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11 February 2013 MEDIA SUMMARY REPORT HEALTH ISSUE : Investor Daily : 11 February 2013 : 11 February 2013 Circulation : 60,000 Tone : Neutral Understand the facts and myths of cancer This year’s World Cancer Day commemoration is focusing on the fifth target of the World Cancer Declaration, which is to dispel misleading myths about cancer, through a

Microsoft word - res_extensa.doc

RES EXTENSA 1 por qué de vos en vos este jumento carga la palabra se despeña en cuerpo contra sombra y frágil o temida yo hube de servir el hambre en caldos tristes composturas suaves del morir: te nombro 2 ahora bebo la penumbra subo del tendón al cielo cimitarra en vos por el aciago linde - por los cuerpos - duele tu mitad febril la permanencia suave de tus manos subo 3 es de noche salgo de

Anforderungen an eine moderne flexodruckfarbe im verpackungsdruck

SERIES 970UV/CD Technical Data Sheet UV scr (hig n pri city s 0 UV 9195 CD APPLICATION FIELDS: Euro-Colours / 4-Colour Process Printing Inks: Special UV screen printing ink in a thixotropic formulation For 4-colour process printing according to DIN 16538, for the printing of Compact Discs with very good adhesion on all current UV CD lacquers and polycarbonate. Lacque


CORTISOL/DHEA REFERENCES: Marin P. Cortisol secretion in relation to body fat distribution in obese premenopausal women. Metabolism 1992;41:882-886. Nestler JE, Clore JN, Blackard WG. Dehydroepiandrosterone: (DHEA) the missing link between hyperinsulinemia and atherosclerosis? Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 1992;6(12):3073-3075. Shafagoj Y, Opoku J, Qureshi D

References 2006

Scientific article reference list of Rhinolight® phototherapy May, 2012 1. Csoma Zs, Ignacz F, Bor Zs, Szabo G, Bodai L, Dobozy A, Kemeny L: Intranasal irradiation with the xenon chloride ultraviolet B laser improves allergic rhinitis. J Photochem Photobiol B: Biology 2004, 75(3): 137-442. Koreck A, Csoma Zs, Ignacz F, Bodai L, Dobozy A, Kemeny L: Inhibition of immediate type hypersensi

Microsoft word - potonsils.doc

POST OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS FOR TONSILLECTOMY PATIENTS The most important instruction we give our patients following a tonsillectomy is for the patient to EAT AND DRINK APPROPRIATELY . This can be a problem due to pain after the surgery. THE MORE YOU EAT AND DRINK, THE LESS PAIN YOU WILL EXPERIENCE. During the active swallowing the throat is kept cleaner, therefore, decreasi


Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (2001), 15, pp. 201–220. SURVIVAL ANALYSIS: PARAMETRICS TOSEMIPARAMETRICS TO PHARMACOGENOMICSPranab K. SenDepartments of Biostatistics and Statistics, University of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill, USA. Email: pksen@bios.unc.eduSummarySurvival analysis with genesis in biometry and reliability analysis evolved withstatistical modeling and analysis o

Name here

MARVIN I. SIEGEL, PH.D SENIOR PHARMACEUTICAL/BIOTECH EXECUTIVE PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Senior Executive leader with expertise building companies and managing strategic alliances. Member of board of directors of two biotech companies. Managed a joint venture between two biotechnology companies and a $200 million joint development program between a biotech and a major pharmaceutical com

Microsoft word - wada 2010 changes.doc

c/o AIS Rowing, PO Box 176, Belconnen ACT 2616 | P +61 2 6260 4724 | F +61 2 6285 2813 Key Changes to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 2010 Prohibited List. From January 1, 2010, these key changes will apply to all Australian athletes on ASADA’s registered testing and domestic testing pool. If you are unsure of your status on these lists, please contact Matt Bialkowski at Rowing Au

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Desde o seu reconhecimento em 1981, a Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (Aids) vem fazendo vítimas em número cada vez maior. São 25 anos de pesquisas para encontrar soluções profiláticas e terapêuticas em que algumas conquistas importantes foram alcançadas. No entanto, o impedimento do avanço dessa doença implacável tem sido um fracasso. Hoje, os números que aparecem são de mai


Intended use The ßhCG test is indicated for use as an aid in the early detection of pregnancy. The test is not indicated as a surrogate marker in the diagnosis or monitoring of cancer patients. SummaryHuman chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a glycoprotein hormone. It is secreted during pregnancy by the trophoblastic cells of the placenta, shortly after the implantation of the fertilized ovum in



Cg8 multiple sclerosis: nice guideline

NHS National Institute for Clinical Excellence Multiple sclerosis Management of multiple sclerosis in primary and secondary care Clinical Guideline 8 November 2003 Developed by the National CollaboratingCentre for Chronic Conditions Clinical Guideline 8 Multiple sclerosis Management of multiple sclerosis in primary and secondary care Issue date: November 2003 To ord

Microsoft word - hypertension 2

Clinical assessment of hypertensive patient: • You have to take history regarding the presence of other risk factors for CAb like diabetes mellitus, smoking, etc. • Take history whether the patient takes medications that cause hypertension or the patient has symptoms suggestive of secondary cause (like sweating and palpitation suggestive of pheochromacytoma) or symptoms suggestive of co

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Reisehinweise Best of Korea 11Tage Busrundreise Südkorea Ihr Flug nach Südkorea Lufthansa Online Check-in Nutzen Sie den Online Check-in der Lufthansa. Ihre Vorteile: Sie sparen wertvolle Zeit, vermeiden das Warten in langen Schlangen und genießen für Ihre Sitzplatzwahl den frühzeitigen Zugriff auf das größtmögliche Kontingent frei verfügbarer Sitzplätze. Zudem minimieren Sie das

Accord national médico-mutualiste 2009-2010

Accord national médico-mutualiste 2009–2010 ACCORD NATIONAL MEDICO-MUTUALISTE 2009–2010 En vertu des articles 26, 50 et 51 de la loi relative à l’assurance obligatoire soins de santé et indemnités, coordonnée le 14 juillet 1994, la Commission nationale médico-mutualiste (dénommée ci-après CNMM), sous la Présidence de M. Johan DE COCK, a conclu le 17 décembre 2008, l’accord

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European Questions About Vestibular Schwannomas By: Dr. Gil Lederman In many countries now there are groups of patients who were treated by the physicians of Radiosurgery New York for acoustic neuromas or vestibular schwannomas who are forming social groups. Several recently asked a series of questions from a group in the United Kingdom about treatment options and results. An acoustic neuroma

Microsoft word - bh_101_overview.docx

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® and the BioHealth Laboratory’s BH101 Metabolic Assessment Profile The Utility of Urine Testing for Indican, Lipid Peroxides and Urinary Bile Acid Sulfates in Functional Assessments of Patients with Common Health Complaints Related to the Chronic Stress Response Reed Davis, Clinical Advisor BH Laboratory Introduction In functional

Chemical name

List of substances banned for use in cosmetic products as from 1 December 2010 The following substances are classified as CMR substances of category 1A, 1B or 2 under Commission Regulation 790/2009, amending Regulation 1272/2008.1 Therefore they are banned for use in cosmetic products as from 1 December 2010 (which is the date of application of their classification), in accordance with Arti

Microsoft word - mariano cerezo

Mariano Cerezo, Heroe de los Sitios Natural de Zaragoza, había nacido en el barrio de San Pablo el 9 de noviembre de 1739.Hijo de Juan y María Martinez, Cerezo fue miembro de una familia infanzona y mediano hacendado. En muchas fuentes aparece como labrador y como comisario de Cuando era joven había formado parte en 1766 de los conocidos como broqueleros que reprimieron el levantamien

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Top 100 Drugs Rank Generic name Brand Name Indication Drug Category Major Side Effects liver enzyme elevation, myalgia, rhabodmyolysisnausea/vomiting, sedation, 3 metoprolol succinate/tartrate Lopressor/Toprol XLfatigue, bradycardia, heart failurepalpitations, headache, peripheral nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, rashweight loss, tachycardia, nausea/vomiting, diarrheanausea, sexu

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Long-Term Care Underwriting Simple issues to note: Age – Coverage is often limited at age 80 and above. Saving age can be done 30 days from date of birth. Height and Weight – an imbalanced height to weight ratio may be all you need to take your client out of the “preferred” ball park. Medical Records are helpful if you can obtain them in a trial situation. Cognitiv


PROPERTIES SOLD # First List Last List Sale Lister/Seller Price Price Price (Listing agent and listing rep mentioned first) ALFRED COVE New Sales Under Offer Under Offer ANKETELL New Sales $1100000 APPLECROSS New Sales Under Offer Under Offer finance Under Offer finance **Unconditional Sales reported in prev

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Published by The Raynaud’s Association, Inc. © Raynaud’s Association 2004 Raynaud’s persons said to have primary Raynaud’s New Medical Phenomenon & turally normal but seem to have a height- Advisory Board ened response to environmental stress. In Digital Ulcers this “haystack” of a very common com-plaint lies the “needle” of secondary Ray- By Lynn Wund

Balde notes 2

Lyrica 4.26 To Johannes Albula. The genius of Virtue. Meter Alcaic. The poem I think is indebted to, but far surpasses, a passage in Horace: c. 3.2.16-24. 5 petit: peto is cognate with Gk. πέτοµαι and originally meant ‘fly’. 6 Iovis satelles: Juppiter’s ‘attendant’, the eagle. 15 lustrali sulphure : the ancients used sulphur in their lustrations; e.g. Od.

Microsoft word - hypertension editorial individualized therapy.doc

Individualized therapy for hypertension ( a shorter version of this was published in J. David Spence M.D., FRCPC, FAHA Stroke Prevention & Atherosclerosis Research Centre 1400 Western Rd., London, ON, Canada N6G 2V2 Phone: 519-663-3113; Fax 519-663-3018; email dspence@robarts.ca The recent publication of the Blood Pressure management of resistant hypertension7, 8. As Lowering Arm

Eu commission

Nice, France; September 28, 2009 The European Commission D.G. Enterprises and Industries Health and Consumer Protection B/1049 Brussels, Belgium Gentlemen, The Friends of Guenady is an animal defense association, based in Nice, France, with, for one of its stated objectives, the intention to contribute to improving understanding between consumers of veterinary medicine and

Tamoxifen - november 06.qxp

Breast Cancer Care helpline 0808 800 6000 Website www.brea stcancercare.org.uk How long will I have to take tamoxifen is, how it works, what the benefits tamoxifen? You will usually take tamoxifen for five years, What is tamoxifen? although this time can vary according toindividual circumstances. Some women maybe changed to a different hormone therapycancer in both men and women.


Adolescencia Latinoamericana O uso indevido de substâncias: esteróides anabolizantes e energéticos El uso indebido de sustancias: esteróides anabolizantes y energéticos Paulo César Pinho Ribeiro* O autor faz considerações sobre sobre o abuso de esteroides ana-El autor hace consideraciones sobre el abuso de esteroidesbolizantes comparando o Brasil com os EEUU e as razões que

Microsoft word - 710b69e.doc

Development Policy Review, 2007, 25 (3): xx-xx Commercialisation of Non-Timber Forest Products: A Reality Check Brian Belcher and Kathrin Schreckenberg∗ This article challenges the pervasive view that commercialisation of non-timber forest products can (easily) achieve ecosystem and species conservation as well as improving livelihoods. Following a brief review of who and what is involved, i


Marchés notifiés depuis le compte rendu au Conseil Municipal du 11 octobre 2013 A.O. : Appel d'Offres / M.A.P.A. : Marché à Procédure Adaptée / M.B.C. : Marché à Bons de Commande / M.N. : Marché Négocié N° de marché procédure intitulé des lots Titulaire Montant notifié Acquisition de matériels pour la maintenance des Acquisition de matériels pour la maintenance


EDJ 2003/136113 Irrazonable interpretación de precepto sobre requisitos para notificar actos administrativos RESUMENEl TC entiende vulnerado el derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva del recurrente, en su vertiente de acceso a lajurisdicción, por sentencia que confirmó la sanción de suspensión de funciones durante un año impuesta por elMinisterio de Educación y Cultura. Tal resolución in


A KÉSZÜLÉK BEMUTATÁSA A. Nyomás visszajelzô lámpa B. Beállító gomb C. Szûrô tartó kidobó gombbal D. Kiöntôkanna. adagolás jelzôvel E. Merôkanál F. Cseppfogótálca G. Levehetô cseppfogórács H. Habosítást segítô feltét J. Gôzölô szelep K. Gôztermelô kamra zárókupakja II. ábra B. Beállító gomb B1. Kikapcsolás B2. Kávé készíté


RON BURTON TRAINING VILLAGE WARNING AND INFORMED CONSENT/RELEASE/WAIVER/CONVENANT Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Date of Birth: Parent/Guardian Full Name: In consideration of ___________________________________________ (the “camper”) having been provided the opportunity Full Name of Camper to participate in the activities at and of the Ron Burton Trai

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In 1969, a few months after I was discharged from the U.S. Navy, I got a panicked call from an emergency room physician in San Francisco. He asked whether I knew a gunnery sergeant, Sean Donovan (not his real name). I said, “Yes, I treated him for several months at the Chelsea Naval Hospital upon his return from Vietnam. What’s up?” “Well, he’s breaking up our emergency room right now

Tweede kamer

Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal Vaststelling van de begrotingsstaten van het Ministerie van Defensie (X) voor het jaar 2012 BRIEF VAN DE MINISTER VAN DEFENSIE Aan de Voorzitter van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-GeneraalNaar aanleiding van mediaberichten over de bijwerkingen van hetantimalariamiddel mefloquine (handelsnaam Lariam) informeer ik uhierbij over het gebruik hiervan door Nederlan

5th october 2005

Group Pension Managed Funds Update to 31st May 2007 Summary During May, group pension managed funds made strong gains on the back of rising equity markets. Among the ten main managed fund providers, returns during May ranged from 2.2% (from Setanta Asset Management) to 3.8% (achieved by Irish Life Investment Managers). The average fund returned 3.0% over the month. As a result, ov


NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH AND CLINICAL EXCELLENCE INTERVENTIONAL PROCEDURES PROGRAMME Interventional procedure overview of extracorporeal shockwave therapy for refractory greater trochanteric pain syndrome Treating greater trochanteric pain syndrome using shockwave therapy The greater trochanter is the bony bump on the outer side of the hip. This area may become pai


This leaflet is to help you recognise when you are having a flare up of your COPD/bronchitis. Earlytreatment of flare ups can reduce your chance of going to hospital. Flare ups start with either a changein your sputum or a worsening of your breathlessness. If this happens, follow the instructions below. IF AT ANY TIME YOU ARE UNSURE WHAT TO DO, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR PRACTICE NURSE, DELMA HEA


Attachment 11A Page 1 of 2 RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH ADULT MEDICAL HISTORY SUMMARY Part I – TO BE COMPLETED BY PATIENT OR PATIENT INFORMANT (Please Print) Patient’s Name: _________________ (First) (Middle) (Last) (Maiden) Informant Patient/Relationship: _________________ Current Physician: _________________ (Addr

Tuberculosis farmaco (10034 - draft, versiform)

SISTEMA NACIONAL DE VIGILANCIA EN SALUD PÚBLICA DATOS BÁSICOS 1. INFORMACIÓN GENERAL REG-R02.003.0000-001 V:02 AÑO 2012 1.1 Código de la UPGD Razón social de la unidad primaria generadora del dato 1.2 Nombre del evento Código del evento 1.3 Fecha de Notificación (dd/mm/aaaa) 2. IDENTIFICACIÓN DEL PACIENTE 2.1 Tipo de Documento 2.2 Número de Identificac


Treatment of Depression and Effect ofAntidepression Treatment on Nutritional Statusin Chronic Hemodialysis PatientsJA-RYONG KOO, MD; JONG-YOO YOON, MD; MIN-HA JOO, MD; HYUNG-SEOK LEE, MD;JI-EUN OH, MD; SEONG-GYUN KIM, MD; JANG-WON SEO, MD; YOUNG-KI LEE, MD;HYUNG-JIK KIM, MD;JUNG-WOO NOH, MD; SANG-KYU LEE, MD; BONG-KI SON, MD ABSTRACT: Background : Depression, which is the most malized prote

Datenübertragung franz_juni_09 1

Reprise des données Cher client, En vous communiquant les informations suivantes, nous souhaitons vous assister dans la préparation de vos données. Elles nous permettent une production parfaite et respectueuse des délais. Communication E-Mail Nous reprenons vos données depuis les supports suivants: Vous pouvez facilement transférer des données jusqu’à 200 MB sur notre ser


Widespread accumulation of [3H]testosterone in the spinal cord of a wild bird with an elaborate courtship display J. DOUGLAS SCHULTZ AND BARNEY A. SCHLINGER*Department of Physiological Science and Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, Brain Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1527 Communicated by Peter Marler, University of California, Davis, CA, June 22, 1999 (rece


Inhoudsopgave jurisprudentiebulletin 2008- 3 Zaaknummer: Klager ontvankelijk in zijn beklag nu deze is gericht tegen weigering uitzondering te maken op verbod een laptop op cel te hebben. Standpunt directeur dat veiligheid in de inrichting Datum uitspraak: in gevaar is bij gebruik laptop door klager, onvoldoende toegelicht, nu andere gedetineerde wel gebruik van computer op cel is


[99mTc]TRODAT-1 Evaluation of ear ly Par kinson’s Disease with [99mTc]TRODAT- 1/SPECT Imaging The etiology of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) is unknown. There is noeffective method to prevent the occurrence of this neurodegenerative disorder at thepresent time. The most important and practical approach to the management of thesepatients is to make the diagnosis at an early s


Safety Data Sheet Sulfamethoxazole according to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 1. Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertaking - pharmaceutical active substance: bacteriostatic, especially incombination with trimethoprim (e.g. BACTRIM,trimethoprim:sulfamethoxazole 1:5)F. Hoffmann-La Roche AGPostfachCH-4070 BaselSwitzerland 2. Hazards identification - Very


Comunicação Breve Drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated from sputum samples from symptomatic outpatients – Complexo de Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil* Resistência a drogas em cepas de Mycobacterium tuberculosis isoladas de amostras de escarro de pacientes ambulatoriais sintomáticos – Complexo de Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Joyce

Microsoft word - gods feesten - algemeen - versie 3.doc

De christenen hebben zeker 3 eeuwen lang Gods feesten gevierd. Sabbat, Pesach, Wekenfeest, Loofhuttenfeest. En alles volgens de Joodse kalender. Vanaf de 4e eeuw mocht dat niet meer. En nu, in de 21e eeuw zijn we zo ver verwijderd van die basis, dat veel mensen zeggen dat Gods feesten niet voor christenen zijn en dat het vieren ervan wettisch is. Evangeliegemeente Reveil viert wel deze feesten. Wi

What are anxiety disorders

Center for Children with Special Needs Tufts-New England Medical Center What Are Anxiety Disorders? Anxiety is a normal response to stress, whether real danger or a perceived loss of self-esteem or control. It helps one deal with a tense situation, study harder for an exam, or keep focused on an important project. In general, it helps one cope. But when anxiety causes an excessive, irratio


Kostenfrei und werbegesponsert PDF drucken und direkt per E-Mail Pferdesporttage Kirchdorf AG 2008 Blättler Hans, Buttwil / Balsiger Guido, Bülach Rangliste Prüfung Nr. 10 Kategorie: R I, A Zm, Zweiphasenspringen Preise gestiftet von: Garage E. Hitz u. Söhne, Nussbaumen Plaketten gestiftet von: Paul Hitz AG, El. Unternehmungen, 5415 Rieden Flots gestiftet von: R


Katie MacFarlane, Pharm.D. SUMMARY Proven professional with 18 years of pharmaceutical industry experience, including product development, marketing, sales management, and clinical research. Key capabilities include product launches, co-promotion, strategic product development, and product lifecycle planning. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Managing Partner, SmartPharma Consultants: Oc


Fact Sheet What is HIV?HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a very small germ, called a virus. HIV attacks the body’s immune system, which is the part of the body that fights off germs that cause infection. Over time, HIV slowly kills the cells of the immune system making it so weak that the body can no longer defend itself. What is AIDS?AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) develops w

Microsoft word - rahmadppp08

Physiological Society, Liaquat Medical College, Hyderabad. Beeinflusssung der hämopoese der ratte durch Cytosin-arabinosid. The use of AV fistula in overnight home haemodialysis in children. Shaldon S., Ahmad R., Oag D., Crockett R, Oppermann F.and Koch Proc.of theEuropean Dialysis & Transplant Association. 1971; IX:65-72 Mawer G.E., Ahmad R., Tooth J.A. and Lucas S.B. British Journal o



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Artigo - Pontos críticos da Sucessão dos Companheiros no Novo Código Civil - Por Verônica Ribeiro Pontos críticos da Sucessão dos Companheiros no Novo Código Civil frente às Leis 8.971/94 e 9.278/96 Por: Verônica Ribeiro da Silva A nova abrangência da família conforme o comando do art. 226 da Constituição Federal, e de acordo com o novo Código Civil acabam com expressõe

013955 1.4

FACHINFORMATION (ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER MERKMALE DES ARZNEIMITTELS)gerschaft wird empfohlen. Zyklusstörungenwie Oligomenorrhö oder Amenorrhö sollenvor der ersten Verschreibung abgeklärtwerden. Die Häufigkeit der Kontrollunter-suchungen ist individuell verschieden, unddie Möglichkeit der Beeinflussung laten-Jede Tablette enthält 75 Mikrogramm Deso-ter oder manifester Erkrankungen (sieh

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SAFETY DATA SHEET according to EC directive 2001/58/EC KLERAT Version 5 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING PRODUCT INFORMATION Product name Design Code Dangerous for the environment Telephone Emergency telephone number 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Hazardous components For the


CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Birmingham Botanical Gardens Welcome and Introduction………………. 2 Plenary Sessions………………………… 3 Beginners Sessions……………………. 3 First Day Programme……………………. 4 Second Day Programme………………. 5 Abstracts for General Sessions………… 6 This is the third year for RAATE and, despite the rath


Labeling of antibiotics for infection diagnosis The high impact of infection on daily clinical prac- tice has promoted resear University Hospital of Bellvitge-IDIBELL oday, 67 MEDICA ch into better and more accu- rate diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Localizing inflammation/infection with nuclear medicine tech- niques began over 40 years ago. T AGa-scintig- raphy, 99mTc-

Microsoft word - health update and otc form 2009-2010.doc

2009–10 Health Update and Permission to Give Over-The-Counter Medication Please complete a separate form for each student and return it to the School in an envelope marked “School Nurse” by August 1, 2009. Please attach an updated immunization record. This mandatory form must be completed and signed by a parent and on file in the clinic prior to the administration of over-the-count

quick tips

Health Care Information Committee Dr. Jeff Wilson, Dr. Lucille Vega, Dr. Gregory Steinmetz November 2008 Encouraging news for patients who take NSAIDs for chronic pain and who have had an episode of a bleeding ulcer - two separate studies suggest that recurrent bleeding episodes can be limited. Both studies, the first from Hong Kong and the second from Canada (reported in Gastroenterology and

Reduction in postprandial glucose excursion and prolongation of satiety: possible explanation of the long-term effects of whole grain salba (salvia hispanica l.)

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010), 1–3& 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0954-3007/10 $32.00Reduction in postprandial glucose excursion andprolongation of satiety: possible explanation ofthe long-term effects of whole grain Salba(Salvia Hispanica L.)V Vuksan1,2,3,4,5, AL Jenkins1, AG Dias1,3, AS Lee1,3, E Jovanovski1, AL Rogovik1 and A Hanna4,51Clinical Nu


EntwurmungVergiftung von Böden und Wasser – MDR1-Hunde in Lebensgefahrauch der direkte Eintrag durch die Tiere den Mist, der hinten rauskommt? Ständig hat man den Pferdehaltern erklärt, dass sich Bakterien und Pilze damit so schwer. die Pferde ungefährlich seien, was ja nicht Sie haben nie lernen müssen, mit solchen stimmt, wie viele schon erleben mussten. dass solche von Be

Chemwatch australian msds 23-3997

ARMAFLOOR 500 DF BASE COAT - RESIN Chemwatch Independent Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 17-Jun-2010 CHEMWATCH 23-3997 C9317TC(vs) Version No:2.0 CD 2010/2 Page 1 of 6 Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME ARMAFLOOR 500 DF BASE COAT - RESIN PRODUCT USE ■ Used according to manufacturer's directions. SUPPLIER Company: Rhino Lin


Subject: Attachments: From: Fourways Equine Clinic <> Your Trainer says “Your horse bleeds!” An explanation – Exercised Induced Pulmonary Haemorrhage. By Dr. Willem LF van Wyk BSc, BVSc Wellness Program Exercise induced pulmonary haemorrhage (EIPH) is a common condition seen often in race Launched! horses where the horse bleeds into the airways following/during wo

Microsoft word - cultivation manual for energetic willow.doc

ENERGETIC WILLOW A noble variant of the well – known “Osier willow”, the Energetic Willow – also known under the name of Fast growing willow, is cultivated for the purpose of obtaining power resources. Given the interest, one has created varieties adapted to the various conditions of environment and working. History At the same time with the humanity’s preoccupation with

Draft 2

FIRST AID IN SCHOOL POLICY Policy Statement The Governors and Head Teacher of Rednock School accept their responsibility under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and acknowledge the importance of providing First Aid for employees, students and visitors within the School. The Governors are committed to the Local Authority’s procedure for reporting accidents and re


Colonoscopy Preparation Instructions With Bi-Peglytepouch as before. Drink the one (1) liter of solution you need to cancel, or do so in person at the time of Do not drink anything in the last two hours before Please arrive 30 minutes before your procedure. Wearsigmoidoscopy and minor ano-rectal procedures are OHIP-insured services. Please bring a valid OHIP At this time, purchase one packag


RAe Rudolph ● Albrecht-Dürer-Platz 4 ● 90403 Nürnberg Juristische Grundlagen der Strafbarkeit der Frauenärzte wegen Einkauf Medikamente bei SigmaGyn Der Straftatbestand des § 96 Nr. 5 AMG ist lediglich dann erfüllt, wenn es sich bei den verfahrensgegenständlichen Medikamenten um solche handelt, denen entgegen § 21 I AMG die erforderliche Zulassung fehlte. Den Nachweis, dass die durc


Rehabilitation Institute of Texas RIT Patient Initial Visit Information Sheet Patient Name: ____________________________ Age: _______ Gender: M FReferring Physician: _______________________ Primary Care Physician: ___________________ Reason for the visit: _______________________________________________________________ 1. When did your present problem start? _____________________


Table 1. Referral numbers, sources, patient diagnoses and candidacy for ChEI/memantine treatment before and after NICE217 effective. Before NICE217 effective After NICE217 effective (1 June 2010–31 May 2011) (1 June 2011–31 May 2012) Letters not directly related to articles published in Clinical Medicine and pre-senting unpublished original data should be submitted for publ


Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome following Lyme disease Khalil Kanjwal, Beverly Karabin, Yousuf Kanjwal, Blair P. GrubbSection of Electrophysiology, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine,The University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, USA Abstract Background: A subgroup of patients suffering from Lyme disease (LD) may initially respond to antibiotics only to later


1. Dellinger RP: Cardiovascular management of septic shock. Crit Care Med 2003; 31: 946-9552. Friedman G, Silva E, Vincent JL: Has the mortality of septic shock changed with time? Crit Care Med 1998; 26:2078-20863. Sackett DL: Rules of evidence and clinica! recommendations on the use of antithrom botic agents. Chest 1989; 95:2S-4S4. Sprung CL, Bernard GR, Dellinger RP: In troduction. Intensive Car


Only the Westlaw citation is currently available. In re ZYPREXA PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION. This Document Relates to All Actions. MDL No. 1596. ORDER REGARDING DAVID EGILMAN, M.D., M.P.H. *1 Upon consideration of the moving party's request for an Order to Show Cause, the response of David Egilman, M.D., M.P.H., and having heard oral argument, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1. Dr. Egilm

Microsoft word - weisung_km_mr2.doc

UniversitätsSpital u Dept. Medizinische Radiologie Institut für Diagnostische Radiologie EMPFEHLUNG FÜR DEN I.V. -GEBRAUCH VON MR-KONTRASTMITTELN Allgemeines Diese Empfehlung umfasst die Richtlinien für den i.v. Gebrauch von MR-Kontrastmitteln insbesondere bei Risikopatienten mit bereits eingeschränkter Nierenfunktion oder bei Patienten, welche nach Gabe von KM ein erhöhtes

Enscript output

Network Working Group A. FalkRequest for Comments: 5241 BBNCategory: Informational S. Bradner Harvard University 1 April 2008 This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. This document proposes a new revenue source for the IETF to support standardization activities: protocol field naming

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Join Rodef Sholom Temple’s Israel Adventure October 6 – 16, 2013 Optional: Oct 16-21, Extension to Negev, Arava plus exciting additions around Tel Aviv Hi-Tech/Masorti/Eco-Tour Highlights: US Air Flights from Newport News - Philadelphia - Tel Aviv and return Dan Panorama Hotel Jerusalem, Kibbutz Lavi Hotel Tiberias, Renaissance Hotel Tel Aviv All Breakfasts, Shab

Microsoft word - blood education material.doc

FDA REQUIRED READING Blood Donor Education Materials MAKING YOUR BLOOD DONATION SAFE Thank you for coming in today! This information sheet explains how YOU can help us make the donation process safe for yourself and patients who might receive your blood. PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION BEFORE YOU DONATE! If you have any questions now or anytime during the screening process


Met het Koninklijk Besluit van 19 mei 2009 is de lijst van grenswaarden voor blootstelling aan chemi-sche agentia in bijlage I van het KB van 22 maart 2002 aangepast. De nieuwe waarden zijn op1 januari 2010 van kracht geworden. Verklaring van de voetnoten in de titels van de kolommen:(1)het Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Numbergemeten of berekend voor een referentieperiode van 8 uren, tijd


Rex Bariatric Specialist NUTRITIONAL AND DIET EVALUATION A. Weight/Dieting History: 1. List your approximate weight in pounds at the following ages? 10 y/o ____ lbs, 20 y _____ lbs, 30 y _____lbs, 40 y ____ lbs, 50 y ____ lbs, 60 _____ lbs 2. Please list your heaviest weight, (exclude pregnancies) __________ lbs __________ age. 3. Have you tried weight loss through structure

It significato di grandi dosi vit c in medicina preventiva

www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/197x/klenner-fr-j_int_assn_prev_med-1974-v1-n1-p45.htm Il significato dell’assunzione di grandi dosi giornaliere di acido ascorbico in medicina preventiva Frederick Robert Klenner, M.D., F.C.C.P., A.A.F.P., Private practice, Reidsville, N. C. Frederick Robert Klenner, B.S., M.S., M.D., F.C.C.P., A.A.F.P., dopo essersi laureato presso la Duke

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Microsoft word - anamnesebogen km ct.rtf

Prof. Dr. R. Kubale, Dr. B. Junk, Dr. M. Rech, L.O. Schmidt, Dr. C. Pazolt Gemeinschaftspraxis für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin CT-Untersuchung Anamnesebogen vor jodhaltiger Kontrastmittel-Gabe Name:_________________________________ Datum:_____________ Vorname:______________________________ Geb.-Datum:_____________ Liegt bei ihnen eine Nierenerkrankun

Microsoft powerpoint - 010015.pptx

A trial to get GET Introduction In 1962,the first WHO control strategy for trachoma was implemented in the form of:  tetracycline eye ointment intermittent basis.  standardized trichiasis surgery.  health education . In 1998,the WHO Alliance for the Global Elimination of blinding Trachoma was established with mplementation implementation of strategy


Independence | Integrity |Experience | Communication | Performance SHORT-TERM VOLATILITY EMPHASIZES IMPORTANCE OF LONG-TERM FOCUS Even a casual market observer could tell you that it’s been a wild ride over the past couple of years. In fact, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index has experienced a day of plus / minus 2% essentially once per week (every four trading days, to be exa

Pd treatment

The Treatment of Psychopathic and Antisocial Personality Disorders: A Review Jessica H Lee, BSc., MSc., M.Phil. 1 Clinical Decision Making Support Unit Broadmoor Hospital ABSTRACT There is a considerable amount of controversy surrounding the treatment ofpsychopathic and antisocial personality disorders. Different methods of treatmenthave been tried with those diagnosed with the c

Microsoft word - lmu and me 012814[1].docx

Remarks at LMU Mission Day Panel on Catholic Identity January 28, 2014 Here’s where I think we are. Our foundation, in many ways our heart, is Catholicism, a tradition and a faith from which many of us draw daily energy and inspiration, and elements of which virtually all of us find powerfully affecting. That’s our core, our center. But it’s also nowhere near our sum. We’ve been fo

Science, bitches: it works

Science, bitches: it works Kris King – May 13th 2012 Disgracefully, I haven’t written a blog post in a little over a month; predictably, I have an excuse; surprisingly, it’s a really good one. Since easter weekend my partner, Raven, and I have been engaged in a seemingly never-ending battle against the forces of contagion present in the numerous furry creatures we’ve chosen to ta


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Table des matières Angiographie des vaisseaux cervicaux-encéphaliques. 2 Angiographie aorte et membres inférieurs. 4 Stent-Graft aortique : prothèse aorto-bi-iliaque - Cook . 15 Stent-Graft aortique : prothèse aorto-bi-iliaque - Medtronics . 17 Thrombolyse vasculaire périphérique. 20 Sclérothérapie de malformations vasculaires des tissus mous . 22 Gastrostomie et gastro-jéjuno


Standards der Raucherentwöhnung Konsensus der ÖGP Beilage zu Wien. Klin. Wochenschr. 117, Heft ■ (2005)Dieser Beitrag ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die dadurch begründeten Rechte, insbesondere die der Übersetzung, des Nachdruckes,der Entnahme von Abbildungen, der Funksendung, der Wiedergabe auf photomechanischem oder ähnlichem Wege und derSpeicherung in Datenverarbeitungsanlagen

Mdi transition strategies - usa

NATIONAL TRANSITION STRATEGIES FOR MDIs PROPOSED UNITED STATES Taken from US Government Printing Office Home Pagehttp://www.access.gpo.gov/index.htm, also available at FDA Home Pagehttp://www.fda.cder.gov. [Federal Register: March 6, 1997 (Volume 62, Number 44)]From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]========================================================Chl

Assessment of the efficacy of acetaminophen in the treatment of post weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in field conditions

A FIELD TRIAL TO ASSESS THE SAFETY AND THE EFFICACY AGAINST M. HYOPNEUMONIAE OF SIMULTANEOUS USE OF PORCILIS PRRS AND PORCILIS M HYO IN PIGLETS Patrick Pommier1, Alassane Keita1, Eric Pagot1, Jos Smeets2, Tom Nell2, Bertrand Ridremont3 1CTPA, ZOOPOLE développement, BP 7,22440 Ploufragan, France, 2Intervet International BV, PB 31, 5830AA Boxmeer, The Netherlands, 3 Intervet S.A.

(microsoft word - minositesi_adatlap_2011_kr\355zism\373hely.doc)

ADATLAP 2011 A 9/2000 (VIII. 4.) SZCSM RENDELET ALAPJÁN A SZEMÉLYES GONDOSKODÁST VÉGZİ SZEMÉLYEK TOVÁBBKÉPZÉSÉHEZ BENYÚJTOTT PROGRAMOK MINİSÍTÉSÉRE A TOVÁBBKÉPZÉSI PROGRAMOT BENYÚJTÓ ADATAI I. 1. A továbbképzési programot benyújtó (szervezet, magánszemély stb.) adatai: Név: Az intézmény felnıttképzési nyilvántartási száma: (2/2010 (

Algoritmo para el estudio de las disgammaglobulinemias

Resistencia antimicrobiana y epidemiología entérica serovar Enteritidis aisladas en las provincias de Chaco y Corrientes (Argentina) biotipos, fagos y colicinas, pruebas de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana, perfil plasmídico, análisis del ADN cromosómico total por electroforesis en campo pulsátil (PFGE), estudio de secuencias IS200, análisis mediante PCR de las secuencias REP (repetitive


Vitamin D Supplementation and Total Mortality A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Philippe Autier, MD; Sara Gandini, PhD Background: Ecological and observational studies sug- varied from 300 to 2000 IU. The trial size–adjusted meangest that low vitamin D status could be associated with higherdaily vitamin D dose was 528 IU. In 9 trials, there was a 1.4-mortality from


Articles Neoadjuvant bevacizumab, trastuzumab, and chemotherapy for primary infl ammatory HER2-positive breast cancer (BEVERLY-2): an open-label, single-arm phase 2 study Jean-Yves Pierga, Thierry Petit, Thierry Delozier, Jean-Marc Ferrero, Mario Campone, Joseph Gligorov, Florence Lerebours, Henri Roché, Thomas Bachelot, Emmanuelle Charafe-Jauff ret, Maria Pavlyuk, Sandrine Kraemer, Fr


2013 KIBOKO ADVENTURES CAMPING DOSSIER BOTSWANA – NAMIBIA – SOUTH AFRICA – ZIMBABWE Updated October 2012 GENERAL INFORMATION INTRODUCTION This Dossier is designed to assist the participant in preparing for their trip with KIBOKO ADVENTURES. All the information contained herein is given in good faith and has been carefully compiled. It must be accepted that detai

Emt aspirin protocol update

New York State Department of Health Emergency Medical Technician - Basic Curriculum Aspirin Administration by Emergency Medical Technicians HISTORY The New York State Emergency Medial Advisory Committee and the New York State Department of Health have approved Emergency Medical Technician – Basics (EMT-B) to administer aspirin to those patients who are classified as “cardiac re


Ristorante Panoramico al Lago “La Piazza” Sala fino a 160 persone Posteggi sul luogo e a 50m. c/o Tresa Bay Hotel Via Lugano 18 CH – 6988 Ponte Tresa 091-611 27 00 www.tresabay.ch MENU 1 Girandola di crespella ripiena di ricotta pesto di pomodori secchi e basilico su fonduta di parmigiano *** Punta di vitello arrosto marinata al rosmarino e birra Patate


In light of the current modernisation of the Defence Forces, Dara Fox and Robyn Hessinger ask several TDs with major defence centres in their constituencies about their record of representing defence issues. Minister for Public Enterprise, Mary O’Rourke Sean Power TD, “Following consultations with both represen-good example whereby members of the local Fianna Fáil, K


Effects of polysulfated glycosaminoglycan and hyaluronan on prostaglandin E2 production by cultured equine synoviocytes Stephen P. Frean, BVSc, PhD, and Peter Lees, PhDly through inhibition of PGE2 production,9,11 although Objective —To investigate effects of the anti-arthritic glucocorticoids possess other actions, such as inhibi-agents hyaluronan and polysulfated glycosaminogly-tion

Microsoft word - rascals rat care booklet.doc

A full and more detailed Rat Care Guide is available for download on our website. (Taken from: “Getting acquainted with your new rat”, by Karen Yang) Unless your new rats are very social and used to being around people, they will need a few days to feel comfortable in their new home. This doesn't mean you should ignore them completely, but just give them some space and time to adjust. D

Viento verde 6

SUSTENTABILIDAD Y LENTITUD VIENTOS VERDES A veces la velocidad viene bien, para limpiar con mecanismos de autorregulación como la socie-vientos huracanados la mugre de mil tipos de dad. Ahora quiero hablarles de la lentitud como Pero la tempestad, luego de pasar, reinstala la cal- Una ciudad lenta contra el stress Hace años que nos percatamos de la levedad como el principio esen


EPOETIN ALPHA IN MULTIPLE MYELOMA-RELATED ANAEMIAHigh-doses epoetin alpha in patients with multiple myeloma-related anaemia: early response and effective maintenancePasquale Niscola, Laura Scaramucci, Luigi Menichelli1, Velia Bongarzoni,Cinzia De Gregoris, Marco Morucci, Vincenzo Tini, Marco MontanaroHaematology Unit, 1Pharmacy Unit, Montefiascone Hospital, Viterbo, ItalyAbstract. In this rep


PARASITOLOGÍA HUMANA 1. ¿Cuál de los siguientes es un protozoo ciliado?: B) Giardia lamblia. C) Balantidium coli. 2. Uno de los siguientes protozoos carece de flagelos: A) Leishmania brazilensis. B) Giardia lamblia. D) Tripanozoma cruzii. E) Trichomona vaginalis. 3. Los siguientes son gusanos planos, excepto: A) Fasciola hepática. C) Paragonimus peruvianus. D) Hymenolepis nana.

Microsoft word - 2012 flexscripts formulary.docx

2012 FlexScripts Administrators Preferred Formulary List The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed FORMULARY drugs only. It represents an abbreviated version of the drug list (formulary) that is at the core of your pharmacy benefit program. The list is not all-inclusive, does not guarantee coverage and is subject to change. In addition to using this list, you are encoura

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Information des Gesundheitsamtes des Rheingau- Taunus- Kreises Gesundheitsrisiken bei Sommerhitze für ältere und pflegebedürftige Hinweise für Pflegekräfte, Heimleitungen und Hausärzte Warum ist bei großer Hitze die Gesundheit in Gefahr? Große Hitze belastet den Körper. Grundsätzlich kann sich der Organismus aber an Hitze gewöhnen. Dieser Anpassungsprozess verläuft insbesonder

Paxcdl data sheet/manual pdf

Bulletin No. PAXCDL-DDrawing No. LP0401Released 3/08Tel +1 (717) 767-6511Fax +1 (717) 764-0839www.redlion.net MODEL PAXCDL -ANALOG OUTPUT PLUG-IN OPTION CARD DESCRIPTION This bulletin serves as a guide for the installation, configuration andThe PAX® meter can be fitted with up to three optional plug-in cards. Theoperation of the PAX® Analog Output card. The analog output can beslot

Acts 2008

Report 17 Abortion Study Committee Report of the Abortion Study Committee The Beginning of life, Oral Contraceptives and Preventing Pregnancy after Rape A. Mandate Synod 2005 made two declarations: 1. Since human life begins at conception, wilful abortion is contrary to the sixth commandment, the only possible exception being cases where the life of the mother is in jeopardy, an

Spring 2012 horizons 27 - questions & answers.pages

Frequently Asked Questions / Foire aux questions 1. Please provide a summary of the most used benefits by members. Prescription Drugs, Paramedical Practitioners and Vision Care are the benefits most used by members. 2. Why should I carry on with my RTO/ERO Extended Health Plan after I reach 65- year old? The Ontario Drug Plan (ODP) covers the cost of all my prescription drugs and the RTO/


mmy & Smoke Fre Ready to Quit! • Don’t smoke in your home – Remove ashtrays, clean carpets, drapes, curtains, paint walls etc. • Have a designated outside smoking area if necessary • Don’t smoke in car - clean & detail car• The only winner when you smokes is the TOBACCO • Take control of your health & empower your family with The Quit Plan – Let’s Get


- Les groupes et artistes (sélection IRMA) de Midi-Pyrénées 2005/2006 - ACETATE ZERO c/o Arbouse Recordings Le Bourg 12630 MONTROZIER Téléphone : 05 65 47 76 20 - Email : info@arbouserecordings.com - Web : www.arbouserecordings.com Stéphane RECROSIO (Musicien) Genre musical : Post-pop rock • Manager : Arbouse Recordings • Tourneur : Arbouse Recordings • Editeur : Arb


ALCOHOLISM: CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHHippocampus Volume Loss Due to Chronic Heavy DrinkingThomas P. Beresford, David B. Arciniegas, Julie Alfers, Lori Clapp, Brandon Martin,Yiping Du Dengfeng Liu, Dinggang Shen, and Christos DavatzikosObjective: No clear consensus exists regarding the effect of sustained, heavy drinking on hippo-campal volume. Our prior work hypothesized significant


03a.Gardner.121-6 5/23/01 8:45 AM Page 121 High-Dose Chemotherapy With Autologous Stem Cell Rescue for the Treatment of Patients With Brain Tumors Sharon Gardner, Jonathan Finlay New York University Medical Center, Department of Pediatric Oncology, ABSTRACT Despite the use of surgery, irradiation, and standard-dose chemotherapy, themajority of patients with malignant brain t

Microsoft word - permanent makeup post procedure

Cosmetic Micro-pigmentation Post Procedure Information & REMEMBER: Like any cosmetic procedure this is a process. Do not expect immediate results – and please be patient. It will be a few weeks before you can fully appreciate the results, and you will love it! General Remarks on Shape and Color Immediately after the procedure the area treated will look much darker and much more d

The co-evolution of people, plants, and parasites: biological and cultural adaptations to malaria*



plantas. Cada planta tiene su manera de ser, igual que tú tienes la tuya y yo tengo la mía. R: No. Pero sospecho que una planta que no le gusta el cobre no lo va a absorber y siEntonces si tú la respetas le vas a sacar buen provecho. Por eso que yo no haría unalo absorbe, en vez de ser un verde pálido será de un verde oscuro. No sé cuál será el efectoselección artificial, porque esto


Past Recipients for the Zumberge Individual/Interdisciplinary Awards 2012 Interdisciplinary Awards Yigal Arens, Information Sciences Institute, Viterbi School of Engineering Geoffrey Cowan, Center on Communication Leadership & Policy, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism Mark Latonero, Center on Communication Leadership & Policy, Annenberg School for Communication &a

Microsoft word - 188.10.doc

Investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of a man in hospital whilst in the custody of HMP Whatton Report by the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales July 2010 This version of my report, published on my website, has been amended to remove the names of the man who died and those of staff and prisoners involved in my investigation. This is t


Grupo Rangel renova certificação de qualidade CARGONEWS Pesquisa de notícias OK Grupo Rangel renova certificação de qualidade A SGS Portugal renovou recentemente a certificação do Sistema de Gestão de Qualidade às empresas Rangel Transitários, Rangel Expresso-FedEx e Eduardo Rangel Despachante Oficial, garantindo a conformidade dos seus processos internos e As renovações a

Microsoft word - vezetői összefoglaló

Vezetői összefoglaló „Európának olyan közhangulatra van szüksége, amelyben a vállalkozókat nem csak az elért nyereség miatt értékelik, hanem azért is, mert méltányos hozzájárulást biztosítanak bizonyos társadalmi problémák kezeléséhez” (Európai Bizottság közleménye, 2006.) Ezzel igyekszik az EU is pontot tenni annak a vitának a végére, amely a 70-es évek


COPD THE DISEASE COPD THE DISEASE How do the lungs normally work? The chest contains two lungs, one lung on the right side of the chest, the other on the left side of the chest. Each lung is made up of sections called lobes. The lung is soft and protected by the ribcage. The purposes of the lungs are to bring oxygen (abbreviated O2), into the body and to remove carbon dioxide (abbreviate


MEDICAL HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE NAME:________________________________________________AGE______DA TE___________________ Date of last eye exam______________Where was this done(name of Dr./Clinic)______________________ Medications(prescription,over the counter,vitamins,homeopathic):________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


• Sanieren von feuchten und salzbefallenen Mauern! • Keine Schimmelbildung und kein Modergeruch! • Einfache Verarbeitung, die Zeit und Geld spart! • Auch als Sanierputz geeignet durch WTA Zertifizierung • Einsetzbar auf kritische Untergründe Eigenschaften: renovacoll EFP ist ein weißer Werktrockenmörtel mit hoher Wasserdampfdurchlässigkeit und einem großen Porenvolumen. ren


iGVblmKTkROlCnaMhttp://radiance.larsgrobe.de/node/1439Are generally bingo halls desperate accessible caused by smoking cigarettes bans Completely newIphone4 Smartphone Study you should What are the Provide Metronidazole (Flagyl, Protostat)is a daily mode of cure often given relating to Bacterial vaginosis. Metronidazole is normally bymouth taken. Similar to other kind regarding prescription medic

Microsoft word - avicenna-iranica-pupils-ricm

(980-1037), whose Res la dar handasa ( Epistle on geometry ) he published after his master s death (Storey, II/1, p. 3, no. 4). Abd-al-V ( Manner of the arrangement of the celestial spheres ) and a treatise on times and eclipses. See also Suter, Mathematiker, pp. 172-73, no. 425. Ebn S n s pupils and known mainly as a commentator and transmitter of Ebn S n s ARB YJ N (d. 458/1066), one of Ebn

Knockoff: the deadly trade in counterfeit goods

Knockoff: The Deadly Trade in Counterfeit Goods By Tim Phillips London, England & Sterling, VA; Kogan Page Ltd., 2005, ISBN 0-7494-4389-0 (Price $29.95), pp. 231 Reviewed by Erika Jacobsen White Journal of High Technology Law Suffolk University Law School The global counterfeit market currently wields nearly $538 billion annually. The U.S. counterfeit market alone is estimated to rake in

Microsoft word - regulatory bulletinlayout leer2007.doc

Of specific interest for Part-145 Organisations is the RTCA/EUROCAE newly issued NPA 2008-01 addressing new standards for extended range operation for two- Standards for Rechargeable Lithium. This engined aeroplanes for diversion time beyond 180 minutes ( ETOPS ) as well as a new introduced Performance Standards (MOPS) for rechargeable concepts on “early ETOPS” and “accel

Statement indonesia[1]_final

Acesso a medicamentos: Indonésia abre importante precedente a ser seguido, mas o Brasil caminha em outra direção. Começa a vir a público uma medida adotada na Indonésia, o quarto país mais populoso do planeta, para viabilizar a ampliação do acesso ao tratamento para Aids e Hepatite B no país. Em setembro, o presidente Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono assinou um decreto auto

Microsoft word - nuk nieren-funktions-szintigraphie.docx

Aufklärungs‐ & Fragebogen    Abteilung: NUK  Nieren‐Funktions‐Szintigraphie  Patienteninformation Sehr geehrte Patientin, sehr geehrter Patient, bei Ihnen soll eine nuklearmedizinische Untersuchung der Nieren durchgeführt werden (eine so genannte „Nieren-Funktions-Szintigraphie“). Hierbei erfolgt eine Darstellung ihrer Nierendurchblutung und -funktion mittels


Le 14 janvier 2010 Juge : Brian Carscadden (Canada) Maître de piste : James Peel (Canada) Championnat Génisses Championne : Grande-Ferme JOICE (SENIOR x DUAISEOIR-ET) à Mathieu Baptiste, 1254 Jussy Réserve : PERSIL (VEDETTE-ET x LEGEND-ET) à Jaquet Eric+François, 1666 Grandvillard Mention : Herma FOLKY (MARCO POLO x ZIK) à Monney Véronique, 1080 Les Cullayes Champio


Análises Clinicas Hematologia Valores em Euro Designação Co-pagamento Eritrograma (Eritrócitos+Hemoglobina+Hematócrito+Indíces Eritrocitários) Hematócrito = Volume Globular Eritrocitário Hemograma com plaquetas (Eritrograma+leucócitos+ fórmula leucocitária+plaquetas) Hemograma (Eritrograma+leucócitos+fórmula leucocitária) Leucograma (Contagem dos Leucócitos + Fó


www.rmtlondoncalling.org.uk/swineflu To: Mike Strzelecki Director of Safety, LUL 01 May 2009 “Based on assessment of all available information, and following several expert consultations, I have decided to raise the current level of influenza pandemic alert from phase 4 to 5. Influenza pandemics must be taken seriously because of their capacity to spread rapidly to every coun

Reme cap 12 v10 n2

ANALGESIA E SEDAÇÃO EM TERAPIA INTENSIVA: RECOMENDAÇÕES GERAIS ANALGESIA AND SEDATION IN INTENSIVE CARE: GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ANALGESIA Y SEDACÍON EN TERAPIA INTENSIVA: RECOMENDACIONES GENERALES RESUMO Trata-se de estudo descritivo e exploratório sobre analgesia e sedação em terapia intensiva. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram conceituar e caracterizar a intensidade dolor


Australasian Journal of Dermatology (2002) 43 , 175–178 Treatment of interdigital tinea pedis with 25% and 50% tea tree oil solution: A randomized, Andrew C Satchell,1 Anne Saurajen,1 Craig Bell2 and Ross StC Barnetson1 1 Department of Dermatology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown and 2 Australian Tea Tree Oil Research Institute, Southern Cross University, Lismore, and Epiderm


Elementary Today we are going to have a culture quiz. Decide whether these statements are true or false. 1. Fanny Hill is a novel by John Cleland about the sexual adventures of a young woman in 18th – century London. First the book was banned but later it was published and became very popular. 2. The Farewell Address is the address where you last lived in our life. 3. Greenpeace

Guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders, obsessive–compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder in primary care

International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 2012; 16: 77–84 REVIEW ARTICLE Guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders, obsessive – compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder in primary care BORWIN BANDELOW 1 , LEO SHER 2 , ROBERTAS BUNEVICIUS 3 , ERIC HOLLANDER 2 , SIEGFRIED KASPER 4 , JOSEPH ZOHAR 5 , HANS-J Ü RGEN M Ö LLER 6


HEALTH HISTORY Patient Name: _______________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Are you taking any medications, vitamins and/or herbal supplements? Yes No * If yes, please provide a list or write medications on the back of this form. Are you allergic to any antibiotics or any other type of drugs? Yes No If yes, please list ___________________________ _______


Rehabilitation suchtkranker Schwerverletzter: Diagnose und Behandlung von Suchterkrankungen Ute Lübbe, ReIntra GmbH Ein Unfall hat sich ereignet. Wie geht das Leben des Verletzten weiter? Im günstigsten Fall erholt sich der Patient vollständig und kann sein Leben ohne Einschränkungen weiterführen. Nach schweren Unfällen ist ihm dies meist nicht mehr möglich. Nicht selten verläuft de


Retonix compresse è un Integratore Alimentare utile nei casi Retonix vials è un Integratore Alimentare utile per Retonix tablets. A Dietary Supplement that is useful in cases Retonix vials. A Dietary Supplement that is useful in cases of di affaticamento fi sico e mentale, nei cali di concentrazione contrastare l’affaticamento fi sico e mentale, per sostenere of physical and mental fatigue, fo


Height: 18,490 feet (5,636 meters) Location: Mexico Skil level: Intermediate Type of climb: Glacier Guide service: summitorizaba Located southeast of Mexico City, the massive volcanoes of Popocatepetl, Iztaccihuatl and El Pico de Orizaba dominate the surrounding skyline. Pico de Orizaba is the third highest peak in North America, towering over Mexico at 18,700f / 5,700 m above sea level, and sur

Microsoft word - note_méthodologique pratique clinique vf.doc

Note méthodologique du dispositif de paiement sur objectifs de santé publique. Les indicateurs portant sur la qualité de la pratique médicale. CNAMTS/DIRECTION DELEGUEE A LA GESTION ET A L’ORGANISATION DES SOINS (DDGOS) – JANVIER 2012 Le dispositif de paiement sur objectifs de santé publique comporte 29 indicateurs au total. Les indicateurs portant sur la qualité de l


2014 1L LCLD Scholars Program In connection with the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD) Pipeline Committee’s 1L Scholar Program, we are pleased to announce the McGuireWoods/Exelon Energy Internship. This partnership between McGuireWoods and Exelon will provide a unique opportunity for the selected 1L law student to work side by side with McGuireWoods and Exelon Legal Departm

Las prisiones.

Pedro Kröpotkin. • Preparado y “ reproducido ” para Internet por : (I.E.A.) “Instituto de Estudios Anarquistas” (Santiago, Chile, abril de 2005), ÍNDICE. Contenido: Página: Introducción………………………. 3 – 4 I………………………………. 4 – 9 II…………………………………. III……………………………

Microsoft word - give your workout a caffeine kick.doc

Give Your Workout a Caffeine Kick If people look askance at you for drinking coffee before or after your workout, just be nice when you pass them on the swim, bike, or run. When you know how to use it, caffeine can be an effective performance booster, explains Liz Applegate, Ph.D., Director of Sports Nutrition at UC Davis and author of the "Fridge Wisdom" column in Runner's World mag

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GUARANTEED ANALYSIS: Crude Protein, min 30.0% Crude Fiber, max 4.5% Moisture, max 10.0% INGREDIENT LIST: Lamb Meal, Buffalo Meal, Field Pea, Tapioca, Sweet Potato, Canola Oil, Whitefish Meal, Potato Protein, Carrots, Celery, Beet, Parsley, Lettuce, Water Crest, Spinach, Egg, Brewers Dried Yeast, Natural Flavor, Lecithin, Monosodium Phosphate, DL-Methionine, L-Lysine, Choline Chl

Lncs 3496 - enhanced fuzzy single layer perceptron

Enhanced Fuzzy Single Layer Perceptron Kwangbaek Kim1, Sungshin Kim2, Younghoon Joo3, and Am-Sok Oh4 1 Dept. of Computer Engineering, Silla University, Korea 2 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Pusan National University, Korea 3 School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Kunsan National University, Korea 4 Dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Tongmyong Univ. of Information

Microsoft word - 2007.3.symposium_draft修正.doc

Natural disaster and Rural Planning The Association of Rural Planning, Japan Head of the symposium organizing committee Scope and Objective: The natural environmental structure of Asia-Pacific Rim and Monsoon Asian reveals vulnerable induced by environmental condition. Additional factors are rapid land cover change and urbanization in the lowlands or river deltas with large expanding

Fellows academic half day rounds: draft #

Department of Medicine Division of Respirology FELLOWS ACADEMIC HALF DAY ROUNDS Updated: January 29, 2010 GOALS: 1. Review lung pathology, correlate pathological changes with changes seen on CT scans, CXR’s. 2. Apply evidence based medicine to review areas in pulmonary medicine where there is therapeutic and diagnostic controversy. Review seminal papers in the area of

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RIGHTFOOT , The Brewery Business Centre, Bells Yew Green, Frant, East Sussex TN3 9BD E. ben@rightfoot-uk.com P. +44 (0)1892 750900 www .rightfoot-uk.com Kit-List When preparing for Kilimanjaro, there is a difficult balance to strike between packing enough so that you have all you need, and packing too much and therefore carrying too much weight. Bear in mind in particular that th


"Tegon" glows bright green under ultraviolet light in a feat that could eventually help scientists track diseases. A genetically modified female beagle named Tegon glows bright fluorescent green under ultraviolet light, according to a paper published in the journal Genesis. In the scientific record books, Tegon joins a red fluorescent puppy named Ruppy and Mr. Green Genes the cat as al

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Trans urethral resection of the prostate (t

MR RANJIT RAO __________________ __ ___ ___ ___ ~ CONSULTANT UROLOGIST THE EPWORTH MEDICAL CENTRE PHONE: 9421 3727 SUITE 1.5,173 LENNOX STREET PAGER: 9387 1000 RICHMOND VIC 3121 Trans Urethral Resection of the Prostate (T.U.R.P.) TURP is a procedure performed to remove the inner part of the prostate gland to assist with urination. It is performed under a gene

BetegtÁjÉkoztatÓ: informÁciÓk a felhasznÁlÓ szÁmÁra

Betegtájékoztató: Információk a felhasználó számára Rennie Deflatine rágótabletta kalcium-karbonát, magnézium-karbonát, szimetikon Mielőtt elkezdi szedni ezt a gyógyszert, olvassa el figyelmesen az alábbi betegtájékoztatót, mely az Ön számára fontos információkat tartalmaz. Ezt a gyógyszert mindig pontosan a betegtájékotatóban leírtaknak, vagy az Ön ke

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Nombre: Jesús Espinel Diez Estado civil: Casado Fecha de nacimiento: 8-8-1963 Nacionalidad: Española D.N.I.: 9.277.820 Estudios correspondientes a la Licenciatura de Medicina y Cirugía en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Valladolid. Examen de GRADO de Licenciado. Realizado el 21 de julio de 1988. Calificación: Examen de GRADO de Doctor: febrero de 1995. Facultad Autónoma de Ma

Chirurgia 1 dap_c 4'2006 a.qxd

Chirurgia (2011) 106: 127-129Nr. 1, Ianuarie - FebruarieCopyright© Celsius Parathyroid cysts, a rare condition: a case report and review of the literature C. Codreanu1, C.M. Codreanu2 1ENT Department, Galaåi County Hospital, Galaåi2Lariboisiere Hospital, ENT Department, Paris, France(adenomatous) forms, the last one being responsible of hyper-parathyroidism. We report a case of nonfuncti


LE QUÉRÉ, A., D. P. WRIGHT, B. SÖDERSTRÖM, A. TUNLIDcorrhizal fungi and adventitious root formation in Scotsand T. JOHANSSON (2005): Global patterns of gene regu-pine in vitro. Tree Physiol 22 : 373–381. lation associated with the development of ectomycor-NIEMI, K., M. SALONEN, A. ERNSTSEN, H. HEINONEN-TANSKIrhiza between birch ( Betula pendula Roth.) and Paxil- and H. HÄGGMAN (



Suppressive effects of dietary fiber in yogurt on the postprandial serum lipid levels in healthy adult male volunteers

Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 68 (5), 1135–1138, 2004Suppressive Effects of Dietary Fiber in Yogurt on the PostprandialSerum Lipid Levels in Healthy Adult Male VolunteersShizuki KONDO, Jin-zhong XIAO,y Noritoshi TAKAHASHI, Kazuhiro MIYAJI,Keiji IWATSUKI, and Sadayuki KOKUBOFood Research and Development Laboratory, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd., Zama 228-8583, JapanReceived October 24,

June 2005

CURRICULUM VITAE HENRY C. LAI, Ph.D. Education B.Sc. (Hon.) (Physiology, 1971), McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Ph.D. (Psychology, 1977), University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA Faculty Positions Research Associate, Department of Pharmacology, University of Washington, 1980- Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, University of Washington, Ad

Microsoft word - q&a_2010_prohibited_list_final_en_web

2010 Prohibited List What major changes does the 2010 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods include compared to the 2009 List?  The List reflects the latest scientific advances.  Several of the changes to be implemented in 2010 will allow anti-doping organizations to manage a number of substances and methods in a significantly more administrative- and cost-effective way. In

Periodontal risk assessment questionnaire

Periodontal Risk Assessment Questionnaire I. Tobacco Use – Tobacco use is the most significant risk factor for gum disease. Do you now or have you ever used the following: II. Diabetes – Gum Disease is a common complication associated with diabetes. Untreated gum disease makes it harder for patients with diabetes to control their blood sugar. How do you monitor your blood sugar?

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Zie de website www.reisvormen.nl voor meer informatie. • Oppervlakte: 99.373 km² • Aantal inwoners: 48 miljoen (2007) • Hoofdstad: Seoul (+/- 15 miljoen inwoners) • Belangrijkste steden: Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Daejon • Taal: Koreaans (mondjesmaat Engels) • Religie: Christendom, Buddhisme • Staatsvorm: Republiek • Munteenheid: Won (1300 won ~ € 1) • Aantal eilanden: 3000 • Gr

Lijst van de grenswaarden voor blootstelling aan chemische agentia

Lijst van de grenswaarden voor blootstelling aan chemische agentia Naam van de agentia Grenswaarde Grenswaarde Bijkomend tijdswaarde tijdswaarde e indeling 00079-27-6 Acetyleentetrabromide (damp en 00074-82-8 Alifatische koolwaterstoffen in 218-550-7 02179-59-1 Allylpropyldisulfide 07429-90-5 Aluminium (metaal en onoplosbare 01344-28-1 verbindingen, (inadembare fractie) 231

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DURACON ® 304 A GENERAL PURPOSE SEALER FOR Packaging DURACON  FLOORING SYSTEMS Shelf life 6 months when stored in a cool and dry place and in original- KEY BENEFIT SUMMARY ly closed packaging. The optimal storage temperature is 15 - TECHNICAL INFORMATION Technical characteristics (liquid state) PRODUCT INFORMATION Technical characteristics (cured stat

Minutes of board of trustees regular meeting

MINUTES OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING DISTRICT NO. 537 RICHLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE ONE COLLEGE PARK – DECATUR, ILLINOIS 62521 January 15, 2008 CONVENING OF THE MEETING Call to Order The regular meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. Tuesday, January 15, 2008, in Conference Room A/B of the College by Chairman Prince. Chairman Prince also recited the College Visi

Tumescent liposuction pre-operative instructions

TUMESCENT LIPOSUCTION PRE-OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Do not take aspirin (Anacin, Bufferin) for one week prior to surgery. Severe, even life-threatening bleeding can result. 2. Do not take thyroid medication the day of surgery. It may promote rapid and/or irregular heartbeat. For the same reason, do not take decongestants (sudafed, various cold/sinus/allergy preparations) or over-t


Renal Imaging PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: _____________________________ _______ ___________________________ _________ With renal scintigraphy, the relative amount of the radionuclide extracted from the blood by a kidney is proportional to that kidney’s function. The radiopharmaceutical (Tc-99m MAG3) passes through the vascular system, renal tubular cells, tubular lumens and


Rejuvenate your skinRajeunir Medical Spa peels are light chemical peels that revitalize photo-damaged and sensitive skin, help improve problematic skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines. These peels are appropriate for multiple applications and as a companion treatment for IPL™ Photofacials and Microdermabrasion. By combining scientifical y proven ingredients at the highest acid concentrat


INDICAZIONI GENERALI PER LA LA GESTIONE DELLA CRISI EPILETTICA PROLUNGATA Documento redatto con il supporto tecnico degli specialisti dell’Ospedale dei Bambini di Brescia e dei rappresentanti dei pediatri di famiglia 1. MANIFESTAZIONI DELLA CRISI EPILETTICA La maggior parte delle crisi in persone con epilessia nota non rappresenta una emergenza medica e termina, senza dan


Juni 2013 Raum für Selbst Machen Programm Mi., 12.06: 19 Uhr Voküisine Kulinarische Gaumenfreuden für jede Frau und Jedermann, Fr., 14.06: 19 Uhr Allegra wie (fast) jeden Freitag lädt Sandra zum Chor,es klingt in der Kehle, von Klassik bis Folklore. Sa., 15.06: 14 Uhr Elektronik Workshop Für Ba

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Role of Medicinal Plants in the Rural Development Programs of India Vice President, Product Development and Manufacturing SciClone Pharmaceuticals, San Mateo, CA 94404, USA Abstract • C onserve and cultivate rare and endogenous India is clearly known to be the richest source of • O rient the government organizations and medicinal plants. One of the estimates indicates that

Herpes virus

HERPES: GENITAL, VENERAL WARTS Herpes Simplex Type II(Genital Herpes) Genital Herpes Virus in the Nerve ganglia; Herpes I Virus; Blisters in 1-2 days, becoming open genital ulcers. Ulcers last 2 weeks or longer. From poor immune response, stress, sickness, menstruation, cold or fatigue. Herpes II virus in a pregnant woman may develop into fatal encephalitis requiring Caesarian Section; The sa

Essential tools for diagnosis of feline heart disease and heart failure

Current Strategies on Diagnosis and Treatment of Feline Cardiomyopathy Kristin MacDonald, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVIM (Cardiology) VCA- Animal Care Center of Sonoma County Diagnosis Feline heart disease is common and can be challenging to diagnose. Cats are often asymptomatic until they develop severe disease. While clinical signs and radiographs may suggest presence of heart disease in


Innovative Mixing Solutions Case Study: RAM Mixing of Compounded Pharmaceuticals Compounded Pharmaceuticals RAM Mix Test Results 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MIX NUMBER Summary:  All mixes were well under the FDA required “readily mixed” RSD value line of 4% -- RSD results typically less than 3%  Thorough mixing o

Microsoft word - referenssit.doc

Antti Heikkilä: DIABETEKSEN HOITO RUOKAVALIOLLA REFERENSSIT Copyright © Rasalas Kustannus 2008 Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään JOHDANTO Kostexperter stoppas efter risk för jäv http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=147&a=751422 Valtion ravitsemusneuvottelukunnan jäsenet http://wwwb.mmm.fi/ravitsemusneuvottelukunta/Jasenet_ SU.htm Mark Twain's maxims, quotations, and

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Vaccinations, medications, etc. (from www.mdtravelhealth.com/destinations/africa/ uganda .php) Summary of recommendations : All travelers should visit either their personal physician or a travel health clinic 4-8 weeks before departure. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A Yellow fever Required for all travelers. Proof of vaccine is required for submission with visa paperwork. Re

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ABDOMINOPLASTY (TUMMY TUCK) Upon leaving the operating room, a support girdle (garment) will be placed on you. This compression garment is to remain in place continuously for 24 hours after surgery. After the first 24 hours, you may remove the garment to shower only. This girdle/garment is an essential factor in promoting a safe and comfortable post- operative period. The garment comp

Microsoft word - ficha-cliente-cond.doc

Condições Gerais de Venda (RIBALNET, LDA) Encomendas Todas as encomendas deverão ser feitas através do departamento comercial, via fax ou e-mail. A RIBALNET pode dispensar o cliente deste procedimento e aceitar a encomenda via telefone. Deverá igualmente mencionar se pretende levantar a mercadoria constante na encomenda, caso contrario, a RIBALNET expedi-la-á por meios


Prolonged Methylprednisolone Treatment Suppresses Systemic Inflammation in Patients with Unresolving Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Evidence for Inadequate Endogenous Glucocorticoid Secretion and Inflammation-induced Immune Cell Resistance to Glucocorticoids G. Umberto Meduri, Elizabeth A. Tolley, George P. Chrousos, and Frankie Stentz Memphis Lung Resea

Microsoft word - redlands benefit summary 2013 _3_

Redlands USD The following outline of your group’s outpatient prescription drug benefit is provided for your information. This document contains specific coverage and exclusion information related to your prescription benefit provided by Redlands USD and administered by Express Scripts, Inc. For more information about these drugs or others, you can reach us by calling 1-877-586-3115 or by


CalPhos / Calcidiol (D3) ist ein 2-Komponenten Ca-P-D3-Produkt, Ergänzungsfuttermittel, zur Verabreichung über das Tränkewasser an Geflügel Einsatzbereiche: Kritische Wachstumsphasen bei Mastgeflügel Eischalenfestigung bei Legehennen Wirkung: • Verbesserung des Knochenaufbaus in der frühen Wachstumsphase • Steigerung des Muskeltonus in der frühen Wachstumsphase • Stabi

Batteries explained

Batteries Explained CHOOSING THE RIGHT BATTERY Rechargable batteries have come a long way in the past decade or two and whereas early model ers had only one choice - the humble nicad, today there is a vast array of different types on the market. Unfortunately, al this choice can leave model ers confused as to which is the best battery to use and how to take care of them. Get a good charger

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840 Westmoreland Ave, Syracuse, NY 13210 215-779-0693Education2009 MFA - Painting, Syracuse University, Syracuse NYAward Tuition Scholarship1996-1997 3D Fine Art, Moore College of Art , Philadelphia, PAAward Tuition Full Year Scholarship for Continued Study1992-1996 BFA - 2D Fine Arts, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PAUniversity Teaching Experience2007-current Adjunct Professor, Foundatio

Tras la autoestima. variaciones sobre el yo expresivo en la modernidad tardía. (reis nº117. crÍtica de libros)

CRÍTICA DE LIBROS ses (Delumeau: 19). La formulación del primermond Jabes, «podría no ser más que la igno-rancia de un pasado por descubrir. Esta igno-rancia es el verdadero saber que, entre las es-«Plantó luego Yahvé Dios un jardín entrellas, surca en la noche sus caminos reales. Edén, al oriente, y allí puso al hombre aquien hiciera. Hizo Yahvé Dios brotar enél de la tier


Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur. Karwar, Nagaur Road, Jodhpur. Fax:0291 5153700, Phone: 0291 5153-714, 5153-733 (Help Line:Available between 11:00am and 04:00pm). ONLINE APPLICATION FORM - 2013: (Ph. D. Entrance) 1. This document shows details as filled by candidate. 2. This is draft document. 3. Candidates are advised to take final print of t

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Eidgenössische Personalrekurskommission Avenue Tissot 8 Commission fédérale de recours en matière de personnel fédéral 1006 Lausanne Commissione federale di ricorso in materia di personale federale Tel. 021/342 03 50 Der Präsident: André Moser Die Richter: Viola Amherd; Reto Venanzoni Die Gerichtsschreiberin: Jeannine Müller Entscheid vom 20. Januar 2005

Elenco farmaci - giacenza

AZIENDA ULSS 18 ROVIGO - SOC Farmacia TerritorialeELENCO FARMACI DEL PHT ATTUALMENTE IN "DPC" settembre/2011 Principio attivo (ATC) Codice AIC Specialità medicinale Nota AIFA Piano Terapeutico ARIPIPRAZOLO (N05AX12) BICALUTAMIDE (L02BB03) BUSERELINA (L02AE01) CINACALCET (H05BX01) CLOZAPINA (N05AH02) DALTEPARINA (B01AB04) DARBEPOIETINA ALFA (B03XA02)


Absence of an Effect of Liposuction on Insulin Action and Risk Factors for Coronary Heart DiseaseSamuel Klein, M.D., Luigi Fontana, M.D., Ph.D., V. Leroy Young, M.D., Andrew R. Coggan, Ph.D., Charles Kilo, M.D., Bruce W. Patterson, Ph.D., and B. Selma Mohammed, M.D., Ph.D. b a c k g r o u n d Liposuction has been proposed as a potential treatment for the metabolic complica- From the Center

Lesbian parenting

When parents separate there are sometimes decisions that need to be made about a child’s upbringing, other than about contact or where the child should live (see our Guides to Parental Responsibility, Contact and Residence for further information about these issues). This legal guide has been prepared to provide general legal information about the other types of orders the cour


Convocatoria para Edición Especial – Proyecto “Gestión Social: Enseñanza, Investigación y Práctica” Esta edición especial se dedica al tema Gestión Social y Territorios Rurales , en el ámbito del proyecto “Gestión Social: Enseñanza, Investigación y Práctica” – Anuncio Público Pro- Administración/Capes 08/2009 –, que tiene como objetivo principal promover la enseñ

Royal berkshire hospital

Additional information about Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) What is isotretinion and what is it used for? Isotretinoin, also known as Roaccutane, is a vitamin A-like drug that is widely prescribed by dermatologists for the treatment of acne. This information sheet will explain how to start treatment and answers some of the questions that we commonly get asked about isotretinoin. Blood tests


RHODE ISLAND VASCULAR INSTITUTE The Miriam Hospital Interventional Radiology Procedure INSTRUCTION SHEET Your procedure ____________________________________________________________________ is scheduled at The Miriam Hospital with Dr.__________________ On: Date: ________________. If you have left the office without a date for your procedure, cal Diane at The Miriam Hospit


AWMF online - Leitlinie Sucht: alkoholbezogene Störungen A rbeitsgemeinschaft der W issenschaftlichen M edizinischen F achgesellschaften Leitlinien der Dt. Ges. f. Suchtforschung und Suchttherapie (DG-Sucht) und der Dt. Ges. f. Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) AWMF-Leitlinien-Register Nr. 076/001 Entwicklungsstufe: 2 Zitierbare Quelle: SUCHT 49

Microsoft word - chemistry_ms.doc

CURRICULUM VITAE OF DR. M. SEENIVASA PERUMAL Assistant Professor Gandhigram Rural Institute Gandhigram, Dindigul PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth : 03-04-1975 Marital Status : Married Nationality : EDUCATION Ph. D. – Synthetic Organic Chemistry , University of Hyderabad (Central University), M. Sc. – Chemistry, I class, University of Hyderabad (Central Univers


136 Drugs That Can Cause Cognitive Impairment http://www.worstpills.org/includes/page.cfm?op_id=458 /Home/Alzheimer's Treatments/ Medicines to Avoid for Alzheimer's Patients Drug-induced dementia and delirium are commonly misattributed to underlying medical illness or merely to "old age." But patients (and even their doctors!) might not know that by stopping or modifying the dosage o

Microsoft word - jessel, abstract clinam.doc

Nanostructured and Multilayered Active Materials for Clinical Applications S. FACCA1, A. DIERICH2, J.-C. VOEGEL1, N. BENKIRANE-JESSEL1 1Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Unité 977, Faculté de Médecine, 11 rue Humann, 67085, Strasbourg Cedex, France and Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire, UDS, Strasbourg 2Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire

Donna e

DONNA E. STEWART, MD, FRCPC REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Stewart DE . Treatment patterns in Canadian women with urinary incontinence: A need to improve case identification. Journal of Women’s Health (in press). Chiarelli A, Stotland N, Sloan P, Stewart DE , Mai V, Howlett R. Influence of physician and patient characteristics on adherence to breast cancer screening recommendations. Eur

Educator resources 200105

New Contraceptives and Other Advances in Reproductive Health Emergency Contraception Plan B and Preven are two emergency contraceptive pill products (also called “dedicated products”)currently available to women with a doctor’s prescription. While the ingredients in these productsdiffer, both Plan B and Preven should be taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. Thesooner t


2012 Step Therapy Program Drug List Condition/ Second Line (Step Two) First Line (Step One) Products Drug Classification Products High Blood Pressure benazepril, benazepril/HCTZ, captopril, captopril/HCTZ, Brand name ACE inhibitors (including but not ACE Inhibitors enalapril, enalapril/HCTZ, fosinopril, fosinopril/HCTZ, lisinopril, limited to): Accupril, Accure


COMMON PEDIATRIC PROBLEMS Special Thanks to Dr. Joel Schwab, Residency Director, Dept. of Pediatrics, University CONTENTS ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS Characterized by rapid onset of diarrhea with or without vomiting, fever and abdominalpain. Diarrhea is defined as frequent, loose, unformed liquid stools. Most cases causedby viral or self-limited bacterial disease. 1. Recent travel. 2. Known si


GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION: INFORMATION FÜR DEN ANWENDER 5. WIE SIND MEMORIA® - TROPFEN AUFZUBEWAHREN? Nicht über 30°C lagern. In der Originalverpackung aufbewahren, um den Inhalt vor Licht und starker Sonnen- MEMORIA® - Tropfen strahlung zu schützen. Arzneimittel für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren. Sie dürfen das Arzneimittel nach dem auf dem Etikett und Umkarton angegebenen Verfa


Companion diagnostics and personalized medicine: A review of molecular diagnostic applications Mathew W. Moore1, Deepti Babu2, and Philip D. Cotter1,* ResearchDx, Irvine, California, USA. 2Department of Medical Genetics, University of Alberta, ABSTRACT well established [1, 2]. The advantages of approaching medicine in this way are theoretically Personalized medici


Europäisches Patentamt European Patent Office Office européen des brevets EP 0 989 848 B1 EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (51) Int Cl.7: A61K 9/28 of the grant of the patent: 29.09.2004 Bulletin 2004/40 PCT/IB1998/000883 (21) Application number: 98921690.8 (22) Date of filing: 08.06.1998 WO 1998/056360 (17.12.1998 Gazette 1998/50) (54) FILM-COATED TABLET FOR IMP

Smoking and eye disease

SMOKING AND EYE DISEASE Smoking can be a contributing factor for visual impairment. Convincing evidence of an association between smoking and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) comes from three large population-based studies. It has been estimated that approximately 53,900 United Kingdom residents older than 69 years may have visual impairment because of AMD attributable to smoking, o

Gkh583 2594.2597

Published online May 11, 2004 2594±2597 Nucleic Acids Research, 2004, Vol. 32, No. 8Mapping of the second tetracycline binding site onthe ribosomal small subunit of E.coliMaria M. Anokhina1, Andrea Barta2, Knud H. Nierhaus3, Vera A. Spiridonova4 andAlexei M. Kopylov1,4,*1Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Institute ofBiochemistry, Universi


River North Pain Management Consultants, S.C., Fax: (888) 961-6471 Clinical Coordinator: (312) 961-6471 Regional Anesthesiology and Interventional Pain Management. CAUDAL DECOMPRESIVE NEUROPLASTY (Racz Procedure) Frequently Asked Questions The following material is given as general information only. It is not to be considered as medical advice or consultation. What is an Epiduro

Microsoft word - psychological sequelae.doc

A List of Major Psychological Sequelae of Abortion Fact Sheet Courtesy of the Elliot Institute, PO Box 73478 Springfield, IL 62791-7348 REQUIREMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT: In a study of post-abortion patients only 8 weeks after their abortion, researchers found that 44% complained of nervous disorders, 36% had experienced sleep disturbances, 31% had regrets about their decision, and 11% had


Ambulatory Phlebectomy(AP) Instructions Description:  Ambulatory Phlebectomy(AP) is a minimally invasive method for treating varicose veins of the leg.  Small stab incisions are made in the skin and the veins are pulled out of these incisions with a small hook.  Blood flow now returns from your leg to your heart in the deep veins of the leg. Strong stable muscles protect thes


STOKO® TECH-ALERT No. 0108 Understanding and Dealing With MRSA The Basics — What Is It And Where It Is Found? Transmission and Vulnerability Disturbing, frightening and seemingly relentless, MRSA is transmitted primarily from the colonized MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) hand of a patient or healthcare worker who did has haunted the consciousness of th


„Allegra rumantsch - Eine Begegnung mit der rätoromanischen Schweiz Quant bleras Svizras e Svizzers san tge che rumantsch è exact, nua chi vegn discurrì rumantsch e co questa lingua tuna? - La Svizra è bain cunscienta da sia quadrilinguitad e raquinta er plain luschezia da quel a. Il contact cun tschelas regiuns linguisticas e las conuschientschas sur da quel as èn dentant per or

Peak led solutions product line

PEAK LED SOLUTIONS PRODUCT LINE MOUNTAIN SERIES EIGER: The Eiger is a small pocket LED flashlight that uses a single AAA size battery and the latest high performance LED. It is available in black Anodized Aluminum, Brass, Stainless Steel, Gold plated brass and in limited runs of Titanium. Eight different power levels can be ordered to tailor the light to your requirements and three

Pandemic influenza frequently asked questions

Pandemic Influenza Frequently Asked Questions Version 2/March 17, 2006 How many antiviral treatment courses has HHS purchased? How many courses is HHS planning to purchase? HHS has plans to purchase or subsidize the purchase of 81 million treatment courses of antivirals: • 6 million antiviral treatment courses will be reserved for prophylactic quenching of any localized outbreaks (sim


SENADO FEDERAL SINTER - Secretaria Especial do Interlegis Listagem das casas legislativas por estado Minas Gerais Santo Agostinho Belo Horizonte cep: 30190-921Praça Juscelino Kubitschek, nº 99 (37) 3541-1555 Minas Gerais Câmara Municipal de Águas Formosas Rua Alvim Couto, nº 117 cep: Rua Gumercindo Ferreira Pinto, s/ (35) 3366-1293Praça Coronel Breves, nº 30 São (32) 3462

Keh514 390.397

Advance Access publication 3 February 2005Guideline for anti-TNF-a therapy inpsoriatic arthritisS. Kyle, D. Chandler1, C. E. M. Griffiths2, P. Helliwell3,J. Lewis, I. McInnes4, S. Oliver5, D. Symmons6 and N. McHugh,on behalf of the British Society for RheumatologyStandards Guidelines Audit Working Group (SGAWG)Although PsA was once thought to be a benign condition, it isnow well recognized a

Ross lattner book

Lab 3.7: Juliet’s Fertility Cycle Once again, the functioning of one’s body is a locus of profoundpersonal meaning. It makes sense to relate new science learningOn the other hand, such a point of personally meaningfulexperience is very sensitive to rough or crude treatment fromothers, especially in the presence of the opposite sex. If this is tobe a positive learning experience for eve

Microsoft word - split hwbb report 11.9.13.docx

Report for Brighton and Hove Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) 9.8.13 By John Kapp, 22, Saxon Rd Hove BN3 4LE, 01273 417997, johnkapp@btinternet.com CURING THE NHS AND DEPRESSED PATIENTS BY MASS-COMMISSIONING THE MINDFULNESS COURSE The crisis in the NHS is caused by the following factors, which can be solved locally by councillors initiating culture change


( X) Local STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES The Board of Education recognizes that good student health is vital to successful learning and acknowledges its responsibility, along with that of parent(s) or guardian(s), to protect and foster a safe and healthful environment for the students. The school shall work closely with students' families to provide detection and preventive health services. I

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CONTRATO CONTRAGARANTÍA DE OTORGAMIENTO DE FIANZAS ENTRE: MAPFRE BHD Seguros , una sociedad comercial organizada y existente de conformidad con las leyes de la República Dominicana, con su domicilio social en el Edificio marcado con número 150 de la avenida Pedro Henríquez Ureña, del Ensanche La Esperilla de esta ciudad de Santo Domingo, debidamente representada para fines de este a

Specific clinical issues:

Specific Clinical Risk Factors: GI Problems in People with Developmental Disabilities Specific Clinical Risk Factors: GI Problems in People with Developmental Disabilities Dysphagia, esophageal disorders & GE reflux OPENING COMMENTS: Don’t confuse “usual” with “normal” Don’t ignore the signs that a problem exists (“I told ya and I told ya”) It’s important to

Microsoft word - eular abstracts

SAT0143 THE EFFECT OF ALENDRONATE PLUS METHOTREXATE FOR A STRUCTURAL BENEFIT IN EARLY RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. COMPARED TO METHOTREXATE ALONE k. kume*1, k. amano1, s. yamada1, h. nagata1, k. amano2 1rheumatology, hiroshima clinic, 2rheumatology, sky clinic, hiroshima, Japan Background: Bisphosphonates, the most commonly therapeutic agents for osteoporosis prevention and treatment, hold

Microsoft word - ongoing ct medicine 2012 jul

CENTER FOR CLINICAL TRIALS Ongoing Clinical Trials DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE (24) Arthritis TITLE : A Randomized, Double Blind, Parallel-Group Study Of Cardiovascular Safety In Osteoarthritis Or Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With Or At High Risk For Cardiovascular Disease Comparing Celecoxib With Naproxen And Ibuprofen [PRECISION: Prospective Randomized Evaluation Of Celecox

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0215PVM revised.qxp 1/27/2005 11:28 AM Page 532 Compendium of measures to control Chlamydophila psittaci (formerly Chlamydia psittaci) infection among humans (psittacosis) and pet birds, 2005 Kathleen A. Smith, DVM, MPH; Kristy K. Bradley, DVM, MPH, DACVPM; Mary G. Stobierski, DVM, MPH, DACVPM; Leslie A. Tengelsen, PhD, DVMwith no identified leisure time or occupational risk canPsi

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Rox-San Pharmacy LIDOCREAM-10 (Lidocaine Cream 10%) Active Ingredients: Lidocaine 10% Product(s): Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that has neuron membrane stabilizing effect. Topical lidocaine is mostly used in combination with other agents (NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, NMDA-receptor antagonist, and etc…). Lidocaine produces pain relief by blocking the signals at the nerve endi

Remembering the palestinian nakba: commemoration, oral history and narratives of memory

[ HLS 7.2 (2008) 123–156]DOI: 10.3366/E147494750800019X REMEMBERING THE PALESTINIAN NAKBA: COMMEMORATION, ORAL HISTORY AND NARRATIVES OF MEMORY Dr Nur Masalha Reader in Religion and Politics and Director of the Centre forReligion and History and the Holy Land Research ProjectSchool of Theology, Philosophy and HistoryThis year Palestinians commemorate the 60th anniversary of the N

Discorso andrea passaggio campana 26 maggio 201

Amiche e Amici Rotariani e non, Autorità tutte, Buona Sera e grazie per la vostra partecipazione a que-sto, per me importante, appuntamento del Rotary Club di Modica. In circostanze come questa si è soliti aprire la relazione con parole ormai da tempo codificate. Si usa dire: sarò breve . Io che, per professione, sono stato parlatore, seppur di modesto spessore, quando se ne è presentatal’


Institut für Lebensmittelchemie der Technischen Universität Berlin Gutachten Versuche zur Entfernung von Arzneimittelrückständen, steroiden Hormonen und polaren Pestizidrück- ständen aus dotiertem Trinkwasser mit Carbonit®-Wasserfiltern Auftraggeber: Carbonit® Filtertechnik GmbH Auftragnehmer: Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Stan Bearbeitet durch: Dr. Thom

Taking small steps towards targets perspectives for clinical practice in diabetes, cardiometabolic disorders and beyond

Taking small steps towards targets – perspectives forclinical practice in diabetes, cardiometabolic disordersand beyondA. Golay,1 E. Brock,2 R. Gabriel,3 T. Konrad,4 N. Lalic,5 M. Laville,6 G. Mingrone,7 J. Petrie,8T.-M. Phan,9 K. H. Pietil€ainen,10,11 C.-H. Anderwald12,13,14Big changes are hard. When trying to achieve guideline targets in diabetes andLiterature review of the effects of cha

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Recherche sur les Arts Dramatiques Anglophones Contemporains   Mireia ARAGAY SENIOR LECTURER IN ENGLISH LITERATURE & DRAMA Lieu d’exercice : Department of English and German, University of Barcelona Coordonnées professionnel es : Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya Universitat de Barcelona Gran Via 585 08007 Barcelona Espagne Adresse e-mail / Webpage aragay@ub.edu http:

Microsoft word - noisetrackerii 090723.doc

Abstract The main complaint of hearing instrument wearers continues to be hearing in noise. While directional microphone technology exploits spatial separation of signal from noise to improve listening in noise, a challenge for single microphone noise reduction systems is that the signal of interest is embedded in the background noise. ReSound NoiseTracker™ II uses a sophisticated algorithm t

17- trait de ic chronique

Référentiels Traitement médicamenteux de l’insuffisance cardiaque chronique systolique La prise en charge de l’insuffisant cardiaque chronique est complexe comprenant une approche pharmacologique qui a beaucoup évolué ces dernières années, avec des molécules efficaces en termes de réduction de morbi-mortalité , des dispositifs implantables spécialisés, une a


Intranasal Corticosteroid Prapaporn Pornsuriyasak, M.D.*, Paraya Assanasen, M.D.** *Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, **Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, Thailand. Siriraj Med J 2008;60:90-95 E-journal: http://www.sirirajmedj.com R apidly metabo

Microsoft word - quiz-5.doc

ECOL 182 – Spring 2008 Dr. Ferriere’s lectures Lecture 5: Animal reproduction and development Quiz All questions below pertain to mandatory material: all slides, and mandatory homework (if any). Answers: 1d, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5e, 6e, 7c, 8a, 9b, 10d, 11b, 12d, 13d 1. What is not true of gametogenesis? a. Germ cells proliferate mitotically. b. Germ cells mature into gam


ALL TO COME MAIDEN JUVENILE PLATEMPLATE Prizemoney: $10,365 [CAPTAIN AL (SAF) - SUNSHINE LOVER (SAF)] Green,redchevron,greensleeves,redseams,redcap. Owners: Team Valor International (Nom: Mr B Irwin). Ran well to place at debut; First up after debut and spell; Up in class on last start; Redandwhitequartered,redsleeves,quarteredcap. Owners: Lammerskraal Stud (Nom: Mr M L P Rattray). Having

Microsoft word - maliau basin - tips for trekkers - 2.doc

TIPS FOR TREKKERS TO MALIAU BASIN There are few mosquitoes during the trip. You can choose not to take the pill but rememberto use insect repellent. Most visitors are more worried about the leeches. As the trip to Maliau Basin involve three days of trekking and lots of up and down the hill, itis highly recommended that visitors are reasonable fit, at least to endure 6 to 8 hours oftrekking per


geneesmiddelen bulletin november 2010 121 Redactieadres: Geneesmiddelenbulletin, Mercatorlaan 1200, 3528 B L Utrecht Literatuurreferenties zijn te vinden op de website P . R . I . K . B . O . R . D www.geneesmiddelenbulletin.nl Opnieuw bezien Opnieuw bevestigd: verhoogd risico op myocardinfarct dr D. Bijl, onder medeverantwoordelijkheid van de redactiecommissie en cardiovascul

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