
The Civic Federation
Awards Luncheon
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A message from
Kevork M. Derderian
Chairman of the Board of Directors
It is m y g r eat p leasur e to w elco m e y ou to T h e C iv ic F ed er atio n ’s 2 0 04 A n nu al A w ar d s L u n ch eo n . T h is year ’s aw ar d r ecip ien ts ar e sh in in g exam p les o f ho wb u sin ess lead er s w ho are co m m itted to civ ic in v o lv em en t can im p r ov e th e qu alityo f life fo r ev er y on e in the C h icag o m etro p o litan ar ea. L ester C r ow n p er son ifies th e q u alities o f r ecip ien ts o f th e L y m an J. G ag e A w ar dfo r O u tstan ding C iv ic C on tr ib u tio n by an In d iv id ual. H e is kn o w n in eq ual m easu r e as o n e o f th e r eg io n ’s fo r em o st b u sin essm en and as o n e o f the m o stp r o lific co ntr ibu to r s to th e r eg io n ’s p h ilan th r o pic an d civ ic end eav o r s. H is r o le as chair m an o f H en r y C r o w n an d C o m p any u su ally tak es seco nd p lace in th e p u blic m in d to h is d ed ication to m ak ing C h icago a better place fo r all o f u s. T h is y ear ’s A d d am s-P alm er A w ar d go es to E x elo n C o r po r atio n . E x elo n ’s d ed icatio n to C h icag o is ev id en t fr o m its effo r ts to en co ur age thed evelo p m en t o f self-su stain in g an d en v ir on m en tally fr ien d ly co m m un ities and its m any p ar tn er ships w ith th e C ity o f C h icag o ’s p ar k s and scho o ls. T o d ay ’s lu n ch eo n w o u ld n o t h av e been p o ssib le if n o t fo r th e w illin g n ess o f th e ev en t’s C o -C h air m en to h elp o r g an ize it. T h er efor e, on beh alf o f th e F eder atio n ’s m em b er s an d Bo ar d of D ir ecto r s, I w o u ld lik e to exten d ou r w ar m est th an k s to N o r m an R . Bo b in s, W . Jam es F ar r ell, an dA n dr ew J. M cK enn a. A ll th r ee o f th ese o utstan d in g b u sin essm en have g iven a gr eat d eal o f theirtim e and atten tio n to assistin g T h e C iv ic F eder atio n an d so m any o th er o r g an izatio n s. T h e w o r k o f T h e C iv ic F ed er atio n w ou ld n o t be p ossib le w itho u t the h ig h level o f co m m itm en td em o n str ated by o ur Bo ard o f D ir ector s an d E x ecu tive C o m m ittee m em ber s w ho sh ape th e day -to-d ay effo r ts o f o u r o r gan izatio n . T h e F ed er atio n ’s effo r ts focu s o n in dep end en t, n o n -par tisan r esear ch and th e p r o m o tio n o f r atio n al tax p o licies an d im p r o ved d eliv er y of g o v ern m en t ser vices.
P lease let m e sh ar e w ith you a few o f o ur su ccesses o v er th e p ast y ear . • As part of our efforts to work with local elected officials, we successfully offered alter nativ es to in cr eases in b o th sales and lease tax es p r o p osed b y C o ok C ou nty , w hichw o u ld hav e n egativ ely affected th e b u sin ess clim ate an d o ver bu r den ed taxp ayer s. • Our research into redundant units of local government lead to a call for the elimination of the Su bu r ban C o ok C o u n ty T u b er cu lo sis San itar iu m D istr ict, w h ich th e Illin o is G en er alA ssem b ly is con sid er in g . • The Transportation Committee, chaired by Joseph Starshak, worked successfully with the C h icag o T r an sit A u th o r ity o n a n u m b er of issu es in clu d in g a r atio n al far e in cr ease an dincr eased d isclo su r e o f p ensio n in fo r m atio n . • Our Task Force on the Public Funding of Cultural Institutions, led by Adrienne Archia an d M ich ael M u r ph y , has m ad e g r eat p r o gr ess in o u r effo r ts to im p r o v e p u b lic su pp or t fo ro u r r eg io n ’s v aluab le cu ltu r al in stitu tio n s. • The Tax C ommittee, chaired by Thomas M cN ulty, successfully opposed legislation that w o u ld h av e den ied C o o k C o u n ty b u sin esses an o p p or tun ity to ap p eal p ro p er ty tax assessm en ts an d b r o k er ed r easo n able co m p r o m ises r elated to th e legitim ate n eed s ofsch o o l d istr icts an d th e r igh ts o f tax pay er s. In clo sin g , let m e again than k y o u for y ou r su pp o r t o f to d ay’s lu n ch eon ho n o r in g L ester C r o w nand E x elon . If y o u ar e n ot alr eady a m em b er o f T h e C iv ic F eder atio n , I enco ur ag e y o u to jo in u sin o u r effor ts to im p r ov e th e qu ality o f o u r lo cal g ov er n m en t and p r o m o te r atio n al tax p o licies.
T h e in v o lvem en t o f o ur m em b er s is key to o ur su ccess. A n d yo ur inv o lvem en t to d ay w ill help b r in g ab o u t m o r e successes in th e n ex t y ear . T h ank y o u again fo r y o u r su pp o r t and en jo y theeven t. A message from
Co-Chairs of the
Awards Luncheon
Norman R. Bobins, W. James Farrell,
and Andrew J. McKenna
Welcome to The Civic Federation’s Annual Awards Luncheon where we recognize an outstanding Chicagoan and an outstanding Chicago corporation for their extraordinary contributions to our community. This year’s honorees truly represent the best in Chicago’s civic leadership. • The 2004 Lyman J. Gage Award for Outstanding Civic Contribution by an Individual
is a most fitting acknowledgement of the tremendous civic leadership and commitment
of Lester Crown, Chairman of Material Service Corporation.
• The 2004 Addams-Palmer Award recognizes Exelon Corporation’s over one hundred
years of exemplary civic involvement in Chicago. Since its founding 110 years ago, The Civic Federation has been a strong voice for responsiblegovernment, but it can only be as effective as we make it. We have learned over the years thatour strength as a community depends on the civic involvement of the individuals andcorporations who call Chicago home. We sincerely appreciate all of the members of theChicago business and civic communities that have joined us today to recognize these outstandingleaders and support their common goal of improving Chicago. We are pleased to have served as co-chairs of this special event. Thank you for yourparticipation today and your continued support of The Civic Federation. Norman R. Bobins
W. James Farrell
President and Chief Executive Officer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Andrew J. McKenna
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Welcome
Awards Presentation
Addams-Palmer Award for
Exemplary Corporate Civic Involvement
Exelon Corporation
Frank M. Clark
President, ComEd
Lyman J. Gage Award for
Outstanding Civic Contribution by an Individual
Lester Crown
Material Service Corporation
Special thanks to the Chicago Historical Society, Project Exploration, and the Shedd Aquarium for their generous contribution to the special drawing which will be held after lunch. The Addams-Palmer Award
Presented for the first time in 1995, the Addams-Palmer Award is named for two outstanding Chicago women who helped form The Civic Federation - Jane Addams of Hull House and
Bertha Honoré Palmer. Addams and Palmer both served as founders and first Vice
Presidents of The Civic Federation and are widely credited with helping clean up corruption
in local government. In their memory, the Addams-Palmer award is given annually in
recognition of civic achievement on the part of a corporation.
Jane Addams is known throughout the world for her work on behalf of social reform,
especially her efforts to improve the lives of Chicago's most needy immigrants, women and
children. The University of Illinois-Chicago campus recently replaced Addams' historic
settlement house. However, her spirit and dedication to improving the delivery of
government services to all Chicagoans lives on in The Civic Federation, which she helped
establish, and through her many students and protégés. Jane Addams was also the first
American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931, but her fragile health prevented
her from traveling to Europe for the ceremonies. She died in Chicago in 1935.
Bertha Honoré Palmer was born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1849. She moved to Chicago
with her first husband, Henry Honoré. Upon Mr. Honoré ’s early death, Bertha took over
responsibility for the family business. In 1871, Bertha married Chicago's richest man, Potter
Palmer, who presented her with the astonishing wedding present of the Palmer House Hotel,
which was later destroyed by the Chicago fire.
Although married to one of Chicago' s most prominent citizens, Bertha Palmer was a civic
leader in her own right. She gave both personal and financial support to her friend, Jane
Addams, and the Hull Settlement House efforts. She was also elected one of the first
women trustees of Northwestern University. Bertha Palmer joined fellow Civic Federation
member Lyman Gage as an early organizer of the Columbian Exposition of 1892. Palmer
was chairwoman of the Exposition' s Women' s Board and was responsible for the
development of the Women' s Building, which featured exhibits from 47 nations and
demonstrated both the achievements of women around the world and the difficulties under
which they labored.
Previous recipients of the Addams-Palmer Award include:

1995 Sears Roebuck and Company
2000 McDonald's Corporation
1996 United Airlines, Inc.
2001 LaSalle Bank
1997 Chicago '96
2002 Aon Corporation
1998 First NBD Corporation
2003 RR Donnelley
2004 Exelon Corporation
Addams-Palmer Award Recipient
accepted by: Frank M. Clark, President, ComEd
Exelon’s corporate citizenship strategy is designed to improve the quality of life for the people who live and work in their servicearea and is linked to Exelon’s Vision and Strategic Goal of Living Up to Our Commitments. Exelon and its subsidiaries have always been strong supporters of the communities in which they do business and believe that a commitment to their customers,shareholders, and employees is a hallmark of the Exelon name. Exelon has created its corporate citizenship strategy to focus on four core areas: education, environment, arts & culture, and community and neighborhood development, while reinforcing the core values of diversity and safety. The Energy for Education Program is an umbrella for the company’s educational initiatives and seeks to accomplish the following results: encourage students to stay in school and develop their full potential; partner with area schools to promote mathand science; improve workforce skills; and encourage personal development through scholarships, mentoring and internships. ComEd recently demonstrated a greater commitment to education by underwriting participation in the Chicago Public SchoolsMath and Science Initiative. The grant provides support to four schools over the next five years to improve the math and science learning experience for students. Involvement in science initiatives extends even further with the ComEd 100Achievements in Science Award. The program is geared toward youngsters in grades 7 through 12 who have proficiently applied scientific principles in their scholastic endeavors. The student winners receive a $2,000 savings bond, personal digitalassistant or an IBM computer and printer as recognition for their work. Exelon’s Matching Gifts for Education program further demonstrates their commitment by matching employee gifts up to $1,000 per calendar year to an accredited educationalinstitution of their choice. Exelon supports organizations and initiatives whose mission is to improve the quality of the environment by promoting environmental education, conservation and preservation; developing cleaner sources of energy; protecting endangered species;and beautifying neighborhoods. Exelon and ComEd recently entered into a major partnership with The Nature Conservancy to promote conservation initiatives in Illinois. This project underscores a commitment to enhancing the environment by workingwith experts in the field to identify the most pressing issues and find solutions to protect the land and waterways. The company also partners with Chicago Park District and Chicago Public Schools and established a teacher-on-loan program to the Park District. The Exelon Fellow develops science, environmental and natural area curricula around the many learningopportunities available in Chicago’s parks. This project also includes an extensive environmental education signage programsponsored by ComEd and various park restoration projects. Exelon and ComEd support cultural institutions with broad public exposure and programs designed to make arts and culture more accessible to a wider audience. The company support includes: Chicago Historical Society, Ravinia Festival, ChicagoShakespeare Theatre, Joffrey Ballet, Goodman Theatre, Lookingglass Theatre, Lyric Opera, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Museum of Science and Industry, Adler Planetarium, Shedd Aquarium, Lincoln Park Zoo, Mexican Fine Arts Museum, DuSableMuseum of African-American History, Art Institute and others. Currently, the company is sponsoring the Splendors of China’s Forbidden City exhibit at The Field Museum and the GIANTS dinosaur exhibit at the Garfield Park Conservatory. The company is dedicated to assisting the diverse communities in which it operates. A major component of its giving in this area is focused on the United Way. Last year the company contributed just over $3.3 million, which included $2.3 million theiremployees raised through a very successful campaign and a corporate gift. In addition to the United Way, the company alsosupports other agencies including: Metropolitan Family Services, El Valor, Boys and Girls Clubs, Chicago Urban League,Spanish Coalition for Jobs, and Black Star Project. The company’s commitment goes beyond corporate grants. Support for the community starts with Exelon’s Chairman and CEO, John W. Rowe, and includes many of Exelon and ComEd’s executives who volunteer their time and energy on outside boards.
The company’s employees also volunteer their time at many events throughout the year, including the Chicago Cares Serve-A-Thon. The Lyman J. Gage Award
Lyman Judson Gage (1836-1927) was born in upstate New York. He moved to Chicago in
1855 where he served as a cashier of The First National Bank from 1868-1882, vice presi-
dent from 1882-1891 and president (the bank's third) from 1891 to 1897.
Gage was at the forefront of the city's financial circles for many years. In 1890, amid con-
siderable public debate on the merits of hosting a World's Fair, Gage embraced the Fair con-
cept as an important civic statement for Chicago. He served as the primary organizer and
first president of the Board of Directors of the World's Columbian Exposition. Although
now recognized as one of Chicago's great events, Gage had to withstand considerable public
and media cynicism to secure the public and private support needed to host the 1893 Colum-
bian Exposition. One important benefit of the 1893 Fair was that it provided thousands of
jobs to Chicagoans at a time when the rest of the country suffered from a national economic
After the World's Fair ended, the city was confronted with severe economic challenges re-
sulting from the depression and widespread corruption. Gage was instrumental in organiz-
ing a series of economic conferences to address the problems of rampant poverty, gambling
and prostitution. Following a proposal made by London journalist William T. Stead (author
of the book, If Christ Came to Chicago), Gage helped incorporate The Civic Federation in
February 1894.
Gage was elected president of The Civic Federation at its incorporation and was joined by
Jane Addams and Bertha Palmer as the organization's first officers. In 1897, Gage joined the
cabinet of President William McKinley as Secretary of the Treasury. He was reappointed by
President Theodore Roosevelt, but left in 1902 to become president of The United States
Trust Company in New York. Gage retired in 1906 to San Diego, where he died in 1927.
In keeping with the civic commitment and vision of its first president, The Civic Federation
presents the Lyman J. Gage Award for Outstanding Civic Contribution by an Individual af-
filiated with Chicago who has consistently demonstrated dedication to civic concerns.
Since 1982, recipients have included:
1982 Alan Greenspan
1993 William L. Weiss
1983 Donald Regan
1995 Hillary Rodham Clinton
1984 Lavern W. Kron
1996 Henry Hyde
1985 Philip M. Klutznick
1997 Daniel E. McLean
1986 John E. Swearingen
1998 James J. O’Connor
1987 Edward A. Brennan
1999 Ruth M. Rothstein
1988 James F. Bere
2000 Clark Burrus
1989 Frank W. Considine
2001 John M. Bryan
1990 Richard M. Morrow
2002 Andrew McKenna
1991 Stanton R. Cook
2003 William A. Osborn
1992 Robert W. Galvin 2004 Lester Crown
Lyman J. Gage Award Recipient
Lester Crown
A long-time business and civic leader in the Chicagoland community, Lester Crown is the 22nd recipient of the Lyman J. Gage Award for Outstanding Civic Contribution by an Indi-vidual. Mr. Crown is chairman of Henry Crown and Company, a family-owned and operated com-pany, which includes diversified manufacturing operations and real estate. He is a member of the Board of Directors of General Dynamics Corporation and Chairman of its subsidiary, Material Service Corporation. He is also a Director of Maytag Corporation. Born and raised in Chicago, Mr. Crown received his bachelor of science in chemical engi-neering from Northwestern University and his MBA from Harvard Business School. Mr. Crown is a director of the YankeeNets Partnership and an indirect owner of the Chicago Professional Sports Limited Partnership (the Chicago Bulls basketball team). Mr. Crown is actively involved in civic activities. He is a director of the Children’s Memo-rial Medical Center and its Foundation, Lyric Opera of Chicago (chairman of its executive committee), the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, the Aspen Institute (of which he is also vice chairman), and the Jerusalem Foundation. He is a Life Trustee of Northwestern University, a trustee of the Michael Reese Foundation, member of the Board of Overseers of the Jewish Theological Society, Board of Governors of Tel Aviv University, and the Weiz-mann Institute of Science and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He also chairs the Advance Gifts Campaign at the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chi-cago. He has previously served as a director of: Chicago Pacific Corporation, Continental Bank and Trust Company, Esmark, 360° Communications Company, TransWorld Airlines and TW Services. A message from
Laurence J. Msall
As president of The Civic Federation, I am extremely grateful to everyone who has helped support today’s luncheon. I want to especially thank TheCivic Federation Board members and our three luncheon Co-Chairs: Norman Bobins, James Farrell, and Andrew McKenna. These three wise and generousmen have been incredibly supportive of The Civic Federation and so manycivic endeavors in Chicago. The Civic Federation is delighted and honored to be able to present LesterCrown with the Lyman J. Gage Award for Outstanding Civic Contribution byan Individual. All of Chicago has benefited from his civic involvement and commitment to making the region a better place for all of us. His generosity and leadership make hima 21st century civic giant in the tradition of Lyman Gage. From the new Cook County Hospital to tirelessly working for the expansion of O’Hare Airport, Lester Crown has succeeded in efforts thatmany thought impossible. His record of support for Chicago’s major cultural, educational, and civicendeavors is unsurpassed. We are also very honored to have Frank Clark accept the Addams-Palmer Award for Exemplary Civic Involvement by a Corporation on behalf of Exelon Corporation. It is a pleasure to recognize Exelon,which has won national acclaim for environmentally responsible energy production, and together with its ComEd subsidiary, continues to build on its historic level of civic involvement in Chicago. Fromits early support of The Civic Federation to its current leadership in critical areas such as education,the environment and community development, Exelon is clearly deserving of today’s recognition. Over 100 years ago, Jane Addams, Bertha Palmer and Lyman Gage formed The Civic Federation tofight corruption and promote Chicago government reform. Today, business leaders from some ofNortheastern Illinois’ largest companies, service firms and institutions are assisting The CivicFederation as a non-partisan broker of rational tax policy, fiscal reform and increased governmentefficiency. Thanks to our business members, The Civic Federation remains a critical voice on issues ranging from property tax reform to eliminating unnecessary government expenditures and publicpension reform. The Civic Federation has a well-earned reputation for authoritative research, reliable information, andnon-partisan efforts related to local government finances in Northeastern Illinois. In theseeconomically challenging times, public officials, the media, and the general public are relying morethan ever on the independent and non-partisan input of The Civic Federation. In closing, I would like to express my continued appreciation to all of our members and the growingnumber of business supporters who are helping The Civic Federation promote real change in howChicago-area local governments operate in the 21st century. The Civic Federation
Awards luncheon committee
Thomas J. McNulty Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP McDonnell Investment Management, LLC The Civic Federation
Board of Directors
Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP McDonnell Investment Management LLC Chicago Automobile Trade Association Stephen B. Friedman & Company The Civic Federation
177 North State Street • Suite 400 • Chicago, IL 60601
312.201.9066 Phone • 312.201.9041 Fax


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