Complementary Medicine: Handle with Care Ken Harvey
Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, School of Public Health, La Trobe University
Some forms of complementary medicine are efficacious but many have unproven or no
health benefits. Claims that cannot be substantiated by scientific research are common,
In Australia, complementary medicines are equitable access and cost-effective use of necessary
defined (and regulated) by the Therapeutic
Experiences with some pharmacy colleagues in the
products containing vitamins, minerals, herbs, home-
group AusPharm Consumer Health Watch (formed in
opathic medicines, traditional Chinese medicines,
2006 and now disbanded) stimulated my interest in
Ayurvedic (Indian) medicines and Australian
complementary medicine. Another group was formed,
indigenous medicines. Complementary therapies
this time with the aim of reviewing the regulation of
include massage, meditation, yoga and tai chi,
complementary medicine using “weight loss” products
aromatherapy, reflexology, iridology and reiki.
as an example. We adopted the safer strategy of pub-
Alternative medical systems developed in western
lishing our report in the Medical Journal of Australia
cultures include chiropractic, naturopathy and home-
opathy while traditional Chinese medicine and
We found that the use of complementary med-
Ayurveda are examples of systems developed in non-
icines by Australians was substantial and growing.
More than $2 billion is spent nationally, with up to
Registration of health practitioners ensures a
two-thirds of the Australian adult population using
minimal level of education and training, standards of
at least one product annually. The average out-of-
professional behaviour and complaint mechanisms.
pocket cost to individual consumers is similar to that
Chiropractors are registered in all Australian states
and territories. Chinese traditional medicine practi-
Despite this widespread use, the regulation of
tioners are registered in Victoria but not in other
these products is considerably weaker than conven-
states. Naturopaths, homeopaths and other comple-
tional medicines. Most complementary medicines are
mentary practitioners have not achieved registration
regulated as “listed” products by the TGA. This
status, in part because of division in their ranks but
means that they should only contain ingredients
from a list the TGA regards as “relatively safe”; they
My own research relates to complementary med-
should be produced in accord with good manufac-
icines as defined by the TGA. My background is that
turing standards; and the sponsors (those who have
of a conventionally trained medical graduate who
submitted a marketing application to the TGA)
specialised in medical microbiology and infectious
should only make “low level” promotional claims for
disease. I have moved from public hospital practice to
academic public health where my main interest is
Sponsors self-assess whether their medicines are
medicinal drug policy, especially how to achieve
“listable” using a web-based computer system
provided by the TGA. The system checks that the
mation of the complementary medicine sector”.
ingredients entered are consistent with those
Others felt that our paper did not do justice to the
allowed, asks the sponsor to certify that they hold
Office of Complementary Medicine within the TGA. I
evidence to support the indications (and claims
accept that the current TGA listing process provides
made), and then issues a certificate of listing after
some protection to the public by ensuring that com-
plementary medicines only contain relatively low-risk
The TGA conducts occasional audits of these
ingredients manufactured in accordance with the
products but they are not routinely evaluated to
determine if there is scientific evidence that substan-
Herbal products comprise a complex mix of ingre-
tiates the sponsor’s claims. By contrast, all conven-
dients. Just as all red wine is not Grange Hermitage,
tional medicines (“registered” products) are thor-
different products containing the same herb are not
oughly evaluated for safety, quality and efficacy
necessarily chemically or therapeutically equivalent.
before they are allowed onto the market. In theory,
Variability can be caused by the use of different
consumers can distinguish “listed” from “registered”
species or sub-species, growth conditions, methods of
products by the type of number on the pack, but in
cultivation, the time of year and stage of growth cycle
practice most people have no idea what an AUST L
harvested, extraction methods, and formulation and
storage of the finished product. Even glucosamine
Our study of “weight loss” complementary med-
(used for arthritis) is available as several salts, in
icines showed that more than 1000 of these products
vastly different formulations and with varied
evidence of efficacy from clinical trials.
However, because the TGA does not require
There is a discrepancy
clinical trial data of efficacy for “listed” products, nor
evidence of therapeutic equivalence with proven
between the number of
products, we can have no confidence that Australian
people who believe in and
formulations of complementary medicines are effi-
use complementary
cacious. In contrast, “registered” conventional med-
medicine and the strength
icines must demonstrate efficacy (and safety) by well
of evidence to support
conducted clinical trials or, if they are generic copies
of an innovator brand, they must demonstrate that
that use.
they can produce similar blood and/or tissue levels of
the active ingredient to the innovator brand.
Nigel Pollard and colleagues (Medical Journal of
Weight loss products are clearly a lucrative
Australia, 2008) argued that the lack of evidence
market. A recent survey of 1000 Australian women
from well-conducted clinical trials does not neces-
aged between 18 and 35 by Famous magazine
sarily mean that complementary medicines are clin-
showed that 56% had used slimming tablets. Most
ically ineffective. I agree. Traditional use has
women surveyed believed that slimmer women were
revealed many useful herbal products such as
more successful with the opposite sex (79%) and in
Artemisia annua for the treatment of malaria and St
John’s wort for the management of mild to moderate
Our MJA paper concluded with recommendations
depression. But traditional therapies have also
for regulatory reform. These included proposals that
proved to be harmful; the blood letting that was per-
the label of complementary medicines include a
formed for centuries by the medical profession is a
statement such as, “this medicine has not been
classic example. When clinical trials were eventually
evaluated by Australian health authorities for
conducted, blood letting was shown to kill patients,
efficacy”, that the advertising complaint system
should be strengthened and, in the longer term, com-
Although complementary medicines are regarded
plementary medicines should be assessed for efficacy
as “relatively low-risk” products they are not without
and delisted if evidence is lacking.
adverse effects and interactions with conventional
A vigorous debate ensured. A professor of comple-
drugs. For example, Echinacea (of dubious use to
mentary medicine from Southern Cross University
shorten cold symptoms) can cause allergic reactions;
believed that our recommendation to assess comple-
black cohosh (of some value in relieving symptoms
mentary medicines for efficacy was “ill-conceived and
associated with menopause) has been associated with
totalitarian in nature” and “would lead to the deci-
liver failure, and St John’s wort interacts with a wide
range of conventional drugs including oral contra-
ceptives. Recognition of such problems can be dif-
ficult because many patients don’t tell their doctors
that they are taking complementary medicines and
Complementary medicine is an inclusive term that incorporates complementary medicines, complementary
As a result, adverse effects of complementary
therapies and alternative medical systems. The term
medicines are almost certainly under-recognised. In
complementary medicine now encompasses other
addition, ineffective complementary medicines have a
names used historically such as alternative medicine,
significant adverse effect on consumers’ hip pockets
natural medicine and traditional medicine. The
(or purses) and, more importantly, they can delay or
approaches used by complementary medicine are often
prevent the use of more evidence-based therapy.
regarded as outside the realm of conventional medicine.
There is a discrepancy between the number of
Integrative medicine combines treatments from con-
people who believe in and use complementary
ventional and complementary medicine for which there
medicine and the strength of evidence to support that
is some high-quality evidence of safety and effec-
use. To narrow this gap the Australian government
tiveness. Ask a qualified registered health practitioner
has recently announced more than $7 million of
for advice in relation to complementary medicines,
research grants to study the use of complementary
especially about:
medicine by consumers, to research mechanisms of
• evidence of efficacy from well-conducted clinical
action, and to perform clinical trials to determine
trials that tested the specific therapy or product you are considering using for the condition you wish to
However, Australian clinical trials can only
treat (or prevent); and
evaluate a handful of the 16,000 listed products cur-
• possible side-effects and potential interaction with
rently available in the market. Choice magazine has
your existing therapy.
proposed a pragmatic solution to this problem: an
Many clinical trials are underway and the evidence
independent evaluation of complementary medicines
on an opt-in, cost-recovery basis. Products shown to
keeps changing. Always ask for the latest evidence.
be efficacious by well-conducted clinical trials, eth-
The National Prescribing Service’s Medicine Line
ically promoted with appropriate consumer medicine
provides excellent independent information about all
information, would be awarded a Trade Mark of
medicines, including complementary medicines.
approval similar to the Australian National Heart
Telephone 1300 888 762 for the cost of a local call.
Foundation’s “red tick”. Choice has set up a multi-
Useful information may be in your local library or on
disciplinary working party to explore the practicality
the Internet. However, make sure the clinical trial
of this proposal, but the concept is opposed by the
evidence is critically reviewed and the source is recent. Never buy medicines from overseas websites. More than 60% of drugs sold by overseas online pharmacies have been shown to be counterfeit or substandard.
In conclusion, the current Australian regulatory
(Australian Internet pharmacies are regulated and
system neither controls complementary medicine
claims nor supports an evidence-based industry. This
Take herbal medicines as a pill or capsules rather
is unacceptable given that Australians spend an
than powdered herbs or mixtures from herbalists. The
estimated $2 billion on these medicines each year. It
former are more likely to have the correct dosage and
also represents a failure of Australian health policy.
less likely to be contaminated or adulterated.
The challenge for our Federal government is to
Establish the cost of treatment, and shop around to
overcome industry self-interest and the perception of
compare prices.
regulatory “capture” and institute the reforms
Always tell your general practitioner and other
required. The challenge for the complementary
health professionals what prescription, over-the-counter
medicine industry is to accept that its future must be
and complementary medicines you take, as they can
based on evidence, not hype. And the challenge for
both health professionals and consumers is to learn
Under no circumstances abandon a prescribed con-
more about the benefits and risks of complementary
ventional medicine for a complementary medicine until
medicines, to be open to new ideas but also sceptical
you have discussed this decision at length with your
enough to demand evidence of efficacy, and be open
general practitioner or medical specialist.
to discussing these matters with each other.
AWMF online - Leitlinie Sucht: alkoholbezogene Störungen A rbeitsgemeinschaft der W issenschaftlichen M edizinischen F achgesellschaften Leitlinien der Dt. Ges. f. Suchtforschung und Suchttherapie (DG-Sucht) und der Dt. Ges. f. Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) AWMF-Leitlinien-Register Nr. 076/001 Entwicklungsstufe: 2 Zitierbare Quelle: SUCHT 49
UMMC Pharmacy Newsletter March – April 2012 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or enlargement of the prostate gland, is common in men and almost universally associated with aging. This article gives an overview of BPH and reviews potential treatments including emerging options. Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare genetic disorder that is characterized by episodic subcut