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Sustainability strategy 2012 – 2013 with objectives and measures
Sustainability means satisfying the needs of the present without limiting the opportunities and re-sources of future generations. In concrete terms, this means linking economic growth and busi-ness activities that are successful in the long term with environmentally friendly and socially re-sponsible action.
The "sustainability landscape" groups the ongoing modules into four areas: Procurement & Logis-tics, Production, People and Products. The modules bundle together current or future projects,initiatives and activities with the objective of making a significant contribution to sustainability. Each module contains clear responsibilities with measurable objectives, derived measures andquantified key figures for effective monitoring.
The following pages contain an overview of the sustainability modules, including important factsand achievements for 2011, as well as an outlook for 2012 and 2013.
Geberit Sustainability Strategy 2012 - 2013
Modules and Important facts and achievements 2011 Outlook 2012-2013 their objec- tive Green Pro-
As of the end of 2011, 603 suppliers (prior year:
Auditing of all suppliers with an elevated sustain-
563 supplier) had signed the Code of Conduct for
ability risk with respect to country of origin and
Suppliers. This equates to 93% of the total pro-
production processes within the next 3 years
curement value (prior year 90%), only slightly be-
Start a pilot for the performance of third-party
low the 2011 target of 95%. Among the top 200
suppliers, the proportion is 99% (prior year: 98%).
In 2011, the planning system for the performance
of systematic audits underwent further develop-
ment. In addition to the quality audits that were
systematically carried out, EHS (Environment,
Health and Safety) audits were implemented, pri-marily in the highest risk class. When a purchaserfrom Geberit next visits a supplier, he checks toensure that measures agreed to by the supplierhave been implemented.
The Group-wide portfolio analysis of sustainability
risks revealed 54 suppliers with an elevated risk,which corresponds to less than 5% of the totalprocurement value. Green Logis-
In 2010 a logistics calculator was developed to
2012 certification of Geberit Logistik GmbH in
determine key transport and environmental figures
Pfullendorf (DE) in accordance with ISO 9001 and
for the significant transport service providers in
Europe. In 2011, in addition to the Logistics Cen-
Further increase in the use of mega-trailers and
ter at Pfullendorf (DE), the Langenfeld site (DE) as
the optimization of loading volume using technical
well as ship and air transports were also inte-
Continuation of environmental monitoring and
In 2011 transport service providers handled 168.1
derivation of suitable measures in close collabora-
million metric ton-kilometers, which resulted in
CO2 emissions in the amount of 25,500 metrictons (prior year: 22,900 metric tons).
Performance of a feasibility study for the use of
The proportion of Euro5 trucks increased mark-edly, from 70% to 85%. This means that the targetfigure of 66% has already been considerably ex-ceeded.
In comparison to 2010, the number of mega-trailer
trips between production sites was increased by600 trips to 1,950. These increase efficiency pertrip in that vehicle payload can be increased byapproximately 15%.
Geberit Sustainability Strategy 2012 - 2013
Modules and Important facts and achievements 2011 Outlook 2012-2013 their objec- tive Environmental
Geberit has been performing a comprehensive
Continue improvement of eco-efficiency: Environ-
corporate eco-balance for years. This is used as a
mental impact per sales (currency adjusted) to be
basis for monitoring environmental performance in
improved by an average of 5% per year between
production. External logistics has also been calcu-
Improve relative water consumption between 2006
All plants except for the recently founded Logistik
and 2012 by an average of 5% per year, analogous
GmbH in Pfullendorf (DE) and Geberit Apparate AG
(CH) have been certified in accordance with ISO
Group-wide roll-out of the new integrated manage-
14001 and ISO 9001, and Group certification has
ment system for quality, environment and safety
2012 certification of Geberit Logistik GmbH and
In 2011, Group-wide absolute environmental impact
Geberit Apparate AG in accordance with ISO 9001
increased by 0.4% over the prior year. By contrast,
environmental impact per sales (currency adjusted)has improved by 8.3%. This means that the targetfigure of 5% has been considerably exceeded.
Annual Group-wide meeting on environment and
CO2 strategy
Continue implementation of the CO2 strategy:
metric tons. CO2 emissions per sales (currency ad-
Relative CO2 emissions to be reduced by an aver-
justed) have even improved by 9.4%. Geberit thus
remains on course with respect to its long-term CO2
Increase proportion of green electricity by an addi-
In 2011, the proportion of green electricity was
Determination of the CO2 emissions of air travel
increased by 4 GWh to 13 GWh, of which 10 GWh
Continue fuel-reduction plan: Use of new vehicles
of certified electricity from hydropower were pro-
cured at Pfullendorf (DE) and 3 GWh of wind en-ergy were procured in China.
Commissioning of block heating station in Pfullen-
Implementation of the energy master plan with
energy savings and energy efficiency measuresfocused on the following production sites: Pfullen-dorf, Langenfeld and Lichtenstein (DE), Potten-brunn (AT), Jona and Givisiez (CH), Villadose (IT)and Ruse (SLO). Infrastructure
Development of a comprehensive energy strategy
Integration of sustainability aspects in all infrastruc-
for the new building in Slovenia: "Green factory"
ture investments in excess of CHF 5 million by
design with green roofs, a building shell optimized
means of concrete criteria tailored to the project
in terms of energy consumption and energy supply
Implementation of energy concept for new building
Conversion of the infrastructure for the newly
Investment in rain water usage, external shading
founded Geberit Apparate AG (CH) in accordance
and optimized ventilation and cooling in new build-
Initial utilization of injection molding machines with
Systematic renewal of the injection molding ma-
energy-efficient drive technology with energy sav-
The AFR (Accident Frequency Rate) fell by 5.0% to
Reduce the AFR and ASR accident rates by an
13.9 in 2011 (prior year: 14.7). The ASR (Accident
Severity Rate), on the other hand, rose by 27.6% to
Group-wide roll-out of the new integrated manage-
206 in 2011 (prior year: 161). As a whole, Geberit is
ment system for quality, environment and safety
thus not yet on course in this respect.
More detailed analysis of accident events in all
Both of the Chinese production plants have been
production plants and derivation of suitable meas-
certified in accordance with OHSAS 18001 since
2009, as has the sales company in the UK since2010, and the Givisiez (CH) plant since 2011.
Geberit Sustainability Strategy 2012 - 2013
Modules and Important facts and achievements 2011 Outlook 2012-2013 their objective Code of Con-
The Geberit Code of Conduct exists in 14 different
Longer-term communication campaign for training
languages and is presented in training courses
worldwide through language-neutral, animated
Review of the content of the Geberit Code of
short films on the topics of sexual harassment,
workplace bullying, bribery and IT misuse.
Repetition of detailed survey of managing directors
Compliance with the Code of Conduct is bindingly
of all sales companies about their financial contri-
monitored in all organizational units annually. This
reporting is comprised of a total of around 50 ques-
Expansion of the anti-trust legislation training to the
tions. The survey has been carried out annually
central management company Geberit Interna-
since 2008 and revealed no violations in 2011.
tional AG and international markets (e.g. USA, CN,
In 2010 and 2011, a total of approximately 700
employees (managing directors, employees in the
sales companies at the management level and
field service employees) in the European sales
companies were trained on the subject of anti-trust
legislation by means of a comprehensive e-
learning program. In addition, new employees fromthe relevant business areas will be trained in anti-trust legislation by means of this e-learning pro-gram. Employer re-
The Group-wide employee survey carried out in
Increased focus on employee promotion by a
2011 had a high response rate of 87% and identi-
Group-wide implementation of performance ap-
fied an above-average commitment of the employ-
ees. Systematic measures were subsequently de-
Global systematization of wage calculation and
In 2011 Geberit production plants provided tar-
Promotion and implementation of international
geted support for various handicapped employ-
work for the apprentices in accordance with the
ment programs with simple installation and pack-
aging tasks in the amount of CHF 3.5 million.
Targeted support and monitoring of the promotion
Geberit employed 232 apprentices in 2011. The
of apprentices to regular employment, target value
transition rate to a continued, full-time employment
of 75% for transition rate for ongoing employment
relationship was 73%. The concept for cross-national apprentice exchange was compiled.
Local analysis of equal pay for women and men in
three representative production companies re-vealed no differences in base salaries. Social-aid pro-
Donations and financial contributions, including
Continued partnerships with Mike Horn and Helve-
product donations totaling CHF 2.7 million, were
Implementation of a larger social-aid project in
Geberit employees contributed approximately
2,400 hours of charitable work as part of social
Launch new partnership with SwissWaterKiosk
Continuation of the partnership with Mike Horn and
his Pangaea project, and of the partnership withHelvetas on the topic of drinking water for 1 millionpeople
Performance of a social-aid project in the Serbian
city of Kraljevo. Toilet facilities for two elementaryschools with over 2,000 pupils. Complete renova-tion of seven toilet facilities with a total of 20 toilets,11 urinals and 18 washbasins.
Geberit Sustainability Strategy 2012 - 2013
Modules and Important facts and achievements 2011 Outlook 2012-2013 their objective Eco-design
Eco-design workshops have been carried out
Continue systematic implementation of Eco-design
during the development process of all new prod-
ucts since 2007 and with product modifications and
Compilation of additional detailed product life cycle
assessments and environmental product declara-
The successful continuation in 2011 resulted in
various product improvements with respect to
Targeted expansion of the product portfolio for the
Deployment of a new technological solution to
simplify the conversion of the large flush volume
on nearly all concealed cisterns from 6 or 9 litersto 4.5 liters
Energy savings thanks to odor extraction with
New generator unit for electronic lavatory taps
that uses the energy of the flowing tap water to
generate electricity by means of a turbine
A new product life cycle assessment was compiled
Green building
Geberit products are exemplary in terms of water
Active positioning of Water Efficiency Label
and energy consumption as well as noise insula-
tion. The wide range of Geberit products facilitates
Targeted search for green building reference
the implementation of green building and the ful-
objects in core European markets and in the
fillment of standards such as Minergie, DGNB or
Targeted expansion of the product portfolio for the
Geberit products such as the Duofix and GIS
installation systems offer great flexibility in the
Expansion of involvement in associations related to
planning stages and are suitable as lightweightconstruction systems in renovations and new build-
green building (Minergie, DGNB, green buildingcouncils)
The Silent-PP drainage plug-in system is the
standard for low-noise drainage in buildings.
ProPlanner software supports sanitary engineers in
the implementation of solutions for green building.
Membership in associations relating to green
building in CH, ES, USA, ZA and AU. In addition,the German sales company joined the DGNB in2011.
Six Geberit products were awarded the water
efficiency label WELL, which was established bythe European umbrella organization for valvemanufacturers (EUnited) in 2011. The label dis-plays the water efficiency of products in a manneranalogous to the European energy label. Five ofthe six products are in the top Class A.
Geberit Sustainability Strategy 2012 - 2013
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