Mouse models of autism spectrum disorders: the challenge for behavioral genetics
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C (Semin. Med. Genet.) 142C:40 – 51 (2006)
Mouse Models of Autism Spectrum Disorders:The Challenge for Behavioral Genetics
Autism is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder, which typically emerges early in childhood. The core symptomsof autism include deficits in social interaction, impaired communication, and aberrant repetitive behavior,including self-injury. Despite the strong genetic component for the disease, most cases of autism have not beenlinked to mutations in a specific gene, and the etiology of the disorder has yet to be established. At the presenttime, there is no generally accepted therapeutic strategy to treat the core symptoms of autism, and there remainsa critical need for appropriate animal models and relevant behavioral assays to promote the understanding andtreatment of the clinical syndrome. Challenges for the development of valid mouse models include complexgenetic interactions underlying the high heritability of the disease in humans, diagnosis based on deficits in socialinteraction and communication, and the lack of confirmatory neuropathological markers to provide validation forgenetic models of the disorder. Research focusing on genes that mediate social behavior in mice may help identifyneural circuitry essential for normal social interaction, and lead to novel genetic animal models of the autismbehavioral phenotype.
KEY WORDS: autism; fragile X; mice; repetitive behavior; Rett syndrome; social interaction
and communication deficits, rather than a
aberrations characteristic of human clin-
ed in an animal. In addition, the ASDs are
cellular function, and therapeutic efficacy
munication, as well as aberrant repetitive
ical and theoretical issues in their beha-
children demonstrate rigid adherenceto routines and restricted interests, oftenforming obsessional preoccupations with
Sheryl S. Moy, Ph.D., is the Associate Director of the Mouse Behavioral Phenotyping Laboratory
of the Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Center, and an Associate Professor in the
Department of Psychiatry at UNC. Dr. Moy’s work focuses on the development of mouse models
ic responses, such as tic-like stereotypies
relevant to human clinical disorders, including autism and schizophrenia.
Jessica J. Nadler, Ph.D., is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Genetics at UNC.
Dr. Nadler works on identifying the underlying gene expression changes associated with deficits
Terry R. Magnuson, Ph.D., is the Chair of the UNC Department of Genetics and Director of the
Carolina Center for Genome Sciences.
Jacqueline N. Crawley, Ph.D., is Director of the Laboratory of Behavioral Neuroscience at NIMH
and the Mouse Behavioral Phenotyping Laboratory of the Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Research Center at UNC. Modeling neuropsychiatric disorders using mouse behavioral geneticsrepresents a theme of Dr. Crawley’s research program.
Grant sponsor: STAART; Grant number: U54 MH66418; Grant sponsor: MRDDRC; Grant
number: P30 HD03110; Grant sponsor: NIMH Intramural Research Program.
*Correspondence to: Sheryl S. Moy, Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Center, CB no.
7146, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7146. E-mail:
disorders [Gillberg and Billstedt, 2000].
autistic subjects may have various altera-
ing susceptibility in a non-deterministic
tions in brain size and neuroanatomy.
involved in autism susceptibility include
size and brain volume [Piven et al., 1996;
1999; Saitoh et al., 2001], and decreased
[Bailey et al., 1998; Palmen et al., 2004].
technology, mouse geneticists are able to
tion, a serious drawback of this approach
consistent with the allele present in the
associated alleles for a given disorder, and
ways thought to be altered in autism.
more frequently in males than in females,
investigated when evaluating the validity
used to identify various candidate genes,
mon allele found in fragile X patients is
basis for Rett disorder; [Shibayama et al.,
10% (e.g., Barton and Volkmar [1998]).
fragile X, the number of these repeats is
modification is to generate a null allele,
the deficits observed in the disease, but
TABLE I. Genes Linked to Autism and the Relevant Mouse Models
Genes for neurodevelopmental disorders associated with autism
Nf1-null, heterozygous, and NF123aÀ/À mouse
Other genes that may contribute to autism susceptibility
Wnt2-null mouseDvl1 (Dishevelled-1)-null mouse
Chiurazzi, 2001; Darnell et al., 2005].
also Paradee et al., 1999]. These differ-
human disorders associated with autism.
late complex behavioral phenotypes,even in a defined, single-locus disease.
also reflects symptoms associated withthe human disorder. The null mice
sequence is likely similar: severe reduction
are two global methods of transcriptional
attributed, in part, to the effect of the
mice. In particular, the Fmr1-null allele
truncation often leads to a classical Rett
cations are associated with the preserved
of the Mecp2 locus can lead to deficits in
social interaction [Moretti et al., 2005].
and enhanced susceptibility for seizures,
of the mutation [Jiang et al., 1998; Miura
(NF1), an autosomal dominant disordercharacterized by cognitive and language
deficits, poor motor skills, and tumors of
the peripheral nerves [Silva et al., 1997;
testing of heterozygotes has revealed that
tion for tumors [Silva et al., 1997; Costa
origin), the phenotype of these deletions
[Chen et al., 2001; Guy et al., 2001].
targeted disruption have delayed onset of
terol biosynthesis, suggesting a possible
in mice leads to severe respiratory failure
protein’s role in the disease process can
[Fitzky et al., 2001; Wassif et al., 2001;
neural tissue, rather than in the periph-
ery. Another allele, Mecp2308, is similar
tuberous sclerosis 1, is characterized by
region of human chromosome 7p14.2-15. A polymorphism changing a histi-
susceptibility for autism [e.g., Collabo-
the population [Ingram et al., 2000].
rative Linkage Study of Autism, 1999].
allele for Sert is placed on a 129S6 strain
cal signal transduction cascade, utilizing
screened for autistic-like behaviors [see
a premise supported by the identification
for the null allele for Maoa have increased
with elevated levels of serotonin in blood
trations in the brain [Cases et al., 1995].
Pups exhibit trembling, difficulty right-
and Leventhal, 1996]. Clinical trials have
Wassink et al., 2001]. A null allele of the
conditioned fear task [Kim et al., 1997],
test [Popova et al., 2000]. Overall, Sert-
significant behavioral effects of altera-
interaction deficits [Lijam et al., 1997;
ses in brain serotonin levels [Bengel et al.,
et al., 2004]. A targeted disruption of the
foliation of the cerebellum [Joyner et al.,
Reeler brains revealed that neurons failed
wire cage, which allows visual, auditory,
association is not observed in all autism
tions. An identical wire cage is placed in
[Rodier, 1996; Insel, 2001; Murcia et al.,
symptoms characteristic of the ASDs.
clinicians, therapists, and other profes-
ding schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and
sionals working in the field of autism, has
depression, as well as with lissencephaly
[Fatemi, 2001], suggesting that the Reeler
to model specific aspects of autistic-like
and in males and females [Brodkin et al.,
brain alterations specific to autism. Apart
preference for social novelty. In this case,
preference for social novelty, and learn-
the unfamiliar mouse from the first phase
maze task [Salinger et al., 2003; Lalonde
et al., 2004]. Some studies have reported
the opposite side of the test box. We have
tasks that may be relevant to elements of
demonstrate a shift in preference, so that
stranger 2, rather than the more-familiar
between two unfamiliar conspecifics.
nent for our behavioral testing battery.
avoidance, using a relatively rapid, auto-
mated task [Nadler et al., 2004]. Further
utilize observations of social interaction
resident-intruder paradigm, or tube tests
gene-dosage relationship [Salinger et al.,
titative evaluation of social approach and
the first phase of this test, mice are given
ses to social isolation early in develop-
TABLE II. Mouse Behavioral Tasks for Modeling the Autism Phenotype
Lijam et al. [1997]; Moretti et al. [2005]
Mohn et al. [1999]; Moretti et al. [2005]
Holtzman et al. [1996]; Moles et al. [2004]
Restricted interests, repetitive behavior;
Wu and Melton [1993]; Presti et al. [2003]
DeLorey et al. [1998]; Turner et al. [2001]
Salinger et al. [2003]; Yan et al. [2004]
Griebel et al. [2000]; Ren-Patterson et al. [2005]
Bouwknecht and Paylor [2002]; Peier et al. [2000]
Tuetling et al. [1999]; Nielson et al. [2002]
Martinez-Cue et al. [1999]; Long et al. [2004]
Lalonde et al. [2004]; Moretti et al. [2005]
Gerlai et al. [1996]; Miura et al. [2002]
Morris water maze, hidden platform task Sago et al. [1998]; Lalonde et al. [2004]Radial arm maze
Driscoll et al. [2004]; Frankland et al. [2004]
DeLorey et al. [1998]; Lira et al. [2003]
escape platform before a final probe trial.
rewards. One disadvantage of this task is
perseverative sniffing, circling, digging,
testing, the escape platform is placed in
of motivational levels across strains.
ing [Cases et al., 1995; Homanics et al.,
grooming and scratching can lead to self-
injury, such as torn ears and skin lesions
tion during reversal learning could serve
vior include measures of exploration on a
during the reversal phase [Bakker et al.,
in an excessive adherence to routine.
pokes into a restricted set of holes, versus
Bell et al., 2003], and the investigation of
resistance to change a learned pattern of
behavior. In this task, mice are trained to
locate a hidden escape platform, which is
particular arm (left or right) of the maze
periphery of the pool. Spatial learning in
can result in a less severe phenotype.
global view of the etiology of autism.
be changed in mouse models for ASDs.
trol measures, such as tests for activity
vasopressin deficient mice [Insel et al.,
crucial for the interpretation of observed
deficits in social preference [Moy et al.,
and paternal, present in the genome.
2004], as well as other tasks relevant to
the appropriate parent [e.g., Jiang et al.,
1998; Miura et al., 2002; Liljelund et al.,
appears to underlie susceptibility for the
described in this review involve targeted
across background strains, as observed in
the Engrailed mouse, Joyner et al., 1991;
disadvantage of this approach is that the
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for detailed genetic characterization.
characterized by reduction or loss of the
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Renieri A. 2001. Preserved speech variants
October 2006 Editorial Olivier Forcade, president of the Academic Council and the Board of Administrators of the EFEO for the past four years, has recently been elected to the Chair of Contemporary History at Amiens University. He is leaving his responsibilities for the French Institutes Abroad at the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The EFEO is deeply indebted to Mr. Forcade,
Projektliste "Junior Research Group" (JRG) Environmental Archaeology, Wiebke Kirleis Bezeichnung/Ort Zeitstellung Zuständige Person/en Kooperation Mittel- und NordeuropaTrauerfloristik herzöglicher Kirchengrüfte in Wiebke Kirleis, Ulrich Müller, Helmut KrollDr. Regina Ströbl, LDA Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, SchwerinDr. Andreas Stroebl, AG Friedhof und Denkmal e.V., Zentr