What does Caffeine do to the Body? by Dr. Tracy Malone, B.Sc., N.D
Caffeine consumption in its various forms has increased significantly in our culture. Lattes, macchiato, cappuccino, caffeinated energy drinks the list goes on and on. It has become a comfortable social habit for us to have a nice little caffeine buzz to carry us through our over scheduled days. I was a little shocked the other day when I was waiting for a friend at a local star bucks when a fleet of 12-16 year olds from a local secondary school streamed in and ordered frozen cappuccino’s and coffee drinks, commenting on how ’starving’ they were, as they devoured their pastries. The two area’s of major concern with this dietary practice is that caffeine alters your bodies release of catecholamine’s like adrenaline which influence both your insulin release, but also your muscles ability to respond to the insulin released. This essentially spells out glucose or carbohydrate metabolism impairment, which can have significant impact on the types of food you crave and choose to eat. Your morning coffee is also an appetite suppressant and can encourage you to push off breakfast for longer than you should. This creates a state of hypoglycemia which causes physiological stress. This practice wil also encourage you to binge eat high glycemic foods that contain refined sugar, later in the day when you get ‘too hungry” and just “have” to eat something. We like our caffeine because it makes us more mentally alert, and increases reaction time. This would explain its effects as well on athletic performance. However the ‘fight or flight’ reaction that occurs in with the adrenaline rush of caffeine consumption, occurring over and over can cause an individual to suffer unnecessary levels of ‘stress’ related hormones. Over long periods of consumption I have clinically witnessed this to cause depletion in natural energy levels, sleep disturbance, and anxiety. Caffeine consumption can also contribute to osteoporosis, fibrocystic breasts, impaired glucose metabolism, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. It is this point that would be most applicable to athletes, dehydration combined with impairment of your lean muscle to take up glucose during a workout, effects not only the workout efficiency itself but also delays muscle recovery time. Serious side effects are possible when caffeine is combined with certain drugs. For example, taking caffeine with the decongestant phenylpropanolamine can raise blood pressure. Very serious heart problems may occur if caffeine and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO) are taken together. Coffee also acts as a diuretic, increasing urine production by as much as 30 per cent, so caution must be observed in athletes that sweat excessively or train in intense heat to avoid dehydration. As far as athletic performance is concerned: temporary benefits of caffeine include: increased alertness and reaction time, and delayed onset of perceived fatigue. Dietary considerations for regular caffeine users include eating a healthy mineral rich diet (Ca, Mg, and K+), frequency of meals, glycemic index of carbohydrates and maintaining hydration levels are important things to keep in mind.
MRSA Found in 4% of Healthcare Workers; Most Are Healthcare-Related. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/719841_printFifth Decennial International Conference on Healthcare-Associated Infections (ICHAI) 2010This coverage is not sanctioned by, nor a part of, the Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Association for Professionals in Infe
D. José Manuel Galindo CuevaVICEPRESIDENTE 1º:(VALLEHERMOSO DIVISIÓN PROMOCIÓN, S.A.U.)VICEPRESIDENTE 2º:(INMOBILIARIA CHAMARTIN, S.A.)VICEPRESIDENTE 4º:El pasado 9 de abril, el Consejo de Ministros anunció lo que quiso llamar “un paquete de medidas de choque para el impulso de la recuperación económica Cierto es que, en fechas recientes, el Gobierno había acogido una solicitud q