“FLESSIBILI” IN RUSSIA Soma Engineering ha fornito al gigante del converting russo Borodino una macchina per la stampa flexo UV, caratterizzata da fascia di 800 mm e configurazione a tamburo centrale. D.B.
su differenti supporti plastici, di diver-
ding che comprende 30 aziende in-dipendenti) produce imballaggi ed
etichette per molti importanti marchi nel
È stata apprezzata anche perché in gra-
a due o tre strati per etichette, gelati e
do di realizzare lavori di alta qualità sui
film estensibili più sottili, grazie al posi-
L’impianto Soma, poi, risolve brillante-
to di impianti per la stampa sia flexo che
mente le difficoltà (deformazione dell’im-
no al tamburo centrale. Inoltre, l’impianto
di sleeve termoretraibili di PVC, che fino
direttore di Borodino - per rispondere alle
richieste del mercato in termini di qualità
di stampa. La flessibilità di SomaFlex Mini
Obiettivi e vantaggi - SomaFlex Mini è
ci consente inoltre di trattare vari supporti.
Possiamo infatti stampare etichette de UV raffreddate ad acqua». IN RUSSIA Soma Engineering has provided the Russian converting giant Borodino with a flexographic UV print machine, featuring an 800 mm print width and a central drum configuration. D.B.
printing press to meet market demands. The
flexibility of the SomaFlex Mini offers no
produces packaging and labels for many big
limitations regarding the substrate. You can
print labels on biaxial-oriented polypropylene
confectionery sectors. Situated at Mozhaisk
film, PVC film with subsequent sleeve gluing.
Apart from this, it enables us to make two or
three ply materials for labels, ice-cream and
offset systems, recently having installed a
servo driven central impression (CI) flexo
system also brilliantly solves the difficulties
Stampare è più facile
Czech branch. It is one of the few medium
substrate) often encountered in the printing
successfully tackled on gravure machines.
This is thanks to the fact that the temperature
Objectives and advantages - SomaFlex
of its central drum is thermostatically kept at
l’altro, effettuare la stampa in reverse di
Mini is an eight color press that prints at
a 27 °C by water cooled UV lamps».
un’immagine a quattro colori senza par-
ticolari difficoltà», esemplifica il mana-
Printing is easier
thickness, including polyethylene sleeves as
offrono un’ottima risoluzione proprio gra-
well as foil and paper. The press provides
machine’s functioning with servomotors also
enables greater accuracy in color regulation
stretchfilm due to the construction of the
sizione UV. Questo, tra l’altro, ha per-
printing units located around the central
messo all’utilizzatore di adottare rulli
difficulties, Kovalenko states»). On top of that
production area floor space than for example
the machine uses UV inks that offer excellent
resolution thanks to polymerisation through
UV exposure. This also enables to use anilox
Borodino printing establishment explained:
rollers with smaller cells, significantly
«We decided to purchase a UV flexographic
Integrating people-centric sensing with social networks: A privacy research agenda Laboratory for Dependable Distributed Systems Abstract —During the last few years there has been an Spiekermann and Cranor [1], privacy by policy offers the increasing number of people-centric sensing projects, which minimum degree of protection and systems utilizing such combine location informa
ANTIBIOTHERAPIE PAR VOIE GENERALE EN PRATIQUE COURANTE: infections ORL et respiratoires basses ANGINES AIGUËS I. Introduction L’angine aiguë est une pathologie banale et fréquente qui entraîne annuellement en France environ 9millions de diagnostics et 8 millions de prescriptions d’antibiotiques (1). L’impact écologique d’une telle prescription d’antibiotiques justi