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Type II Diabetes: The Preventable Epidemic!
Recent statistics on the prevalence of type II diabetes in industrialized na-
tions, show that it is on an epidemic rise. At present rates of acceleration,
type II diabetes will exceed both heart disease, currently the number one
cause of death and cancer as the leading cause of death from complications.
Death from diabetes is usually long and difficult. Complications arising from
the endless dance between excess insulin and elevated blood sugars cause
such problems as diabetic neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy - leading to blind-
ness, circulatory problems, an increase in heart disease, kidney complications
or failure and many, many others. Often the quality of life for diabetic pa-
tients declines rapidly and the last years of their lives can be without much
This is sad, because for the most part, type II diabetes can be either con-
trolled completely or reversed altogether! Here at The Institute, we have
been effectively managing and type II diabetes for over twenty years, through
a combination of a special diet, exercise and of course, key Targeted Nutri-
ents, which have been shown to both lower insulin and increase insulin recep-
Diabetes, like most chronic, degenerative diseases, does not simply come
into one’s life overnight. Although it may seem that way, when diabetes is
diagnosed, it is the result of years or even decades of dietary abuse and
nutrient deficiencies. Oftentimes, one of the early signs of insulin resistance
and excess insulin production is moderate to severe obesity. Those 50 or
more pounds overweight are frequently obese due to excess insulin produc-
tion, which is converting all available blood sugar to fat. Hypoglycemia, or low
blood sugar is often referred to as pre-diabetes as a very large proportion of
those with this condition progress to diabetes if the situation is not managed
properly. The message is that if you have one or more of these problems now,
it would be an ideal time to control the cause of these problems before they
advance to something much more serious.
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The first factor in managing diabetes effectively is exercise. It is important
because regular exercise improves insulin receptor site function, thereby low-
ering the body’s need for higher amounts of insulin. At our Centers, we rec-
ommend a program that combines both endurance and strength training into
convenient 30 minute sessions. This, done 3 or 4 times per week, can provide
all the benefits of being active without compromising your lifestyle.
Next, we must turn our attention to diet. Here at The Institute, we have
developed a special dietary program for type II diabetics that is both safe
and effective. In fact, we have been using it for over 20 years with great
success. It involves slowly and safely lowering total carbohydrate intake to
levels where we are no longer stimulating excess insulin production. If you
are interested in this program, you can obtain a copy of the diet from your
local fitness center or by emailing your request to the address below.
Targeted Supplementation makes up the final leg in our multi-faceted ap-
proach to managing type II diabetes. Key nutrients have repeatedly been
shown to lower insulin levels and increase insulin receptor site function. Cur-
rently we are using a formulation developed right here at The Institute. It is
being produced by a California Company called Phoenix Nutritionals and is
called GlucoCrave Xtreme. It is often available at your local fitness center or
by contacting Phoenix directly at 1-800-440-2390. You can also visit their
The specialized nutrient formula includes Chromium polynicotinate, Vanadium,
Bitter Melon, Gymnema sylvestre, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Syzgium cumini and
This unique combination provides a multi-faceted approach to the manage-
ment of all glucose metabolism disorders including hypoglycemia, PCOS, car-
bohydrate intollerance, and moderate to severe obesity. Unlike many similar
formulas, this combination not only lowers insulin levels, but also increases
insulin receptor site function - a key factor in the reversal of these conditons.
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New Study Shows That Vitamins Can Shorten Your Life???
Can this be true? After over 30 years of research into vitamins, minerals,
amino acids and antioxidants, tens of thousands of studies have established
the benefit of taking supplements and now, after all that time there comes a
study that seems to indicate the opposite. How can this be true?? Is this
The study, which wasn’t really a clinical study at all, but an evaluation of date
from several other past studies, seemed to show that those taking higher
amounts of the antioxidant vitamins A and E as well as beta carotene, had a
small but significant reduction in the length of their lives.
Upon closer examination however, several factors have surfaced, making this
so-called ‘study’ highly suspect.
First of all, most of the participants in these various studies were already
either elderly or were taking these nutrients because they were suffering from
a serious illness such as advanced heart disease or cancer. Now you don’t
suppose that the disease condition for which they were taking the nutrients
may have had any bearing upon their shortened lifespan??? Additionally, we
have no way of knowing if these individuals may have died even sooner if
they hadn’t been taking the extra nutrients in the first place!
Secondly, most of the participants of these studies were using synthetic
forms of both Vitamin A and Vitamin E. In their synthetic form, both of these
nutrients can build up in the body, primarily the liver and become potentially
toxic at higher doses. Had these people been given the natural form of these
nutrients, they would likely have been able to absorb them better and derrive
much more potential benefit from their use.
We must always remember that when one study shows a totally opposite
result of thousands of others, something is wrong.
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Be The First To Get Dr. Whiting’s New Book!
This book takes all of the difficulties out of living well and staying healthy.
Find out how you can be fit with as little as 90 minutes of exercise per week.
Discover how you can dramatically improve your diet without giving up your
Stop spending time and money on dozens of supplements when one is usually
Learn how to reverse diabetes, control menopause, reverse heart disease plus
programs for over 250 health challenges revealed!
Just $19.95 plus $4.95 shipping - Dr. Whiting will autograph your book - Just
Order online at: www.healthyinformation.com
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Key Formulas For Your Well-being
Here at The Institute of Nutritional Science, we have developed many cutting
edge supplements that have improved the quality and quantity of life for
LiquiDaily Supreme – Another Full Spectrum liquid, ideal for the men in your
members lives as well as for women who are taking blood thinners as it does
Cholest Eze – Cholest Eze addresses the cause of the problem by detoxifying
and nourishing the liver. This also helps remove excess cholesterol from the
bloodstream, safely and without the side effects so often associated with
InflamEze – Conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, ongoing back problems and
carpel tunnel, can produce chronic inflammation and pain. This formula can
often support the body to the point where inflammation can be controlled.
This formula is also excellent for sprains and other acute inflammatory prob-
lems. It is also very effective for ‘silent inflammation’, which is at the heart of
such chronic problems as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even
ThyRox – This is our nutritional support for those with an under-active thy-
roid gland. It is excellent for those taking medication and those who are
not. The formula supports the body in several ways, making it easier to ab-
sorb medications for the thyroid more effectively. If you are borderline low
thyroid, this formula can often make the difference, helping many to lose
MetaboPro Shakes – Ideal for the men as well as for women who should not
consume soy protein, such as those who have had or who are at risk for hor-
mone related cancers such as ovarian or breast cancer. It is also ideal for
those who have a sluggish thyroid as soy can interfere with thyroid medica-
tions and thyroid function. The shakes are VERY low in carbs and calories, yet
provide a whopping 25 grams of pure whey protein per shake!
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Nutrition News!! Serious Complications and Increased Deaths Linked with Prescription
A new report released just last month, shows a 29 percent increase in serious
side effects from prescription drugs. The report also showed that deaths from
prescription drugs are up as well, over 12 percent. This now makes prescrip-
tion drugs, taken as directed, the fifth leading cause of death and rising! This
is just another reason why it is essential to do everything possible to stay
healthy and well. Once you start down the path of prescription drugs, it is
often a rocky road with the need to add more and more drugs to counter side
effects of those previously prescribed. Modern medicine has become almost
entirely drug driven and the results are evident in this study. Metformin Increases Homocysteine and Lowers Folate in Diabetics
A study published in the Journal of Diabetes Complications, has established
that metformin or Glucophage, the most popular oral diabetic drug, can sig-
nificantly lower levels of both folate and B12 while dramatically raising ho-
mocysteine levels in these patients. This is significant since homocysteine
levels are a well established risk factor for heart disease, a condition diabet-
ics are already at higher risk for. There are many reasons for trying to control
type II diabetes naturally and this is just one more for the list. Alpha-Lipoic Acid Delays the Progression of Diabetic Cataract
Alpha-Lipoic Acid, a powerful antioxidant, has been shown to greatly slow the
progression of cataract formation in type II diabetes. Not only did the nutri-
ent provide a protective agent against cataract, but also exercised an im-
provement in lens light scattering ability. Alpha-Lipoic Acid is a key player in
not only diabetes management, but also for those with hypoglycemia, PCOS,
and more severe obesity due to insulin resistance or elevated insulin syn-
drome. It is for this reason, that Dr. Whiting has included Alpha-Lipoic acid in
his GlucoCrave Xtreme, which approaches the management of all glucose
related disorders such as type II diabetes, hypoglycemia, PCOS, obesity and
insulin resistance. Ask for this product at your fitness center or from your
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From The Doctor’s Kitchen! Cheese Tacos!!!
Come on now, you’re saying, “in a health publication”! Everyone one of us
wants a treat now and then, so why not admit it and make it the healthiest
way possible. This recipe has been a favorite of mine, especially when friends
drop by in the afternoon. It is easy to make and can be done on short notice.
1-2 pounds of extra lean ground beef or chicken breast
Scrape out the seeds from the previously roasted Chilies and dice. Cook the
ground beef or chicken or both, seasoning with salt, pepper and red pepper to
taste. Add red onion and cook briefly. Heat or roast tortillas in the broiler and
serve immediately. Since this is definitely a finger food experience, I have the
tortillas heated or roasted and in a basket covered with cloth. I serve them
with a large bowl of the meat mixture and the lettuce, cheese and salsa on
the side in individual bowels. This way guests can make their own tacos they
Serving Size: 2 tacos Carbs 7.8 ( if low carb tortillas are used) 14 gms Fiber
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Herrenhäuser Gärten Ginseng, Moor und Abenteuer Lustwandeln in Hannover Herzlich willkommen in den Ginseng-Gärten der Flora-Farm Mi, 23.05. Di, 12.06. Do, 16.08. Sa, 22.09.12 Do, 10.05. Mi, 20.06. Di, 11.09. Sa, 06.10.12 Ein perfekter Ausflug für Hobbygärtner und Pflanzenfreunde: Lernen Sie von den Garten-Die Ginseng-Gärten der FloraFarm in Walsrode sind de