Inmagic db/textworks datasheet

Inmagic® DB/TextWorks® is a special combination
of database and text retrieval software that
enables you to build networked and standalone
textbases to manage diverse types of information

Combined Database and Text
including documents, images, and multimedia.
Retrieval Capabilities:
DB/TextWorks, a component of Inmagic’s DB/Text® Library Suite, provides workgroups with flexible information management tools enabling you to easily manage your knowledge repository. DB/TextWorks combines the best of both worlds: a database management system and a text retrieval system. This combina- tion delivers a powerful, flexible system enabling the organized sharing of knowledge throughout an organization which can increase efficiency, improve performance, and add to the bottom line.
Build Once, Publish Anywhere
DB/TextWorks is ideal for organizing, publishing, and disseminat-ing your information anywhere. Whether you want to publish your information on the Internet, your corporate intranet, over your With DB/TextWorks, complex queries are managed with ease. LAN, or on CD-ROM, DB/TextWorks helps you get the job done.
You can execute complicated queries by simply filling out a customized query screen. Choose from a variety of Boolean Whether you are a pharmaceutical company requiring instant operators (AND, OR, NOT), and specify the selection criteria — and efficient access to large volumes of medical information to such as dates, keywords, phrases, ranges, and proximity foster improved health and innovation, an engineering firm relationships — in order to broaden or narrow your searches.
needing to input and access disparate internal and external information to improve business processes, or a professional Query screens can include prompts to search several fields at services firm needing to capture geographically dispersed once. Users can paste keywords or terms from popup indices intellectual property to ensure productivity, DB/TextWorks that are automatically built by DB/TextWorks and displayed provides an easily managed knowledge repository to utilize and preserve your content and information assets. Flexible Design and Maintenance
Fast, Precise, and User-Friendly Searches
A textbase can contain just about anything, from customer DB/TextWorks completes a keyword search across 1,000,000 information to company policies or competitive intelligence. records in less than one second. The same search in a standard The design of your textbase depends on your particular DBMS can take many minutes. DB/TextWorks delivers this application needs. You simply specify the fields that you want difference because it can index every word in a textbase, result- to include in each record. The DB/TextWorks fields can handle ing in faster searches than a DBMS which does not index textual full and abstracted text, plus dates, numbers, images, and more. You can pour as much information into any field as necessary, from a 50-word memo to a 50-page proposal.
DB/TextWorks breaks records down to the field level which produces precise search accuracy. As a result, queries can be 3-D Data Model Simplifies Design
narrowed by searching two or more fields at the same time, DB/TextWorks is three-dimensional. It allows you to add dramatically increasing search precision. Instead of searching for multiple and distinct entries into any field at any time, such as all correspondence with the words “Bob Jones,” you can search for multiple recipients of email, or multiple book authors. This all letters written by Bob Jones to Mary Smith before June 2008. simplifies textbase design and maintenance, while maximiz-ing your searching and reporting precision. A standard DBMS is two-dimensional, and cannot deal cleanly with fields that require more than one entry.
Ability to Link Textbases Saves Time
Smooth Integration of Images
DB/TextWorks’ ability to link one textbase to others eliminates Linking one or more images to a record is performed by simply redundant information, and reduces the time you spend adding the file name of the image to the corresponding record. entering and updating your data. You can keep common You can do this interactively, or in batch mode for larger jobs. You information (such as names and addresses) in one textbase and can also scan the image you want into a record while you’re editing the record. Simply put your cursor in the Image field and choose to scan the image into a file. DB/TextWorks inserts the file Easy to Transfer Your Existing Records
name into the field and saves the file to disk. Any TWAIN-compatible scanner will work.
By importing ASCII-delimited files, you can add thousands of records to a textbase from virtually any third-party database DB/TextWorks also supports advanced image manipulation. package. Your existing database records can be transferred to With image annotation, you can add text and graphics to an DB/TextWorks in minutes. You can also import text from image to mark it up, treating the image as a sheet of paper. You documents in a variety of formats, such as Microsoft® Office or PDF.
can also make images more readable through scale-to-gray (anti-aliasing) and other image enhancement capabilities.
Simple Drag-and-Drop Form Design
Scripting Enhances Customization Options
DB/TextWorks’ Report Writer gives you total control over the look and content of your reports. You can repackage search results to With scripting, you can add Script buttons and functions to fit your individual needs. With the drag-and-drop Form Designer, forms, and to query and menu screens. Functions can be you can click and drag to select boxes representing various programmed into a variety of actions; for example, a click of a report elements, size them, and place them on the page. button at the opening of a form or the saving of a record.
WYSIWYG simplicity provides instant visual feedback as you design your reports.
Database-Driven Web Content
Reports and screens can have mixed text and graphics. The Form Using the DB/TextWorks interface, you can design query screens, Designer also gives you the ability to specify background color edit and preview screens and reports for Web use. Inmagic® for forms and boxes. And you have the ability to send a report as DB/Text® Web Publisher Pro can then be used to publish, manage and retrieve the information on your Web site or Intranet. You can also edit records in a browser window. Since Web Publisher Effortless Table Creation
Pro is interactive, you can allow users to interact with the textbases — for instance, adding ratings or reviews. The To create tabular or columnar reports, simply choose the field you password control built into DB/TextWorks ensures textbase want in each column, and DB/TextWorks does the rest.
Because Web Publisher Pro manages your Web information within Powerful Image Management
the framework of a DB/TextWorks textbase, you can update and Image management capabilities are built into DB/TextWorks. You maintain your information through batch import, delete and modify can store, retrieve, display, and print images. DB/TextWorks gives functions. This allows the textbase to drive the content on the Web.
you instant access to photographs, 35mm slides, documents, Through the use of XML and HTML, DB/TextWorks — in concert maps, and more. It supports over 30 standard file formats, includ- with Web Publisher Pro — provides the ability to publish content to the Internet via a Web browser; edit records in a browser; customize reports to your Web site design and tightly integrate DB/TextWorks textbases with other applications.
Inmagic® has been the industry leader in knowledge management and library automation applications for nearly 30 years. Today, Inmagic is at the forefront of the move to a new genera- For more information on

tion of knowledge management and Social Knowledge Network (SKN) applications for special libraries. Over 5,000 organizations across a range of industries in 100 countries use Inmagic solutions, including our award winning SKN application, Inmagic® Presto, Inmagic® Presto for Social Libraries, and our DB/Text® Library Suite product family, to gain unprecedented insight and rapid return-on-investment from their information assets. Find out how much your organi- zation really knows. Find Inmagic Library Solutions at Inmagic, Inc. · 200 Unicorn Park Drive · Woburn, MA 01801Email: · Web: · Tel: 800.229.8398 · Fax: +1.781.938.4446 Copyright 2010 Inmagic, Inc. All rights reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under U.S. Copyright laws. Inmagic and the Inmagic logo are trademarks of Inmagic, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. ® indicates registration in the United States of America. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Rev.5: 3/2010


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