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Microsoft word - chloroform msds.doc

City Plastics Pty Ltd
61 East Street
Brompton 5007
South Australia
Ph: (+61) 8, 8346 6500
Fax: (+61) 8, 8346 6711
ABN 20 101 181 793
ACN 101 181 793
Section 1
Product and Company Identification
City Plastics Pty Ltd
61 East Street
South Australia
Phone: +61,8,8346 6500
Fax: +61,8,8346 6711
Material Identification
Product Name: CHLOROFORM
Chemical Name: Trichloromethane; Methyl trichloride; Methane trichloride
CAS Number: 67-66-3
Product Use: Laboratory Reagent. Solvent adhesive for some plastics.
Section 2
Composition/Information on Ingredients
Chemical Formula: CHCl3
Section 3
Hazards Identification
depends on level and duration of exposure.
Inhalation: Acts as a relatively potent aesthetic. Irritates respiratory tract and causes
central nervous system effects, including headache, drowsiness, and dizziness. Exposure
to higher concentrations may result in unconsciousness and even death. May cause liver
injury and blood disorders. Prolonged exposure may lead to death due to irregular
heartbeat and kidney and liver disorders.
Ingestion: Causes severe burning in mouth and throat, pain in the chest and vomiting.
Large quantities may cause symptoms similar to inhalation.
Skin Contact: Causes skin irritation resulting in redness and pain. Removes natural oils.
May be absorbed through skin.
City Plastics Pty Ltd
61 Ea st Street
Brompton 5007
South Australia
Ph: (+61) 8, 8346 6500
Fax: (+61) 8, 8346 6711
Section 3
Hazards Identification (Continued)
Eye Contact: Vapours causes pain and irritation to eyes. Splashes may cause severe
irritation and possible eye damage.
Chronic Exposure: Prolonged or repeated exposure to vapours may cause damage to
the nervous system, the heart and the liver and kidneys. Contact with liquid has defatting
effect and may cause chronic irritation of skin with cracking and drying, and corresponding
dermatitis. Chloroform is a suspected human carcinogen.
Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye
problems, or impaired liver, kidney or respiratory function may be more susceptible to the
effects of the substance.
Section 4
First Aid Measures
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is
difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention.
Ingestion: If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Give large quantities of water.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention
Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while
removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention immediately. Wash
clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse.
Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting
lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately.
Note to Physician: Because kidney and liver effects may be delayed, keep victim under
observation for 24 to 48 hr. Administration of fluids may help to prevent kidney failure.
Obtain blood glucose, urinalysis, liver function tests, chest x-ray, and monitor cardiac
function and fluid/electrolyte status. Monitor liver and kidney function for 4 to 5 days after
exposure. Disulfiram, its metabolites, and a high carbohydrate diet appear to protect
somewhat against chloroform toxicity. Do not give adrenalin! Tests may show increased
bilirubin, ketosis, lowered blood prothombin, and fibrogen.
Section 5
Fire Fighting Measures
Flash ignition temperature: Slight fire hazard when exposed to high heat; otherwise,
practically not flammable.
Unusual fire, explosion hazards: Sealed containers may rupture when heated.
Special fire fighting instructions: In the event of fire, wear full protective clothing and
approved self contained breathing apparatus with full face piece operated in the pressure
demand or other positive pressure mode.
Extinguishing media: Use any means suitable for extinguishing surrounding fire.
City Plastics Pty Ltd
61 Ea st Street
Brompton 5007
South Australia
Ph: (+61) 8, 8346 6500
Fax: (+61) 8, 8346 6711
Section 6
Accidental Release Measures
Spill or release: Ventilate area of leak or spill. Remove all sources of ignition. Wear
appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Isolate hazard area.
Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Contain and recover liquid
when possible. Use non-sparking tools and equipment. Collect liquid in an appropriate
container or absorb with an inert material (e.g. vermiculite, dry sand, earth), and place in a
chemical waste container. Do not use combustible materials, such as sawdust. Do not
flush to stormwater system. If a leak or spill has not ignited, use water spray to disperse
the vapours, to protect personnel attempting to stop leak, and to flush spills away from
Section 7
Handling and Storage
Keep in a tightly closed light-resistant container, stored in a cool, dry, ventilated area. Protect against physical damage. Isolate from incompatible substances. Wear special protective equipment (Sec. 8) for maintenance break-in or where exposures may exceed established exposure levels. Wash hands, face, forearms and neck when exiting restricted areas. Shower, dispose of outer clothing, change to clean garments at the end of the day. Avoid cross-contamination of street clothes. Wash hands before eating and do not eat, drink, or smoke in workplace. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (vapours, liquid); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product. Chloroform odour threshold: 250 mg/m3. The odour threshold only serves as a warning of exposure; not smelling it does not mean you are not being exposed. Section 8
Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Eye: Use chemical safety goggles and/or a full face shield where splashing is possible.
Maintain eye wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area.
Skin: Wear impervious protective clothing, including boots, gloves, lab coat, apron or
coveralls, as appropriate, to prevent skin contact.
Ventilation: Local exhaust at processing equipment to assure that particulate levels are
kept at recommended levels.
Respirator: A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended. If the exposure
level is high, a half-face organic vapour respirator may be worn. A full-face piece organic
vapour respirator may also be worn.
Section 9
Physical and Chemical Properties
Appearance: Clear, colourless liquid.
Odour: Characteristic ethereal odour.
Solubility: 0.8g/100g water @ 20C (68F).
Specific Gravity: 1.48 @ 20C/4C
City Plastics Pty Ltd
61 Ea st Street
Brompton 5007
South Australia
Ph: (+61) 8, 8346 6500
Fax: (+61) 8, 8346 6711
Section 9
Physical and Chemical Properties (Continued)
pH: No information found.
% Volatiles by volume @ 21C (70F): 100
Boiling Point: 62C (144F)
Melting Point: -63.5C (-83F)
Vapour Density (Air=1): 4.1
Vapour Pressure (mm Hg): 160 @ 20C (68F)
Evaporation Rate (BuAc=1): 11.6
Section 10 Stability and Reactivity
Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. pH decreases on
prolonged exposure to light and air due to formation of HCl.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: May produce carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,
hydrogen chloride and phosgene when heated to decomposition. Incompatibilities: Strong
caustics and chemically active metals such as aluminium, magnesium powder, sodium, or
potassium; acetone, fluorine, methanol, sodium methoxide, dinitrogen tetroxide, tert-
butoxide, triisopropylphosphine.
Conditions to Avoid: Light, heat, air and incompatibles.
Section 11 Toxicological Information
Chronic toxicity: Investigated as a tumorigenic, mutagen, and reproductive effector.
Carcinogenicity: Yes
Section 12 Ecological Information
Environmental Fate: When released into the soil, this material is expected to leach into
groundwater. When released into the soil, this material is expected to quickly evaporate.
When released to water, this material is expected to quickly evaporate. When released
into the water, this material is expected to have a half-life between 1 and 10 days. This
material has a log octanol-water partition coefficient of less than 3.0. This material is not
expected to significantly bioaccumulate. When released into the air, this material may be
moderately degraded by reaction with photo chemically produced hydroxyl radicals. When
released into the air, this material may be moderately degraded by photolysis. When
released into the air, this material may be removed from the atmosphere to a moderate
extent by wet deposition. When released into the air, this material is expected to have a
half-life of greater than 30 days.
Environmental Toxicity: This material is not expected to be toxic to aquatic life.
City Plastics Pty Ltd
61 Ea st Street
Brompton 5007
South Australia
Ph: (+61) 8, 8346 6500
Fax: (+61) 8, 8346 6711
Section 13 Disposal Considerations
Spill or release: Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be handled
as hazardous waste and sent to an approved waste facility. Processing, use or
contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local
disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and
unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements.
Section 14 Transport Information
Hazard class: 6.1
Shipping name: CHLOROFORM
Section 15 Regulatory Information
Australian Hazchem Code: 2Z
Poison Schedule: S6
Section 16 Other Information
Prepared by: Steven Cook Issued: 1 September 2009 The information set forth herein has been gathered from standard reference materials and/or supplier test data and is to the best knowledge and belief of City Plastics Pty Ltd, accurate and reliable. Such information is offered solely for your consideration, investigation and verification, and it is not suggested or guaranteed that the hazard precautions or procedures mentioned are the only ones, which exist. City Plastics Pty Ltd makes no warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the use of such information or the use of the specific material identified herein in combination with any other material or process, and assumes no responsibility.

Source: http://www.cityplastics.com.au/site_files/687/pdf_files/chloroform%20msds.pdf

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