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Hauraki gulf forum



Department of Conservation, Level 5, 73 Rostrevor Street, Hamilton.
Tim Higham (HGF), Moana Tamaariki-Pohe (TW), Jarrod Walker
(Marine Scientist, AC), Kristina Hillock (DoC Waikato), Patrick Clearwater (MPDC), Vicki Carruthers (WRC), Shannon Tyler (MAF), Clint Rickard (TW), Kath Coombes (Policy, AC), Kelly Nicholson (WDC), John Nash (Local Board Advisor, AC), Mattia Barbera (Economist, AC)
Apologies: Peter Thom (HDC), Areta Gray (TW); Greg Holland (AC RIMU), Dom

Agenda items
1. Introductions
2. Total Economic Valuation
Mattia Barbera gave a presentation on a draft phase one report of the Hauraki Gulf Total Economic Valuation project. The presentation is appended. Key points from presentation and The report is a starting point for debate. It shows the economy and the environment are intertwined.  Economic activities differ in terms of their feedback on the  A range of activities are analysed in terms of their $ value added and employment contribution, and nature of feedback.  Nature based tourism was found to be the most significant activity by far, followed by the recreational marine industry and the Ports of Auckland. These are followed by commercial fishing and aquaculture, whose contribution to GDP is similar to  Preliminary results suggest the Hauraki Gulf is home to a cluster of activities that have the environment at the core of their value proposition.  It suggests there is untapped economic potential to build on  With political support this could perhaps be explored through analysis of a cluster of eco-activities focussing on economic  The work has been professionally peer reviewed but Mattia sought feedback on the draft report through officers, particularly  Feedback was sought in four weeks - by 24 May.  Phase two will refocus the project, particularly more analysis on unknown areas, to produce a total economic valuation.  Further consideration to be given on the timing of presentation
3. Proposed Jim Holdaway Award
Officers reviewed the pre-circulated scoping paper and made the  Applications to be open to the community  A nice trophy, plaque or similar would be important.  Clear criteria for selection are needed.  Several categories may be useful to encourage a variety of applications, but there should be one overall winner each year, to emphasise the prestigious nature of the award. Over years the award winner could be expected to come  A weighting system to assist judges with assessing application against criteria, however some flexibility is required to enable judges to recognise excellence and ‘X  The qualities demonstrated by Jim Holdaway to be emphasised in the wording and focus for the award, but the “father” role to be de-emphasised, recognising many others have contributed to the vision for the marine park over time.  The award to be presented in association with the annual  The first award would be made in 2013. Vicki and John offered to assist Tim in drafting the call for 4. Hauraki Gulf seminar programme
Officers reviewed the pre-circulated draft seminar programme - themed around “Finding the enhancement pathway”. The Seminar will be held on August 22 in association with Auckland Museum The PM’s Science Advisor and Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment have been approached as key note speakers.  Reduce number of speakers to fit time available more comfortably. (it is expected there will be a natural attrition Avoid duplication of topics already covered in Forum meetings (though difference in audience was noted).  Reconsider inclusion of Guy Salmon (Vicki) and Quentin  Consider MAF scientist Martin Cryer to help explain recent reports in relation to environmental impacts and stock  Make link between the enhancement pathway and marine spatial plan process in closing reflection. 5. 2012-2013 Work Plan
Officers reviewed the pre-circulated draft work plan. It assumes no increase in funding from recent years and agency contributions as per the agreed funding formula. o Provision for off-site meetings and independent facilitation to support member engagement in defining and enabling the o Strengthened communications, with the Holdaway award o Provision to support extension of the shellfish monitoring programme into broader environmental areas. o Provision for policy analysis within the new strategic issues The state of the environment report identified that realising the Forum’s vision for the Gulf would require improved management responses in the following areas. o Regenerating blue-green-network
Enhanced fisheries in the Gulf
o Mana whenua integration
o Active land-management to address nutrient,
sediment and contaminant pollution o Knowledge management within an integrated eco-
Policy analysis could also be initiated to support the Total Economic Valuation Project or Marine Spatial Panning process. Terms of Reference for any new work o Provision for research or facilitation support to address urgent threats to Bryde’s whales and black petrel populations, recognised by recent Forum resolutions. Tim also noted that 2013-214 was the first of two financial years before the requirement to prepare the fourth state of the Important opportunities were noted in the five REMAK priority
issue areas over this period:
Regenerating areas: identification of marine protected
areas with the marine spatial planning process. o Enhanced fisheries: the assessment of snapper stock,
reinterpretation of BMSY and determination of new catch o Mana whenua integration: settlement of treaty claims
o Active land management: requirements to set limits for
freshwater quality resulting from Land and Water Forum. o Knowledge management: emergence of new ecosystem
based Gulf research through changing research grant An independent audit is expected to assess organisation progress in these areas and consistency with the HGMPA as part of the fourth SOER 6. Agenda and programme for June 25 Meeting
As per the Forum’s directive this would be off-site and facilitate member discussion on the new strategic direction. A programme for June 24-25 was being planned enabling the Depart Auckland Sunday, June 24 at ~ 10am. o Bus trip form Claris to Port Fitzroy – meeting with Ngati Manuhiri, visit to the late Tony Bouzaid’s Glenfern o Boat trip from Port Fizroy to Whagaparapara via Kaikoura Island and Broken Islands. (Weather Great Barrier Lodge, Whangaparapara. Dinner with local board and, environment leaders,social activity. o Great Barrier Lodge. Independently facilitated workshop Officers to ensure the extended timeframe for this important Clint to discuss involvement of Ngati Wai/ Ngati Manuhiri and advise. 7. Incorporating Te Moananui a Toi in brands
The request by member Mook Hohneck to recognise the name Te Moananui a Toi in the brands developed for the Forum and marine park was discussed. This had also been raised in email discussion between tangata whenua technical officers and noted as being consistent with the names acknowledged in the HGMPA preamble. Tim undertook to seek technical advice on how the name could be incorporated in design of the brands. 8. Other matters
Vicki sought clarification of progress following the meeting to workshop Bryde’s whale ship strike. Two working groups had been set up to explore statutory and voluntary responses. DoC is taking the lead in facilitating these meetings, due its primary responsibility for marine mammals. Vicki expressed WRC interest in being party to discussions of changes to shipping speed as the council was soon starting a review of its bylaws. Kristina noted for action (with lead DoC officer Phil Brown). Kristina was thanked for hosting the meeting at DoC in Key Dates
Agenda list closes
Agenda papers due

HGF tour of Great
Barrier Island,
Workshop and Meeting

25-26 June
1. Total Economic Valuation presentation slides

Source: http://www.ngatimanuhiri.iwi.nz/file_downloads/April%2026%20TOG%20minutes1.pdf

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