Improved cognitive performance after dietary supplementation with a pinus radiata bark extract formulation
( DOI: 10.1002/ptr.2388 Improved Cognitive Performance after Dietary Supplementation with a Pinus radiata Bark Extract Formulation Andrew Pipingas1*, Richard B. Silberstein1, Luis Vitetta2, Cindy Van Rooy1, Elizabeth V. Harris1, Joanna M. Young3, Christopher M. Frampton4, Avni Sali5 and Joseph Nastasi1 1Brain Sciences Institute, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia 2School of Medicine, University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia 3Lipid and Diabetes Research Group, Christchurch Hospital, New Zealand 4Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Christchurch, New Zealand 5National Institute of Integrative Medicine, Melbourne, Australia Dietary interventions may have the potential to counter age-related cognitive decline. Studies have demon- strated an improvement in age-related cognitive impairment in animals after supplementation with plant extracts containing flavonoids but there are few human studies. This double-blind, controlled study examined the effects on cognitive performance of a 5 week supplementation with Enzogenol® Pinus radiata bark extract containing flavonoids, in 42 males aged 50–65 years, with a body mass index >25. Participants were supple- mented for 5 weeks either with Enzogenol® plus vitamin C, or with vitamin C only. A battery of computerized cognitive tests was administered, and cardiovascular and haematological parameters were assessed prior to and following supplementation. The speed of response for the spatial working memory and immediate recognition tasks improved after supplementation with Enzogenol® plus vitamin C, whereas vitamin C alone showed no improvements. A trend in a reduction of systolic blood pressure was observed with Enzogenol® plus vitamin C, but not with vitamin C alone. The blood safety parameters were unchanged. The findings suggest a beneficial effect of supplementation with Enzogenol® on cognition in older individuals. Larger studies are needed to ascertain its potential as a preventive treatment for age-related cognitive decline. Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Keywords:Pinus radiata;pine bark extract; Enzogenol; vitamin C; cognition; cognitive decline.
benefits have been demonstrated in older individuals
after supplementation with vitamin E (Sano et al., 1997),soya extract (Duffy et al., 2003) and Ginkgo biloba
Our cognitive abilities decline with age (Christensen,
extract (Mix and Crews, 2002). Recently there has been
2001) and age-related neurodegenerative disorders such
interest in the possible nootropic effects of the many
as Alzheimer’s dementia or Parkinson’s disease can
different flavonoids that are consumed as part of our
greatly exacerbate this decline (Savla and Palmer, 2005).
diet. Flavonoids show very high antioxidant activities,
A number of studies indicate that performance in
exert neuroprotective effects in vitro and may play
memory tests is predictive of the later development of
a role as neuroprotective agents in vivo (Youdim
dementia (Small et al., 2000), even up to 10 years prior
et al., 2002). Feeding studies in rats have demonstrated
to onset (Elias et al., 2000), suggesting that the patho-
that supplementation with extracts high in flavonoid
logical process begins early. If cognitive decline can
compounds can delay or even reverse age-related
be treated in the early stages more serious cognitive
cognitive deficits in animals (Joseph et al., 1998, 1999).
impairment may be prevented or delayed. Concerns
However, few human studies have investigated the
about such age-related decline in cognitive function have
led to a growing public interest in dietary measures
The present study investigated the effects of supple-
such as antioxidants and plant extracts that hold pro-
mentation with a commercially available flavonoid
mise to both preserve cognitive abilities with age and
antioxidant formula, containing a Pinus radiata bark
to improve cognitive performance (Martin et al., 2002;
extract branded Enzogenol®, which is particularly rich
in proanthocyanidins, plus vitamin C; compared with
There is an increasing number of human interven-
vitamin C alone, on cognitive performance, blood pres-
tion studies examining the effects of dietary supple-
sure and standard haematological safety parameters in
ments on cognition are scarce. For example, cognitive
a group of older adults. Previous studies using the samepine bark extract in combination with vitamin C have
* Correspondence to: Andrew Pipingas, Brain Sciences Institute,
shown potential improvements in the parameters of
Swinburne University, 400 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn, Victoria 3122
oxidative stress and cardiovascular health. An uncon-
Australia. E-mail:
trolled, open label study showed potential benefits for
Contract/grant sponsor: ENZO Bioactives Pty Ltd.
endothelial function, systolic blood pressure and plasma
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
viscosity. This study also found reductions in plasma
of the data. Participants assigned to the treatment group
protein carbonyl concentration and leukocyte DNA
received a daily dose of four capsules of a commerci-
strand breakage, indicating possibly reduced levels of
ally available supplement containing in total 960 mg of
oxidation (Senthilmohan et al., 2003). A second study
Enzogenol® and 120 mg of vitamin C. Enzogenol® is an
in smokers that included a vitamin C control group
aqueous extract from the bark of New Zealand grown
confirmed the reduction of protein carbonyls, reported
Pinus radiata trees containing approximately 80% total
reduced fibrinogen levels in a subset of heavy smokers
proanthocyanidins and other water-soluble flavonoids,
and noted a possible trend to lower systolic blood pres-
flavonoid-conjugates and phenolic acids. Participants
assigned to the control group received four capsules
For the present study, it was hypothesized that per-
daily containing in total 120 mg of vitamin C only. Both
formance in cognitive tasks that are most sensitive to
capsule types were identical in appearance. Both groups
age related cognitive impairment would improve with
the present flavonoid supplementation. Specifically, theprimary outcome measures were performance in the
Study measures. Participants were assessed at the be-
spatial working memory and immediate recognition
ginning and end of the 5-week supplementation period.
tasks. Spatial working memory was previously shown
Participants were asked not to consume alcohol within
by this group to be the most sensitive measure of
24 h, or tea or coffee within 2 h prior to their scheduled
age-related cognitive decline comparing young, middle
appointment. During the testing session personal details
and older age individuals (Tournier et al., 2004). More
were collected, followed by blood pressure measure-
recently, regression analysis applied to the same data
ment, computerized cognitive testing, brain electrical
set indicated that both spatial working memory and
activity measurement and blood sampling. This study
immediate recognition measures showed the greatest
reports the results of computerized cognitive testing,
decline in performance with increased age (unpublished
blood pressure measurements and standard blood safety
observation, A. Pipingas, 2006). Therefore these two
tasks were considered the most likely to improve with
Diastolic and systolic blood pressure was measured
whilst the participants were seated upright and relaxedin a chair. Blood pressure was measured using an elec-tronic, self-inflating sphygmomanometer cuff.
Blood sampling via venous puncture was conducted
at local pathology clinics. In accordance with a previ-ous open label study (Shand et al., 2003), and as part of
Study population. Participants were recruited by way
the safety assessment, the blood markers measured in
of newspaper advertisements, posters and e-mails.
this trial included liver function tests, urea and electro-
Advertisements asked for male non-smokers aged 50–
lytes, a full blood cell and differential count and blood
65 years, who were right handed and did not exercise
much. Interested participants were screened via tele-
Participants performed eight computer-based cogni-
phone and invited to participate if they met the more
tive tasks designed to test aspects of spatial and object
specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Criteria included
memory, executive processes, attention and processing
having a sedentary occupation, a body mass index (BMI)
speed using tasks similar to those used in a previous
greater than 25, not taking any form of vitamin or herbal
study by this group (Tournier et al., 2004), with the
supplementation and not suffering from any neurologi-
exception of the contextual memory task, which was a
cal disorder or epilepsy. These criteria were chosen to
new version. Participants made responses to trials for
select for participants that are potentially at a higher
each task using a hand-held button box. For both test-
risk of cognitive decline due to their age and sedentary
ing sessions, the participants were given instructions on
lifestyle. The age span was restricted to 15 years in
how to perform each task and completed a practice
order to avoid too great a variation in the cognitive
task prior to performing the main task used for ana-
lysis. Each of the eight cognitive tasks is described
One hundred and six prospective interested par-
in turn, in the order that they were administered to
ticipants responded to advertisements. Of those, 45
participants met the telephone screening criteria andunderwent a medical examination to obtain medical
Contextual memory.This task used a variation on a
history and to ensure that they were generally in good
previous task, which used everyday images. Participants
health and fit to participate. Forty two prospective
initially watched a series of abstract images presented
participants passed the examination and gave written
in one of four locations on the computer screen (top,
informed consent to be enrolled into the program. Ap-
bottom, left and right). In the second part of the task
proval for the study was obtained from the Swinburne
the same abstract images were again presented in the
University Human Research Ethics Committee.
centre of the screen. Participants were required torecollect the location where each image was initially
Treatment. The study was a randomized, double-blind,
presented and thus recall the context of presented
vitamin C controlled study. Participants were randomly
information. Participants responded by pressing one of
allocated to one of two groups, hereafter referred to as
four buttons corresponding to the four screen locations.
the treatment group or the control group. Participantswere assigned to either the treatment or control groups
Immediate recognition. Participants initially viewed a
using a random permuted block procedure with block
series of abstract images presented in the centre of the
size of four, by a study investigator who was not in-
screen. On completion of the series, a second series of
volved in any aspect of recruitment, testing or analysis
abstract images were presented. Half of these images
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
were identical to the original images presented, the other
Statistical analysis. For each of the eight cognitive tasks,
half were new images. Participants indicated with a left
the mean accuracy and response time scores were cal-
or right button press whether the image was old or
culated for each participant for Session 1 and Session 2
new. This task is designed to probe cognitive processes
(prior to and following supplementation). The accu-
involved in visual recognition memory. Abstract images
racy was calculated as the percentage of correct re-
were used to reduce the likelihood of verbalizing the
sponses. The mean response time was calculated as the
information and to make this task more challenging.
average response time in milliseconds for all correctresponses. Simple reaction time.Participants responded as quickly
The primary outcome measures were performance
as possible by pressing the right button to a series of
on the spatial working memory and immediate recogni-
white squares that appear at the centre of the screen at
tion tasks. These tasks were analysed individually using
random intervals. This task is designed to probe speed
repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), with
of information processing and speed of motor response.
the aim of detecting group (treatment, control) by time(Session 1, Session 2) interactions. Accuracy and re-
Choice reaction time. Participants responded as quickly
sponse time were analysed separately. Secondly, with
as possible to a series of blue triangles and red squares
the aim of investigating the effects of supplementation
that appeared at the centre of the screen at random
on cognition in a more general sense, the remaining
intervals. This task is designed to probe the speed of an
tasks were included in two multivariate analysis of vari-
accurate choice and subsequent motor response.
ance (MANOVA) models, for accuracy and responsetime data. Visual vigilance. Participants were required to respond
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS
as quickly as possible to the appearance of a target
digit in a series of rapidly presented digits. This tasktests the ability to maintain visual vigilance during thecourse of a task as assessed through speed of response. Complex visual vigilance. This task is a more challenging version of the previous visual vigilance task. Partici-
Demographic characteristics for the treatment and
pants responded to a sequence of three numbers in a
control groups are shown in Table 1. The two groups
row, requiring maintained focused attention and rapid
appeared to be well matched on all measures. There
were no significant differences between the treatmentgroups in age, years of education, height, weight or
Spatial working memory. A 4 × 4 grid was presented
BMI (p > 0.1). Seven participants in the control group
on a black background with some of the locations in
were taking medication for hypertension compared
the grid filled with a white square. Participants memo-
with four participants in the treatment group. There
rized which grid locations were filled. They were then
were no significant differences between the groups in
presented with a series of images of the same grid,
haematological indices at the start of the treatments
however, with only one square filled. Participants re-
(p > 0.1). Similarly, there were no significant differ-
sponded with a left or right button press to indicate
ences between the groups in performance on the cog-
whether the filled grid location matched any of the pre-
nitive tasks at baseline (p > 0.1).
viously presented filled grids. Four locations were tested
Means and standard deviations of the cognitive meas-
in each of 14 trials. The process of holding the set of
ures for the treatment and control groups for Session 1
filled grid squares in memory, spanning the time that
and Session 2 are shown in Table 2. For the spatial
judgments of individual grid locations had to be made,
working memory task, analysis of response time data
using repeated measures ANOVA revealed a signifi-cant group by time interaction (F(1,40) = 4.59, p = 0.038,
Delayed recognition memory. This task is a repeat of
partial η2 = 0.103). This reflected a decrease in response
the second task, using the abstract images studied
time of 64 ms or 6.4% for participants in the treatment
approximately 30 min earlier. This task is designed to
group, with a small increase in the control group
probe cognitive processes involved in visual recogni-
(Fig. 1). Although the mean score for the treatment
tion memory and is considered to be a test of short to
group was higher than the control group at baseline,
this difference was not significant (p > 0.1). Post hoc
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of participants assigned to treatment and control groups
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Table 2. Means and standard deviations of cognitive task measures for treatment and control groups
higher than the control group at baseline, this differ-ence was not significant (p > 0.1). Post hoc t-tests showedthat the change was significant in the treatment group(t(21) = 2.63, p = 0.016) but not in the control group(t(19) = − 0.396, p = 0.696).
Repeated measures ANOVA revealed that there was
no group by session interaction for performance accu-racy on either task. However, for the spatial workingmemory task both treatment and control groups weresignificantly more accurate in Session 2 (F(1,39) = 11.99,p = 0.001) reflecting either a general learning effect inall participants from Sessions 1 to 2, or an effect ofvitamin C.
The new version of the contextual memory task
demonstrated a baseline performance close to chanceand was excluded from further analyses. Analysis ofthe remaining tasks together using MANOVA showedno group by time interaction for either response timeor accuracy measures, indicating either that the treat-ment effect was specific to the spatial working memoryand immediate recognition tasks, or that the other tasksare less sensitive in detecting changes in cognitiveperformance. Figure 1. Mean change in response time (ms) for spatial work-
There was no significant change in systolic or diastolic
ing memory ( ) and immediate recognition ( ) tasks for treat-
blood pressure measures for either group. However,
ment and control groups. Error bars show ± 1 standard error.
there was a trend of reduced systolic blood pressure(Table 3). Interestingly, a reduction of systolic bloodpressure had previously been reported in an open label
t-tests were conducted for each group separately and
study using the same pine bark extract (PBE) with
revealed that the change in response time from Session
vitamin C (Shand et al., 2003). Furthermore, a recent
1 to Session 2 was significant in the treatment group
vitamin C controlled study by Young et al. (2006) also
(t(21) = 3.21, p = 0.004) but not in the control group (t(19)
found a trend of reduced systolic blood pressure using
the same PBE with vitamin C (Table 3). As a post hoc
For the immediate recognition task, repeated meas-
measure, the systolic blood pressure data from the
ures ANOVA indicated there was a significant group
present study and the study by Young et al. were pooled
by time interaction (F(1,40) = 5.25, p = 0.027, partial
and repeated measures ANOVA conducted for the
η2 = 0.116) reflecting an improvement in the response
combined group. Although Young et al. were studying
time of 60 ms or 5.4% in the treatment group, com-
smokers, the treatment was very similar to the present
pared with a small increase in the control group (Fig. 1).
study, but used half the dose and supplemented for
Although the mean score for the treatment group was
12 weeks. The results from this meta-analysis indicated
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Table 3. Individual and combined analyses of systolic blood pressure data from the present study and a double-blind, controlled trial by Young et al. (2006), comparing supplementation with Enzogenol® and vitamin C against vitamin C alone
Present study and Young et al. 6 weeks n = 39/35
Present study and Young et al. 12 weeks n = 39/35
there was a significant decrease in systolic blood pres-
cognitive impairment (Nicholl et al., 1995). Furthermore,
sure in the treatment group compared with the control
a recent study that also used a computerized battery to
group, regardless of whether the present 5 week data
assess cognitive effects following supplementation with
were combined with the 6 or 12 week time points by
plant extracts found that ‘speed of memory’ improved
with supplementation (Tildesley et al., 2005). Thus the
The biochemical and haematological analyses of the
findings of the current study advocate speed of response
venous blood samples, including liver function tests,
as an important measure when assessing outcomes of
full blood cell and differential counts, and blood
interventions that are designed to counteract cognitive
lipid profiles showed no significant changes in either
treatment or control groups. No adverse events were
The present treatment used a Pinus radiata bark
reported by participants in this study.
extract, Enzogenol®, with high antioxidant capacity(Wood et al., 2002), in combination with vitamin C. PBEs are rich in proanthocyanidins and contain a rangeof flavonoids including catechin, epicatechin, quercetin,
dihydroquercetin, taxifolin and phenolic acids (Woodet al., 2002). Here we discuss a number of possible
In the present study, a short term supplementation over
mechanisms by which the treatment may exert its
5 weeks with combined PBE and vitamin C improved
positive effects on cognitive performance including
the speed of response on spatial working memory and
antioxidant action, improvements of cerebral blood
immediate recognition tasks, whereas supplementation
supply and circulation, and influences on neuronal
with vitamin C alone showed no improvements. A trend
towards reduced systolic blood pressure was noted in
Oxidative damage has been observed in the aging
the current study, and while not statistically significant,
brain, and antioxidants may play a role in protecting
this decrease was of the same magnitude as demon-
the brain from reactive oxygen species (Halliwell, 2001).
strated in a previous open-label study (Shand et al.,
However, accumulation of oxidative damage in the brain
2003). A combined analysis of data from the present
is likely to manifest in cognitive decline only over long
study and a recent vitamin C controlled study in
periods of time. The present antioxidant supplementa-
smokers (Young et al., 2006) indicated that systolic
tion was able to improve significantly cognitive perfor-
blood pressure may indeed be reduced with this com-
mance over a short period of only 5 weeks, suggesting
bined PBE and vitamin C treatment. However, this
that other mechanisms may at least in part account for
conclusion has to be taken with caution, and needs
verification in a larger study since the two studies are
Improved blood circulation to the brain might also
not of identical design and the study by Young et al.
have contributed to enhanced cognition and would also
was in smoking subjects. The supplementation was
be consistent with our findings of improved systolic
notably safe without adverse events or any indications
blood pressure. Previous research indicates that hyper-
of changes in any blood safety parameters.
tension (Brady et al., 2005) and cardiovascular risk
Our previous research has indicated that the spatial
factors (Barnes et al., 2006) are associated with cogni-
working memory and immediate recognition tasks are
tive decline. Furthermore, bioflavonoid consumption has
the most sensitive to the effects of aging compared with
been reported to improve cardiovascular risk factors
the other tasks used in this test battery. It was conse-
(Caccetta et al., 2001) and to promote relaxation of
quently hypothesized that in this group of cognitively
vascular smooth muscle (Stein et al., 1999) indicating a
intact older males, these tasks would be the most likely
possible contribution of improvements in blood circu-
to reveal any cognitive benefits that the PBE supple-
lation to better cognitive functions. Previous studies
mentation may afford, and this was demonstrated in
using the same PBE plus vitamin C supplementation
have shown the potential for cardiovascular benefits
Improvements in cognition after supplementation
including improved endothelial function, reduced
with PBE plus vitamin C were demonstrated for speed
plasma fibrinogen concentrations (Young et al., 2006),
of response but not for performance accuracy, which is
and reduced plasma viscosity and systolic blood pres-
consistent with cognitive aging studies which suggest
sure (Shand et al., 2003). An effect of lowering systolic
that accuracy is preserved at the expense of speed of
blood pressure has been corroborated here by our
response, both with age (Brebion, 2001) and in mild
pooled analysis, which indicated a significant reduction
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
with the PBE plus vitamin C treatment over vitamin C
combined with vitamin C. Furthermore, accuracy meas-
ures for spatial working memory demonstrated an
Another mechanism that may play a role in the effects
improvement in both treatment and control groups and
of the present treatment on cognitive performance is
it cannot be certain whether this improvement was due
the direct influence of flavonoids or their metabolites
to practice or to a beneficial effect of vitamin C. How-
in the brain. Although only a few studies have pro-
ever, the vitamin C dosage was 120 mg, a much lower
duced evidence of flavonoid uptake into the brain, one
dosage than has been used in other studies which have
study found epicatechin metabolites formed in rat brains
used, for example, 500 mg (Yaffe et al., 2004) or 1500 mg
after oral ingestion of epicatechin, indicating the possi-
(Baker et al., 1999) with no demonstrated cognitive
bility of PBE constituents entering the brain and directly
benefit. Given that with age, the response time tends to
affecting neurological signalling (Abd El Mohsen et al.,
decline before accuracy and that there was no benefit
2002). Studies of dietary supplementation with berry
in the response time for the vitamin C group, it is likely
and spinach extracts in rats have been shown to pre-
that the improvement reflects practice effects rather than
vent onset (Joseph et al., 1998) and reverse (Joseph
the benefits of vitamin C. Nevertheless, the above limita-
et al., 1999) age-related deficits in cognitive behaviour,
tions should be assessed in a larger study that includes
and to normalize cognitive performance deficits in an
a treatment group receiving only the pine bark extract.
amyloid plaque transgenic mouse model (Joseph et al.,
This randomized, double-blind, vitamin C controlled
2003). Interestingly, blueberry supplementation in these
study has demonstrated the potential to improve both
studies caused significant increases in indices of neuronal
cognitive and cardiovascular functions prone to decline
signalling in the brains of the animals, indicating mecha-
with age after a relatively short duration of supple-
nistic actions beyond the antioxidant activity of the
mentation with Enzogenol® plus vitamin C in a group
flavonoids. In addition, a study using the same PBE
of older men that may be at risk of cognitive decline.
supplement as the present study has demonstrated a
Larger studies in men and women of different age
reduction in the duration and severity of migraines in
groups are necessary to ascertain its potential as a
human migraine sufferers, possibly suggesting that this
preventive treatment to fight age-related or neurode-
supplementation may have effects that affect the brain
There are a number of limitations to this study. Acknowledgements
Although there was no response time effect in the con-trols taking vitamin C only, it is unclear whether the
ENZO Bioactives Pty Ltd provided partial funding for this study and
PBE alone would have demonstrated the same positive
provided all supplements used in the study. There are no conflicts of
effects or whether there is a synergistic benefit when
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Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
CATEGORIES OF HEADACHE Primary or benign headaches are not due to an organic underlying condition. However, these common headaches are legitimate biological disorders, not psychological conditions. Science is rapidly progressing to better understand the cause of primary headaches. Tension-Type Approximately 78% of adults experience a tension-type headache at
Epilepsia, ** (*):1–14, 2008 doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01765.x SPECIAL REPORT Optimal clinical management of children receiving the ketogenic diet: Recommendations of the International Ketogenic Diet Study Group ∗Eric H. Kossoff, † Beth A. Zupec-Kania, ‡ Per E. Amark, § Karen R. Ballaban-Gil, ¶ A. G. Christina Bergqvist, #Robyn Blackford, ∗∗Jeffrey R