Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Company Profile and Corporate Information
Company Profile
Sinofert Holdings Limited (the “Company”, which succeeded Sinochem Hong Kong Holdings Limited in December 2006) successfully completed the acquisition of China Fertilizer (Holdings) Company Limited and its subsidiaries (collectively the “Fertilizer Group”) in July 2005, and became a listed company on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. It is now a comprehensive fertilizer enterprise centering on distribution services and vertical y integrating production and network distribution.
Major businesses of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) include the production, import, export, distribution, wholesale and retail of fertilizer raw materials and products, as well as research and development and services in the field of fertilizer-related business and products.
According to the turnover of 2008, the Group is:
The largest fertilizer distributor in China,
The largest supplier of imported fertilizers in China, and
One of the largest fertilizer manufacturers in China.
The Group’s competitive strengths are mainly reflected in:
Its business model of centering on distribution services and integrating production, supply and sales for synergic development,
The largest self-owned and self-run fertilizer distribution and sales network in China,
Its abilities to produce and market the most complete varieties of fertilizer products, including nitrogen, phosphate, potash and compound fertilizers to the customers,
Its strategic alliances with major international suppliers for the exclusive distribution and sales of their products in China, and
Its complete agrichemical services system directly reaching the farmers.
Mission of the Group: “Based in China to deploy fertilizer resources from the global markets to serve the needs of the country’s food security and agricultural production”. The Group constantly aspires to achieve sustained, stable and rapid growth, to deliver value and returns to the shareholders, and to commit to social responsibilities.
The ultimate control ing shareholder of the Company is Sinochem Corporation, which is one of China’s earliest qualifiers of Fortune Global 500 and was selected for the 18th times, ranking the 257th in 2008. The second largest shareholder of the Company is Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc., which is the largest potash producer in the world. ANNUAL REPORT 2008
Company Profile and Corporate Information
Corporate Information Board of Directors Chief Financial Officer Non-Executive Directors Qualified Accountant
Mr. SONG Yu Qing (Deputy Chairman)Executive Directors Company Secretary
Mr. DU Ke Ping (Chief Executive Officer)Mr. Harry YANG
Non-Executive Directors Auditors
Dr. Stephen Francis DOWDLEMr. Wade FETZER III
Legal Advisers Independent Non-Executive Directors Principal Bankers Members of Committees Audit Committee
Bank of Tokyo-MitsubishiRabobank International
Mr. TSE Hau Yin, Aloysius (Chairman)Mr. KO Ming Tung, Edward
Registered Office Remuneration Committee
Mr. KO Ming Tung, EdwardDr. Stephen Francis DOWDLE
Principal Place of Business
Mr. TSE Hau Yin, AloysiusMs. CHEN Yi Qing
Units 4601-4610, 46th FloorOffice Tower, Convention Plaza
Nomination Committee
Mr. KO Ming Tung, Edward (Chairman)
Dr. Stephen Francis DOWDLEDr. TANG Tin SekMr. TSE Hau Yin, Aloysius
Company Profile and Corporate Information
Share Registrars and Transfer Offices Investor Relations Bermuda (Principal office) Hong Kong Hong Kong (Branch)
Tricor Secretaries Limited26th Floor, Tesbury Centre
Beijing Company Website Share Listing
The Company’s shares are listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong LimitedStock Code: 297
Read Cussler Ch. 5-6 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 Problem 6 Problem 7 The bioavailability of drugs delivered orally is often low. Following absorption from the digestive tract into the blood, many drugs are quickly converted by the liver to an inactive form before they can reach the rest of the circulation. One way to circumvent
substituted by petitioner Philman Marine Agency, Inc. (Philman), Carlos Salinas and petitioner DOHLE (IOM) Limited (DOHLE). The Factual Antecedents On September 15, 2002, Armando entered into a nine-month contract of employment7 with DOHLE, through its local agent PTCI. He was assigned to work as a 2nd mate on board the vessel “INGA-S.” His basic monthly salary was US$966.00 on