Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Microsoft word - intelrev.tv press release - sept 18th 2013.docx
IntellectualRevolution.tv Proudly Announces Launch of Free Educational Discovery Website: An Online Resource Focused on Personal Growth and Global Evolutionary Challenges. Educate – Enlighten – Empower – Engage – Evolve
LOS ANGELES, Sept 18th, 2013. Throughout history, all human progress can be linked to knowledge. With the proliferation of knowledge that is on the Internet, we should be in the middle of a vast resurgence in intellectualism that would rival the renaissance, but we are not. The media, which should play a watchdog role in the pursuit of truth, instead has found a way to concentrate intellectualism in the form of blatant advocacy or subtle omission in an effort to appease corporate sponsors. Education through media consumption is currently euthanizing our sense of both curiosity and interconnectedness as well as leaving us feeling helpless to change. We here at ‘IntelRev.tv’ are committed to changing this. Founders Ty Loomis and Matt McKinney are professional athletes who have been blessed to travel the world over the last decade. They experienced diverse cultures, and sought out international perspectives as to the reality of our current world and the major global issues we are faced with. Matt played Basketball and Volleyball at UCLA. He began his career in pro-indoor volleyball with the U.S. National Team and played professionally in Puerto Rico, Greece, and Italy, living in five different countries and touring 18 over a four-year period. Ty played Volleyball at UC Irvine and went on to the AVP professional beach tour. He has lived in both Australia and Puerto Rico and has visited 13 countries throughout his career. He has been attending and supporting the U.S. military troops for six years over seas through the USO Tour. Matt met Ty on the professional circuit in Puerto Rico and began passionately conversing about global challenges, which lead to an extensive research project for the truth. Through powerful documentaries, independent news sources and discussion with multinational intellectuals, they decided to create a positive educational platform in which they could share their information with the world. “The mission and commitment of our website is to assist in the evolution of humanity by providing quality information which stimulates critical thinking, personal growth, and direct positive action. We hope this solution-based information will spark a call to consciousness for citizens who share our concern for the future peace and prosperity of the world.”- Ty Loomis & Matt McKinney, Co-Founders of IntellectualRevolution.tv Self-limiting and self-destructive beliefs have brought us to this critical point in history. The mindset we need is one that fosters a sense of common purpose, collaboration and abundance rather than fear and scarcity. It’s important to stop emotionally worrying about things outside of our control and start taking positive action for the things we can control. To assist with this process IntelRev presents the global issues from a non-corporate, freedom based perspective, which focuses on aggregating solution information from the worlds leading intellectuals on how to achieve personal growth and solve global challenges. “We must become the change we want to see.” – Mohandas ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi. One central focus to becoming the change is the inseparable nature of Liberty and personal responsibility. Before we can straighten the world around us, we must do a more difficult task, straighten ourselves. The company’s Flower of Life Heart Logo is the hallmark of this internal-revolution. The company symbol of heart consciousness is the means by which we take positive action in our lives, make ethical decisions and create abundance. The website features a broad range of conscious intellectuals moving the world on an enlightened path towards liberty, harmony, and sustainability. IntelRev’s five main navigation tabs, {Educate, Enlighten, Empower, Engage, & Evolve}, will lead you on your path to personal, and universal, conscious awareness. Coined as the ‘Intellectual Revolution Journey’, which is the process of learning how to move one's self from a benign part of the problem into a consciously responsible part of the global solution. With your help, we can create a healthy community of well-informed people dedicated to a similar vision of a just, prosperous and sustainable world. Please join us. The Intellectual Revolution is here. "We can’t change the world, but we can guarantee to spark the mind that changes the world." Ty & Matt – Co-Founders www.IntellectualRevolution.tv Facebook: IntelRev Twitter: IntelRev Instagram: IntelRev Pinterest: IntelRev