OBES SURG (2008) 18:187–191DOI 10.1007/s11695-007-9384-8
Need for Multivitamin Use in the Postoperative Periodof Gastric Bypass
Fernanda G. Colossi & Daniela S. Casagrande &Raquel Chatkin & Myriam Moretto &Anália S. Barhouch & Giuseppe Repetto &Alexandre V. Padoin & Cláudio C. Mottin
Received: 23 November 2007 / Accepted: 28 November 2007 / Published online: 28 December 2007
# Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2007
RYGBP. Thus, the routine use of multivitamins is deemed
Background Based on the reduced gastric volume and the
necessary after the first month postoperatively, with its
malabsorption produced by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
maintenance preferably for the rest of the patient’s life,
(RYGBP) and diet therapy, it is essential in the postoper-
without abandoning periodic clinical and laboratory
ative period to obtain and maintain an adequate nutritional
state, with the aim of preventing malnutrition and seeking ahealthy life. It is observed that patients have difficulty in
Keywords Bariatric surgery . Morbid obesity .
understanding the new food choices that must considered,
as they have eating habits that are very divergent fromthose currently proposed. There is often the need forvitamin and mineral replacement after laboratory tests.
Methods This study calculated and evaluated the 24-heating records of 210 patients, collected in the course of
The preoccupation of healthcare professionals with morbid
nutritional visits in follow-ups of the first, third, sixth, ninth,
obesity has grown proportionally with its prevalence in the
12th, 18th, and 24th months postoperative.
population worldwide. When clinical methods are shown to
Results It was possible to observe an increase in the
be ineffective in the treatment of morbid obesity, surgical
consumption of nutrients in the course of the study period,
treatment is considered, which is growing in demand and
but it was not regular and significant for all the nutrients.
which constitutes the major control of this disease
Also, it is noted that the minimal requirements for vitamin
For the surgery to produce satisfactory results, it is
A, vitamin C, calcium, iron and B-complex vitamins
essential to have solid and continuous clinical-nutritional
(except for cyanocobalamin and riboflavin) were not
follow-up. This requires the involvement of the patient who
attained. The nutrients in which satisfactory results were
should adhere to the treatment and follow the guidance
obtained were total proteins of high biological value:
rendered []. Currently, the most variable degrees of
medium- and long-term nutritional deficiencies are ob-
Conclusion This study demonstrated the concern for
served in these patients. This is the greatest concern of the
nutrient supplementation in the postoperative period of
healthcare professionals involved in this treatment ].
The nutritional and medical evaluation and follow-up in
F. G. Colossi D. S. Casagrande R. Chatkin M. Moretto
the pre- and postoperative period are essential for monitor-
A. S. Barhouch G. Repetto A. V. Padoin C. C. Mottin
ing these deficiencies , Nutritional deficiencies and
Centro da Obesidade Mórbida, Hospital São Lucas da PUCRS,
alterations most often determined by laboratory tests during
the first year after surgery are: hypoalbuminemia, deficien-
cies in iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12, and anemia
Centro Clínico, Hospital São Lucas da PUCRS,
AV Ipiranga 6690/302, CEP 90610-000 Porto Alegre,
Because of the decreased caloric intake of the diet,
RS, Brazile-mail: claudiomottin@terra.com.br
vitamin/mineral supplementation is indispensable because
the patients do not achieve an adequate amount of nutrients
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures
based on that recommended by the Dietary References
was utilized to compare the percentage of nutrient intake
Intake (DRI) [This situation is aggravated by malab-
over the 2 years of evaluation. Some variables did not show
sorption, which leads to a low bioavailability when
a normal distribution, but were homoscedastic (equal
compared to normal individuals [–, , , , ,
variances), which validated the model, as homoscedasticity
is a more important criterion for the utilization parametric
The routine replacement of nutrients in the postoperative
models. ANOVA for repeated measures was complemented
period of bariatric surgery diverges from one team to the
by the application of the Bonferroni test.
other []. The aim of this study was to determine
It was also determined if there was a linear relationship
the need for multivitamin use after the first 30 days after
of the percentage of nutrient intake over the course of the
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP), at treatment centers
2-year study based on the linear tendency test, which is
for obesity surgery, for the purpose of preventing nutritional
obtained by ANOVA for repeated measures. Significance
deficiencies in the most in-depth manner.
was set at the 5% level, where differences were consideredstatistically significant for values of p≤0.05.
An observational study was conducted with the collectionof data from patients seen at the nutrition outpatient clinic
The sample we have to this study were of 210 patients
of the Center for Morbid Obesity of Hospital São Lucas da
postoperative and of this 70% were women. The age groups
Pontificia Universidade Catolica of Rio Grande do Sul. An
with more occurrences are until 40 years old and the body
analysis was made of the medical charts of 210 patients,
mass index (BMI) more frequently are between 40 to
selected randomly, in the postoperative period of RYGBP.
44 kg/m2 or more than 50 kg/m2 (Table ).
The nutritional value was calculated from the food intake
The study shows an increase in the consumption of
for 24 h recorded at nutrition consults, which were part of
nutrients in the course of the period, but it was not regular.
the postoperative protocol at the first, third, sixth, ninth,
Also, it is noted that the minimal requirements for vitamin
12th, 18th, and 24th month. Of these patients, we were able
A, vitamin C, calcium, iron and B-complex vitamins
to obtain complete data for the first month in 189 inquiries,
(except for cyanocobalamin and riboflavin) were not
the third month 182, the sixth month 158, the ninth month
attained. The nutrients in which satisfactory results were
187, the 12th month 147, the 18th month 164, and the 24th
obtained were total proteins of high biological value,
The food intake records, mentioned above, were ana-
The analysis of linear relationship of the percentage of
lyzed by the nutrition software Dietwin® Professional 2.0
nutrient intake over the course of the 2-year study based on
of Brubins e Dataweb Tecnologia, Brazil Thissoftware carries out, besides other tasks, the nutritionalanalysis of diets. In analyzing the eating records of thepatients, a calculation was made of the percentage of
adequate intake of the nutrients studied in relation to the
Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for healthy adults. The DRIutilized corresponds to the age group and sex of each
individual studied. The nutrients evaluated in this study
were protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, and B
complex vitamins: thiamin—B1; riboflavin—B2; niacin—
B3; pantothenic acid—B5; pyridoxine—B6; folic acid—
After calculating the percentage of adequate intake for
each nutrient for each period in relation to the DRI of each
of the individuals, a statistical analysis was performed using
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version
10.0. The quantitative variables were expressed as means
a Age varied from 12 to 67 years with mean of 36.8 years (SD=10.9).
and standard deviation, and the categorical variables as
b BMI varied from 35 to 87.3 kg/m2 with a mean of 46.9 kg/m2
Table 2 Percentage of nutrient intake according to DRI during the 2-year period following bariatric surgery
Consumption of nutrients post-bariatric surgery (%)
*Value obtained by Wilk's lambda test of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures. a,b,c,d,e,f: The same letters indicate no significant difference by the Bonferroni test .
the linear tendency test with a IC (Confiance Index) of 95%
was shown in all nutrients observed p<0.001, except incalcium (Linear Relation Intake =8.62%; p=0.004) and
It is estimated that only 57% of the protein ingested is ab-
vitamin A (Linear Relation Intake = 5.04%; p = 0.026)
sorbed during the postoperative period by the extent of the
intestinal bypass performed in the RYGBP , , According to the data obtained in this study, there was anadequate protein intake by the patients in relation to the
Table 3 Analysis of linear relationship of the percentage of nutrient
DRI, but the deficiencies encountered in clinical practice
intake over the course of the 2-year study based on the linear tendency
show evidence of an absorptive deficit.
Studies have demonstrated that patients in the postoper-
ative period of bariatric surgery show abnormalities in bone
mass, showing hypocalcemia in as many as 15% to 48% ofpatients []. Moreover, the deficient absorption of
lipid-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, E, D, and K) aggravate
The malabsorption of vitamin D interferes in the absorption
of calcium and stimulates hyperparathyroidism, which
in the long term leads to the occurrence of osteoporosis
, , ]. In this study, calcium deficiency was
observed in the diet, and in clinical practice, the above
Deficient iron intake, demonstrated in this study,
explains the frequent treatment of anemia in the postoper-
ative period [, , , , This also occurs by
Linear tendency test was obtained by ANOVA for repeated measures.
the difficulty patients have in eating beef ].
Vitamin C improves cellular immunity and enhances
limitation of food intake and alterations in absorption,
iron absorption, besides being essential for the synthesis of
which justifies the utilization of nutritional supplements,
collagen, adrenal hormones, amines, and carnitine. This
mainly the use of vitamin and mineral complex, so that a
vitamin is important, especially for the bariatric patient
better allowance of these is attained [–, ,
, ]. Unfortunately, in this study, the daily recommen-
ded allowance for vitamin C was not achieved.
The nutrients that reached the recommended levels
Thiamin (vitamin B1) deficiency as a consequence of
according to DRI standards in the food eaten by the
reduced absorption in the duodenum is caused by the
patients studied, curiously, are those reported frequently in
following: decrease in gastric juice production, losing its
scientific studies as a result of malabsorption caused by the
activity at pH>7; restriction in food intake; and frequency
surgery [, , –Besides, this study points
of vomiting. Patients who drink alcoholic beverages
out the concern for metabolic conditions that ensue when
frequently show blocked absorption of this vitamin.
recommended daily intake amounts of nutrients are not met
Replacement of this nutrient becomes necessary not only
and also when these nutrients absorbed at insufficient rates,
because the recommended amount by DRI is not reached,
which is rarely determined adequately.
but also because of the above factors [, , , ].
An efficient consumption was demonstrated for ribofla-
vin (vitamin B2), but this vitamin is sensitive to light,
ultraviolet rays, the presence of zinc, iron, copper, caffeine,theophyllin, nicotinamide, sodium, tryptophan, urea, and
This study provides further evidence of the necessity of
ascorbic acid , ]. As it is a vitamin with many
routine supplementation of vitamins and minerals using
interactions among nutrients, its malabsorption in the
multivitamins, starting by the 30th day after bariatric
postoperative period makes a deficiency plausible.
surgery and persisting for the rest of the patient’s life.
Niacin (vitamin B3) is involved in supplying cellular
Certainly, this routine does not eliminate the need for
energy through its part in the metabolism of macronutrients.
complementary supply of some specific nutrients based on
There is a tendency toward a deficiency in bariatric surgery
periodic clinical and laboratory evaluation, but probably
reduces the potential occurrence of deficiencies and also of
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is sensitive to light,
alkaline pH, and its deficiency occurs together with otherB complex vitamins. Besides not being ingested in thenecessary quantities, in this study, it would still be exposedto the conditions related above , ].
The functional integrity of the brain is dependent of
pyridoxine (vitamin B6). The deficiency of this vitamin is
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