
(Items listed below were approved unanimously by all members present, except where noted. Updegrove and Stroup were absent.) Approved: 2010/2011 Athletic Event Ticket Prices with the cost of Sr. Citizen Tickets set at $15. (McCready, Matter and Minnich voted no.) The 2010/2011 Student Activity Fee of $10. Contracted services for the period July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011 with School Dentist – WV Dental Group and Solicitor – Atty. Richard Thornburg. Hired the following for the 2010-11 school year: Head Girls Basketball Coach: Christina Thompson of Wiconisco, Band Front Advisor: Kathy Ferraro of Tower City. Candice Hadesty as a guidance intern through Kutztown University. (She will assist Beth Shimock at the elementary school 16 hours per week during the 2010-11 school year.) A request for leave without pay (5/25/10) for HS Counselor, Jennifer Cecco. Resignations for the purpose of retirement (effective the end of the day on June 7, 2010) from the following: HS Teacher: Beth Roulin and Elem. Teachers: Barbara Brown & Dennis Kasper. The hourly rate for substitute custodians, cleaning personnel and secretaries for the period July 1, 2010 through Agreements between the Williams Valley School District’s Board of Directors and the following individuals for the period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. Network Support Specialist Janelle Kinsinger Network Support Specialist Joseph Chakan The Jr.-Sr. High School Summer Remediation Program for Math and Reading. (Monday through Thursday from 8:30 AM to 12:15 PM, June 14 – 24, 2010) Staff: Scott Cecco, Matthew Fickinger, April Ross, Judy Schappe, Kathi Welsh and Brian Unger. (Funding: EAP Grant) Utilizing the services of IU #29 to provide ESL services for the 2010-11 school year. Payment of $155.00 per day for educational services to Bancroft Rehabilitation Services in Haddonfield, NJ, for up to and including 212 days per year, for an elementary student to be placed in residential care. The following in one motion: (Minnich voted no.) o Dew Electric, Valley View to install a new sub-panel and breakers for the new bleachers at a cost estimate of $2,687.55. Other quotes: D Coles Electric, Tower City – $6,784.00 and Imhofs’ Plumbing and Heating, Millersburg $3,800.00 (Capital Reserve Fund expense) o Ratifying the Energy Supply Agreement with Exelon Energy Company of Kennett Square, PA for electricity for the high school, elementary school and stadium at $0.06398/kWh for a 17-month period beginning December 2011. (The rate reflects a slight increase over the Constellation rate of $0.063493/kWh in effect until December 2011. The new expiration date will allow WV to participate in a larger school district group of 80 for the next bid.) o Rental requests as submitted, waiving rental and custodial fees. o A proposal from Ron Bomberger Hardwood Floors, Inc. of Manheim, PA to refinish the high school’s main gym floor at a cost of $9,990.00. (Quotes were sought from Miller Flooring Co - West Chester, Flynn Floors - King of Prussia & Hanson Floors - Manheim, but only Bomberger provided a quote.) This will allow WV to resurface the floor in conjunction with bleacher replacement. Project to be funded from the Capital Reserve Fund. Awarding bids to the appropriate bidder for athletic equipment and supplies for the 2010/2011 fiscal year. A Maintenance/Support Agreement for school meal program software with LunchTime Software, LLC of State College, PA for the 2010/2011 school year at a cost of $1,950.00. Payment to the Dauphin County Tax Collection Committee in the amount of $188.97. (The payment represents the District’s proportional share (0.76%) of the $25,000 initial deposit for tax collection committee expenses.) Membership renewal with NAEIR for the 2010/2011 fiscal year at a cost of $595.00. 2010/2011 Athletic Event Ticket Prices with the cost of Sr. Citizen Tickets set at $25. (Johns, Rodichok, Ruch & Miller voted no.) o Give a Health & Welfare Trust Report. o Discuss the 2010-11 General Fund Budget. Board Member Gail Ruch give an IU #29 Report. HS Teacher Carrie Koch discuss HACC’s College in the High School Program versus Lehigh Carbon Community College’s Dual Enrollment Courses. o Negotiations Committee Meeting --- June 15, 2010 --- 7 P.M. o Policy Committee Meeting – immediately following the Negotiations Committee Meeting on June 15. o IU 29 Convention --- June 16, 2010 --- 6:00 P.M. The next public Board Meeting/Final 2010-11 Budget Adoption will be held June 24, 2010 beginning at 7:30 P.M. in the Board Room of the Jr.-Sr. High School. An executive session for Board Members/Administrators will begin at 7 P.M.

Source: http://www.wvschools.net/wvsd/District/Board%20of%20Education/Board%20of%20Education%20Meeting%20Notes/2010%20Meeting%20Notes/Board%20Meeting%20Notes%206-10-2010.pdf

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WESST Admin Council - II Date: November 18, 2012 Time: 6:00 PM PST Location: Skype Attendees: Madison Myrfield (WESST President - UBC), Michael Elder (WESST VP Finance – UBC), Kaitlynn Meadows (WESST VP Communications – U of M), Steph Fulcher (WESST VP Communications-Elect U Vic B), Peter Kazakoff (WESST Retreat 2013 Co-Chair – U Vic B), Brad Liluk (WESST EM 2013 Chair â

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