Data Sheet V Presentation
A white homogeneous paste containing 1.87% w/w ivermectin
For the treatment and control of adult and immature roundworms, lungworms and bots ofhorses and donkeys.
EQVALAN Paste for Horses at the recommended dose rate of 200 micrograms ivermectinper kg bodyweight provides effective treatment and control of the following parasites ofhorses and donkeys:
Large strongyles Strongylus vulgaris (adults and arterial larval stages), S. edentatus (adults and tissue larvalstages), S. equinus (adults), Triodontophorus spp.(adults), T. brevicauda, T. serratus, C. Craterostomum acuticaudatum, (adults). Small strongyles
Adult and immature (fourth stage larvae) small strongyles or cyathostomes, includingbenzimidazole-resistant strains: Coronocyclus spp., including C. cornatus, C. labiatus, C. labratus; Cyathostomum spp., including C. catinatum, C. pateratum; Cylicocyclus spp.,including C. ashworthi, C. elongatus, C. insigne, C. lepostomum, C. nassatus, C. radiatus;Cylicostephanus spp., including C. asymetricus, C. bidentatus, C. calicatus, C. goldi, C. longibursatus, C. minutus; Cylicodontophorus spp., including C. bicornatus; Gyalocephaluscapitatus; Parapoteriostomum spp. including P. euproctus, P. mettami; Petrovinema spp. including P. poculatum; Poteriostomum spp. including P. imparidentatum.Lungworms (adults and immatures) Pinworms (adults and immatures) Ascarids (adults and immature) Hairworms (adults) Large-mouth stomach worms (adults) Name and address: Merial Animal Health Limited Sandringham House Harlow Business Park Harlow, Essex CM19 5TG Data Sheet V Neck threadworms (microfilariae) Intestinal threadworms (adults) Stomach bots
Oral and gastric stages of Gastrophilus spp. Dosage and administration
EQVALAN Paste for Horses is given orally at the recommended dose rate of 0.2 mgivermectin per kg of bodyweight. Each syringe delivers 120 mg ivermectin, sufficient to treat600 kg of bodyweight.
All horses and donkeys should be included in a regular parasite control program, withparticular attention being paid to mares, foals and yearlings. Foals should be treated initiallyat 6 to 8 weeks of age, and routine treatment repeated as appropriate.
One syringe division of paste per 100 kg bodyweight (based on a recommended dosage of200 micrograms ivermectin per kg bodyweight). The total contents of one syringe (sixdivisions) will dose one 600 kg horse. Contra-indications, warnings, etc
Some horses carrying heavy infection of Onchocerca microfilariae have experienced oedemaand pruritus following dosing, assumed to be the result of death of large numbers ofmicrofilariae. These signs resolve within a few days but symptomatic treatment may beadvisable.
EQVALAN Paste for Horses has been formulated specifically for use in horses and donkeysonly. Dogs or cats may be adversely affected by the concentration of ivermectin in thisproduct if they are allowed to ingest spilled paste or have access to used syringes.
Do not smoke or eat while handling the product. Wash hands after use.
Animals must not be slaughtered for human consumption during treatment. Horses anddonkeys may be slaughtered for human consumption only after 21 days from the lasttreatment. EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TO FISH AND AQUATIC LIFE. Do not contaminate surfacewaters or ditches with product or used container. Drug containers and any residual contentsshould be disposed of safely, e.g. by burying in waste ground away from water courses. Name and address: Merial Animal Health Limited Sandringham House Harlow Business Park Harlow, Essex CM19 5TG Data Sheet V Pharmaceutical precautions
Store in a cool place and protect from light. Legal category Package quantities
10 syringes each containing 6.42 g of 1.87% w/w ivermectin paste. Further information
Horses and donkeys of all ages, including young foals, pregnant mares and breedingstallions, have been treated with no adverse effects on their health and fertility.
EQVALAN Paste for Horses has been used in conjunction with other equine health careproducts and no interactions have been identified. Marketing authorisation number Name and address: Merial Animal Health Limited Sandringham House Harlow Business Park Harlow, Essex CM19 5TG
02-Finch-ch2-pp 20/5/2002 12:50 pm Page 11 D. Greenwood and R. Whitley At the basis of all antimicrobial chemotherapy lies the concept of selec-2.1 Sites of action of antibacterial agentstive toxicity. The necessary selectivity can be achieved in several ways: Principal target vulnerable targets within the microbe may be absent from the cellsof the host or, alternatively, the analogous tar
You have been found to have an early cancer in the breast that has been recommended to be removed. Either mastectomy has been recommended or you have chosen to have that procedure. The breast will be removed and two drains will be placed to collect any fluid the body makes during the healing process. Here’s what to expect : Morning of surgery: Please check-in at the place and time Patricia has a