Intensiv_lavori scientifici

IFSCC conference Barcellona 2008
Novel retinol-like actives from parrots feathers / M. Rigano, M. Picaro, E. Pini, R. Stradi, M. Meloni, A. Bertelli, A.
Benedusi, G. Giuliani. - In: IFSCC magazine. - ISSN 1520-4561. - 11:4(2008). - p. 323-330 Giuliani S.p.A. - Via Palagi, 2 - 20129 Milano Tel. +39 02.20541 - Fax +39 02.29401341 -
14th Meeting of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research
(ESPCR - 2007)
Briganti S. Flori E., Camera E., Pini E., Stradi R., Benedusi A., Giuliani G., Bertelli A., Picardo M.
Novel pigments from parrot feathers with antioxidant and photoprotective actions
Giuliani S.p.A. - Via Palagi, 2 - 20129 Milano Tel. +39 02.20541 - Fax +39 02.29401341 -
39th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Dermatological
The anti-apoptotic activity of psittacofulvins in transplanted hair bulbs
Giuliani G1, Rinaldi F2 1Giuliani SPA, Milan, Italy 2International Hair Research Foundation, Milan, Italy The anti-apoptotic activity of a new compound with a carotenoid-like structure was studied. This compound has been recently isolated chemically as a result of studies on the pigments present in a particular species parrots.This new class of pigment, which are also called Psittacofulvins, have been proved to possess interesting biological properties that differ from those that carotenoids are known to have. To evaluate the anti-apoptotic efficacy on dermal papilla of this compound we studied the effect on transplanted bulbs during hair transplants, like a model of induction of apoptosis of hair bulbs, because the evidence of the hair follicle damage during a transplantation is clear. We made a double blind randomized clinical trial on 50 men, volunteers, underwent an hair transplant (micro-mini grafts, FUE) in androgenic alopecia and treated with a topic solution (nanospheres) with psittacofulvin once a day, from 15 days before hair transplant to 90 days after transplantation.To study the effect of psittacofulvins we used an experimental design evaluating: 1) the number of apoptotic fragments 2) changes in the mitotic activity in the hair follicles before and after transplantation. Quantification of apoptotic fragments in transplanted hair follicles is a sensitive and accurate assay of hair follicle damage. Our results show a very important anti-apoptotic activity of psittacofulvin in transplanted bulbs Giuliani S.p.A. - Via Palagi, 2 - 20129 Milano Tel. +39 02.20541 - Fax +39 02.29401341 -
Biological activity of parrodienes, a new class of polyunsaturated linear
aldehydes similar to carotenoids
Abstract: A new chemical named parrodienes has been extracted from parrots' plumage. From the chemical point of view, parrodienes are polyunsaturated aldehydes similar to carotenoids. On the basis of this similarity we organized some biological experiments to evaluate the inhibition of lipoperoxidation of cell membranes induced by CCl4, protection against ultraviolet rays, anti-inflammatory activity and protection from an increase of ornithine- decarboxylase as marker of tumoral skin alteration. The results of these experiments showed that unsaturated dienes (parrodienes) play an important role on the inhibition and prevention of many biological processes that are at the basis Citazione: Biological activity of parrodienes, a new class of polyunsaturated linear aldehydes similar to carotenoids / E.
Pini, A. Bertelli, R. Stradi, M. Falchi. - In: Drugs under Experimental and Clinical Research. - ISSN 0378-6501. - Giuliani S.p.A. - Via Palagi, 2 - 20129 Milano Tel. +39 02.20541 - Fax +39 02.29401341 -
Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of new carotenoid-like compounds
by electron paramagnetic resonance
Abstract: The antioxidant activity of a novel series of derivatives with a carotenoid-like structure was studied. These derivatives have recently been isolated chemically as a result of studies on the pigments present in a particular species of birds, namely parrots. These novel derivatives, which are also called parrodienes, have been proved to possess interesting biological properties that differ from those that carotenoids are known to have. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the ability of these novel compounds to inhibit the formation of reactive oxygen species, especially their ability to block the formation of hydroxyl radicals, which are among the most reactive products of oxygen reactions and which produce the greatest damage to cells and tissues. The technique used to assess this antioxidant capacity of parrodienes was electron paramagnetic resonance, which allows direct assessment of inhibition of hydroxyl radical formation (.OH). The results show that these derivatives, especially octatriene, are able to exert evident antioxidant activity, thus confirming that their antioxidant properties are important for their biological activity. Citazione: Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of new carotenoid-like compounds by electron paramagnetic resonance / R. Morelli, R. Loscalzo, R. Stradi , A. Bertelli, M. Falchi. - In: Drugs under Experimental and Clinical Research. - ISSN 0378-6501. - 29:3(2003). - p. 95-100. Giuliani S.p.A. - Via Palagi, 2 - 20129 Milano Tel. +39 02.20541 - Fax +39 02.29401341 -
Miller, J., The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature. New York: First
McGraw, K.J., and Nogare, M.C., Distribution of unique red feather pigments in parrots, Biology Letters, 1 (2005)
Stradi, R., Pini, E., and Celentano, G., The chemical structure of pigments in Ara macao plumage, comparative
Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 130 (2001) 57-63.
Briganti, S., Fiori, E., Camera, E., Pini, E.,Stradi, R., Benedusi, A., Giuliani, G., Bertelli, A., and Picaro, M.,
Novel pigments fromparrot feathers with antioxidant and photo-protective actions, Pigment Cell Re-search, 20 (5) Dimri, G.P., Lee, X., Basile, G., Acosta, M.,Scott, G., Roskelley, C., Medrano, E.E.,Linskens, M., Rubelj, I., and
Pereira-Smith,O., A biomarker that identifies senescent human cells in culture and in aging skin in vivo. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 92 (20) (1995) 9363-9367.
Di Majo, D., Giammanco, M., La Guardia,M., Tripoli, E., Giammanco, S., and Finotti,E., Flavanones in Citrus
fruit: Structure-antioxidant activity relationships, Food re-search international, 38 (10) (2005) 1161-1166.
Giuliani S.p.A. - Via Palagi, 2 - 20129 Milano Tel. +39 02.20541 - Fax +39 02.29401341 -
Zhang, H., Structure-Activity Relationships and Rational Design Strategies forRadical-Scavenging
Antioxidants, Cur-rent Computer-Aided Drug Design, 1 (3)(2005) 257-273.
Van, Acker S., De Groot, M., Van den Berg,D., Tromp, M., Den Kelder, G., and Van derVijgh, W., A quantum
chemical explanation of the antioxidant activity of flavonoids, Chemical Research in Toxicology, 9 (1996)1305- Briganti, S., (et al),Small molecular antioxidants effectively protect from PUVA-induced oxidative stress
responses underlying fibroblast senescence and photoaging, Journal of Free Radicals in Biology & Medicine Luigi Rigano, Mauro Picardo, Elena Pini, Riccardo Stradi, Marisa Meloni, Aldo Bertelli Anna Benedusi, Giammaria
Novel Retinol-Like Actives from Parrots Feathers, Journal of IFSCC 2008 in Barcelona, Spain Giammaria Giuliani, Fabio Rinaldi
The reflectance confocal microscopy in the study Of hair follicle pigmentary unit Journal of Plastic Dermatology, Vol4,N.1 January-April 2008 Philpott M.
In vitro maintenance of isolated hair follicles: current status and future development.
Giuliani S.p.A. - Via Palagi, 2 - 20129 Milano Tel. +39 02.20541 - Fax +39 02.29401341 -
Bahta AW, Farjo N, Farjo B, Philpott MP.
Premature senescence of balding dermal papilla cells in vitro is associated with p16(INK4a) expression.
J Invest Dermatol. 2008 May;128(5):1088-94.
Shin HS, Won CH, Lee SH, Kwon OS, Kim KH, Eun HC.
Efficacy of 5% minoxidil versus combined 5% minoxidil and 0.01% tretinoin for male pattern hair loss: a randomized, double-blind, comparative clinical trial. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2007;8(5):285-90.
Kwon OS, Pyo HK, Oh YJ, Han JH, Lee SR, Chung JH, Eun HC, Kim KH
Promotive effect of minoxidil combined with all-trans retinoic acid (tretinoin) on human hair growth in vitro.
J Korean Med Sci. 2007 Apr;22(2):283-9.
Everts HB, Sundberg JP, King LE Jr, Ong DE.
Immunolocalization of enzymes, binding proteins, and receptors sufficient for retinoic acid synthesis and signaling J Invest Dermatol. 2007 Jul;127(7):1593-604. Epub 2007 Mar 15.
Yoo HG, Chang IY, Pyo HK, Kang YJ, Lee SH, Kwon OS, Cho KH, Eun HC, Kim KH.
The additive effects of minoxidil and retinol on human hair growth in vitro.
Biol Pharm Bull. 2007 Jan;30(1):21-6.
Giuliani S.p.A. - Via Palagi, 2 - 20129 Milano Tel. +39 02.20541 - Fax +39 02.29401341 -



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