Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Microsoft word - 18 apr 2008
The Board of Glacier County Commissioners met at a regular meeting at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, April 18, 2008. Commissioners John Ray-not present late flight from Washington, D.C., Michael DesRosier-not present late flight from Washington, D.C.~Present @ 11:45 a.m., and Ron Rides At The Door was present. Clerk and Recorder, Glenda Hall was present. Present throughout the day: Dave Ries, Public; Jeff Fauque, Undersheriff; Merle Cowell, Facilities; LeAnne Kavanagh, Press; Mandi Kennerly, Minutes. Commissioner’s John Ray and Michael DesRosier flew in on a late flight from their trip to Washington, D.C. They may arrive later in the day. Many of the items on the agenda today will be moved to the next 2 commissioner meetings. 8:00 a.m. Review/Sign – Payroll, Claims, and Minutes 97 warrants were paid totaling $90,881.69. Paid claims for election training of 63 warrants totaling $2,115.46. 9:00 a.m. Approval – Cons. Dist. Ballot Measure Resolution (Moved to 4/21/08) 9:30 a.m. Approval – Delinquent Tax Payment Schedule – D. Ries David Ries came in to discuss this issue and Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door rescheduled this approval for Monday, April 21, 2008 @ 11:30 a.m. Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door explained what they do in these circumstances. 9:45 a.m. Jeff Fauque, Undersheriff came in to have a discussion on the Jail Food Service and where they are at with this process. Jeff informed Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door that the company they have been working with CBM quoted them $130,000 to provide all the meals for the new jail and the inpatients at N.R.M.C. Jeff will set up a meeting with the hospital and discuss the hospital kitchen and also what they are willing to pay to have this food service. They are definitely looking into a new food service, they have been getting their meals from Lantus (Nursing Home) and Lantus did not pass their health requirements. Jeff also stated that they probably will not be willing to pay ½ of this cost because their census isn’t that great. The county paid approximately $50,000 for meals last year, but this is going to go up significantly with the construction of the new jail. We are looking into this option with CBM because it is a decent price for the meals that will be provided. Also, we will need a firm that will meet all the codes and standards. Prices for the jail are going to go up. We will be generating revenue, but that will all go to the cost of operating the jail. Jeff stated that Glacier County will need to do some upgrades to the kitchen, also purchase the cleaning supplies and some other things on top of the $130K. Merle sat in on this meeting.
10:00 a.m. Merle Cowell, Facilities needed a few signatures on a few things. #1 Balance on the Phone System and #2 Generator – Sales Contract (these were already approved at previous meetings). Also, he is getting approval to get a bid proposal for the air conditioning for the Clerk & Recorder and Commissioners Offices. Merle Cowell, Facilities was wondering if he can get approval to attend a conference in Boise, Idaho June 12-13 for an organization he belongs to for Mechanical Engineering. Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door told Merle that he didn’t think there would be a problem with that and that he should submit a travel request to be approved. 10:05 a.m. LeAnne Kavanagh, Press arrives for the meetings. She informed Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door and Glenda Hall, Clerk & Recorder that the county’s flag should be ½ staff for another fallen soldier. They were not aware of this…….Merle usually gets the fax. This matter was quickly taken care of. LeAnne Kavanagh, Press is wondering about the big article in the paper this morning about the St. Mary Canal Project. She wondered if the commissioners upset the BLM guy, as the story stated that they won’t approve this project and that the irrigators, counties that use the St. Mary Canal water, and citizens are responsible for it. Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door assured LeAnne that this is the process that they go through in D.C. It’s not dead in the water yet. Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door is telling LeAnne Kavanagh about their trip to Washington, D.C. and the people out there were very glad to see Glacier County Commissioners out there. Ron stated that the commissioners requested two million dollars in appropriations for several things for the new jail. The commissioners were advised to shoot for the moon and that is why they put in the request for such a high amount of money. In May the appropriations committee will hash it out on what they feel they want to give and then in June they will appropriate and hopefully were on the list for some funds. The commissioners had the opportunity to chat with all our elected officials Tester, Baucus, and Rehberg. It was time well spent with the senators although it was rushed and they only had little time to get their messages across. They were also able to meet with one of the appropriation committee members for Baucus and they voiced their concerns about other subjects also such as the St. Mary Canal, Water, and the Bridge in Babb. They met Jamie from Bozeman who is a grant writer for Baucus. She works very hard to get money for the State of Montana. By going to Washington, D.C. it opened a lot of doors for Glacier County by being there. Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door also explained to LeAnne about the brunch that is available for anyone from Montana that is hosted by Baucus and Tester. They met with another Commissioner Bill Kennedy, Yellowstone County. The commissioners were told by him that it is important for them to be out there lobbying for funds. He also stated that it is one of those situations where you need to be in their faces to get your voices heard. It’s kind of like out of sight out of mind. LeAnne Kavanagh, Press asked Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door where Commissioner’s John Ray and Michael DesRosier were. Ron informed her that they were on the late flight from Washington, D.C. and most likely they were tired from the trip. Also, she is wondering about the business on Friday, April 18, 2008 (today). Glenda Hall, Clerk & Recorder informed her that the 10:00 – Audit Action Plan was just to inform the commissioners that she will brief the
department heads with a memo on the deficiencies from the Audit and they will need to write up what they have done to correct these deficiencies and then they will submit them in writing by Tuesday, May 6, 2008. LeAnne was informed that the delinquent taxes will be tabled until Monday, April 21, 2008. One issue is for a guy out of California and it will be a conference call. 10:30 a.m. Approval – Delinquent Tax Payment Schedule – T. Cottengin Rescheduled for Monday, April 21, 2008 – Conference Call. Glenda Hall, Clerk & Recorder informed Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door that Connie Bremner, Director of the Eagle Shields will be hosting their meeting in Browning on Tuesday, April 22, 2008. She will have a lunch provided for them. Glenda Hall, Clerk & Recorder also talked with Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door about the Impact Fees on the McCormick Windmill Project. She researched how they would need to spend it. She found that it would need to go into a Reserve Revenue Account and will be shared with the school district where the project is located closes to and that would be Cut Bank School District #15. The commissioners are able to voice their points on where it should be spent and Larry Epstein, County Attorney will develop the points. The commissioners will decide how much they want to spend and how much they will share with the school. They can also decide in the agreement with the school on how the school will spend the money that is allocated to them. 11:15 a.m. All agenda items will be moved to the next two commissioner meetings. 11:45 a.m. Commissioner Michael DesRosier arrives to the office. 12:00 p.m. Commissioner Michael DesRosier is having a discussion with Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door about the Tribune – St. Mary Canal article. He states that prior to the authorizations they have to oppose it; until congress authorizes it. Glenda Hall, Clerk & Recorder explained the Impact Fees on the windmill project and the options that are available on how to manage the funds. She did some research into how they need to handle the funds. Options were discussed and tabled until further discussion. There being no further business for the day, the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. with a motion by Commissioner Ron Rides At The Door and a second by Commissioner Michael DesRosier. The motion passed by Board vote.
ATTEST: ____________________________________ Glacier County Clerk and Recorder
__________________________________________ Page 8 of 17 HOME HEALTH CARE Skills Checklist Experience Level 1 = No Experience - Theory / Observed Only3 = Experienced - Does Frequently / Competent2 = Limited Experience - Have Done / May Need Review GENERAL SKILLS Monitoring End of life care/ Palliative care Documentation of skilled Care (Electronic) Identification and Reporting
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