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o Sinusitis has blocked nose with frontal headache, and there may be yellow or o Rhinitis has watery coryza', frontal pain; sneezing; may have blocked nose; o Catarrh refers to a thick or purulent mucous discharge. o Coryza refers to a watery discharge which is either bland or acrid. [101]
Treatment: Acute
If there is no single, clear remedy for acute attacks, it is useful to mix together
acute remedies for rhinitis so that the patient benefits from homeopathic
remedies when s/he experiences an acute episode. In this way, the patient
learns to rely on the homeopathics, with less allopathic medication to obstruct
symptom presentation. This is similar to our treatment approach to asthma. We
have found that using acute homeopathic prescribing as needed does not have a
deleterious effect on long-term homeopathic treatment.
If an acute remedy works
well in addressing flare ups, there is no reason why one should not use that
remedy as the chronic treatment, repeating it often for months with diminishing
frequency as improvement sets in. An acute remedy will at least give the patient
relief, and the practitioner time to find an effective deeper acting remedy.
Always look for a seasonal or allergic factor in the presenting symptoms, since homeopathy works well in desensitising patients to either airborne or ingested allergens. The procedure for desensitising is described at [104], or if allergy is severe, use the protocol descried at [96]. • Histaminum. Use when there is a clear allergic response with sneezing, itching, acute inflammation and coryza. Use it in very high potency, 50M or higher. See the Allergy Desensitisation Protocol using Histaminum at [96]. The table on the following page summarises the main acute remedies for sinusitis and rhinitis. Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Phone 07626 974 970-0 Excerpts from Gamble: Accurate Daily Prescribing for a Successful Practice Case 2: GB, male, age 29 - Asthma and Sinusitis
This case illustrates what every homeopath dreads: there is a paucity of individualising symptoms. In this case, we need to use a keynote approach, or give what we have described as the 'main medicine' to treat this disease. We would continue with this medicine while improvement is experienced, only changing if improvement stops and/or a new symptom picture forms. Asthma with itchy eyes, nose and throat. Runny nose. Wheeze. Rhinitis/hayfever. Fatigue. Began as a child, with absence of symptoms through teens, now returned. Family History
Father: rheumatoid arthritis; multiple allergies.
This is a one-sided case with no individualising symptoms. Prescription is only
possible on keynote symptoms, or 'main remedy' style.
Prescription: Arsenicum 6 twice daily.
Avoid yeast.
First follow up: three weeks
Asthma > by 25-50%

Itchy eyes > 50%
Itchy nose & throat > 50%.
No Becotide or Antihistamines used. Some use of Ventolin. Skin has improved (dry scaly patches - not mentioned in first visit). Itching has reduced when he exercises (not mentioned in first visit). Second follow up: two months
Sinus and asthma flare ups persist, but are of less severity and duration lasting only half hour. Aggravation: dust, dog hair. Using Ventolin a little more, the Arsenicum not now working as well. But still using Ventolin only half as much compared to before starting treatment. Itchy skin, especially after eating white bread. Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Phone 07626 974 970-0 Excerpts from Gamble: Accurate Daily Prescribing for a Successful Practice No Becotide or anti-histamines used. Mucus on chest is persistent, but now mostly clear. (Not mentioned in previous Prescription: Arsenicum 6 once daily; Tuberculinum bov 200 once weekly.
Third follow up: four months
After taking Tuberculinum, he experienced six days of sinus pain, which did not go to the chest (normally sinus infections go to the chest). After the second dose of Tuberculinum, some itching and running nose, but no other reactions. Recent nose block (from the spring wattles). Some wheezing: using ventolin approximately four times daily, as before. New Prescription: Kali carb 200: One dose every second day.
Fourth follow up: seven months
"Fantastic". No symptoms apart from slight wheezing. Using ventolin only once per day. Goes out without taking his ventolin ("I never used to do this"). The patient is instructed on further doses, then discharged. Rationale for prescriptions given:
o Arsenicum we have described under Asthma in the asthma mix as a reliever of acute asthma. We have also described Arsenicum under Sinusitis & Rhinitis: it has itching, bland coryza and wheezing. It is thus a reliable remedy for commencing treatment since it covers all the particulars of the case. o Tuberculinum Bov: we have described under Asthma as a reliable medicine when there is a clear allergic diathesis where there are multiple allergies. o Kali carb is also described under Asthma: it is the main remedy to use where there are no clear symptoms for another remedy. We may well have given Kali carb at the first visit and achieved a more rapid result. However, Arsenicum was chosen because the case also had a strong emphasis on hay fever with itching eyes and nose. Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Phone 07626 974 970-0 Excerpts from Gamble: Accurate Daily Prescribing for a Successful Practice Accurate Daily Prescribing for aSuccessful Practice



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