Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.

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SUBARACHNOIDALBLUTUNG A. Richtlinien für die Aufnahme Es ist anfragenden Ärzten immer anzuraten, alle Patienten mit Verdacht auf SAB oder gesicherter SAB sofort zuzuweisen, wenn dies der Zustand erlaubt. Von der Durchführung einer Angiographie im auswärtigen Krankenhaus ist abzuraten. Bei bewusstlosen Patienten Notfallsituation, welche eine sofortige Einweisung erforderlich mach


Standards for teachers: FAQs for ECE kindergarten sector members What are the Registered Teacher Criteria (RTC)? The RTC are the revised standards set by the New Zealand Teachers Council for teacher registration, and replace the Satisfactory Teacher Dimensions (STDs) from 2011. What are the National Professional Standards? They are kindergarten teachers, head teachers and senior tea

hypothesis about the nature of electrodermal reactions

HYPOTHESIS ABOUT THE NATURE OF ELECTRODERMAL REACTIONS Dementienko V.V., Dorokhov V.B., Koreneva L.G., Markov A.G., Tarasov A.V. Shakhnarovitch V.M. Journal of Psychophysiology 1998.V.30/1-2, p.267. Prolonged investigations on electrodermal activity (EDA) during activation - relaxation cycles, including ones with simultaneous registration of resistance and temperature of the skin, were ca

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Noma Ulcer: Nutritional Blindness: ment if the child begins to show signs of Noma Ulcer, even in the absence of recent measles. If you see a mouth ulcer, swelling and redness of Courtesy of Noma Children’s Hospital cheek, foul breath, pain and fever in a malnourished child, especially between 6-72 months, give the Vitamin A, and begin oral metronidazole, at a dose appropriate to t


Grosses délivrées REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE aux parties le : AU NOM DU PEUPLE FRANCAIS COUR D'APPEL DE PARIS Pôle 1 - Chambre 2 ARRET DU 21 MARS 2012 Numéro d'inscription au répertoire général : 11/12942 Décision déférée à la Cour : Ordonnance du 21 Juin 2011 -Tribunal de Grande Instance de PARIS -RG n° 11/52963 APPELANTES NOVARTIS AG STE DE DROIT SUISSE agissant poursui

Stardust: magic in the air, 2005, 160 pages, linda chapman, penguin books limited, 2005, pdf ebook

Stardust: Magic in the Air, Linda Chapman, Penguin Books Limited, 2005, 0141925566, 9780141925561, 160pages. Nine-year-old Lucy has recently discovered that she is a stardust spirit and now has a new magicalnighttime existence in which she and her friends Allegra, Faye and Ella fly through the woods using theirmagic to save the animals and environment.This summer Allegra is keen to practise her

Verzeichniss der veröffentlichungen

Verzeichniss der Veröffentlichungen In Vorbereitung Heitbreder M, Joeren N., Dendoerfer A., Depping R., Wagner K.F., Dominiak P.(2005) Hypoxia-Inducible Transcription Factores (HIF): Up-Regulation of HIF-3 alpha by Hypoglycemia. Eingereicht. Veröffentlicht oder “in press” als peer-reviewed Orginalpublikation (IF=impact factor) 36. Iber Th., Weiss M., Wagner K.F., Leidinger W.,

Effects of intellectual variables, age, and gender on divergent thinking in adulthood

International Journal of Behavioral Developmenthttp://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/pp/01650254.htmlEffects of intellectual variables, age, and gender onTexas A & M University–Kingsville, USAWest Virginia University, Morgantown, USADivergent thinking was assessed in 400 adult women and men with tests of word association(associational uency) and alternate uses (production uency,participants

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Gottesman and Hollis, P.A., 39 East Pearl Street, Nashua, NH 03060 I have been practicing law for almost 28 years now, and in that time, I had never handled a case that involved the negligent actions of a pharmacy. I have just completed two separate trials which involved two national chain pharmacies that resulted in verdicts for my clients. Unfortunately, the clients had to endure some very sig

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CURRICULAM VITAE S. SYED JAHAN , 8/149 – Middle Street MANDAPAM – 623 518 Educational Qualification • Pursuing M. Sc., Zoology, Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar, • B. Sc., Zoology, Jamal Mohammed College Bharathidasan University Technical and other qualification • Typewriting junior grade 1990, Department of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu • Typewriting s


Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß 1907/2006/EG, Artikel 31 1 Bezeichnung des Stoffes/der Zubereitung und des Unternehmens · Angaben zum Produkt · Handelsname: Nordic Maskinrens · Verwendung des Stoffes / der Zubereitung Reinigungsmittel · Lieferant/Hersteller: NORDIC STALD KEMI APSRugtoften 476630 RøddingDenmark;Tel.: +45-(0)506-75852474Fax: +45-(0)506-75852475· E-Mai


Travel via the Moon Aug 2013 You’ve been saving for months, you got your airline tickets when they were priced much lower, hotel reservations confirmed for great rooms, and you have an itinerary laid out for a grand vacation….and you’re finally there after all that planning! And then, something happens that no one can ever plan on….a health problem. If you were home, a quick ca


ne ausgewogene Mischkost folgen, die eine aus-reichende Zufuhr von Energie sowie lebensnot- Natürlich wendigen Nähr- und Schutzstoffen gewährleis-tet und zum Gewichtsmanagement beiträgt. abnehmen ■■ Heisshunger auf Süssigkeiten? Jeder, der schon einmal gefastet oder eine Diät gemacht hat, kennt ihn: «Heisshunger». Ihmsind auch schlanke Menschen ausgeliefert. Doches gib


Moderately elevated plant sterol levels are associated withreduced cardiovascular risk—The LASA studyKlaus Fassbender , Dieter L¨utjohann , Miranda G. Dik ,Marijke Bremmer , Jochem K¨onig , Silke Walter , Yang Liu ,Maryse Leti`embre , Klaus von Bergmann , Cees Jonker a Department of Neurology, University Clinic of the Saarland, Kirrberger Str., D-68421 Homburg, Germany b Department

Monografias 3-2009 yoly:simposio 3

4 Nuevas aportaciones al tratamiento sustitutivo con nicotina La Terapia Sustitutiva con Nicotina se viene utilizandolización aún manteniendo la conducta de fumar comodurante más de 20 años para el tratamiento farmaco-estrategia de preparación para lograr la abstinencia. Por su eficacia demostrada en distintos contextos yEs la opción de tratamiento farmacológico más avala-por s

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NCRI Palliative Care Clinical Studies Group 2006-7 The remit of the Group is in line with the existing Clinical Studies Groups and the primary aimis to develop a portfolio of national collaborative studies, which are clinically relevant andlikely to have an impact on day-to-day practice. The full committee is concerned withdeveloping a strategy for the Group and identifying priorities for palli

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André Olivier van Geopende Deure tree vanoggend in Kommunikasie-blad van Kraggakamma NG Kerk 09:00 Formele diens gelei deur ds Veneto Keyter 09:00 Informele diens gelei deur dr Kobus Prinsloo Om deur volle persoonlike oorgawe en geloofsuitlewing ‘n Geesvervulde Christus-gemeente te wees . Geen senior kategese of aandbyeenkoms t.w.v. JAM BASH: “Jam Bash” (Jesus and Me) is ‘n ini


Dr. Robert Rifkin Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers Denver, CO September 26, 2011 Good Morning. I would like to thank the FDA for convening this timely workshop, and for the opportunity to address this important, vital and timely issues surrounding drug shortages. My name is Dr. Rob Rifkin and I am a medical oncologist and hematologist in Private Practice in Denver, Colorado. In addition, I am a membe

Dear patient: thank you for taking the time to carefully fill out this paperwork

1. When you have headaches, how often is the pain severe? 2. How often do headaches limit your ability to do usual daily activities including household work, 3. When you have a headache, how often do you wish you could lie down? 4. In the past 4 weeks, how often have you felt too tired to do work or daily activities because of 5. In the past 4 weeks, how often have you felt fed up or irrit

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Network Waitaki Limited 10 Chelmer Street, Oamaru P O Box 147 Oamaru Telephone Statement of variations to use of system agreement Network Waitaki Limited (the Distributor ) provides distribution services to <<Retailer>> (the Electricity Retailer ) under a use of system agreement (the Agreement ). The Electricity Industry Participation Code (Distributor Use of System Agr


Nigerian Journal of Science, Technology and Environmental Education (NIJOSTEE), Vol. 3, No. 1, July 2010 ISSN: 0331-9873 In Vitro Determination of Bactericidal Effects of Garlic ( Allium sativum ) on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichi coli Medical Microbiology Department, Federal Medical Centre, Jalingo. Abstract Sensitivity patterns of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus


Chapter Z01 Library Utilities Contents Scope of the Chapter Background to the Problems Managing a Logical Processor Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PVM-based Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MPI-based Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Processor Grid Inf

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MEDICATION DEFERRAL LIST Please tell us if you are now taking or if you have EVER taken any of these medications:  Proscar© (finasteride) – usually given for prostate gland enlargement  Avodart© (dutasteride) – usually given for prostate enlargement  Jalyn© (dutasteride; tamsulosin) - usually given for prostate enlargement  Propecia© (finasteride) – usua

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Appendix A Facility Codes for EMS Region 1 Facility Appendix A Facility Codes for EMS Region 2 Facility Appendix A Facility Codes for EMS Region 3/4 Facility Appendix A Facility Codes for EMS Region 5 Facility Appendix A Facility Codes for EMS Region 6/7 Facility Veterans Administration Medical Center Clarksburg Appendix A Facility Codes for EMS Reg

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Tale til landsmøtet i Nei til EU, Gardermoen 27.11.09 (Med forbehold om endringer under framførelsen) Kjære landsmøte, kjære gjester fra inn- og utland, kjære alle andre tilstedeværende. Kjære venner. Vi lever i spennende, viktige, og uvisse tider. Mot en bakgrunn av finans-, klima- og matvarekrise, fattigdom og massearbeidsløshet internasjonalt, økende forskjeller, svimlende privat rikd

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L’insonnia: quadri clinici © 1994 Liguori Editore © 2002 WEB Presente in: N. Lalli, A. Fionda, L’altra faccia della luna. Il mistero del sonno. I problemi dell’insonnia, Liguori Editore, Napoli 1994. A) INSONNIA PRIMARIA La maggior parte degli autori è concorde nell’indicare come insonnia primaria quella particolare forma d’insonnia che non è associata ad alcun di

Equine cushing’s disease and metabolic syndrome: what they are and how to treat them

Equine Cushing’s Disease and Metabolic Syndrome: What They Are and How to Treat Them By Kathy Newcomb Equine Cushing’s disease and equine metabolic syndrome are related endocrine disorders and they share some similarities, particularly the predisposition for periodic bouts of laminitis, but they have very different origins. Every horse that has Cushing’s disease is not neces

Hauraki gulf forum

TECHNICAL OFFICERS MEETING MINUTES Location: Department of Conservation, Level 5, 73 Rostrevor Street, Hamilton. Attendance: Tim Higham (HGF), Moana Tamaariki-Pohe (TW), Jarrod Walker (Marine Scientist, AC), Kristina Hillock (DoC Waikato), Patrick Clearwater (MPDC), Vicki Carruthers (WRC), Shannon Tyler (MAF), Clint Rickard (TW), Kath Coombes (Policy, AC), Kelly Nicholson (WDC), J

Antidepresivos_y_ epilepsia

Alvarez-Rodriguez J. Antidepresivos y Epilepsia ANTIDEPRESIVOS Y EPILEPSIA Javier Alvarez-Rodriguez, MD, PhD Dirección de contacto: Servicio de Psiquiatría Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León Alvarez-Rodriguez J. Antidepresivos y Epilepsia ABSTRACT A partir de la hipótesis de que determinados ataques de pánico (APs) y la epilepsia son patologías comparten mecanismos

Suggested national enhancement scheme for anti-coagulation monitoring

National enhanced service Anti-coagulation monitoring Introduction 1. All practices are expected to provide essential and those additional services they are contracted to provideto all their patients. This enhanced service specification for the provision of anti-coagulant monitoringoutlines the more specialised services to be provided. The specification of this service is designed to cov

Determination of ibuprofen in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography: validation and application in pharmacokinetic study

BIOMEDICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY Biomed. Chromatogr. 14 : 219–226 (2000) Determination of Ibuprofen in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography: validation andR. Canaparo1*, E. Muntoni1, G. P. Zara1, C. Della Pepa1, E. Berno1, M. Costa2 and M. Eandi11Department of Anatomy, Pharmacology and Forensic Medicine, University of Torino, Torino, Italy2Department of Electronics, Polythecn


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION: 1.1 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name: R osehip Carrier Oil - Organic Botanical Name: Synonyms: Rosa bakeri , Rosa canina var. bakeri , Rosa lutetiana Léman Rosa montivaga, Rosa mosqueta, Rosa rubiginosa INCI Name: Country of Origin: SECTION: 1.2 COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Company: New Directions Aromatics

Microsoft word - nada coordinator tr _with publications_.doc

NATIONAL COORDINATOR FOR AQUACULTURE INADs/NADAs1 Project Termination Report for the Period NCRAC FUNDING: $89,000 (July 15, 2004 to August 31, 2009) PARTICIPANT: REASON FOR TERMINATION PROJECT OBJECTIVES (6) Identify existing data and remaining (8) Encourage and seek opportunities for (10) Identify potential funding sources for (4) Seek the support and particip

Microsoft word - 2013 june-july

Research Plus June/July 2013 PTSD prevention A systematic review of the effectiveness and potential harm of psychological, pharmacological and emerging interventions to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults found a general lack of robust evidence. Only interventions designed to work in the first three months after the traumatic exposure were included (19 included stud


2009 Table of Drugs IA - Intra-arterial administration IV - Intravenous administration IM - Intramuscular administration IT - Intrathecal SC - Subcutaneous administration INH - Administration by inhaled solution VAR - Various routes of administration OTH - Other routes of administration ORAL - Administered orally Intravenous administration includes all methods, such as gravity infusion, injec

Microsoft word - #29.doc

No. 29 (2/00) PSYCHIATRIC MEDICATION FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS PART II: TYPES OF MEDICATIONS Psychiatric medications can be an effective part of the treatment for psychiatric disorders of childhood and adolescence. In recent years there have been an increasing number of new and different psychiatric medications used with children and adolescents. Research studies are underway


Randomized controlled study of 3 different types of hemoclipsfor hemostasis of bleeding canine acute gastric ulcersDennis M. Jensen, MD, Gustavo A. Machicado, MD, Ken Hirabayashi, BABackground: Mechanical closure of bleeding vessels is clinically appealing, and several types of hemoclips arenow marketed for endoscopic hemostasis of nonvariceal lesions. No comparative data have been reported onea


Ályktanir og áskoranir Aðalfundar Náttúruverndarsamtaka Austurlands, Egilsstöðum 14. apríl 2012 Dráp á friðuðum fuglum Að undanförnu hafa borist fréttir af því að verið sé að skjóta friðlýsta fugla. Þannig fannst nýverið dauður fálki á Mýrum í Hornafirði og voru 7 högl í hræinu. Að skjóta fálka er aldrei mistök. Fjórðungur fálka sem finnas

Craniotomy for supratentorial tumor

Craniotomy for Supratentorial Tumor (CPT 61510, 61512) General: Patients may be symptomatic or asymptomatic. Symptoms may be due to location of tumor or due to increased ICP. You should know the location, kind (if known) and size of the tumor(s), any neurological deficits and symptoms and if the patient is at risk for increased ICP. Patients are often taking dilantin, tegretol or keppra and/


Response Type Response Date Click Text Click URL First Name Last Name Zip Code Email Address Earth Force&rsquo;s six step approachhttp://www.earthforce.org/index.php?PID=11 JohnEarth Force&rsquo;s six step approachhttp://www.earthforce.org/index.php?PID=11 Bill.neuseriver.org/events/neuseriverday.htmlhttp://www.neuseriver.org/events/neuseriverday.htmlSpace still

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William Vlach Assistant Lab/PSD Manager ADM Cocoa 12500 W. Carmen Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53225-6199 PH: 414-358-5886 William_vlach@admworld.com Bill graduated from Concordia University with a B.A. in Science. He has been a presenter for ten years at in-house seminars held by ADM Cocoa and has attended workshops and seminars including Penn State Chocolate Manufacturer

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ADHS und Sucht Bis zu 50%, der Menschen, die ADHS im Kindesalter hatten, haben im Jugend-und Erwachsenenalter noch deutliche Symptome eines ADHS nämlich: Konzentrations- und Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen Hyperaktivität, Getriebenheit oder Hypoaktivität, Langsamkeit schnelle Stimmungswechsel Chaos und Desorganisation impulsive Handlungen Selbstzweifel Vergesslichkeit Schwierigkeiten mit Mitmens

Microsoft word - document.doc

The following items should never be included in an overseas move due to the hazardous nature or high value of the items: Aerosol spray cans Ammunition, flares, fireworks Bleaches, paints, thinners Fire extinguishers Gasoline, oil, lighter fluid, kerosene Matches Open containers and bottles Perishables Propane tanks Weed killer, insecticides, other poisons Coin and stamp collections Furs Jewel

Completed projects- final

Completed Projects 1. The Ghana Vitamin A Supplementation Trial (VAST) 2. Epidemiology of Bancroftian filariasis in the Kassena-Nankana District of 3. Bancroftian Filariasis in the Kassena-Nankana District 4. Filariasis in northern Ghana: Some cultural beliefs and practices and their 5. Impact of Permethrin impregnated Bednets 6. Child Survival and Health in the Guinea Savanna (Ghana): A cas


Emergency Contact Name & Phone NumberTreatment Requested (please circle) Hair Removal / Skin Rejuvenation / Vascular / Pigmentation / AcneLifestyle & medical History – please tick or cross in the circle as appropriate. If you do not understand or recognise the condition then please discuss with your IPL operator. Skin Pigmentation Disorders (e.g. melasma, vitiligo) History of cancer

Microsoft word - health form for camper.doc

New England Music Camp Health History and Examination Form 8 Goldenrod Lane The information on this form is not part of the camper acceptance Sidney, ME 04330 process, but it is gathered to assist in identifying appropriate care. This form, except for the "Health Recommendations of Licensed Healthcare Provider," is to be completed by the parents/guardians and camper. P


 Mold/Pollens  Animals Colds  Dust  Exercise  Smoke  Weather  Fragrance Green Zone: Doing Well ● Breathing is good ● No cough wheeze ● Can work and play ● Sleeps all night ● No early warning signs ● Peak Flow Meter if used: 80-100% of personal best _________ School Action: Follow actions in marked boxes below for exercise induced asthma Medication with s


Proceedings of 12th ISMAS Symposium cum RSP-7 Workshop on Mass Spectrometry LC-MS/MS Studies on Identification and Characterization of Hydrolytic Products of Atorvastatin Ravi P. Shah, Vijay Kumar and Saranjit Singh * Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) Sector 67, S.A.S. Nagar 160062, Punjab

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Nervenärztliche Gemeinschaftspraxis Ulm Dr. med. Michael Lang Neurologie, Psychiatrie, Prof. Dr. med. H. Schreiber Dr. med. Martin Krauß Drs. Lang, Schreiber, Krauß, Kornhuber, Kriebel, Krieck-Wiedenbauer, Engelberger Pfauengasse 8, 89073 Ulm Dr. med. Anselm Kornhuber Neurologie, Psychiatrie, Verkehrsmedizin Prof. Dr. med. J. Kriebel Psychotherapie, F

Performance report q4 12-13.xls

Performance in Delivering Research Date Agreed to Date Agreed recruit target Target met number of to recruit Committee Name of Trial number of number of within the Comments patients target number Status Reference patients patients agreed time available? of patients available A Phase I-II evaluation of the safety and eff

Book reviewkararogersout of nature. why drugs from plants matter to the future of humanity2012university of arizona presstucson216 pp., 8 b&w illustrations, bibliography index. 6.00 in x 9.00 in/isbn 978-0-8165-2969-8 (pb) us $ 19.95michaelheinrich⁎michael.heinrich@pharmacy.ac.ukcentre for pharmacognosy and phytotherapy, ucl school of pharmacy, university of london, 29–39 brunswick sq., london wc1n 1ax, uk

Out of Nature. Why Drugs from Plants Matter to the Future ofthe ‘downstream’ aspects of drug development are not covered,Humanity, Kara Rogers. University of Arizona Press, Tucsonbut it is about what examples exist that allow us humans to use2012, 216 pp., 8 b&w illustrations, bibliography index. 6.00 innature. In several of the cases she discusses a more detailedx 9.00 in/ISBN: 978-

Microsoft word - nzsmi submission medregs-25mar2010final.doc

Submission Booklet: Consultation on Proposed Amendments to Regulations under the Medicines Act 1981 Submissions close on 26 March 2010. You do not have to answer all the questions or provide personal information if you donot want to. Address : Organisation : Position : Are you submitting this as: (Tick one box only in this section) an individual (not on behalf of an organisation)R

Microsoft word - propuestanefrona_hospitaldelmar.doc

Solicitud de propuesta de investigación Fecha de solicitud (30/01/11): Fecha de aprobación (dd/mm/aa): 1. Información del proyecto Título del proyecto : Estudios de polimorfismos genéticos y de biomarcadores emergentes asociados a la nefropatía diabética Investigador principal: Clara Barrios Barrera Filiación institucional: Servicio de Nefrología. Parc de Salut Mar. UAB.


COLONOSCOPY PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS DULCOLAX TABLETS WITH CO-LYTE, TRI-LYTE, OR NU-LYTELY BOWEL PREP ALL PATIENTS: You should be on a clear liquid diet for the entire day before your scheduled colon examination. This includes bouillon, broth, clear fruit juices, and Jell-O. Please avoid red Jell-O and all milk products, however. Gatorade is a preferred beverage as it contains a good



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Acceptance Speech by the Mayor of Hirosima at the Gautam Buddha International Peace Award Ceremony Right Honourable President of Nepal, Dr.Ram Baran Yadav, Right Honourable Prime Minister of Nepal, Mr.Jhala Nath Khanal, Honourable Minister for Culture, His Excellency Mr.Kul Chandra Gautam, Chairman of His Excellency Dr.Ganesh Yonzan Tamang, Ambassador of Nepal to Japan, His Excellency


du 10 au 23 mars 2014 Les Semaines d’Information Louviers - 10 mars 2014 - 18 h 00 sur la Santé Mentale (SISM) Hôpital de Jour pour Adultes, qu’est-ce que c’est ? 73, rue de Beaulieu : Les SISM s’adressent au grand public. Elles sont un moment privilégié pour Soirée - débat vidéo : réaliser des actions de promotion de la « l’Eloge de la fragi

Microsoft word - medical form 2013.doc

MEDICAL INFORMATION FOR NATURE CAMP—2013 Please fill out all four pages and return within four weeks of the start of camper’s session to If possible, please arrange for camper to have examination by physician no more than four weeks prior to the start of his or her session so that medical information will be as up to date as possible. The American Camp Association recommends tha

What you should know about medications for serious mental illness

What You Should Know About Medications for Serious Mental Illness The medicines used to fight mental illness are known as psychotropic medications. The major classes of psychotropic medications are: • antipsychotics • antidepressants • mood These may be prescribed alone or in combination. Psychotropic medicines are quite safe when properly used. However, it can take time to reach th


2006 Small Business Day Tuesday, March 28, 2006 Co-Sponsored by Empire State Plaza The Business Council of New York State, Inc. Chamber Alliance of New York State Convention Center Albany, New York National Federation of Independent Business PRELIMINARY AGENDA 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Registration, Continental Breakfast 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. Panel Discussion

Is coerced treatment ever justified

Opiate addiction and other mental disorders in the criminal justice population Charles P. O’Brien, M.D., Ph.D. Sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse Hosted by the University of Pennsylvania Persons who are incarcerated or recently released on parole have a high frequency of substance abuse and other mental disorders. Despite significant advances in the science of diagnosis


International Journal of Cardiology xx (2008) xxx – xxxImpact of diabetes mellitus on survival in South East Asian patients withcongestive heart failure due to left ventricular systolic dysfunctionRaymond Lee a,⁎, Siew-Pang Chan b, Jennifer Wong c, Diana Lau d,Clinical Research Unit, Tan Tock Seng Hospital,c Casemix Department, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapord Physiotherapy Departme


Nome principio attivo: LEVODROPROPIZINA SOP, medicinale non soggetto a prescrizione medica, per le formulazioni in sciroppo; RR, farmaco soggetto a prescrizione medica, con ricetta ripetibile, per le gocce. Farmaco di classe A31, a totale carico del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale con nota 31 (Classe A: limitatamente all’indicazione: “Tosse nella tubercolosi polmonare attiva e nelle neop

Treatment options for anal intraepithelial neoplasia and’evidence for their effectiveness

CSIRO PUBLISHING Sexual Health , 2012, 9 , 587–592 http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/SH11157 Treatment options for anal intraepithelial neoplasia and evidence for their effectiveness Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, 369 Fulham Road, London SW10 9NH, UK. Email: Abstract. There is a growing range of treatment options for anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN). In HIV-positive patients, sustai


European Heart Journal (2003) 24 , 946–955 Bupropion SR for smoking cessation in smokers with cardiovascular disease: a multicentre, randomised study S. Tonstada*, C. Farsangb, G. Klaenec, K. Lewisd, A. Manolise, A.P. Perruchoudf, C. Silagyg, P.I. van Spiegelh, C. Astburyi, A. Hideri, R. Sweeti a Department of Preventative Cardiology, Ulleva˚l University Hospital, N-0407 Oslo, Norw


Hope was the antidote that brought temporary patches of peace in her life. She hand-fed this hope with music, art, travel, journaling, taking classes, group therapy, and, importantly, with work that gave her contact with people. She courageously sought out four psychiatrists, one psychoanalyst, and two spiritual directors. The poetry of Emily Dickinson gave her an intimate kinship with someon

Patch testing

Patch Testing Patient Information Sheet Allergic Contact Dermatitis Allergic contact dermatitis is an inflammatory reaction that occurs when substances to which you are allergic come in contact with your skin. These substances might be an ingredient in your perfume or aftershave, an antibiotic ointment or cream, household cleaners, rubber boots etc. Whilst the susceptibility to de

(gastbeitrag: 'phytos' haben f\374r senioren viele vorteile)

Gastbeitrag: 'Phytos' haben für Senioren viele Vorteilehttp://www.aerztezeitung.de/extras/druckansicht/?sid=819952&pid=828118"Phytos" haben für Senioren viele VorteileEine rationale und praktikable Therapie hilft, bei Krankheiten im Alter das Lebenlebenswerter zu gestalten. Dem Einsatz von Phytotherapeutika stehen aber beimultimorbiden Patienten vielfältige Vorurteile, Fehleinsch

Wet pet gazette y2001 issue

The Journal of the Norwalk Aquarium Societyregulations, and species we may find. Whether you are interested in native fishes,just want to get out of the house, or simply From Up-front want to watch everyone splashing around inthe water, this can be an excellent way tospend a day. This trip will be held on the DEPfree fishing day in early June. Further detailshas already been working to

Microsoft word - unesco.doc

CONVENCIÓN INTERNACIONAL CONTRA EL DOPAJE EN EL DEPORTE CONVENCIÓN INTERNACIONAL CONTRA EL DOPAJE EN EL DEPORTE La Conferencia General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura, en adelante denominada “la UNESCO”, en su 33ª reunión, celebrada en París, del 3 al 21 de octubre de 2005, Considerando que el objetivo de la UNESCO es cont


Direction Générale à la Culture Délibération n° 25 Conseil municipal du 1er avril 2011 Associations culturelles – Deuxième répartition des subventions – Conventions et avenant – Approbation M. JOSSIC, Adjoint, Dans le cadre de sa politique de soutien à la vie culturelle, la Ville de Nantes attribue chaque année des subventions aux associations organisant des manif


ASTHMA AND DIVING by Dr Simon Mitchell Current at time of writing (2002) There is no single subject in diving medicine that I am asked about more often than the implications of asthma and diving for fitness. This is hardly surprising. Asthma is a prevalent disease in Australia and New Zealand, affecting up to 10-15% of the population of children in both countries. Many “asthmat


Sucht - Rauchen - Nikotinsucht Medikamentenabhängigkeit/sucht Süchtig sein heißt, dass suchterzeugende Mittel nicht mehr abgesetzt werden können, ohne psychische oder körperliche Entzugserscheinungen zu bekommen. Entzugserscheinungen können sein: Nervosität, Zittern, Schweißausbrüche, Gedankenfixation auf das Suchtmittel, Denkhemmung, Halluzinationen, Delirium, Bauchkrämpfe, Üb

Dal_13-11_ hot_weather_advisory

DAL: DAL 13-11 SUBJECT: Advisory Dear Administrator/Operator: The New York State Department of Health would like to remind you of our expectations regarding the protection of Adult Care Facility (ACF) residents from the complications of heat exposure. Many residents in ACFs have cardiopulmonary conditions which make them particularly susceptible to heat-related complications, and a la


THE PSYCHOLOGIST-MANAGER JOURNAL, 2005, 8 (1), 17–28Copyright © 2005 by the Society of Psychologists in Management California School of Organizational Studies This article reviews the role of organizational diagnosis in managerial and organiza-tional consultative roles. The particular contributions of Harry Levinson are high-lighted. The ways in which Levinson, a pioneering clinical psycholo

Microsoft word - nov newsletter 2013.doc

Happy November, everyone! I want to start this newsletter by welcoming Mme Foster who will be returning from her maternity leave on Monday, November 11th. Mme Foster will be teaching grade 3/4 French Immersion. Thank you, Mme Howes, for your exceptional work leading up to Mme Foster’s return. A warm welcome to Mrs. Lynne Bennett, our new Student Supervisor at Sunset. Thank you for joining


Early Communication of an Ongoing Safety Review: BisphosphonatesFDA Home Page | CDER Home Page | CDER Site Info | Contact CDER | What's New @ CDER Early Communication of an Ongoing Safety Review Bisphosphonates: Alendronate (Fosamax, Fosamax Plus D), Etidronate (Didronel), Ibandronate (Boniva), Pamidronate (Aredia), Risedronate (Actonel, Actonel W/Calcium), Ti


framing how we think about our moneydecember 2012 “I used to think that the human brain was the most fascinating part of the body. Then I thought, what part of my body is telling me that?” “Rose coloured glasses are never made in bifocals. - Erno Philips (American entertainer/Actor) Nobody ever wants to read the small print in dreams.” - Ann Landers (Agony-aunt for the Ch

Ash 2000

Glossary of Molecular Biology Terminology This glossary is designed to help the reader with the ter-minology of molecular biology. Each year, the glossarywill be expanded to include new terms introduced in theEducation Program. The basic terminology of molecularbiology is also included. The glossary is divided into sev-eral general sections. A cross-reference guide is includedto direct

Customer bulletin template - routine

Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. Customer Bulletin Handling and Storing Samples Blood Gas Systems This document provides updated information and instructions about handling and storing patient samples on all Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics blood gas analyzers. Collecting Patient Samples This section describes sample requirements, collection procedures, and handling techniques f

Microsoft word - desktop

PAM50-Based Prosigna Breast Cancer Assay Helps to Identify Patients at Risk of Late Distant Recurrence in a Combined Analysis of 2,137 Patients Prosigna Combined Analysis of TransATAC and ABCGS-8 Data Presented at the 2013 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium SEATTLE and SAN ANTONIO -- December 13, 2013 -- NanoString Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: NSTG), a provider of life science t


UNIT 6 - NERVOUS SYSTEM / SPECIAL SENSES ACTIVITY – Diseases of the Central Nervous System A. This is the most common cause of crippling in children and results form prenatal, prenatal, or postnatal CNS damage due to anoxia. Motor impairment may me minimal or severely disabling. Associated defects, such as seizures, speech impairment, and mental retardation are common. This disorder cannot be c

Microsoft word - hoofdstuk 11.doc

11 Spastische verlamming, slappe verlamming, contractuurvorming Literatuur Abel NA, Smith RA. Intrathecal baclofen for intractable spinal spasticity. Arch Phys Med Alfieri V. Electrical treatment of spasticity. Scand J Rehabil 1982: 14: 177-82. Azouvi P, Mane M, Thiebaut JP, Denys P, Remy-Neris O, Bussel B. Intrathecal Administration for Control of Severe Spinal Spasticity. Functional Improveme

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Vendor Payments From 01.04.2013 To 30.04.2013 ACC Limited, LB Shastri Road, Near Teen Hath Naka, Thane, Maharastra ACCOUNTS OFFICER(RECOVERY), CISF HQ NEW DELHI b hadra 1 0 8 3181 08.04.2013 2013005581 BENNETT COLEMAN & CO LTD TIMES OF INDIA ECHOINDIA 2013 BANGALORE Narayan Hridunalaya Inst of Cardiac HJI- Div of Orient Paper Mil s (Prop:Orient Paper and Industries L HJI- Div of Orient


Recently completed Research Higher Degree projects Topic Supervisors effective treatment for cervicogenic dizziness? Oxidative stress and Indigenous Australians living in rural communities. Aboriginal health in Aboriginal hands Validity of the Doppler manipulative screening tool for vertebral artery blood flow Randomised study of two lymphoscintigraphy guided invasive breast cancer

Health history

Name _________________________________ Social Security # ______-______-______ Sex _____ D.O. B. ___________________ Spouse or parent (if applicable) _______________________________ Employer __________________________________________ Home address _____________________________________________ City _______________ State _____ Zip _________________ Phone: Home (_____) _______-_______________ Work (___

Tipps und Tricks zur Gen-Spirale Allgemein Die Reagenzien sind reichlich bemessen. Während des Transports fliessen die Lösungen jedoch in die Deckel der Röhrchen. Deshalb vor Öffnen der Röhrchen alle Reagenzien kurz abzentrifugieren. (Bcn1 nur für 2 Sekunden!). So reichen die gelieferten Mengen gut für 6 oder mehr Gruppen. Damit die Pipettenspitzen auch auf die Socorex Mikro


Giovedì 26 Settembre 2013 IL NUMERO UNO DI AMAZON PARLA DEI NUOVI DISPOSITIVI MOBILI APPENA MESSI SUL MERCATO Bezos lancia la sfida sui tablet La nuova linea parte da 139 dollari. Novità assoluta la possibilità di attivare un help desk virtuale per la soluzione dei problemi di utilizzo più semplici. Disponibile anche un portale video on-demand di John Ford dipendere al


THIS IS A GUIDANCE DOCUMENT AND SHOULD NOT BE INTERPRETED AS A REPLACEMENT TO THE RULES. The rules for classifying and coding industrial wastes andhazardous wastes may be found in 30 Texas AdministrativeCode (TAC) Sections (§§) 335.501-.521 (Subchapter R). Texas Commission on Environmental QualityTexas Commission on Environmental Quality Kathleen Hartnett White, Chairman R. B. “R

Microsoft word - pre-op health questionnaire.doc

NORTHSIDE ANAESTHESIA PRE-OPERATIVE ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Please complete and return as soon as possible. Circle appropriate answer. Surname : ____________________________________ Given Names ___________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________Post code: _______ Phone: (H) (_____) ____________


Letter to the Editor Accepted August 27, 2008 Published online: September 9, 2008 Neuroaid in Stroke Recovery Mount Alvernia Hospital, Singapore , Singapore Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability condition dictated ( table 2 ). The Neuroaid dose received worldwide [1] . Many patients only make a partial or poor was 4 tablets, 3 times per day. Treatment was initiat-re


The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse , 37:1–11, 2011Copyright © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. ISSN: 0095-2990 print / 1097-9891 onlineDOI: 10.3109/00952990.2010.540279 Pharmacokinetic drug interactions and adverse consequences between psychotropic medications and pharmacotherapy for the treatment of opioid dependence Ali S. Saber-Tehrani, M.D., Robert Douglas Bruce, M.D., M.A., M

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Improving Summarization of Biomedical Documents† Universidad Complutense de Madrid, C/Prof. Jos´e Garc´ıa Santesmases, 28040 Madrid, Spain∗ University of Sheffield, Regent Court, 211 Portobello St., Sheffield, S1 4DP, UKal., 2004). These approaches can represent seman-tic associations between the words and terms in thedocument (i.e. synonymy, hypernymy, homonymyor co-occurrence) and us


von Patient zu Patient verschieden, typisch sind jedoch Warnhinweise und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen Probleme beim Gehen, Taubheitsgefühl, Seh- oder Bitte sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, bevor Sie Gilenya einnehmen:6. Inhalt der Packung und weitere Informationen Gleichgewichtsstörungen. Die bei einem Schub auftretenden – wenn Sie einen unregelmäßigen, anormalen Beschwerden können vollstä


DATE: 9 February 2009 CC: Pharmacists UNC is facing a critical shortage of IV acyclovir. We are likely to run out of this drug within the next 7 days, and supplies will not be available for several weeks. Effective immediately the use of IV acyclovir will be closely evaluated by the clinical pharmacists, and may need to be approved by the Pediatric or Adult Infectious Disease Consult Service. Sup

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A primer on generics A PATENT gives an innovator a monopoly over an innovation for a fixed period. This is meant to encourage innovation by allowing the innovator to extract the highest possible benefit during the In the US, pharmaceutical products receive a 20-year patent. During the patent's life, the innovator has complete monopoly over the commercial aspect of the patent. For instance,

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MOVIPREP® North Jersey Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Associates 1825 Route 23 South, Wayne, NJ 07470 Telephone 973-633-1484 Patient:_______________________________________________ Date of procedure:________________ Arrival time for procedure: _______________________ Endoscopy Center, 1st Floor Chilton Hospital Access Center Wayne Surgical Center 1825 Rt 23 S Wayne, NJ


Alabama Dept. of Agriculture and Industries Dennis Barclift . Plant Pest Administrator The information, as provided, is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as complete, nor should it be considered legally binding. Coordination with both your state and the destination state plant regulatory agency listed above may be necessary to stay up-to-date on revised requirem


I’ve been asked to tell you how Dr. Hinz’s Amino Acid Therapy Program has impacted on my life. Before I can do that I think I have to try and give you an idea of what my life was like before I started taking amino acids. I was 11 when my Mom figured out I had OCD and TTM. We didn’t tell our family doctor for two years because my Mom used to be a nurse and didn’t want me taking drugs like P

Women’s core bible study – the book of john

Wednesday October 31, 2012 Exodus 9:13 – 10:29 I. Who Are the Warrior Kings? A. Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.” 1. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis

Pii: s0891-5849(01)00477-4

Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Vol. 30, No. 7, pp. 803– 808, 2001Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. PII S0891-5849(01)00477-4 Fast Track Paper NITROXYL OXIDIZES NADPH IN A SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASENDREAS REIF,* LUIGI ZECCA,*† PETER RIEDERER,* MARTIN FEELISCH,‡ and HARALD H. H. W. SCHMIDT*Clinical Neurochemistry, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Julius-Maximil

Scheda counselling-herpes zoster-farmacista rev cf-r-me_ok

Consigli e suggerimenti per trattare il dolore da herpes zoster Che cos’è Avvertite un intenso dolore , localizzato a un solo lato del corpo (più spesso sul torace, lungo le costole o dietro la scapola, vicino all’ascella e lungo il braccio) e associato a una reazione della cute (comparsa di bollicine)? Il dolore è tale da rendere difficile l’esecuzione di qualsiasi attiv

Microsoft word - flomax 50.doc

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION CESI Chemical (a Flotek Industries, Inc. company) 1004 S. Plainsman Road, Marlow, OK 73055 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Ingredient Peroral 6.48 ml/kg (rat) Percutaneous 8.0 ml/kg (rabbit) Fathead Minnow 8,300 mg/l (96 h) Daphnia 7,550 mg/l (48 h) Dermal >5g/kg (rabbit) Oral >5g/kg (rat)

L'hygiène neuro psychique

L’HYGIENE NEUROPSYCHIQUE Alimentation saine, sommeil régulier, temps de pause et pensées positives sont autant de mesures de bon sens pour être « bien dans sa tête ». S’il le fallait, la naturopathie apporte aussi des techniques naturelles fort utiles pour y arriver. La naturopathie holistique est la grande synthèse des méthodes naturelles de santé préventive et auto-curati


IMPROVE YOUR ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE WITH NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE There are 10 minutes left in the game on a humid summer afternoon. The score is 1-1, and your team has been pressing for the clinching goal. You know you have the skills, but you just can’t seem to dig deep enough for that extra surge of energy. Although your heart is in the game, your body can’t seem to keep up. There seem

Pone.0029439 1.6

Novel Bacterial Metabolite Merochlorin A Demonstratesin vitro Activity against Multi-Drug Resistant Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureusGeorge Sakoulas1*, Sang-Jip Nam2, Sandra Loesgen2, William Fenical2,3, Paul R. Jensen2, Victor Nizet1,3,1 Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, United States of America, 2 Center for Mari


Neuroscience Letters 453 (2009) 210–213Haplotype analysis confirms association of the serotonin transporter (5-HTT)gene with schizophrenia in the Han Chinese populationChuwen Lin , Wei Tang , Jianxin Hu , Linhan Gao , Ke Huang , Yifeng Xu ,Guang He , Peiji Liang , Guoyin Feng , Lin He , Yongyong Shi a Bio-X Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China b Institute of Neuropsyc


Research Notes – Buy IRB Infra, Tata Motors, Dr.Reddy’s, reduce GSPL (September 12, 2012) Maintain ‘buy’ on IRB Infrastructure – TP Rs.182  The Service Tax (ST) department has demanded Rs.60.46 crore as ST on tolls collected in three of its  It appears that IRB has a strong case in its defence. In the worst case, the impact of this order could be Rs.140 crore (a loss

Merec bulletin: vol10 n08

Contents: The treatment of acne vulgaris: an update The treatment of acne vulgaris: an update While acne vulgaris affects 80% of adolescents, it can also occur later in life.1 It may lead to * The main aims of acne treatment are to reduce the scarring or hyperpigmentation number of lesions, reduce the impact of psychological and substantial disfigurement.2 Acne sufferers are also more


RECIEN NACIDO EXPUESTO A DROGAS SICOACTIVAS Mario Moraes, Andrea Ghione, Gabriel Gonzalez, Eleuterio Umpiérrez, Silvia Gonzalez, Antonio Pascale, Claudio Sosa. Departamento de Neonatología CHPR, Cátedra de Neuropediatría, Clínica Ginecológica C, Polo Tecnológico de Pando. El consumo problemático de sustancias psicoactivas para uso recreativo es una situación que tiene múltiples causa


Norwes Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. C –703, G.T.B Nagar , Allahabad-2110 16. Ph. No:- , 09335068610, ,09415254253,. E-Mail : norwespharmaceuticals@yahoo.co.in PRICE LIST(Liquid Orals) Products Outer Pkg in a outer Anycip-T Syrup Anacid Susp. Asmod with dropper. Asmod-P with dropper Bromas Expectorant. Caldef Susp. (Dibasic Calcium Phosphate+Vit.

Fda tf_mcj statement paroxetine

Paroxetine  -­‐  FDA  Advisory  Committee  Testimony-­‐  Dr.  Mary  Carol  Jennings  –  March  4th  My name is Dr. Mary Carol Jennings and I speak today on behalf of the National Research Center for Women & Families. Our nonprofit research center's medical and public health experts analyze and review research to provide objective information to patients, prov


SCIENCE MARKETPLACE 14 June 2006 Intellectual property | Patents | India Patenting goes the offshore route Seema Singh, Bangalore Intellectual property, long ago undermined by countries like India for cultural and economic reasons, has suddenly become a hotbed of offshoring activity. Now Indian firms are recruiting engineers and training them to become patent agents –


Programma LOAG SOMA1 “Delier” Dhr. L. Boelaarts, klinisch geriater-opleider Medisch Centrum Thema: Delier ontvangst en aftekenen presentielijst ochtend Pathogenese en medicamenteuze behandeling van het delier. State-of-the-art presentatie. Spreker volgt. Vragen en discussie tussen de deelnemers van de dag en de cursusleiders. Interactief bespreken van medicamenteuze behandeli

Highfold pamphlet.pub

Bibliography The Case of John Highfold (as discussed in A State of Injustice ) 15 April 1988 – the Advertiser – Peter Hackett, “Coroner, police and pathologist criticised” 19 April 1988 – The Advertiser – Peter Hackett, “Expert The Highfold and Dixon cases are similar – both cases involved the death of aboriginal prisoners and in both 20 April 1988 – The A


Jong C. Park Computer Science Division, Today’s TopicsIntroductionPaths and CyclesHamiltonian Cycles and the Traveling Salesperson ProblemA Shortest-Path AlgorithmRepresentations of GraphsIsomorphisms of Graphs GRAPH THEORY – a cycle in a graph G that contains each vertex in Gexactly once, except for the starting and ending – Determine if the following graphs have a • the gra


plus news Il trattamento conservativo nell’osteonecrosi Relazione scientifica consigliata dal Prof. P. G. Marchetti a cura di: Antonio Capone, Daniele Podda, Franco Ennas, Valeria Setzu*Clinica Ortopedica e Traumatologica, Università degli Studi di Cagliari (Dir. Prof. C. Velluti)*Unità Operativa di Ortopedia Pediatrica, Casa di Cura Lay, Cagliari ABSTRACT Tab. 1: Fattori di rischio


Jeudi 22 et vendredi 23 mars 2012 Adhésion à la SFA Société Française d’Alcoologie, il convient d’adresser à la Secrétaire générale une demande d’adhésion accompagnée des lettres de parrainage de deux membres de la Société. La candidature est soumise à l’approbation Prochaine Réunion Controverses Mouvements d’entraide et thérapies de M. J.P. Anris, Dr L. B


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Neurotech Pharmaceuticals Adds Ophthalmic Leaders to Advance Groundbreaking Sight-Saving Therapies -- Strengthens Board of Directors and Management Team -- Cumberland, RI. – September 19, 2013 – Neurotech Pharmaceuticals, a biotechnology company developing sight-saving therapies for chronic retinal disease, announced today that renowned ophthalmology ex

Microsoft word - braunmohpaperfinalversiona.doc

DUAL TUNING IN THE MAMMALIAN COCHLEA: DISSOCIATION OF NEURAL AND BASILAR MEMBRANE RESPONSES AT SUPRA- THRESHOLD SOUND LEVELS – A META-ANALYSIS Neuroscience of Music, Gansbyn 14, S-67195 Klässbol, Sweden In the basal turn of the cochlea, tuning of auditory nerve fiber (ANF) and basilar membrane (BM) responses are closely correlated at threshold levels. Their correlation also at sup

Microsoft word - health sector policy paper ndcm 2008 feb.

Policy Paper on Health Sector Development 1. Introduction Modern health services initiated about 120 years ago in Nepal, with eight health facilities established in different parts of the country at a time. The pace of growth of health service was slow till 1950s and after that health sector took steady and continuous growth with establishment of more health facilities at all level a

Patient registration.eps



Fisiopatología y abordaje de la disfunción sexual C. Valles-Antuña a, J.M. Fernández-Gómez b,c, S. Escaf b,c, M.C. Fernández-Miranda a, F. Villanueva-Gómez a, F. Fernández-González a FISIOPATOLOGÍA Y ABORDAJE DE LA DISFUNCIÓN SEXUAL EN PACIENTES EPILÉPTICOS Resumen. Objetivo . Revisar la disfunción sexual en epilépticos, un aspecto de la enfermedad a menudo infravalorad

Microsoft word - nomir termis pr final 12-08-08

Nomir Medical Presents Positive MRSA Resistance Reversal and Eradication Data for its Noveon® Dual-Wavelength Device in the Human Nares -Full In Vivo Human Data Discussed at TERMIS Conference- Waltham, MA – December 08, 2008 – Nomir Medical Technologies announced today the presentation of positive in vivo human data for its Noveon® direct optical energy device for trea


Ufficio_giudiziario Cassazione Penale, sez. III, 28 gennaio 2003, n. 4018 brevettazione - farmaci. Fonte: LaTribuna.it con massima CORTE DI CASSAZIONE PENALE Sez. III 28 gennaio 2003, n. 4018 (c.c. 19 novembre 2002), Pres. Zumbo - Est. Grillo - P.M. Ciampoli (conf.) - Ric. Marton. Svolgimento del processo e motivi della decisione. - Il P.M. presso il Tribunale di Bolzano, essendo emerso, nell’


! Rating: This presentation has been rated ! Stir in ¼ of required DR Budget! Produce one (1) DR Plan for Audit! Add a dash of Management ambivalence! Place DR Plan on shelf for 1 to 2 years ! Your most important asset is a trained staff. ! Information is required, but without people, ! For information purposes only, the following are thesteps which would be followed for a formal BCP

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Wildhainweg 3, P.O. Box 8232, CH-3001 Berne Press and Information Office Bern, 11. January 2011 (embargo: 12.01.11, 01.00 am) Press Release Side effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Pain killers increase risk of heart attack If you regularly take pain killers – even those available over the counter – you often expose yourself to higher risks of heart attac

Microsoft word - template.doc

VADEMECUM FOR HIV PATIENTS ADDENDUM #3 PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF LIPODYSTROPHY Lipodystrophy, or "lipo" for short, is a collection of body shape changes in people taking antiretroviral medications. "Lipo" refers to fat, and "dystrophy" means bad growth. These changes include fat loss, fat deposits, and metabolic changes. Fat loss occurs in the arm


New Tests and Test Updates In our continuing effort to provide you with the highest quality toxicology laboratory services available, we have compiledimportant changes regarding a number of tests we perform. Listed below are the types of changes that may be included inthis notification, effective Friday, June 17, 2011 New Tests - Tests recently added to the NMS Labs test menu. New Tests ar

Microsoft word - document7

Neighbourhood Support Fact Sheet Preparing for the Bird Flu Health experts and governments around the world are worried that the flu virus H5N1 affecting birds (avian influenza or bird flu) could change into a virus that affects people. If this happens, and the new virus enters New Zealand, many of us could become very sick. When a new flu virus infects many people around the world, it


Dr Peter Kiehlmann Dr Christine Paterson Dr Ade Ogunnupe Dr Damian McGrory Working together, caring for your health Assistants Dr Rhona McKeown Dr Julie Cooper Danestone Medical Practice Fairview Street, Danestone, Aberdeen AB22 8ZP Telephone: (01224) 822866 Fax: (01224) 849699 TRAVEL CLINIC QUESTIONNAIRE NOTE: Complete 1

Microsoft word - paknahad.doc

Zamzam Paknahad(Ph.D) Postal Address: Academic Qualification : 1986-1989 : B.S, Biology , Shiraz University 1990-1994: M.Sc, Nutrition in Medicine - Shiraz University of Medical Sciences ,Iran 1996-2002: Ph.D, Nutrition, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran Areas of Particular Expertise: Teaching Areas: Major Research Involvements: ™ Publication: 1

Lichtblick-newsletter nr. 240

Lichtblick-Newsletter Nr. 240 vom 04.03.2010::: SPENDENSEITE: www.lapkmv.de/spenden :::Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, hier wieder neues vom Lichtblick-Team:******************************************************************** (1) Tagesklinik für psychisch kranke Kinder in Stolberg eröffnet Stolberg/Aachen - Gemeinsam mit dem Bethlehem-Krankenhaus Stolberg hat das Universitätsklinikum Aachen


Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and HCV / HIV Co-infection Handbook National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project NATAP Programs: -- NATAP Reports newsletter-- NATAP Web Site www.natap.org-- Community Treatment Education Program: on site at over -- HIV and Hepatitis Treatment Education Series Forums at-- Email Treatment & Conference Updates-- Al

Us dod 2007

Dialysis of Drugs Curtis A. Johnson, PharmD Nephrology Pharmacy Associates Verona, Wisconsin Professor (Emeritus) of Pharmacy and MedicineUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonMadison, Wisconsin SEE DISCLAIMER REGARDING USE OF THIS POCKET BOOK 2007 Dialysis of Drugs DISCLAIMER—These Dialysis of Drugs guidelinesare offered as a general summary of informationfor pharmacists and other medical


My loneliness is so large It has outgrown meIt walks beside meA wasteland that keeps in step A new and strange stretch of desert O highway I travel, do you say to me (…)O public road I say back I am not afraid to leave you yet I love you You express me better than I can express myself Vol Lufthansa 427 L’Amérique était proche. Plusieurs dizaines de compa-gnies pour e^ectuer l

This chapter describes various parts of the treenet and how it can be used



Effects of a natural extract of (–)-hydroxycitric acid (HCA-SX) anda combination of HCA-SX plus niacin-bound chromium andGymnema sylvestre extract on weight lossH. G. Preuss,1 D. Bagchi,2 M. Bagchi,2 C. V. S. Rao,3 D. K. Dey4 and S. Satyanarayana51Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Georgetown University Medical Center, Georgetown, Washington, DC, USA2Department of Pharmacy Sciences, Creig

Sarabhai zydus animal health limited

PRODUCT CATALOGUE LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS ANTI-INFECTIVES Add 7.5 ml sterile distilled water to make 10 ml Mastitis, Pneumonia & other diseases Add 15 ml sterile distilled water to make 20 ml Mastitis, Pneumonia & other diseases Pneumonia, enteritis & other diseases Inject 5mg/kg b.wt. by IM or slow IV injection Vial of 15 ml positive, gram-negative bacteria and for 3-5 d

St john's wort pil

Patient Information Leaflet Nature’s Best St John’s Wort tablets have bought without a prescription. Therefore itPlease read this information carefully before youis important that you do not take St John’s Wortstart taking these tablets. It contains some importantif you are using any of the medicines listed below. information about this product. Keep this leaflet with All hormonal c

Pdf file

SUCRALFATE TABLETS, USP DESCRIPTION Sucralfate is an ␣-D-glucopy- ranoside, ␤-D-fructofuranosyl-, octakis-(hydrogen sulfate), alu- minum complex. Tablets for oral administrationcontain 1 g of sucralfate, USP. nesium stearate, and colloidalsilicon dioxide. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Sucralfate is only minimally absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The small amounts of the sulfated

Nutritional interventions in the treatment and in the prevention of the athletic amenorrhea

Disponível no site Nutrição Ativa (www.nutricaoativa.com.br) Accepted for publication in January of 2007. Referenciar as: MOREIRA, Thaís Rodrigues; PRASS, Francine Sarturi; VARGAS, Camila Lehnhart; SILVA, Sabrina Vieira da. Nutritional interventions in the treatment and in the prevention of the athletic amenorrhea. The FIEP Bulletin, Foz do Iguaçu, 2007. NUTRITIONAL INTERVENTIONS IN

Microsoft word - cdc key points_may 5 2009.doc

Novel H1N1 Flu Updated Key Points May 5, 2009: 11:00 a.m. Situation Update CDC is reporting 403 laboratory confirmed human infections with novel H1N1 flu in 38 states in the United States. CDC will be verbally reporting probable cases at the daily telebriefings. This virus is spreading from person-to-person without regard for borders, race or ethnicity. However, children have been more likely t

Curriculum vitae

Prof Banie Boneschans CV- B BONESCHANS 1 PERSONAL PARTICULARS Boneschans, Barend 13 Krom Street, Potchefstroom, 2520, South Africa 1.1 Language skills Afrikaans 1.2 Computer skills Computer literate with excelent skills in the operation of the folowing software 1.3 Professional registration Registered as a Pharmacist with the South African Pharmacy Council w

*03 supplemental info-sect 03

NEW HAMPSHIRE MUSIC EDUCATORS’ ASSOCIATION A Division of MENC – National Association for Music Education – MEDICAL FORM – PLEASE PRINT Last Name: ___________________________ First Name:_______________________________ DOB: _________ Age: ____ Grd: ____ Sex: _____ Performing Group: __________________ Custodial Parent/Guardian:________________________________ Home Tel: _________


UN SAGGIO POLITICO COME AVVERTIMENTO SULLA SANITÀ PUBBLICA neare il fatto che, come per za “Spagnola” veniva chiamata la SARS, l’origine di questa così a seguito di due decadi di epidemia è in Asia, quando dispute tra America e Spagna dson di Washington, Michael Io penso che dobbiamo andare Agency-Agenzia federale per aiuterà la compagnia Sanofi- le relazioni Anglo-Americane c


Memorandum Date: David W. Hempe, Manager, Aircraft Engineering Division, AIR-100 Brad Miller, Avionic Systems Branch, AIR-130 Information: Policy and Guidance for Electronic Flight Bag Class 1 & 2 System Architecture and Aircraft Connectivity Background The FAA has previously published AC 120-76, Guidelines for the Certification, Airworthiness, and Operational Approval of E

Anxiety disorders diagnosis and treatment algorithm

Anxiety Disorders Diagnosis and Treatment Algorithm For the Primary Care Physician The following diagnosis and treatment guide is a joint creation of the North Carolina Psychiatric Association and the North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians. The work was supported in part by a grant from the office of the North Carolina Attorney General. Background of this grant is available from

Microsoft word - a1008_4.doc

GlaxoSmithKline prevails at Federal Court of Appeal, but saga continues In a July 26, 2010, decision, Canada’s Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) found that the Tax Court of Canada (TCC) erred in its interpretation of former subsection 69(2) of the Canadian Income Tax Act (ITA), which involved an application of the comparable uncontrolled price (CUP) method. The FCA sent back to the TCC the issue of

Cancer research uk : more e.

Cancer Research UK : More evidence for HRT link to ovarian cancerhttp://info.cancerresearchuk.org/news/archive/newsarchive/2009/july/. News & Grants & Information Resources Research News & Resources Cancer & Research Healthy Living CancerStats Public Policy Youth & Schools News Our publications Interact You


…Trust, Live, Enjoy • NGC is a Vibrant company that is committed to improving peoples’ lives in a transparent and socially responsible • Building on its solid multinational heritage, NGC's commitment to 'best practice' in business management and the pursuit of manufacturing excellence has enabled it to forge strategic relationships with a number of blue chip companies to


Frauke Musial, Ph.D. Publications Peer reviewed Eberhardt, B., Dilger, S., Musial, F., Wedding, U., Weiss, Th. & W.H.R. Miltner. (2006) Short-term effects of chemotherapy in older cancer patients. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 132 (4): 234-240. Eberhardt, B., Dilger, S., Musial, F., Wedding, U., Weiss, Th. & W.H.R. Miltner. (2006). Medium-term eff


Norfolk General Hospital Your Group Plan Booklet Keep in a safe place This booklet is a valuable source of information for you and your family. It provides the information you need about the group benefits available through your employer’s group plan with Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Sun Life), a member of the Sun Life Financial group of companies. Please keep it in a safe p


Reference Slippery Elm, Burdock, Devil’s Claw, Pau D’ Arco Fo-Ti-Tieng, Gotu Kola, FE-Y, RH, SH, SK-F C-1, CKLS, Chaparral, Freed-om, Astragalus, Suma, Red Clover Bee Pollen, RH, C-FU, Mullein, Nettle, Lobelia (Also See Respiratory) 4-PG, Alfalfa, Kelp, HE-RT, Dandelion, Capsicum Blessed Thistle, Hawthorn Berries, Garlic, Ginger NVS, Valerian, Ginkgo, St. John’s Wort, Black Coho


Long pending disputes in the courts can be settled through theCopies of decisions of the Lok Adalat are given to the partiesThe National Commission for Women (NCW) has evolved the conceptof Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalat, which in turn supplements the efforts of theThe decision of the Lok Adalt is final and there is no appealDistrict Legal Service Authority (DLSA) for redressal and speedy dispos

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Patient Health History Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/___/_____Age: _____ Sex: F M Height:_______ Weight :_______ Primary Language: ________________Do you need an interpreter? _____ Referred here by (check one)  Self Family Friend Doctor Other Health Professional Name of person makin


Headline Company: Marina retains Numoda for Phase Ib/IIa trial of lead compound; open to Mdrna, Inc (FKA: Nastech Pharmaceuticals) contact from other CROs for pivotal Phase IIb - CEO Pfizer, Inc. Intelligence Details Numoda Corporation Marina Biotech (NASDAQ:MRNA) will work with the CRO Numoda Corp for the Phase Ib/IIa trial of its lead compound, CEQ508, in familial adenomatous

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NEMCO RESOURCES LTD. Page 1 of 8 Fuel Injector Cleaner MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Product and company identification PRODUCT NAME : Fuel Injector Conditioner PRODUCT CODE SUPPLIER : NEMCO RESOURCES LTD. 25 Midland Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 3J6 Canada Date Issued : October, 2013 Emergency (call collect) : 204-788-1030 : 613

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New and Improved Features, Shortcuts and Tips Keyboard Shortcuts Drug Interactions Display F10 Fast Keys <Ctrl> + U <Alt> + C <Ctrl> + J <Alt> + L <Ctrl> + Q <Alt> + N <Ctrl> + T <Alt> + R <Ctrl> + N <Alt> + S <Ctrl> + <SHIFT> + - CPI print out <Alt> +


Our Sandoz Division is a global leader in developing, manufacturing and marketing generic pharmaceutical products, follow-on biopharmaceuticals and drug substances not biopharmaceutical products and drug substances that are not protected by valid and enforceable third-party patents. In 2013, Sandoz achieved consolidated net sales of USD 9.2 billion, representing 16% of the Group’s total net

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Paper presented to First Thai-Chinese Strategic Research Seminar , Bangkok, 24-26, Aug., 2012 New evidences of The Phylogenetic relationship of the Thai people in Thailand and the Zhuang people in China Prof.,China - ASEAN Studies Centre, GXUN,PRC The Thai people in Thailand and the Zhuang people in China live in different countries and separated away from each other, but up to now,

Microsoft word - aneeladarbar,md.cv

Aneela Darbar, M.D. Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery Areas of Interest: Cerebrovascular and Skull Base Surgery, Neuro-endoscopy Department of Neurological Surgery Saint Louis University School of Medicine EDUCATION 2008-2009 Fellowship in Minimally Invasive Cranial Neurosurgery with Dr. Charles Teo, Sydney, Australia. 2002 – 2008 Residency in Department of Neurosu

2° esposto senza nomi

Oggi, 22 marzo 2011, il sottoscritto: Giorgio Pompa, nato a Scanno (AQ), il 18 settembre 1948, domiciliato in Milano Via Pier Luigi da Palestrina n. 35, membro del Telefono Viola di Milano, tutti i fatti esposti si riferiscono a ricoveri avvenuti dal 2008 al 2011 presso i 3 reparti di Psichiatria del Dipartimento di Salute Mentale del ’Azienda Ospedaliera Niguarda Ca’ Granda, ovvero nel repa

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THE REGIONAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COUNCIL OF NEW YORK CITY, INC. NYC REMAC Prehospital Treatment & Transport Protocols The Regional Emergency Medical Advisory Committee (REMAC) of New York City is responsible to develop, approve and implement prehospital treatment and transport protocols for use within the five boroughs of the City of New York. The Regional Emergency Medic

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What is Verve? Verve is insanely healthy energy that final y has everything you’re looking for in your energy boost.* Utilizing high quality and effective ingredients, Verve packs energy and nutrition in one convenient product.* Verve is available in two great delivery methods: a refreshing, great tasting 8 oz Verve Energy Drink or a powerful and portable 3 oz Verve Energy Shot. Both options ha

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Travel Clinic Travel Clinics For Safe International Travel: Prevention Pays Airlines have made the world smaller, countries closer, and tropical diseases easier to contract. The last decade of international business opportunities have led to a dramatic increase in more foreign travel by Americans. There is also a new trend to travel to out of the way places to "get back to nature

Your kit list

PARTICIPANT INFORMATION FORM Please print - This form is to be completed and must be signed by the participant’s parent or legal guardian if under the age of 18. Please be very specific with all information so that the staff is fully informed. Feel free to include extra explanation sheets. Legal Name : DOB : M: D: Y: Preferred Name : Pref. Gender ID : Are you on Faceboo

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FALLAUFNAHMEN UND ALLGEMEINES Träume: Verstorbenen, Friedhöfe, Schlangen, Beziehungen Angst / Furcht vor wilden Tieren, Schlangen, Gewitter, Hexerei / Zauberei Normalerweise keine Angst vor dem Tod / Sterben Babys werden normalerweise 2 Jahre lang gestil t Gesunde Babys / Kinder weinen oder schreien nicht Al e alkoholischen Getränke werden als „Bier“ bezeichnet - Entweder tr

Microsoft word - recovery -schizophrenia - bipolar.doc

Is There a Psychopharmacology of Recovery from Schizophrenia? Medical parallel: treatment of complicated medical illness such as cancer requires clinician to be good strategist and good technician; same applies to complicated psychiatric illness such as schizophrenia Current challenges in treating severe mental illness: cure unlikely for most patients; -more medication choices than eve

Microsoft word - rate contract for supply of medicnes-08.09.10.doc

Sub: Rate Contract for Supply of medicines/ surgical items. Last date/ time of submission of offer 21.09.2010 at 2.00 PM Date/ time of opening of the offers 21.09.2010 at 2.30 PM Please submit your offer for entering in to a rate contract for a period of one year for supply of medicines and surgical items for the items for the items mentioned in annexure-1 (3 pages). The rates to be q

Microsoft word - natural approaches to depression.doc

Natural Approaches to Depression An estimated one million Canadians suffer from some form of depression and according to the Canadian Mental Health Association, one in 10 people will suffer from depression during their lifetime. Symptoms of depression include: poor appetite with weight loss or increased appetite with weight gain; insomnia or hyersomnia; physical hyperactivity or inactivity;

Guide for service users

Guide for Service Users Newcastle Temporary Accommodation Drugs Management Protocol October 2006 Newcastle Temporary Accommodation Drugs Management Protocol Guide for Service Users NEWCASTLE TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION DRUGS MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL October 2006 Guide for service users Contents Introduction – what is the purpose of the protocol Protocol?

An integrated approach to insect management in turfgrass: hairy chinch bug

For a comprehensive list of our publications visit www.rce.rutgers.edu An Integrated Approach to Insect Management in Turfgrass: Richard J. Buckley, Coordinator, Plant Diagnostic Laboratory; Albrecht M. Koppenhöfer, Ph.D., Extension Specialist, Turfgrass Entomology; and Sabrina Tirpak, Senior Lab Technician, Plant Diagnostic Laboratory Fig. 1. Developmental stages of the hairy chinch b

Microsoft word - dr. nargunds pre pro#17a39c.doc

PRE PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please arrive a half hour before your scheduled procedure time. 2. Please bring with you the following:• Your insurance card(s)• Some type of I.D. (i.e. driver’s license, work I.D., etc.)3. You will need someone to drive you home. 4. *There is no eating or drinking 8 hrs before your procedure. * • You may take you regular medications, such as pain

Kar-ming fung, m

Case Number: DS-2003-07 http://w3.ouhsc.edu/pathology/aanp-oren/ Annual Diagnostic Slide Session Established 1959 2003 Case 7 Contributor: Ana Sotrel, M.D., William Bellini, Ph.D., Atilano G. Lacson, M.D., Mario A. Reyes, Nolan Altman, M.D., Jeannette Guarner, M.D., Glenn Morrison, M.D., and Michael Duchowny, M.D., Miami Children’s Hospital and University of Miami


Dr. Stefano Scoglio, Ph.D. Una potente molecola naturale dalle alghe Klamath Copyright © Stefano Scoglio, 2002 UNA POTENTE MOLECOLA ANTINFIAMMATORIA E ANTITUMORALE DALLE MICROALGHE VERDI-AZZURRE Introduzione Le microalghe verdi-azzurre sono un supercibo verde caratterizzato da una densità nutrizionale sen-za eguali. Ad esempio la microalga spirulina, coltivata in

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2009-2010 Likabehandlingsplan för Hanemålaområdet En grundläggande mänsklig rättighet är rätten till likabehandling. Alla barn skall ha samma rättigheter – tjejer som killar och oavsett etnisk tillhörighet, religion eller annan trosuppfattning, funktionshinder eller sexuell läggning. Kränkande behandling uts barn för kränkande behandling gäller naturligtvis inte illr


Your Stuffy Nose NASAL STUFFINESS: Nasal congestion, stuffiness, or obstruction to nasal breathing is one of man's oldest andmost common complaints. While it may be a mere nuisance to some people, to others it is asource of considerable discomfort, and it detracts from the quality of their lives. Medical writers have classified the causes of nasal obstruction into four categories,recogniz

Microsoft word - okap outline2014.doc

Retina II Jeanne L. Rosenthal MD MPOD FACS Surgeon Director in Ophthalmology Assoc. Director, Retina Service Attending Surgeon, Trauma Service New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology New York Medical College Based on AAO Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 12 Retina and Vitreous, 2006-2007 Part II Chapter 10 Retinal Degenerations A


New Testament Survey Intertestamental History Rebelled against Assyria in 626 B.C. Joined forces with the Medes to defeat Nineveh in 614 B.C. Conquered Judah and Egypt. Extended Babylonian influence overthe known world. Was not originally of the royal family so he married a widow ordaughter of Nebuchadnezzar. His son was Belteshazzar. Nabonidus spent little time in Babylon, having a pala

Oformatterad dokumentmall

DWELLINGS Source: Housing Construction, Statistics Sweden Reconditioned dwellings are now reported under the heading converted dwellings. Conversion refers to more extensive measures where the disposition of dwellings is changed. Municipal facts 2009 will only be presenting the net change in the number of dwellings in renova- ted multi-dwelling buildings, as opposed to previous years when t

Who owns truth?

“Truth” includes evidence, E , a part of relative to evidence, P (H,E), and the utility of actions, U (A,E), Who selects investigator, analyst and writer? Who decides whether to submit to publish? Who possesses clinical trial data and at whose “Who has exclusive discretion over design and conduct of experiment? who selects the investigator, analyst, and writer? who has


Te Poutama Tau Student Performance in asTTleThis study examines whether students participating in Te Poutama Tau transfer their knowledge to solving problems that differ in form and context. Additionally, it examines how these students perform in traditional written-type tests, in particular the asTTle test1, against the national norms for Màori-medium schools. An asTTle test was given to one co

Journal vol-2-5

Guru/Journal of Engineering, Science and Management Education/Vol. 2, 2010/73-77 MICROBIAL STUDIES ON SOME METAL COMPLEXES WITH TETRACYCLINE Pranay Guru* Received July 22, 2010, Revised July 23, 2010 ; Accepted Aug. 26, 2010 Abstract RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The present paper deals with the microbial studies of Ni(II) In general all the tested complexes showed higher toxicit


Methoden Entwöhnung Vorwort . 4 Warum aufhören ? . 5 So erholt sich der Körper vom Tabakkonsum . 8 Abhängig? Ich? . 9 (nahe Alexanderplatz)im Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte Fagerströmtest . 10 Aufhören? Ja, aber wie? . 11 Fahrplan zum Aufhören - Nützliche Tipps . 12 Methoden der Entwöhnung . 14 Rauchstopp mit Verhaltenstraining . 16Rauchersprec

Discharge instructions

Medications Nursing staff will give you specific instructions about your medications in written form. The following general rules usually apply: • Most medications that you took before surgery can and should be resumed on the same Usually diabetic medications and diuretics (fluid pills) should not be restarted. Also, you should not take Aspirin, Motrin, or other pain medic


Publikasjonsliste for professor Adrian Smith, dr.med.vet., dipl. ECLAM, MA, VetMB, MRCVS Doktorgrader: 1) Avhandling for graden dr. scient. ved Norges veterinærhøgskole: Aspects of seasonal breeding in the male blue fox (Alopex lagopus): some testicular parameters and plasma hormone concentrations. 75 sider. 1984. 2) Avhandling for graden dr. med. vet. ved Norges veterin

Microsoft powerpoint - 5_g_Ö [kompatibilitätsmodus]

Seltene Demenzen Gesundheitsökonomische A demenzieller Erkrankungen lic. phil. Gregor Steiger-Bächler 18-09-2009 Neuropsychologie-Basel Demenzprozesse Präsymptomatische Phase Präklinische Phase Klinische Phase Æ Demenz Hirnleistungen Symptome Diagnose Verlust der Selbständigkeit Pathologie i m im G ehirn Gehirn

Candida questionnaire

CANDIDA QUESTIONNAIRE The total score will help you and your naturopath decide if your health problems are yeast-connected. Scores in women will run higher, as seven items in the questionnaire apply exclusively to women, while only two apply exclusively to men. ** Women with scores over 130 and men with scores over 140. Yeast connected health problems almost a certainty. ** Women with s

Microsoft word - north toronto parent council may 27th meeting minutes.doc

North Toronto Parent Council May 27th, 2009 Meeting Minutes Welcome : Jane Lewis and Michele Temple, Co-Chairs Student Council Update (President James Bok and Vice-President Yasmin Hariri): Goals for next year: James – make NT more eco-friendly. Yasmin- raise the most amount of money in Charity Week and also give Junior Students an opportunity for leadership roles. Fashion Show:

Guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis.doc

Adopted by NZDA Board March 2003 CODE OF PRACTICE ANTIBIOTIC PROPHYLAXIS FOR DENTAL TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PROSTHETIC JOINT REPLACEMENTS 1. INTRODUCTION Prosthetic replacement of large joints such as the hip, knee, elbow and shoulder is an increasingly common and highly successful orthopaedic surgical procedure. Haematogenous infection of a prosthetic joint replacement is a devas

Northeast iowa community action corporation

FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM INFORMED CONSENT FOR CONTRACEPTIVE METHODS (Prescription & Non-Prescription) ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES I have chosen oral contraceptives as my method of contraception. I have been provided counseling and written information regarding the benefits and risks, effectiveness, potential side effects, complications, and danger signs of oral contraceptive use. I have been gi

Ppp-psq rev 01-06

361 Hospital Road, Suite 124 • Newport Beach, CA 92663 • (949) 631-0988 PRE-ANESTHESIA SURGERY QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Name of your regular family doctor _______________________________ Phone ___________ OR ❏ I do not have a regular family doctor2. Have you ever had any problems with blood pressure, previous heart disease, palpitations or angina?____________________________________________If y


The Vantage Vue™ (#6250) wireless weather station includes two components: the Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) (#6357)which houses and manages the external sensor array, and the console (#6351) which provides the user interface, datadisplay, and calculations. The Vantage Vue ISS and console communicate via an FCC certified, license free frequencyhopping transmitter and receiver

Fa keys to the cage insides_layout

Depression. Panic. Anxiety. Despair. Stress. Black dog. Call it whatyou will, depressive illness in Ireland is escalating. It is estimatedthat one in four people will suffer from depression at some stagein their lives. Yet it is still largely misunderstood. As a doctor’sdaughter, a former nurse and a medical journalist, I haveencountered many people in difficulty and despair. I have seen theirhe

Otc guide10.28.03.doc

Announcement: Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs Now FSA Reimbursable IRS Revenue Ruling 2003-102, released September 3, 2003, permits many OTC drugs purchased without a physician’s prescription to be reimbursed through a health care flexible spending account (FSA), as long as the items alleviate illness or injury. Below are examples of medical-only and dual purpose OTC


AMENDMENT FOR DISTRIBUTION 11.0--AUTISM NIMH HUMAN GENETICS INITIATIVE DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed that the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Human Genetics Initiative Distribution Agreement signed by NIMH, the center for Genetic Studies, and _____________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT) as the Receiving Institution is amended to incl

Microsoft word - ept guidelinesfinal.doc

New Mexico Department of Health Guidelines for Expedited Partner Treatment (EPT) of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) On Jan. 10th, 2007 the New Mexico Practice Act was amended to allow for Expedited Partner Treatment for sexually transmitted diseases. Background: Expedited Partner Treatment (EPT) is a mechanism for providers to treat patients with whom they have not establishe


Systemic vascular resistance is usually decreasedhospitalization and death. Patients with NYHA Class In addition, pulmonary wedge pressure and with administration of dobutamine. Occasionally,IV symptoms appeared to be at particular risk. cardiac output should be monitored minimum vasoconstriction has been observed. whenever possible to aid in the safe and DOBUTAMINE INJECTION USP M


2010-2011 Annual Report 14N solid-state NMR spectroscopy of pharmaceuticals and their polymorphs Stanislav L. Veinberg,a Christopher R. Mireault,a Kristopher J. Harris,a Luke A. O’Dellb and (a) Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario (b) Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario In a previous


cristão, levar a salvação para alguém, divulgar a mensagem que o Senhor deixou. Recado importante: Olá amigos! Desej q ue esta meditação seja mesmo uma bênção Então, MINHA VIDA NÃO TERÁ SIDO EM VÃO” (Extraído da internet) . para você, não uma muleta. Ela é um auxílio e não substitui a Bíblia e é voltada Leia novamente o versículo de hoje e decida cumpri-lo em


Una mujer maltratada no siempre lleva marcas visibles de la violencia. Puede ser tu vecina. Todas las mujeres pueden cambiar su situación, pero a veces necesitan ayuda para lograrlo. Existen soluciones y posibilidades de cambiar la propia situación en la vida. La violencia en el seno de la familia es indebida, y además ilegal. ¡Queremos acabar con la violencia ejercida contra las mujeres! Lo

Nieuwe inzichten in nf.

NF Kontakt ledendag 21 feb. 2009 presentatie Prof. Dr. E. Legius Elk jaar herhaal ik hier weer dat we meer weten over de verschillende aspecten van neurofibromatose. De vraag die zich dan altijd opdringt is: wat kunnen we daar nu in de praktijk mee doen ? Wanneer komt er een resultaat dat wij bij de apotheker kunnen afhalen ? Daar begint nu stilaan verandering in te komen. Het weten

Ncbc 2012 flyerv9b.indd

Accreditation BRN Credits 3/10/12 Breast Cancer Risk Assessment - 7.2This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with 3/10 - 3/11/12 National Recognition of Breast Centers of Excellence - 12.9the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing 3/10 - 3/11/12 Clinical Breast Examiner CertificationProgram - 7.2Medical Education (ACCME) through t

Microsoft word - impact report final _may 2008_.doc

Assessment of the impact on crop protection in the UK of the ‘cut-off criteria’ and substitution provisions in the proposed Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products in the market This assessment has been prepared as a supplement to the regulatory impact assessment for this proposal Pesticides Safety Directorate


PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride, also commonly known as ‘vinyl’) is a rigid polymer, possibly most often seen in its ‘natural’ state used as w indow frames. In order to make PVC malleable, a variety of plasticisers are added and other processes are used during manufacture. In particular, this includes the addition of phthalates which provide flexibility, in order to mould and manufacture a wid


§ 90-89. Schedule I controlled substances. This schedule includes the controlled substances listed or to be listed by whatever official name, common or usual name, chemical name, or trade name designated. In determining that a substance comes within this schedule, the Commission shall find: a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in the United States, or a lack of accep

Curriculum vitae

Linda Howe, PhD, RN, CNS, CNE University of Central Florida College of Nursing EDUCATION Institution Clinical Major Role Preparation LICENSURE/CERTIFICATION RN EMPLOYMENT ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS : 01/12-Present Associate Professor (Tenured), University of Central Florida College of Nursing, Orlando, FL Associate Professor (Tenured 2006), School o

Microsoft word - 09015aec80286f94.doc

Global Equity Research UBS Investment Research 12-month rating Teva Pharmaceuticals Unchanged 12m price target US$64.00 Unchanged US$48.84 „ What we learned from the conference call (1) Mgt. attributed the US generic miss to Irvine (~$53M impact), a Jerusalem 11 May 2011 slowdown (~$55M) and headwinds from high 1Q10 sales of Mirapex, Protonix,Lotre

Un50_inside_15-6 web.indd

use new injecting equipment, swab the site you intend I’ve been buying my gear from the same dealer for the past to use before injecting, use sterile water to mix up, and 12 months. Last week I rang my ‘man’ to score on pay day, wash your hands before injecting. Normal bacteria in but to my disappointment he answered the phone from a the mouth can lead to endocarditis if it ends


General frequently asked questions How many.? Why do.? Who is.? Does it.? What stops.? What are.? How many people have literacy difficulties in Ireland? In 1997 the OECD developed an international survey which examined how wel adults could cope with different types of reading and numeracy tasks which crop up regularly in work and in daily life. The survey looked at how adults of worki


Johannes Kepler Univ. of Linz & Inst. of Problems of Chemical Physics of Russian: Fabrication of “green” organic field-effect transistors N. Marjanovic M. Irimia-Vladu and colleagues from the Johannes Kepler University of Linz & Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of Russian present this work in the frame of the “green potentiality” of organic electr

Microsoft word - ddp225 phase 2a trial results final.doc

52 Second Avenue TEL: 781-839-5100 Waltham, MA 02451 FAX: 781-839-5200 P R E S S R E L E A S E For information contact: hsavelle@dynogen.com dmacdougall@macbiocom.com DYNOGEN ANNOUNCES POSITIVE RESULTS IN PHASE 2 IBS-D STUDY - DDP225 Results Mark Dynogen’s Third Set of Positive Proof of Concept Data This Year - WALTHAM, Mass., December 17, 2007 – Dynogen Pharmaceuticals


ROVARKÁRTEVŐK ELLENI FAVÉDŐ KONCENTRÁTUM Professzionális és házilagos alkalmazásra egyaránt Fafúró bogarak megsemmisítésére ill. támadásuk megelőzésére • Nagyon hatásos összetétel-formula (0.2% permethrin az oldatban is) • Oldószermentes (Nem gyúlékony, nincs illékony szerves összetevő, • Sűrű koncentrátum (Tasakonként 25 liter oldat


L'ITALIA ADOTTA LA PASTICCA 'CALMA BAMBINI' A proposito di RITALIN - AGGIORNAMENTO SUI FARMACI La FDA americana autorizza la somministrazione del Prozac ai bambini oltre i sei anni d'età? Il Ministero della Salute guidato da Girolamo Sirchia si appresta a fare altrettanto con il Ritalin. E' ormai pronto per la firma il decreto che autorizza la commercializzazione in Italia del tanto dis

Healthnet healthcare insurance

GROUP MEDICAL INSURANCE POLICY CONDITIONS In recognition of the payment of the PREMIUM WE undertake to reimburse MEDICAL TREATMENT CHARGES for MEDICAL TREATMENT incurred during the POLICY YEAR. YOUR cover is governed by the following documents all of which must be read together. The Application Form and any associated declarations. The Policy Conditions when YOUR POLICY begins or is renewe

Guia completa la gripe a final

LA GRIPE A (H1N1) INTRODUCCIÓN Nuevas Generaciones Del Partido Popular de Blanca fieles a nuestro compromiso social y responsabilidad con los habitantes de nuestro pueblo hemos elaborado esta guía con la finalidad de informar sobre la Gripe A (H1N1) y dar a conocer las medidas de prevención y las actuaciones que se deben poner en marcha ante un posible enfermo de la nueva gripe A (H1


Time Frame Asssessment Resources (CE:B) Read, perform or compose music repertoire using a variety of tonalities while demonstrating an understanding of the language of music. • Identify homophonic and polyphonic texture (GLI 11.9) (AR:A) Analyze and evaluate music selections based upon established criteria. • Describe the use of elements of music as they relate to expressio

(microsoft word - preg\343o 019 \(med diversos e mats desc\))

EDITAL DE PREGÃO PRESENCIAL Nº 019/2013 VISANDO AQUISIÇÃO MEDICAMENTOS DIVERSOS E MATERIAIS DESCARTÁVEIS. O PREFEITO MUNICIPAL DE NOVA PÁDUA, no uso de suas atribuições, torna público para conhecimento dos interessados, que às 08h30min do dia 28 de novembro de 2013 estará recebendo propostas e documentação para a Licitação Modalidade PREGÃO, nos termos da


CLIO, MAGISTRA VITAE: HISTORY & NIGERIA’S SOCIETAL ENGINEERING Professor J. U. Asiegbu University of Port Harcourt 7th June, 2000 INTRODUCTION. Principal officers of the University of Port Harcourt Distinguished Professors and Academic Colleagues of the University Our dear Students, Distinguished invitees The institution of inaugural lectures by university professors is more th

Holyrood-house 20th january 1603

Extracts from the records of the Privy Council of Scotland Sederunt- Chancellor ; Mar; Uchiltrie; Elphingstoun; Fyvie; Neubottle; Spynie; Treasurer; Halirudhous; Tracquir; Conservator; Elimosinar. Inasmuch as, "upoun occasioun of the rebellioun and dissobedyence professit and avowit within the bounds of Angus be a nowmer of undeutifull and disloyall subjectis," who seem to be "

Medication permission form and administration policy 2

Newton South High School Nurse Tel: 617-559-6575 Fax: 617-559-6701 MEDICATION PERMISSION FORM & POLICY This form must be completed by a health care provider and parent before any medication (over-the-counter or prescription) can be administered at school. (M.G.L. Chapter 112 § 80) Student name __________________________ School ___________Grade: ___ D.O.B.: _________


Op de vergaderging van het Vlaams Netwerk Burgemeestersconvenant van 7 juni 2012 kwamen de hieronder volgende actiepunten naar voor. Dit actieplan zal op komende bijeenkomsten van het Vlaams Netwerk Burgemeestersconvenant waar nodig of nuttig geactualiseerd worden. ► In general all the members will do their best to contribute to have in every subregion in Flanders enough practical

Microsoft word - clearing the decks.doc

You now know a lot more about stress and how it affects you (Part A & B of Week 1 handouts). The information in this section will help you to make changes that will put you in a better position to learn how to manage stress. Clearing the decks Before you learn new ways to get on top of stress, you must get rid of the things that might be making it worse. These may include: Alcoho


Organisatiebreed zorgpad voor Somatische screening en opvolging van Metabool Syndroom (MetS) Situering: Het OPZ Geel bestaat uit vier Divisies (Jongeren, Volwassenen, Ouderen, Rehabilitatie), heeft 320 erkende bedden/plaatsen en 538 plaatsen voor Gezinsverpleging. In 2010 bedroeg het aantal rechtstreekse opnames N= 1040. In 2009 beslisten artsen en directie om de ‘Screening en opvolgin

Client name

Client Name ______________________________________ Date ________________ RD/DTR ______________________________________________________________ Email ____________________________________ Phone ______________________ Organ Transplant Nutrition Therapy • This nutrition plan can help most people stay healthy after a transplant. For example, good nutrition can reduce potential pr


RAHMENVERTRAG gemäß § 137f i.V.m. § 137g SGB V zwischen der AOK – Die Gesundheitskasse für Niedersachsen Hildesheimer Straße 273, 30519 Hannover zugleich für die See-Krankenkasse dem BKK Landesverband Niedersachsen-Bremen Siebstraße 4, 30171 Hannover dem IKK - Landesverband Niedersachsen Günther – Wagner Allee 33, 30177 Hannover der Landwirtschaftl


Katrina’s story: Inspiring patients to take charge of their HIV around National HIV Testing Day virus (HIV) was first identified. Despiteand potential treatment options, deep stig-(atazanavir sulfate) or to any of its ingredi-of the 1.2 million people infected with HIVin the U.S., according to the Centers for Important safety information fiancé to the doctor for what she thoug


The Public Value of Adult Learning: Skills and Social Productivity Send correspondence to: Dr. Leon Feinstein Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning Institute of Education 20 Bedford Way London, WC1H 0AL Abstract In this paper, we provide an overview of the findings of the Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning on the benefits of adult learning. We set out an overv

Microsoft word - abstract_kaufmann.doc

Sustainable Urban Habitat for Families Main aplicant : Vincent Kaufmann Laboratoire de Sociologie Urbaine (LaSUR/ENAC) Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Co-applicants : Jacques Levy (CHOROS,EPFL) , Luca Pattaroni (LaSUR, EPFL), Luca Ortelli (LCC2, EPFL), Adriana Rabinovich (LaSUR, Coworker Catherine Jenny (LaSUR, EPFL) Objectives The present rese

Brief englisch

Updated guidelines for the conduction of autopsies in cases of suspected Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Disease Autopsies of patients suffering from prion diseases are intrinsically hazardous and mandate special precautions to minimize the risk of infection. While prions may be less contagious than many other human pathogens, prion infections are inexorably lethal, and neither effective treatment


Abstracts voordrachten KNF-dagen 20 April 2006 120% supramaximal stimulation suffices for CMAP recordings Ellen M. Maathuis, Gerhard H. Visser, Joleen H. Blok Dept. of Clinical Neurophysiology, Erasmus MC Rotterdam, The Netherlands Introduction: Recordings of the maximum CMAP require sufficiently strong stimuli. To achieve this in clinical practice, the lowest stimulus intensit


Eur J Clin PharmacolDOI 10.1007/s00228-007-0394-1Identification of severe potential drug-drug interactionsusing an Italian general-practitioner databaseL. Magro & A. Conforti & F. Del Zotti & R. Leone &M. L. Iorio & I. Meneghelli & D. Massignani & E. Visonà &U. MorettiReceived: 9 July 2007 / Accepted: 27 September 2007number of different types of severe potenti

Microsoft word - herbal product for weight management-clinical references

Ingr edients 1) Vrakshalam (Garcinia indica) 2) 3) Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) 4) Ginger (Zingib 5) Piperine (Piper nigrum) 6) Fenugreek (Tri gonella foenum-graecum) 7) Madhunashini (Gymnema sylvestre) Chemistry and biochemistry of (-)-hydroxycitric acid from Garcinia. Jena BS, Jayaprakasha GK, Singh RP, Sakariah KK. Source Human Resource Development, Central F


Journal of Human Hypertension (2009) 23, 188–195& 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0950-9240/09 $32.00Rationale and design of the KYOTOHEART study: effects of valsartan onmorbidity and mortality in uncontrolledhypertensive patients with high risk ofcardiovascular eventsT Sawada1, T Takahashi1, H Yamada1, B Dahlo¨f2 and H Matsubara1, for the KYOTO HEARTStudy Group1

Microsoft word - norcia - nero norcia fa il bis.doc

Provincia di Perugia via Fiume, 1 – 06046 Norcia (PG) Tel. 0743.824952 – Fax 0743.824919 ufficiostampa@comune.norcia.pg.it Nero Norcia fa il bis con grande affluenza di visitatori Un grande Marco Marzocca con il suo “Ariel” fa il pieno a piazza Sergio Forti NORCIA – Il cattivo tempo di venerdì e i disagi di viabilità connessi alla chiusura temporanea di un tratto della statale Va

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A JOINT DECLARATION BY EUROPEAN ROAD TRANSPORT OPERATORS CONCERNING THE PROFESSIONAL ROUNDTABLE MEETING HELD IN BUDAPEST The organizations from six European countries, representing road transport operators exchanged opinions on the effects, tasks and challenges that have arisen in this sector since the time the European Union was extended. The representatives of the above organization

Template --mh + medical -- did not meet a single listing

July 25, 2006 RE: _______, _______ DOB: SSS#: To Whom It May Concern: This is narrative summary on Mr. _______ _______, who has been coming to Stout Street Clinic since January 2002, and is very well-known to both myself and the clinic. The records for this dictation that were used include the Stout Street Clinic records and voluminous records from Denver Health Medical Center. Mr. _______ has no

For immediate release

NATIONAL WATER RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, please contact : NEW STUDY FINDS LOW LEVELS OF PHARMACEUTICALS AND OTHER UNREGULATED CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS IN WATER SUPPLIES FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif. –The National Water Research Institute (NWRI) released a final project report today that evaluated the presence and fate of constituents of emerging con

Microsoft word - enrolment application form.doc

Northcote College Application for Enrolment GENERAL INFORMATION Year of Entry: ( please select 1-4 as applicable ) STUDENT DETAILS Family Name: Ethnicity ( you may choose up to 3 ) NZ European (please specify)……………………………………………… (please specify)………………………………………………. (please specify) ………

Hpa - reports of swine influenza in mexico and us - an update

Reports of swine influenza in Mexico and US - an update 25 April 2009 Human cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection have been identified in California and Texas in the Unites States and in four districts in Mexico. No cases of swine flu have been identified in the UK or anywhere in Europe. The reported events in the US and Mexico are unusual and warrant further investigation and


EL CAFÉ ES UNA BUENA FUENTE DE ANTIOXIDANTES QF. Saturnino de Pablo; PhD. Martín GottelandINTA Universidad de Chile El café tostado está compuesto de un sinnúmero de componentes tales como aminoácidos,polisacáridos, azúcares, triglicéridos, terpenos, ácidos orgánicos, alcaloides, minerales, agua yotros derivados del tostado de los cuales sólo algunos son conocidos. En total probab

Microsoft word - dc_case note extraction_v1a_21 dec 2007.doc

STUDY NO.: Casenotes Extraction Form PERSONAL INFORMATION STUDY NO.: Casenotes Extraction Form  Record dates in the format DDMMYYYY.  Tick ‘estimated’ if date estimation is likely to be more than 1 year in range.  All questions must be responded to. Enter ‘6’(s) if data is missing Enter ’7’(s) if it is not applicable Enter ‘9’(s) if


LIVING WITH BOWEL PROBLEMS FOLLOWING RADIOTHERAPY A SCOPING STUDY COMMISSIONED BY NACC CONTENTS Bowel problems following radiotherapy: an overview Bowel problems following radiotherapy: personal experiences Living with bowel problems following radiotherapy: a scoping study commissioned by NACC, by Judy Wilson EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This short scoping study carried out in

Nefrologia revista 20080409:nefrologia revista 20060407.qxd

Nefrologia revista 20080409:Nefrologia revista 20060407 06/06/2008 14:19 Página 47 Artículo de Actualización Nefropatía por IgA Parte II. Aspectos pronósticos y terapéuticos Karin Thomsen Hall, Antonio Vilches Sección Nefrología, Departamento de Medicina, Instituto Universitario CEMIC. Correspondencia: Dr. Antonio Vilches. Profesor Titular de Medicina, Jefe Sección Nefrologí


Psicofarmaci, Eventi Avversi Sono di seguito riportate alcune tra le più importanti segnalazioni in materia di farmacovigilanza. Tali informazioni sono rilevate: • dal monitoraggio della Gazzetta Ufficiale e del sito web del Ministero della Salute; • da organi regolatori quali EMEA ed FDA; • da riviste di farmacovigilanza; • da siti web specializzati. Con queste informazioni, non

Annual report 2009

ANNUAL REPORT April 2008 to March 2009 Table of Contents Contents Appendices A SUMMARY Netball Singapore had a good year for the year from April 2008 to March 2009. The preparations for the World Netball Championship 2011 are progressing well, and the full report follows. Our National Opens team saw 7 players taking a break or retiring after the 2007 Worlds, and

Microsoft word - damminxttfactsheet.doc

DAMMINIX TICK TUBES FACT SHEET for Control of Lyme Disease Carrying Ticks • DAMMINIX® Tick Tubes are an effective, safe, and environmentally sound product designed specifically for the control of Lyme disease carrying ticks. • DAMMINIX® Tick Tubes were developed at a leading Lyme disease research laboratory at the Harvard School of Public Health. • DAMMINIX® Tick Tubes are


A GUIDE TO SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT IN PALLIATIVE CARE Publication Date: May 2007 Review Date: May 2009 Produced by:Yorkshire Cancer NetworkPalliative Care Group YORKSHIRE CANCER NETWORK PALLIATIVE CARE GROUP A GUIDE TO SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT IN PALLIATIVE CARE CONTENTS Introduction Pain Management Nausea and Vomiting including: Syringe Driver Principles, Intestinal

Farm data

MASTITIS BASICS Categories of Mastitis Mastitis can be divided into different categories: clinical and subclinical contagious and environmental Definitions Clinical mastitis is when there are obvious changes to the udder tissue and / or the milk. The milk may appear watery or full of clots, but will have an abnormal secretion. The udder may appear normal or may b


S. Nizam Ahmed, MD, FRCPC; Susan S. Spencer, MD due to brief interruption of blood supply to the brain. Epilepsy affects approximately 1 percent of the popula-Convulsive movements of the extremities may followtion and is characterized by recurrent unprovokedsome prolonged episodes. Vasovagal syncope may beseizures. A careful clinical history is often helpful in diag-secondary to fear, pa

Boe 019 de 22/01/2002 sec 1 pag 2591 a 2618

En el supuesto de pensión o pensiones en favor debros de las Carreras Judicial y Fiscal, y del personal alotros familiares que fueran percibidas por varios benefi-servicio de la Administración de Justicia. ciarios, la cifra resultante de la columna A del cuadro ante-Multiplicador 2,00, donde dice: «53,93 euros», deberior no será inferior a 109,35 euros mensuales, respectode cada uno de



Fhp patient info.pdf

P A T I E N T I N F O R M A T I O N S H E E T Research has shown that imbalances of Oestrogen and Progesterone can contribute to osteoporosis, breast cancer, infertility and cardiovascular disease. In response to ageing, stress and other environmental antagonists, hormone production and utilisation can be significantly impaired. The monthly fluctuation in Oestradiol and Progester

Microsoft word - cv-ralf mueller-2012-06

Ralf Müller, M.D. Specialist for Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care & Emergency Medicine Stachelbauerweg 4/2 8062 Kumberg Austria Phone: +43 664 633 70 10 Fax: +43 1 804 805 311 02 Email: office@ralfmueller.at URL: www.ralfmüller.at Curriculum Vitae 1 Personal Data Surname Müller Full Names native: German excellent: English, IELTS-Test 2010: 7,0 traces: Spanish, Greek

Nca gonarthrose trad esp 06.indd

Gonartrosis T rataremos aquí de la gonartrosis degenerativa La gonartrosis es más frecuente en las mujeres, simple, es decir sin patología auto-inmune sobre todo en caso de sobrecarga ponderal y de asociada. Suele estar relacionada con la edad, y se ve La carencia estrogénica post-menopaúsica puede favorecida a veces por un antecedente traumático ser una de las causas de esta pr


TriCor marketers, accused of plumping profits, will pay back state health programs News > Press Releases > 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Drug giants blocked sales of generics, say attorneys general SEATTLE – While marketing a drug to lower cholesterol, attorneys general say pharmaceutical giants Abbott and Fournier fattened their wallets by clogging the pathway for cheaper generic

Concert program 05-31-2009

DAVID H. EDELFELT MAY 31, 2009 MANY THANKS. to the people who have served in leadership positions during 2008-2009: General Manager . Len BarkerPresident . David HuntSecretary . Nancy FridayTreasurer . Gary HendricksonBoard Members at Large. Anthony Green, Anne Harkonen, Steve WarnerVice President for Concerts . Tom KellerChairs . Jamie Godshalk (Box Offi ce Manager), Anne Harkon

Microsoft word - listening to g

870 Market Street, Suite 570San Francisco, CA 94102(415) 392-6257 Listening to Gender Variant Children: A Humanistic Strategy for Advocates Shannon Minter, Legal Director (Speech given March 11, 2002 at Hunter College School of Social Work in New York, NY) I am very honored to be here. I want to thank the organizers of this wonderful conference, and I especially want to thank Gary Mallon.


Synchrony of rest tremor in multiple limbs in Parkinson’s disease: evidence for multiple oscillators H. Ben-Pazi 1,3 , H. Bergman 2,4 , J. A. Goldberg 2,4 , N. Giladi 1 , D. Hansel 4,5 , A. Reches 3 , and E. S. Simon 1 1 Department of Neurology, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel-Aviv,3 Department of Neurology, Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem, and4 Interdisci


RENATE BOEL Die Wirkung der ANTI-BABY-PILLE vor und nach der Empfängnis Schriftenreihe der Aktion Leben e.V. Postfach 61 - D 69518 Abtsteinach/Odw. 3. überarbeitete Auflage 2001 Die Aufgaben der natürlichen Hormone . 4Die synthetischen Hormone der Anti-Baby-Pille . 6Die Wirkung der Pille vor der Befruchtung oder:Wie die Pille eine Schwangerschaft verhindern soll . 14D


Das Kopieren der Leseproben ist nicht gestattet. Tel. +49 7626 9749 700Fax +49 7626 9749 709und englischen Homöopathie Bücher vorgestellt. SINUSITIS & RHINITIS o Sinusitis has blocked nose with frontal headache, and there may be yellow or o Rhinitis has watery coryza', frontal pain; sneezing; may have blocked nose; o Catarrh refers to a thick or purulent mucous discharge


Journal of the Egyptian Nat. Cancer Inst., Vol. 16, No. 3, Septemper: 188-194, 2004 Pleurodesis as a Palliative Treatment of Advanced Lung Cancer with Malignant Pleural Effusion ISMAIL A. MOURAD, M.D.; ABDEL RAHMAN M. ABDEL RAHMAN, M.D.; SHERIF A. AZIZ, M.D.;NAGI M. SABER, M.D. and FOUAD A. FOUAD, M.D. The Department of Surgery, NCI, Cairo University. ABSTRACT nosed exudative pleural ef

[corporate governance]

Policy No: ## Policy on the Management and Prevention of Slips, Trips and Falls Rehabilitation & Intermediate care staff Contents Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Risk assessment for the prevention and management of slips, trips and falls Potential risks and hazards in the care environment Assessment of patient/service users in a community/domiciliary Section 3

Pii: s0899-9007(98)00063-x

REVIEW ARTICLE Compatibility and Stability of Additives inMICHAEL C. ALLWOOD, PHD, AND MELANIE C. J. KEARNEY, PHD From the Medicines Research Unit, University of Derby, Mickleover, Derby, United Kingdom The addition of additives (electrolytes, trace elements, and vitamins) to parenteral nutrition (PN) mixtures can lead toprecipitation as a result of physical incompatibilities and can lead

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