Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Microsoft word - 09 anaphyax mgmt plan.doc
Patient’s Name _____________________________________________________
DOB _____________________________ Date Completed __________________
Parents’ Name _____________________________________________________
Permission to carry meds? _______yes __ _ no
___ My child has food, contact, medication or insect bite allergies that could require use of epinephrine This device is located
_________________________________________________________________________ Child knows how to self-use: ___ yes ___no
Food allergens: Contact Allergens: Insect Bite Allergens Medications
_______________________________ ____________________________ ________________________ _________________ _______________________________ ____________________________ ________________________ _________________ _______________________________ ____________________________ ________________________ _________________ _______________________________ ____________________________ ________________________ _________________ _______________________________ ____________________________ ________________________ _________________
Physician’s Name ____________________________________________ Phone _________________________ Name __________________________
Preferred Hospital ____________________________________________ Address ________________________ Phone _________________________
Preferred Ambulance Service ___________________________________ Phone _________________________ Relationship ____________________
Health Insurance _____________________________________________ Policy # ________________________
Parental Contact: Home Address __________________________________________________ City _____________________________ Zip _____________________
Home Phone ______________________________ Father’s cel __________________________ Father’s work phone _________________________
Mother’s cel _______________________________ Mother’s work phone ____________________________________
Nearest relative: Name ____________________________________________ Relation _____________________________ Phone ___________________
Mouth: itching & swel ing of lips, tongue or the mouth Throat: itching &/or tightening in throat, hoarseness, cough
Skin: itchy rash, hives, swel ing in face or extremities Gut: nausea, cramps, vomiting, &/or diarrhea
Lung: shortness of breath, repetitive coughing &/or wheezing Heart: “thready” pulse, fainting
Al or any of these symptoms can progress to life-threatening anaphylactic reaction. Monitor closely. If child also has asthma, a sudden onset of asthma symptoms may indicate al ergic reaction if there was any indication of contact with their al ergic al ergens. If any of above symptoms appear upon contact or suspected contact with al ergen, epinephrine must be administered immediately. Note: injecting epinephrine if not needed wil not be harmful. Fol ow these procedures: 2) Physician directs that teacher or nurse gives epinephrine for any symptom beyond one or two hives: ____yes ___no Physician directs
A child may know how to use a device but in emergency may not be able to do so. Adult uses the auto-injector, injecting through clothing if required, into the thigh at finger tip level. Try to avoid the seam on jeans. Ask child to lie stil , adult remain with child at al times. 3) Physician directs, after injection, adult gives Benedryl or other antihistamine: ___yes ___no Instead, ________________________________ ______________________________________. If child has asthma, physician directs to give 2 puffs of albuterol: ___yes ___no. 4) After 5 minutes, nurse or teacher reassess reaction. If not improving, inject second dose of epinephrine. 5) Immediately when reaction occurs, another adult calls 911, fol owing emergency procedure plans. Cal parents and tel them what hospital child wil go to. Nurse or teacher remains with student at al times, accompanying them to hospital till parent arrives. Provide copy of emergency plan and contact info to medics. Take al their medications with you to hospital. Special Instructions: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Physician’s Signature ________________________________________________________ Date _________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________________ Date _________________
N'Aleminum-Gusta Det finns många män och kvinnor av betydelse i vår långa historia som aldrig fått ett erkännande av sin samtid. Det är med en viss inre tillfredsställelse jag här och nu vill ge några rader ur minnet av en av dessa gestalter i min hemby under 20-30 talet och framåt. Hans namn var Gustav Jonsson född 27/12-1870 och dog den 1/12-1955. Denne särpräglade och unike le
Thresholds for therapies: highlights of the St GallenInternational Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapyof Early Breast Cancer 2009A. Goldhirsch1,2*, J. N. Ingle3, R. D. Gelber4, A. S. Coates5, B. Thu¨rlimann6, H.-J. Senn7& Panel members 1International Breast Cancer Study Group, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, Bellinzona, Switzerland; 2European Institute of Oncology, Milan, It