
6-8 Weeks Prior to Surgery
Schedule pre-operative testing. This testing should be completed no later than 2-3 weeks
prior to the date of surgery to ensure the results are current. This testing will help to ensure that we have not overlooked any serious medical complications with surgery. Pre-operative testing generally consists of a chest x-ray, routine blood testing, and an ECG (electrocardio gram, an electrical map of your heart).  Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
o exercise regularly o eat nutritious well balanced meals o drink plenty of water o rest 2 Weeks Prior to Surgery
STOP taking any aspirin products. They increase your chance of excess bleeding during
STOP taking any Motrin (ibuprofen) or related non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
STOP taking most herbal supplements.
o STOP taking supplements believed to be detrimental to your pre-surgery health
including: St. John's Wort, the now illegal ephedra or Ma Huang, kava kava, licorice, pennyroyal, germander, chaparral, borage, coltsfoot, comfrey, life root, sassafras, aristolofchia fangchi. o STOP taking supplements that act as blood thinners or increase the chance of
excessive bleeding during surgery including: ginko biloba, garlic, gensing, dong quai, willow, red clover.  STOP taking Vitamin E before surgery because it too can increase the risk of bleeding
5 Days Prior to Surgery
 If you have been prescribed Coumadin or Warfarin, call the doctor who prescribed them. Ask if it is okay to STOP taking them in light of your impending surgery. While it is generally beneficial to stop taking these 4-5 days prior to surgery, in certain cases it is not advisable. If your doctor does NOT allow you to discontinue taking these, contact us at (423) 495-3068.  Begin taking a stool softener of your choice each day (Dulcolax Stool Softener, Colace or 2 Days Prior to Surgery
 Absolutely NO alcohol or alcoholic beverages during the 48 hrs. prior to surgery and for 48 hrs. following surgery. Alcohol can have serious consequences on the surgery as well as the anesthesia.  If you are taking an oral diabetes medication, please stop metformen. The Day Before Surgery
Absolutely do not take any of the medications or supplements already stopped (above)
 Follow a clear liquid diet with lots of water. NO milk products.
 Do a Fleet enema at 5:00 pm to help clean yourself out.
 After MIDNIGHT before surgery, do not eat or drink anything. This even includes
The Day of Surgery
 You may, and probably should, take any of these if they are currently prescribed to you: o Heart Medication o Blood Pressure Medication o Anti-Seizure Medication o Insulin (only take HALF of your normal dose)  DO NOT take Water Pills, Diabetic Pills - in addition to anything you have previously
stopped taking in preparation for surgery. Remember this includes aspirin, motrin, coumadin, warfarrin.  If you have accidentally taken any medications, supplements, or eaten food that you should not have please contact us immediately. Contact us at (423) 495-3068.  Bring all medications currently prescribed to you in their labeled containers with you to  Leave non-essential valuables (such as watches, jewelry, cell phones) at home to reduce the chance of misplacing or losing them in the hospital.  If you wear glasses, contact lenses, false teeth or related personal items, bring a case to
You should also proceed to read ourso you will be prepared for what
comes next after your surgery. Questions? If you have any questions about these instructions,
including what you should and should not be taking, contact us at (423) 495-3068.

Source: http://www.drleejackson.com/docs/Pre-Op%20Instructions-2013.pdf


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Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) is a common event that affects 70-85% of pregnant women. Approximately 35% of pregnant women consider their symptoms severe enough to limit their activities of daily living which extends to loss of time at work. While a single etiology of NVP has not been identified, elevated levels of estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) have been shown to

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