Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
The Hypoglycemic Association
Telephone: (02) 588-5290 Fax: (02)588-2520 PATRON: Dr George Samra Volume 11 Number 1 Ted Grant PRESIDENT: Steve McNaughton ,BE (NSW) Sue Litchfield Acting Secretary: Dr George Samra Joy Sharp Treasurer: Kerrie Cook Patricka Sheiles Jur Plesman, BA (Sydney), Post. Grad. Dip. Clin. Nutr.
Catering Committee: Reg Grady, Sue Choc & Mary Page The NEWSLETTER of the Hypoglycemic Association is distributed to members of the Association and to Health Professionals with an interest in nutritional medicine and clinical ecology. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held half an hour before the public lecture, that is 1.30 PM at the YWCA, 2 Wentworth Ave, Sydney. The Financial Statement and the Hon Auditor’s report are on page 10. Although many members regard this meeting as of little importance we urged them to attend. The Association requires
additional Committee members to help us at times when we send out the Newsletters. Thework involved as a Committee member is not onerous. There are only four annual meetings.
However, it requires some dedication and reliability with some spare time on hand. FEES: For those members who have not yet paid their membership fees, please note the expiry date in the top right
hand corner of the address label. The fees are $15 per family or $10 for pensioners and students. Health practitionersreceive this Newsletter free of charge, as part of our policy to promote complementary medicine among doctors. We hopethat one day patients will be able to claim the services of these doctors and naturopaths through Medicare.
Our next speaker will cover an interesting
topic in medicine; namely the influence of sev- eral layers of personality upon illness. Dr Chris Miliotis has worked in the field of psychiatry and anthroposophical medicine over the past six
years. Anthroposophical Medicine is a branch of
medicine established by Dr Rudolph Steiner andDr Ita Wegman in the early 1900's. It is based on
the view of man, who is composed of 4 principal members: 1) The Ego - his spirituality, 2) The Astral Body - both a physiological and psycho- logical function, 3) The Etheric or Life Body, 4) The Physical Body . Dr Chris Miliotis
Stemming from this view Dr Miliotis has be-
come interested in how chronic illnesses are
influenced by the psychological aspects of the
person. How is it that recurrent emotional statesmay contribute to chronic illness, let's say hy-poglycemia or diabetes?
Yes, of course part of the illness may be
determined genetically, yet stress may suddenly
“Early Intervention of Diabetes”
expose this predisposition as in hypoglycemia. In his talk he will build up this picture of howhypoglycemia may be treated from this point ofview, and then go on to the therapeutic applica-tions derived from Anthroposophical Medicine.
experiences with hypoglycemia and allergies
mation ring Mrs. Bev Cook at 049-59-4369. Any opinion expressed in this Newsletter does not necessarily re-
and any problems of a more complex nature
flect the views of the Association.
will be referred to nutritional practitioners. If
Organise local meetings
you would like to have a talk with Steve,
If any member would like to organise meet-
please ring him at his home on 529-8040.
ings in their local area or meet other members,
Previous Copies of the Books for sale at the meeting Hypoglycemic
Jur Plesman: GETTING OFF THE Newsletter Entrance fee at meetings
Sue Litchfield: SUE’S COOKBOOK
tee has decided to charge an entrance fee of $2
Contributions of articles by members
per person or $3 per family at our public
and by practitioners are very welcome. If you
would like to contribute an article to this
Donations for raffle
Newsletter, please contact the Editor.
way of raffles. If any member has anything to
The Newcastle branch of the Association
donate towards the raffle, please contact Dr
Steve Duff telephone advisory service
are still meeting with the assistance of Bev
George Samra’s surgery at 32-38 Montgomery,
Cook. They meet on the last Saturday of each
talk to any person by phone on any problems
month beginning 1.30 PM to 3.30 PM at the
Lorraine Winsor won the Lucky Door
relating to hypoglycemia, allergies and diet.
Hillsborough Primary School. Enter the school
Prize and Mrs Martin won the Raffle Prize
This voluntary advice is based on his personal
from the Waratah Avenue. For further infor-
at our last public meeting on 3 December,1994. WHAT IS NEW IN FATIGUE AND DIETARY MANAGEMENT OF ARTHRITIS By Dr George Samra
from a public lecture at the Hyopoglycemic Association
I WILL begin in the reverse order starting
crisps made from potatoes, and baked pota-
briefly with the dietary management of arthri-
toes. All the by-products from beef and veals,
Magnesium Salts that you can buy from chem-
tis and then will switch to the main thrust of
ists associated with Grace Bros. Darby Salts
the talk on human fatigue therapy and espe-
This block of foods has relevance to when
were in fact invented by a Grace Bros chemist
cially as to what is happening at The Royal
in 1927 and they may perhaps help about 20
Newcastle Hospital where doctors are con-
drome, as these foods are involved in aches
percent of people suffering from arthritis.
ducting a major research project. I will also
and pains in the muscles and joints, which are
New Zealand mussel, called “Seatone”,
discuss my clinical experiences in the area of
celery concentrate, copper bands, Evening
human fatigue. When you work in this field
with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Thus there is
Primrose Oil [Fecal], salmon oil are some of
you are constantly exposed to new theories
an overlap between arthritis and chronic fa-
the natural supplements that could help in
which allows you to amalgamate them or pull
tigue and one has to figure out which causes
some cases. I should emphasize though that
them to pieces and reconstruct new theories.
not all of these are found to be beneficial to all
About 70 percent of patients with multiple
Management of arthritis
joint arthritis would benefit from this first line
If you are going to use Vitamin C or ascor-
bic acid for arthritis it is best to use the powder
main complaint of arthritis I advise them in the
In severe arthritis I give special additional
first instance to avoid four foods: tomatoes,
supplements to these patients as shown in
beef, veal, potatoes and oranges for at least
three weeks. See TABLE 1 on page 3.
There was a study at the Newcastle Hospi-
percent of people. My recommendation is to
tal by a professor of surgery who was observ-
try a bottle of each of these supplements and
ing patients with copper bands. The hypoth-
juice made from tomatoes, chips and potato
stay with it when improvements are noticed.
esis was that copper bands were of no benefit
Supplements for Arthritis - Rheumatism Patients Cod liver Oil Capsules - 3 per day Blackmores Multi Vitamins + Mineral Tabs - 1 daily Vitaglow Zinc Plus C - 1 daily
HiVita Stress Formula - 1 DailySelenium - Sodium SeleniteSolution 2 mls daily or
Avoidance for Mild Arthritis 3 WEEK TRIAL Avoid strictly for 3 weeks AVOIDANCE for Severe Arthritis NIGHTSHADE FAMILY Avoid tomato, potato, tobacco, eggplant, capsicum, chilli, pep- per, (DO USE sweet potato, cauliflower, pumpkin, marrow, choko, lettuce, celery and cu- cumber) MAMMALIA FAMILY Avoid all animal milks and cheeses. (USE: Soymilk,
Soycheese, Ricemilk, Coco-nut Milk and Coconut Cream)Avoid REDMEAT. No beef,veal, lamb, rabbit, pigmeat ortheir by-products. (USE:chicken, fish, seafood and veg-etables)
CITRUS FAMILY Avoid oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, kiwifruit and
passionfruit. (USE: other fruitsfavouring apples, pears andbananas.)
at all, but it showed and confirmed what we
Vitaglow Zinc Plus C contains B3, B6, B5,
hydrogen peroxide. If you put hydrogen per-
have suspected all along that all of these
zinc and C which are not only involved in the
natural remedies works in about 20 percent of
energy pathway but play a role in overall
burns. The job of the antioxidant is to neutral-
patients and that is significant. But no therapy
metabolism. The stress formula consists of
ise the H O and convert it to water [H O] and
works for every body. These natural supple-
high dose B-complex. Selenium is about the
oxygen. Thus antioxidants can prevent free
ments are harmless and have few side effects,
most powerful antioxidant we have, but re-
radical damage. There are some people who
which is more than what can be said of medi-
quires a prescription from your doctor.
believe that antioxidant can prolong life and
perhaps there may be some truth in this as free
portant role in arthritis in repairing the syno-
radicals are implicated in accelerating ageing.
Vitamins + Mineral Tabs, mainly to ensure
vial membrane - or the living cells that line the
The avoidances in severe arthritis take into
that a good range of minerals be supplemented.
joints - in mopping up peroxide radicals and
potatoes belong to the Nightshade family of
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
being secreted at the wrong time. This is
plants and these include tobacco, eggplant,
usually followed by a subsequent adrenaline
capsicum, chilli and pepper. A patient with
arthritic patients tend to overlap. Most would
stimulation. Hypoglycemia may run in fami-
rheumatoid arthritis told me that when her
have some muscle and joint pains but only 10-
lies and can include diabetes, alcoholism, At-
husband smokes in the car her joints start
15 percent would have bad muscle and joint
tention Deficit Disorders, Hyperactivity, Drug
aching for the next day and a half, and now she
pains. The Newcastle research team are trying
knows why. He does not smoke in the car now
to identify factors in the Chronic Fatigue Syn-
Figures 1(A-C) on page 3 explain these
drome patients who have these pains.
differences more graphically. Figure 1A is The Fatigue Health Model which shows the
The Nightshade family happens to be the
Syndrome patients is: a pathological fatigue
deeper trough of fatigue on the left as com-
most potent family of foods, associated with
lasting longer than six months in the absence
pared to a ‘normal’ fatigue curve on the right.
arthritic phenomenon. Yet we are not sure
of other disease states. Fatigue is weariness
The Therapy Recovery Model as represented
how this comes about. One theory claims that
caused by over-exertion or lack of sleep, but in
in Figure 1B shows how a Chronic Fatigue
in arthritis you get small sand-like particles of
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome it occurs in the
patient can recover from their illness by doing
antigen and antibody complexes in the joints.
absence of over-exertion or lack of sleep.
the right thing at the right time, such as avoid-
In tomatoes, and potatoes the solanates have
Most doctors leave out the word “pathologi-
ing certain allergies, perfumes, odours; by
been shown to be responsible for depositing
cal” which is my own addition to the usual
paying attention to and changing the diet, by
these sand-like particles in the joints and actu-
injections of vitamins and minerals, drugs and
ally attacking the synovium, which in theory
The “fatigue” aspect of the disorder would
Gamma Globulin3 injections. As a result they
eventually causes the erosion of the lining due
of course be recognised by members of the
drift into the good health well in a much
Hypoglycemic Association. Hypoglycemia is
shorter time. Some articles on Chronic Fa-
Week No No. of 5 Minute Water Temperature
The Mammalian Food Sources
mechanism is still unclear, but it seems from
still poorly understood by most doctors. Half
diet is a brain-feeding diet, simple and pure.
a theoretical point of view that whenever we
of the patients referred to me for Chronic
The diet keeps the blood sugar level on an
eat proteins from animals that are similar to
even keel. This basic brain-feeding diet also
ourselves - that is mammal - our body may
reactive hypoglycemia as their main diagno-
helps epileptic patients, although they may
trigger an autoimmune response. This is an
sis. They are not really regarded by me as
not have all the hypoglycemic features. My
auto-allergic phenomenon such as Reiter’s
clinical experience has shown that these pa-
Syndrome1 , Sjogren’s Syndrome2 which can
usually have a condition that could be treated
tients do remarkably well on this brain-feed-
cause a dryness in the mouth with perhaps
arthritis and kidney problems. To avoid mam-
deal better with nutrition. In my experience
Figure 1C represents The Spontaneous
malian animal proteins one must avoid red
Recovery Model whereby people seem to re-
meat such as beef, veal, lamb, rabbit, pigmeat
drome have an abnormal sugar curve. There-
and their by-products as well as animal milks
tigue well on the left to the normal curve on the
and cheeses. Use instead chicken, fish, sea-
‘Hypoglycemic Diet’, that is avoid sugar,
honey and glucose, have six snacks a day,
have chicken sausages or turkey slices.
with a protein breakfast consisting of fish,
Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Thus in the more severe cases of arthritis
chicken, meat or eggs - whatever is preferred
It is not clear how Chronic Fatigue devel-
one has to go a step further and avoid the
- with a good vitamins and minerals supple-
ops. It often happens after a germ including
whole food families as enumerated in TABLE
mentation. A protein breakfast sets one up
Candida Albicans, Glandular Fever4 , toxo-
1. For example in mild arthritis we should
for a good start to the day. These patients get
plasmosis5 or Ross River Fever6 . The normal
avoid oranges, but in severe arthritis we should
scenario is that people get sick from an bacte-
avoid the citrus family of oranges, lemons,
rial or viral infection, recover to some degree
limes, grapefruit, kiwifruit and passionfruit,
Fatigue versus Chronic Fatigue
and then develop Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
although apples, pears and bananas are ac-
The Viral Residual Theory postulates that a
virus stays behind in the neurological system
people can be tired when they have a patho-
in a way analogous to shingles. If one had
on their first visit to avoid gluten, although I
logical organism in their system as in tuber-
chickenpox as a child one can get shingles as
tend to wait before I tell people with arthritis
culosis, or other hormonal condition such as
an adult when the immune system is down. If
to avoid gluten. In my opinion only 10 percent
thyroid dysfunction. Hypoglycemia is a hor-
one has never had chicken-pox one cannot get
of arthritic patients have a coeliac reaction.
monal disease - essentially the opposite to
diabetes - when you have too much insulin
How the environment cause ‘new Immune System Subject to Evolution
only expensive but useless. At least, the Cold
more anti-Darwinian. We have a lot of weak
human beings surviving now that would not
Theory of how TRHT works
pears to be related to the changing environ-
have survived in previous centuries or even
just fifty years ago. Nowadays in Australia,
terms of reflexology principles. I will follow
about one percent of children that are born
sugar and sugary foods is clearly responsible
don’t reach the age of five, compared to the
The skin of the feet has a large number of
for this pancreatic disorder. There is an in-
old days with more than fifty percent child
nerve endings and is quite sensitive to touch,
mortality. Antibiotics are given for pneumo-
pressure and pain. The so-called “reflexol-
foods. Not long ago when the cave-man drank
nia and we have very clever paediatric cardiac
ogy” of aiding relaxation is based on stimulat-
old milk or ate meat that was a week old he
surgery. Everybody would agree that this is
ing receptors in the skin. The same principle is
risked dying. Yoghurt has a natural acido-
desirable, however, we are perpetuating a
used by walking in cold water for three to five
philus and other germs friendly to the intes-
species with a weak immune system and this
tines. Other “good” moulds make good wines.
Nevertheless, some people are very sensitive
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. A weak-
ened human species cannot handle the envi-
Germs all make poisons, called toxins, and
ronmental insults to the body as well as others. Adrenal Shut-down Theory
some people are sensitive even to ‘safe tox-
It is thought that many people with Chronic
ins’. They may become tired and depressed by
eating yoghurt, cheese, vinegar and vegemite. HYDROTHERAPY METHOD
possess adrenal glands that secrete excessive
Therefore avoiding those foods may be useful
amount of adrenaline which cause symptoms
to some Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients.
patients should be placed on a hypoglycemic
of edginess, restlessness and malaise. These
Another source of modern diseases is pol-
diet, avoid their allergies and pollutants, be
glands have lost their proportionality of re-
lution: we live in a dirty world of petrochemi-
given their injections of vitamins and miner-
cals. High lead exposure has never been expe-
amounts of adrenaline in response to minor or
rienced before, except in Ancient Rome where
drugs including gamma globulin injections.
the aqueducts were lead-lined. It is said that is
In addition, the latest form of treatment for
why Rome became a lazy society, which may
Chronic Fatigue is TRHT - Thermoregulatory
tomatic reflexes occur, aimed at protecting
have contributed to its down-fall. We tend to
Hydrotherapy, which originated with the Eng-
one’s life. These include a redistribution of
be a high level lead society with a “normal
lish surgeon Dr Vijay Kakkar. I simply call it
blood away from unimportant tissues such as
range” of between 1-2 ppm. We are actually
The Cold Bath Therapy. There is some anec-
the arms and legs towards the vital organs
accumulating lead into our system. I expect
dotal evidence of the benefits of this therapy,
including the heart, lungs and brain. At the
future archaeologists will be able to date where
notably by the Australian motorcyclist Barry
same time the body takes measures to stop
a person came from by means of a lead hair
Sheene who had been stricken with Chronic
energy wasting metabolic reactions and so
analysis and conclude that he came from the
Fatigue Syndrome. It drained him physically
slows down the heart rate but also stops the
and mentally for four years. The beauty of this
adrenal glands secreting adrenaline.
Some people are more sensitive to lead in
treatment is that it does not cost anything.
The TRHT method can be seen in this light
the air or mercury in their teeth than others.
Many treatments are expensive, others are not
as an adrenal gland training programme, much
TOXIC THEORIES1) Toxin eg. Lead, formaldehyde, attacks
NOTES : Damaged ENZYMES cause "sluggish" metabolism and can cause fatigue. Chromosome contain genetic information for reproduction as well as protein (and enzymes) production. Enzymes help chemical reactions move forward. Faulty enzymes do this but sluggishly. If faulty enzymes are involved in energy pathways, then fatigue results. High doses of vitamins and minerals eg., B12, C, Magnesium can help damaged enzymes to work better.
the same way a dog is trained to sit and obey
consist of a group of doctors all specialists in
commands, the adrenal gland is taught to stop
their own fields. They include Associate Pro-
it’s excessive secretions. Subsequently, a sense
b) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients have
of well-being occurs, as the adrenal glands
Neil McGregor, Dr Mark Donohoe and so on.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and analysed urine
c) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients with
and blood samples comparing these to control
If you are suffering from well established
heart disease, high blood pressure or other
chronic medical illness which requires medi-
meter (called GCMS) is an instrument that is
cation, do not attempt TRHT without first
able to record deflections from molecules and
project it on to a monitor. Using this instru-
Do not be tempted to speed up the training
ment they found an abnormal peak present in
programme by increasing the duration of the
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patient’s urine,
therapy or suddenly lowering the temperature
and less often present in controls (normal) and
called it “CFSUM-1” a “marker”. Thus it
1) CFSUM-1 - proper identification of
appears that we have a diagnostic urinary test
below the age of 13. However, if practised, it
for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome being 77 per-
must be under strict medical supervision.
cent specific. It is believed to be a product of
metabolic obstruction - to ATP production7 .
after therapy by taking a hot bath or shower.
The best way to warm is to dress quickly and
found to block the obstruction to the ATP
2) Detoxification of organochlorines role
take a hot drink and something to eat.
metabolic pathway and make Chronic Fatigue
Cold Bath Therapy and this has been set out in
TABLE 2 on page 4. Five minute baths are
evidence that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome pa-
preferred but total bath time can be achieved
tient have high blood levels of poisons such as
with longer baths. For example, fifteen minute
organochlorines, dieldrin, hexachlor, hep-
3) Staphylococcus Toxins role of germ
bath time on one day can be achieved with two
tachlor, (and even higher levels in fatty tis-
7 1/2 minute baths in a day or 3 five minute
You need a thermometer plus clock or stop
Syndrome patients experiencing muscle pains
watch and of course a bath. Suitable ther-
showed greater levels of toxins from Staphy-
lococcus (28 out of 44 grew staph, only 1 out
The Faulty Enzyme Theory
of 8 in control group). The control group is
I favour this theory which says that a virus
Table 2 shows that you start the first week
somewhat too small, but nevertheless, it can
lodges on to DNA to cause damage to that part
with one five minute bath per day at a water
be concluded on available evidence so far
of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) responsible
temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. You can
modify this by starting with a five minute bath
baths per day with a water temperature of 19
The Immuno-Competence Hormone
degrees Celsius and so on. In week number 3,
you have two five minute baths per day with awater temperature of 18 degrees Celsius and
there should be complete immersion in the
water with just the face out of water. Followthe instructions as per Table 2 until you reach
week five with four five minute bath per day
and a water temperature of 16 degrees Celsius.
Ongoing as per week 3. This is my ownadaptation to Dr Kakkar’s TRHT and which Icall the Cold Bath Therapy.
low temperature in the bath, especially in the
hot Australian climate. You can overcome the
bottles with water in the bath and then meas-ure the temperature. When you have reached
the desired temperature you can return the
and there are no reasons why arthritic patientswould not benefit.
Newcastle Research Group
for the production of enzymes. Reference is
• Test patient for allergies, airborne pollu-
dling in many fatigue disorder states, I have
made to FIGURE 2 on page 5. These en-
tion, sensitivity to petrochemicals, dust
postulated the existence of Immuno-Compe-
zymes are protein units which are involved in
tence Hormone (ICH), as an as yet undiscov-
ered pancreatic hormone. The role of the pan-
duces faulty RNA (ribonucleic acid) or mes-
creas and the hormones insulin and glucagon
senger proteins, which carry information to
• Test patients for levels of T-lymphocytes.
in diabetes has only been understood in the
the mitochondria (power house) within the
last 50-60 years. Much needs to be learned yet
cells. RNA has the code to manufacture the
about the pancreas. We know it makes proteo-
proteins - the enzymes involved in chemical
lytic (protein splitting) enzymes, amylase, that
reactions in the body. If one has a virus living
in parts of the genes, then one will have faulty
• The EEG Test (Electroencephalogram)
I am suggesting that we still don’t know
are involved in energy pathways (in the pro-
enough about this clever organ. I speculate
duction of energy), then the person is tired all
another hormonal function “ICH” to explain
the prevalence of Reactive Hypoglycemia in
This model is attractive as it is possible to
help people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Adrenaline Hypersecretion disorder, Candi-
by giving them extra co-enzymes; vitamins
diasis and Multiple Food Allergy states. These
like B12, vitamin C, zinc and so on. High
Useful supplements
are prevalent among hypoglycemic patients.
doses of vitamins and minerals are preferable
The ICH theory endeavours to tie together the
to drugs, which have inevitably many side-
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, which all
seem to point to the pancreas. It could well be
Chronic Fatigue and Psychiatric Illness
that more than one ICH may exist, possibly
one for each target organ. Failure of adequate
ICH may lead to a predisposition for condi-
of psychiatric illness and then treat them ac-
tions listed with an asterisk in FIGURE 3 on
cordingly. There is a rule of medicine which
says that if all tests are negative, the patients
need to be referred to a psychiatrist. However,
tence Hormone - may go to the bone marrow
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients for the
to produce B-lymphocytes, or to the thymus
most part are rational and retain a good sense
of reality. Their depressions are not psychotic
amount of ICH may make the T-cell immunity
depressions, but rather signs of frustration,
5) Drugs: Catovit ( a combination of B
incompetent and cause CFS and Candidiasis
being bed-ridden, tired and beyond control of
vitamins and prolintane), Prothiaden
as shown in figure 3. The pancreas may also
(dothiepin) an antidepressant, Aurorix
send the ICH to the intestinal lymph glandsand somehow make these glands learn not to
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research (moclobemide) - however blood pres-
attack foods. The intestinal lymph glands con-
sure needs to be monitored, Nardil
stitute the major lymph glands in the body and
(phenelzine) a MAOI antidepressant but
forms the biggest immune organ. When they
be undertaking an extensive and expensive
are incompetent they may cause food aller-
research project involving 400 Chronic Fa-
foods to be avoided, Dilantin(pheny-
gies, Candidiasis and be responsible for an
tigue Syndrome patients and an equal number
toin) and Epilim(valproic acid), now
allergies. Perhaps with the overproduction of
Treatment approach for
insulin, the blood sugar level crashes and is
cramps. Prozac (fluoxetine) and
interfering with the ICH for some people and
has been fully discussed in my previous article
Aropax (Paroxetine HCL) prevents the
they develop allergies. Hypoglycemics tend
“New Theories of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”
to over-produce adrenaline as a result of the
published in the Hypoglycemic Newsletter of
appetite and moods, and Analgesics
perhaps adequate ICH to the adrenal glands
will protect one from over-stimulation of the
adrenal glands. When we look at figure 3 we
6) Herbs Valerian and Acupuncture.
see ICH-SH coming from the pituitary gland
to the pancreas. “SH” stands for Stimulating
7) Exposure to sunlight (and white candle-
• Exclude the possibility of a hypoglyc-
Hormone and it may well be that the ICH from
the pancreas which control various organs in
the body is, in turn, controlled by the ICH-SH
8) Last but not least Cold Bath Therapy.
from the pituitary gland in the brain.
This is merely my attempt to try to piece
together all these parts of the puzzle concern-
Immuno-Competence Hormone Theory
ing hypoglycemia and Chronic Fatigue Syn-
I’d like to finish with a completely new
drome. If there is a hormone that the pancreas
idea or theory, that could possibly explain the
makes and we don’t know about it, it would be
puzzles that have surfaced in both hypoglyc-
possible to synthesize that hormone and may
• Test patients for Candidiasis.
be inject it or make it into a pill. The only thing
we have that come close to it are steroids
which are nasty drugs. But perhaps we may
stimulate the production of this unknown hor-
mone through nutrition in the future.
lus (‘water on the brain’) and eye dis-
arbovirus [from arthropod borne] re-
polyarthritis and conjunctivitis occur.
salivary and other glands, mostly inpostmenopausal women, with dry
called “kissing disease”. Treatment is
mouth, hoarse voice. Also called kera-toconjunctivitis.
a carrier of chemical energy in all living
tracted protein fraction of humanplasma, rich in specific antibodies
specifically to examine the problem of breast
pain and to compare drug treatments for this
EPO was definitely superior when the level
condition. Three treatments were used: 2 pre-
of side effects was considered. In the other
Evening Primrose Oil
scription drugs, danazol1 and bromocriptine2
treatment groups, 30-35% of the patients com-
and Breast Pain
and one dietary therapy, evening primrose oil
plained of significant side effects with ap-
proximately half of these patients having to
stop treatment. However, in the EPO group,
treatments and reviewed 2 months after start-
only 4% of patients complained of side ef-
ing therapy to assess their response. If no
improvement was recorded, the patients were
The authors concluded that all 3 treatments
swapped to one of the remaining therapies. In
were active in managing breast pain but main-
tain that EPO is the treatment of choice be-
continue for four months before patients re-
cause of the low incidence of side effects
ceived alternative therapy as EPO can take
associated with its use. Only in circumstances
where a rapid response was required would
severe breast pain (mastalgia). This may be
Of 324 patients with cyclical mastalgia, 85
they suggest one of the alternative treatments.
related to the menstrual cycle, occurring prin-
The low level of side effects associated with
cipally during the last two weeks of the cycle,
good response. A good response was also seen
the use of EPO also allows EPO to be used
or alternatively the pain may occur randomly
more than one course of treatment if breast
with no apparent relationship to the cycle.
rate). The danazol treatment group recorded
In general, only half of these women will
the best results seen in 79% of the treated
seek medical advice and of these 15% will
have much severe pain that their quality of life
In the women with non-cyclical mastalgia,
is significantly affected and they require drug
the response rate was lower, with all treat-
ments appearing equally effective: EPO 38%
of prolactin from the pituitary gland.
A clinic in Wales was set up 17 years ago,
response rate; danazol 40% and bromocriptine
EGGS are an excellent low fat source of Egg Facts
protein, vitamins and minerals. However, thecholesterol content of eggs has often been
given as a cause of concern in relation to the
people to consume eggs in moderation, those
control of blood cholesterol levels. Although
with high blood cholesterol levels need to
eggs contribute about a quarter of the choles-
terol in our daily diet, they are not the onlysource.
sion’s Nutrition Clinic, on a group of volun-
If you wish to know whether or not you are
teers with normal blood cholesterol levels.
likely to have a rise in your blood cholesterol
Cholesterol in your food can affect plasma
level from eating eggs, you should first have
cholesterol, but saturated fat in your diet is
After four weeks on one diet with a choles-
your blood cholesterol level measured. These
more important. Foods such as fatty meats and
terol supplement (egg yolk) the volunteers
days it is quite painless to have a cholesterol
full fat dairy products have a much greater
crossed over to the alternate diet (a choles-
check - the new machines only require a finger
terol-free supplement). The results showed
prick of blood. Check with your local doctor
average egg contains 250 milligrams of cho-
that the average serum or blood cholesterol
or Community Health Centre for information
lesterol and only 6 grams of fat, all of which is
level for each group was the same at the end of
on where to have a blood cholesterol check
each four-week dietary period, whether the
diet was high or low in egg cholesterol.
that a modest consumption of eggs (one or two
normal range then it probably does not matter
per day) whilst raising the blood cholesterol in
with a group of volunteers who registered
if you eat eggs in moderation. If your blood
some people, does not affect blood cholesterol
high blood cholesterol levels. There was a
cholesterol reading is high then it is suggested
in most people. This was shown in an experi-
significant rise in blood cholesterol in these
that you keep a careful check on the amount of
mental dietary trial carried out using the Divi-
subjects when they were placed on a diet with
foods eaten which contain high levels of di-
Common drug groups and drugs that may cause nutrient depletion and nutritional deficiencies from D.A.Roe (1989), DIET AND DRUG EGG FACTS INTERACTONS, An AVI Book, Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY, Page 85. people with normal blood choles- Drug Group Deficiency terol levels to eat eggs in modera-People with high blood cho- lesterol levels should restrict eggnot affect the egg’s flavour or nutri-ments in the hen’s diet, hence maize(corn), clover or grass may produce
etary cholesterol (for example fatty meat,
full fat dairy products, eggs, brains and
intake of saturated fats which is the main
dietary factor to raise blood cholesterol.
ucts and alternative egg products will help
which in turn reduces associated risks.
in the egg world. In Australia, Good Food
Products has released “Scramblers”, a low
cholesterol product made from egg whites,
searchers are working on adapting choles-
terol-removing technology to egg yolks.
The first product to be marketed using this
“scrambled egg” product or an egg base
Further reading:
Nestel PJ ed. Diet, health and disease in Australia. Sydney
Saxelby, C. Food what’s is in it.
body for - The incredible egg and other
information sheets and egg-based recipes. THE HYPOGLYCEMIC ASSOCIATION STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 1994 Membership Fees 2,737.50 Donations Meeting Fees Interest 3,148.11 EXPENDITURE Hall Hire Printing 1,138.00 Stationary Secretaries Expenses Editors Expenses P.O. Box Rental Bank Fees Guest Speaker presentations Meeting Costs 3,459.99 EXCESS OF EXPENDITURE OVER INCOME Opening Balance 3,167.99 - Petty Cash 3,241.15 2,929.27 REPRESENTED BY 2,889.68 - PETTY CASH 2,929.27 HONORARY AUDITOR'S REPORT
I herby certify that I have examined the books and accounting records ofThe Hypoglycemic Association for the year ended 31 st December 1994and report that the above Statement of Income and Expenditure representsa true and fair view of the Income and Expenditure of the Association forthe said year. HUGH D. 21 Memorial Avenue, MACFARLANE LIVERPOOL NSW 2170 CHARTERED Tel; 821-2399 ACCOUNTANT 995 MEETING DATES 4th MARCH - 3rd JUNE - 2nd SEPTEMBER - 2nd DECEMBER
For Wheelchair Sports Victoria programs involving participants aged 20 years of age or younger. PERSONAL INFORMATION DISABILITY INFORMATION MEDICATIONS Please list all medication taken regularly or currently being taken: Medication Times Taken Would you prefer that the medication is kept and administered by the appointed Program Nurse…? NOTE: If participant needs a reminder t
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES RESIDENT CENSUS AND CONDITIONS OF RESIDENTS Independent Assist of One or Two Staff Dependent A. Bowel/Bladder Status B. Mobility F94 ____ With indwelling or external catheter F100 ____ Bedfast all or most of time F95 Of the total number of residents with catheters, F101 ____ In a cha