Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
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ECOL 182 – Spring 2008 Dr. Ferriere’s lectures Lecture 5: Animal reproduction and development Quiz
All questions below pertain to mandatory material: all slides, and mandatory homework (if any).
1. What is not true of gametogenesis? a. Germ cells proliferate mitotically. b. Germ cells mature into gametes after undergoing meiosis. c. Each primary spermatocyte can produce four haploid sperm. d. Each oogonium can produce four haploid eggs. 2. Which statement about oocytes is true? a. At birth, the human female has produced all the oocytes she will ever produce. b. At the onset of puberty, ovarian follicles produce new oocytes in response to hormonal stimulation. c. At the onset of menopause, the human female stops producing oocytes. d. Oocytes are produced by the human female throughout adolescence. e. Oocytes produced by the female are stored in the oviducts. 3. What hormones are involved in the control of spermatogenesis ? a. Testosterone and secretin b. Estrogen and secretin c. Testosterone and inhibin d. Progesterone and inhibin e. Testosterone and progesterone 4. In what part of the female reproductive tract does fertilization occur? a. Uterus. b. Oviduct. c. Cervix. d. Ovary. e. Vagina.
5. Which of these is not included in fertilization? a. Sperm activation b. Species-specific binding of sperm to egg c. Digestion of a path through the protective coverings of the egg d. Fusion of sperm and egg plasma membranes e. None of the above 6. Which of the following are events in the uterine cycle? a. Buildup of the endometrium b. Breakdown of the endometrium c. Ovulation d. Menstruation e. All of the above 7. Sexual reproduction consists of three basic steps: a. gametogenesis, fertilization, and budding. b. parthenogenesis, fertilization, and budding. c. gametogenesis, mating, and fertilization. d. budding, regeneration, and parthenogenesis. e. oviparous, ovoviviparous, and viviparous. 8. When sperm and egg plasma membranes fuse, the egg is signaled to do all of the following except a. accept more sperm cells. b. begin blocks to polyspermy. c. complete meiosis. d. begin development. 9. Which statement about fertilization is true? a. The egg contributes a mitochondria. b. The union of a haploid sperm and a haploid egg produces a diploid zygote. c. The egg and sperm contribute equally. d. Development can progress normally if only the egg or sperm contributes its nuclei. e. Nearly all of the cytoplasm comes from the sperm. 10. Which of the following statements is not true about mammalian cleavage? a. The inner cell mass becomes the embryo. b. The surrounding cells become the trophoblast. c. Mammalian cleavage is rapid. d. The early cell divisions produce a loosely associated ball of cells. 11. Which of the following is not true of vertebrate development? a. The blastopore induces the determination of cells that pass over it during gastrulation. b. Insulin induces the primary embryonic organizer. c. One group of cells that migrates over the blastopore lip is determined to become the notochord. d. The nervous system develops from the neural tube.
12. When the neural tube forms, a. somites form from mesoderm on either side of the neural tube. b. somites produce cells that will become the vertebrae, ribs, muscles of the trunk. c. neural crest cells contribute to the development of peripheral nerves. d. All of the above 13. In mammals, Hox genes a. determine the pattern of anterior-posterior differenciation along body axis. b. give cells information about their position on the anterior-posterior body axis. c. have a same pattern of expression in the embryo as their linear order on their chromosome. d. All of the above
in a Family Practice Residency Training ProgramAdrienne Z. Ables, PharmD; Otis L. Baughman III, MDBackground: According to a recent survey, 27% of 579 family practice residency programs in the UnitedStates employ a full-time clinical pharmacist. The majority of pharmacists’ time is spent teaching, usuallyat the point of care either on inpatient rounds or precepting in the outpatient clinic.
NSAID-induced gastrointestinal and cardiovascular injury Current Opinion in Gastroenterology 2010, 26:611 Introdução- A incidência da UP vem diminuindo no mundo com a erradicação do HP e uso da terapia ácida supressiva, mas continua sendo alta a prevalência, contribuindo para isso o uso de AAS em baixa dose e o aumento do uso de AINEs. Ulceras são encontradas na endoscopia em 1/3 dos