User Documentation for wiringthe cortical simulation 2D version
This version of the wiring procedures has retained the same calling conventions as the 1Dversion where possible. The Layer V and Layer II/III Pyramidals and the inhibitory cells areplaced on four coincident 2 dimensional matrices. The orthogonal distances between cells areequal and diagonal distances are calculated as a hypotenuse.
The matrices can be of any size with the X dimension defined as ‘X_DIM’ and the Y dimensionas ‘Y_DIM’ These two parameters are most conveniently defined in the init file before the otherfiles are called. Each cell type’s position is defined by its index within the its respective 2Darray- PL5[X_DIM][Y_DIM], PL2[X_DIM][Y_DIM], IPL2[X_DIM][Y_DIM] andIPL5[X_DIM][Y_DIM]
Inhibitory cells, being fewer in number that Pyramidals, use a sparse matrix. The new wiringfunctions for the inhibitory cells do not require a location parameter as the position is definedwithin the matrix array.
Feed forward /back functions have been generalized . There are fewer functions than in the 1Dversion. The placement of a FeedX can be anywhere on the coincident matrices and is defined bythe parameters Fsx and Fsy.
There are 5 categories of procedures for wiring the somatosensory cortex simulation remain thesame:
1. Pyramidal to Pyramidal2. Inhibitory to Pyramidal3.Pyramidal to Inhibitory4. Inhibitory to Inhibitory5. Feed-forward and feedback
Gaussian distribution 1. Pyramidal to Pyramidal connections The calling convention for these functions has not changed from the 1D version.
There are 4 Pyramidal to Pyramidal procedures:
VtoV( ) -Connects Layer V to Layer V Pyramidals
VtoII() -Connects Layer V to Layer II/III Pyramidals
IItoII() -Connects Layer II/III to Layer II/III Pyramidals
IItoV() -Connects Layer II/III to Layer V Pyramidals this procedure not currently usedXtoX( maxW, WSC, seg, rtype, minD, DSC )
maxW - Maximum synaptic weight WSC - weight space constantseg - target segment rtype - receptor type [0=AMPA, 1=NMDA]minD - Minimum delayDSC - delay space constant
The target segment (seg) refers to the postsynaptic cell type:
Layer V Pyramidal Cells:Apical compartments 0-4Basal 5-7Soma 8
Layer II/III Pyramidal Cells:Apical compartments 0-3Basal 4-6Soma 7
2. Inhibitory to Pyramidal connections
There remain 3 Inhibitory to Pyramidal procedures:
IL5toV( ) -Connects Layer V inhibitory cells to Layer V PyramidalsIL2toV( ) -Connects Layer II/III inhibitory cells to Layer V PyramidalsIL2toII( ) -Connects Layer II/II inhibitory cells to Layer II/III Pyramidals
The calling convention has changed from the old version: XtoX(seg, rtype, maxW, WSC, maxP, minD, DSC) seg - target segment rtype - receptor type [2=GABAa, 3=GABAb] maxW - Maximum synaptic weight WSC - weight space constant minD - Minimum delay DSC - delay space constant 3.Pyramidal to Inhibitory connections
There are 3 Pyramidal to Inhibitory procedures
IItoIL2() -Connects Layer II/III Pyramidal cells to a single Layer II inhibitory cellVtoIL5() -Connects Layer V Pyramidal cells to a single Layer V inhibitory cellIItoIL5() -Connects Layer II/III Pyramidal cells to a single Layer V inhibitory cell
The calling convention has changed from the old version: XtoX(maxW, WSC, minD, DSC,rtype) maxW - Maximum synaptic weight WSC - weight space constant minD - Minimum delay DSC - delay space constant rtype - receptor type [0=AMPA, 1=NMDA] 4. Inhibitory to Inhibitory connections The calling convention for these functions has not changed from the 1D version.
IL2toIL2( ) -Connect Layer II/III inhibitory cells to themselvesIL5toIL5( ) -Connect Layer V inhibitory cells to themselves
XtoX(maxW, WSC, minD, DSC, rtype)
maxW - Maximum synaptic weight WSC - weight space constantminD - Minimum delayDSC - delay space constantrtype - receptor type [2=GABAa, 3=GABAb]
Inhibitory cells do not self-inhibit. 5. Feed-forward and feedback connections The calling convention has changed from the old version and there are fewer procedures: The Feed procedures now use a Gaussian distribution for weight and delay. The position of the Feed is determined by the global variables FSx and Fsy. These are best set in the initialization file. The FeedX() object used is now a parameter to the procedure. a. Feed to Pyramidal cells-----
FeedtoII() -feed to Layer II/III pyramidalsFeedtoV() -feed to LayerV pyramidals
FeedtoX(seg, rtype, maxW, WSC minD, DSC,fobj) seg - target segment rtype - receptor type [0=AMPA,1=NMDA] maxW - Maximum synaptic weight WSC - weight space constant minD - Minimum delay DSC - delay space constant fobj - a FeedX object (eg. FF,FF2,FB) b. Feed to Inhibitory cells--------
FeedtoIL2() -feed to Layer II inhibitory cellsFeedtoIL5() -feed to Layer V inhibitory cells
FeedtoX(rtype, maxW, WSC minD, DSC,fobj) rtype - receptor type [0=AMPA,1=NMDA] maxW - Maximum synaptic weight WSC - weight space constant minD - Minimum delay DSC - delay space constant fobj - a FeedX object (eg. FF,FF2,FB) Uniform Random Distribution
Uniform random distribution functions are implemented and are defined over synaptic weightand delay by a minimum and maximum. The naming convention parallels the Gaussian functionsbut is proceeded by a “U_” ;eg. VtoV( ) becomes U_VtoV( ) . 1. Pyramidal to Pyramidal connections
There are 4 Pyramidal to Pyramidal procedures:
U_VtoV( ) -Connects Layer V to Layer V Pyramidals
U_VtoII() -Connects Layer V to Layer II/III Pyramidals
U_IItoII() -Connects Layer II/III to Layer II/III Pyramidals
U_IItoV() -Connects Layer II/III to Layer V Pyramidals
The calling convention for these functions has not changed from the 1D version U_XtoX( MinW, MaxW , seg, rtype, MinD, MaxD )
minW -Minimum synaptic weightmaxW - Maximum synaptic weight seg - target segment rtype - receptor type [0=AMPA, 1=NMDA]minD - Minimum delaymaxD -Maximum delay
2. Inhibitory to Pyramidal connections
There are 3 Inhibitory to Pyramidal procedures:
U_IL5toV( ) -Connects Layer V inhibitory cells to Layer V PyramidalsU_IL2toV( ) -Connects Layer II/III inhibitory cells to Layer V PyramidalsU_IL2toII( ) -Connects Layer II/II inhibitory cells to Layer II/IIIPyramidals
The calling convention has changed from the old version: U_ILxtoX(seg, rtype, MinW, MaxW, MinD, MaxD)
seg - target segment rtype - receptor type [2=GABAa, 3=GABAb]minW -Minimum synaptic weightmaxW - Maximum synaptic weight minD - Minimum delaymaxD -Maximum delay
3.Pyramidal to Inhibitory connections
There are 3 Pyramidal to Inhibitory procedures
U_IItoIL2() -Connects Layer II/III Pyramidal cells to a single Layer II inhibitory cellU_VtoIL5() -Connects Layer V Pyramidal cells to a single Layer V inhibitory cellU_IItoIL5() -Connects Layer II/III Pyramidal cells to a single Layer V inhibitory cell
The calling convention has changed from the old version: U_XtoILx(MinW, MaxW, rtype, MinD, MaxD)
MinW -Minimum synaptic weightmaxW - Maximum synaptic weight rtype - receptor type [0=AMPA, 1=NMDA]minD - Minimum delaymaxD -Maximum delay
4. Inhibitory to Inhibitory connections
There are 2 Inhibitory to Inhibitory procedures:
U_IL2toIL2( ) -Connect Layer II/III inhibitory cells to themselvesU_IL5toIL5( ) -Connect Layer V inhibitory cells to themselves
The calling convention for these functions has not changed from the 1D version. U_ILxtoILx(MinW. MaxW, MinD, MaxD, rtype )
minW -Minimum synaptic weightmaxW - Maximum synaptic weight minD - Minimum delaymaxD -Maximum delayrtype - receptor type [2=GABAa, 3=GABAb]
5. Feed-forward and feedback connections The calling convention has changed from the old version and there are fewer procedures a. Feed to Pyramidal cells-----
UFeedtoII() -feed to Layer II/III pyramidalsUFeedtoV() -feed to LayerV pyramidals
UFeedtoX(seg, rtype, MinW, MaxW, MinD, MaxD,fobj )
seg - target segment rtype - receptor type [0=AMPA,1=NMDA]MinW -Minimum synaptic weightMaxW -Maximum synaptic weightMinD -Minimum delayMaxD -Maximum delayfobj - a FeedX object (eg. FF,FF2,FB)
b. Feed to Inhibitory cells--------
UFeedtoIL2() -feed to Layer II inhibitory cellsUFeedtoIL5() -feed to Layer V inhibitory cells
UFeedtoX(rtype, MinW, MaxW, MinD, MaxD ,fobj)
rtype - receptor type [0=AMPA,1=NMDA]MinW -Minimum synaptic weightMaxW -Maximum synaptic weightMinD -Minimum delayMaxD -Maximum delayfobj - a FeedX object (eg. FF,FF2,FB)
ARMAFLOOR 500 DF BASE COAT - RESIN Chemwatch Independent Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 17-Jun-2010 CHEMWATCH 23-3997 C9317TC(vs) Version No:2.0 CD 2010/2 Page 1 of 6 Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME ARMAFLOOR 500 DF BASE COAT - RESIN PRODUCT USE ■ Used according to manufacturer's directions. SUPPLIER Company: Rhino Lin
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESNational Institutes of HealthNIH Publication No. 07-4901 hoW are We WorkiNg to better uNderstaNd aNd treat eatiNg disorders ?research to understand them, the biological, behavioral and social underpinnings of these illnesses remain elusive. eating disorders are real, treat-able medical illnesses with complex underlying psychological and biological cau