Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.


Dirty Energy Month

Take One Action film festival
When: 11 October – 11 November
The annual Take One Action film festival, which Where: Across the world
uniquely links audiences, films, campaigners From 11 October to 11 November activists all and communities on issues of global concern, around the world will be taking action as part takes place in Edinburgh and Glasgow from 27 of ‘Dirty Energy Month’. People will be calling September – 12 October. As part of the film for an end to dirty energy projects that destroy festival, WDM will be supporting a screening of communities as well as the climate, whilst offering the film ‘Powerless’, described by the New York little energy access for people whose lives are Times as “a jarring glimpse at India’s energy crisis through one town: Kanpur and its more than 3 million residents, at least 400,000 of whom are without electricity.” The film will be followed by Scandalous Edinburgh plc
a panel discussion, featuring WDM’s new director A walking tour
‘Scandalous Edinburgh’ is an entertaining and informative walking tour of Edinburgh’s financial When: Wednesday 9 October, 6pm.
district that will look beyond the grand facades Where: Edinburgh Filmhouse.
and expose how these ‘esteemed’ banking and finance institutions are fuelling environmental destruction and human rights abuses around Joking for justice
the world. Designed to show first hand the ‘dark When: Thursday 17 October, 7.30pm
energy secrets’ of some of the UK’s biggest banks, Where: Leicester Square Theatre, London
pension funds and insurance companies, these Cost: £20
tours will bring you history, anecdotes, eye opening information and possibly even a song or WDM’s annual comedy night returns to the two. Dress warmly and prepare to be scandalised! Leicester Square Theatre for its fourth outing. The tour will last around two hours.
The line-up features top British comedy acts Tour dates:
Arthur Smith, Ava Vidal, Kevin Eldon, Holly Walsh, Sara Pascoe, Catie Wilkins, Earl Okin, Ria Lina, Daniel Simonsen, James Dowdeswell, Amadeus • Wednesday 9 October, 3.30pm followed by the Take One Action film festival screening of ‘Powerless’ The heretic’s guide to global finance
• Saturday 26 October, 11am, followed at 2pm When: Saturday 26 October, 2pm – 4.30pm.
by global finance workshop as part of the Where: St Columba’s-by-the-Castle, 4 Johnston
Tickets for the tours are £5/£3 concessions.
WDM Scotland will be hosting this free, informative and inspiring workshop for anyone To book a place on one of the tours, go to: who’d like to get to grips with how global finance www.scandalousedinburgh.eventbrite.com or works and find out what we can do to make it work for the common good. Led by Brett Scott, ex-banker and author of ‘The heretic’s guide to global finance: hacking the future of money.’ With Yasmin Romero Epiayu, Hendrik Siregar and
Liz Murray.
October will see WDM’s Carbon Capital speaker With Hendrik Siregar and Kirsty Wright
tour hit the road. Yasmin Romero Epiayu from
Fuerza de Mujeres Wayuu in Colombia and Hendrik
Siregar from JATAM mining advocacy network
Wednesday 30 October • 7pm • Quaker Meeting in Indonesia will join WDM speakers at different House, 10 St James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW With Hendrik Siregar and Kirsty Wright.
St Albans
Sunday 20 October • 3pm • The Chapter Room, Thursday 31 October • 7pm • Quaker Meeting House, Stramongate, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4BH With Yasmin Romero Epiayu and Sam Lund-Harket.
With Hendrik Siregar and Alex Scrivener.
Monday 21 October • 7pm (refreshments from 6.30pm) • Friends Meeting House, 25 Clarendon Street, Nottingham, NG1 5JD WDM volunteers
With Yasmin Romero Epiayu and Kirsty Wright.
WDM is currently recruiting volunteers of all Portsmouth
shapes and sizes! Whether it’s data entry, campaigning, filing or research (and many Wednesday 23 October • 7pm • The Hub, Dennis things in-between) there’s a role for you in the Sciama Building, University of Portsmouth, office. Remote volunteering is also an option. If there’s a project related to WDM’s aims that you’d like to set up but are in need of some With Hendrik Siregar and Hannah Griffiths.
office space and equipment, we may be able to find you a seat in our friendly London office.
Thursday 24 October • 7pm • University of If you are interested or would like to find out London Union (ULU), Malet Street, London WC1E With Yasmin Romero Epiayu, Hendrik Siregar
If you would like find out more about WDM’s Nick Dearden and Andy Higginbottom (Colombia
view on internships and volunteering you can fnd our statement on the WDM website.
Friday 25 October • 6.30pm • Reading International Solidarity Centre, 35-39 London Street, Reading RG1 4PS With Yasmin Romero Epiayu and Alex Scrivener.

Source: http://www.wdm.org.uk/sites/default/files/Events_24.pdf


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