Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Contents Vol. 72, No. 12, 2008 Simultaneous English language translation of the journal is available from Allerton Press, Inc. Distributed worldwide by Springer. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics ISSN 1062-8738.
Diffraction of Optical Waves by Nonlinearly Induced Cylinders
A. P. Sukhorukov, A. K. Sukhorukova, and V. E. Lobanov
Parametric Reflection Phenomenon in Quadratic Uniaxial Crystals with Birefringence
V. E. Lobanov and A. P. Sukhorukov
Wave Effects in Acoustic Media with a Negative Refractive Index
V. A. Burov, K. V. Dmitriev, and S. N. Sergeev
Properties of Gaussian Waveguide Modes of an Optical Cavity with a Metamaterial
D. O. Saparina and A. P. Sukhorukov
Interaction of Wide-Spectrum Electromagnetic Pulses with Materials Containing a Superstructure
M. B. Belonenko, S. Yu. Glazov, and N. E. Meshcheryakova
Control of Soliton Lattices of Hubbard Electrons in Carbon Nanotubes by a Magnetic Field
M. B. Belonenko, N. G. Lebedev, and O. Yu. Tuzalina
Linear and Nonlinear Light Localization within Photorefractive Photon Superlattices in Lithium Niobate
K. V. Shandarova, V. M. Shandarov, E. V. Smirnov, D. Kip, Ch. Rüter, Ya. Tan, and F. Chen
Formation of Dark Spatial Solitons in Planar Ion-ImplantedLithium Niobate Waveguides
V. G. Kruglov, V. M. Shandarov, Ya. Tan, F. Chen, and D. Kip
Zakharov–Benney Resonance in Optics, Acoustics, and Optoacoustics
Compression Dynamics for Phase-Modulated Few-Cycle Pulses
O. I. Paseka, V. E. Lobanov, and A. P. Sukhorukov
On Superluminal Pulses in Nonequilibrium Media
A Dynamic Array of Optical Traps for Deformation of Elongated Microobjects
E. N. Vorontsov, N. N. Losevsky, S. P. Kotova, and A. V. Korobtsov
High-Efficiency Diffraction from Thin and Volume Dynamic Holograms in Linear Absorbers
Diffraction of IR Radiation by Ultrasound in Tellurium Single Crystals
G. A. Knyazev and V. B. Voloshinov
Photoinduced Birefringence in Layers of Benzaldehyde-Containing Polymers and Its Temperature Sensitivity
Optimal Conditions for Exciting Long-Lived Photon Echo Signals in Impurity Nanocrystals
Structure of Absorption and Luminescence Bands in AluminosilicateOptical Fibers Doped with Bismuth
L. I. Bulatov, V. M. Mashinsky, V. V. Dvoirin, E. F. Kustov, E. M. Dianov, and A. P. Sukhorukov
Effective Interaction of a Photon with a Strong Laser Field
R. Kh. Gainutdinov, A. A. Mutygullina, and M. A. Khamadeev
Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves by Concave Circumferential Surfaces: Application for Hybrid Reflector Antennas
2D Model in Near-Field Microwave Temperature Tomography with a Scanning Diffraction Grating
Yu. N. Barabanenkov, Yu. V. Gulyaev, and O. S. Kuznetsova
Experimental Study of the Propagation of Noise-Like Acoustic Signals in Aqueous and Air Media
A. N. Leukhin, A. Yu. Tyukaev, and N. V. Parsaev
Diffusion Kinetics of Water Molecules in a Nanoporous Adsorbent
P. O. Kapralov, V. G. Artemov, G. A. Gusev, V. I. Tikhonov, and A. A. Volkov
Lyapunov Exponent for Chaotic 1D Maps with Uniform Invariant Distribution
V. M. Anikin, S. S. Arkadaksky, S. N. Kuptsov, A. S. Remizov, and L. P. Vasilenko
Nonlinear Transverse-Wave Interactions in Divergent Axially Symmetric Magnetic Fields
Deformation of a Plane Wind Wave by Vortices at the Beginning of Amplification
O. N. Mel’nikova and T. A. Nivina
Capture of Gravel by the Head of a Dam-Break Wave in a Dry Bed
Study of the Structure of Internal Waves Generated by Flowing Jets in a Stratified Liquid
E. V. Ezhova, D. A. Sergeev, I. A. Soustova, V. I. Kazakov, and Yu. I. Troitskaya
British Journal of Nutrition (2005), 93, 281–289Additional protein intake limits weight regain after weight loss in humansManuela P. G. M. Lejeune*, Eva M. R. Kovacs and Margriet S. Westerterp-PlantengaDepartment of Human Biology, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands(Received 28 January 2004 – Revised 7 July 2004 – Accepted 21 September 2004)Since lon
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