The effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy on
cervical cytologic changes associated with oncogenic
Howard Minkoff, Linda Ahdieha, L. Stewart Massadb, Kathryn Anastosc,
D. Heather Wattsd, Sandra Melnicke, Laila Muderspachf, Robert Burkg
Objective Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), a common condition among HIV-
infected women, has been linked to HIV load and immune status. Highly active
antiretroviral therapy (HAART) improves immunologic and virologic status. This study
was undertaken to determine the relationship between HAART use and CIN. Design Cohort study. The Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) in ®ve cities in the
USA (Bronx/Manhattan, New York; Brooklyn, New York; Chicago, Illinois; Los
Angeles, California; San Francisco Bay area, California; Washington, District of
Columbia). Methods HIV-infected women were followed every 6 months with Papanicolaou
smears and cervicovaginal lavage for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing. To
characterize exposures that changed over time and to capture the dynamic nature of
cytologic changes, Papanicolaou smear ®ndings from each participant's consecutive
visits were de®ned as a pair. We determined the proportion of all pairs that exhibited
either regression or progression, according to HAART exposure, HPV results and
Papanicolaou smear status. As participants could contribute multiple pairs, inferences
were based on robust methods to adjust for correlated observations. Results Women with persistent HPV infection were more likely to have progression of
their lesions. After adjustment for CD4 cell count and Papanicolaou smear status,
women on HAART were 40% (95% con®dence interval, 4±81%) more likely to
demonstrate regression and less likely (odds ratio, 0.68; 95% con®dence interval,
0.52±0.88) to demonstrate progressionConclusions HAART altered the course of HPV disease in HIV-infected women,
reducing progression and increasing regression. As HPV disease is a common sex-
speci®c manifestation of HIV disease this effect of HAART would be a major additional
bene®t from this modality of therapy.
& 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Keywords: HAART, HIV, human papillomavirus, squamous intraepithelial lesions
From the departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maimonides Medical Center and State University of New York Health
Sciences at Brooklyn, New York, the aDivision of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland,
bDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cook County Hospital and Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois, cDepartment of
Medicine, Monte®ore Medical Center and Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center, Bronx, New York, the dNational Institute
of Child Health and Human Development, the eNational Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, the fDepartment of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, University of Southern California, the gDepartment of Pediatrics, Microbiology & Immunology and Social
Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and the hDepartment of Medicine, University of California at San Francisco, San
Francisco, California, USA. Requests for reprints to: H. Minkoff, Maimonides Medical Center, 967 48th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11219, USA. Received: 26 January 2001; revised: 28 June 2001; accepted: 3 July 2001.
ISSN 0269-9370 & 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
been described previously In brief, participants
undergo visits every 6 months that include an inter-
With the introduction of more effective antiretroviral
view-administered questionnaire, a physical examina-
therapy, the spectrum of disease in the AIDS epidemic
tion, and the collection of plasma, Papanicolaou
has been shifting. It is projected that 20±40% of HIV-
smears, and cervicovaginal lavages for HPV testing. T-
infected individuals will be diagnosed with a malig-
cell subsets were determined using ¯ow cytometry in
nancy One malignancy that is unique to women is
laboratories participating in the AIDS Clinical Trials
cervical cancer, the end stage of human papillomavirus
Quality Assurance Program. Plasma HIV RNA levels
(HPV)-associated cervical intraepithelial lesions. Nu-
were measured using a nucleic acid sequence-based
merous studies have shown that HIV-infected women,
ampli®cation technique (Organon Teknika, Durham,
particularly those with advanced disease, have a greatly
North Carolina, USA) with a lower threshold of
increased risk for the precursors to cervical cancer, both
those measured by histology [cervical intraepithelial
neoplasia (CIN)] and by cytology [squamous intrae-
The protocol for collection of cervicovaginal lavage
pithelial lesions (SIL)] Recent data have sug-
specimens involved spraying 10 ml of sterile normal
gested that as many as one in ®ve HIV-infected
saline against the cervical os and the exocervix and
women with no evidence of cervical disease will
then aspirating ¯uid from the posterior vaginal fornix.
develop SIL within 3 years. These data suggest a need
All specimens were frozen in aliquots at À708C. HPV
to assess determinants of cytologic progression and to
testing was performed in two laboratories by PCR
using MY09/MY11/HB01 L1 consensus primers and
a control primer set which simultaneously ampli®ed a
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) regi-
mens have been in clinical use since late 1995. These
positive using the generic probe were re-probed to
regimens have been shown to reduce HIV viral loads.
identify speci®c HPV types. For analysis, we de®ned
The salutary effects of HAART on morbidity and
oncogenic types as HPV-16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45,
mortality and on immunologic and virologic markers
51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, and 73 At the time of this
of HIV disease progression have been well documented
analysis, HPV data was available from the ®rst three
associated malignancies, particularly cervical lesions, has
Papanicolaou smears were collected using a plastic Ayre
spatula and an endocervical brush. Both specimens
HAART has the potential to in¯uence the relationship
were smeared onto a single slide and ®xed immediately.
between HIV and cervical cancer precursors in two
Cervical cytology samples from all sites were centrally
contrasting ways. First, by prolonging lives it may
interpreted at Kyto Meridien Laboratories (New York,
lengthen exposure to HPV, thereby allowing the
USA) using the Bethesda System criteria for cytologic
accumulation of genetic somatic mutations that increase
diagnosis All smears were read by two cytotech-
the likelihood of cervical disease. Conversely, because
nologists who were blinded to the participants' status
HAART can decrease HIV viral load, and can partially
(there were also HIV-uninfected women in the WIHS
restore immune competence, HAART may mitigate
who are not included in this analysis). Ten percent of
the effect of HIV on the course of HPV disease. To
all negative smears and all abnormal smears were
date, these possibilities have been assessed only in small
con®rmed by a cytopathologist. Diagnoses were re-
case series and the implications of antiretroviral
ported as normal or benign, atypical squamous cells of
therapy for cervical neoplasia are unclear. Therefore, to
uncertain signi®cance (ASCUS), low-grade SIL, mod-
determine if HAART can in¯uence the course of HPV
erate or high-grade SIL, and cancer. Glandular ab-
disease the following study was undertaken.
normalities were not included. Patients were excluded
if the cervix was surgically absent.
The primary goal of our analysis was to identify
whether exposure to HAART impacted rates of short-
term (6 month) cytologic regression and progression.
The Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) is a
Given that the study assesses each participant's Papani-
prospective study of the natural and treated history of
colaou smear status at regularly spaced 6 month inter-
HIV infection in women that enrolled 2059 HIV-
vals, we were able to group consecutive smears from
seroprevalent participants at six clinical consortia
each individual into pairs of smears, de®ned by an
(Bronx, New York; Brooklyn, New York; Chicago;
index smear (at Papt) and a follow-up smear (at
Los Angeles; San Francisco; Washington) between
Papt1). We chose to utilize this analytic approach
October 1994 and November 1995. The recruitment
because it allowed for the full characterization of
methods and data collection procedures for WIHS have
exposures that change over time and as such could
HAART and cervical disease Minkoff et al.
capture the dynamic nature of cytologic change
individuals who had an oncognenic HPV infection
(de®ned above). In addition, we compared short-term
cytological progression and regression rates between
There were three possible outcomes for each pair:
those with and without an oncogenic HPV infection.
regression, if Papt1 was a lower grade abnormality
Those with at least one oncogenic infection were
than Papt; no change, if Papt1 was the same as Papt;
further characterized as having 1/3, 2/3 or 3/3 onco-
or progression, if Papt1 was a higher grade abnorm-
ality than Papt. For the ®nal analysis, we compared
rates of both regression and progression, prior to and
subsequent to the initiation of HAART.
After determining the proportion of all pairs that
exhibited 6 month cytologic change, we used logistic
Papanicolaou smears that were included in the analysis
regression to model the two outcomes of interest, i.e.,
were obtained at visits subsequent to the visits at which
regression and progression, according to HAART
the HPV tests were performed. We deleted pairs for
exposure. As each participant could contribute more
which treatment for cervical abnormalities was reported
than one pair of smears, inferences were based on
at the follow-up visit. At the time of the analysis,
robust statistical methods that adjust for the correlation
Papanicolaou smear ®ndings were available for the
inherent in such repeated measures Multivariate
study's initial eight biannual visits.
models accounted for CD4 cell count at well as
Papanicolaou smear abnormality at the index visit (t),
At each visit, participants were asked which antiretro-
such that pairs of measurements were comparable with
viral medications they had used since their last visit.
regard to the stage of HIV infection and of HPV-
HAART was de®ned according to 1997 National
associated disease. Our primary goal was to quantify
Institutes of Health guidelines as two or more
the impact of HAART on rates of cytologic progres-
nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, with either a
sion and regression. Given that the mechanism by
protease inhibitor or a non-nucleoside reverse tran-
which HAART operates is linked primarily to reduc-
scriptase inhibitor. Those receiving two or more
tions in HIV RNA levels and immune reconstitution,
protease inhibitors were classi®ed as receiving
it was more appropriate to include CD4 cell count in
our multivariate models for the purpose of controlling
for stage of disease and to determine the independent
HAART usage was analyzed as the primary exposure
effect of HAART on both the progression and the
of interest. Pairs of Papanicolaou smears were categor-
ized as off-HAART if the woman contributing those
pairs never received HAART during her time in the
study or, among those women who eventually were on
HAART, those pairs contributed before the woman
had started HAART. Pairs of Papanicolaou smears
were categorized as being on-HAART if they were
There were 741 women (41.6% of participants) with at
obtained at any visits after HAART was ®rst given.
least one oncogenic HPV at visits one through three.
Among women who had HPV tests at all three baseline
In order to be conservative, we used an intent-to-treat
visits and who had at least one positive test (n 507),
model. Therefore patients who at one point had been
oncogenic HPV was detected at one, two, and three
given HAART, and who subsequently discontinued its
visits in 189 (37.3%), 145 (28.6%), and 173 (34.2%)
use (n 64) were categorized as being on HAART at
women respectively. Details regarding the types of
any visits after HAART was ®rst given. We excluded
HPV at baseline have been described previously
from the analysis pairs associated with HAART initia-
tion (i.e., no HAART at the start of the interval (t),
but on HAART at the end of the interval (t1) to
with and without any oncogenic HPV. The group
keep the dichotomous exposure (no HAART versus
with oncogenic HPV was younger and more likely to
smoke, to report HIV treatment, to have SIL at
baseline, to be younger at ®rst coitus, and to have more
The study population for our analysis of the impact of
sexual partners. This group also had lower CD4 cell
HAART on short-term cytological regression and
counts and higher HIV viral loads. None of these
progression analysis was composed of 1779 HIV-
variables were found to be associated with cytologic
seropositive participants who had at least one study visit
progression or regression. In addition, ethnicity and
after 1 October 1995 (the approximate date at which
report of a prior sexually transmitted disease were not
HAART became available) and were tested for HPV
infection during the 1 year following their enrollment.
The study's primary analyses were limited to those
Table 1. Baseline comparison of HIV seropositive participants with and without oncogenic
human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.
ASCUS, Atypical squamous cells of uncertain signi®cance; LGSIL, low-grade squamous intrae-
pithelial lesion; HGSIL, moderate or high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; HAART, highly
four categories of Papanicolaou smear status at the
(39.4%) compared to pairs characterized by RNA levels
index visit. As described previously, examination of
of 4000±20 000 copies/ml (27.7%), 20 000±100 000
consecutive Papanicolaou smears allowed us to char-
copies/ml (29.9%), and . 100 000 copies/ml (22.7%)
acterize more fully the dynamic and short-term nature
(P , 0.001). Cytological regression was also more
likely among pairs characterized by CD4 cell counts
those with and without any oncogenic HPV. Regres-
. 500 3 106/l (40.7%) compared to pairs characterized
sion was more frequent (P , 0.001) and progression
by CD4 cell counts of 200±500 3 106/l (35.9%) and
less common (P , 0.001) among women with no
, 200 3 106/l (21.6%) (P , 0.001). Cytological pro-
oncogenic HPV. Further, persistent HPV infection
gression was less likely among pairs of measurements
signi®cantly decreased regression rates and increased
where the HIV RNA level at the index visit was
progression rates. Among those with three measure-
, 4000 copies/ml (16.4%) compared to RNA levels of
ments, regression rates among those with 1/3, 2/3, and
4000±20 000 copies/ml (19.8%), 20 000±100 000
3/3 positive oncogenic HPV infections were 39.3%,
copies/ml (23.4%) and . 100 000/ml (27.5%) (P ,
30.7% and 24.7% respectively; overall progression rates
0.001). There was no association noted between CD4
were 16.2%, 23.6% and 24.6% respectively (P ,
cell count and progression; speci®cally, 17.9% of pairs
with CD4 cell counts . 500 3 106/l progressed, as
compared to 21.8% of pairs with CD4 cell counts
Cytological regression was also more likely among pairs
200±500 3 106/l and 21.2% of pairs with , 200 3
characterized by HIV RNA levels , 4000 copies/ml
HAART and cervical disease Minkoff et al.
Table 2. Changes in cervical cytologic status in consecutive pairs of
Table 3. The association of highly active antiretroviral therapy
measurements of HIV-seropositive participants according to initial
(HAART) exposure and changes in cervical cytologic status in con-
> smear ®ndings among those with and without oncogenic HPV
secutive pairs of measurements according to initial Papanicolaou
infection at visits one through three.
smear ®nding among HIV-seropositive participants with at least one
oncogenic HPV infection at visits 1 through 3.
aAmong 1653 patients with abnormal Papanicolaou at index meas-
aPercent of pairs that regress (total number of pairs). bAdjusted for
urement. bAmong 951 patients with abnormal Papanicolaou at index
CD4 cell count and Papanicolaou smear status at index visit. ASCUS,
measurement. HPV, Human papillomavirus; ASCUS, Atypical squa-
Atypical squamous cells of uncertain signi®cance; LGSIL, low-grade
mous cells of uncertain signi®cance; LGSIL, low-grade squamous
squamous intraepithelial lesion; HGSIL, moderate or high-grade
intraepithelial lesion; HGSIL, moderate or high-grade squamous
squamous intraepithelial lesion; NA, not applicable.
intraepithelial lesion; NA, not applicable.
cytological regression and decreased cytological pro-
shows cytologic progression and regression
gression, after controlling for stage of HIV disease and
rates for each category of initial Papanicolaou smear
severity of cytological disease. We also con®rmed
measurement strati®ed by HAART use among women
previous reports that found high rates of HPV carriage,
with an oncogenic HPV detected at least once. Odds
which were often persistent, among HIV-infected
ratios are adjusted for CD4 cell count and Papanicolaou
women. Ho reported that persistence of infection with
smear status at the index visit (t). Overall, pairs of
HPV was related to the risk of persistent cervical
measurements were 1.4 times [95% con®dence interval
dysplasia using similar methods We found that
(CI), 1.04±1.82] more likely to demonstrate regression
among HIV-infected women persistent carriage of
on HAART. A bene®cial effect of HAART was
HPV and high viral load were associated with cytologic
observed on progression. Pairs of visits on HAART
progression and that low viral load and high CD4 cell
demonstrated a 0.68 times (95% CI, 0.52±0.8) like-
count were associated with regression.
lihood of progression of disease, i.e., pairs contributed
off HAART were 1.5 times (95% CI, 1.3±1.9) more
HAART has been shown in clinical trials and
likely to progress as compared to pairs contributed on
cohort studies to be effective in lowering viral
loads. These agents' antiviral effects have been shown
also to be associated with clinically signi®cant bene®ts.
However, relatively little attention has been paid to the
relationship of HAART to malignancies in general or
to cervical disease in particular. Since the introduction
of HAART, some studies have shown stable levels of
Patients with HIV are at increased risk of malignancy.
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other cancers, and
The risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is more than
declining rates of Kaposi's sarcoma and primary brain
one hundred-fold greater and the risk of Kaposi's
sarcoma several hundred-fold greater among HIV-
Individual cases in which human herpes virus type 8
infected individuals Cervical cancer, the end stage
(HHV-8) was cleared from peripheral blood mono-
of HPV-associated squamous intraepithelial neoplasia,
nuclear cells following initiation of antiretroviral ther-
has also been associated with AIDS Cytologic
apy have also been reported Conversely, at least
screening monitors the precursors of these lesions.
one study suggested that few anal SIL regress in
In this large cohort of HIV-infected women with
high-risk HPV DNA, we found that the use of
With particular regard to cervical disease, Heard re-
HAART was associated with signi®cantly increased
ported on Papanicolaou smear changes among 49
women on combination antiretroviral therapy, includ-
progression was signi®cantly greater than among unin-
ing a protease inhibitor Five months after therapy,
fected women Massad, in an analysis of women in
three out of 13 women with high-grade lesions showed
this cohort has shown that progression of SIL was
regression, as did nine out of 21 with low-grade
linked to HIV serostatus and to viral load and CD4 cell
lesions. Although these results were encouraging, the
count As noted, we have also found that progres-
failure to include a group with similar Papanicolaou
sion and regression may be linked to immune status
smear ®ndings, HPV ®ndings and HIV status who were
not on therapy makes interpretation dif®cult. Orlando,
in another small (n 15) observational series, noted
One possible explanation for the linkage of both
serostatus and immune status to malignancies may be
that HIV-associated products up-regulate cell prolifera-
In our cohort, the regression rate among women with
tion Reduction of viral load and restoration of
high-grade and low-grade lesions who did not receive
host immunity thus might retard the progression of
HAART were similar to, or greater than, those seen
these neoplasias. This ®nding is supported by the fact
among women receiving protease inhibitors in the
Heard study. However, when the rates of progression
presented in the odds ratios for progression
and regression among women with high-risk HPV
and regression decreased towards 1. It is impossible,
who were on HAART were contrasted with changes
however, to be certain that the association between the
among similar women not on HAART, the bene®cial
use of HAART and a less aggressive course of HPV
effect of antiretroviral therapy became clear. These
disease is mediated simply by a reduced HIV viral load
results are particularly striking as women in both groups
that results in less up-regulation of HPV. That
were comparably at risk in terms of the presence of
HAART could have a direct antiviral effect on HPV
oncogenic HPV. These results were also supported by
has been suggested as a possibile explanation of the lack
multivariate analysis that included markers of HIV
of correlation between decreases in HIV viral load and
disease stage as well as other factors linked to changes
regression of cytologic abnormalities in women on
posited as an explanation for the clearance of HHV-8
The association between HIV disease and both HPV
infections and SIL has been widely noted Sun
system of the treated woman might also be better able
detected HPV at an initial examination in 56% of
to `control' HPV infections. Burk has shown a reduced
HIV-seropositive women and 31% of HIV-seronega-
rate of HPV as women age, even when controlling for
tive women Minkoff reported a prevalence of
the number of lifetime sexual partners suggesting
oncogenic HPV in 32.5% of HIV-infected and 17.0%
that there might be `acquired immunity to HPV from
past exposure' This mechanism has been proposed
correlation between HPV detection and low CD4 cell
to explain the loss of cytomegalovirus (CMV) viremia
counts and high HIV viral loads in an earlier report of
following HAART therapy, even in the absence of
baseline data from this cohort Other authors have
speci®c anti-CMV therapy Similarly, Ahdieh,
reported a similar inverse association between immune
who reported that the likelihood of chronic carriage of
HPV is linked to immune status, has suggested that `the
reversal of immunosuppression possible in the current
Several investigators have demonstrated that in addition
era of potent antiretroviral therapy may reduce HPV
to an increased frequency of HPV infection, there is an
persistence and consequently the increased risk for
increased frequency and severity of HPV-associated
cervical lesions among HIV-infected women. Massad
found that rates of SIL were ®ve times greater among
A few limitations of this study should be acknowl-
HIV-infected than uninfected women Mandelblatt,
edged. The outcome measure that we used was cy-
in a review of 15 studies comparing the association
tology rather than histology. However, there is no
between HIV, HPV and CIN found that the odds ratio
reason to believe that any discordance between histol-
for CIN was eight times greater for HPV-infected
ogy and cytology would be linked to a patient's use of
women and that there was an interaction between
antiretroviral therapy (none was seen among women
undergoing biopsy in this sample; data not shown).
Further, the Papanicolaou smear is the standard test
The clinical course of CIN has been noted to be
used to screen for cervical disease in the USA. In
marked by more progression and less regression among
addition, all slides were read centrally by blinded
HIV-infected women Ellerbrock has recently
technicians. Another limitation was including ASCUS
reported that among 328 HIV-infected women with-
smears in the analysis. An ASCUS result may not be a
out SIL at baseline 20% developed SIL during approxi-
reproducible ®nding, leading at times to spurious diag-
mately 30 months of follow-up. That rate of
nosis of progression or regression (e.g., a woman with a
HAART and cervical disease Minkoff et al.
normal Papanicolaou that at a subsequent visit has a
The authors thank M. Silverberg for technical assistance
Papanicolaou read as ASCUS may not, in reality, have
had a change in status). However, this would bias
®ndings toward the null; our ®ndings of signi®cant
Sponsorship: The WIHS is funded by the National
differences based on HAART exposure would there-
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, with addi-
fore be reinforced. We also recognize the possibility of
tional supplemental funding from the National Cancer
selection by indication In this study, however,
Institute, the National Institute of Child Health and
that bias would relate to the fact that women who
Human Development, the National Institute on Drug
were most likely to manifest progression of their HPV
Abuse, the National Institute of Dental Research, the
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research , and the
disease would also be those most likely to be put on
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. U01-AI-
HAART. If this were to occur, it would also result in
35004, U01-AI-31834, U01-AI-34994, AI-34989, U01-
a bias toward the null and therefore would again
HD-32632 (NICHD), U01-AI-34993, U01-AI-42590,
increase con®dence in our ®nding that women receiv-
ing HAART had less progression of HPV disease. A
®nal concern is misclassi®cation bias related to HAA-
RT, mediated by poor patient adherence. Here again,
we have bias toward the null (i.e., if a patient is
categorized as taking HAART but in fact takes little or
none of her medication, it would tend to dilute any
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RI 432-01. The Middle East and the Arab, Jewish and Islamic Worlds: SyllabusUniversity of the Americas, Department of International Relations and History, Dr. Paul Rich. August 2002. Course Objective: Our goals include helping you to understand thebackground to the current crisis in the Middle East, and enabling you toform your own opinion about the Arabs, Islam, and the Middle East -- oneof the
I N R E C E N T Y E A R S , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L D R U G S H AV Ebecome implicated in global politics as never before. Inequitabledrug prices, persisting di√erences in national regulatory approaches,and debates over how to define safety and e≈cacy for diverse patientpopulations around the globe now attract an unprecedented degreeof attention. The political, financial, and human health