Eligibility You are automatically enrolled in the Thielen Student Health Center Pharmacy Program when you enroll in the Iowa State University Student and Scholar Health Insurance Program. This program is only available to eligible students, dependents are not eligible for the pharmacy program. The premiums listed in the “Premium Rate” table in the ISU Student and Scholar If you are an Iowa State University
Program booklet include student with the ISU Student and
prescription coverage. For Iowa State University Scholar Health students, this program Insurance Plan, this pharmacy program is for you. Cost This program allows participants to pay either a $10 copay for preferred products or a $20 copay for non- preferred products from the Thielen Student Health Center (TSHC) Pharmacy. A copay is the amount the patient is responsible for paying on each prescription. There is a maximum 30-day supply per copay. Inhalers (oral/nasal), topical preparations, ear, nose, rectal, and eye products will be assessed one copay per container. The remainder of the prescription cost is absorbed by the program’s premiums.
The maximum allowance per person per year is $600. This amount is the total of prescription charges. This pharmacy program is not designed for catastrophic coverage. The maximum allowance has been designed to protect the majority of plan participants from higher premiums and coverage restrictions.
Coverage This program is only available through the TSHC Pharmacy. You have the freedom and right to take your prescription to the pharmacy of your choice. However, prescriptions filled elsewhere are not covered under this pharmacy program.
When you present a prescription at the TSHC Pharmacy, please remind the pharmacist that you qualify by having the Student and Scholar Health Insurance Program. You may be asked to go to the clinic’s registration or business office for proper computer coding.
Products used for the following purposes are NOT covered: investigational or off-label used by the FDA, a cosmetic enhancement only, infertility or stimulating growth, immunization, or as part of a transplant procedure (such as Sand-immune). Also not covered are compounded prescriptions, prescriptions paid by other programs such as worker’s compensation or Medicaid, injections, or brand-name items where an AB-rated generic is available.
For details and enrollment cutoff dates on the ISU Student and Scholar Health Insurance Program, please contact the student insurance coordinator (515-294-2394 or isusship@iastate.edu).
For further questions regarding the ISU Pharmacy Program, please contact the TSHC Pharmacy (515-294-7983 or gyeakel@iastate.edu). Pharmacy Hours Monday 8 am – 6 pm Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8 am–5 pm Wednesday 9 am–5 pm Saturday 9 am–noon Hours vary during breaks, holidays, and summer session. Check our webpage for current information. Iowa State University Thielen Student Health Center Pharmacy Corner of Sheldon Avenue and Union Drive Ames, Iowa 50011-2260 Phone: 515 294-7983 Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran. Any persons having inquiries concerning this may contact the Director of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, 3210 Beardshear Hall, 515-294-7612.
Qu’est-ce que la grippe ? La grippe est une infection respiratoire aiguë fréquente, contagieuse et d’origine virale due aux virus Influenzae . Elle est à l’origine d’épidémies annuelles. Les virus grippaux se répartissent entre différents types : A, B et C. Les virus A et B sont à l’origine des épidémies saisonnières, mais seul le virus A peut être responsable de p