FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM INFORMED CONSENT FOR CONTRACEPTIVE METHODS (Prescription & Non-Prescription) ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES I have chosen oral contraceptives as my method of contraception. I have been provided counseling and written information regarding the benefits and risks, effectiveness, potential side effects, complications, and danger signs of oral contraceptive use. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and I understand the information that has been provided to me. _________________________________
DEPO-PROVERA I have chosen Depo-Provera as my method of contraception. I have been provided counseling and written information regarding the benefits and risks, effectiveness, potential side effects, complications, and danger signs of Depo-Provera. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and I understand the information that has been provided to me. _________________________________
NUVA RING I have choosen the Nuva Ring as my method of contraception, I have been provided counseling and written information regarding the benefits and risks, effectiveness, potential side effects, complications, and danger signs of Nuva Ring. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and I understand the information that has been provided to me. _________________________________
BARRIERS (Condoms, Foams, or Diaphragm) I have chosen to use a barrier as my method of contraception. I have been provided counseling and written information regarding the benefits, risks, effectiveness, potential side effects, and complications related to the use of this method. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and I understand the information that has been provided to me. _________________________________ INTRAUTERINE DEVICE (IUD) I have chosen the Intrauterine Device (IUD) as my method of contraception. I have been provided counseling and written information regarding the benefits and risks, effectiveness, potential side effects, complications, and danger signs of the IUD. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and I understand the information that has been provided to me. _________________________________ IMPLANON I have chosen the Implanon as my method of contraception. I have been provided counseling and written information regarding the benefits and risks, effectiveness, potential side effects, complications, and danger signs of the Implanon. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and I understand the information that has been provided to me. _________________________________
EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION (PLAN B) I have requested Plan B for emergency contraceptive use. I have been provided counseling and written information regarding the benefits and risks, effectiveness, potential side effects, complications, and danger signs of using Plan B. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and I understand the information that has been provided to me. _________________________________ ORTHO EVRA “The Patch” I have chosen Ortho Evra transdermal system as my method of contraception. I have been provided counseling and written information regarding the benefits and risks, effectiveness, potential side effects, complications, and danger signs of Ortho Evra transdermal system use. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and I understand the information that has been provided to me. _________________________________ NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING (CycleBeads) OR FERTILITY AWARENESS METHOD I have chosen to use Natural Family Planning for Fertility Awareness as my method of contraception. I have been provided counseling and written information regarding the benefits, risks, effectiveness and complications related to the use of this method. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and I understand the information that has been provided to me. _________________________________
Dra. Pilar Martín Escudero LESIONES DEL SISTEMA NERVIOSO EJERCICIO Dra. Pilar Martín Escudero LESIONES DEL SNC: ACV, TRAUMATISMOS → FISIOPATOLOGÍA La fisiopatología de las lesiones secundarias al ACV y traumatismo craneoencefálico es parecida: → El ACV aparece secundariamente a una insuficiencia vascular cerebra
ACCORD DE PARTICIPATION AUX RESULTATS La Caisse d'Epargne Ile de France Paris, dont le siège est 19 rue du Louvre 75001 PARIS, représentée par Monsieur Jean-Claude LE BIHAN, membre du directoire, et, les Organisations Syndicales suivantes: il est conclu le présent accord de participation des salariés aux résultats de la Caisse d'Epargne Ile de France Paris. Le présent accord a pour