Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.


The rules for classifying and coding industrial wastes and hazardous wastes may be found in 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Sections (§§) 335.501-.521 (Subchapter R).
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Kathleen Hartnett White, Chairman
R. B. “Ralph” Marquez, Commissioner
Larry R. Soward, Commissioner
Glenn Shankle, Executive Director
Authorization for use or reproduction of any original material contained inthis publication—that is, not obtained from other sources—is freely granted.
The commission would appreciate acknowledgment.
Copies of this publication are available for public use through the Texas StateLibrary, other state depository libraries, and the TCEQ Library, in compliancewith state depository law. For more information on TCEQ publications call512/239-0028 or visit our Web site at: http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/publications
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality The TCEQ is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. The agency does not allow discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation or veteran status. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this document may be requested in alternate formats by contacting the TCEQ at 512/239-0028, Fax 239-4488, or 1-800-RELAY-TX (TDD), or by writing P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087.
printed on recycled paper using soy-based ink Contents

Appendices, Tables and Figures listed on page iv.
Contents Continued
Hazardous Substances
Ignitable Solids
Class 1 Toxic Constituents’ Maximum
Leachable Concentrations

7-Day Distilled Water Leachate Test’s
Maximum Contaminant Levels

Class 1 Toxic Constituents
7-Day Distilled Water Leachate Test Procedure
Form Codes
Codes for Out-of-State Waste
Generators and Receivers

1-1. Hazardous and Nonhazardous Wastes
5-1. Components of a Texas Waste Code
2-1. An Operation’s Overall Waste Flow
Can Produce Multiple “Waste Streams”
3-1. TCLP Regulatory Levels
5-1. Questions to Ask about Some
Combinations of Coding and Classification
Who Should Read This Booklet
ignitability (easily flammable—
The main purpose of this guidance document is ■ reactivity (capable of rapid chemical
to help generators of industrial and hazardous waste ■ corrosivity (highly acidic or alkaline,
toxicity (a waste that can release toxic
Specifically, this document gives guidance on the regulations in Title 30 of the Texas Administra- For more information on hazardous characteris- tive Code (TAC), Chapter 335, Subchapter R tics, see Part I-B of the checklist in Chapter 3.
(Waste Classification). The rules in Subchapter Rapply both to wastes generated in Texas and to Nonhazardous Waste
those generated outside the state and sent to Texas Any industrial waste that is not listed as hazardous for treatment, storage, and/or disposal. Correct and and does not have hazardous characteristics. (Class 1 timely compliance with the regulations on indus- nonhazardous industrial waste can include certain lev- trial and hazardous wastes helps to protect the els of constituents and specified properties that, at state’s environment and safeguard the health of higher levels, might otherwise render the waste hazard- ous—see Part II of the checklist in Chapter 3.) Waste Classes
Industrial versus Nonindustrial Wastes
Industrial wastes result from (or are incidental
Figure 1 shows the main categories of hazardous to) operations of industry, manufacturing, mining, or and nonhazardous waste. The following paragraphs agriculture—for example, wastes from power gen- give brief descriptions of these categories—important eration plants, manufacturing facilities, and laborato- terms that will be used throughout this booklet. (For ries serving an industry. Nonindustrial wastes, by more details, see the classification checklist in Chap- contrast, come from sources such as schools, hospi- tals, churches, dry cleaners, most service stations,and laboratories serving the public.
Hazardous Waste
A hazardous waste is one that is listed as such
by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) or that exhibits one or more hazardous Figure 1. Hazardous and Nonhazardous Wastes
characteristics (also as specified by the EPA). Haz-ardous wastes are threatening to human health and Listed Hazardous Waste
EPA lists over 400 wastes as hazardous. For
more information see Part I-A of the checklist inChapter 3.
Characteristically Hazardous Waste
Waste that displays one or more of four
Nonhazardous Industrial Waste
Some Things This
In this grouping, Class 1 waste is considered
Booklet Does NOT Cover
potentially threatening to human health and the en-vironment if not properly managed, because of the Nonhazardous Nonindustrial Waste. The rules
constituents and properties this class can include.
in 30 TAC Chapter 335, do NOT apply to nonhaz-
Therefore, there are special handling requirements ardous waste generated by nonindustrial facilities.
for Class 1 wastes. An example is water contami-nated with ethylene glycol.
Selective Coverage of Chapter 335
Examples of Class 2 wastes include waste-
Also, please be aware that this guidance docu- activated sludge from biological wastewater treat- ment only covers 2 subchapters (A and R) of 30 TAC ment. Class 3 includes materials such as demoli-
Chapter 335, which contains 18 subchapters in all.
tion debris—for example, bricks—that are in- This booklet covers only classification and coding, soluble, do not react with other materials, and do documentation you must create and keep on file, and not decompose. Class 2 and 3 wastes are often ac- notifications you must send to TCEQ (and the forms cepted by local landfills. However, a Class 2 or 3 to use for that purpose). This booklet is not a substi- designation does not mean that the waste is inca- tute for the complete rules themselves. (You can ob- pable of causing harm in every management (ormismanagement) situation.
tain your own copies of the full, official state rulesfrom the TCEQ’s publications unit. Ways to contactthis unit are listed under the heading “TCEQ and What This Booklet
Explains How to Do
Classification versus Risk Reduction
After you have worked through this booklet (and There is an important distinction between that includes consulting the rules referred to in it), (1) classifying your wastes; and (2) meeting the you will be able to accomplish the following tasks: risk reduction standards, which are set forth in
Identify which wastes you must
30 TAC Chapter 335, Subchapter S. Here are the classify, code, and notify the TCEQ
most common situations where the risk reduction ■ Classify your waste. Chapter 3 gives you
of wastes occurred is being cleaned up.
waste into one of four categories: either If you are involved in a situation like these, you hazardous waste or nonhazardous need to inform yourself about the risk reduction industrial waste Classes 1, 2, or 3.
standards. The guidance document you are now ■ Know what kind of information (either reading does not cover this topic. (Again, you can from process knowledge about your
obtain a copy of Subchapter S, and other informa- facility’s operation or from analytical
tion, from the TCEQ publications unit— see the testing) that you must document and
heading “TCEQ and EPA Forms” in Chapter 6.) keep on file (Chapter 4).
Understand the 8-character Texas
waste code. Chapter 5 explains the
Who Are “You” in This Booklet?
components of the waste code:
▼ 4-character sequence number
Throughout this guidance document, generators of industrial and/or hazardous wastes will be referred to as “generator,” “generators,” or—for a more direct way of writing—simply as “you.” Also, 30 TAC Chap- ter 335, Subchapter R, will be referred to as “these ▼ 3-digit form code; and
rules” or “the rules.” Finally, “this booklet,” “this document,” or “this guidance document” refers to Guidelines for the Classification and Coding of Indus- ■ Know how to notify TCEQ
trial and Hazardous Wastes, TCEQ Publication Num- about your wastes and which
ber RG-022—the booklet you are now reading.
TCEQ form to use (Chapter 6).
When the preceding chapter mentioned that this Each waste stream—the acidic waste and the booklet will instruct you on how to classify, code neutralized waste, in this example–must be identi- and report about wastes, a question that naturally fied by an 8-character Texas waste code, which might have come to your mind is “How do I know
identifies the waste stream as a separate entity andgives information about its origin, general nature, which wastes must be classified, coded, and re- and hazardous status. (Chapters 3 through 5 go into ported?” (The general answer is that you must per- the details of how this 8-character code is arrived at.) form these processes on all hazardous wastes and Table 2-1 gives examples of some situations in which the waste flow from an operation or process In discussing this point, federal regulators use can produce more than one waste stream, each of the term waste stream, in both of the following which must be classified and coded; and an example senses: First, it can mean the total flow of all waste of a situation that does not result in more than one from homes, businesses, and industry. Second, within waste stream. For specific guidance on specific this total flow, smaller “waste streams” can be distin- guished—for example, “the residential waste stream,” In general, whenever you have or suspect the “the recyclable waste stream,” and others.
existence of an additional, distinct waste stream,you must determine its classification (Chapter 3), Similarly, within the overall flow of waste arrive at a Texas waste code for it (Chapter 5), and from your ordinary operations or processes, a num- in most cases notify TCEQ about the additional ber of particular waste streams can be identified. For waste stream (Chapter 6—which also gives details example if your process ordinarily produces a haz- about some of the exceptions to the requirements ardous acidic waste, and at some point you neutral- for notification: for example, a slight change or ize that waste, these are two separately identifiable variation in a waste stream’s composition may not Table 2-1. An Operation’s Overall Waste Flow Can Produce Multiple “Waste Streams”
AND they come
IF you have
THEN the wastes are considered …
WASTES that are …
that are …
different “waste streams”—for example, a sludge removed from an
electroplating vat is not the same waste stream as a liquid removed
from an electroplating vat.
different “waste streams”—for example, methylene chloride used in a
paint- stripping operation is not the same waste stream as methylene
chloride used in laboratory analysis.
the same “waste stream”—for example, a site may have several paint
booths that perform the same activities with the same materials, and each
produces drop cloth waste. These drop cloth wastes, from the various lo-
cations at this site, could be considered one waste stream as long as they
were all classified the same (for more on classification, see Chapter 3).
different “waste streams”—for example, if a sludge is dewatered, it may
produce two new waste streams, one a solid and the other a liquid.
This chapter provides a checklist to help you classify your hazardous waste and your nonhazardous industrial waste. For an overview of these types of waste, refer back to Figure 1in Chapter 1; for more details, refer to 30 TAC Chapter 335 Subchapter R Sections 335.501–508. (You can obtain your own copy of state rules from the TCEQ publications unit; ways tocontact this unit are listed under the heading “TCEQ and EPA Forms” in Chapter 6.) Process Knowledge vs. Analytical Testing
In determining a waste stream’s classification, a generator may use process knowledge
and/or analytical testing. Process knowledge is the owner or operator’s knowledge about howthe facility operates, how a waste was produced and handled, and other information based onoperating experience. Analytical testing is information about a waste from laboratory analysis.
In the checklist, the nonhazardous classification criteria that could involve analytical testing have been marked with an *. This marking does not mean that analytical testing is the
only way to evaluate these criteria. If sufficient process knowledge is available, little or no
analysis may need to be performed. You should evaluate whether you have enough process
knowledge about the waste to classify it or whether analytical testing is needed.
Regardless of whether you rely on process knowledge or opt for analytical testing, you
must fully document the information used in making your waste classification. A completed
checklist does not qualify as full documentation
. Documentation should be in a written and/
or electronically stored format that is reasonably accessible and easily reproducible. For
details on documentation requirements, see Chapter 4.
Part I. Hazardous Waste Determination
All waste generators should work through Part I of this checklist. In this part you will determine whether your waste is hazardous because (a) it is listed as hazardous by EPA or (b)it displays characteristics that EPA says make it hazardous.
In federal regulatory language, the first step in classifying your waste is called “making a hazardous waste determination.” The definition of hazardous waste, based upon theResource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), is found in Title 40 of the Code of FederalRegulations (CFR), Part 261.
This TCEQ guidance document reflects the hazardous waste definition in the Federal Register as of July 1, 2004. If that definition changes, the generator is still responsible formaking an accurate hazardous waste determination in accordance with the latest regulations—instead of with what is printed in this guidance document.
the answer to any of the questions in Part I is “Yes,” Possible Exclusions from Hazardous Classification
Under certain conditions, some types of wastes are excluded from being considered
hazardous (40 CFR Sections 261.3–4). Generators may wish to review these exclusions beforeworking through Part I of this checklist.
Part I-A. Listed Hazardous Waste Determination
The EPA lists some 400 hazardous wastes.
Information to Help You Make This Determination
Descriptions of listed waste are found in 40 CFR Part 261, Subpart D, Sections 261.31–33.
These wastes are often referred to as follows: ■ “F” listed waste (waste from nonspecific sources, Section 261.31); ■ “K” listed waste (wastes from specific sources, Section 261.32); ■ “P” listed waste (unused acutely hazardous off-specification materials as well as container residues and spill residues of these materials, Section 261.33); ■ “U” listed waste (unused toxic hazardous off-specification materials as well as container residues and spill residues of these materials, Section 261.33).
QUESTION: Is the waste a listed hazardous waste, or is it mixed with or derived from one?
Part I-B. Characteristic Hazardous Waste Determination
Wastes may be hazardous if they display any of four characteristics: ignitability, corrosiveness, reactivity, or toxicity.
Information to Help You Make This Determination
Wastes that are hazardous because they may ignite include the following:
■ Liquid wastes (other than those aqueous waste containing less than 24 percent alcohol by volume) that have a flash point less than 60OC (140OF). (The test method is thePensky-Martens closed cup tester, using the test method specified in ASTM StandardD-93-79 or D-93-80, or a Setaflash closed cup tester, using the test method specified inASTM Standard D-3278-78.) ■ Nonliquid wastes that, under standard temperature and pressure, are capable of causing fire through friction, absorption of moisture, or spontaneous chemical changes and,when ignited, burn so vigorously and persistently that they create a hazard.
■ Wastes that meet the definition of an ignitable compressed gas (see 49 CFR Section ■ Wastes that meet the definition of an oxidizer (see 49 CFR Section 173.151).
QUESTION: Is the waste ignitable according to 40 CFR Section 261.21?
Wastes that are hazardous because they are corrosive include the following:
■ aqueous wastes with a pH of 2 units or below or of 12.5 units or above; ■ liquid wastes that corrode steel at a rate greater than 6.35 mm (0.250 inches) per year.
QUESTION: Is the waste corrosive according to 40 CFR Section 261.22?
A waste is considered reactive if it meets any of the following conditions:
■ It is capable of detonation or explosive decomposition or reaction ▼ at standard temperature and pressure,▼ if subjected to a strong ignition source, or▼ if heated under confinement.
▼ potentially explosive,▼ reacts violently, or▼ generates toxic gases or vapors.
■ If a cyanide or sulfide-bearing waste is exposed to pH conditions between 2 and 12.5, it can generate enough toxic gases, vapors, or fumes to present a danger to human health
or the environment. Generally, if a waste generates 250 ppm or more of reactive
cyanides or 500 ppm or more of reactive sulfides, it is considered a reactive waste. (It
should be noted that these levels of reactive compounds are just guidance. Each waste
must be evaluated for reactivity on a case-by-case basis).
■ It is normally unstable and readily undergoes violent change without detonating.
■ It is a forbidden explosive (as defined in 49 CFR 173.51, or a Class A explosive as de- ■ It is a Class B explosive (see 49 CFR Section 173.88).
QUESTION: Is the waste reactive according to 40 CFR Section 261.23?
A waste is toxic if the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) shows that a
representative sample from the waste contains one or more constituents at or above the levelslisted in Table 3-1. The TCLP is described in EPA Method 1311 (SW-846).
QUESTION: Is the waste toxic according to 40 CFR Section 261.24?
Table 3-1. TCLP Regulatory Levels
heptachlor (and its epoxide) — 0.008 mg/l Review of Checklist Part I—Hazardous Waste
the answer to any of the preceding questions in Part I is “Yes,” THEN the waste is HAZARDOUS; PROCEED to Chapter 4.
the answers are “No” to all the preceding questions, the answers are “No” to all of the preceding questions, Part II: Nonhazardous Industrial Waste Classes 1 & 2
The determination in this part of the checklist applies only to nonhazardous industrial waste—see figure 1 in Chapter 1. (This part of the checklist is based on regulations found in30 TAC Sections 335.505–06 and 335.508).
the answer to any of the un-numbered questions
in this part of the checklist is “Yes,”
THEN the nonhazardous industrial waste is a Class 1 waste.
all the answers to the un-numbered questions in this part are “No,”
THEN the industrial waste is a Class 2 waste.
Generator’s Self-Classification
QUESTION: Has the generator chosen to classify its nonhazardous waste as Class 1?
Container Waste
the waste is a container, greater than 5 gallonsin holding capacity, which has held ▼ a hazardous substance (as defined in 40 CFR Part 302 and listed in Appendix A of this guidance document), ▼ a hazardous waste (including acutely hazardous wastes), ▼ a material that would be classified as a hazardous or THEN answer questions 1 and 2. (Please note that containers that have held acutely hazardous wastes must be triple-rinsed before they can be classified as empty).
these conditions are not present in your situation, THEN proceed to the next un-numbered question.
Has the container had all its residues removed? Has the container been rendered unusable? QUESTION: Are any of the answers to questions (1) or (2) above “NO”?
Regulated Asbestos-Containing Material (RACM)
(See Chapter 8, Definition of Terms, for information on RACM.) QUESTION: Does the waste contain asbestos material identified as RACM, as defined in
40 CFR Part 61? *
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
QUESTION: Is the waste contaminated by a material that originally contained 50 or more
parts per million (ppm) total PCBs? *
QUESTION: Does the waste contain 50 or more ppm PCBs?*
Petroleum Substance Waste
Is your waste specifically identified as apetroleum substance (see Chapter 8, Definitionsof Terms) or contaminated with a materialidentified as a petroleum substance waste? Does the waste contain more than 1,500 ppmtotal petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)? QUESTION: Are the answers to both of the numbered questions above “Yes”?
(If one or both of the answers are “No,” enter “No” for this question.)
“New Chemical Substance”
See “new chemical substances wastes” in Chapter 8, Definitions and Terms, for a description of how this particular type of waste may be classified as Class 2 or 3.
QUESTION: Is the waste from the production of a “new chemical substance,” as defined
by the federal Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C.A. Section 2602(9)?
Out-of-State Origin
See “wastes generated out-of-state” in Chapter 8, Definitions of Terms, for details on how this particular type of waste may be classified as Class 2 or 3.
QUESTION: Is the waste generated outside Texas?
Constituent Levels and Specified Properties for Nonhazardous Industrial Class 1 Wastes
QUESTION: If the waste is a liquid, does it have a flash point of less than 65.6OC (150OF)? *
QUESTION: Is the waste a solid or semi-solid that—under conditions normally encountered
in storage, transportation, and disposal—
■ is liable to cause fires through friction or through retained heat from manufacturing or ■ can be ignited readily, and when ignited burns so vigorously and persistently as to QUESTION: Is the waste a semi-solid or solid that, when mixed with an equivalent weight
of ASTM Type II laboratory distilled or deionized water, produces a solution with a pH
of 2 or less or 12.5 or more?
(Exception: for solidified, stabilized, encapsulated, or otherwise chemically bound wastes,
an exception is provided in 30 TAC Section 335.505(3)) *
QUESTION: Does the waste leach Class 1 toxic constituents at or above the levels listed in
Table 1, Appendix 1 of 30 TAC Chapter 335 Subchapter R when submitted to the toxicity
characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)? *
(For a copy of Table 1, Appendix 1, see Appendix C of this guidance document.) (Where matrix interferences of the waste cause the Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) ofthe specific analysis to be greater than the Maximum Concentration listed in Table 1,Appendix 1 of 30 TAC Chapter 335 Subchapter R, then the achievable PQL becomes theMaximum Concentration, provided that the generator maintains documentation thatsatisfactorily demonstrates to the TCEQ that lower levels of quantitation of a sample arenot possible.) A satisfactory demonstration includes the results from the analysis of the waste for thatspecific constituent by a laboratory using an appropriate method found in Test Methodsfor the Evaluation of Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods (EPA SW-846); Methodsor Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes (EPA-600 series); Standard Methods for theExamination of Water and Wastewater; American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM) Standard Methods; or an equivalent method approved by the TCEQ.
Lack of Class 2 or 3 Information
QUESTION: Is information lacking that demonstrates the waste belongs in Class 2 or 3?
Review of Checklist Part II:
Class 1 or 2 Nonhazardous Industrial Waste

the answer to any of the preceding
un-numbered questions in Part II is “Yes,”
the nonhazardous industrial waste is a Class 1 waste.
the answers are “No” to all the preceding
un-numbered questions in Part II,
the industrial waste is a Class 2 waste.
the answers are “No” to all of the preceding
un-numbered questions in Part II,
the industrial generator wishes to evaluatethe waste for a possible Class 3 status, Part III: Nonhazardous Industrial Class 3 Waste
This part of the checklist applies only to nonhazardous, industrial waste that does not meet the definition of a Class 1 waste and is not specifically identified as a Class 2 waste.
(The corresponding regulations for this part of the checklist can be found in 30 TACSections 335.507 and 335.508.) Part III-A. Initial Determinations for Class 3 Status
the answer to any of the following questions in Part III-A is “Yes,” THEN the nonhazardous, industrial waste cannot be considered a Class 3 waste.
QUESTION: Is the waste an empty container?
Medical Waste
(For a definition, see “medical wastes” in Chapter 8.)
QUESTION: Is the waste a medical waste regulated under 30 TAC Chapter 330, Subchapter Y?
Distilled Water Leaching Test
QUESTION: When subjected to the 7-day distilled water leaching test, does the waste leach
constituents at or above the maximum contaminant levels listed in Table 3, Appendix 1
of 30 TAC Chapter 335, Subchapter R? *
(Table 3 is reproduced in Appendix D of this guidance document.) Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
QUESTION: When submitted to the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP),
does the waste leach Class 1 toxic constituents listed in Table 1, Appendix 1 of 30 TAC
Chapter 335 Subchapter R at or above their detection levels? *
(The list of Class 1 toxic constituents is reproduced in Appendix E of this guidance document.) Exclusion: Excluded from this list of Class 1 toxic constituents are those addressed in
the previous question (that is, constituents identified in Table 3, Appendix 1 of 30 TAC
Chapter 335 Subchapter R).
Petroleum Hydrocarbons
QUESTION: Does the waste contain detectable levels of petroleum hydrocarbons
(Method 1005)? *
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
QUESTION: Does the waste contain detectable levels of PCBs? *
QUESTION: Is the waste readily decomposable?
Review of Checklist Part III-A:
Class 3 Nonhazardous Industrial Waste

the answer to any of the preceding questions in Part III-A is “Yes,” THEN the nonhazardous, industrial waste cannot be considered a Class 3 waste.
all the answers to the preceding questions in Part III-A are “No,” THEN proceed to Part III-B to continue the waste’s evaluation for possible Class 3 status.
Part III-B: Final Determinations for Class 3 Status
QUESTION: Is the waste inert? (Inertness refers to chemical inactivity of an element, a
compound, or a waste.)
QUESTION: Is the waste essentially insoluble?
(Note: wastes that contain liquids are NOT considered insoluble.)
Review of Checklist Part III
the answer to any question under Part III-B is “No,” THEN the nonhazardous, industrial waste cannot be considered a Class 3 waste.
all the answers to the questions in Part III-A are “No,” all the answers to the questions in Part III-B are “YES,” THEN the nonhazardous industrial waste is a Class 3 waste.
Part IV. Variance from Waste Classification
The TCEQ may determine, on a case-by-case basis, the merits of a variance request for a specific nonhazardous classification. The burden of justifying the need for a variance is on therequestor. The requestor must submit information sufficient to clearly indicate the issuesinvolved, the reason(s) for the request, and both the positive and negative impacts that mayresult from the granting of the variance. (The regulations corresponding to these types ofvariance requests can be found in 30 TAC Section 335.514, Variance from WasteClassification Provisions.) * As a reminder, these characteristics need not necessarily be addressed by analytical testing. A generator
may be able to address them through process knowledge. For more information on process knowledge,
please see Chapter 4 of this guidance document.
C h a p t e r 4Process Knowledge,Analytical Testing, andDocumentation Requirements Introduction
The following are some examples of process knowledge that may assist in classifying waste: wastes, you are ready to compile supporting docu- mentation. Documentation should support the classi- ■ a detailed description of the process fication and coding of a waste stream. You must generating the waste (that is, identification properly document each waste stream generated by of chemicals or other materials in the process the facility, and keep that documentation for at least that generated the waste stream (including three years after the waste is no longer generated, stored, or recycled or until the site is closed.
■ manufacturer’s literature such as Material The regulations on documentation requirements Safety Data Sheets—MSDSs (although they can be found in 30 TAC Section 335.9 (Record were not created for the purpose of determin- Keeping and Annual Reporting Procedures Appli- ing Texas waste classification, and do not cable to Generators), Section 335.70 (Record Keep- contain information on all constituents found ing), Section 335.510 (Sampling Documentation), Section 335.511 (Use of Process Knowledge), and Section 335.513 (Documentation Required).
The TCEQ randomly audits a portion of waste ■ identification of potential contaminants; stream notifications (see Chapter 6) in order to en- sure proper classification and coding of waste in conjunction with the particular process.
Texas. When the TCEQ sends you a request for in-formation for the purpose of an audit, you must sendthe agency the information that you have gathered to Analytical Data
make your hazardous waste determination/waste If a generator uses analytical data to classify a classification. Please use Chapter 4 as a guide to waste, the data must be supported by documentation compiling supporting documentation for each waste of the sampling procedure and the analytical testing.
The following lists specify information that must bemaintained when analytical data is used for classifi-cation purposes.
Process Knowledge
If process knowledge is used in classifying a Sampling Procedures
waste, that knowledge must be documented and kept The following procedure must be documented: on file for three years. Process knowledge must be in writing or stored in some electronic form. It cannot be stored solely in someone’s mind. The process knowledge must support a generator’s reasoning about why the waste has been given a particular ■ the method and equipment used for sampling; classification. It must also support the generator’s ■ a description of the sampling techniques, reasoning about why a particular test method was ■ rationale—that is, supporting reasons— lytical data. A completed checklist by itself is not sufficient documentation to submit to the TCEQ in response to a random audit of classification.
For example, a generator answers “no” to the question “Is the waste ignitable according to 40 CFRSection 261.21.” You can support this response bysubmitting process knowledge, analytical data, or Analytical Testing
both. If process knowledge is used, it must be spe-
cific. A general statement such as “the waste is not
ignitable” would not be sufficient.
■ Analytical results (including
Instead, you should document specific actions you took and their results, such as (1) reviewed ■ Analytical methods (including
all constituents that may be present in the waste; (2) determined that each constituent present in the ■ The detection limits for each analysis.
waste does not meet the definition of an ignitable ■ Name of laboratory performing the analysis.
waste; and (3) determined that the process generat- ■ Chain of custody—documentation tracking
ing the waste does not introduce any ignitable char- the condition of the waste containers. For ex- acteristics to the waste stream. You should keep ample, were the waste containers and their copies of your documentation demonstrating that seal intact or broken upon arrival at the labo- the constituents in the waste stream would not cause ratory? Were the containers full, half-full, or the waste to exhibit the characteristic of ignitability.
empty? Did all the containers arrive at thelaboratory or just a partial shipment? ■ Documentation that satisfactorily demon- Rule of Thumb
strates that lower levels of quantitation are about Documentation
not possible (this is only necessary whenthe waste media causes the Estimated Remember that documentation should demon- Quantitation Limit (EQL) of a Class 1 toxic strate why a waste has been given a particular classi- constituent (as listed in Appendix E of this fication. Here’s a good rule of thumb: if someone guidance document) to be greater than the else can review your classification documentation, concentration listed (matrix interference).
using the published criteria and/or the checklist, and (Terms in italics are explained in Chapter 8.) arrive at the same classification you did, then youhave probably done a good job of compiling sup-porting documentation for a waste classification.
Classification Checklist
On the other hand, if someone reviews your classifi- Although the checklist in Chapter 3 can be used cation and still has unanswered questions, then you to help classify industrial and hazardous waste, a may want to gather additional documentation (from generator should support the checklist’s “yes” or process knowledge and/or analytical data) to support “no” responses with process knowledge and/or ana- your classification of that waste stream.
Chapter 5 describes the 8-digit Texas waste (1) receive and consolidate a waste stream code that identifies each of your waste streams.
with other like waste streams (thus not chang- (Part of the information to complete this waste code ing the form or composition of the waste); or comes from the waste determination process (de- (2) store a received waste without treating or scribed in Chapter 3) and from the documentation changing its form or composition. This se- you must compile and keep on hand (described in quence number does not apply to wastes that are treated or altered in some other way. The The formula for the Texas waste code is given “TSDF” designation is to be used only by fa-
in Figure 5-1. The rules corresponding to this for- cilities that store and/or accumulate waste
mula can be found in 30 TAC Section 335.503 from more than one site for subsequent ship- (Waste Classification and Waste Coding Required).
ment to a treatment or disposal facility.
Sequence Number
Form Code
Although called a sequence “number,” this part of the code may contain a mix of numbers and let- The second series of numbers found in the Texas ters—alphanumeric; and sometimes it may consist waste code is the “form code.” The list of form codes of letters alone. Various types of 4-digit sequence as well as flowcharts that depict the choosing of a numbers are used in the Texas waste code.
form code can be found in Appendix G.
■ An arbitrary and unique 4-digit number
Form codes are broken down into 10 major cat- from 0001 to 9999 (no alpha characters),
egories. They are Lab Packs, Inorganic Liquids, Or- which is assigned by the generator when add- ganic Liquids, Inorganic Solids, Organic Solids, In- ing a waste stream to Texas facility’s Notice organic Sludges, Organic Sludges, Inorganic Gases, of Registration (see Chapter 6, Notification Organic Gases, and Plant Trash. The various form Requirements). Once assigned to a particular codes and corresponding descriptions can be found waste stream, a sequence number cannot be
under these categories in Appendix G.
reassigned to another waste stream. Genera-
In determining a waste stream’s form code, tors need not sequentially assign sequence TCEQ recommends that the generator first deter- numbers to a facility’s waste streams.
mine the major category into which the waste stream ■ A 4-digit alphanumeric number assigned by
fits. Then review all the form code descriptions in the TCEQ (under the one-time shipment
that category to determine which code or codes best program) to wastes generated by unregistered
generators within Texas. (Spill waste not
describe your waste stream. From this narrowed- down list, choose a form code for the waste stream.
“SPIL” to be assigned only by the Emer-
gency Response Team of the Field Operations Classification
Division for spill wastes regulated under
The waste stream’s classification completes the the Emergency Response Program.
Texas waste code. As Figure 5-1 showed, this part of ■ “OUTS” to be used for wastes
the Texas waste code will be “H” or “1”, “2”, or “3”.
generated outside of Texas.
“CESQ” to be used by municipal hazardous
Stop! Are You about
and industrial CESQGs (Conditionally Ex-
empt Small-Quantity Generators).
to Misclassify a Waste?
“TSDF” (treatment, storage, and disposal
Table 5-1 provides additional information about facilities), to be used by facilities that using certain combinations of form and class codes.
Figure 5-1. Components of a Texas Waste Code
Table 5-1. Questions to Ask about Some Combinations of Coding and Classification
AND you assigned
Are you sure about
IF the waste is …
form codes …
a classification of …
(You must submit all supporting documentation) (Wastes that contain regulated asbestos-containing material are Class 1) (Wastes that contain more than 1,500 ppmtotal petroleum hydrocarbons are Class 1) (Petroleum substance wastes that contain more than 1,500 ppm total petroleum hydrocarbonsare Class 1) (Only wastes that are Class 2 may be given aform code for plant trash) aIf your waste oil is nonhazardous, is managed under 40 CFR 279 and 30 TAC 324, and is recycled 100 percent,then do not add to your Notice of Registration (the central record that the TCEQ compiles from waste notificationsyou send in—see Chapter 6, Notification Requirements and Forms).
bOnly form codes 902 and 999 may be used.
cIf all your lead acid batteries are managed under the “universal waste” rule in 40 CFR Part 273, then do not add toyour Notice of Registration.
C h a p t e r 6Notification Requirementsand Forms This chapter describes forms and supporting documentation you must send to the TCEQ to notify the agency about waste streams that you generate.
The regulations on notification can be found in 30 TAC Section 335.6 (Notification Requirements), Section 335.502 (Conversion to New Waste Notifi- cation and Classification System), Section 335.508 (Classification of Specific Industrial Solid Wastes), production of a “new chemical substance” Section 335.509 (Waste Analysis), and Section as a Class 1 waste, unless you can provide appropriate analytical data and/or processknowledge demonstrating that the wastemeets the definition of a Class 2 or Class 3, Notifications about Industrial
or Hazardous Waste
of Class 2 and 3, see Chapter 8 and theclassification checklist in Chapter 3.) You must submit information about industrial ■ If you have not received concurrence or or hazardous wastes no later than 90 days after the waste’s initial generation and before handling, ship- from the date of your request for review, ment, or disposal; use TCEQ form 00002 or the TCEQ State of Texas Environmental Electronic Re- the requested classification, but you must porting System (STEERS) software. (For informa- give the TCEQ 10 working days written no- tion on obtaining TCEQ forms and how to access the STEERS information, see this chapter’s section Please Note: All Large-Quantity Generators
(LQG) must use STEERS to update their Notice of
Notifications about Class 2 and
Registration (NOR). This requirement, effective De- Class 3 Out-of-State Waste
cember 15, 1997, is found in 30 TAC Section335.6(b). Therefore, if you are a LQG and you need If you want to ship a nonhazardous waste into to update your NOR to replace inactivated waste Texas, it is automatically considered a Class 1 waste (and expected to be managed as such) unless The TCEQ uses the information submitted on these forms to create a record called the Notice of
Registration, which contains site-specific waste
management information about industrial and mu- nicipal hazardous waste generators in Texas.
Notifications about New
comply with the lower classification’s requirements Chemical Substance Waste
on shipping, record keeping, and disposal of the For a Class 2 or Class 3 waste generated as the waste. If, after review of your documentation, the result of the production of a “new chemical sub- TCEQ disagrees with your waste classification, you stance” (see Chapter 8, Definitions of Terms), you must continue managing the nonhazardous waste as Notifications about Other
■ comparative results of the proposed method Industrial and Hazardous
and corresponding SW-846 or ASTM method; ■ a complete assessment of interferences Wastes from out of State
with the proposed method (see, for example, Please note the following special requirements matrix interference in Chapter 8); for the documentation of industrial and hazardous ■ a description of quality control procedures; waste that is imported to Texas from foreign coun- ■ additional information as needed and/or ■ If out-of-state generators and importers of review the proposed alternate method.
record want to bring hazardous waste intoTexas, they must have an EPA Identificationnumber. Generators and importers who do TCEQ and EPA Forms
How to Order
from the EPA, using EPA Form 8700-12.
■ Out-of-state generators or importers of ■ Contact the TCEQ regional office near you.
■ On the Internet go to http://www.tceq.state their EPA ID number in Box 1 of this form.
.tx.us and select the “Forms & Publications” ■ In Box B of the Uniform Hazardous Waste link. Access the Forms Database and type in Manifest, use one of the generic numbers for the form number. (The instructions for form identifying the country or state of origin. For TCEQ-00002 are in a separate download file).
example: F0061 for hazardous and or nonhaz- ■ Fax your order to 512/239-4488, or order forms by voice at 512/239-0028, the TCEQ’s publications unit. Be sure to give the form numbers that you want; this information will
about manifesting imported industrial and help the TCEQ get the correct form to you as How to Access STEERS
State of Texas Environmental Electronic Re- porting System (STEERS) information, including anapplication package, can be obtained as follows: ■ on the Internet, go to https://www2.tceq.state Notifications about Alternate
Analytical Methods
Generators who propose an alternate analytical method must validate their alternate method by dem- Currently Available Forms
onstrating that it is equal to or superior in accuracy, Notification forms available at the time of this precision, and sensitivity to the corresponding EPA- approved methods for analytical testing given in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and “Initial Notification Form,” used
Wastewater, SW-846, EPA-600/4-79/020.
for initial notification about a site, and adding In making this demonstration, the generator a waste stream to your Notice of Registration must provide the TCEQ, at a minimum, the follow- (see chapter 6) or when recording a 6-digit waste code into one or more 8-digit waste codes. (form number: TCEQ-00002)
■ The “Hazardous or Industrial Waste
Management Unit Form,” used when
■ a description of type of waste and waste matrices to be analyzed (for definitions ment unit to a Notice of Registration.
(form number: TCEQ-00002)
■ The “Uniform Hazardous Waste Mani-
not by generators that already have a site’s fest,” used by generators and transporters of
hazardous waste and by owners or operators TCEQ-00757)
of hazardous waste treatment, storage, and ■ The EPA “Notification of Regulated Waste
disposal facilities for both inter- and intrastate Activity” form, used when notifying EPA of
transportation. (form number: TCEQ-00311
Only order form available on the Web)
a federally regulated hazardous waste activ- ■ The “One-Time Shipment Request … for
ity—for example, the generation of hazardous Shipment of Class 1, 2, 3 and EPA Hazard-
waste. (form number: EPA 8700-12–Avail-
ous Waste,” used by unregistered generators,
C h a p t e r 7Management of MechanicalShredding Wastes The regulations on mechanical shredding waste standards for the classification of this waste and en- can be found in 30 TAC Section 335.508 (Classifi- cation of Specific Industrial Solid Wastes).
These provisions say that you can dispose of Wastes generated by the mechanical shredding mechanical shredding wastes in a municipal landfillfacility authorized to accept Class 1 and 2 industrial of automobiles, appliances, or other items of scrap, used, or obsolete metals are handled according to the provisions of the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, Health and Safety Code, Section 361.019 (Vernon Pamphlet 1992), until the TCEQ develops specific For readers’ convenience, this chapter gives the represents the classification of the waste stream.
full version of some abbreviations and brief descrip- The letter H represents hazardous wastes; and the tions of some important terms used in this guidance number 1, 2, or 3 represents nonhazardous industrial document. Full, official definitions can be found in the sources cited. Nothing in this chapter takes the Conditionally Exempt Small-Quantity Gen-
place of any definitions in laws, rules, or regulations.
erator (30 TAC Section 335.78)—Generators of
Acutely hazardous wastes (40 Code of Federal
less than 100 kg (220 lbs) per month of hazardous Regulations (CFRs) Parts 261.31–33 and subject to waste, or less than 1 kg (2.2 lbs) per month of the exclusion established in 40 CFR Part 261.5: EPA acutely hazardous waste (see description of term hazardous waste numbers F020, F022, F023, F026,and F027)—A subset of listed hazardous wastes that carry the “H” code; they are considered very harm- Essential insolubility (30 TAC Section
ful to human health and the environment.
335.507)Is established when using:
ASTM—American Society for Testing
■ the Seven-Day Distilled Water Leachate Test, and the extract from the sample of waste does CFR—Code of Federal Regulations
Characteristically hazardous waste (40 CFR
taminant Level listed in Appendix 1, Table 3 Part 261 Subpart C)—Any waste that exhibits the characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, ■ the test methods described in 40 Code of and/or toxicity as defined by the EPA in 40 CFR Federal Regulations Part 261, Appendix II, Part 261 Subpart C. These are often referred to as the “D” wastes. (Also see Chapter 3 of this guidance does not exhibit detectable levels of the constituents found in Appendix 1, Table 1 Class 1 waste [30 TAC Section 335.1(14)]—
Any waste or mixture of waste that, because of its concentration or physical or chemical characteristics an appropriate test method, and a representa- is toxic; corrosive; flammable; a strong sensitizer or tive sampling of the waste does not exhibit irritant; a generator of sudden pressure by decompo- detectable levels of total petroleum hydrocar- sition, heat, or other means; or may pose a substan- bon (TPH); (“Petroleum substance wastes” tial present or potential danger to human health or are not subject to 30 TAC’s subsection on the environment when improperly processed, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed.
(The checklist in Chapter 3 takes you through the process of distinguishing hazardous waste from Class 2 waste [30 TAC Section 335.1(15)]—
Form code (30 TAC Section 335.503)—This
Any individual waste or combination of waste that code describes the general type of waste stream. It cannot be described as hazardous waste or as non- consists of three numbers, the 5th, 6th, and 7th digits in the Texas waste code (see Figure 4-1 in Chapter 4).
Class 3 waste [30 TAC Section 335.1(16)]—
More than one form code may apply to a particular Waste that is inert and essentially insoluble (seedefinitions of terms in italics), usually including but not limited to materials such as rock, brick, glass, Hazardous substance (30 TAC Section
dirt, certain plastics, rubber, and similar materials 335.508)—Any substance designated as “hazard- ous” in 40 CFR Part 302 ( Table 302.4) including, Classification code (30 TAC Section
but not limited to, waste designated as hazardous in 335.503)—This last digit of the Texas waste code the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA).
Hazardous waste (40 CFR 261.3.)—The
ceived concurrence or denial from the TCEQ within EPA defines a waste as hazardous if it exhibits 120 days from the date of the request for review, the one or more of four hazardous “characteristics,” generator may manage the waste according to the or if it is one of several hundred wastes “listed” requested classification, but not before giving 10 as hazardous. For details, see Chapters 1 and 3 working days written notice to the TCEQ.
Notice of Registration (NOR)—TCEQ term
Hazardous waste determination (30 TAC
for the information it collects in its database on Section 335.504)—An evaluation of a waste to each hazardous or industrial waste handler: gen- determine whether it meets the RCRA definition erator, receiver, transporter, and recycler. The NOR includes the facility’s physical and mailing Inert (30 TAC Section 335.507)—Inertness
addresses, information on waste streams that are refers to the chemical inactivity of an element, generated or handled at the site, a list of indi- compound, or waste. Ingredients added to mixtures vidual units at the facility where wastes are man- chiefly for the purposes of bulk and/or weight are aged, and other information. It also contains the state facility identification numbers and the EPA Listed hazardous wastes (40 CFR Part 261 Sub-
facility number, issued by the TCEQ. The NOR part D)—Specific wastes that have been identified by serves to verify the information submitted by each the EPA as hazardous. These are often referred to as handler. When a generator registers with the the “F” wastes (waste from nonspecific sources); TCEQ using form TCEQ-00002, the agency sends “K” wastes (wastes from specific sources); “P” back a printout of the information in its database wastes (acutely hazardous off-specification materials, about the site and generator. The handler should container residues, and spill residues of these materi- keep the NOR current and in on-site files and als); and “U” wastes (toxic, hazardous off-specifica- check it periodically to make sure that it accu- tion materials, container residues, and spill residues).
rately reflects the facility’s waste streams and ■ it is listed in 40 CFR Part 261 Subpart D, or Petroleum-hydrocarbon-containing wastes
(30 TAC Section 335.508)—Wastes resulting from
the cleanup of leaking underground storage tanks (USTs), which are regulated under 30 TAC Chapter exclusion from the definition of hazardous 334 Subchapter K (relating to Petroleum Substance as provided in 40 CFR Sections 261.3–4.
Waste), are not subject to classification under 30 Matrix interference—Interference with the
TAC Chapter 335 Subchapter R (Waste Classification).
precision of analytical testing for a particular con- Petroleum substance—A crude oil, or any re-
stituent in a waste stream due to other material(s) in fined or unrefined fraction or derivative of crude oil, the sample (contamination by carryover). See also that is a liquid at standard conditions of temperature and pressure. These substances include the following: Medical wastes (30 TAC Section 335.508)—
Nonhazardous medical wastes that are subject to petroleum substances, such as crude oils, the provisions of 30 TAC Chapter 330 Subchapter Y crude oil fractions, petroleum feedstocks, are designated as Class 2 wastes. An example of such waste would be needle-bearing syringes from ■ aviation gasolines, aviation jet fuels, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils, gas “New chemical substance” waste (30 TAC
turbine fuel oils, illuminating oils, lubricants, Section 335.508)—If a nonhazardous industrial building materials, insulating and waterproof- waste is generated as a result of the commercial pro- duction of a “new chemical substance” as defined by ■ solvents or a combination or mixture of the federal Toxic Substances Control Act, United solvents—except for any listed substance States Code Annotated (U.S.C.A.), Title 15, Section 2602(9), the generator must manage that waste as a federal Solid Waste Disposal Act, Subtitle C Class 1 waste, unless the generator can provide ap- (United States Code, Title 42, Section 6921, propriate analytical data and/or process knowledge et seq.)—that are liquid at standard conditions demonstrating that the waste is Class 2 or Class 3, of temperature (20O centigrade) and pressure and the TCEQ concurs. If the generator has not re- (1 atmosphere). Examples include Stoddard solvent, petroleum spirits, mineral spirits, ous or nonhazardous. Texas regulations further sub- petroleum ether, varnish makers’ and paint- divide nonhazardous waste into Classes 1, 2, and 3.) ers’ naphthas, petroleum extender oils, and Regulated asbestos-containing material
(RACM) (30 TAC Sections 335.508)—RACM
The following materials are not considered
friable asbestos containing more than
■ polymerized materials, such as plastics, ■ animal, microbial, and vegetable fats; ■ nonfriable asbestos-containing material con-
taining more than 1 percent asbestos as mea- 763, Subpart E, Appendix E, Section 1 that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or Practical Quantitation Limits (PQLs)—See
Category I nonfriable asbestos includes
packings, gaskets, resilient floor coverings, Process Knowledge—See examples in Chapter 4
Category II nonfriable asbestos includes
Quantitation—Generally, measurement of
transite shingles, transite pipes, and any quantity or amounts. The word appears in a number of specialized terms used in waste regulation: ■ Quantitation Limits (QLs) indicate the levels
Regulated generators (30 TAC Chapter 335
at which measurements can be “trusted.” Subchapters A and C)—If you generate the follow- ■ Practical Quantitation Limits (PQLs) and
ing amounts of waste, you are a regulated generator Estimated Quantitation Limits (EQLs) are
and must follow regulations in Chapter 335: levels that are routinely and reliably detectedand quantitated in a variety of sample matri- Waste Type
Monthly Amount
Detection Limits (MDLs). (See Chapter 1,SW 846, 1992.) ■ Method Detection Limits (MDLs) take
into account the reagents, sample matrix,and preparation steps applied to a sample in If you generate less than the amounts shown above, you are considered a Conditionally Exempt Small-Quantity Generator and are not subject to regulations requiring notification, manifesting, RCRA—Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act (amendment to the Solid Waste Disposal Act).
Sequence number (30 TAC Section 335.503)—
Primarily designed to regulate five types of disposal The first 4 digits of the waste code (actually these activities: hazardous waste, solid waste, under- four characters may be numbers, letters, or a combi- ground storage tanks, oil waste, and medical waste.
nation of the two). The sequence number is used as In this guidance document, any mention of “RCRA” an internal numbering system determined by each refers to RCRA Subtitle C, which applies to all han- generator. The number of a waste may range from dlers of hazardous waste, including generators; 0001 to 9999, and can only be used once.
transporters; and operators of treatment, storage, and Solid waste (30 TAC Section 335.1 and 40 CFR
disposal (TSDF) facilities. (RCRA, a federal law, Section 261.2)—Any discarded material such as gar- covers only whether a solid waste is either hazard- bage; refuse; sludge from a waste treatment plant, 1As determined using the method specified in 40 CFRPart 763, Subpart E, Appendix E, Section 1, PolarizedLight Microscopy.
water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility; or other material including solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, municipal, commercial, mining, and agricultural operations. Solid wastes include any ■ paint and paint-related waste as described material that is abandoned by being disposed of; burned or incinerated; or accumulated, stored, or ■ lamps as described in 40 CFR §273.5, and treated before or in lieu of these activities. Certain recycled materials are also considered wastes. Solid The rule establishes a reduced set of regulatory wastes are often referred to simply as “wastes.” For requirements for facilities managing universal waste, the complete definition of a “solid waste,” please depending on whether the facility falls into one of refer to 30 TAC Section 335.1 (Solid Waste).
Specific industrial solid waste (30 TAC Sec-
tion 335.508)—A nonhazardous waste for which specific classification criteria and/or a form code Stabilized wastes (30 TAC Section 335.508)—
Wastes that originally exhibit hazardous character- istics can be stabilized so that they are no longer hazardous and can meet the criteria for classification In addition, the rules establish a petitioning as Class 1 or 2 nonhazardous industrial waste. For procedure whereby additional wastes may be added example a waste containing lead that exhibits the hazardous characteristic of toxicity can be stabilized U.S.C.A.United States Code Annotated.
by mixing with cement in the proper proportion to Used oil (30 TAC Section 335.1, 30 TAC Sec-
reduce the toxicity or mobility of contaminants. De- tion 324 (relating to used oil), and 40 CFR Part 279 pending on the process(es) used, stabilization (relating to standards for management of used oil)2— achieves varying degrees of long-term effectiveness.
Any oil refined from crude oil, or any synthetic oil, Synthetic oils—Oils not derived from crude oil,
that has been used and, from such use, is contami- including those derived from shale, coal, or a poly- nated by physical or chemical impurities and cannot mer-based starting material; and nonpolymeric syn- be used for its intended purpose (that is, it is a spent thetic fluids that are used as hydraulic fluids and heat transfer fluids, such as those based on phos- Used oil fuel includes any fuel produced from phate esters, diphenyl oxide, or alkylated benzenes.
used oil by processing, blending, or other treatment.
Synthetic oils are generally used for the same pur- Waste—Unwanted materials left over from a
pose as oils, and they present relatively the same manufacturing process; refuse from places of human TAC—Texas Administrative Code. Title 30
Waste code—Also referred to as Texas waste
of TAC contains TCEQ rules on industrial solid code (30 TAC Section 335.503)—This 8-digit code waste and municipal hazardous waste, among identifies a waste stream. The first 4 digits are the sequence number, the next 3 digits are the form
TSDF—Treatment, storage, and disposal
code, and the last digit is the waste’s classification
(sequence number + form code + classification code Universal Waste (30 TAC Section 335.261
= waste code). (Some of the “digits” referred to here and 40 CFR Part 273)—This rule covers five actually may be letters or a combination of letters Waste matrices—Water and soil or sediment in
2Rules applicable to nonhazardous used oil, are found in Chapter 324, state regulations on recyclable used oil, and40 CFR Part 279, federal regulations on used oil recycling.
Wastes generated out-of-state (30 TAC Sec-
Waste stream (30 TAC Section 335.503)—
tion 335.508)—All nonhazardous industrial waste The total flow of solid waste from homes, busi- generated outside the state of Texas and transported nesses, institutions, and manufacturing plants that into or through Texas for processing, storage, or dis- is recycled, burned, or disposed of in landfills; or posal is classified as Class 1 unless the waste satis- segments of that total flow, such as the “residential fies the Class 2 or 3 criteria as defined in 30 TAC waste stream” or the “recyclable waste stream.” (It Sections 335.506–8. A Class 2 or 3 waste determina- should be noted that the terms “waste stream”, tion, accompanied by all supporting process knowl- “solid waste”, and “waste” are often used inter- edge and analytical data, must be submitted to the changeably by federal and state regulators as well as many members of the regulated community).
Applicability: Empty Container Class 2 Evaluations
The following is a listing of materials identified as hazardous substances (40 CFR Table 302.4) in effectat the time of this guideline’s printing. (As amended at 57 FR 61492, Dec. 24, 1992; 58 FR 35314,June 30, 1993; 59 FR 31551, June 20, 1994; 60 FR 7824 Feb. 9, 1995). CAS numbers of the materialsare also provided.
Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
A p p e n d i x A — H a z a r d o u s S u b s t a n c e s Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
A p p e n d i x A — H a z a r d o u s S u b s t a n c e s Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
A p p e n d i x A — H a z a r d o u s S u b s t a n c e s Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
A p p e n d i x A — H a z a r d o u s S u b s t a n c e s Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
Guanidine, N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitroso- A p p e n d i x A — H a z a r d o u s S u b s t a n c e s Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
A p p e n d i x A — H a z a r d o u s S u b s t a n c e s Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
A p p e n d i x A — H a z a r d o u s S u b s t a n c e s Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
Hazardous Substance
CAS Number
Ignitable Solids(30 TAC Chapter 335 Subchapter R Appendix 1 Table 2) Constituents listed from Department of Transportation Regulations, 49 CFR Part 173 Subpart E, October 1, 1993. Note: The presence of a constituent on this table in a nonhazardouswaste does not automatically identify that waste as a Class 1 ignitable waste. The constituentson this table are examples of materials which could be considered Class 1 ignitable waste. Thephysical characteristics of the waste will be the determining factor as to whether or not a wasteis ignitable. Refer to 30 TAC §335.505(2) (relating to Class 1 Waste Determination) for theClass 1 ignitable criteria.
Compound or Material
Compound or Material
Chromic acid or chromic acid mixture, dry 2,2'-Azodi(2,4-dimethyl-4-methoxyvaleronitrile) 4-Dimethylamino-6-(2-dimethyaminoethoxy)- N,N’-Dinitroso-N,N’-dimethylterephthalamide 4-Dipropylaminobenzenediazonium zinc chloride Lithium acetylide-ethylene diamine complex A p p e n d i x B — I g n i t a b l e S o l i d s Compound or Material
Compound or Material
Mono-(trichloro)tetra(monopotassium dichloro)- A p p e n d i x CClass 1 Toxic Constituents’Maximum LeachableConcentrations(30 TAC Chapter 335 Subchapter R Appendix 1 Table 1) Applicability: Class 1, 2, and 3 Waste Evaluations
Values are based on information contained in Federal Registers Vol. 55 / Friday, July 27, 1990;Vol. 56 / June 7, 1991; and Integrated Risk Information Systems, Environmental ProtectionAgency, and 40 CFR 264 Appendix 9.
Dioxins (Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins) A p p e n d i x C — C l a s s 1 T o x i c C o n s t i t u e n t s ’ M a x i m u m L e a c h a b l e C o n c e n t r a t i o n s ( M C L s ) Concent-
* If o-, m-, and p-cresol concentrations cannot be differentiated, the total cresol concentration is used.
The Maximum Concentration for total cresol is 200.0 mg/l.
A p p e n d i x D7-Day Distilled WaterLeachate Test’s MaximumContaminant Levels(30 TAC Chapter 335 Subchapter R APPENDIX 1 Table 3) Applicability: Class 3 Waste Evaluations
Values obtained from 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 141, Subparts B and G, MaximumContaminant Levels and 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 143, Total Dissolved Solids.
MCL (mg/l)
* For a Class 3 waste classification, these constituents must also be evaluated using the test methodsdescribed in 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 261, Appendix II. See §335.507 (4) (A) (ii) foradditional information.
Class 1 Toxic Constituents(other than those identified in Appendix C, and their Estimated Quantitation Limits [EQLs]) Applicability: Class 3 Waste Evaluations
This table is to be utilized by the generator in evaluating detection limits for the identifiedconstituents. The EQLs in this table are defined as the lowest detectable levels that can bereliably achieved using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) at the time ofthe printing of this guideline. Applicable EPA method numbers are provided and can be foundin EPA Report SW-846 “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste” except where noted.
Please note that more than one test method may be available for a particular constituent.
Synonyms are provided in brackets “[]”.
(mg/l) Method(s)
(mg/l) Method(s)
A p p e n d i x E — C l a s s 1 T o x i c C o n s t i t u e n t s Constituent
(mg/l) Method(s)
(mg/l) Method(s)
Dioxins (Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins) * If o-, m-, and p-cresol concentrations cannot be differentiated, the total cresol concentration is used.
** This information not available at time of publication.
A p p e n d i x F7-Day Distilled WaterLeachate Test Procedure30 TAC Chapter 335 Subchapter R Appendix 4) Applicability: Class 3 Waste Evaluations
This test is intended only for dry, solid wastes, i.e., waste materials without any free liquids.
1. Place a 250 gram (dry weight) representative sample of the waste material in a 1500 milliliter Erlenmeyer flask.
2. Add 1 liter of deionized or distilled water into the flask and mechanically stir the material at a low speed for five (5) minutes.
3. Stopper the flask and allow to stand for seven (7) days.
4. At the end of seven (7) days, filter the supernatant solution through a 0.45 micron filter, collecting the supernatant into a separate flask.
5. Subject the filtered leachate to the appropriate analysis.
Form Codes(30 TAC Chapter 335 Subchapter R Appendix 3) Applicability: All Waste
In determining a waste stream’s form code, it is recommended that the generator firstdetermine into which major category the waste stream fits (e.g. inorganic liquids). Thegenerator should then review all the form code descriptors in that category to determine whichcode or codes best describe the generator’s waste stream. The generator should then choose,from the narrowed-down list, a form code for the waste stream.
Form codes are fairly generic in their descriptions. It is possible that more than one form codemay be applicable to a particular waste stream. Generators should assign the form code whichbest describes the waste stream. If more than one form code can “best describe” the wastestream, then the generator should choose one of those several codes.
Waste Description
Waste Description
Lab Packs
Other aqueous wastewith high dissolved solids Lab Packs — Lab packs of mixed wastes, chemicals,
Lab packs containing acute hazardous wastes Nonhazardous photographicchemical wastes (inorganic) Inorganic Liquids — Waste that is primarily inorganic
Organic Liquids — Waste that is primarily organic and
and highly fluid (e.g., aqueous), with low suspended is highly fluid, with low inorganic solids content and Aqueous waste with low other toxic organics Caustic solution with metals but no cyanides Caustic solution with metals and cyanides Caustic solution with cyanides but no metals Concentrated aqueoussolution of other organics Aqueous waste with other reactives(e.g., explosives) A p p e n d i x G — F o r m C o d e s Waste Description
Waste Description
Reactive or polymerizable organic liquids Other organic liquids (Specify in Comments) greater than or equal to (>) 500 ppm PCBs Nonhazardous electrical equipment/devices containing greater than or equal to (>) 50ppm and less than (<) 500 ppm PCBs greater than or equal to (>) 50 andless than (<) 500 ppm PCBs Nonhazardous electrical equipment/devices containing greater than or Nonhazardous soils containing greaterthan or equal to (>) 500 ppm PCBs (These codes do not apply to pumpable waste.)
Organic Solids — Waste that is primarily organic and
Inorganic Solids — Waste that is primarily
solid, with low-to-moderate inorganic content and inorganic and solid, with low organic content and water content; not pumpable
low-to-moderate water content; not pumpable
Other “dry” ash, slag, or thermal residue “Dry” lime or metal hydroxidesolids chemically “fixed” Other halogenated organic solids(Specify in Comments) “Dry” lime or metal hydroxidesolids not “fixed” Other non-halogenated organic solids(Specify in Comments) Empty or crushed metal drums or containers Batteries or battery parts, casings, cores greater than or equal to (>) 50 ppm andless than (<) 500 ppm PCBs Nonhazardous concrete/cement/construction debris Electrical equipment/devices containinggreater than or equal to (>) 500 ppm PCBs Nonhazardous dewateredwastewater treatment sludge Soil containing greater thanor equal to (>) 50 ppm and less Nonhazardous solids containinggreater than or equal to (>) 50 ppmand less than (<) 500 ppm PCBs A p p e n d i x G — F o r m C o d e s Waste Description
Waste Description
(These codes only apply to pumpable waste.) other than still bottoms and oily sludges Inorganic Sludges — Waste that is primarily inorganic,
with moderate-to-high water content and low organic
content, and pumpable
Nonhazardous sludges containinggreater than or equal to (>) 50 ppm Wastewater treatment sludgewith toxic organics Untreated plating sludge without cyanides Inorganic Gases — Waste that is primarily
inorganic with a low organic content and is Degreasing sludge with metal scale or filings Organic Gases — Waste that is primarily organic
with low-to-moderate inorganic content and is a Sediment or lagoon dragoutcontaminated with inorganics only Plant Trash
(In order to be considered for one of the two plantrefuse designations, a waste must first meet the First, the waste must be a Class 2 waste. This means
that a proper classification determination must be performed for each item which a facility is considering as one of the plant refuse designations. A waste is not a Class 2 solely because it has been designated as a plant refuse waste. Hazardous and Class 1 wastes are
not eligible for designation as one of the plant refuses.
Second, the waste must meet the particular definition
of the plant refuse term. For more information on theseterms, please refer to the terms listed in this table as well Organic Sludges — Waste that is primarily organic
as the “Definitions” section which follows this table.) with low-to-moderate inorganic solids content and
water content, and pumpable
Supplemental plant production refuse – any
Class 2 waste from production, manufactur-
Still bottoms of halogenated (e.g., chlori- ing, or laboratory operations as long as the percent of the total plant trash (form code999) volume or weight, whichever is less – this could include, but is not limited to, such things as metal parts, floor sweepings, and Plant Trash – any Class 2 waste originating in
the facility offices, laboratory, plant produc- Sewage or other untreated biological sludge tion area or food services/cafeteria operations Other organic sludges (Specify in Comments) A p p e n d i x G — F o r m C o d e s Waste Description
Waste Description
uncontaminated cloth, metal bindings, empty containers with a holding capacity of less wastes and/or packaging, cafeteria wastes, sweepings, and personal cosmetics generated aluminum scrap, stainless steel, steel, iron cosmetics generated as a result of manufac- turing or plant production operations).
wooden materials, equipment belts, wirings, Form Code Definitions
The following are definitions of terms utilized in Examples of “plant trash” include Class 2 soda cans, lunch sacks, food scraps, envelopes, plasticbinders, empty boxes, pallets, styrofoam shipping Acidic – A material having a pH less than 7.0.
boxes, chemical container liners, shrink wrap, andbroken glassware.
Alkaline – A material having a pH greater than 7.0.
As another example, used typing paper from the secre- Aqueous – A water solution containing organic
tarial area could be considered “plant trash” because and/or inorganic constituents dissolved in solution.
it resulted from general office operations. (Please notethat typing paper would normally be considered a Caustic – A material which is corrosive or irritating to
Class 2 waste unless it were contaminated with some- living tissue and has a pH greater than 7.
thing to cause it to be considered a hazardous orClass 1 waste. For example, if typing paper were used Inorganic – Chemicals that are not organic
to clean up a spill of a F003 waste, it would be con- (i.e., water, carbon dioxide, carbon disulfide, iron, zinc, steel). Generally, if a waste is composed ofmore than 50% inorganic materials, it is considered As another example, a Class 2 off-specification pro- duction chemical could not be considered “planttrash” because it does not meet the definition of a Organic – Chemicals composed primarily of carbon
“plant trash”. However, the Class 2 off-specification and hydrogen and their derivatives. (i.e. methylene production chemical might be considered a “supple- chloride, benzene, petroleum products). In general, mental plant production refuse” as long as the weight/ if a waste is composed of 50% or more organic volume limits established for “supplemental plant pro- materials, it is considered an organic waste.
duction refuse” were not exceeded. (For more infor-mation on “supplemental plant production refuse” and Plant Trash – Includes the following Class 2 wastes
weight/volume limits, please see “Supplemental Plant which are produced as a result of plant production, Production Refuse” in these definitions.
manufacturing, laboratory, general office, cafeteria orfood service operations; paper, cardboard, linings, Reactive – A material is reactive if it is capable of
wrappings, paper or wood packaging materials, food wastes, cafeteria wastes, glass, aluminum foil, alumi- 1. at standard temperature and pressure, or num cans, aluminum scrap, stainless steel, steel, iron 2. if subjected to a strong ignition source, or scrap, plastics, styrofoam, rope, twine, uncontami- nated rubber, uncontaminated wooden materials,equipment belts, wirings, uncontaminated cloth, metal A material is also considered reactive if, when mixed bindings, empty containers with a holding capacity of less than five gallons, uncontaminated floor sweep- ings, and personal cosmetics generated by facility per- sonnel (does not include cosmetics generated as a re- sult of manufacturing or plant production operations).
(i.e. hydrogencyanide or hydrogensulfide).
Please note that hazardous waste and Class 1 waste
can not be designated as “plant office refuse”.
trash shall not include oils, lubricants of any type, oil
filters, contaminated soils, sludges, or wastewaters.
A p p e n d i x G — F o r m C o d e s Form Code Definitions
A material is also considered reactive if it is: Please note that hazardous waste and Class 1 waste 1. normally unstable and readily undergoes can not be designated as “supplemental plant produc- 2. a forbidden explosive (see 49 CFR §173.53), or3. a Class B explosive (see 49 CFR §173.88).
Examples of “supplemental plant production refuse”include Class 2 steel shavings, empty metal contain- Solvent – A liquid used to dissolve another material.
ers, aerosol cans, old chemicals, safety equipment,and machine parts.
Supplemental Plant Production Refuse – Any Class 2
Waste from production, manufacturing, or laboratory

Please note that when a site notifies the Commission operations can be designated as “supplemental plant
that it generates “supplemental plant production production refuse” (form code 999) as long as the total
refuse”, it must include a list of those wastes which amount of the supplemental plant production refuse are expected to be included in the “supplemental does not exceed twenty percent of the total plant pro-
plant production refuse” designation. If that list in- duction refuse volume or weight, whichever is less.
creases, the generator must notify the Commission ofthe additions to that list; otherwise, the Commission Individual wastes which have been designated will not view the additions as “supplemental plant “supplemental plant production refuse” may be desig- nated by the generator at a later time as a separatewaste in order to maintain the “supplemental plantproduction refuse” at a level below 20% of the “planttrash” amount. For any waste stream so redesignated,the generator must provide the initial notification in-formation required pursuant to 30 TAC Chapter 335.
Form Code ?
A p p e n d i x G — F o r m C o d e s Inorganic – 100 series
Organic – 200 series
(Waste that is primarily inorganic and highly (Waste that is primarily organic and is highly fluid, (e.g., aqueous), with low suspended solids fluid, with low inorganic solids and low-to- 99% water with 1% methanol 101
Solvent mixture 65% methylene chloride,
30% phenol, 5% cresol 204
98% water with 2% methyl ethyl ketone
MEK 102
95% motor oil, 5% water emulsion 205
Waste sulfuric acid from plastics cleaning Used hydraulic oil 206
Unused varnish and organic paint 209
Waste ethylene glycol antifreeze 296
Leachate from landfills 116
Waste photographic fixer 198
Organic – 400 series
Inorganic – 300 series
(Waste that is primarily organic and solid, with (Waste that is primarily inorganic and solid, with low-to-moderate inorganic and water content; low organic content and low-to-moderate water not pumpable.)
content; not pumpable.)
Unused malathion pellets 402
Soil contaminated with naptha 301
Spent carbon from filters 404
Incinerator ash 303
Wooden house exterior debris 488
Crushed RCRA empty metal drums 308
Paper contaminated with oil 489
Lead acid batteries, chips and cores 309
debris 390
Dewatered sewage sludge 492
Metalic catalyst waste 393
A p p e n d i x G — F o r m C o d e s Inorganic – 500 series
Organic – 600 series
(Waste that is primarily inorganic, with moder- (Waste that is primarily organic, with moderate- ate-to-high water content, and low organic content, and pumpable.)
content, and pumpable.)
Still bottoms from naptha recovery 602
phenolics 503
Zinc plating wastewater sludge containing boards 604
cyanide 506
cleanup 607
Motor repair facility sludge with grease 603
Refinery wastewater sludge with petroleum compounds 695
Water based drilling mud with brine 514
Waste lubricating grease 696
Waste metal catalyst with 0.89% organics
Lab Packs – 001-009 series
Plant Trash – 900 series
Lab pack containing debris 002
Office debris (i.e., paper, plastic,
alluminum cans and fax paper) 999
Lab pack containing old unused or partially
used chemicals 001
Scrap plastic from molds of toys and
souvenirs 902
Packing debris from unpacking of raw
materials 999
A p p e n d i x HCodes for Out-of-State WasteGenerators and Receivers Codes for States
Country Codes
of the United States
(in Order of Assigned Numbers)

Source: http://www.ndow.net/NDOW%20Documents/SOPs/Waste%20Collection%20Pad%20SOP/WCP%20Attachments/TCEQWasteClassificationGuidelines.pdf


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