Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.

Dynip client user guide version 4.0

DynIPSM Client
Quick Start Guide
• Download the most recent installation program for your version of Windows from your
• Run the installation program by 'double-clicking' it or entering its name in Start->Run and
• Follow the on-screen instructions to continue the installation.
• If you kept the default options, the installation program starts the DynIP Control Panel
• Click the Close button on the Tip of the Day.
• Enter your Name and e-mail address in the spaces provided on the Internet Name tab.
• Choose a Name for your computer (like myfastpc) and enter it in the Hostname box. Your full Internet Name will be shown below as you type.
• Press the Register button to send your information to the DynIP servers. You will see a confirmation screen if the information was received properly. Click OK.
• It’s a good idea to write down the Registration Key, displayed in the Account Status area (Registered xxxxx-xxxxxx). Your free 30-day trial starts now.
Check Set-up
• Click on the Connection tab.
• Double-check your Connection Type. The installer chooses the right setting for most • Click OK to close the control panel. You can find it again in Start->Settings->Control Panel if you need to make additional changes.
• The installer places the DynIP Client program in your Startup Group if you keep the default options. The Client runs automatically each time your computer starts (the 'ball' icon appearson the task bar). The ball turns red when your computer is connected to the Internet andDynIP is active. A grey ball means DynIP is not running.
• That’s it! Now you are ready to make use of your Internet Name with your own server Purchase
• To continue your service after the free 30-day trial period please use the online order form
available in the Purchase Section of our web site at www.dynip.com to purchase the servicelevel you need.
Thank You
Copyright 1998-1999 CanWeb Internet Services Ltd. All Rights Reserved DynIPSM Client
User's Guide
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent acommitment on the part of DynIP or CanWeb Internet Services Ltd. The information described inthis document may be used for reference purposes only and may not be modified andredistributed. No parts of this publication may be copied, transmitted, stored in a retrievalsystem, translated into any human or computer language without the express written consent of: DynIP, a division of CanWeb Internet Services Ltd.
204-265 N. Front Street,Sarnia, Ontario,Canada N7T 7X1.
In no event shall DynIP, CanWeb Internet Services Ltd., or anyone else involved in the creation,production and delivery of the service and documentation, be liable for any damages whatsoeverincluding, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss ofbusiness information or other pecuniary loss, arising out of the use or misuse of the informationand/or service.
DynIP, a division of CanWeb Internet Services Ltd.
Copyright 1998-1999. All Rights Reserved.
Windows, Windows 95/98 and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
InstallShield is a trademark of InstallShield Software Corporation.
DynIPSM is a service mark of DynIP, a division of CanWeb Internet Services Ltd.
Installation and Operation
1 Introduction
1.1 DynIP Overview
DynIP (pronounced "DYE-nip") is an Internet Name server for customers with changing Internet
addresses. DynIP gives your personal computer a name on the Internet. Until now, only
computers with 'static' address numbers could be given names. DynIP takes care of the details
of adding your permanent Internet Name to the global DNS system even if you have a dynamic
address. Now other people can find your computer whenever it is connected. It's that easy!
1.2 The Internet
A network is the wiring that allows a group of computers to communicate or 'talk' with each other.
You can share files, or send electronic mail (e-mail) for example through your network. An
'internet' is a collection of networks. If several different companies decided to connect their
internal networks together to share resources; that would be an internet. 'The Internet' (with a
capital I) is The worldwide collection of networks. Almost every country has computers
connected to the Internet, and each computer can communicate with any other computer on the
net if it needs to.
1.3 What is an Address?
The Internet uses a system of numbers, much like phone numbers, to identify every computer
connected to the Internet. The number that your computer uses to talk to the Internet is its 'IP
Address' (The IP stands for Internet Protocol). An IP Address consists of four numbers separated
with 'dots' like ''. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns an IP Address to
your computer each time you connect to the Internet.
1.4 Static and Dynamic Addresses
Every telephone in the world has a different number. However, unlike phone numbers, IP
Addresses are sometimes shared because of short supply. Your ISP may share a small group of
addresses with a large number of computers so you may get a different address each time you
use the Internet. These changing addresses are called 'Dynamic Addresses'. If you have your
own permanent address, one that doesn't change, it's called a 'Static Address'. Imagine getting a
different phone number each time you made a call, and then trying to tell someone to call you
back! Aren't you glad you have a static phone number?
1.5 What is an Internet Name?
While computer networks must use numbers for addressing each computer, numbers are hard
for people to remember. People can remember names more easily than numbers. So system
administrators built a 'phone book' and tell the computer to look up the address from a name. An
Internet Name is just the name of a computer on the Internet. It sounds simple, but with so many
computers on the 'net, the details of giving them all names, without any duplicates is quite
1.6 What's in a Name?
For someone to find a computer on the Internet it must have a unique name. With millions of
hosts connected this was a challenge. A method was devised that would allow names to be
grouped by organization type or country, and then by the organization name, possibly the
department and finally the computer's name itself. This 'hierarchy' looks like this:
A machine using the Internet Name 'myfastpc' at DynIP.
Periods or 'dots' are used to separate each part of the name. Starting from the right hand side isthe country or organization type. The abbreviations 'com' for commercial businesses, 'edu' foreducational institutions, 'net' for companies operating the Internet or 'org' for non-profitorganizations are used. Two letter country codes (like 'ca', 'uk' and 'br' for Canada, the UnitedKingdom and Brazil) can also be used here. Next is the organization's name like berkeley ordynip. And finally on the left is the computer's name itself.
The 'computer' part (the first part on the left) of the name can also be called a 'host name'. Theremaining part, which identifies the organization, is called a 'domain'. The full Internet Nameconsists of the 'host name' followed by the 'domain' and can also be called the 'Fully QualifiedDomain Name' or FQDN.
1.7 What is DNS?
Remember that IP Address numbers are hard to remember - especially ones that look like In the early days of the Internet, people put the names and numbers in a file on
each computer. To get to a computer called 'myfastpc' you could just call it by name and your
computer could look up the right number, just like in a phone book. But every time a new
computer was added, all the 'phone book' files needed to be updated. As the Internet grew this
became a problem. To make things easier for people building the net, the Domain Name
System was developed. This is a global database of the computer names and their Address
numbers, with each organization, or 'domain' responsible for their own part. To be part of the
net, you must provide DNS services to the rest of the world for your computers, or no one will
find you!
1.8 Where Does DynIP Fit?
DynIP takes care of the details of adding your permanent Internet Name to the global DNS
system. Until now, only computers with 'static' address numbers could be given names. DynIP's
breakthrough technology gives your personal computer a name on the Internet even if you have
a dynamic address. Now other people can find your computer by name whenever it is connected.
It's that easy!
1.9 How Does DynIP Work?
The DynIP Servers, along with the DynIP Client software on your computer keep track of your
Internet Name and your current IP address. Even if your address changes when connected to
the Internet, the DynIP Client will update our servers and your Internet Name remains valid. This
ensures that any computer on the Internet will be given your current IP Address every single time
a query for your Internet Name is made.
1.10 What can I do with my Internet Name?
Once you have an Internet Name for your computer the uses are nearly unlimited! A few
examples are:
• Connect to your friend's computer with Peer to Peer Networking • Talk over the net with Voice Conferencing software • Run your own Mail Server (a little tricky to set up) • Build Servers for Multi-player Network Games, MUDs or CHAT • Keep track of branch office print servers Software for many of these programs is available from many Internet Download sites. Checkyour favorite search engine.
2 DynIP Services
DynIP offers the following Internet Name Services: 2.1 Free 30 day Trial
• A Free 30-day trial, that includes all the DynIP Basic service features, is available to all first-
• The trial period is activated when you download the software and register an Internet Name.
2.2 DynIP Basic
• An Internet Name using the dynip.com domain (like myfastpc.dynip.com).
• A charge counter and clock to help keep track of your online time and telephone charges.
• A time set feature that automatically keeps your computer's clock in time with time servers • You can change your Internet Name at any time during your subscription.
2.3 DynIP Plus
• Includes the DynIP Basic features listed above.
• An Internet Name using a domain from a larger selection of pre-set domain names (such as myfastpc.ipname.com, myfastpc.bbszone.com, myfastpc.hamsite.com).
• A Keep Alive feature to help keep your internet connection active.
• A Scripting Utility that allows you to use your own programming knowledge to automate tasks when you connect or disconnect to the Internet.
• The DynIP Plus features are enabled on your existing registration key. You will continue to 2.4 DynIP Pro
• Includes the DynIP Plus features listed above.
• An Internet Name using your own top-level domain name (i.e.
• Use your existing domain name or register a new domain (InterNIC fees are not included • Unlimited aliases for your machine (like www.yourdomain.com, ftp.yourdomain.com).
• MX records which allow you to receive email for any user under your domain (anyuser@yourdoman.com) if you are running a mail server.
• A Domain Manager to maintain and control your aliases (CNAMEs or A records) and MX • The DynIP Pro features will be enabled on your existing registration key. You will continue 2.5 DynIP Multiple Domain
• Includes the DynIP Pro features listed above plus one additional domain name.
• Your domains will have a single expiry date to simplify the renewal process.
• Upgrade prices are available if you have already purchased the DynIP Pro service.
• Ask about discount pricing available for 5 or more multiple domains.
2.6 Upgrades
You can upgrade your current service subscription at any time. The remaining dollar value of
your current subscription will be credited towards your new service package. Your expiry date
will be one year from the purchase date of the upgrade. Contact sales@dynip.com to calculate
your upgrade credit!
2.7 Corporate License Packs
Save time and money! DynIP has corporate licensing plans available for larger users. License
Packs are available for groups of 25, 50 or 100 Client Licenses. Set-up is simple with a one-step
corporate license ID that can be entered into new DynIP Clients. The license pack has a single
expiry date to simplify the renewal process. Please contact us at sales@dynip.com for details.
3 Operating Requirements and Acceptable Use Policy
3.1 User Requirements
DynIP users are requested to use their real name during the Internet Name registration process.
A valid e-mail address must be specified. The DynIP server will e-mail you important registration
information once your Internet Name has been successfully registered. If your registration key is
ever lost, it can only be e-mailed to the address you entered in the DynIP Client. New Internet
Name registrations that have an invalid e-mail address will be automatically removed.
3.2 System Requirements
Your computer must be capable of running Microsoft Windows 95/98 or Windows NT. A modem
is required for an Internet Dial-Up connection. A Windows supported network card is required for
a LAN connection. Approximately 2.5 MB of free disk space is necessary to install the software.
Other versions of the DynIP Client are also available for several other operating systems.
3.3 Acceptable Use Policy
All users who have an active Internet Name with DynIP must adhere to the following rules and
• When registering an Internet Name you must supply a valid e-mail address. We need to supply you with important information regarding your registration, and therefore, you MUSTprovide us with a valid e-mail address.
• Hostnames must not be prejudicial or offensive in nature.
• Referring to or sending Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (spam) from a DynIP Internet Name If your Internet Name registration is in conflict with this policy, you will be sent an e-mailmessage informing you that you need to make the necessary changes to your accountinformation.
DynIP Internet Names referred to in Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (UCE or spam)
complaints will be immediately terminated without refund.

Please note that DynIP reserves the right to refuse or remove an Internet Name registration atany time, without refund if it is in violation with the above policy.
4 Client Installation
4.1 Downloading and Unpacking
The DynIP Client program is available for various platforms from our Web Site at
http://www.dynip.com or our FTP Server at ftp://ftp.dynip.com. Microsoft Windows versions
are currently available for Windows 95/98, and Windows NT 4.0. Download the correct self-
extracting program file version for your operating system.
4.2 Running the Setup Program
Copy the program file to your computer and run the program. The InstallShield program
launches automatically to guide you through the installation process. Follow the on-screen
instructions to complete the installation.
4.3 Updates
New versions are always made available free of charge on our FTP and web sites.
5 Registering your Internet Name
5.1 Initial Registration
Registering an Internet Name is easy! The first time you use the DynIP Client program it will
automatically display the Internet Name tab.
Enter your name, in the First Name and Last Name boxes, respectively. You must enter a
valid e-mail address in the E-mail Address field. The DynIP Server will e-mail you important
information once your Internet Name has been successfully registered. Registrations that have
an invalid e-mail address will automatically be removed.
Now you can choose your own personal Internet Name! The Hostname and Domain fields form
the complete Internet Name for your computer. You can use numbers or hyphens (-) as long as
the hostname starts with a letter. Offensive hostnames are not permitted. Enter your name in
the Hostname field.
To submit your Internet Name registration, select Register. If the registration is successful, you
can immediately start using your new Internet Name to refer to your computer. If an error occurs
during the registration, you should select the Cancel Button and make the necessary changes,
then re-submit your registration by pressing the Register Button.
Your account status will be displayed at the bottom of the Internet Name tab. The following arethe account status messages: • Registered (registration key) - your Internet Name is currently registered.
No Internet Name (registration key) - you do not have an Internet Name registered.
It's a good idea to write down the Registration Key, displayed in the Account Status area(Registered xxxxx-xxxxxx). Your free 30-day trial starts now.
6 Complete the Set-up
6.1 Check your Connection Type
The DynIP Client Installation tool does a good job of choosing default settings for most people,
but it's a good idea to check your connection type just in case. Select the Connection tab and
pick the connection type you use. See the Reference Section of this guide for details if you are
not sure what type to pick.
6.2 Starting the DynIP Client
The DynIP files are normally placed in the \Program Files\DynIP\DynIP Client v4.0\ folder on
your computer. If the default options are used, the Client program is also placed in the Startup
folder during the installation. This automatically starts the DynIP Client each time the computer
starts. Once the Client program is running no other settings need to be made for your Internet
Name to work. The DynIP Client is completely automatic! If you manually need to start the
DynIP Client, Select Start->Programs->Dynip Client for Windows 4.0->DynIP Client
6.3 That’s It!
The DynIP 'ball' icon appears on your computers Task Bar (in the System Tray, at the right)
whenever the DynIP Client is loaded. The ball turns red when your computer is connected to the
Internet and DynIP is keeping your name up to date. A grey ball means that DynIP is waiting for
your computer to be connected. You can see the current state of the DynIP Client by holding the
mouse pointer over the 'ball' icon until the pop-up box appears. Check the Reference Section of
this guide for details of other features.
6.4 Online Purchase
The free 30-day trial period is available for the DynIP Basic service level only. To continue your
service after the trial period please use the online order form available in the Purchase Section
of our web site at www.dynip.com to purchase the service level you need. You may also use the
Registration Form included at the end of this guide.
7 Upgrading from previous versions
7.1 Upgrading from Version 2.x, 3.x or 4.0 for Windows 95/98/NT
After installation the DynIP Client Control Panel tool will automatically detect that you have an
existing registration and ask you if you want to reload your previous information. You should
press the Yes Button to start the reload. Once your information has been retrieved from the
DynIP servers you can start using your Internet Name with the new version.
Windows NT users who have previously installed the DynIP Client as an NT Service must stopthe service and uninstall it (from the NT Service tab) before upgrading the DynIP Client software.
7.2 Transferring from versions for other operating systems
1. Start the DynIP Client Control Panel tool and click the Settings tab.
2. Enter your existing registration key in the Registration Key Transfer field. If you are not
sure what your existing registration key is, check the website at www.dynip.com. Yourregistration key can be automatically e-mailed to you from the Account Information section.
Please note that it will be sent to the e-mail address that you specified when you registeredyour Internet Name.
3. Press the Transfer Button to start the transfer of your registration to the new DynIP Client. If
the transfer was successful, you can start using your existing Internet Name by starting theDynIP Client.
8 Uninstalling
To remove the DynIP Client from your computer, double click on the unInstallShield icon in theDynIP Client Program Group or select Add/Remove programs in the Control Panel and chosethe DynIP Client, Windows NT users who have installed the DynIP Client as an NT Service must stop the serviceand uninstall it (from the NT Service tab) before uninstalling the DynIP Client software.
9 DynIP Client Operation
The DynIP Client consists of two parts, the Client itself, which runs in the background (the 'Ball'Icon) and a Control Panel. The Client runs all the time managing your Internet Name. TheControl Panel is only used to make changes to your settings.
9.1 To Start the DynIP Client
To start the DynIP Client, Select Start->Programs->Dynip Client for Windows 4.0->DynIP Client.
If the default options are used, this program is also placed in the Startup folder during the
installation. This automatically starts the DynIP Client each time the computer starts. Once the
Client program is running no other settings need to be made for your Internet Name to work.
The DynIP Client is completely automatic!
9.2 To Start the DynIP Client Control Panel
To access any of the DynIP Client settings, double-click on the DynIP logo (the ‘ball’ icon) in the
Windows 95/98 or Windows NT Task Bar (system tray) at the bottom of your screen to open the
Control Panel. The DynIP Control Panel icon is also available in your computer's control panel
folder (Start->Settings->Control Panel).
9.3 DynIP Client Logo 'Ball' Icon
The DynIP Client Logo Icon (the ball) on the task bar indicates the state of the Client. The icon
appears on your computers Task Bar (in the System Tray, at the right) whenever the DynIP
Client is loaded. The ball turns red when your computer is connected to the Internet and DynIP
is keeping your Internet Name up to date with your current address. A grey ball means that your
Internet connection is down and DynIP is waiting for your computer to be reconnected. A grey
ball with an "X" means the DynIP Client has expired. A grey ball with a "?" means you do not
have an Internet Name registered. If you have Time Set enabled, you may occasionally see a
small 'hour glass' beside the ball. This means that the DynIP Client is checking the time with an
Internet Time Server and setting your clock.
You can see the current state of the DynIP Client by holding the mouse pointer over the 'ball'icon until the pop-up box appears. The following messages may appear: - waiting for your dial-up connection to start - DynIP is keeping your Internet Name up to date - you do not have an Internet Name registered 10 Internet Name
Your Internet Name is the name of your computer on the Internet. The DynIP Client uses this
name to track your Internet (IP) Address so that other computers can communicate with yours.
An Internet Name is made up of two parts, the Hostname and the Domain.
The Hostname is the name of a certain computer or machine within an organization.
The Domain is the name of the organization.
10.1 Registering your Internet Name
Enter your name, in the First Name and Last Name boxes, respectively. You must enter a
valid e-mail address in the E-mail Address field. The DynIP Server will e-mail you important
information once your Internet Name has been successfully registered. Registrations that have
an invalid e-mail address will automatically be removed.
The Hostname and Domain fields form the complete Internet Name for your computer. A valid
hostname is between 2 and 63 characters long. You can use numbers and dashes (-) as long as
the hostname starts with a letter. Offensive hostnames are not permitted. Enter your name in
the Hostname field.
In the Domain menu, DynIP Basic Users can only use the default setting (dynip.com). DynIP
Plus Users can select from the list of predetermined domain names in the drop down menu.
DynIP Pro Users can use their own registered Private Domain (yourname.com).
To re-submit your Internet Name registration, select Modify (if this is the first registration select
Register). If the registration is successful, you can immediately start using your new Internet
Name to refer to your computer. If an error occurs during the registration, press the Cancel
Button and make the necessary changes, then re-submit your registration by pressing the
Modify Button.
Your account status will be displayed at the bottom of the Internet Name tab. The following arethe account status messages: • Registered (registration key) - your Internet Name is currently registered.
No Internet Name (registration key) - you do not have an Internet Name registered.
10.2 Modifying your Internet Name or Registration Information
To modify your existing Internet Name registration simply change any of the fields in the Internet
tab. Once you finish making changes press the Modify Button. When the modification is
complete, press the OK Button.
10.3 Deleting your Internet Name
To delete your existing Internet Name registration, press the Delete Button in the Internet Name
tab. Once your Internet Name has been deleted, it is resubmitted to the name pool where it is
available for others to register. Now you can now register a new Internet Name.
10.4 Retrieving Updates To Your Registration Information
To update your DynIP Client with the current account information from the DynIP Registration
Servers, press the Reload Button. This is necessary if payment has been applied to your
account after it has expired, or if you have purchased an upgraded service level. It is not
necessary to use the Reload Button under normal circumstances. The Reload button does not
update your IP Address; the DynIP Client does this automatically!
10.5 Transferring an existing Internet Name
If you have an existing Internet Name and would like to transfer it to this computer please refer
to the 14.3 Registration Key Transfer in the Settings tab section.
11 Connection
Your connection type identifies how your computer is connected to the Internet. You can testyour connection and specify the address to use when your computer is not connected as well.
11.1 Dial-up Modem (most users)
Select this option if you use a modem and telephone line to connect to your Internet Service
Provider (ISP).
11.2 Cable Modem (ISDN, ADSL)
Select this option if you use a cable modem or ISDN router to connect to the Internet. If you
have a Local Area Network running DHCP or if you are using ADSL, you should also select this
11.3 Dial-up Modem (Static IP Address)
Select this option if you use a dial-up modem but have a static IP Address. Enter your static IP
Address in the address field.
11.4 Local Area Network (LAN, Static IP Address)
Select this option if you are connected to a corporate or campus Local Area Network (LAN)
through an Ethernet or token ring card. If you are connected to a Wide Area Network (WAN)
through a router and network card you may also select this option. If your Local Area Network
runs DHCP you should select the Cable Modem option.
11.5 Update Packets (all connection types)
The default way to send update packets to DynIP's name server is Type 1. If your DynIP Client
is active (red ball) and you are still showing offline then you should change the Update Packet
type as directed by DynIP Technical Support (support@dynip.com).
11.6 Note to AOL Customers
The DynIP Client looks for a Microsoft dialer. AOL does not use a standard dialer so the DynIP
Client does not detect that you are connected to the Internet. To activate the DynIP Client
change your connection type to Cable Modem.
11.7 Offline IP Address
Specify the IP address that the DynIP Servers should return when you are offline (not
connected). You could specify a backup computer to use if your main computer failed for
example. The default offline IP address is set to DynIP's offline server, currently
11.8 Testing your Internet Name
To test the IP Address that the DynIP Servers are supplying for your Internet Name, press the
Test Button. If your DynIP Client is working normally, your own address, or that of your cable
modem or ISDN router is displayed. If the Client is shutdown, your offline address should be
The following are the status messages you may receive: • You are online at (IP Address) -the DynIP Name Servers are receiving updates from your computers (or cable modemor ISDN routers) IP Address.
-the DynIP Servers are not receiving updates and returned the offline IP addressspecified in Connection Tab.
Changes may take up to two minutes before they are visible.
The DynIP Client includes a real-time clock to display on your desktop. The clock can alsodisplay connection charges and the total connection time to your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
12.1 Clock Options
The DynIP Client includes a real-time clock that can also display total connection time to your
ISP. You can change the time format by selecting the 24-hour, 12-hour, or Online option in the
Clock tab. If you do not wish to display a clock on your desktop, select the No Clock option. To
remove the floating window from your desktop, you also need to disable the Display Charge
option. Press the Apply Button to update any changes.
You can change the color of the clock to Red, Green, Blue or White. You can select these color
schemes in the Clock tab. Press the Apply Button to update the changes
12.2 Charge Counter
The charge counter allows you to display your connection charges. To enable the charge counter
click on the Display Charge Counter option in the Clock tab. Enter the hourly charge for your
Internet Service Provider (ISP) in the ISP Connection Charge field. If you have a flat-rate
monthly plan enter zero (0) in this field.
Indicate any per-minute local or long-distance telephone costs in the Phone Charge field that
may apply when you are connected to your ISP. If no phone charges are incurred enter zero (0)
in this field. Press the Apply Button to update the changes.
The Reset Counter Button resets the current online time and charge counter to zero.
12.3 Clock Window Options
You can move the desktop clock window by dragging it by its title bar. If the title bar is not
visible, click once anywhere on the digits of the clock or the charge counter. This will reveal the
title bar, then drag the clock window to the desired position. To hide the title bar again, click
once anywhere on the digits of the clock or the charge counter. The new clock window position
will be saved, so that it reappears at exactly the same place where you left it, the next time you
start up the DynIP Client.
You can keep the clock window above every window on your desktop by checking the Always
on top
option in the Clock tab. Press the Apply Button to update the change.
13 Time Set
The DynIP Client program allows you to set your computer’s internal clock with a daytimeserver on the Internet. This ensures that your computer’s clock is always up-to-date. Ask yourISP for the hostname or IP address of the nearest machine that supports TCP port 37 daytimeservices. An example list of servers is provided in the initial configuration.
13.1 Time Set
To enable synchronization of your PC clock to a time server on the Internet, select the
Automatically set my clock option in the Time Set tab. Next, place a check mark in front of the
time server address that is closest to your geographical location. You can determine which time
server is closest to you by looking at the description for each time server entry.
You can check more than one time server; this is useful in the event that a selected time server
is down. The time servers are contacted in the order in which they appear in the Server
list until an answer is obtained. Your PC clock is synchronized every time a new
connection to the Internet is established and every 24 hours after that.
13.2 Adding a Daytime Server
To add a daytime server, enter its complete hostname or IP address in the Hostname or IP
field. Then, press the Add button to add it to the list. New servers are automatically
placed at the top of the list.
13.3 Deleting a Daytime Server
To delete a daytime server, highlight it in the server list and press the Delete Button.
13.4 Modifying a Daytime Server
You can only modify the description of an existing time server. To modify a time server's
address, you must delete the entry that you wish to modify and then re-add it to the list. To
modify the description, select the address of the time server you wish to modify. The time
server's address and optional description will appear in the Hostname or IP Address and
Description fields respectively. You can then make changes to the description. When you
have finished, press the Add Button to update the existing time sever entry in the list with the
new description.
DynIP does not maintain the default daytime servers provided. If you cannot connect to a
daytime server in this list, it is possible the service is no longer available from that server.
We suggest that you obtain a hostname from your ISP that provides daytime services.

14 Settings
Additional configuration settings in the DynIP Client are available in the Settings tab.
14.1 Language
Select the desired language. English is the default language.
14.2 DynIP Server
This entry specifies the hostname of the DynIP Server that this machine’s Client should connect
to. Select the DynIP Dynamic DNS Server. This should only be changed if you have access to a
private DynIP Server on a corporate LAN.
14.3 Registration Key Transfer
If you have an existing Internet Name registration and would like to activate it on this computer,
enter your existing registration key in the Key fields of the Settings tab. Next, press the Activate
Button to retrieve your existing registration information from the DynIP server and re-activate
your Internet Name. When the activation has been successful, press the OK Button.
You can also copy the DYNIP.CFG file from the computer that has the Internet Nameregistration to the new computer. This file is compatible between DynIP Clients for differentoperating systems and can be copied without a problem.
Note: The activation of the registration key does not remove the Internet Name registration fromthe computer that you are transferring from. This allows you to use the DynIP Client on twodifferent operating systems (but not at the same time!). For example, under Linux or FreeBSDUNIX and Windows 95/98 operating on the same computer using a dual-boot feature.
14.4 Show tips at start up
The Tip of the Day can be activated by clicking the box to the left of the Show tips at start up
15 NT Service
The DynIP Client can be installed as a Windows NT service. This allows the Client to run whenno one is logged into the NT Server console screen. The NT Service tab is only displayed in theWindows NT Client.
15.1 Install NT Service
Press the Install Service Button to add the DynIP Client as an NT service. The DynIP Client
should be removed from the Startup Group if this is done. The NT service must also be
uninstalled before upgrading or uninstalling the DynIP Client software.
15.2 UnInstall NT Service
Press the UnInstall Service Button to remove the DynIP Client if it was previously installed as
an NT service. The DynIP Client should be added to the Startup Group to continue automatic
15.3 Service Status
The Server Status area shows the current state of the DynIP Client as an NT Service. Possible
messages here are:
• DynIP Client service installed; service running • DynIP Client service installed; service not running An installed Client can be started without rebooting the NT Server by selecting it in the ServiceControl Panel and pressing Start.
16 Keep Alive
The Keep Alive tab is available when you subscribe to the DynIP Plus or Pro Service. Selectingthe Keep My Connection Alive check box activates the Keep Alive feature.
Note: Your connection to the Internet may still be dropped due to line noise or line resets. The
Keep Alive feature cannot prevent disconnects caused by these interruptions.
16.1 ISP Web Address
Specify your Internet Service Provider’s (ISP) World Wide Web (www) address in the Address.
You can specify either a hostname or IP address. It is not necessary to include the http:// part of
the web site address.
16.2 Connect Time
Specify how many minutes you can remain idle before your ISP disconnects you from the
Internet. The majority of ISP’s drop your connection after 20 minutes of inactivity. To determine
the idle time that your ISP uses, connect to the Internet and close down all Internet applications
but make sure you remain connected to the Internet. Then measure the elapsed time in minutes
until your connection is closed. Move the Idle time slider to indicate this elapsed time.
16.3 How is your connection monitored?
In this area indicate if your service provider monitors your connection by Connections Made or
Data Received to see if it is active. Most ISP’s monitor the amount of data transferred between
your computer and the Internet over a certain time span to determine if your connection is still
alive. If you are not sure what scheme your ISP uses, select the Data Received option. If your
ISP monitors the number of connections that you make to www hosts, select the Connection
options. This is the preferred option because it uses the least bandwidth.
The Data Received option causes the DynIP Client to transfer 8KB of data over the period of
time specified in the Idle time setting. It is possible that your ISP uses a higher or lower value for
the amount of data that needs to be transferred. If this is the case, you will have to modify the
Idle time setting to be less or greater than actual.
17 Script
The Script tab is available when you subscribe to the DynIP Plus or Pro Service. This featurecan be used to start an external script when you connect or disconnect to the Internet. You canrotate log files and then start your web server, for instance.
17.1 Connect Script
Use this field to run an external file when you connect to the Internet. The scripts must be ANSI
BASIC programs (*.scr) or DOS Batch (*bat) files.
The Browse Button allows you to look for script files. Samples scripts are provided.
The Edit Button is enabled when a valid filename is specified in the script field.
The Test Button will allow you to test your script as if you are connecting to the Internet.
To activate the script select the Execute Script Files upon Connect or Disconnect check box.
17.2 Disconnect Script
Use this field to run an external file when you disconnect from the Internet. The scripts must be
ANSI BASIC programs (*scr) or DOS Batch (*bat) files.
The Browse Button allows you to look for script files. Samples scripts are provided.
The Edit Button is enabled when a valid filename is specified in the script field.
The Test Button will allow you to test your script as if you are connecting to the Internet.
To activate the script select the Execute Script Files upon Connect or Disconnect check box.
17.3 Basic Language Reserved Words
18 Domain
18.1 Overview
The Domain tab is available when you subscribe to the DynIP Pro or the DynIP Multiple Domain
Services. The domain manager allows you to control aliases (CNAMEs and A records) and mail
preferences (MX records) for your domain.
18.2 Aliases
Each computer on the Internet must have a valid Internet Name. Your computer's Internet
Name is made up of the Hostname and the Domain shown in the Internet Name tab.
An alias is another name for your computer's Internet Name. Traditionally, aliases are created to
direct services (like www) for your domain and have them point to the name of the computer that
is running that service (i.e. the web server). That way you do not actually need to have a
computer called www.
For example, the Internet Name in your DynIP Client may look like myfastpc.yourdomain.com.
You can create a 'www' alias for myfastpc.yourdomain.com so your computer can also be calledwww.yourdomain.com. You can set-up an unlimited number of aliases for your computer's Internet Name.
The following information will outline how to manage the aliases for your domain using theDomain Manager tool in the DynIP Client.
18.3 Adding an Alias
From the Domain tab:
Select a domain from the Domain
pull-down menu.
If you are only using one domain withthe DynIP Client it will automatically beselected.
Enter the alias in the Alias field.
For example, enter 'ftp' if you want to
create an alias for ftp.yourdomain.com.
NOTE: If your hostname in the Internet
Name tab is 'www' you do not need an
alias for 'www'.
Wildcard Alias. Enter a '*' in the alias
field will create a wildcard alias so
*.yourdomain.com (or
anything.yourdomain.com) will point to
the specified machine.
Complete the Points To field.
You may specify a hostname or an IPAddress in this field. This field tells ourserver where to direct your alias.
For a Name: In most cases, enter the
Hostname that appears in the Internet
Name tab of the DynIP Client.
For an IP address: Enter the static IP
Press the Add button.
This will add the alias for your domainto the alias list in the domain tab.
To add more aliases repeat the above steps.
Press the Apply button.
This will upload your new domainsettings to our server and make thealias(es) available to the Internet.
Select the OK button.
A confirmation box will appear if youhave successfully uploaded yourchanges to our server.
18.4 Removing an Alias
From the Domain tab:
Select a domain from the Domain
pull-down menu.
If you are only using one domain withthe DynIP Client it will automatically beselected.
Select the Alias from the Alias list.
The alias name should be highlighted.
Press the Delete button.
You will see a prompt box to confirmthat you want to remove the selectionfrom your domain record.
Select the Yes button.
This will remove the alias for yourdomain from the alias list in the domaintab. Press the Apply button.
This will upload your new domainsettings to our server. The alias will nolonger be available to the Internet.
Select the OK button.
A confirmation will appear if you havesuccessfully uploaded your changes toour server.
18.5 MX Preferences
Mail Preferences are the list of machines that you wish to receive email for users in your
NOTE: If you are running a mail server the mail preference feature will allow you to receive e-
mail for any user under your domain (i.e. anyuser@yourdomain.com). This tells other mail
servers that mail for anyuser@yourdomain.com should be sent to
When mail is sent to an address in your domain, the sender's computer will ask our nameservers for the preferred computer to handle mail for that domain (the MX record). The MXrecord is a pointer, which will tell it which machine to attempt to deliver the e-mail to. Mail will bedelivered to the first choice MX record (with the lowest preference number) unless that computeris not available. If that mail delivery fails, then the sender's computer would try the second MXrecord (next lowest number) and the process repeats. In all cases these mail exchangecomputers must be set up to accept mail for all users in your domain and forward it to the correctplace.
18.6 To Add a Mail Host
From the Domain tab:
Select a domain from the Domain
pull-down menu.
If you are only using one domain withthe DynIP Client it will automatically beselected.
Enter the server name in the Mail Host field.
Enter the fully qualified domain name ofthe name server (ie.
Press the Add button.
The mail hostname will automatically beassigned the first choice designation of0 in the Mail Preference List.
Select the Apply button.
This will upload your new mailpreference settings to our server.
Press the OK button.
A confirmation will appear if you havesuccessfully uploaded your changes toour server.
18.7 To Remove a Mail Host
From the Domain tab:
Select a domain from the Domain
pull-down menu.
If you are only using one domain withthe DynIP Client it will automatically beselected.
Select the Mail Host to remove.
The name will be highlighted in the MailHost list.
Press the Delete button.
You will see a prompt box to confirmthat you want to remove the selectionfrom your domain record.
Select the Yes button.
This will remove the mail host for yourdomain from the mail host list in thedomain tab.
Press the Apply button.
This will upload your new mailpreference settings to our server.
Select the OK button.
A confirmation will appear if you havesuccessfully uploaded your changes toour server.
19 Command Line Options
The DynIP Client program accepts a number of command-line options. Some of these have aneffect on an already running copy of DYNIPCLT.EXE. This allows you to modify the behavior ofthe client program without having to restart it.
Reset the connection time and charge counter to zero. If the client program is notalready running, then this option has no effect.
Terminate (Close) the client program. The client first notifies the DynIP Server that youare disconnecting from the Internet. This is useful in your logout script.
If the client program is not already running, then this option has no effect.
Specify an alternate configuration file. This is required if you are executing the clientprogram from a different directory then where the client program is installed in. Forexample, c:\> DYNIPCLT.EXE -Ic:\dynip\dynip.cfg
20 Appendix
20.1 Glossary of Terms
- a small computer that obtains services from a larger computer, see Server - a connection made with a modem through phone lines - the organization part only of a Internet Name (i.e. dynip.com) - File Transfer Protocol, a method of transferring files on a network - the name of a computer on the Internet (i.e. discovery.dynip.com) - the global network of connected computers - the name of a computer (i.e. myfastpc.dynip.com) - the numbers that describe a particular computer on the Internet - Modulator/Demodulator, a device that allows computers to talk throughphone lines - a collection of computers connected together - a large computer that provides services to many smaller computers, seeClient - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol - Universal Coordinated Time, Greenwich Mean Time 20.2 Basic Language Reserved Words
Options for non-standard (added) functions: launch("Program filename", code)code: 0 hide the window 1 Show Normal (let Windows determine position/ placement of Window) 2 Maximize Window 3 Minimize Window sysvar(CONNECTSTATUS)= 1 If connected/ 0 Disconnectedsysvar(INTERNETNAME)= String variable equal to the FQDN of the registered InternetName.
sysvar(IPADDRESS)= String of current IP Address of this host.
20.3 Registration Information
Secure Online Order:
To place your order online please visit the Purchase Section of our web site at
2. Telephone:
Toll Free in North America please call 877-422-6932or 519-332-6900 Fax:
Complete the order form included at the end of this manual
and fax it to 519-332-6464
We accept Visa or MasterCard for telephone, fax or online orders.
Complete the order form included at the end of this manual and mail it with your check or
money order to:
CanWeb Internet Services Ltd.
204-265 N. Front StreetSarnia, ONN7T 7X1Canada Please visit our web site for current pricing information. Please remember to include your DynIP registration key with your order! 20.4 DynIP Service Registration Form
DynIP User Information
First Name
Service Options
DynIP Pro ••• Domain Name:DynIP Multiple DomainDomain Names: Total Enclosed
Payment Method
Credit Card Information
CanWeb Internet Services Ltd.
204-265 N. Front Street,Sarnia, ON, N7T 7X1 CANADA.
You will be sent confirmation of your payment by e-mail.

Source: ftp://ftp.on4hu.be/Dynip-clients/userguide.pdf


No. 37] General Sales Tax 1 STATUTORY INSTRUMENT No. 37 of 2010 __________ REGULATIONS made by the Minister of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 96 of the General Sales Tax Act (No. 49 of 2005), and all other powers thereunto him enabling. (Gazetted 17th April, 2010.) Short title. GENERAL SALES TAX (AMENDMENT) REGULATIONS,


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