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842 23 51 0 601 331 032Sunday NewsJune 5, 2005Holy Communion - Confirmation for Thomas Omedi - Installation of 2005-2006 Council A Message from Helen Geeson and the Call Committee
Sadly Pastor Kerry and Dick will be leaving us at the end of June and returning to the States.
Make sure you are in Church on June 26th to join in the potluck lunch when we say goodbye andwish them well.
Happily we have found a new Pastor who will be joining us at the end of July. (Don’t panic wehave a visiting Pastor and two guest preachers for July!) I would like to introduce Pastor Beth Huwiler: Pastor Beth’s first degree was in English in 1973.
In 1988 she was awarded a Ph.D. in Old Testament and Semitic Studies.
Pastor Beth was ordained into the Lutheran Church in 1980.
At present she is Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at the Lutheran Theological Seminaryat Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia. She is also the chaplain and is responsible for the worship life atthe seminary.
Pastor Beth felt called to return to full-time parish ministry, “in a congregation in whichevangelism and social ministry are funded by and nurture regular corporate worship. WICsounds like an excellent fit, and the thought of ministry in another culture is exciting”. Pastor Bethhas been granted a two-year leave of absence from the Seminary in order to come to WIC.
Soon the Call Committee will be planning our welcome for Pastor Beth. Please listen out for theannouncements and if you have any ideas, suggestions or particular places or activities you’dlike to introduce to Pastor Beth please let us know.
The Call Committee
Helen Geeson
Marylyn Dypczynska
Dorota Dabrowska
Young Osawaru
Matthew Tebeau
Christian Baptism
Roman George Rzycki
Oliver Charles Rzycki
Sunday, May 29th at the Methodist Chapel in Konstancin
Blessings on the Rzycki children and family!
Thanks to all for the wonderful picnic and worship service in Konstancin. The food was delicious. It
was a real team effort thanks to all who pitched in to set-up and clean-up (Victoria, Michelle, Hiam, the
youth, Marilyn, Janice, Rahal, Young, Rashad), cook (Ron and Dick), direct parking (Larry and Jeffrey),
play games (Piotr), provide beautiful music (Kristina and Marilyn, greet and transport from Miodowa
(Marcia, Helen and Paul). Many others also helped. I hope you were blessed as I was by the fellowship.
Outreach Report
Joanna Floribus Keays, Rashad Haddad, Young Osawaru and Pastor Kerry made a trip to one of the
camps for refugees in Warsaw with goodies for Children’s Day. We plan to go again on June 15th. Joanna
will make a report in church this Sunday, but we were overwhelmed with the need and the enthusiastic
response to our simple gifts for Children’s Day. These are frequently forgotten people and how they
appreciated some candy and toys!
Welcome, Collin Chaple!
Amy and John Chaple are the proud parents of Collin, born May 26th, 7 lbs. 11 oz!
His big sisters are Allegra, Isabelle and Chloe.
Parent Group
A group of bi-national parents (including me) are trying to set up a once a week evening English school for
native speaker English kids attending Polish schools. The idea is for it to be a non-profit, community
venture. We're trying to gauge the interest level in the community to see if it makes sense to try and go
forward with this.
If you are interested contact Jan Cienski: jan.cienski@ftnetwork.com
MATTRESS NEEDED (1.5m x 1.9m) contact Young Osawaru osawaru@ch.pw.edu.pl 502 685 015
Needed: Kindergarten/Elementary school Teacher for exclusive private school in Warsaw. Must be native
English speaker (US English preferred). Salary is $1000 per month, plus an apartment in Wilanow.
To apply, or for more information contact:
Wiolletta Kulakowska: eukindergarten@eranet.pl or
Ron Nawrocki: ron@e.com.pl, tel: (022) 642.5097.
Au Pair wanted to live with West London family where both parents work.
Principal duties: to collect and take care of two teenage daughters after school.
EUR 150 per week pocket money, own room/TV etc, extensive free time to study. Must be driver
and mature (ideally student or recent graduate) and have basic English. Minimum 6 months, one
year preferred.
If interested - please contact me - he is relying on my reference:
ron@e.com.pl - 642.5097

Room Needed: Contact Dr. David Jones profdrjones@yahoo.com
Sunday Helpers – Many thanks to these faithful folks!
Please take a few moments this week and sign up to help one Sunday!
Pastor Kerry Purselle contacts:842 23 51 (home/office)0 601 331 032 (mobile)pastor@wic.org.plwww.wic.org.pl

Source: http://www.wic.org.pl/child_pages/newsletters/June_5_2005.pdf


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