Outpatient surgery lets you return home on
personal recovery plan. During surgery, we
the same day surgery is performed, and is
keep patients warm, use gel packs to cushion
therefore sometimes referred to as same-day
their bodies, and carefully monitor medications
or ambulatory surgery. Because of surgical
and anesthesia. Following the operation, each
advances, more patients are having surgery
patient has extra time to recover in a safe,
without having to stay in the hospital overnight.
private, peaceful environment. Before a patient
is discharged, we make sure he or she has the
resources needed for a seamless transition to
Same-day surgery is no longer the same for
patients 65 and older. Holy Cross Hospital's
Seniors Ambulatory Surgery Center
new, dedicated Seniors Ambulatory Surgery
you right outside the doors to our Seniors
Center provides care tailored to the specific
The idea of surgery raises questions for patients
the best possible result. The questions and
needs of seniors who are having outpatient
mind of being under the same roof as one
of every age. When seniors contemplate surgery,
topics in this guide are meant to be just that:
surgeries. Pre-surgery, we talk to each patient
of Maryland’s largest hospitals. Hundreds of
however, there are special considerations to take
a guide to conversations with physicians and
to assess their health and support system,
specialists, inpatient facilities, state-of-the-art
into account for you to be prepared physically
nurses, family and caregivers, as well as things
making sure they know what to expect at every
technology and a highly trained staff are
to ask yourself, all to help you make informed,
phase. We also begin creating a patient’s
As a national leader in specialized medicine
confident decisions. Keep this guide on hand,
for patients 65 and older, we at Holy Cross
and should you or a family member ever require
1500 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910 - 301-754-7000 - holycrosshealth.org
Before surgery, your doctor will explain your condition and
document as a guide for taking notes and clarifying answers.
When facing surgery, it’s important to share with your
conditions to regular medication, and bring this with you to
what you should expect from the recommended surgery,
We suggest you take along a family member or caregiver
surgeon as much personal medical information as possible.
your appointment and to the hospital. With it, you and your
as well as many other things covered here. Use this
as well, to help you gather information and make decisions.
Take the time to list the information below, from chronic
doctor can make the best decisions about your care.
Medications I take regularly (including prescriptions, over-
the-counter medications, herbal medications and vitamins):
What is the exact type of surgery I need?
Allergies (medication allergies and others):
Are my heart and lungs strong enough for surgery?
What type of anesthesia will be used and what are the
What will happen if I don't have surgery?
Are there other treatment options I should consider?
What are realistic expectations for this surgery?
Look for a surgeon with the expertise and experience
require, as well as the valuable experience that comes
How will the surgery affect my health and lifestyle?
that give you peace of mind. Your doctor should have
from performing many of the same types of operations.
How long will recovery take and what will it be like?
specific training, knowledge of the procedure you
What is your experience treating my type of condition?
What other specialists and resources would you
What kind of support will I need upon returning home
Are there special technologies or techniques that we
Do I need to abstain from alcohol before surgery?
For a referral to one of Holy Cross Hospital’s 1,200 credentialed physicians and surgeons, call 301-754- 8800 or visit holycrosshealth.org.
Int J Colorectal Dis (2000) 15:291–296DOI 10.1007/s003840000258Bidirectional supply of glutamine maintains J.D. Söderholm J. Larsson enterocyte ATP content in the in vitro Ussing J. Permert J. Lindgren M. Wirén Abstract Glutamine is the principal Accepted: 19 September 2000Published online: 9 November 2000( P <0.05), and the addition of gluta-circuit current ( P <0.05). No
Announcement: Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs Now FSA Reimbursable IRS Revenue Ruling 2003-102, released September 3, 2003, permits many OTC drugs purchased without a physician’s prescription to be reimbursed through a health care flexible spending account (FSA), as long as the items alleviate illness or injury. Below are examples of medical-only and dual purpose OTC