUES» Traitements médicaux : • Un traitement antalgique de base (PARACETAMOL) vous a été prescrit, il doit être pris de façon systématique pendant 10 jours. Un traitement antalgique plus puissant (TRAMADOL) est nécessaire pendant 48 heures ou plus suivant l’intensité des douleurs. • Un myorelaxant (TETRAZEPAM) est

Travel logistics guide - aug 2008

Information for Link Travellers This advice is based on the experiences of Link travellers to Sekondi-Takoradi (ST). The guide is writtenby Dudley Tolkien, updated from his last visit in April 2008, supplemented by contributions from othertravellers as shown. Observations made are from the author's personal experiences, and other travellersmay have a different take on some items. Contents 5

Microsoft word - preparation split movi-prep.docx

  PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR  COLONOSCOPY with SPLIT‐DOSE Movi‐Prep    Do you have QUESTIONS or PROBLEMS completing the instructions? Call: 206‐242‐1300  Appointment date: ____________  Appointment time: ____________  Location: _____________    BEFORE the procedure:  Arrange a ride: you will be given medicine that makes you relax and be sleepy,

Arizona head, neck & facial surgery / arizona sinus center

Post-operative Instructions Following Rhinoplasty Early healing of the nose depends upon how well you take care of yourself after surgery. Please review the following instructions before surgery and ask about anything that is not clear. General: Rhinoplasty is performed as an outpatient procedure. If you have other medical conditions such as sleep apnea, you may spend one night i

Davao medical school foundation

DAVAO MEDICAL SCHOOL FOUNDATION Second Year Curriculum of the College of Medicine – SY 2011 – 2012 MONDAY Oct. 31, 2011 TUESDAY Nov. 1, 2011 WEDNESDAY Nov. 2, 2011 THURSDAY Nov. 3, 2011 FRIDAY Nov. 4, 2011 GENERAL PATHOLOGY LEC. 8:00 – 10:00 A.M. GENERAL PATHOLOGY LAB GENERAL PATHOLOGY LAB 10:00 - 12:00 NN 12:00 – 1:00 P.M. PHARMACOLOGY LEC. 1:00 –

Questionnaire 2003 finlande.doc

Interactions between national housing policies and legislation, directives, initiatives, programmes and decisions of the European Union An overview for the 15th EU Housing Ministers Conference, to be held in Italy, Rome from 30-31 October 2003 COUNTRY : FINLAND Person responsible for the questionnaire Contact person Ministry / organisation: Ministry of theEnvironmentAddr


Jon Geir Høyersten Sinnslidelsenes historie – noen temaer og tablåer Psykiatriens historie er en broket historie med mange beretninger om galskap og melankoli. Folkelige tradisjoner for forståelse og hjelp har gått parallelt med en vitenskapelig tilnærming. Det skyld- og skambelagte omkring psykiske lidelser har gått igjen. Fokuseringen på psykiatrien som en eneste lang histor

Microsoft word - 25 veelgestelde vragen over mangosteen

25 Veelgestelde Vragen over Mangosteen en de Antwoorden door J.F. Templeman, M.D. (arts) Deskundige Antwoorden op Medische Vragen Mangosteen en Gezondheid: Uw Vragen Beantwoord Naarmate de populariteit en het gebruik van de mangosteenvrucht verder toenemen, groeit ook de behoefte aan antwoorden op vragen over de vrucht. Dagelijks ontvang ik vele vragen en een groot aantal da

Member medical form.xls

For Wheelchair Sports Victoria programs involving participants aged 20 years of age or younger. PERSONAL INFORMATION DISABILITY INFORMATION MEDICATIONS Please list all medication taken regularly or currently being taken: Medication Times Taken Would you prefer that the medication is kept and administered by the appointed Program Nurse…? NOTE: If participant needs a reminder t


Diet and Warfarin (Coumadin) If your doctor has prescribed warfarin (Coumadin), there are some foods that can affect the way warfarin works in your body. These include foods with high amounts of vitamin K, cranberries, alcohol and some herbs. Foods with Vitamin K The amount of vitamin K in your diet can affect the amount (dose) of warfarin you need to take. Your medicine dose must be b

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Diplomate, American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery GENERAL POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS We are committed to providing the same quality of care following procedures that began during your initial visit. To that end, please refer to some general postoperative guidelines below, and by all means, CALL at any hour of any day to report any continuing problem. 1. FLUID AND FOOD INTAKE IS

Using the microchip endurance predictive software

Using Endurance Predictive Software Using the Microchip Endurance Predictive Software INTRODUCTION TOTAL ENDURANCE PREDICTIVE SOFTWARE Endurance, as it applies to non-volatile memory, refersto the number of times an individual memory cell can beThe predictive software described here originally waserased and/or written (some architectures do not erasebeing developed as a tool for det

Xpp-pdf support utility

PATENT, TRADEMARK & COPYRIGHT ! Reproduced with permission from BNA’s Patent,Trademark11/20/09, 11/20/2009. Copyright ஽ 2009 by The Bu-reau of National Affairs, Inc. (800-372-1033) http://www.bna.comAs the patent community anticipates a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on subjectmatter patentability, recent rulings by the Federal Circuit and the Board of Patent Appealsand Inter


SPECIFICITE ET APPROCHES METHODOLOGIQUES EN PEDIATRIE NUCLEAIRE M. GUYOT, Hôpital Pellegrin, Bordeaux E. OUHAYOUN, Hôpital Purpan, Toulouse I) Introduction En quoi la pédiatrie nucléaire doit-elle être considérée comme une spécialité à part entière de la médecine nucléaire (au même titre que la radio-pédiatrie), et non comme la simple adaptation à l’

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PRESCRIPTION DRUG RIDER This Prescription Drug Rider (“Rider”) is made a part of Coventry Health and Life Insurance Company’s Certificate of Coverage (“COC”). The benefits provided by this Rider become effective on the date Coverage under the COC is effective. PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFITS Subject to the terms, conditions and scope of coverage, including all Exclusions, Limitati


PGD-CET 2014 QUESTION BOOKLET Day and Date : Sunday, 5th January, 2014 Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Time: 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Total Marks : 100 This is to certify that, the entries of PGD-CET Roll No. and Answer Sheet No. have been correctly Instructions to Candidates 1. The Question Booklet has one seal sticker. Examinee should open the seal at 10.00 a.m. 2. This questio


50 Jahre „Pille“: Die andere Bilanz Yasmin-Opfer: Bewegende Reden in BAYER- Hauptversammlung Felicitas Rohrer und Kathrin Weigele erlitten nach der Einnahme von Antibaby-Pil en schwere Lungenembolien und bleibende Gesundheits-Schäden. Beide sprachen in der gestrigen BAYER-Hauptversammlung und lösten bei den rund 3000 Aktionären große Betroffenheit aus. Felicitas Rohrer: „Ich h


WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE Patient Name: _________________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________ The following information is very important to your health. Please take time to fully and completely fill out these forms. Important decisions are based on this information. Weight Loss History: Please check the appropriate boxes and add notes as needed


DEVORE DERMATOLOGY, P.A. ESTHETIC SERVICES OFFERED BY: VICKY CARTER, L.E. Licensed Esthetician MICRODERMABRASIONS Microdermabrasions are one of the most frequently sought after non-surgical, non-invasive skin care treatments available. It is now one of the most popular procedures for: *Reducing fine lines and minor scars *Treating acne blemishes *Removing sun and age s

A good habitat.

A Good Habitat… ♦ provides food, water and shelter for a variety of native wildlife species ♦ incorporates the use of native plants in the landscape plan ♦ takes into account that plants and animals are interrelated in a complex food web You can create or improve a SCHOOLYARD HABITAT by incorporating these main “ingredients”…. NATIVE SHRUBS AND TREES that provide food and co

Boston schoolmed

BOSTON SCHOOL FOREST REGISTRATION HEALTH FORM Youth organizations using the school forest must use this form. This health information must be on file at the school forest during the time that the group is using the facility. This form must be kept by the youth group leader for 2 years. Name __________________________________ Age ____________ Phone _____________________ Address ____


DISCOVERY ADVENTURES P.O. BOX 31 GLOUCESTER, MA 01930 (978) 283-3320Child’s Name __________________________________________Age ___Ht___Wt___ Sex:M FName of Parent or Guardian ______________________________________________________________ Home Address __________________________________________________________________________ Phone (home) ____________________(work) _______________________(cell

Microsoft word - doc_vitamind_201204.docx

VITAMIN D THE SUNSHINE HORMONE! So, what’s all the buzz about vitamin D??? Truth is vitamin D is in a class all by itself! When your body metabolizes vitamin D it produces “calcitriol”, a seco-steroid hormone that targets over 2,000 genes in the human body. The current research indicates vitamin D deficiency as a major factor in the pathology of at least 17 varieties of Cancer


Treatment of acute diarrhoea Diarrhoeal diseases are the second leading cause of morbidity and mortality around the globe. The complexity of the disorder probably starts with its definition [ there are atleast 10 types of definition in the literature] . A practical and working definition would be , “ a decrease in consistency[ semi-solid to watery] and an increase in the frequency of bo


Genovate BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Jen Chen, PhD, General Manager Industry Biotechnology Computer Semiconductor Software Maturity Maturing Middle aged Middle aged Technology intense/ Technology intense/ Technology intense/ Technology intense/ R&D critical R&D critical R&D critical R&D critical Regulation Heavily regulated Unr

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previously charged with Cu ions. Column is washed and AOAC Official Method 995.04 tetracyclines are specifically eluted with buffer containing EDTA. Multiple Tetracycline Residues in Milk Eluate is ultrafiltered to remove remaining protein and filtrate is in- Metal Chelate Affinity-Liquid Chromatographic Method jected onto LC column. Tetracyclines are adsorbed and concentrated First Act

Rescources for emergency animal care

RESCOURCES FOR EMERGENCY ANIMAL CARE Supplies and Equipment The following is a list of basic supplies and equipment that may be useful – to be procured, delivered, maintained, stored, used, and replenished – for emergency animal care. Essentials ( □ ) are listed first, followed by items that are more rarely necessary (○). Specific disasters may require yet more specialized e


BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 4 --------------------------------------------------------- 5 PUBLIC HEARING TO DISCUSS CURRENT LAWS, REGULATIONS, PROCEDURES AND SCIENCE BEHIND BLASTING OPERATIONS AT COAL 7 --------------------------------------------------------- 11 Transcript of Hearing Proceedings in the above- 12 entitled matter before the Department of Environmental


60 years old, retired doctor, chief physiciansJan stares intensely at his daughter Louise. They are in a big empty room. Here it will unfold. Hanne stands between them. They don’t look at her. Not yet. She speaks to both of them but they don’t listen. Not yet, but soon, when truths will come to light they will look at her and listen. Louise looks scared. She better be. She knows it’s not


Treatment Agreement for:  Interferon/Ribavirin Therapy Interferon is given by injection under the skin, and some local pain or redness may occur at the site of the injection.  The most common side effects of interferon are flu-like symptoms , especially fever, fatigue, chills, nausea, headache, poor appetite, and muscle and joint pains.  These symptoms usually begin to occur two-eight h


12405 Venice Blvd #317 Los Angeles, CA 90066TTO, P significantly improved between Clavamox and butorphanol. A/O CCT for both. Consider changing to oral butorphanol. O has appt with Dr. Zimmerman at AVCC for cardio consult tomorrow. 12405 Venice Blvd #317 Los Angeles, CA 90066Other P in household may also be coughing or reverse sneezing. O concerned that other P may have carried an transmit

Microsoft word - programma chimica farmaceutica

(Dr. A. Nuvole, Dr. G. Murineddu. Dr.ssa B. Asproni) La chimica farmaceutica: origini, sviluppo e futuro. Classificazione e denominazione dei farmaci. • metodi empirici (serendipity, me too drugs, random screening, screening esaustivo, sintesi combinatoriale, composti di origine naturale, medicina popolare, amplificazione di effetti secondari, intermedi di sintesi) • razionali (conoscenza

Piedmont reproductive endocrinology group (preg)

PIEDMONT REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY GROUP (PREG) 17 Caledon Court Suite C, Greenville SC 29615 864-232-PREG (7734) NEW PATIENT INFORMATION FACT SHEET To all women attempting to conceive, it is recommend by our office and by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG): • To be on a prenatal vitamin or a multivitamin with at least 400 micrograms of • Discont


Publikationsverzeichnis Dr. Thomas Schenk Dr. THOMAS SCHENK A) Originalarbeiten 1. Schenk TM. Vom richtigen Zeitpunkt: Die Entscheidung zur Imago hominis. 2003;10:29-35 2. Schenk TM, Keyhani A, Bottcher S, Kliche KO, Goodacre A, Guo JQ, Arlinghaus RB, Kantarjian HM, Andreeff M. Multilineage involvement of Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia

Microsoft word - travel advice pack april 2012.rtf

RG25 3DU Tel 01256 770212 Fax 01256 771581 TRAVEL HEALTH SERVICE FOR PATIENTS Travel Clinics are available at Overton Surgery only: These clinics offer:- • Travel Health Advice • Immunisations • Private prescriptions for anti-malarial medication Please read this travel advice pack before you travel. If you would like to use our service please complete and return the Travel Ri


A healthy sexual relationship is one of life’s expectations and pleasures. When things go wrong, whether or not we have diabetes, many of us fi nd it hard to accept that there might be a problem that may need to be treated. It’s important to know this isn’t something you need to face alone as there is a great deal of available support. Does diabetes cause sexual problems?While most peo

Christmas activation t&c

DBS. Living, Breathing Asia TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CHRISTMAS “EYE-POPPING PICTURE” CONTEST (“the Contest”) This promotion is organised by DBS Bank Ltd (“DBS”). By participating in this Contest, you agree that: A. Eligibility 1. Only Qualifying Participants are eligible for this Contest. To be a “Qualifying Participant”, you must:(a) be a Singapore citizen or person ordi

2011 topical corticoster

C L I N I C A L A N D L A B O R A T O R Y I N V E S T I G A T I O N STopical corticosteroid phobia in atopic dermatitis: a studyof its nature, origins and frequencyH. Aubert-Wastiaux, L. Moret,* A. Le Rhun,* A.M. Fontenoy,* J.M. Nguyen,* C. Leux,* L. Misery,  P. Young,àM. Chastaing,  N. Danou,§ P. Lombrail,* F. Boralevi,– J.P. Lacour,** J. Mazereeuw-Hautier,   J.-F. Stalder andS. Barbarot


MIAMI BEACH, Fla., September 21, 2011 — Four years ahead of scheduled human trials, Divine Skin Inc. (DSKX) has announced the release of the first topical hair-growth treatment based on astressin-B, a peptide newly discovered to regrow hair on bald mice. Divine Skin becomes the first biotech developer to synthesize and commercialize the peptide for human use in a cosmetic product, to be marke


2012 HCPCS Alpha-Numeric Index 1 A Abatacept, J0129 Abciximab, J0130 Abdomen dressing holder/binder, A4462 pad, low profile, L1270 Abduction control, each, L2624 Abduction rotation bar, foot, L3140-L3170 AbobotulinumtoxintypeA, J0586 Absorption dressing, A6251-A6256 Access system, A4301 Accessories ambulation devices, E0153-E0159 artificial kidney and machine (see also ESRD)


Early Release TABLE 2. Drug therapy for treatment and chronic maintenance therapy of AIDS-associated opportunistic infections in adults and adolescents Preferred therapy, duration of therapy, Opportunistic infection chronic maintenance Alternative therapy Other options/issues Preferred treatment for moderate to severe Alternative therapy for moderate to severe Indica


Dierenkliniek Goeree Overflakkee De teksten van onze artikelen worden geschreven aan de hand van wetenschappelijke literatuur, maar ook op basis van onze eigen inzichten en ervaringen. Daarom kan de informatie voor een deel afwijken van de gangbare literatuur Antibiotica Antibiotica worden veel gebruikt in de (dier)geneeskunde. Antibiotica zijn dan ook niet meer weg te denken u

Filaggrin gene variants and atopic diseases in early childhood assessed longitudinally from birth

Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010: 21: 954–961Filaggrin gene variants and atopic diseases inearly childhood assessed longitudinally frombirthBønnelykke K, Pipper CB, Tavendale R, Palmer CNA, Bisgaard H. Filaggrin gene variants and atopic diseases in early childhood assessedPipper1, Roger Tavendale2, Colin N. A. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010: 21: 954–961. 1Copenhagen Studies on Asthma in Child


STUDENT HEALTH RECORD FOR REGISTRATION Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ M FDate of birth _______________________________ Grade entering this year ______________________________Parent’s/Guardian’s name _____________________________________________________________________________________________Address ______________

Birthdate: october 9, 1965

CURRICULUM VITAE Anders B. Andersen 18910 Bothell-Everett Hwy, #N3, Bothell, WA 98012 EDUCATION M.A. Mental Health Counseling , Argosy University, Seattle, WA. (2007) M.A. Psychology , University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. (1993) B.S. Psychology , University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. (1988) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE / EMPLOYMENT Mental Health Therapist (2008 – Present) S


Solving your animal health problems Dairy Parlour Check List DenVet Products Specials The dairy Warm wet conditions favour bacterial growthUse as little water as possible prior to and during milkingPrevent bacterial build-up if milk is spil ed. Thoroughly clean. Water used in the cleaning process or washing udders must be potable. Water with a too high bacterial count in unsuit

Shingles and shingles vaccine final.html

Shingles and Shingles Vaccine Shingles is a painful rash that occurs as you age. One in two people who live to age 85 willget shingles. It all starts with the chicken pox virus that you had as a child. You neverreally get rid of the virus, but it lives dormant in the nerves of the spine. Your immunesystem is able to keep the virus confined to the nerves and you have no idea that it isthere. A


No. 94 (Updated September 2008) PREVENTING AND MANAGING MEDICATION-RELATED WEIGHT GAIN Psychiatric medications can be very helpful, even life-saving, for some children and adolescents. However, some of these medications may lead to weight gain. The antipsychotic medications, in particular, have also been associated with problems controlling blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerid


Mucosalpreservationiscriticaltosuccessintreatmentofnasalobstructionsecondarytoturbinate hypertrophy. Since hypertrophy is most often secondary to submucosal and non-osseous factors including hypervascularity and submucosal soft tissue excess, BipolarRadiofrequency Turbinate Ablation (RFTA) represents a highly effective, rapid, and well-tolerated techniquethat can be done both i


Risperdal Lawsuits Risperidone; Patent expired June 29, 2008. Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (formerly Janssen Pharmaceutical, Inc.) The abnormal development of breasts in males. Swelling of the breast tissue in males. Caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Can effect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly. Symptoms in


QuickScreen  Methadone Test (RAP-3006) Revised 28 Apr. 2011 rm (Vers. 2.1) IVD Please use only the valid version of the package insert provided with the kit. Intended Use The QuickScreen One Step Methadone Screening Test is a rapid, qualitative immunoassay for the detection of Methadone in urine. The cutoff concentration for this test is 300 ng/mL. This assay is intende


OKA813 NP176 News 13 stew 22/11/00 12:07 PM Page 3 National Prescribing Service Newsletter 13 2000 ISSN 1441-7421 December 00 What is polypharmacy? Polypharmacy is the concurrent use of multiple medications. It can be associated with the prescription and use of too many or unnecessary medicines at dosages or frequencies higher than therapeutically essential. However, multiple medications

Microsoft word - leask.doc

Evolutionary Change within the UK Pharmaceutical Industry: A Cladist Approach. Graham Leask Aston Business School Aston University Draft Paper to be presented at DRUID January 2002 Abstract This paper seeks to examine the effect of a decade of rapid change within the UK Healthcare environment upon Pharmaceutical Companies. Between 1990 and 1999 the UK Pharmaceutical

Landmarks editorial

EDITORIAL science and trust in the public arena picked up a bottle of echinacea, an herbal remedy purported tocure upper respiratory infections. For several days I religiously swallowed the recommendeddosage. By the fifth day, I felt worse. As I struggled to concentrateon work, I took a break by Googling echinacea to look for reportsof its effectiveness. I discovered echinacea has bee

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Sivert Eriksson, Mollaryd Ekliden, 524 95 Ljung (son) Agnetha Eriksson, Vintergatan 35, 504 60 Borås (dotter) distriktsläkaren Staffan Svedberg, Vårdcentralen Herrljunga, Horsbyvägen 10, 524 32 Herrljunga NN Filip Eriksson XX, född den 30 mars 1928 och avliden, hade Parkinsons sjukdom och polymyalgia rheumatica. Den 14 december 2004 sökte han Staffan Svedberg dr NN. Han berättade då o

Microsoft word - january 05 osteoporosis

VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 In Good Hands A Free Monthly Newsletter For The Friends and Patients of: Dr. C.J. Valenti “The AmazingWeight Loss Secret Of The South African Bushman Finally Stumbled Upon After Thousands of Years…” estlake- Ever wanted to just take a pill and shed a “Eat that – and you will never be W fewofthoseextrapoundsyou’vegothangin’ hungry or thirsty a

Microsoft word - new patient questionnaire2.doc

Date:_____________ Name:_______________________________________ Age/DOB____________ Marital Status: Single______ Married ______ Prior Marriage: Wife______ Husband ______ Referred by:_________________________________________________________________________ I. OBSTETRICAL HISTORY II. FERTILITY HISTORY How many years have you been attempting pregnancy? If married, how many years hav

H1n1 infoblatt f-334r erkrankte neu 9.9.09

Informationen des Gesundheitsamtes Ludwigsburg für Personen, die an der Neuen Grippe (Influenza A/H1N1) erkrankt oder dessen verdächtig sind Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wenn Sie an der Neuen Grippe (Influenza A/H1N1 – „Schweinegrippe“) erkrankt sind oder der Verdacht besteht, dass Sie sich mit den Erregern der Neuen Influenza infiziert haben, können Sie durch die Ei


= Medikamente, die eine seelische Wirkung haben (sollten) Grundsätzliches Psychopharmaka sind stark wirksame Medikamente. Die Kenntnisse über Zusammenset- zung und die richtige Anwendung ist in erster Linie Ärzten vorbehalten, deshalb sind fast alle rezeptpflichtig, teils unterstehen sie sogar dem Betäubungsmittelgesetz. Psychopharmaka sind Hilfsmittel (Krücken), keine Heilmittel.


Clinical Trial Information: Pure Autonomic Failure As of 7/25/12 Title: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Autonomic Failure Conditions: Pure Autonomic Failure|Multiple System Atrophy Interventions: Procedure: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging URL: http://ClinicalTrials.gov/show/NCT01607268 Title: Contribution of Angiotensin II to Supine Hypertension in Autonomic Failure Condit

Phs 398 (rev. 9/04), biographical sketch format page

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include p

Gr 09/2009

IN THE COURT OF CHIEF JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE, DHEMAJI. The State of Assam ………………………………………….The Complainant. Sri. Tapan Gogoi .…………….………… ……………………The accused/person. Date of recording evidence : 30.09.2010, 16.06.2011, 29.08.2011 & 17.11.2011. Date of hearing Arguments : 09.12.2011. Mr. P. Gohain, Addl.P.P. ………………

I should be happy:

WHEN PREGNANT WOMEN STRUGGLE WITH MOODS AND ANXIETY Pregnancy is often a time of joyful anticipation; for many women, being pregnant and starting or expanding their family is something they have planned and longed for. Unfortunately, for some women, pregnancy turns out to be a very challenging time. Whereas depression after childbirth has been well-documented and discussed in both clinical w

Invitaciones a la responsabilidad, alan jenkins

Traducido de Invitations to responsibility: The therapeutic engagement of men who are violent and abusive (pp. 18-63), por Alan Jenkins. Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications, Explicaciones causales de la violencia………………………………………….1 Teorías individuales, teorías o explicaciones interaccionales de la violencia, teorías de desarrollo como causa de l


HEALTH HISTORY Name ______________________________________________ Date _____________________________ Date of last health care exam: ________________What was this exam for?_________________________ Have you been hospitalized in the last 5 years? (Please circle) If yes, reason:__________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently receiving care? No Yes

Microsoft word - installatievoorschrift kal-fire heat gb 2007-06.doc

Product group Wood-fuelled build-in fires Table of contents Congratulations on the purchase of your Kal-fire fireplace. Read this manual carefully before installing and using the fireplace. Always keep this manual close to your fireplace The Kal-fire Heat fireplace must be built-in by an authorized installer, according to prevailing national or local standards. At delivery check

Microsoft word - day 1 cv sheehan final.doc

Terry Sheehan Managing Principal AniConsilia Animal Health Consulting 10515 Saddlebred Trail Woodstock, IL 60098 TSheehan@day1program.com Current Employment Managing Principal AniConsilia Animal Health Consulting Woodstock, IL AniConsilia Animal Health Consulting is focused on the effective development and execution of business strategies, business process design and dis

Editpad - c:\documents and sett

1) Apresente o seguinte algoritmo:Ler 2 valores, no caso variáveis A e B. Efetuar a soma das variáveis A e B implicando seu resultado na variável X. Apresentar o valor da variável X após a soma dos dois valores indicados. var a,b,x: realler (a)ler (b)x = a+bescrever (x)2) A fórmula para calcular a área de uma circunferência é: A = PiR2. Sendo que o valor de Pi= 3.14159 basta estabelecer

Microsoft word - dess ethiopia- customs and pastoral land issues

CUSTOMS IN CONFLICT: Land Tenure Issues among Pastoralists in Ethiopia CUSTOMS IN CONFLICT: Land Tenure Issues among Pastoralists in Ethiopia ______________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT This paper presents a broad review of land tenure issues among pastoral communities in the country. It is argued that the key element of pastoralism is that i

Biologische vielfaltfh

Woran denkst du, wenn du „biologische Vielfalt“ hörst? Warum glaubst du, wird es jetzt thematisiert? Was könnte das Problem sein? Wodurch könnte die Biologische Vielfalt bedroht sein? Früher machte man sich Gedanken über den Erhalt der Pflanzen- und Tierwelt aus ethischen und ästhetischen Gründen. Heute geht es um ökologische Konsequenzen und die hohen wirtschaftlichen und soziale

Microsoft word - 45464fe9-2c97-2849d3.doc

PROGESTERONE GENERAL DESCRIPTION Progesterone is a steroid hormone produced in the ovaries (corpus luteum) and adrenal glands. One of its Progesterone is also produced by the brain and peripheral nerves, and possibly other locations. Normally, women have much more progesterone at any given time, than estrogen. KNOWN FUNCTIONS OF PROGESTERONE 1. Balances the effects of estrogen

Deri yaslanmasinintopikal ajanlarla onlenmesi.fh9

Deri Yaþlanmasýnýn Topikal Ajanlarla ÖnlenmesiDoç. Dr. Ümit Türsen**Mersin Üniversitesi Týp Fakültesi, Dermatoloji Anabilim Dalý Yüzdeki yaþlanma lentigolar, dispigmentasyon, senil purpura, kýrýþýklýklar, ince çizgilenmeler ve kabalaþmada artýþgibi birçok deðiþiklikle deðerlendirilip primer fotoyaþlanma sonucu oluþabilir. Fasyal düzeltme için birçok topikalprepara

35018 dr jaa gen screen quest

Please answer the following questions by X the most appropriate answer1. Have you been treated with antibiotics?2. Have you ever had any problems with yeast infections?3. Do you eat or crave a lot of sweet foods?4. Do you have a problem with food allergies?5. Have you suffered from any food poisoning?6. Do you or have you consumed alcohol on regular basis?7. Have you ever taken the drugs Ta

Bijlage iii

BIJSLUITER: INFORMATIE VOOR DE GEBRUIK(ST)ER Pantozol 20, maagsapresistente tabletten 20 mg Lees de hele bijsluiter zorgvuldig door voordat u start met het innemen van dit geneesmiddel. - Bewaar deze bijsluiter. Het kan nodig zijn om deze nog eens door te lezen. Heeft u nog vragen, raadpleeg dan uw arts of apotheker. Dit geneesmiddel is aan u persoonlijk voorgeschreven. Geef dit g

Microsoft word - square dancing led to.docx

Square Dancing led to ‘Just Friends’ Forever… What can be more important than friendships? They are the source of much happiness and support, much fellowship, much sharing and caring about one another. Since moving to New England, I have been truly blessed to have such a unique group of friends, the original gang being formed 30 years ago. Since then others have come on board as well as le

Hydration protocol

H y d r a t i o n P r o t o c o l Normal hydration (Euhydration) Athletes should achieve good hydration on a daily basis. Fluids come from both liquids and food, with over half the daily water turnover coming from drinks. Increased requirement for fluids as a result of exercise should be met by increasing the intake of drinks. Daily fluid requirements are estimated as 35mls per kilogramme

Proyecto de ley por la que se reconocen y amplían derechos y se establecen medidas en favor de quienes padecieron persecución o violencia durante la guerra civil y la dictadura

Proyecto de Ley por la que se reconocen y amplían derechos y se establecen medidas en favor de quienes padecieron persecución o violencia durante la Guerra Civil y la Dictadura. (10.10.07) Exposición de motivos El espíritu de reconciliación y concordia, y de respeto al pluralismo y a la defensa pacífica de todas las ideas, que guió la Transición, nos permitió dotarnos de

Mise en page

Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine - Vol 16 . No. 2 . 2011 Alexander Lyon, MA, BM, BCh, MRCP, PhD Walport Clinical Lecturer in Cardiology - Department of Cardiac Medicine National Heart and Lung Institute - Imperial College - Flowers Building 4th floor - London SW7 2AZ - UK (e-mail: a.lyon@imperial.ac.uk / www1.imperial.ac.uk/medicine/people/a.lyon) Dialogues Cardiovasc Med. 2011;

Reportagem de além túmulo - 10x16.qxp

REPORTAGENS ALÉM-TÚMULO FEDERAÇÃO ESPÍRITA BRASILEIRA F alava-se numa roda espiritual da me-lhor maneira de cultivar a prece, quando um amigo— Uma herança perigosa dos espiritistas é a detransformar a memória de um companheiro desen-carnado numa espécie de culto de falsa santidade. Obom trabalhador do Cristo não faz mais que cumprirum dever, e não é justo se lhe


International Division 2006-07 PI Name & Institution Address Duration Total Cost (in RS.) Prof R K Somashekar, Bangalore University, Bangalore and Prof Lidia Environmental Sciences, University of Venice, VeniceSynthesis and characterization of Nano Dr VPS Awana, National Physical INT/ITALY/POC/2005-07)/BS- metals on nutrient absorbtion in plants : and Prof Franco Gamable, Rese

Minutes of meeting template

22. maj 2012, kl. 16.00 (Telefonkonference) DSFN bestyrelsesmøde Participant Ida Hageman, Kimmo Jensen, Gitte Moos Knudsen, Morten Meyer, Tine Bryan Stensbøl s og Petrine Wellendorph (indtil kl 16.45) DAGSORDEN 1. Godkendelse af referat fra sidste møde d. 1. november 2011 2. Generalforsamling 3. Fremtidig bestyrelse 4. Sandbjerg 2013. 5. Efterårsmøde 2012. 6. FENS 2016

Biographical sketch

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. Cong. John E. Porter Professor of Microbiology-Immunology; Director, Immunobiology Center EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, su

The australian physiotherapy association

Australian Society of Acupuncture Physiotherapists Inc GUIDELINES FOR SAFE ACUPUNCTURE AND DRY NEEDLING PRACTICE JULY 2007 CONTENTS Management of Needle Accidents & Adverse Reactions pg 12 Waste Disposal Advise for Needles or Bodily Fluids pg 17 ASAP Guidelines for Safe Acupuncture and Dry Needling Practice This document is designed to be used as a guide to

Company ziac list.xls

Huzhou City Nanxun Guangda Wood Industry Co., Ltd. This company will participate at the December 3 business event. Category Construction, Machinery, Hardware Detailed profile Solid wood flooring, laminate flooring Brief introduction Our company is engaged in the production of wood flooring. With production equipment from Germany, Italy, Taiwan, each production line is supervised b


a b s t r a c t A Review of the Diagnosis andManagement of Fungal Skin and Nail Infections Dermatophytes are fungi that require D’Arcy Little, MD, CCFP , Lecturer and Academic Fellow, Department of Family and keratin for growth and thus are restrict- Community Medicine, University of Toronto,Toronto, ON. ed to the hair, nails and superficialskin.1 Dermatophytoses are referred to

1-comfortableto rich to super rich

Sometimes I think that Norway or Sweden would be a better place to live. Of course I don’t know much about either country except the stereotypes, about their people: tall, blond and healthy, about their transportation system, that Volvos-love their rough roads, and the ones I like best, that they are socially conscious and socially just democracies. Maybe I think they just have more dignity tha


THE STORY FOR KIDS: Later Elementary PARENTS’ PAGE: Lesson 20 Timeless Truth: God can change the hearts of rulers who show their faith. Bible Basis: Esther 1–9 Key Verse: What if you don’t say anything at this time? Then help for the Jews will come from another place. But you and your family will die. Who knows? It’s possible that you became queen for a time just like this.

New student health form 2013

All students newly admitted to Dwight School Seoul must complete and submit this health form prior to the first day of school. Page 3 of this form must be completed by a physician. The family is welcome to select a physician outside of Korea. If any of the information provided on this form changes during the school year, please notify the school Nurse immediately. Student Information Medica


In Kassel, dort wo einst die Brüder Grimm ihre wun-dersamen Geschichten sammelten, ist im Zentrum europäischer Verkehrsströme eine Universitätsstadt erwachsen, die von zeitgenössischer Kunst, der Welt- NATIONALER ausstellung documenta, erobert wurde. Kassel, where the Brothers Grimm wrote their magical stories, has developed as a modern university town. It Deutsche Gesellschaft für


17. Silicones in Medical Applications X. Thomas, Dow Corning Europe SA, Seneffe (Belgium) Silicone materials celebrate 60 years of use in medical applications. Quickly after their commercial availability in 1946, methylchlorosilanes were described to treat glassware to prevent blood from clotting [1]. At the same time, Dr. F. Lahey implanted a silicone elastomer tube for duct repair in bil


Dynacare Laboratories Test Changes AMIODARONE AMIODARONE Mnemonic Mnemonic Test Code Test Code Includes Includes Synonyms Synonyms Specimen Specimen Container Container Special Inst Special Inst Specimen Prep Centrifuge* For Red Top Tube only, transfer Specimen Prep Centrifuge* For Red Top Tube only, transfer Transport Temp Transport

Infirmary form as at 11 november 2013

INFIRMARY INFORMATION Photocopies of your medical aid card, as well as ID of main member of scheme must accompany this form . Kindly complete this form (block letters) in respect of your daughter and hand it in on the first day of the school year. This information is vital for either a day girl or boarder should an emergency arise. Surname of learner: ……………….……….

Microsoft word - pavarelli.docx

New Technologies and Alternative Feedstocks in Petrochemistry and Refining DGMK Conference October 9 – 11, 2013, Dresden, Germany Improved Performance of Nb-doped Vanadyl Pyrophosphate, Catalyst for n - butane Oxidation to Maleic Anhydride G. Pavarelli*, A. Caldarelli*, F. Cavani*, C. Cortelli**, S. Luciani** * Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale “Toso Montanar


ATTORNEY GENERAL’S REPORT ON OFFICER-INVOLVED SHOOTING IN DOVER, SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to summarize the Attorney General’s findings and conclusions with regards to the incident that led to the officer-involved shooting that occurred at an apartment building located at 1 Northway Circle in Dover, New Hampshire on September 30, 2013. On Septe

Fabrication of 5 v lithium rechargeable micro-battery

Journal of Power Sources 132 (2004) 240–243Fabrication of 5 V lithium rechargeable micro-battery Electrochemical Research Center, P.O. Box 19395-5139, Tehran 15875-4416, Iran Received 11 October 2003; received in revised form 11 December 2003; accepted 2 January 2004 Abstract A 5 V lithium secondary cell was fabricated using LiFe0 . 5Mn1 . 5O4 cathode material with all-solid-state de

April 16, 1984

April 16, 1984 The Assembly met at 2 p.m. Prayers ORAL QUESTIONS Tender Price for Highways Equipment MR. LUSNEY : -- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a question to the Premier of Saskatchewan. Mr. Premier, my question is regarding your continuous statements of how this government is, and it has to do with some of the questions relating to last Friday, in estimates, to the Minister of Suppl

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