October 2003 report

Church Development & Leadership Training since 1968
Furlough Cell Phone: 704-219-2478; E-mail At the yearly meeting of the Honduras Baptist Mission the national pastors nominated me to be President, a position I previously held for thirteen years. The Government’s new Ministry of Religion makes it more essential than ever that all legalities be fulfilled. The five churches south of the capital have 38 studying in their institute classes. Some are not enrolled because they are illiterate. This semester 21 students continue receiving classes in La Esperanza and 8 meet in Calan to study by DVD. I met new missionary Ken Buckner the day after we arrived in the States. He is enthused to use the Seminary in Zambia and to later prepare courses in the tribal languages. Asael Briones wrote because of the radio program’s internet outreach. His American pas- tor, Marc Johnson, was already burdened to begin a Bible institute in Durham, NC. During my visit he enrolled his Hispanic church of 620 as a Seminary Extension. Gerald Mendoza wrote from Santa Cruz de La Sierra, Bolivia to enroll his church. He said, “The brethren are ready to study and I believe it will be a great blessing. Other Independent Baptist pastors with whom I have shared are also interested in the Seminary program.” Ruben Mamani wants to have accreditation for their new Baptist Theological Seminary in Yacuiba, Bolivia. Javier Pillajo wrote about beginning classes for their five churches in Ecuador. A missionary “dumped” his upper middle class church on Marlon Raudales to leave for another country. Pray God gives him wisdom to rebuild that congregation. Also pray for Luis Di-az and his wife, Fanny, who Marlon’s taught to replace him as pastor in Valle de Angeles. On December 17th Jose Francisco Alonzo, Jose de la Paz Alonzo, and Juan Ramon Alon- zo were ordained to the ministry in Rodeo. The Church’s recently enlarged building was full, with some standing. They are burdened to begin in nearby Guarisne where there is no church. Generous Christmas gifts emphasized anew the consistent financial sacrifices made by God’s saints that make our ministry possible. As the economic situation caused some churches to stop and/or diminish our support, we praise God for His continued provision. More than ever the financial benefits of expansion through the local church are evident. Pray for the progress of the book about our ministry. A pastor offered to publish it when we are ready. This work will mark my seventh decade that begins on February 6th; March 1st marks 48 years in Christ. God has blessed us with a fruitful life. May the Cross always be our glory! Mary is being treated due to a problem that is affecting her hearing. We timed the medical tests for the Holidays to be with the family. Besides enjoying visits with fifteen members up to our fourth generation, we were present when our 19 year old grandson, Wayne Bratton, had an accident so severe that the officers that they are always fatal. The Monday before Christmas he lost control of the car and a broken tree went through the windshield, broke the driver’s seat, and stopped on the trunk. Over 60 stitches and a plate in
his head will remind him of God’s mercy. He was spared for a ministry initiated this year with a
student Bible study group that he began. His life is our MIRACULOUS CHRISTMAS GIFT!

Source: http://www.wbfi.net/missionaries/gagnon/gagnon_news_0112.pdf

Balde notes 2

Lyrica 4.26 To Johannes Albula. The genius of Virtue. Meter Alcaic. The poem I think is indebted to, but far surpasses, a passage in Horace: c. 3.2.16-24. 5 petit: peto is cognate with Gk. πέτοµαι and originally meant ‘fly’. 6 Iovis satelles: Juppiter’s ‘attendant’, the eagle. 15 lustrali sulphure : the ancients used sulphur in their lustrations; e.g. Od.

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