Microsoft word - sns-t29-00 region 3 naph form -flu.doc
Region 3 Strategic National Stockpile PATIENT MEDICAL HISTORY and CONSENT FORM Please PRINT the Following Information
Last Name:_______________________________________ First Name: ___________________________________________ Middle Name: ________________________ Date of Birth: ____/____/____ Age: _______ Gender: M ____ F ____
Mother’s Maiden Name: ______________________ Weight (if under 100 lbs): __________lbs. Street Address:_______________________________ City: ________________________ State: _______ Zip: ____________ County: ___________________ E-mail (optional): ________________________________________ Home Phone: (____)______________________ Alternate Phone: (___)_________________________
Do you have flu-like symptoms today (fever, aches, chills, cough)? YES NO (circle one) Do you have a known latex allergy? NO (circle one) Are you allergic to eggs? NO (circle one) FEMALES ONLY: Are you currently pregnant or think you might be pregnant? NO (circle one) Are you currently breastfeeding? NO (circle one) List AllKnown Allergies:
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do YOU (or the minor you are filling this out for) have any of the following medical conditions? (Circle the correct answer for each question):
Do you have or had a seizure disorder (such as epilepsy, etc.)?
Do you take vitamins or supplements (Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Multivitamin, etc.)?
Do you use antacids (Tums, Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, Pepto-Bismol, etc.)?
Do you have an immunosuppressed medical condition (i.e. HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Lupus, Organ Transplant)
Taking a Medication Containing Steroids and/or for Cancer Treatment
Do you have a history of Guillian Barre Syndrome
Long-term Health Problem Such As: Heart Disease, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, Diabetes, Lung Disease,
Asthma, Anemia, Other (please indicate)___________________________
List Any Medications You Are Currently Taking:
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Medical Information/Concerns:
PARTICIPANT CONSENT OR REFUSAL TO RECEIVE VACCINATION OR MEDICATION I HAVE:1) been informed of reasons why I am being vaccinated/receiving medication; 2) received the vaccine/medication fact sheet indicating the risks and benefits of the vaccine/medication, its side effects, and where I will be able to receive additional information if side effects were to develop; 3) received information about the infectious agent; 4) had an opportunity to have my questions answered. CONSENT: Participant Signature/Parent or Guardian: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________ REFUSAL: Participant Signature/Parent or Guardian: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________ THIS SIDE FOR STAFF USE ONLY To Be Filled Out For Prophylaxis Medication Name of Medication:
TAMIFLU 75mg 1X Day Other Medication: _________________________________________ TAMIFLU __________ Dose: ______________________________________________ Quantity Dispensed: 10 Day Supply 50 Day Supply 60 Day Supply Other____________ Manufacturer: __________________ Lot #: ______________________ Exp Date: _____________________ Did the patient receive a medication Fact sheet? (Circle one) YES
Notes (if applicable): ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Staff Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________________ To Be Filled Out For Vaccination Name of Vaccination (Circle One): Influenza OTHER: ____________________________
Vaccination Site (Circle One): LEFT ARM RIGHT ARM OTHER: ____________________________ Manufacturer: ______________________________________ Dose Amount: ______________________ Vaccine Lot #: _____________ Diluent Lot #: _____________ Batch #: _____________ Exp Date: ___________ Notes (if applicable): ____________________________________________________________________________
ASK PATIENT: Have you ever received the influenza vaccine? YES NO
Did the patient receive the Vaccination Fact Sheet? (Circle one) YES NO Staff Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________________ If Patient Went to Infirmary/Received Counseling Counseling/Treatment Given By: Name _____________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________ What was the outcome? Clinician Notes: ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________
C S B Consorci Sanitari de Barcelona ¿Cómo es el tiroides? Por este motivo, después de la operación se le realizarán unos análisis para compro-bar si la concentración de hormonas tiroideas en la sangre es la adecuada. En Hospital del Mar El tiroides tiene dos lóbulos simétricosciertas circunstancias es necesario suspender la toma de hormona tiroidea duranteque l
according to Regulation (EU) No. 1907/2006 NovaTec 15-3-20 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product information 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Risk advice to man and the environment No particular dangers occur if the regulation/notes for storage and handling are observed. 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Chemica