Medication guide.pages

StaceyFolk, MD, PC
ANTIBIOTICS: These are used to treat or help prevent infection. Always finish off all of your pills unless you
check with us first.
Keflex (cephalexin)—take one four times per day until they are gone. Start when you arrive home from
Cleocin (clindamycin)—take one three times per day until they are gone. Start when you arrive home from
Levaquin (levofloxacin)—take one 1 time per day until they are gone. Start the day after surgery.
ANTI-VIRALS: These are used to prevent cold sore outbreaks when irritating surgeries (peels, laser, etc.) are
done around the mouth. Always finish these as well.
Zovirax (acyclovir)—take two three times per day until gone. Start two days prior to surgery.
Valtrex (valacyclovir)—take one 500 mg twice per day or one 1000 mg once per day until gone.
PAIN MEDICATION: These medications are to be taken as needed for pain. Each contains Tylenol
(Acetaminophen), so while you can take Tylenol in place of these medicines, you should not take Tylenol with
them. Do not take pain medication on an empty stomach if you can avoid it.
Percocet (oxycodone)—take one or two every four hours as needed. We cannot telephone in refills for
Vicodin (hydrocodone)—take one or two every four hours as needed.
Ultracet (tramadol and Tylenol)—take one or two every four hours as needed.
Celebrex (Celecoxib) – take one or two capsule once daily beginning the day after your surgery. You will
be given two capsules (400mg) in pre-op if ordered by the doctor. This medication should be taken daily following surgery for pain control. You can then use the narcotic pain medication (e.g. Percocet, Vicodin, Darvocet, etc.) for any additional discomfort. Celebrex contains a sulfa-based derivative, so do not take it if you have a sulfa allergy that prevents you from taking Lasix or Imatrex. (not all Sulfa allergies apply) Celebrex is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication that can be used around the time of surgery because it does not potentiate bleeding, unlike other NSAIDs, such as Ibuprofen. Celebrex is highly recommended and encouraged by your physician but because it is relatively new, it is also a bit costlier than some of the other pain medications and is rarely covered by insurance companies. No pre-authorization will be obtained from your insurance company,
therefore you must pay out-of-pocket if you choose to take this medication.
MUSCLE RELAXANT, ANTI-ANXIETY: This helps with pain following surgeries such as breast
augmentation, breast reconstruction, and tummy-tucks, where muscles are stretched. We will not refill this
prescription because it can be addictive.
Valium (diazepam) — take one every six hours as needed.
StaceyFolk, MD, PC
ANTI-NAUSEA: All pain medications have nausea as a side effect, and everyone has varying sensitivities to
them. During surgery your anesthesiologist will give you medication to help as well.
Dramamine (dimenhydramine)—this is over the counter. Take 50-100 mg every four to six hours as
needed. It’s good to take on the morning of your surgery with a small sip of water.
Bonine (meclizine)—this is also over the counter. Take 25 mg every six hours as needed.
Compazine (prochlorperazine)—we give this in a suppository form, so if you are throwing up, it ensures
absorption. Take one suppository by rectum every twelve hours as needed.
Scopolamine Transdermal Patch -this patch is for nausea and motion sickness and is usually placed
behind the ear about 1 hour prior to surgery if order by the doctor. Patch should be removed after approximately 72 hrs (3 days) after surgery. Wash hands and skin with soap and water after removal. Do not touch eyes after touching patch, may cause pupillary dilation.
STEROIDS: A short course of high dosage steroids is often used to keep swelling down, especially after facial
surgery. The side effects can include increased acid in the stomach (so Tums, Pepcid AC are good to take) and
mood elevation (which is not such a bad thing until you stop them).
 Medrol Dose Pack—Bring this to the hospital if you are staying overnight. You will start the day after
surgery. Follow the instructions on the packet until they are gone.
LOVENOX®: Certain procedures, such as an abdominoplasty, carry a higher risk for developing a blood clot
in the leg known as a Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) which may lead to a Pulmonary Embolism (PE). You will receive a dose of Heparin in pre-op holding if ordered by your physician and may me instructed to continue the therapeutic blood thinning injections at home with Lovenox® on a case by case basis.
ANTI-HISTAMINES: These can help with itching, sleep, and, to some extent, with nausea.
Benadryl (diphenhyramine)—this is over the counter. Take one or two every six hours as needed.
Atarax Elixer (hyroxazine)—used for children after surgery. Give prescribed dose every six hours as
EYE-DROPS: For lower and quad blepharoplasties

Lotomax - anti-inflammatory eye drops. Use 1-2 drops in each eye 2-4 times per day for one week
Tobrodex - Steroid eye drop. 1-2 drops every 4-6 hours for one week only.


Reich_list of publications september 201

Original articles in peer reviewed journals 2011 (In Press) Reich K , Schenkel B, Zhao N, Szapary P, Augustin M, Bourcier M, Guenther L, Langley RG. Ustekinumab decreases work limitations, improves work productivity, and reduces work days missed in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis: results from PHOENIX 2. J Dermatolog Treat. 2010 Oct 31. [Epub in Medline ahead of print] 20

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Hoodia Hoodoo Teacher Handout: Correlation to National Standards National Social Studies Standards VI. Power, Authority, and Governance Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of how people create and change structures of power, authority, and governance, so that the learner can: • b. explain the purpose of government and analyze h

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