Microsoft word - 2008 medical and insurance information.doc
Grays Harbor Panhandle 4-H Camp Medical and Insurance Information
Name of 4-H member______________________________ Phone ______________ Birth date__________________ Insurance Co. Name & Address _________________________________________Policy # ____________________ REQUIRED INFORMATION FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT:
Age ______ Height ______ Weight ______ Male ______ Female ______ Date of last tetanus shot _______________ Doctor’s Name _____________________________ City _____________________ Phone # ____________________ Dentist’s Name ______________________________ City _____________________ Phone # ___________________ Does your child take any special medication(s) at home? Name of drug(s)?___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Place a check mark next to any medical condition(s) your child may have, and relate any pertinent information about the condition. ALLERGIES: Bee stings ___________ Drugs ___________Pollen___________Food___________Other__________ Describe reactions________________________________________________________________________________ _____ADD/ADHD ________________________________________________________________ _____ Chronic earaches ________________________________________________________________ _____ Diabetes _________________________________________________________________ _____ Asthma _________________________________________________________________ _____ Hearing loss/visual problems ________________________________________________________________ _____ Nosebleeds _________________________________________________________________ _____ Physical disabilities ________________________________________________________________ _____ Bed wetting/sleep walking ________________________________________________________________ _____ Other medical problems _________________________________________________________________ I hereby authorize and give my consent to the authorities of the Grays Harbor 4-H Panhandle Camp to obtain emergency medical treatment for ______________________________________________________. Name of Camper I also authorize medical authorities to perform upon or administer necessary medical or surgical treatment to the above camper. Camp authorities are not excused from attempting to contact me before relying upon this statement. I understand that the information listed above may be shared with other camp personnel on a need to know basis to facilitate the camp staff in providing a safe environment for my son or daughter. ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Date Continue Grays Harbor Panhandle 4-H Camp Medication Release Form
Camper Name ________________________________ Phone # _________________________ While your child is at camp, the medical staff may need to administer one of the following “over-the-counter” medications to your child. Please check “yes” or “no” next to each medication. Those that are marked “no” or those medications that have no check mark next to them will not be given to your child. ORAL MEDICATIONS
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) yes _____ no _____ Ibuprofen
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) yes _____ no _____ Cough syrup or drops
Most medications, ointments, or creams are generic brands. If there are any types of medications, ointments or creams that your child is allergic to, please list them here:_____________________________________________
1. All prescription drugs MUST be brought to camp in the container in which they were issued with medical orders and Physician’s name intact. No medications other than those prescribed by a physician should be brought to camp. 2. Only the exact amount of medication required for your stay is to be brought to camp. 3. All medications must be given to the camp nurse upon arrival and picked up at departure.
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