RT78-1-2009MF Contract Circular with NSN.xls
This Matrix Report is based on the Contract Circular Report Tender Number RT78-1-2009MF
The Supply and Delivery of Tuberculosis drugs to for the period ending 31 July 2011
RT78-1-2009MF Contract Circular with NSN.xls
Quantity Required Description
ETHAMBUTOL HCl 400mg tablet, 56 tablets as a patient-ready packEach tablet must be individually blister packed in strips of 7/10/14 tablets per strip: Upper blister clear PVC/PVDC laminate and bottom aluminium foil. Each strip is to be labelled with name and strength of tablet and should be packed in properly labelled outer boxes. Label to state: Take . tablets daily. Please complete course. 30-37kg and 38-54kg weight bands. Response Fields Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 324844.0000
UOM Offered/Spec DeviationSupplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
Quantity Required Description
ETHAMBUTOL HCl 400mg tablet, 84 tablets as a patient-ready packEach tablet must be individually blister packed in strips of 7/10 or 14 tablets per strip: Upper blister clear PVC/PVDC laminate and bottom aluminium foil. Each strip is to be labelled with name and strength of tablets and should be packed in properly labelled outer boxes Label to state: Take . tablets daily. Please complete course. 55-70kg and >70kg weight bands. Response Fields Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 164424.0000
UOM Offered/Spec DeviationSupplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
RT78-1-2009MF Contract Circular with NSN.xls
Quantity Required Description
ETHAMBUTOL HCl 400mg tablet, 100 tabletsEach tablet must be individually blister packed in strips of 10 tablets per strip; upper blister clear PVC/PVDC laminate and bottom aluminium foil. Each strip is to be labelled with name of tablet and should be packed in properly labelled outer boxes
Response Fields Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 151533.0000
UOM Offered/Spec DeviationSupplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
Quantity Required Description
KANAMYCIN SULPHATE 1 g injection, 3 ml vial
Biotech Laboratories (Pty) Response Fields Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 536842.0000
Supplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
RT78-1-2009MF Contract Circular with NSN.xls
Quantity Required Description
RIFAMPICIN 150mg capsule/tablet, 100 capsules/tablets
Response Fields Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 17598.0000
UOM Offered/Spec DeviationSupplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
Quantity Required Description
RIFAMPICIN 450mg capsule/tablet, 100 capsules/tablets
Response Fields Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 3237.0000
UOM Offered/Spec DeviationSupplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
RT78-1-2009MF Contract Circular with NSN.xls
Quantity Required Description
RIFAMPICIN 600mg capsule/tablet, 100 capsules/tablets
Response Fields Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 7869.0000
UOM Offered/Spec DeviationSupplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
Quantity Required Description
RIFAMPICIN 60 mg and ISONIAZID 30 mg dispersible tablet, 28 dispersible tablets as a patient-ready pack.Each strip is to be labelled with name and strength of tablet and should be packed in properly labelled outer boxes. Label to state: Take . tablet(s) daily. Please complete course
Response Fields Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 70383.0000
UOM Offered/Spec DeviationSupplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
RT78-1-2009MF Contract Circular with NSN.xls
Quantity Required Description
RIFAMPICIN 60 mg and ISONIAZID 30 mg dispersible tablet, 56 dispersible tablets as a patient-ready pack.Each strip is to be labelled with name and strength of tablet and should be packed in properly labelled outer boxes. Blister packedLabel to state: Take . tablet(s) daily. Please complete course
Response Fields Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 340482.0000
UOM Offered/Spec DeviationSupplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
Quantity Required Description
RIFAMPICIN 60 mg and ISONIAZID 30 mg dispersible tablet, 84 dispersible tablets as a patient-ready pack.Each strip is to be labelled with name and strength of tablet and should be packed in properly labelled outer boxes. Blister packedLabel to state: Take . tablet(s) daily. Please complete course
Response Fields Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 246953.0000
UOM Offered/Spec DeviationSupplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
RT78-1-2009MF Contract Circular with NSN.xls
Quantity Required Description
RIFAMPICIN 60 mg, ISONIAZID 30 mg and PYRAZINAMIDE 150 mg tablet, 28 tablets as a patient-ready pack.Each strip is to be labelled with name and strength of tablet and should be packed in properly labelled outer boxes. Blister packedLabel to state: Take.tablet(s) daily. Please complete course
Response Fields Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 79465.0000
UOM Offered/Spec DeviationSupplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
Quantity Required Description
RIFAMPICIN 60 mg, ISONIAZID 30 mg and PYRAZINAMIDE 150 mg tablet, 56 tablets as a patient-ready pack.Each strip is to be labelled with name and strength of tablet and should be packed in properly labelled outer boxes.
Label to state: Take . tablet(s) daily. Please complete course
Response Fields Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 257553.0000
UOM Offered/Spec DeviationSupplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
RT78-1-2009MF Contract Circular with NSN.xls
Quantity Required Description
RIFAMPICIN 60 mg, ISONIAZID 30 mg and PYRAZINAMIDE 150 mg tablet, 84 tablets as a patient-ready pack. Each strip is to be labelled with name and strength of tablet and should be packed in properly labelled outer boxes.
Label to state: Take . tablet(s) daily. Please complete course
Response Fields Sandoz SA (Pty) Ltd Nat Dept of Health Responses Quantity Awarded - 417852.0000
UOM Offered/Spec DeviationSupplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
Quantity Required Description
STREPTOMYCIN SULPHATE 1g/3ml solution for injection, vial
Biotech Laboratories (Pty) Response Fields Nat Dept of Health Responses
Supplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
RT78-1-2009MF Contract Circular with NSN.xls
Quantity Required Description
STREPTOMYCIN SULPHATE 5g/15ml solution for injection, vial
Biotech Laboratories (Pty) Response Fields Nat Dept of Health Responses
Supplier Item NumberMinimum order Quantities
It’s a quality and safety program that promotes the safe use of medications. The program limits the amount of some medications that we cover. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved some drugs only for short-term use. And The pharmacist enters your prescription information some drugs may not work as well or can even be into the computer system. If the drug has a limit on t
Délibération Délibération de la Commission de régulation de l’énergie du 11 décembre 2013 portant décision d’approbation du programme d’investissements de RTE pour 2014 Participaient à la séance : Olivier CHALLAN BELVAL, Hélène GASSIN et Jean-Pierre SOTURA, commissaires En application des dispositions du 2° de l’article L. 134-3 du code de l’énergie, le gestionnai