TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution Vol.16 No.7 July 2001
Phylogenetics and speciation Timothy G. Barraclough and Sean Nee Species-level phylogenies derived from molecular data provide an indirect record
Our review discusses recent progress in this area. of the speciation events that have led to extant species. This offers enormous
We discuss methodological issues in reconstructing
potential for investigating the general causes and rates of speciation within
species histories, and move on to the two broad
clades. To make the most of this potential, we should ideally sample all the species
questions concerning the rates and causes of
in a higher group, such as a genus, ensure that those species reflect evolutionary
speciation. Finally, we consider the future
entities within the group, and rule out the effects of other processes, such as
possibilities of incorporating fine-scale GENEALOGICAL
extinction, as explanations for observed patterns. We discuss recent practical and
data into large-scale phylogenetic studies. theoretical advances in this area and outline how future work should benefit from incorporating data from genealogical and phylogeographical scales. Species-level phylogenies Phylogenetic studies of speciation have focused on
SPECIATION (see Glossary) is the creative process
reconstructing species-level phylogenies, namely the
leading to the build up of species diversity;
relationships among species within higher groups
understanding the general patterns and processes of
such as genera13–15. The INTERNAL NODES of the tree
speciation is fundamental to explaining the diversity
reflect speciation events: it is known ‘who split from
of life1. Central questions include: what are the
whom’ and, ideally, the timing of those events.
general causes of speciation, and how do rates of
Because reconstruction relies on living species, there
speciation vary over time and among TAXONOMIC
is no record of speciation events involving species that
groups and geographical regions? Although
subsequently went extinct, although extinction can
fundamental, such questions are difficult to answer
leave a signature on the shape of the tree.
because direct observation is usually impossible and
Phylogenetic reconstruction from molecular data is
many extant groups do not have adequate fossil
an advanced science16, but two issues have been
records with which to investigate these topics2 (but
particularly important when applying phylogenetics
see Benton and Pearson3, this issue).
The expansion of molecular PHYLOGENETICS over the
The first is the issue of sampling. To obtain an
past decade has opened up a powerful new approach
accurate view of speciation in a higher group, nearly
to this problem. PHYLOGENETIC TREES, particularly
all the species from that group should be sampled.
those including all the living species in a higher
Missing species reduce the sample size of
taxonomic group, provide an indirect record of the
reconstructed speciation events available, and can
speciation events that have led to present-day
introduce bias, for example by tending to remove the
species4. Together with information on the
most recent speciation events17 or those involving
geographical and ecological attributes of species, they
rare species7. In particular, the ability to consider the
can provide information on the causes of speciation
effects of other processes, such as extinction, on the
within the group5–7. In addition, trees derived from
observed patterns relies crucially on a very complete
DNA sequences contain information about the
sample of species. However, most phylogenetic
relative timing of reconstructed speciation events,
studies do not sample all the described species within
and can be used to estimate speciation rates8–10.
a group, and, for reasons outlined in Box 1, special
This has led to considerable interest in molecular
phylogenetics as a tool for solving speciation
The second issue relates to the status of species
problems, but success rests on two fundamental
included in phylogenetic trees. Most phylogenetic
issues. First, the approach relies on reconstructing
studies of higher clades sample one individual from
evolutionary species relationships within a CLADE.
each species named in the checklist for the group.
Few biologists deny that the evolutionary entities
Using the resulting tree to study speciation assumes
Timothy G. Barraclough*
referred to as species do exist, but the taxonomically
that taxonomic species generally reflect the
recognized species in a clade might not correspond to
evolutionary entities whose origin we wish to explain,
those entities11 (see Hey12, this issue). Second,
but this need not be so. The number and identity of
processes in addition to speciation influence the
taxonomic species in a group depends upon the
PHYLOGENY and attributes of present-day species1,6.
judgement of the taxonomist who described them,
For example, species are lost by extinction, and
subsequent phenotypic evolution might obscure the
splitting–lumping continuum). More fundamentally,
ecological pattern of speciation events. Hence, a
it might not always be possible to resolve the true
phylogenetic tree cannot simply be read as the history
history of speciation into a tree of MONOPHYLETIC
of speciation: analyses must factor out alternative
species, because some modes of speciation lead to
processes as explanations for observed patterns.
PARAPHYLETIC species18 or even phylogenetic 0169–5347/01/$ – see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0169-5347(01)02161-9
TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution Vol.16 No.7 July 2001
described species appear to conform well to
Box 1. Reconstructing species-level phylogenies
evolutionary units14,21, but less so in others22. In the
Several methodological problems have faced researchers wanting to
absence of detailed information, taxonomically
reconstruct species-level phylogenies for studying speciation. The first is
defined species can at best be regarded as hypotheses
obtaining DNA from all the species of a sufficiently large monophyletic
of evolutionary groups (see Hey12, this issue).
group to detect any patterns. Collection of DNA from rare species might be
To date, time and expense have forced studies to
difficult or impossible and it might be hard to guarantee PCR amplification
reach a compromise between these two issues.
from every species using universal primers. Statistical methods exist to
Phylogenetic studies have looked at speciation on a
investigate incomplete samples of speciesa, but complete samples will still
broad scale, allowing investigation into general
be needed to detect many patterns. Second, even if samples can be
causes and rates, but have usually relied on
obtained, it might be difficult to obtain a fully resolved tree. Many existing
DNA regions were developed for higher level systematics and might evolve
genealogical studies have delimited evolutionary
too slowly to resolve the species level. Faster evolving regions are
groups more precisely, but, in most cases, have been
available, but can have associated problems, such as the existence of
restricted to much fewer speciation events by the
alternative multiple copies or the difficulty of using universal primers in the
need for intensive within-species sampling (but see
chosen target groupb. Alternative methods are being explored, such as
Ref. 11). As sequencing technology becomes faster
genetic fingerprinting techniques or the use of transposable elementsc,d.
and cheaper, the need to compromise is lessening.
Alternatively, we might have to accept that 100% resolution is not
We discuss primarily the phylogenetic approach, but
always possible at this level, and develop analytical approaches that take
also highlight those areas that should benefit most
uncertainty into account. For example, Bayesian approaches are being
from integrating phylogenetic and genealogical
developed that allow estimation of evolutionary parameters, such as
speciation and extinction rates, as an integral part of the phylogeny
A final area of phylogenetics important for studies
reconstruction process, taking account of uncertainty in the treee. Finally,
of speciation is the use of molecular data to date nodes
existing studies are usually limited to a single exemplar for each described
on a phylogeny. Most phylogenetic studies of
species in a group, and to one or a few molecular markers. Several
speciation rely on information of the relative ages of
processes can complicate reconstruction of species history from the
speciation events, whether for estimating speciation
resulting gene trees, including modes of speciation producing paraphyletic
rates or identifying recent nodes most likely to reveal
species, lineage sorting of ancestral polymorphisms and hybridizationf,g.
possible causes of speciation. Although methods for
Genealogical methods based on reconstructing multi-gene trees and
estimating relative node ages from sequence data are
sampling larger numbers of individuals per named species are available to
advancing rapidly and no longer rely on the
cope with these issuesh–j. These approaches allow accurate reconstruction
assumption of a strict molecular clock, it can still be
of species histories, but to date have been too time-consuming or costly to
difficult to calibrate the tree in real time (Box 2).
apply to studies of large groups. Aside from difficulties of collection, the
above problems are becoming less severe as molecular methods become
Estimating speciation rates
faster and cheaper, making it easier to obtain comprehensive samples for
A central question concerning speciation within
clades relates to how often speciation occurs. A largeliterature has developed describing methods for
a Pybus, O.G. and Harvey, P.H. (2000) Testing macroevolutionary models using
estimating speciation rates from trees containing all
incomplete molecular phylogenies. Proc. R. Soc. London B Biol. Sci. 267, 2267–2272
the species within a clade10. These methods use
b Hillis, D.M. et al., eds (1996) Molecular Systematics, Sinauer Associates
information on the time elapsed between successive
c Verneau, O. et al. (1998) Determining and dating recent rodent speciation events by
branching events, and can be illustrated graphically
using L1 (LINE-1) retrotransposons. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95, 11284–11289
by plotting the number of LINEAGES through time
d Albertson, R.C. et al. (1999) Phylogeny of a rapidly evolving clade: the cichlid fishes of
Lake Malawi, East Africa. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 96, 5107–5110
(Fig. 1). If speciation rates have been constant over
e Yang, Z.H. and Rannala, B. (1997) Bayesian phylogenetic inference using DNA
time and among lineages, and there has been no
sequences: a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. Mol. Biol. Evol. 14, 717–724
extinction, a straight line with slope equal to the
f Avise, J.C. (2000) Phylogeography: the History and Formation of Species, Harvard
average per lineage speciation rate, b is expected
g Brower, A.V.Z. et al. (1996) Gene trees, species trees, and systematics: a cladistic
perspective. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 27, 423–450
This approach has been used23 to estimate the
h Maddison, W.P. (1997) Gene trees in species trees. Syst. Biol. 46, 523–536
average speciation rate during the radiation of
i Koufopanou, V. et al. (1997) Concordance of gene genealogies reveals reproductive
Hawaiian silverswords (family Asteraceae). This
isolation in the pathogenic fungus Coccidioides immitis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.
plant group has diversified into a wide range of taxa
on the archipelago, from cushion plants and vines to
j Kliman, R.M. et al. (2000) The population genetics of the origin and divergence of the
Drosophila simulans complex species. Genetics 156, 1913–1931
trees. Using an inferred maximum age for thedivergence between silverswords and theirCalifornian sister clade, a minimum per lineage
NETWORKS19. The precise description of species
speciation rate of 0.56 ± 0.17 species my−1 was
histories has been the focus of genealogical and
estimated. This suggests that the silverswords have
PHYLOGEOGRAPHICAL studies of speciation11 (see
speciated at rates comparable to peak origination
Nichols20, this issue), which rely on more intensive
rates observed from fossil evidence during
sampling within species (Box 1). In some groups,
TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution Vol.16 No.7 July 2001
Box 2. Dating phylogenies
DNA sequence data can be used to estimate the relative ages of nodes on a
phylogeny. Assuming that nucleotide substitutions between taxa
accumulate randomly over time, molecular distances reconstructed onto
the phylogeny are expected to be roughly proportional to the time
elapseda. However, variation in substitution rates among lineages means
that we cannot assume a strict molecular clock in most cases. Recently, a
variety of methods have been proposed for estimating the relative ages of
nodes, with confidence intervals, from sequence data even in the absence
of molecular clock. Most are likelihood methods that fit node ages under
explicit or heuristic models of how rates change among lineagesb–d. The
exception is Sanderson’s Non-Parametric Rate Smoothing algorithme,
which converts an unconstrained tree (in which branch lengths reflect rate
as well as time) into an ultrametric tree (in which branch lengths only reflect
time) by minimizing rate changes across the tree. These methods have not
yet been fully evaluated on real data, but represent an important step
forward. Additional complexities can arise when considering very recent
speciation events, in which case genetic diversity within populations can
have a large effect on estimates of divergence times (see Nicholsf, this
Calibration of the tree in real time remains difficult, relying on the
availability of fossil dates or biogeographical evidence, which can be
lacking in some groups. The traditional approach of using blanket
calibrations for rates of molecular evolution, such as the widely used insect
mitochondrial DNA clock of 2% pairwise sequence divergence per millionyearsg, is confounded by rate variation among taxa. However, more
Fig. 1. Lineages-through-time plot for studying speciation rates. The
sophisticated calibrations should be possible in future, using tests for rate
log of the number of lineages is plotted against the relative time of
each node since the root node (*) (other graphical representations are
variation between study groups and reference clades with calibrated dates.
discussed in Ref. 10). Under the simplest model (the constant
This will rely on the availability of a library of well-dated phylogenies
speciation rate model), where the probability of a speciation event
occurring in a given time is constant both over time and among
species, a straight line with slope equal to the per lineage speciation
rate, b is expected. This corresponds to the pure birth stochastic
a Hillis, D.M. et al., eds (1996) Molecular Systematics, Sinauer Associates
process, an early statistical model that first arose in precisely this
b Thorne, J.L. et al. (1998) Estimating the rate of evolution of the rate of molecular
context10. The maximum likelihood estimate of b equals the number of
evolution. Mol. Biol. Evol. 15, 1647–1657
reconstructed speciation events that have occurred since the root
c Huelsenbeck, J.P. et al. (2000) A compound Poisson process for relaxing the molecular
node, divided by the total lineage time available for such events to
occur. Confidence intervals for the estimate based on the fact that only
d Yoder, A.D. and Yang, Z.H. (2000) Estimation of primate speciation dates using local
a finite sample of nodes is available can also be calculated10,23. The
molecular clocks. Mol. Biol. Evol. 17, 1081–1090
probability theory underlying statistical inference from phylogenies is
e Sanderson, M.J. (1997) A nonparametric approach to estimating divergence times in the
closely related, and often identical to population genetics theory used
absence of rate constancy. Mol. Biol. Evol. 14, 1218–1231
to make inferences from gene genealogies9,17, but there are some
f Nichols, R. (2001) Gene trees and species trees are not the same. Trends Ecol. Evol. 16,
differences. For example, population geneticists largely rely on a
coalescence approach, which reverses time and imagines the tree
shrinking as its branches coalesce at the nodes. However, this
g Brower, A.V.Z. (1994) Rapid morphological radiation and convergence among races of the
approach does not allow one to theorize about trees that grow
butterfly Heliconius erato inferred from patterns of mitochondrial-DNA evolution. Proc.
according to a birth–death process (i.e. with extinction), for which a
Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 91, 6491–6495
forward perspective on time is needed8.
The situation is more complicated if the data are
indistinguishable, the range of diversification models
not consistent with a constant speciation rate model.
consistent with the data can be narrowed down,
For example, extinction occurring randomly and at a
thereby gaining better estimates of speciation rates.
roughly constant rate over time is expected to cause
At present, few studies have applied these
an apparent acceleration in speciation rate towards
techniques to estimating speciation rates in real clades,
the present (Box 3). In this case, it is possible to
possibly mainly because of the rarity of sufficiently
estimate speciation and extinction rates separately,
complete trees. As more data become available,
rather than just to estimate the net DIVERSIFICATION
particularly those demonstrating the evolutionary
RATE17,24. However, as described in Box 3, other
status of included species, variations of these methods
processes, and sampling and taxonomic artefacts in
will be used for broad surveys of speciation rates. In
particular, can affect the shape of the plots. Estimates
addition, links between genealogical approaches and
of speciation rates and their interpretation rely
the methods we describe should allow estimation of a
heavily on these issues. Nonetheless, although the
broader range of parameters, such as the relative rates
outcomes of some processes might be statistically
of paraphyletic and monophyletic modes of speciation,
TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution Vol.16 No.7 July 2001
Box 3. Departures from the constant speciation rate model
predictions will differ for clades with b−d
<0.4 species per million years. In the tiger
speciation rate model outlined in Fig. 1.
Ellipsoptera group of tiger beetlesa (Fig. I),
can be caused by: (1) an actual increase in
(Fig. II), can be caused by a decrease in
background extinction rate, d, that is high
speciation rate or an increase in extinction
relative to the (constant) speciation rate, b
rate. If background extinction has occurred
(Ref. b). In the latter case, the slope near
recent upturn above the levelling off stage,
the speciation rate, whereas the slope in
but beyond that it is probably not possible
to distinguish the two explanationsf.
speciation minus extinction rate (i.e. the
a Barraclough, T.G. et al. (1999) Testing whether
ecological factors promote cladogenesis in a
result of extinction is expected to start at
Cicindelidae). Proc. R. Soc. London B Biol. Sci.
b Nee, S. et al. (1994) Extinction rates can be
estimated from molecular phylogenies. Philos.Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B 344, 77–82
c Harvey, P.H. et al. (1994) Phylogenies without
could also lead to artefactual upturns or
d Klicka, J. and Zink, R.M. (1999) Pleistocene
effects on North American songbird evolution. Proc. R. Soc. London B Biol. Sci. 266, 695–700
e Lovette, I.J. and Bermingham, E. (1999)
Dendroica warblers. Proc. R. Soc. London B
multiple substitutions at the loci used to
f Kubo, T. and Iwasa, Y. (1995) Inferring the
saturation of genetic distances, producing
molecular phylogenies. Evolution 49, 694–704
shorter branch lengths deeper in the tree.
g Pybus, O.G. and Harvey, P.H. (2000) Testing
macroevolutionary models using incomplete
molecular phylogenies. Proc. R. Soc. London B
problemh, but there has been little general
h Hillis, D.M. et al., eds (1996) Molecular
and the frequency of hybrid speciation. Even without
divergences would be clustered towards the present.
these extensions, the approach offers a means to
It is therefore vital to test for a significant increase in
investigate otherwise unanswerable questions in
speciation rate during the Pleistocene compared to
the null model of constant speciation rate. Such a testwas performed using mitochondrial DNA phylogenies
of 11 lineages of passerine birds27. It was found that
Speciation rates change over time for a variety of
net diversification rates decreased towards the
reasons and the methods described can be extended to
present rather than increased, contrary to the
test for such changes. For example, one widespread
predictions of the Late Pleistocene origins hypothesis.
hypothesis is that glacial cycles during the
Many studies have used similar patterns to argue
Pleistocene (2.5 to 0.01 million years ago) increased
that diversification rates typically decline during the
speciation rates in Northern Hemisphere groups25,26.
radiation of clades28,29. This might occur because the
The main evidence for this is that many species and
opportunity for speciation decreases as ecological or
populations display genetic divergences from their
geographical space becomes filled30, or as a
nearest relatives consistent with separation during
consequence of decreased range sizes following
the late Pleistocene. However, even if speciation rates
successive subdivisions of ancestral ranges31.
remained constant, it is expected that many
However, several artefacts can also create the illusion
TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution Vol.16 No.7 July 2001
of early bursts of ‘explosive’ speciation. These include
traditional evidence for answering this has been to
incomplete sampling, taxonomic underestimates of
look at recently split species to infer what processes
the number of evolutionary species, and possible
might have been important. For example, evidence
biases in estimates of node ages (Box 3). Even if none
that sexual selection can play a key role in speciation
of these problems apply, it might be impossible to
initially came from observations of large differences
distinguish falling speciation rates from rising
in SECONDARY SEXUAL TRAITS among closely related
species39. Molecular phylogenetics allows moreprecise tests: species relationships can be more
Variation in speciation rate among regions
accurately known and information on the timing of
Species richness varies widely among regions, but
speciation allows us to focus on the most recent
what causes hotspots of diversity? Phylogenetic data
events. However, a key limitation with this approach
can provide insights into this problem. For example,
is that changes can occur since speciation: any
studies in South American and African tropical birds
patterns observed for even closely related species
have used phylogenetic data to infer precisely where
could be the incidental outcome of the independent
in the tropics the most recent speciation occurred33,34.
evolutionary histories of those species, rather than
indicative of the forces promoting speciation1,6. Also,
phylogenetically youngest species do not tend to be
extinction can affect the characteristics displayed by
found in the central areas of lowland rain forest, but
surviving species. Hence, some way is needed to
rather in the surrounding topographically complex,
factor out the effects of incidental change and
montane areas. This appears to rule out lowland
extinction on the patterns observed. We discuss two
areas as hotbeds of recent speciation.
With complete species-level phylogenies for study
groups, it should be possible to estimate how
speciation and extinction rates vary among regions.
Several authors have used species-level phylogenies
One example is the recent investigation of the
to assess the relative frequencies of different
evolutionary basis of a species–area relationship, by
geographical modes of speciation, based on the
comparing speciation rates of Anolis lizards among
geographical distributions of recently formed sister
Caribbean islands of different sizes35. Future studies
species5,7,40. For example, in a recent study of several
could apply similar approaches in continental regions
bird, insect and fish groups41, all of the most recent
and at a global scale. For example, does high
splits had no range overlap, suggesting that
speciation and/or low extinction explain the
ALLOPATRIC SPECIATION is the norm (with some possible
occurrence of floristic hotspots in Mediterranean
exceptions). Also, range size differences between
climate regions36, and, what are the relative roles of
recently split species suggest that speciation often
speciation and extinction in causing latitudinal
involves the isolation of small populations, so-called
peripatric speciation. Other measures can be used toexplore other modes, such as the frequency of
PARAPATRIC SPECIATION, or the role of external
Speciation rates of taxa might depend on their
boundaries, such as rivers and mountain ranges42.
biological characteristics, such as body size or the
The Achilles heel of these studies is that ranges of
degree of sexual selection. To date, most tests of such
species can move, even over very short timescales. If
range movements are common, present-day ranges
phylogenetic information, simply comparing the
might not preserve a record of the mode of speciation.
numbers of species in sister taxa that differ in the
In the above study, several clades showed the same
trait of interest6. As a result, it cannot be ruled out
qualitative pattern of range overlaps as would be
that extinction, rather than speciation, might have
expected if species ranges had moved to random
caused the observed patterns. As more species-level
locations within the area occupied by the whole
phylogenies become available, it will be possible to
clade41. Recent work has tried to deal with this
estimate speciation and extinction rates separately
problem in several ways: (1) by looking at situations
for multiple sister taxa pairs. Similarly, it might be
where range movements are unlikely to cloud the
possible to test for the effects of rapidly changing
results, such as speciation on small oceanic islands43;
traits on speciation rates, even in the absence of sister
(2) by checking the success of biogeographical
taxa differing unambiguously in their expression of
methods in cases known to have a particular mode of
the trait38. For hypotheses where the effect of the trait
speciation, for example presumed SYMPATRIC
is uncertain, such as body size, these tests will be
SPECIATION of polyploid plants7; or (3) by proposing
crucial in narrowing down possible mechanisms.
tests for historical signals, for example randomizingranges of species among the tips of the phylogeny and
Causes of speciation
comparing observed overlaps of sister species to those
Perhaps the most fundamental question in the study
obtained between random pairs of species41. Although
of speciation is what causes a single ancestral species
choosing a realistic null model can be difficult44, the
to split into two (or more) daughter species? The
third approach could offer a general way forward.
TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution Vol.16 No.7 July 2001
Box 4. Character shifts and speciation
The locations of shifts in ecological characters can be
between recently split species than expected, given average rates
reconstructed onto a tree using maximum parsimony or
across the tree and the short divergence time of those splitsd; and
likelihood methodsa. Figure I shows a hypothetical example of a
(2) that the amount of change within lineages is more directly
clade with three reconstructed changes (marked by vertical bars)
proportional to the number of nodes than to branch lengthsc. If
in the state of a discrete character. If ecological shifts occur
ecological differences are associated instead with the long-term
incidentally over time with no effects on speciation or extinction,
persistence and subsequent radiation of lineages, we might
we expect shifts to be distributed across the phylogeny roughly in
expect that most shifts would be observed between more
proportion to the time available for them to occur, that is, the
distantly related lineages within the claded.
branch lengths of the treeb,c. If shifts are associated with
Any test of these predictions must take into account that the
speciation, we expect to see: (1) more ecological differences
location of shifts are reconstructed and are therefore prone to
uncertainties or biases of the reconstruction methoda. Other
discrete or continuous species traits thought to be involved in
speciation, such as reproductive morphology or genetic
characters, could be treated in the same way. References
a Cunningham, C.W. and Omland, K.E. (1998) Reconstructing ancestral
character states: a critical reappraisal. Trends Ecol. Evol. 13, 361–366
b Pagel, M. (1997) Inferring evolutionary processes from phylogenies. Zool.
c Mooers, A.O. et al. (1999) Using phylogenies to test macroevolutionary
hypotheses of trait evolution in Cranes (Gruinae). Am. Nat. 154, 249–259
d Barraclough, T.G. et al. (1999) Testing whether ecological factors promote
cladogenesis in a group of tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Proc. R. Soc. London B Biol. Sci. 266, 1061–1067
Also, tests for particular modes can look at additional
findings at scales where detailed experiments are not
predictions, for example that peripatric speciation
possible (see Schluter46, this issue). The basic
should lead to imbalanced trees45 or that sympatric
approach is to map ecological characters onto a tree
speciation should involve host shifts6.
(Box 4), with the prediction that recently split species
Extinction can also affect geographical patterns,
will tend to occupy different niches or habitats. For
but its effects have been little explored. Random
example, a large body of work on herbivorous insect
extinction occurring at a constant rate over time
groups has shown that closely related species are
tends to prune older lineages17, leaving many recent
often found on different host-plant species13,47.
speciation events ‘untouched’, and therefore could
Similarly, phylogenetic evidence supports a possible
have a fairly minor effect. However, selective
role of habitat shifts in several Hawaiian groups,
extinction, for example for species with smaller
including silversword plants48, Drosophila, and
ranges or those that interact with large numbers of
spiders from the genus Tetragnatha49. However,
close relatives, could have a much larger effect,
except in the most extreme cases, there is again the
perhaps even biasing evidence for geographical
problem that ecological differences between even
modes. Another source of bias might come from
closely related species could have evolved since
taxonomic artefacts, for example if taxonomists were
speciation, as a by-product of independent
more likely to recognize taxa as species when they are
One solution is to compare observed ecological
Despite the problems, phylogenetics provides a
differences among species to those expected under a
framework for considering the effects of other
null model in which ecological traits evolve randomly
processes and has led to refinements of existing tests.
through time with no effect on speciation (Box 4). This
approach is stricter in the criteria needed to
phylogeographical data are available for all the
demonstrate that ecological shifts are linked to
species in a higher clade. This should make it possible
speciation, but there remain limitations. Characters
to determine, for example, what proportion of
that change predominantly at speciation events need
populations go on to form reproductively isolated and
not play a causal role in the speciation process: the
morphologically recognizable species, and what
evolution of some characters might be speeded up by
distinguishes the winners from the losers.
conditions during speciation, such as smallpopulation size50. Also, even using null models it
might be difficult to distinguish rapidly evolving
Recent work has renewed interest in the role of
characters from those involved in speciation. Hence,
ecological shifts in speciation, and phylogenetics
theoretical and experimental evidence is vital for
provides a means to test the generality of these
supporting the likelihood that a given trait is involved
TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution Vol.16 No.7 July 2001
promoting REPRODUCTIVE ISOLATION and diversity insexually selected characters? What role do geneticprocesses, such as changes in chromosome number,gene rearrangements and duplications, play in
speciation54? Considering the evolution of geneticcharacters with respect to phylogeny will allowestimates of the relative frequencies of different typesof change and tests for their intimate association withspeciation. Work on these questions has alreadystarted, but major advances should be seen over thenext few years, as more complete reconstructions of
evolutionary relationships in clades becomeavailable. Linking genealogical and phylogenetic scales The previous discussion has shown how broad-scale phylogenetic studies can help to identify general trends in speciation, but a potential weakness to date
has been that most studies at this level rely ontaxonomic species as surrogates for evolutionary
species. Current technology for DNA sequencing
means it is becoming feasible to sample genealogies of individuals within all the species of a higher
Fig. 2. Speciation of rock-dwelling cichlid fish (mbuna) in Lake Malawi.
taxonomic group, such as a genus. These data
Ecological diversification has been thought to be important in the
will allow tests of the validity of using taxonomic
speciation of cichlids in the African Great Lakes, but among a group of
species in speciation studies, but more importantly
mbuna from Lake Malawi, ecological differences in jaw morphology
and associated feeding style are observed primarily between distantly
will allow a broader range of questions to be
related species (i.e. between genera28). For example, Pseudotropheus
answered. By identifying boundaries between
spp. use their downward-pointing mouths to pinch off mouthfuls of
evolutionary species, it will be possible to ask what
algae, whereas Metriaclima spp. use their terminal mouths to comb
features are associated with species boundaries,
food from attached algae and Labeotropheus spp. use their robust sub-
terminal jaws to scrape algae from rocks. Field studies confirm a
whether the multifarious aspects of species tend to
frequent lack of resource partitioning within genera and that closely
evolve in concert, and what role the external
related species use broadly overlapping resources51. Hence, although
environment plays in producing genetic and
ecological divergence might have played a role in the early radiation or
phenotypic clusters55. Two areas would seem
long-term persistence of lineages, it appears to have been less
important for recent speciation events that led to the majority of
particularly hard to address without integrating
diversity in the lake. Instead, closely related species often differ in male
genealogical and phylogenetic approaches: the role of
nuptial colouration, suggesting that female choice for male colouration
hybridization in speciation, and speciation in
might be a more important factor in recent speciation. A similar pattern
has been found in Nicaraguan crater-lake cichlids15. Adapted, with
permission, from Ref. 28. The tree is based on amplified fragment
length polymorphisms (AFLP), a DNA fingerprinting technique. Scale
bar = 1% difference in the AFLP profile.
Hybrid speciation occurs when hybridization betweentwo species leads to the formation of a new, third
in speciation. More work is needed to establish a
species. It has been long considered important in
strong statistical framework for these kinds of tests,
plants, with 11% of plant species richness attributed
but, in some cases, interpretation can be more
to this mode by recent authors19, but it might also
straightforward. For example, ecological shifts
play a role in animals56. The main tool of current
appear to have played little role in recent speciation
research is detailed genetic analysis, but
events of Lake Malawi rock-dwelling cichlids, because
phylogenetics could play a key role in the future
ecological differences are primarily observed between
resolution of the general prevalence of hybrid
speciation. Current work suggests two ways in which
These examples show the potential and some
such tests might proceed. First, extensions of
pitfalls of using phylogenies to investigate causes of
traditional methods of phylogeny reconstruction
speciation. Studies that deal critically with the
could be used to reconstruct detailed histories of
problems have the potential to answer major
hybridization and CLADOGENESIS in terms of
questions concerning the generality of mechanisms
networks57,58. As yet, the practicalities of this
outlined by theory or experiments. For example, what
approach for large data sets are uncertain: allowing
are the relative roles of geographical isolation and
for lateral connections among taxa increases the
DIVERGENT SELECTION between environments in
number of possible solutions among which to search
promoting speciation? What are the relative roles of
for the optimum. The second approach is to estimate
species interactions52 and ecological shifts53 in
the frequency of hybridization without reconstructing
TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution Vol.16 No.7 July 2001
an explicit history of those events. Current methods
questions about speciation. Current studies have
have been developed to quantify levels of
been caught between the competing demands of
recombination among groups of bacterial and fungal
sampling enough species to detect any patterns and
sequences59,60, but similar tests could be applied to
establishing the evolutionary status of the included
hybridization between species. A problem common to
species. It can still be difficult to reconstruct an
both approaches is that it might be hard to
accurate species phylogeny for higher groups, but
distinguish hybrid formation of a new species from
ongoing practical and theoretical advances are
gene flow between two existing species that does not
making it feasible to meet both demands in a single
study. Even so, there is still the need for studies thatsacrifice detail for scale, and vice versa.
Assuming a suitable tree is available, theoretical
Sexual reproduction might explain the existence of the
questions remain about how best to extract
discrete units recognized as species: interbreeding
information on speciation and in particular how to
maintains coherence within populations, whereas
rule out the effects of other processes such as
reproductive isolation leads to genetic and phenotypic
extinction. The basic theory on rates of speciation is
discontinuities among isolated populations (see
well established, but extensions are needed to answer
Turelli et al.61, this issue). However, if similar genetic
questions at finer and broader scales, for example,
and morphological clusters were found in asexual
what proportion of populations go on to form fully
taxa, external ecological factors might be more
fledged species, and how does the probability of
important than is sexual reproduction in explaining
speciation vary geographically? The theory for
why species exist. One way to test this idea would be to
investigating the causes of speciation is much more
compare genealogical histories between closely related
diffuse, and a stronger framework is needed before
sexual and asexual taxa. The data could be used to:
the generality of mechanisms outlined in this special
(1) identify whether discrete genetic and
issue can be firmly assessed. Crucially, ways are
morphological clusters exist in asexual taxa62; (2) test
needed to identify when the signal of speciation has
whether the degree of clustering is more extreme than
been lost entirely from present species.
expected simply from a stochastic birth–death model
Finally, we have outlined how major advances
of asexual division63; (3) compare the rate of origin of
over the next few years will probably result from
observed clusters between sexual and asexual taxa;
bridging the gap between genealogical and
and (4) test what role divergent selection from
phylogenetic scales. Genealogies allow accurate
environmental variables might play in the process.
reconstruction of species histories and insights into
population processes, but a phylogenetic perspective
is needed to identify general trends and to consider
Our aim has been to show the enormous potential of
the full array of processes leading to species diversity
molecular phylogenetics for answering long-standing
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