Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Microsoft word - new patient history form_new logo.doc
Patient Health History
Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/___/_____Age: _____
Sex: F M Height:_______ Weight :_______ Primary Language: ________________Do you need an interpreter? _____
Referred here by (check one) Self Family Friend Doctor Other Health Professional
Name of person making referral: _______________________________________________________________________________
Primary Care Physician: ___________________________ Internist: _____________________ Cardiologist: ___________________
Have you had a recent medical evaluation by one of these doctors? _________ Name of Doctor: ____________________________
Past Medical History
In the past 4 weeks, have you had a cough, cold, sore throat or bronchitis that required treatment? ____________
Do you now or have you ever had any of the following? (if yes, check box)
□ Cancer Type:_____________ □ Anemia
List any other conditions you have had that are not already noted ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Current Medications (List any medications you are taking. Include such items as aspirin, vitamins, laxatives, calcium and other supplements) Drug Allergies: Yes ________ No __________ To What? _______________________________________________________ Type of Reaction:________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Drug Dose (include How long have Please check: Helped? strength & you taken this number of pills medication? A Lot Some Not At All
Have you used blood thinners, such as Coumadin, Heparin, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Alleve, or Plavix, with in the past 2 weeks? ___________ Have you ever taken steroids, such as Prednisone or Medrol, by mouth? ____________ If yes, when and for how long? ____________ Do you take medication for Osteoporosis such as Fosamax, Actonel, or Boniva? _____________________________________________ Date of last EKG_____/_____/______
Date of last Blood draw _____/____/______
Patient’s Name Date Reviewed: Physician Initials ___________
List All Surgeries
Social and Family History Have you ever smoked? □ Yes □ No Quantity/Amount:_____________ If quit, how long ago? ________________________________ Do you drink alcohol? □ Yes □ No number per week ___________ Has anyone ever told you to cut down on your drinking? □ Yes □ No Do you use recreational drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, meth? □Yes □No If yes, please list_________________________________ Do you know of any blood relative who has or had any of the following? (check and indicate relationship) □ Cancer ____________ □ Heart Disease _____________ □ Rheumatoid Arthritis ____________□ Tuberculosis _________________ Type____________ □ Leukemia __________ □ High Blood pressure ________ □ Osteoarthritis _________________ □ Diabetes ____________________ □ Stroke _____________ □ Bleeding tendency __________ □ Asthma ______________________ □ Goiter ______________________ □ Colitis _____________ □ Alcoholism ________________ □ Psoriasis _____________________ □ Autoimmune Disease __________ SYSTEMS REVIEW
As you review the following list, please check any of those problems, which have significantly affected you. CONSTITUTIONAL GASTROINTESTINAL INTEGUMENTARY (SKIN AND/OR BREAST)
Vomiting of blood or coffee ground material
Stomach pain relieved by food or milk
Color changes of hands or feet in the cold
Sensitivity or pain of hands and/or feet
List joints affected in the last 6 mos.
Increased susceptibility to infection
Patient’s Name Date Reviewed: Physician Initials ___________
Global Equity Research UBS Investment Research 12-month rating Teva Pharmaceuticals Unchanged 12m price target US$64.00 Unchanged US$48.84 What we learned from the conference call (1) Mgt. attributed the US generic miss to Irvine (~$53M impact), a Jerusalem 11 May 2011 slowdown (~$55M) and headwinds from high 1Q10 sales of Mirapex, Protonix,Lotre
The truthful effects of 112 Degrees on sexual performance This natural supplement lists L-Tyrosine, Pueraria root, Butea superbaroot, Acai fruit, Tribulus fruit and Asian Ginseng fruit extracts as its key ingredients. Its creators hail this combination as a definitive answer to many sexually debilitating conditions in men. Below we address your concerns on the legitimacy of these claims. Wha