Trans urethral resection of the prostate (t

MR RANJIT RAO __________________ __ ___ ___ ___ ~

PHONE: 9421 3727
PAGER: 9387 1000
Trans Urethral Resection of the Prostate (T.U.R.P.)

TURP is a procedure performed to remove the inner part of the prostate gland to assist with urination. It is
performed under a general or spinal anaesthetic and usually requires a 2 night stay in hospital. After the operation you will have a urinary catheter for 2 days. Once you are passing urine satisfactorily you will be It is generally a very successful procedure, however there a few potential risks such as bleeding and infection. Retrograde ejaculation (semen going into bladder) is common but not serious. There is no increased incidence of impotence. Very occasionally you may have some minor short lived incontinence that settles down with time. Delayed risks include narrowing in the urethra or regrowth of prostate tissue. Following your T.U.R.P. you may experience one or more of the following: Burning or pain when passing urine (Ural or citra-lite effervescent granules can be taken A small amount of blood and debris in your urine for up to 6 weeks. If large amounts of blood appear, A scab forms around the raw surface of the prostate. It is normal 7 – 10 days after surgery for the scab to come away and pass in the urine. This may be associated with blood in the urine. Some blood may be passed for up to 6 weeks. However, if bleeding becomes heavy or you are passing clots, notify Following a T.U.R.P. you will experience an improved urinary pattern with a stronger steam and fewer visits to the toilet during the day and night. This may take weeks or months, depending on how long and how serious your blockage has been. Discharge Information:

Drink approximately 2 litres each day – equivalent to 6 –10 cups or glasses per day, to keep the urine When the urine becomes clear you may then reduce your fluid intake If you have any difficulty passing urine, it is important to relax, take a mild analgesic (such as Panadol or Panadeine) and if necessary pass urine while under the shower or bath. In the event that these measures fail to start your urine flowing and you are experiencing a build up of urine in the bladder, then contact Mr Rao. Most people have full urinary control when they leave hospital. A few still have to rush to pass urine urgently for a week or so. This will improve. If it persists, a short course of tablets may be necessary which wil be prescribed at your follow up appointment It is important not to become constipated and strain to have a bowel motion. A high fibre diet may assist with this. Constipation and straining can cause bleeding Activity:
Allow for two weeks off work following surgery You can drive short distances 1 week after discharge from hospital You can take short walks, as you feel able

If you have been taking blood-thinning medication pre-operatively (aspirin/plavix/warfarin) please ask Mr Rao when these maybe recommenced. Other medications are usually recommenced some time during your hospital stay.
The following 24 hours post procedure:
It is important that you do not drive, sign legal documents, utilise public transport, work machinery or consume alcohol, until at least the next day but preferably for 24 hours post
Please report any of the following to your surgeon:

Passing of bright red urine with or without clots
Post operative appointment details:

Please contact the rooms on 9421 3727 for a post op appointment at 6 weeks.


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