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Treatment options for anal intraepithelial neoplasia and’evidence for their effectiveness
CSIRO PUBLISHING Sexual Health, 2012, 9, 587–592 http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/SH11157 Treatment options for anal intraepithelial neoplasia and evidence for their effectiveness
Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, 369 Fulham Road, London SW10 9NH, UK. Email:
Abstract. There is a growing range of treatment options for anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN). In HIV-positive patients, sustained treatment is often required to achieve clearance. The treatments considered are topically applied fluorouracil, imiquimod, cidofovir and trichloroacetic acid, the potential treatments of topical lopinavir and photodynamic therapy with aminolevulenic acid, and the surgical methods of electrosurgery, infrared coagulation and laser. Destructive treatment methods, possibly including TCA, are more effective than self applied topical treatments. Combining or alternating different treatments should be considered. Additional keywords: electrosurgery, fluorouracil, imiquimod, infrared coagulation, photodynamic therapy, trichloroacetic acid.
Received 10 November 2011, accepted 16 March 2012, published online 10 August 2012
A range of treatments for anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN)
The entire literature on AIN was reviewed using MEDLINE
have now been evaluated and some have shown considerable
from January 1966 to October 2011. Additionally, this database
promise. Most of these treatments are already well established
was searched using the known treatment modalities as
in the treatment of anogenital warts. No treatment for human
search terms. In order to include the most recent research in
papillomavirus (HPV) is going to be completely effective
the field, key conference abstracts from over the past 3 years
unless it has a secondary effect on host immunity to the
virus that is at least sufficient to prevent new lesions fromdeveloping, and ideally able to eradicate the infectionentirely. A distinction must be made between anal canal AIN
Topical treatments
(ACIN) and perianal AIN (PAIN). Not only is the anal canaltransformation zone from which much ACIN arises structurally
distinct from ordinary squamous epithelium, but the difficulties
Five-percent fluorouracil cream (5FU) is a DNA antimetabolite
of treating the anal canal are far greater than those of treating
used intravenously for solid tumours that is also licensed for
the perianal region. The two areas also involve different immune
topical use on superficial premalignant and malignant skin
compartments and their natural history is likely to be different.
lesions. It has been used for anogenital warts, for which it
In dealing with PAIN, the experience of dealing with other
has poor efficacy and tolerability. Two groups have evaluated
types of intraepithelial neoplasia such as penile intraepithelial
its use for ACIN. A fairly aggressive regime of 5 g, applied
neoplasia (PIN) and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) may
twice daily in four cycles of 5 days with 9-day breaks in between,
be reasonably drawn upon, but the same cannot necessarily be
was used in a group of mostly HIV-positive patients with
histologically confirmed high-grade AIN (HGAIN, i.e. AIN2
In attempting to assess the different treatment options listed
or -3) affecting more than three quadrants of the anal
below, it is important to keep in mind that each study involved its
There were significant tolerability issues, the drop out rate was
own unique study population, duration of follow-up and means
29% and only 71% managed to complete three cycles. Of these
of assessing effectiveness. Most of the studies are uncontrolled
20 patients, 15% were apparently completely clear of AIN after
and many are retrospective: the inherent limitations of these
2 months of treatment, and a partial improvement was noted in
approaches to study design have to be taken into account. In
most of the others. Side-effects included ulceration, bleeding and
the final section of this paper, an attempt will be made to weave
exacerbation of herpes simplex. No longer term follow-up data
together the disparate data in order to provide some basic
were achievable because all patients went on to receive treatment
guidance on best practice, given our current state of knowledge.
A gentler regime has also been tried with the application of
disease were found to have new oncogenic HPV types present,
1 g of fluorouracil twice weekly for 16 weeks.Patients
suggesting that the new disease might have been caused by a
temporarily and then reduce the frequency to once a week.
A second study focussed on the treatment of high-grade
On completion of treatment, there was a complete response in
ACIN, like the first study in HIV-positive men.This is one of
35% of 34 patients with HGAIN and in 50% of 12 patients with
only two double-blind placebo-controlled studies on the
low-grade AIN (LGAIN, i.e. AIN 1). Partial clinical response
treatment of AIN. There were 53 patients, 28 on imiquimod
was noted in 23% of patients with HGAIN. The sustained
and 25 on a placebo. In the treatment group, four patients
clearance at 6 months was 17% for those with high-grade
resolved and eight downgraded to LGAIN with a median
lesions. Overall, the sustained 6-month clearance was 19%.
follow-up of 33 months. Twenty-one patients with persistent
Interestingly, both LGAIN and HGAIN showed similar
disease commenced treatment on open-label imiquimod, of
response rates, and both responders and nonresponders
whom five resolved and four downgraded to LGAIN with a
showed a reduction in the number of HPV types present, as
mean follow-up of 36 months. Ongoing surveillance and
well as long-term depression of viral loads of HPV-16, -18, -31
treatment of the study group over several years, during which
and -33. Side-effects were mild in 37% and moderate to strong in
the treatment was primarily with further courses of imiquimod
48%, with anal pain, a strong urge to defecate or clinical signs of
(although some received topical application of trichloroacetic
proctitis. Two patients withdrew due to side-effects.
acid (TCA)) showed that 61% had sustained absence of high-
The two studies cannot be directly compared because in
grade disease. Two nonresponders who defaulted from further
the first study, the AIN was at the most extreme end of the
follow-up went on to develop anal squamous carcinomas. In
spectrum in terms of area of disease. A greater proportion of
order to increase tolerability in the open-label phase of this
patients completed the gentler regime with reasonable outcomes.
study, patients applied not more than one-third of a sachet of
The trial of an even less aggressive regime is warranted.
cream three times a week and were instructed not to apply thenext dose until any ongoing soreness resolved. Patients withmarked soreness were instructed to further reduce the dosage of
Imiquimod is a promoter of cell-mediated immunity that isdirected against HPV-infected cells. It is by far the most
studied drug for the treatment of anogenital warts. It has anexcellent track record but is not without some tolerability issues.
TCA is a long-established treatment for anogenital warts that
Two studies have looked at its use for both ACIN and PAIN. The
causes cellular destruction by chemical coagulation of cellular
first of these focussed mainly on the latter, with only 18% having
proteins and destroys HPV DNA highly effectively.
internal lesions.The cream was self-applied three times a week
This is a clinician-applied treatment and can be applied both
for 16 weeks, except for patients with internal disease, in whom
to ACIN and PAIN lesions. It has the advantage of being
the cream was supplied in suppository form (not commercially
inexpensive, and of being quick and easy to apply. It can be
available). All 22 patients for whom data were presented were
used in patients with extensive ACIN, as the discomfort it causes
HIV-positive men. The outcome for PAIN was considerably
is short-lived and usually scarcely perceived by the patient when
better than that for ACIN. Of the patients with PAIN only, 61%
applied at the anal squamo-columnar junction, which lacks
had HGAIN. All of the perianal LGAIN resolved, as did 75% of
sensitivity. Its main potential role is as an alternative to
the HGAIN based on a mean follow-up time of 9 months. The
data excluded one-fifth of patients who were noncompliant
Singh et al. conducted a retrospective review of 35 HIV-
with treatment because they felt it interfered with their
positive and 19 HIV-negative men who have sex with men
lifestyle. Of the four subjects with ACIN, three had HGAIN
(MSM) for whom TCA was the first-line therapy for
and one had LGAIN. The LGAIN resolved but the three HGAIN
Treatment consisted of up to four applications at 1–2 month
cases downgraded to LGAIN and one of these was completely
intervals. Of 28 patients with HGAIN, 32% appeared to
resolve completely on completion of treatment and a further
Further data were subsequently published giving a more
29% resolved to LGAIN. On a lesional basis, the results were
prolonged follow-up of 19 patients from the above group up
better, with 64% clearance and 7% resolution to LGAIN. Low-
to a mean follow-up time of 30 months.The patient who had
grade lesions present at the outset were completely cleared in
cleared his anal canal HGAIN remained clear, as did six of the
73% of cases. HIV-negative individuals were 40% more likely to
patients who had cleared their perianal disease on treatment
clear their lesions than HIV-positive subjects, with 34% of the
(half originally had LGAIN and half had HGAIN). Eight patients
HIV-positive MSM overall achieving complete clearance. More
who cleared their perianal disease remained disease-free at this
than half of the patients who cleared required only one or two
site but were subsequently found to have ACIN (half low-grade
treatments. Side-effects were few, with just three reports of pain.
and half high-grade), which the authors classed as recurrent
The likelihood of clearance was related to the number of lesions:
disease. Overall, the number of HPV types was found to have
those with more widespread disease (three or four lesions) were
been significantly reduced by the end of follow-up compared
less likely to clear than those with one or two lesions. Seventy-
with before treatment, and many of these clearances took place
five percent of the HIV-positive patients and 67% of the
after the end of treatment. The majority of the patients who
HIV-negative patients who were clear at the end of treatment
developed new anal canal disease after clearance of perianal
had a recurrence within a mean of 6 months, giving a sustained
Anal intraepithelial neoplasia treatment options
1-year clearance of 8% in HIV-positive MSM. The benefit of
light diffuser in a Pratt rectal speculum, rotated once in order to
further ongoing treatment was not assessed, since all subjects
illuminate the whole canal. No patient experienced more than
with recurrences were treated with IRC. For a head-to-head
mild anal discomfort following the procedure. High-resolution
comparison between TCA and IRC, see below.
anoscopy was repeated at 5 months when only one of the patientshad histologically confirmed HGAIN, two had mild dyskaryosis
on cytology and two had normal smears. In other words, the5-month clearance was 40%, but without longer-term follow-up
Cidofovir is a nucleoside analogue with activity against DNA
data, such an expensive and potentially dangerous treatment
viruses. There are reports of its clinical use at concentrations of
method has little to commend it. A better anal probe has been
1% and 2%. In the context of AIN, it has so far only been
described, which can be used to apply light to all quadrants of
used for PAIN in 33 subjects with high-grade One
the anal canal and the perianal region simultaneously, while
percent cidofovir cream was applied once daily for five
monitoring dosage and response.Trial of PDT with topical
consecutive days every second week for six cycles. Twenty-
application of a different photosensitiser, metatetrahydrochlorin,
six subjects completed the treatment protocol and 49% showed
for ACIN and PAIN has been shown to be completely
improvement after 6 months with at least a 50% reduction in the
size of their lesion, but there were no clearances. Almost all had
More encouragingly, PDT following topical ALA has
side-effects, mostly pruritus and ulceration grade 1–2. Since
been shown to be highly effective for the management of
cidofovir cream is an expensive treatment, this is a disappointing
anal canal warts, in a study which showed that performing
result. There is a single case report of clearance of grade 3 PIN in
laser treatment of warts in addition to the PDT carried no
a HIV-negative patient after self-application of 1% cidofovir
additional Twenty-one patients were randomised
cream 5 days a week for 2 weeks, with some erosion developing
to be treated with either up to four sessions of PDT without
at the treatment site.There was both histological and virological
anaesthesia, or with PDT followed immediately by CO
vaporisation under spinal anaesthesia. The ALA in 16%
It is possible that a more concentrated cidofovir preparation
polyethylenglycole gel was applied 3 h before treatment. In
might be more effective. The possibility that this treatment
the PDT-only group, the cure rate in 11 patients was 100%
might have a role in ACIN is raised by its apparent utility in
based on 12 months of follow-up. An average of only 1.4
the treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, based on a
treatments was necessary, and only one of the patients
double-blind placebo-controlled study. Fifty-three women were
required any paracetamol analgesia following treatment. In
randomised to have three applications to the cervix of 3 mL of
the laser group, 70% required analgesia after the procedure
2% cidofovir in Intrasite gel over a 1-week period, or a matching
and the 1-year clearance was 80%. Intense burning was
placebo.All patients had a cone biopsy 6 weeks after
reported by some patients during light application, but the
completion, when 61% of the treatment group were found to
light was applied intermittently to minimise discomfort, the
be completely clear of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia versus
discomfort regressing immediately each time the light was
20% in the placebo group. Side-effects were mild and not
stopped. The patients in the study were not HIV-positive and
significantly different between treatment and control groups.
the outcome would certainly be less promising in such a
As measured by in situ hybridisation, there was HPV clearance
group. In patients with anal warts who also have AIN, it
in 57% of the treatment arm and 16% of the placebo arm. It is
would be fully justifiable to use this treatment method. In
likely that application in the anal canal would cause significantly
view of the demonstrated benefit of oral ALA for AIN, and
more side-effects than application to the cervix. In our current
given the effect of topical ALA on anal condyloma, it would be
state of knowledge, without further studies, cidofovir cannot be
surprising if there was no effect on ACIN.
At the current time, lopinavir is only a candidate treatment
The idea of photodynamic therapy (PDT) is to introduce a
requiring evaluation in clinical studies. Oncogenic HPV types
photosensitiser which is selectively taken up by neoplastic
are able to prevent their own destruction by apoptosis in part
lesions and preferentially converted by them into another
by hijacking the human proteosome enzyme, leading to the
substance that will lead to tissue necrosis when exposed to
breakdown of apoptotic proteins. Lopinavir, a HIV viral
an appropriate spectrum of light. The most promising PDT
protease inhibitor, can inhibit the proteosome enzyme at high
concentrations. The idea is that it might achieve sufficient
d-aminolevulenic acid (ALA), which neoplastic lesions
concentration if applied topically as a cream. In vitro
convert to protoporphrin IX. PDT with ALA administered
lopinavir leads to death of HPV-positive but not HPV-
orally has been used successfully to treat a variety of
negative cervical carcinoma cell lines at a concentration of
premalignant skin and mucosal neoplasias, including VIN and
20 mM. It has no effect on uninfected foreskin
ACIN.Used in this way, hospital admission is required for atleast 24 h to administer intravenous fluids in order to preventALA-induced hypotension. Vomiting can also occur in up to
Surgical treatments
21% of patients, who must remain in subdued light for 48 h. In a
A variety of means of burning AIN have been used and each
study of this method in 12 HIV-positive patients, light was
method has its exponents. In each case, the lesions are ablated
delivered into the anus 4 h after the oral dose of ALA using a
under high-resolution anoscopy after soaking with 3% acetic
acid to enable microscopic visualisation. It would be surprising
later, the authors were able to provide a much more extensive
if one method of burning tissue was vastly different in its
review of 246 patients with HGAIN and a mean 41 months of
outcome to that of another, but at the time of writing, no
follow-up.The majority of patients had extensive AIN,
affecting one quadrant in 19%, two or three quadrants in68% and four quadrants in 13%. Seventy-nine percent were
immunocompromised and virtually all had anal canal lesions. Nineteen percent of patients failed to improve following initial
The IRC method for the treatment of ACIN is customarily
treatment. Of those with no lesions following initial treatment,
performed under local anaesthesia. Short pulses of a narrow
the recurrence rate of HGAIN was 57% in an average of
beam of infrared light are applied directly to target tissue through
19 months (60% in HIV-positive individuals), with the
an applicator, producing thermal coagulation and tissue necrosis.
majority of recurrences occurring early in the postoperative
There are several published studies of IRC. A retrospective
period. Patients with recurrences were treated with IRC and,
review of 68 HIV-positive men with an average of 1.6 high-
as a result of ongoing treatment, 83% of patients had no HGAIN
grade ACIN lesions showed that 72% of individual lesions
at their last documented follow-up visit. Complications
cleared but about half of these recurred within a median of
recorded were high volume blood loss, anal stenosis, anal
217 days, leaving 35% disease-free after a median of 413
fissures and myocardial infarction. Two patients progressed to
Patients typically required multiple treatments. No patients
anal squamous carcinoma despite treatment. There is a clear
experienced postoperative pain that could not be controlled
benefit in ongoing surgical treatment of lesions.
with oral analgesics. Recurrent lesions were most commonlyin new areas. Fifty-nine percent of patients had such lesionsafter their first treatment and 45% after their second treatment.
A similar picture emerges from a study of 68 HIV-positive men
Laser treatment of AIN can be untertaken under local
from another centre.Here patients were rebiopsied at the site
anaesthesia. Again, only retrospective studies are available,
of their IRC treatment after a mean of 4.6 months when only
the first of which was very small, using a CO2 laser.Here,
36% had persistent high-grade disease. Of the remainder, more
no ACIN was treated and there were only three cases of anal
than 80% showed LGAIN on repeat biopsy of the treatment site.
margin or perianal AIN. Except for the statement that 53% of
In the only prospective study of IRC in a small group of 16
HIV-positive patients relapsed in a 6-month follow-up period,
HIV-positive patients with an average of 2.2 high-grade anal
no data were presented relating specifically to the patients with
canal lesions, after 1 year, 62.5% of the original lesions were
AIN. A larger retrospective review of 181 patients, in whom
clear but only three patients had completely normal histology
67% received treatment with a diode laser, contains much useful
and For a further two patients, the only abnormality
information but is difficult to extrapolate from because half the
at 1 year was atypical cells of undetermined significance on
patients were HIV-negative and half had only LGAIN.
cytology, and four patients had only low-grade disease. In other
Moreover, 27% of patients received combination treatment
words, following treatment with IRC, 31% were clear at 1 year
with imiquimod in addition to laser. The clinicians favoured
and 43% still had HGAIN. No change was detected in HPV type
the use of laser over imiquimod for more extensive disease.
or viral load after 1 year. Two-thirds of patients reported mild to
Sixty-three percent of patients achieved a sustained 12-month
moderate postprocedural pain, bleeding or both.
disease-free state after a median treatment time of 31 months.
Finally, there is a retrospective review of IRC in 75 HIV-
Laser treatments were repeated at 6-monthly intervals. After the
negative MSM with a mean of 1.5 high-grade ACIN
procedure, moderate pain lasted for ~48 h in patients with one-
Not surprisingly, the outcome was better. Comparison with this
or two-quadrant disease, and for between 7 and 14 days in
group’s previous study showed that HIV-positive MSM were
patients with three- or four-quadrant disease, in whom treatment
1.7 times as likely to have recurrent lesions. In the HIV-negative
might last up to 90 min. The median time to cure was 39 months
subjects, 53% had persistence or recurrence following the first
in HIV-positive individuals, equivalent to six laser treatments,
treatment and 47% remained disease-free after an average of
versus 25 months in HIV-negative subjects. Time to cure also
557 days, after receiving up to three treatments. It was reported
increased with increasing extent of disease. HGAIN took a
that ‘many patients complained of pain post procedure’, which
median of 30 months to treat as opposed to 37 months in
probably explains why 37% of those with persistence or
LGAIN. The overall median time to cure for those receiving
recurrence declined to be retreated.
laser treatment was 34 months, which equates to five treatments.
Two retrospective reviews are available to us from a single
There is a place for both types of treatment in the management of
centre where electrosurgery under general anaesthesia has
AIN even in the most difficult to treat immunocompromised
been used preferentially in patients with the most extensive
patients. There is a great need for comparative treatment
disease, and the data are not therefore strictly comparable with
studies to give more objective information that would help to
those from the IRC studies cited above. In the first report of
inform treatment choices. These should cover the issues of
37 patients (78% HIV-positive), 79% of the HIV-positive
cost-effectiveness and tolerability. There are provisional data
subjects had persistent or recurrent HGAIN after a mean of
available from the Toronto Research in Anal Cancer Evaluation
12 months’ follow-up.Fifty-five percent of patients reported
study comparing treatment with IRC and TCA in HIV-positive
uncontrolled pain that lasted for a mean of 2.9 weeks. Six years
men with high-grade ACIN.Only patients with two-quadrant
Anal intraepithelial neoplasia treatment options
Comparative table of outcomes of published treatment studies large enough for results to be of value
ACIN, anal canal intraepithelial neoplasia; PAIN, perianal intraepithelial neoplasia; HG, high-grade; LG, low-grade; TCA, trichloroacetic acid; IRC, infrared
†Levels of evidence: IB: Evidence obtained from at least one randomised controlled trial; IIA: evidence obtained from at least one well-designed controlled
study without randomisation; IIB: evidence obtained from at least one other type of well-designed quasi-experimental study.
disease or less were included and 57% had only a single lesion.
of imiquimod. The inferior performance of 5FU in a comparative
Results are only available on a per-lesion basis, showing 68% of
study between the two suggests that the former should be
individual lesions with sustained clearance after IRC and 87%
reserved for non-responders to the latter. For the surgical
after TCA, based on a 13.5 months’ median follow-up. The
methods, electrosurgery has resulted in 21% being disease-
number of treatments was up to four at monthly intervals with
free at one year, reaching 35% at 19 months when less
TCA and up to three with IRC. In other words, the outcomes so
extensive disease is included. The outcomes for the other
surgical methods, IRC and laser, cannot be directly or easily
Some provisional results of a randomised comparative study
compared based on existing studies. The one thing that is clear
of 4 months of treatment of ACIN and PAIN with either 5FU,
is that none of these surgical treatments stands out from the
imiquimod or electrocautery have recently been released.In
other. A short course of TCA gave a 1-year clearance in only 8%,
the case of electrocautery, there were up to four treatments at
but the only direct comparison currently available to us, one with
1-month intervals. At 6 months after treatment, electrocautery
IRC, suggests that both are similarly efficacious when treatment
was superior to imiquimod and 5FU came rather a poor third, the
is continued for longer. If such an observation was to be borne
sustained clearance rates being 34%, 19% and 7% respectively.
out by further reports, then TCA – which is well tolerated, quick,
In the subgroup of patients with PAIN, imiquimod was the most
cheap, easy to apply and requires no local anaesthetic – might
effective treatment at this site. It is noteworthy that the highest
come to be preferred over surgical options. A single course of
report of severe side-effects was with imiquimod, something
imiquimod performs less well in direct comparisons with up to
which has been observed before when the study protocol does
four sessions of electrocautery, but it remains to be seen which of
not permit departure from a strict three times a week regime.
the two will perform the best in the longer term.
There are situations where topical treatment would be
inappropriate. Where lesions have ceased to be flat and have
become nodular then swift surgical removal is mandatory.
It is clear from a broad range of treatment studies (Table that
If the above figures do not sound promising, it should be
LGAIN responds better than HGAIN, that efficacy is reduced
borne in mind that apart from sustained clearance, there is
in the immunocompromised and is also reduced in those with
also the phenomenon of sustained downgrading following
more extensive disease. The self-applied topical treatments
treatment. There are two likely mechanisms for such
fluorouracil and imiquimod are better tolerated and more
downgrading. First, an individual could become immune to
effective when used at lower dosages over longer periods. In
one (oncogenic) HPV type and thereby unmask LGAIN due
HIV-positive patients, complete clearance of high-grade ACIN
to a different (possibly non-oncogenic) HPV type. The second
was sustained at 6 months in 7–17% of patients treated with 5FU
explanation is that heightened immunity might result in better
and at 3 years in 16% of patients treated with one or two courses
control of the infection but remain insufficient for complete
clearance. In either event, downgrading ought to represent a
11 Kruijt B, van der Snoek EM, Sterenborg JCM, Amelink A, Robinson
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