Microsoft word - anglicans ablaze prayer diary sept oct nov 2011 _2_

Mon 31 Pray for SOMA Singapore: for Derek Lim (ND) and his
wife Sheila and for Derek’s year of medical rest leading to full Sun 20 Pray for Archbishop Ben Kwashi (Chairman of SOMA
recovery and for Revd Titus Soo acting as National Director. Intern. Executive) & his wife Gloria for their protection and NOVEMBER 2011
anointing in their ministry and leadership. Tues 01 Pray for SOMA SA & SOMA Australia Mission to
Mon 21 Pray for the Bishops of ACSA in the leadership of their
Seychelles this month, for two priests from Mityana Diocese in Dioceses and in the Province, that they implement their decisions Uganda part of the team. Mission will focus on teaching, September, October & November 2011
Tues 22 Pray for South Africa as the new officials elected
“But who do you say that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said,
Wed 02 Pray for Revd Trevor Pearce (Deputy Chair of SOMA
restructure the municipalities, pray for honesty and justice “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matt 16:15,16
Intern.) & his wife Cheryl, for wisdom and guidance in managing Wed 23 Pray for all theological colleges and for the training of
the various responsibilities involved with Growing the Church SOMA MISSIONS INTERNATIONAL:
Thurs 03 Pray for Mr Keith Chua(Treasurer of SOMA Intern.)
Thurs 24 Pray for Mario Agreda (Paula)SOMA Latin America
& his wife Irene, in their service and local ministry & in the for inspiration and guidance in growing SOMA. 09-21 Sept SOMA UK Mission to Kajiado Kenya Fri 25 Pray & Fast for GTC – for Trevor Pearce and for
13-26 Nov SOMA UK Mission to Kinkiizi Uganda Fri 04 Pray & Fast for GTC. Pray for Revd Drew Schmotzer
Estelle his assistant, for more funds for extra staff.
Nov SOMA UK Missions to West Tanganyika, Tanzania (Secretary of SOMA Int) in his ministry in SOMA and Chaplain Sat 26 Pray for African Enterprise as they prepare for the
November SOMA SA & SOMA Australia Mission to Seychelles. for Archbishop Mouneer, especially now as Egypt rebuilds mission to Kenton on Sea/Port Alfred schedules from 4-11 MISSIONS:
Sat 05 Pray for more opportunities for local missions in order to
grow teams for missions outside of the country SA. Pray for AE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sun 27 Pray for Pray for Mission Agencies in their endeavour to
reach the lost. Pray for HAGGAI & OMF in training missionaries NEW WINE:
Sun 06 Please pray for the SOMA UK Missions to West
Mon 28 Pray for all schools and universities to be places of
26 Sept – 2 Oct Antonio and Nigel Juckes in Kenya – 3 day New inspiration and renewal, that God may be central to their learning Wine Leaders’ Retreat, a day conference & Sunday ministry Mon 07 Pray for an increase in intercessors, for training
Tues 29 Pray for God to be glorified during 2011 and for the
opportunities & faithfulness in praying & listening. church to be built up and for God’s Kingdom to be extended. Tues 08 Pray for Ian Ballentine (ND) and healing for his wife
Wed 30 Pray for New Wine, Iviyo, Soul Survivor, SOMA &
June. Pray for renewed strength in building up SOMA Ireland. Growing the Church to receive power & wisdom to equip the 29 Aug-10 Sept AESA Foxfire CPT Team to Beaufort West Wed 09 Pray for the new structure of SOMA Australia, giving
29 Aug-04 Sept Valdino & PE Foxfire Team to Middleburg,EC thanks for Bruce Moon (Julie) & for their future role in SOMA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04 –11 Sept JHB Foxfire Team in Pretoria St Anne’s Ang.Ch. For further details, info or response:
Thurs 10 Pray for Anglican Global Mission Networking
04 -11 September Kenton on Sea/Port Alfred Mission 22 Sept-02 Oct AESA Foxfire part of Maputo Mission Fri 11 Pray & Fast for GTC Board Members
13-31 Oct – 6 Foxfires to UK to share & minister Sat 12 Pray for Chris Viljoen(ND of SOMA Southern Africa) &
09-30 October ERRA to Oribi Village in Pietermaritzburg his wife Alison in all that SOMA SA has to prepare for 2012 and Email:
for the drawing in of Young people to experience mission. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prison Ministry and Discipleship initiatives If you would like to receive this Prayer Diary by email, please
Sun 13 Pray for Anglicans Ablaze Board in SA made up of
contact Chris Viljoen:
leaders from Iviyo, New Wine, Soul Survivor, SOMA SA. 20 - 22 Sept “Vulindlela” Conference in Kwa Mashu, Natal– by Mon 14 Pray ACSA and the various Anglican Provinces on the
continent of Africa for deepening of relationships and sharing of 25 September “Back to Church Sunday” initiative GTC ministries to meet the needs on the continent and to share abroad 27 - 28 September Synod of Bishops meet in Gauteng. 28 - 30 September Provincial Standing Comm(PSC) Tues 15 Pray for Pam Berning (Keith), as Prayer-Coordinator
for Anglicans Ablaze & SOMA, producing prayer updates Nov 2011 Anglican Global Mission Networking Conf. Nairobi Wed 16 Pray for Mission Agencies in their endeavour to reach
2012 Anglicans Ablaze SA Conference and Missions the lost. Pray for HAGGAI & OMF in training missionaries ____________________________________________________ Thurs 17 Pray for the Anglicans Ablaze SA Conference and
Missions 2012, pray for the organisers and practical plans. Thur 01 Pray for countries in debt crisis, famine, war, and
Fri 18 Pray & Fast for GTC – Missions & Finances.
recession in our own country, pray for good decisions by Sat 19 Pray for Anne Taylor (Rodney), in the work of
governments and for God’s wisdom & Gospel to prevail. coordinating the missions program for 2012. Fri 02 PRAY & FAST FOR GTC & SOMA SA – for power
Tues 20 Pray for all intercessors for wisdom & perseverance.
Sun 09 Pray for AE, ERRA to Oribi Village in Pietermaritzburg
in their ministry in proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Saviour
Pray for Pam Berning (Keith) Prayer Coordinator of Anglicans (09-30). Pray for South Sudan and protection for the new nation. Sat 03 Pray for the people of Zimbabwe for the Government of
Mon 10 Pray for all SOMA bodies as they share their news and
National Unity–pray relief for the people from suffering & Wed 21 Pray for SOMA SA in finding mission hosts for the
make known the work of SOMA through various publications, missions after the Anglicans Ablaze Conference in 2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thurs 22 Pray for Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, (ACSA) for
Tues 11 Pray for SOMA UK Conference 11-13
Sun 04 Pray for AE Mission to Kenton on Sea/Port Alfred. Pray
strength and guidance and protection as a leader of the Anglican Wed 12 Pray for growth in intercession, for Pam Berning (Keith)
for AE Foxfires in Pretoria at St Anne’s Anglican Church.(-11) Church, give him wisdom and discernment in all his decisions. Prayer Coordinator and all intercessors, growth in numbers of Mon 05 Pray for a new ND for SOMA New Zealand, give
Fri 23 Pray for GTC - for finances to support this ministry
missions, team leaders, team members and for funds for missions thanks for Gradon & Annette Harvey’s ministry and for the Sat 24 Pray for the new SOMA Malaysia formed at the July
Thur 13 Pray for renewal in churches of South Africa & abroad
2011 SOMA International Board & for Bishop Albert Vun in Fri 14 Pray & Fast for GTC - for the faculty members
Tues 06 Pray for Bishop Martin Breytenbach with thanksgiving
Sat 15 Pray for Anglicans Ablaze steering group in setting up
for his contribution at the recent SOMA International Board Mtg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
and for continued inspiration as SOMA SA Chairman and his Sun 25 Pray for the protection of all children in Southern Africa
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and for the opportunity of good education. Pray against human Sun 16 Pray for IVIYO and for power in their ministry of
Wed 07 Pray for SOMA Uganda, for God’s person to lead the
trafficking in South Africa and the world. renewal in Kwazulu Natal, pray for Sydney Mbatha. Mon 26 Pray for New Wine Leaders’ Retreat in Kenya – 3 days:
Mon 17 Pray for African Enterprise, Michael Cassidy (Carol)
Thurs 08 Give thanks for those who have been on their first
retreat, a day conference & Sunday ministry, pray for Antonio Tues 18 Pray for young people to be part of SOMA Missions.
SOMA Mission during July and August 2011 Coppola and Nigel Juckes.(-2 October) Pray for AE Foxfires part Pray for AE Foxfire teams, YWAM, pray for those taking the Fri 09 PRAY & FAST FOR GTC – for Holy Spirit guidance
Gap Year serving Christ, Youth for Christ & for Youth work SA. Pray for Bishop Martin Breytenbach & the Diocese of St Mark Tues 27 Pray for the Synod of Bishops in Gauteng 27-28, pray
Wed 19 Pray for the Anglicans Ablaze “Vulindlela” Conference
the Evangelist. Pray for him & his children for strength for God’s anointing and inspiration on each one Sat 10 Pray for SOMA UK, for Stephen Dinsmore (Janet) ND,
Wed 28 Pray for Provincial Standing Committee (PSC) 28-30
Thur 20 Pray for the organisers of “Vulindlela” Conference and
for raising up leaders & teams for missions in 2012 pray for wisdom and Holy Spirit guidance. for the clergy and full-time workers attending -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thurs 29 Pray for Rob Taylor (Sue), Deputy Chairman of
Fri 21 Pray & Fast for GTC - for Tony Lawrence (Veronica) &
Sun 11 Pray for SOMA UK Mission to Kajiado Kenya Team ldr
Anglicans Ablaze and for his Parish Ministry the Provincial Youth Council to be effective in their ministry Fri 30 Pray & Fast for GTC, give thanks for the impact on
Sat 22 Pray for Alpha and their Prison Ministry and the
Mon 12 Give thanks for the 9 South Africans on recent
the churches in Southern Africa & its ministry in 2011
missions in New Zealand and Australia. Pray for God’s ongoing OCTOBER 2011
work in the three New Zealand Parishes and the Parish in Sat 01 Pray for & fast, for the church’s awakening that God may
Sun 23 Pray for six AE Foxfires to UK to share & minister.
powerfully use her to transform, heal & restore a broken society Pray for Stephen Lungu head of AE International. Tues 13 Pray for SOMA UK Mission to Kinkiizi Uganda (-26)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 24 Pray for the International and National “Back to
Wed 14 Pray for regular contribution towards SOMA and for the
Sun 02 Pray for the church in Japan, protection for new birth.
Church” initiative of GTC – pray for many to respond. Mon 03 Pray for the SOMA International Advisors & their
Tues 25 Pray for SOMA SA mission planning for 2012, pray
Thurs 15 Pray for Mission Agencies in their endeavour to reach
Ministry in Renewal, pray for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide: especially for Chris Viljoen, the National Director. the lost. Pray for HAGGAI & OMF in training missionaries Archbishop Mouneer Anis, Bishop Martin Breytenbach, Revd Wed 26 Pray for SOMA USA for Dr Glen Petta (Debbie) ND, &
Fri 16 PRAY& FAST FOR GTC for Discipleship Courses:
Alfred Cooper, Mrs Rose Marie Edwards Tasker, Mrs Martha for the ongoing fruit from the regional conferences addressed by Rooted in Jesus and Alpha.
Onwuzurumba, Bishop Gabriel Sharma, Bishop Joseph Lee, Sat 17 Pray for Trevor Pearce (Cheryl) in his leadership as
Archbishop Henry Orombi, Bishop James Tengatenga, Bishop Thurs 27 Pray for family life, for Biblical Values and love and
deputy chair of SOMA International and for refreshment after Albert Vun, pray for blessing on their families. chairing the recent international Board Meeting. Tues 04 Pray for the Leadership of churches in Southern Africa
Fri 28 Pray & Fast for Trevor Pearce & his assistant Estelle.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- that they may be inspired and equip their laity. Pray for Dudley Baker, Chair of SOMA Canada and for guidance Sun 18 Pray for SOMA prayer coordinators: Rose Marie
Wed 05 Pray for the Dioceses of Sabah, West Malaysia and
in filling the vacancy of the National Director Edwards Tasker, SOMA International, Hilary Steynor UK, Linda Kuching in working together as SOMA Malaysia. Sat 29 Pray for Bishop Tunde Adeleye (ND) and his wife
Faith Chalk Canada, David Bahler NZ, Pam Berning SA, Carol Thurs 06 Pray for more evangelists to be part of Parish &
Dorothy, for more teams going out from Nigeria. Updike USA, Bev Hargreaves Australia & Jeremy Collingwood, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fri 07 Pray & Fast for GTC & SOMA – for every Coordinator
Sun 30 Pray for Trevor Pearce and those giving oversight in
Mon 19 Pray for SOMA SA Executive: Bishop Martin
to be inspired and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit different departments in preparation for the 2012 Anglicans Breytenbach, Chris Viljoen, Rob Kay, Pat Goldhawk, Jacques Sat 08 Pray for NEW WINE in their ministry of healing and
Ablaze Conference in Johannesburg. Pray too for those who will Jefthas and Pam Berning, in their preparations to host SOMA wholeness, pray for Nigel Juckes as leader be working in preparation for the Conference. Pray for the ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
advertising and for many to join this conference.


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