Microsoft word - wada 2010 changes.doc

c/o AIS Rowing, PO Box 176, Belconnen ACT 2616 | P +61 2 6260 4724 | F +61 2 6285 2813 Key Changes to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
2010 Prohibited List.
From January 1, 2010, these key changes will apply to all Australian athletes on ASADA’s registered testing and domestic testing pool. If you are unsure of your status on these lists, please contact Matt Bialkowski at Rowing Australia to confirm at If you have any questions regarding the below changes, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Carmel Goodman, PMO Rowing Australia on 0409 889 139 or at Beta – 2 agonists
agonists, will change. need a TUE, just a declaration of these asthma medications without a TUE constitutes an milliltre, there will be medication at or taken by inhalation and the athlete will have to demonstrate through a controlled pharmacokinetic study that the level found in his/her urine was the result of c/o AIS Rowing, PO Box 176, Belconnen ACT 2616 | P +61 2 6260 4724 | F +61 2 6285 2813 Pseudoephedrine
Don’t take pseudoephedrine 24
hours prior to or during
competition. There are permitted
during competition please check whether they contain any Out-of-competition there is no need for a TUE to take pseudoephedrine. competition, consider use pseudoephedrine as directed. the use of alternative previous consultation with a physician, or The threshold level has been established based on the intake of therapeutic doses, defined as a maximum daily dose of 240mg PSE taken either as four (4) daily administrations (one every 4-6 hours) of a 60mg pill (or 2x30mg pills), (8 Codral original cold and flu tablets in 24 hours), or two (2) daily administrations (one every 12 hours) of a 120mg pill, or c/o AIS Rowing, PO Box 176, Belconnen ACT 2616 | P +61 2 6260 4724 | F +61 2 6285 2813 In line with this dosing regimen, the intake, for example, of a single daily dose of 3 x 60mg pills constitutes a supratherapeutic administration that may lead to an Adverse Analytical Finding. Platelet-derived
Plasma (PRP), ‘blood spinning’) has been sheaths and bursae will not require a TUE but will require a declaration of require declaration of use on the doping intravenously and orally will continue to require a TUE prior to use. Intraarticular, intrabursal, intrasynovial and inhaled use of glucocorticoids will only require a declaration of use on the doping control form during a doping test If you have any questions at all regarding use of PRP in the treatment of your injury, please contact Dr. c/o AIS Rowing, PO Box 176, Belconnen ACT 2616 | P +61 2 6260 4724 | F +61 2 6285 2813 Carmel Goodman on 0409 889 139, prior to starting any such treatment. Glycerol
Supplemental oxygen Oxygen-enhancing and oxygen- Intravenous
Intravenous infusions If an athlete has an IV prior to infusion (IV
for those legitimately hospitalised, no TUE is necessary. received in the course admissions or clinical hospital a TUE will be required. Using a drip to re-hydrate is prohibited without a TUE. IV iron infusions should not be undertaken.


Microsoft word - treatment of infertilit1.doc

TREATMENT OF INFERTILITY An Integrative Approach José Choy, MD; Natália R. Cordeiro, PhD. Associação Portuguesa de Acupunctura e Disciplinas Associadas Abstract Infertility is a new emerging problem in modern societies. Since II World War, History has been changing the meaning of reproductive success, enhancing the value of procreation in industrialized countries. Benedicti


IMPORTANT FAQ’s 1. What time will my surgery be? • The time of your surgery will be determined the business day prior to your surgery (if your surgery is scheduled for Monday, you can expect a call on Friday). At that time, you will be told what time to arrive at the hospital on the 2. How long will I have to take Coumadin following my surgery? • All questions

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